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What’s Up, Clovis?
Photos by Ron Sundquist
Kiwanis Club of Clovis Senior Christmas Luncheon
35th Christmas Give-a-Way at PR Farms

The Kiwanis Club of Clovis hosted their annual Senior Christmas Luncheon on Dec. 17, 2022. Tickets only cost $1.00 and included a traditional turkey dinner, live music, games and more.

Top, Right, volunteers help with organizing food boxes and bicycles for the drive thru food drive. See article on the front page for more details. Top, Marine Corps League Detachment 14 during the Presentation of Colors. Left, Francisco “Frank” Paredes speaks during the Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day hosted at the Clovis Veterans Memorial District on December 7, 2022.
Top, Christofer Dean Thrailkill and Linda Banham at Clovis Cemetery’s Wreaths Across America ceremony that was held on December 17, 2022. Bottom, John Geston laying wreaths to remember and honor our veterans.

Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day hosted by CVMD

Wreaths Across America