7 minute read
Let’s Talk Clovis
LeT’S TALk CLOviS: Dr. wilbur A. Lose, 1911-2002
Peg Bos
Historian/Clovis museum Contributed
Clovis doctor and public servant, Dr. Wilbur A. Lose, 1911-2002, was born in Los Angeles and graduated from Hollywood High School where he went to school with the “stars”. He actually stuck the braids of future super star/swimmer Esther Williams in the school desk ink well. He worked as an extra in movies and knew a few of the “Our Gang” kids. He graduated from the Los Angeles College of Osteopathic Physicians and Surgeons in 1938. Osteopathic medicine was founded in 1892 by Andrew Taylor Still as a protest against the established medical system. After years of struggle, they were recognized as physicians and surgeons and granted a medical degree in 1966. Wilbur recalled being very poor and eating popcorn and oatmeal during his college years. He became a night clerk in a mortuary and received a $300 commission for selling a coffin. Those funds paid his college fees. It is believed that Dr. Lose delivered 20,000 babies during his practice. At times his fee would be paid in eggs, chickens or Christmas trees and sometimes not at all. He was a “volunteer doctor” at Clovis High for ten years and at Scout camps. Wilbur met his wife Alice (an RN at the Veteran’s Hospital in Palo Alto) on a blind date. They were married on July 14, 1939. Wilbur had arrived in Fresno in 1938. He was employed by Dr. Clarence Rude to take night calls. Rude’s office was in the ten stories Helm building. Dr. Lose moved to Friant in 1939 to become their “Dam Doctor”. He recalled Friant as a boom town that boasted a theater and dime store. His office was at the new Friant Theatre building. In 1940, he treated a back injury and charged $2 for the office call and $2 for the examination and disposition. Occasionally he would be paid in gold dust. The couple would relocate to Clovis in 1941. They rented a large home at 311 Pollasky (now La Posada restaurant) and remodeled it into office and living quarters. In 1942 he became a member of the Salvation Army Service Extension Welfare Committee. His job was described: “He delivered groceries as well as babies, provided shoes as well as shots, repaired window as well as broken bones, prevented evictions as well as disease, treated broken hearts as well as aching bodies.” On May 8, 1944, Dr. Lose established the Sierra Vista Hospital at the historic 1902 Hoblitt Hotel (northwest corner of Fourth and Pollasky in Old Town). His maternity hospital license provided for a capacity of three beds. Dr. Lose’s agreement with the California State Department of Public Health granted a per diem rate of $7 that would pay for all services provided by the hospital. One of his claims ($9.78) was denied as being excessive. He closed the hospital in 1948 (retained his office there) and joined six doctors who established the Sequoia Hospital in Fresno. Alice and Wilbur joined the Peace Corps in 1969 and served two years in Micronesia where Lose provided health care for over 100 Peace Corps volunteers that were located within a radius of 500 miles. Alice and Wilbur lived in an infested termite home in Ponape. Most homes were built over water to keep them cooler and to save precious land for farming. The island receives 400 inches of rain each year. A period of five days without rain is considered a drought. There were nine languages spoken and Dr. Lose’s average “house call” would require eight days of travel. He became a local hero when he massaged a tumor of a queen of one of the islands. It disappeared and he was viewed as a miracle healer. After returning to Clovis, Dr. Lose helped open health clinics in Parlier, Orange Cove and Five Points. He also worked for the Central Valley Indian Health Center and the family planning division of the Fresno County Health Department. Alice and Wilbur, in addition to their own four children (Martha, John, David and Tina) were foster parents to 37 children. Wilbur was an active member of the Clovis Methodist Church for 62 years. He would organize and lead groups of Methodist youths on mountain camping trips. The couple would celebrate 58 years of marriage prior to her death in 1997. They provided us a rich heritage.
Courtesy of Clovis Museum
Dr. wilbur A. Lose, 1911-2002. Age six years.

have You checked Your mail today?
Contributed by Clovis Police
Theft of mail, including those package “porch pirates” always increase this time of year. Tips: • Check your mail daily. • Sign up for the free service from USPS called “informed delivery”. • Look for suspicious cars following delivery trucks. • Look for suspicious people walking or riding a bike in your neighborhood that seem to be stopping or slowing down in front of homes. • SEE SOMETHING, SAY SOMETHING:
Call law enforcement immediately to report a crime in progress or suspicious activity. Posting to your neighborhood apps is important, but after you call us. • Have packages delivered to your office, lock boxes, or to a trusted neighbor who will be home. • Do not place decorations or Christmas lights in front of your home surveillance cameras.
Call us anytime you need us: Emergency/Crime in progress: 911 Non-Emergency: (559) 324-2800

Photo Courtesy of Clovis Police
Quick tips to prevent mail theft.

PoLicE log oF ShAMe
wednesday, november 16
Police received a report of a home break in. The items reported missing included one huge Samsung TV, surround sound speakers and the victim’s pair of ostrich skin cowboy boots. i can see it now! That thief is sitting in his living room with those cowboy boots kicked up and watching his favorite western with surround sound.
thursday, november 17
Police arrested a man suspected of grand theft auto when they caught him driving a stolen white Tahoe SuV. uhm, sir? Didn’t you realize you’d look suspicious driving the soccer mom’s vehicle of choice?
friday, november 18
A man called police to report that his vehicle was broken into while he was at Sierra Vista mall doing some shopping. The burglar did some damage to the vehicle’s steering column and driver’s side lock. Please remember this holiday shopping season to secure your bags and packages in the trunk or otherwise out of sight if leaving them in your vehicle, to detour opportunist criminals.
saturday, november 19
Police received a report of grand theft auto. The victim, u-Haul. As many of us know, there’s been a lot of people moving around in California due to certain factors. u-Haul vehicles have been in high demand, with many people not able to get their hands on one. So, have people resorted to stealing them? Apparently, at least one has.
sunday, november 20
Someone decided to live out their Carrie underwood Before He Cheats fantasy. A man called the police and filed a report when he found his car totally trashed. An unknown suspect, whom i suspect to be a jaded ex, smashed the front and rear windshields, slashed a tire, and etched a message onto the car. maybe next time he’ll think…
monday, november 21
A man reported to police the loss of $1,000 worth of tools when his vehicle was broken into and robbed. We’re not exactly sure what kind of tools these were, but whatever they are they’ve definitely fallen into the wrong hands.
tuesday, november 22
Clovis Police found and recovered a blue Yamaha golf cart that had been reported stolen to Fresno PD. The golf cart was returned to Fresno Police and eventually the rightful owner. Good thing! We’d hate to see any senior citizen go without transportation around the 50+ living community.
wednesday, november 23
Clovis Police found and recovered another reported stolen vehicle, a Subaru Forester. Happy day for the Forester’s owner!
thursday, november 24
A cowboy had a bit too much to drink at the local watering hole and decided to drive his Silverado truck down Clovis Ave. Police stopped him and issued a Dui before anyone could be harmed by his reckless behavior. Hey bud, you should’ve left your keys and taken the reins instead.
friday, november 25
A local kid got a bit too eager for Christmas to come this year when they went into Walmart and started checking off the items from their wish list, and attempted to walk out without paying for them. Police were called to recover the stolen merchandise and intervene in this kid’s life, hopefully setting him on a better path. Dear Santa, we know this kid did something naughty, but we really hope they get their wish this Christmas. Everyone deserves a second chance. if they’re able to be good for the rest of the time until Christmas, please put an Orby gun and orbies under their tree this year.