5 minute read

Log of Shame



January 28th, 2022

At a big box store on Shaw Ave, a woman was arrested for theft. The woman was attempting to steal two children’s tablets. She was a mom in desperate need of quiet time and decided to steal the tablets to get it. We have all been there, lady but stealing is never an option. She will certainly get kid free time in jail!

January 29th, 2022

Just before 2 a.m. on Herndon Ave in a shopping center there were reports of people running around a shopping center. When the police responded, they pulled up to the scene where a big box store alarm was blaring. One of their front windows had been smashed to gain entry. Luckily, the assailants were unable to get into the building and just ran off. They must have been second guessing their career in crime and decided it was not worth the jail time. Good thing too, because it does not seem like they are any good at it!

January 30th, 2022

At around 6 p.m. at a local pub, a man was arrested for defacing a bathroom stall. In a rage, a drunken man had carved his ex-wife’s name and number all over the stall hoping people would call and annoy her. When an employee had gone into the stall after the man exited it, he noticed the carving into the wall, and he immediately called the police to report it. Divorce is hard enough as it is, buddy, no need to go and catch vandalism charges as well! Off to the drunk tank with you!

January 31st, 2022

At a private residence off Temperance Ave just before 10 p.m., a man tried to obtain access to home. When the homeowner noticed the man was intoxicated and confused, they advised the man to leave his property. He became agitated and started to bang on the door and windows. The owner called the police and upon arriving the man was arrested for trespassing and for possession of meth and drug paraphernalia. He is going to have one heck of a shock call when he wakes up in jail thinking he was home. Well, I have a feeling jail will be your new home for at least a couple days, so you better get comfortable!

February 1st, 2022

At around 3am, a local drug store was alarm was triggered. When police arrived, they found three adults and a juvenile attempting to flee the scene in their car. They had stolen medication and the like from the store, but they could not get their getaway car started! They were all booked into jail for conspiracy and burglary. Next time you try to commit a crime, at least make sure you are using a working vehicle you can get away in, otherwise, what is the point?

February 2nd, 2022

On Barstow Ave around midnight, reports came in about a car swerving on the road. When police caught up to the car, it had hit a curb and was still swerving and almost hit another vehicle! The car was pulled over and when the officer approached the driver, it was very apparent the driver was intoxicated. The driver tried to pretend he was fine but upon taking the sobriety test, he failed miserably. The driver was booked into jail for drunk driving. He is lucky he did not hurt himself or someone else. I really hope he is embarrassed as he sobers up in the drunk tank!

February 3rd, 2022

A woman was arrested at a home decor store on Shaw Ave just after 1 p.m. She had filled up a basket full of wall décor and various other items. The employees had managed to stop her before she was able to leave the store and make it to her car. Luckily, the police arrived soon after and were able to detain her. Once, they ran her name into the system, it was soon apparent this was not her first time. She had three outstanding warrants out for her. We all love home decorating but not enough to go to jail! What would Joanna Gaines think!

February 4th, 2022

Around Barstow Ave and Clovis Ave just before 8pm, there were reports of rowdy teens walking the streets shooting off fireworks. When police caught up the juveniles, they noticed a strong smell of alcohol. The three juveniles were cited for underage drinking, illegal fireworks and for possession of a controlled substance not prescribed to them. They must have been so drunk they confused February 4th with the 4th of July. I bet someone’s parents were mad when their drunk kids arrived home with the police behind them!

February 5th, 2022

Just after 3 a.m., a suspicious vehicle was reported driving around neighborhoods in the Shaw and Villa Ave area very slowly near mailboxes. Police found a car matching the description and pulled the car over. Officers found the car had no current registration, the driver was on parole, another passenger had active warrants out and they had lock picks and crow bars on the backseat of the car! One occupant was even listening to a police scanner to make sure they were not caught. I do not know about you, but I do not think it was a promising idea to have the contents of your crime bag on full display in the backseat. All occupants were booked into jail for various offenses. Too bad stupidity cannot be charged against them!

February 6th, 2022

At around 8 p.m. on Shaw Ave, a vehicle was pulled over for running a red light. The pair in the car noticed the driver was acting suspiciously and when she was asked for her ID, she claimed she did not have it and gave, what turned out to be, a fake name. The officer decided to ask the passenger for his ID, and it turned out he was a convicted felon that has just been released from jail. Upon searching the vehicle, the officer found lock picks and crow bars in the back seat of the car. The pair were arrested for being in possession of burglary tools, false representations and not having valid license. The felon did not learn their lesson in prison the first time. Let us hope the second time is a charm!

February 7th, 2022

Over on Vermont Ave around 6 a.m., a vehicle owner reported their car had been broken into and they used the garage door opener to enter their garage. The unknown thief had taken a generator and a wagon. They used the wagon to wheel the generator down the street. The joke is on them because the generator did not even work! The thief must have ditched it once they realized this and aborted the mission, dumping the heavy generator on the side of the road. If anyone sees a guy on the side of the road with a wagon, that might be the thief just waiting to make his next move!

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