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R undup Patterson picks up “Valentines for Vets” from Garfield Elementary students

Samantha Golden

February 10, 2023: Ms. Hoffman’s class in room 15 at Garfield Elementary were treated to a special visit and a story from Assemblyman Jim Patterson last Friday, as he stopped by to pick up the Valentine’s Day cards made by the children.

The “Valentines for Vets” program was created by Assemblyman Patterson to give tokens of appreciation to Veterans recovering in Fresno’s VA hospital and those resting in the Veterans Home during this holiday of love and gratitude.

Assemblyman Patterson shared kind words of gratitude on behalf of the Veterans who receive the cards every year.

“Thank you for this,” Patterson said to the class, ”and know that you have sent these cards of appreciation and love to people who, when the


Hi, I’m John Holt, and I am humbled to serve as City Manager for the City of Clovis.

What does a City Manager do?

I have lived in Clovis for 30 years and have worked for the City of Clovis for 23 years. I have had five different positions in the City Managers office during that time. Having just completed my first year as your City Manager, people often ask what does a City Manager do?

It is important to note that a City See HOLT, Pg. 5

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