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‘Valley's Painting’ Comes to Clovis
he goes through with, is completed in a professional quality that is first and foremost acceptable to him.
Another ambitious and experienced business is coming to Clovis, and its owner has the same intentions that he had when he started working in the industry over twenty-five years ago.
Valley's Painting, owned by Francisco Rodriguez, does work on commercial, residential and business buildings, and while painting is at the forefront of the operation, simple other handyman tasks like drywall repair can be worked out with clients.

Francisco Rodriguez says that he is willing to discuss jobs during a meeting or an estimate, and is simply here to help out his customers.
Previously in Kingsburg for sixteen years, Valleys Painting began in the LA region when Francisco started his painting and handyman career.
With an eight man crew, mostly part-time, Francisco can be seen on almost every job so long as he doesn’t have other meetings to attend to.
He explains that with his personalized touch, he is able to make sure that whatever job
“I spend most of my time working and getting new jobs..the end of my day is usually around eight or nine o’clock.”
Francisco explained his reasoning for bringing his business to Clovis and referenced the fact that he had already done jobs here before when Valleys Painting was stationed out of Kingsburg. “First I like the city of Clovis, if I could sell my house in Kingsburg and move over there, I would.” He then went on to speak about his future customers in Clovis and how they provide a professional and clean workspace.
“I’m very professional, we are very clean on all jobs, and we bring good quality work,” all things that residents and businesses of Clovis don’t demand but have come to expect in businesses throughout their town.
“All my people that work for me are very professional, quiet, and clean. They’re high scaled professionals.”
Rodriguez also explained that most of his team has been working with him for a number of years on end, with the most senior of his staff having been with him for fifteen years. “That’s why I like to grow this business, because I want to hire them full time.” With the high level of experience amongst his associates, Francisco guarantees that they are capable and willing to do the job that is needed.
“I’m very picky with my jobs, and I make sure that everything is clean. I have really good customers, and they're happy [when the job is done]. That’s one of the things about Clovis, is the quality of work that we provide, it’s high skilled and professional.”
Finally, Francisco spoke about what it means to have a business in Clovis. “It means a lot because I like to grow more revenue and more business for me and my workers. If I can provide more work for them and more work for me, it means that they can have a better life…I’m a very family person myself, and I really care about my workers and if they’re happy working for me. If I create a good environment for work for them I know they’re gonna do a lot better job.”
Francisco Rodriguez and his business
Valleys Painting understand the concepts of hard work, happy work environment, and location that can drive a business towards success.
In the land that considers itself as the territory of Clovis, Francisco hopes that those concepts, along with his own values, will lead him and his employees, people who he truly cares about, to both success and more benefits.
Making a world better for them, means making a world better for the City of Clovis, and with potential business created within the town, something that Clovis can do so well, Valleys Painting hopes to be off in the running for the next new business in town.
CONTINUED FROM FRONT PAGE above is that of the Vidmar Family, owners and founding operators of Anlin Windows in Clovis, represented by Greg and Eric, sons of Tom and Linda Vidmar who passed on in 2014 and 2021.
The brothers doubled down on their statement by saying, “I know that our family is prepared to do everything that we can within our resources to preserve the Clovis way of life.”
Former Clovis Mayor and current SCCCD Police Chief Jose Flores continued the Vidmar Family’s sentiment by saying, “We in law enforcement are loving and caring people with families of our own, and we’re here to help. The Vidmar brothers are spot on.”
Flores was being honored by the Chamber of Commerce with the “Community Impact Award” alongside his longtime Clovis City Council colleague, Fresno County Judge Bob Whalen.
Flores and Whalen had previously decided not to run for office in this past November election.
“These events have really been an important part of my life for many years…I miss this, I like being a judge, but I miss this. And the opportunity to be with you in a room warms me up,” said Judge Whalen as he reminisced on his past serving the public of Clovis.
In addition to the Chamber Ambassador of the Year award and Chamber Board Director of the Year award given to Vanessa Puopolo and David Bonnar, respectively, the final award besides Business of the Year given to QK Engineering, was the Einar Cook Leadership Award presented by Einar Cook’s grandson Mr. Todd Cook of Cook Land Company.
Todd Cook, when presenting the Einer Cook Leadership Award to Fresno County Sheriff Margaret Mims, related the qualities of “professionalism, being a visionary, and service to the community” that his grandfather held, to those qualities that he believed Sheriff Margaret Mims also sustained.
After being presented with the last award of the afternoon, the retired Sheriff spoke to the large crowd in the Liberty Ballroom about her once held job in law enforcement.

“In my business, everyday is not fun. As you can imagine. But everyday was rewarding. We had tragedy, we had good times, we had funny times, working with so many people in law enforcement. But I have to tell you that the City of Clovis and the law enforcement you have, we work so closely together and it’s so important for you to know that. None of us are working by ourselves, we’re all working together, to keep you all as safe as we possibly can.”
As the ceremony concluded, Chamber of Commerce CEO Greg Newman thanked everyone for attending the luncheon and plugged future events that the Chamber will be hosting in the future. Newman also commented on the turnout of the luncheon before the ceremony and what this meant to the Clovis Chamber of Commerce.
“It's a fantastic crowd, we’re really happy to have everyone here today, and it was wonderful to honor these fantastic people. These are the leaders in this room that are running Clovis.”
On the awardees, Newman stated that the Chamber wanted to “Honor the family of Anlin Windows,” and those efforts of both Bob Whalen and Jose Flores. “Sheriff Margaret Mims has been a fantastic contributor to our community and it was our time to honor her…Like I said, we’re a team, and we’ve been a part of the fabric of Clovis for a long, long time.”
Einar Cook Leadership Award: Sheriff Margaret Mims, Fresno County retired Sheriff
Business Persons of the Year: The Vidmar Family, founding family of Anlin Windows
Business of the Year: QK Engineering
Community Impact Awards: Jose Flores, former Mayor, 24 years on Clovis City Council
Bob Whalen, former Mayor, 20 years on Clovis City Council
Chamber Ambassador of the Year: Vanessa Puopolo, Vice President Fresno/Clovis Convention & Visitors Bureau
Chamber Board Director of the Year: David Bonnar, Vector Sport Aviation