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Let’s Talk Clovis
Let’s Talk Clovis: 1907 Clovis High Social
Historian/Clovis Museum
We are sharing the December 31, 1907, twelve paged program that was mimeographed and hand printed. The location of the social was not identified.
Early Clovis High Baccalaureate and Graduations were held at the First Baptist Church (NE corner of 4th and DeWitt) and we believe the event probably occurred there.
G. H. Wilkinson was principal of Clovis High from 1903-1910. His opening remarks entitled “Pupils & Alumni of C.U.H.”:
“As we celebrate this social anniversary the last hour of the Old Year passes away and a New Year begins.
I hope that 1907 has been for you, the brightest, happiest, wisest and best of your life and that kind memory will bury in oblivion all its mistakes and blunders and bring only the good things for your pleasure & comfort.
But since the best of today should be better than the best of yesterday, let us here on the threshold of this new year, highly resolve, that rising on the stepping stones of our dead selves to higher things. We’ll make 1908, for us, better, brighter, happier and wiser than all the past hath been.”
His remarks were followed by a poem signed by W.S. Smith:
“There is beauty in the sunlight.
And the soft blue heaven above.
Oh, the world is full of beauty.
When the heart is full of love.”
The attendees then proceeded to identify 26 “realistic” pictures posted throughout the school. A few of the clues given: sweet sixteen, home of burns, out of the night, the 4 seasons and the spoony couple.
Life truisms were shared: “True worth is being, not in seeming.” And “To be polite is to do and say the kindest things in the kindest way.”
Challenging puzzles were then presented:
“The Greek Cross, make one of card-board then make two straight cuts so that you can form a square with the pieces.” The answer is available at the Museum.
“Magic 9”: arrange the Contributed by Clovis Museum numbers (1-6) in the form of Clovis Union High School, Oct. 1908. a triangle so that the sum of numbers on each side shall be nine.” The I none, but that man’s father is my father’s answer is available at the Museum. son.” (Son).
“Queries: What part of a fish weighs the Quote: “Reputation is what men and most? (Scales) Why is the wick of a candle women think of us; Character is what God like Athens? (In Greece) When does a cane and the angels know of us.” take the place of a man’s head? (Hangs his Another quote: “In idleness the stings hat on it) of death are hidden but busy action are the
Why is a popular minister like a brake- spring of life.” man? (Makes many couples) What is the The back page of the program declares: heaviest horse on the road? (Lead horse). “Magna est vertlas, et praevalebit”. Trans-
What is that looks like a cat, walks like a lated it states: “Truth is great and will precat and still isn’t a cat” (Kitten). vail”.
A man in jail was the son of who visited Clovis High School district was formed him. He replied: Brothers and sisters have (1899) when seven school districts, Red Banks, Jefferson, Garfield, Mississippi, Wolters, Temperance and Clovis agreed to send their 9th graders to Clovis High. They occupied the second floor of the (1892) Clovis Grammar School (west side of Pollaksy between First & second streets) until the 1902 (5th & Osmun) High School was built.
Graduation pictures from 1903 to 1965 are on display at the Clovis Museum. They are a visual reminder of the rich heritage that Clovis High has and continues to provide.