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Fancher Creek participates in “Show Your Love” event
J.T. Gomez jt21gomez@gmail.com
March 1, 2023: For the second year in a row, Fancher Creek Elementary students, family and staff in addition to the Clovis East High School Asian Club participated in the “Show Your Love” community clean-up event.
This event gave the opportunity for volunteers to pick up trash in the surrounding neighborhood surrounding Fancher Creek Elementary.
More than 100 volunteers met at the school last Saturday morning in order to participate in this event.
In total, according to Clovis Unified, 942 pounds of trash was cleaned up off the streets of the neighborhoods surrounding the school, all the while being completed in only a couple of hours.
This was 112 pounds more than last year's event, the first year in which it was completed.
In keeping with the idea of “caring for your community”, a construction crew nearby donated a pizza lunch for the volunteers, showing their appreciation for their activism.
Fancher Creek Principal Carisa Cordova said, “It brings me such joy to see our students and their families serving their community.” She continued, “It is a great opportunity for children to learn to take pride in their neighborhood and will hopefully encourage them to keep the area clean and moving forward.”