6 minute read
Log of Shame
March 11th, 2022
At around 8:30 a.m. on Adler Ave, a homeowner went outside to water their plants. When they went to the side of the house to get the hose, they noticed the hose and the hose box was missing. Someone had taken the entire box and hose with them. Who steals a hose? The better question is, why they needed to steal the hose? Emergency car wash? Putting out a fire? What is it? Inquiring minds want to know!
March 12th, 2022
Just before 8 p.m. at a local big box store on Shaw Ave, a man wandered in to do some shopping. The man began acting erratically when he was approached by employees for attempting to walk out of the store without paying for the items in his cart. The police arrive shortly after, and the man became increasing uncooperative. He was eventually arrested and booked into jail. As it turns out, the man was high on meth, and he was attempting to steal an electric razor and a case of beer. Sounds to me like his priorities are in order. Well at least he will be getting a shave in jail, but the beer will just have to wait.
March 13th, 2022
Around 11:30 a.m. on Laverne Ave, a man approached a home and pounded on the door several times with no answer. He began screaming at the door and then kicked it a few times before storming off. When the homeowner reviewed the footage, the visitor was screaming about someone the homeowner did not know. It appears to be a case of mistaken identity and the visitor damaged the wrong person’s screen. Probably should not be kicking people’s doors in if you do not know who lives there because someone might just come out and kick you back!
March 14th, 2022
A man walked into a gas station on Shaw Ave just before 7:30 p.m. and bought some alcohol. He began walking around the gas station sipping on his beer and popping some pills in his pocket. When a patron told the cashier what was happening, they called the police immediately. When police arrived, they found him sitting on a bench with his beer taking a nap. The man had apparently been taking a controlled substance along with his beer while walking around. He was booked into jail for open container in public and for possession of a controlled substance. He will be able to finish his nap in the drunk tank.
March 15th, 2022
Just after 9 p.m. at a hotel on Clovis Ave, a man turned into a hotel parking lot to get high in his car. A hotel employee noticed the man sneaking around the parking lot when he was outside taking a cigarette break and alerted authorities. As it turns out, the man was up to more than just trying to do drugs. When police arrived, they found tools used to break into cars and drugs on him. Probably not a good idea to get high before you commit crimes. It makes you less aware of your surroundings, like cameras or people watching you sneak around. You, in fact, were not as sneaky as you thought you were, friend. Off to jail with you, heathen!
March 16th, 2022
Just after 3 p.m. at a clothing store on Shaw Ave, a woman dropped her identification on her way out of the store after stealing clothing. I am guessing that was not her intention to leave behind that but what is she going to do about it now? I have a feeling someone will be in contact with her shortly to discuss her dropped identification, as well as those items she took from the store.
March 17th, 2022
On Renn Ave, just after midnight, a call came into 911 regarding a woman wandering in the streets and had almost been hit by a car. When the police arrived, she was still wandering the street singing about “walking five hundred miles”. Maybe she was missing someone far away and was on their way to them, but we will never know because she was booked into county jail for drunk in public. Next time, don’t get drunk and you can drive those five hundred miles a lot faster than walking!
March 18th, 2022
Over on Bullard Ave around 5pm, a vehicle owner reported their car window had been smashed. The only thing stolen out of the car, was a bottle of hand sanitizer. I am not sure who needs hand sanitizer this badly, but you can get them at the store for a dollar. Maybe there was a sanitization emergency none of us are aware of. At least the thief’s hands are germ free for their next felony!
March 19th, 2022
On Gettysburg Ave at 3 p.m. at a convenience store, a man came into the store on his way home to find a last-minute gift for his girlfriend’s birthday. He made his way around the store in search of the perfect gift, and he landed on a pair of teddy bears. He then realized he left his wallet at home, and he decided getting his girlfriend a present for her birthday was more important than paying and he took off out of the store with the cashier chasing after him. Police soon caught the man, and he was arrested for theft of the two bears. It is safe to say the man missed his girlfriend’s birthday. If her birthday wish was for her boyfriend to go to jail, it came true.
March 20th, 2022
A grocery store on Herndon Ave, a woman was shopping in the store when she stepped away from her cart for a moment to grab produce. When she returned, she noticed that her phone and wallet had been taken from her cart! It is depressing that people think they can just steal from other people, especially in a place like the grocery store. The woman was unable to get her groceries afterwards and had to leave empty handed all because of a low life thief.
March 21st, 2022
At 8 o’ clock in the morning, an auto part store on Herndon Ave, reported a vehicle robbery. When police arrived, they found the company vehicle had been vandalized. The thieves took the entire exhaust system from the vehicle, the catalytic converter as well as the car’s battery. What in the heck were these guys doing, building a whole new car from stolen parts? Next time, just get a real job and you can buy them from that store, instead of stealing from it!
March 22nd, 2022
An employee from a store on Shaw Ave came out to head home just before 11 p.m. when they noticed their car was leaning to the side. The employee thought maybe they had a flat tire but when they went to look, the entire tire was missing! Luckily, the employee had a spare tire so they could get home but what a way to end your day. This guy was just trying to do his job and get home, and someone decided to make his day even harder. How about you go get a job and buy your own tire instead of stealing from people, you bum! I hope you get a flat tire!