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Log of Shame
March 25th, 2022
A patient at the medical center from yesterday called the police just before 3pm. The police arrived on scene to find that the patient’s car had the catalytic converter cut off. The patient had gone to the emergency room for an x-ray and was in only there for a few hours. As if their medical bill was not enough, they are now going to have to pay for the stolen car part because some low life decided to steal their property. They are lucky they were not caught stealing because they might have ended up in that hospital right along with the victim!
March 26th, 2022
For the second time this week, a man was arrested for theft. This time the man was pulled over with an accomplice in the Wally World parking lot. The police pulled the car over because it was a stolen vehicle and it turned out to be a repeat offender. Sounds like he did not learn his lesson the first time and I doubt he will learn it the second time. Maybe the third time is the charm or maybe prison is in his near future if he does not change his path.
March 27th, 2022
At a retail store on Herndon Ave, a man walked into the store and ran out with an inflatable waterpark. He must have been preparing for the upcoming spring break. These kids are going to be home from school for a whole week with nothing to do so what a better way to entertain them than to have your very own waterpark! Sounds like a great idea, except, you should probably pay for it instead of stealing it! I know the kids can drive you crazy but going to jail is not worth it!
March 28th, 2022
Just before 3:30 pm at a gas station on Herndon Ave, a man was caught smoking crack behind the dumpster after a drug deal. The cashier received complaints from patrons and when the police arrived, the man was passed out behind the store with it in his hand. The police woke him from his little nap and escorted him to their car. As it turns out, the man was already on probation for similar offenses and was escorted to jail. He can finish out his little nap in the back of the police car on his way to jail.
March 29th, 2022
A man attempting to break into a home improvement store on Shaw Ave just before 11pm, was hauled off to jail for multiple offenses. The man, who was unaware of the security cameras, was attempting to get into the store when the police were dispatched to the scene where they found the man breaking a lock on one of the doors. When he was searched, they found drugs and many tools used for burglary. He was taken into custody and as it turns out, this was not his first rodeo and the man had other warrants for theft. Well, cowboy, off to jail with you!
March 30th, 2022
A couple rented two moving trucks from a rental company on Shaw Ave and never returned them. The couple ignored phone calls and messages requesting the trucks back, so the company called the police. You can only run for so long before the truth will catch up with you! Now they have warrants out for their arrest and if they get pulled over, they will be going to jail for a while. Serves them right!
March 31st, 2022
Police spotted a red-light runner just before 3am on Villa Ave and pulled the vehicle over. The officer approached the vehicle and noticed that the passenger was holding a drug pipe. Oops! The officer searched the passenger and sure enough, she had meth in her possession. The officer attempted to place the passenger under arrest, but she resisted stating she did nothing wrong. I beg to differ ma’am, as did the officer. She was hauled off to jail and the driver was released. The driver should probably watch the company they keep otherwise next time, they will end up behind bars with her!
April 1st, 2022
A real estate agent who was selling a home, reported that a home they were selling was broken into. The thief broke the lock box on the door and stole the pool’s vacuum. At first the agent thought it was an April Fool’s joke but as it turns out, it was not. If anyone is randomly selling a pool vacuum, it was probably this “jokester”, and they deserve jail time for stealing from someone else.
April 2nd, 2022
As suspected, one of the moving truck bandits were pulled over as they drove down the street on Shaw Ave a little after 6pm. Police recognized the obvious moving truck by the company logo which had been reported stolen days earlier. The man was apprehended with drugs on his person. The man was booked into jail on not only theft but for possessing drugs. Only a drug addict would think they could drive a moving vehicle with the company logo all over the side of it and think they would not get caught. Lay off the drugs, buddy!
April 3rd, 2022
Over on Sierra Madre just before 9am, a report came in that someone’s car had been broken into. The thief stole baby ultrasound pictures! What kind of sicko steals someone else’s ultrasound pictures? Is nothing safe anymore? Thieves are out here stealing everything, even our priceless items. If you find anyone with random ultrasound pictures, odds are it is this weirdo breaking into cars stealing pictures of someone else’s unborn child. Please go talk to a professional before you are made to!
April 4th, 2022
On Santa Ana Ave, just after 1pm a call came in reporting an attempted theft of a vehicle. The car owner came out to their car to head to work and found their door open. The car’s steering column and the ignition had been tampered with and damaged. The thief was unable to get the car started and abandoned the task at hand. Sounds like they should get onto another career path because they are obviously not good at stealing things.
April 5th, 2022
Just before 11pm on Herndon Ave, a driver was pulled over after they had hit a curb and nearly crossed over into oncoming traffic. When the officers pulled them over, it was clear the driver was impaired. The officer ran the driver’s information and to no one’s shock, the driver had a suspended license for, you guessed it, a previous DUI. Thankfully, nobody was hurt, and the driver was taken to jail without incident. After having your license taken, you would think someone would stop driving but not this guy! His car was impounded, and he got a free ride to the drunk tank. Guess you better use Uber from now on, pal!