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Clovis Rodeo’ Demonstrates "Clovis Way of Life"

Preserving and learning from our history

Clovis Roundup Staff @ClovisRoundup

There are more things that the City of Clovis is known for and prideful of than you can count on your hands and feet. From the vintage Old Town Clovis, which is littered with top-rated restaurants and antique stores, to the beautiful

Clovis Botanical Gardens, there is quite literally something for everyone to enjoy.

The Clovis Rodeo is definitely no exception. The event itself is an ingrained piece of history and culture maintained by the City of Clovis, Fresno County, their people, and the Clovis Rodeo

Association, and has been going strong for the past 108 years, starting with its foundation in 1914. Although the rodeo took hits financially and, especially, morale in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic which forced the event to be canceled, it found new footing

See RODEO, Pg. 7

April 24, 2023 - Preserving our history is important for many reasons. Sometimes it’s a key to remembering who we are as a nation, as a people, or maybe just as a family. We can celebrate the things that make America great, and at the same time recognize that imperfect people acted imperfectly. America is a nation of indigenous peoples, colonists, and immigrants. As we moved west, we assimilated more Native Americans and Mexican people as we moved southwest. Africans were brought here as slaves and some, like the Chinese and the Irish, were brought here as laborers or indentured servants. Japanese-Americans, good and loyal Americans, were placed in camps following the attack on Pearl Harbor. Even great nations are imperfect.

We have seen waves of immigration throughout our history of those “yearning to live free.” America is still a destination for many reasons:

See HISTORY, Pg. 5

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