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Log of Shame
May 5th, 2022
A homeowner on Bullard Ave, came outside just after 9 am to water her yard when she noticed that all of her beautiful flowers had been pulled out and left them on the ground! This sounds like a bunch of kids playing stupid pranks. Hopefully, they learn before their little jokes turn into very illegal activities that land them with a record. They will not be laughing long, at least until they end up in a jail cell.
May 6th, 2022
At a grocery store on Herndon Ave just before 5 p.m., a woman decided to stop by for some grocery shopping after work. When she went to the register to pay, she noticed her wallet was missing. Whoever stole it must really have needed the money more than she did to eat!
May 7th, 2022
Just before 3 p.m. at a retail store on Herndon Ave, a call to Clovis PD was made regarding a man who was hiding items in his pants. When police arrived, they detained the suspect. After a quick search, officers found stolen items and drugs shoved in his pants. It is safe to say that people shouldn’t come into stores while high and then attempt to steal. Drugs make people do stupid things apparently, like not thinking before they act.
May 8th, 2022
A resident of an apartment complex on Peach Ave, came home after a long night out with friends to find their front door open. The police arrived and searched the apartment, but no one was there. The perpetrator must have become startled when the resident came home and took off before they could take anything. Hopefully that will deter them from trying again because next time, someone might be home to greet them at the door.
May 9th, 2022
On Gettysburg Ave just after 2 p.m., an officer spotted a vehicle that had been reported stolen hours before. The officer pulled the car over and confirmed the person driving was, in fact, not the owner of the car. The thief had multiple warrants out for her arrest. It is a wonder how the woman continued to drive around in the car comfortably thinking she would not get pulled over. Smooth move, lady.
May 10th, 2022
A grocery store on Shaw Ave reported that a man had walked in attempted to steal a single bottle of wine and run out. Luckily, he was stopped before he could leave. Turns out the bottle of wine wasn’t even a good bottle of wine, but I guess that is what happens when you are an alcoholic. Sounds like he better go to AA.
May 11th, 2022
Just after 6 a.m., a man reported that someone had stolen 1/3 of a tank of his gas from his truck before work. Security cameras show two men siphoning the gas into a plastic container and then spilling half of it on the ground when they tripped. Buddy probably should have used a container with a lid so that exact thing didn’t happen. Hopefully the gas didn’t burn off the last brain cells this guy has left.
May 12, 2022
A woman reported that someone had stolen her prescription medication that had been shipped straight to her home. A man was seen rifling through her mailbox via security cameras. Honestly, I wish the darn thief had opened the package before he left, maybe he would’ve left it there when he realized it was just birth control pills. Pretty sure he won’t need those.
May 13, 2022
Three vehicles were involved in a car accident at San Jose and Fowler Ave! No one was hurt but it sure was a mess to look at. One car in the road, one car up on the curb, and one car pulled over to the side. The minivan that caused all of the confusion and sat lodged onto the sidewalk had a constant loop of “Baby Shark” playing on the radio while four kids between the ages of 3-7 years old laughed and thought the whole accident was hysterical. For the record, a constant loop of Baby Shark would cause me to lose my mind, and possibly control of my car by association. No judgement mama, no judgement.
May 14, 2022
Multiple people reported that somebody has stolen their back license plate on the same night. Perhaps the PD could send these stats to the DMV so they take a hint. Apparently, it is cheaper to get in trouble for stealing than it is to pay your expired registration in this state. Go figure!
May 15, 2022
Just after 1 p.m. there was a domestic disturbance reported. Police responded and the male involved was arrested. The confidential victim explained that she got tired of her man paying more attention to his video games than to her, so she threw his gaming system into the pool. Apparently, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, and things got heated and violent at a rapid rate from there.
May 16, 2022
A gentleman reported that someone stolen some clothes from his mailbox that he had just ordered online. You know, I’ll give you anything in the world that I have to help you have a hand up. Oh, but when you steal it from me, I don’t even feel bad for you anymore. You just went from a neighbor in my community I would help to public enemy number one!