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Clovis Happenings
JUNE 2022
LET’S TALK CLOVIS Clovis Trivia Night Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Tuesday, June 14 at 6:30 p.m.
2022 CLOVIS CRUSH SUMMER YOUTH SOCCER CAMP Location: Clovis Community College, 10309 N. Willow Ave., Fresno, CA Monday, June 14 Thursday, June 16 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
TENANT HOUSING RESOURCE FAIR Location: Clovis Senior Activity Center, 7850 4th St., Clovis, CA Wednesday, June 15 1 p.m. – 3 p.m.
JOLLY TIMES Top Dollar Band Location: Clovis Senior Activity Center, 850 4th St., Clovis, CA Thursday, June 16 at 9 a.m.
WILLOW CREEK HEALTH CARE CENTER CLOVIS BLOOD DRIVE Location: 650 W. Alluvial Ave., Clovis, CA Thursday, June 16 10 a.m. – 1 p.m.
VETERAN’S BINGO Location: Clovis Senior Activity Center 850 4th St., Clovis, CA Tuesday, June 21 10 a.m. – 11 a.m.
LATINA WOMEN’S CONFERENCE Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Thursday, June 23 11 a.m. – 5 p.m.
PLUG ATHLETICS YOUTH SUMMER CAMP Ages 4 - 13 Location: High Performance Academy, 275 N. Minnewawa, Clovis, CA Monday, June 20 – Friday, June 24
HOT RAQS FESTIVAL Location: Clovis Veterans Memorial District 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Friday, June 24 – Sunday, June 26
JULY 2022
LUNAFEST – FILMS BY AND ABOUT WOMEN Location: Mercedes Edwards Theatre, 902 5th St., Clovis, CA Sunday, July 10 2:30 p.m. – 4 p.m.
INAUGURAL CLOVIS LEADERSHIP SUMMIT Location: Mercedes Edwards Theatre, 902 5th St., Clovis, CA Speaker: Doug Lipp – Former Head of Training at Walt Disney University Wednesday, July 13 8:30 a.m. – 12 p.m.
TRI-TIP DINNER AND DANCE FUNDRAISER Location: Clovis Senior Activity Center, 850 4th St., Clovis, CA Saturday, July 16 @ 5:30 p.m.
CLOVIS 80’S ARCADE PUB CRAWL Location: Ruby’s, 748 Polasky Ave., Clovis, CA Saturday, July 16 4:30 p.m. – 9 p.m.
HOME OF THE BRAVE INDOOR PUB CRAWL Location: 808 4th St., Clovis, CA Saturday, July 23 at 7 p.m. CALIFORNIA 911 MEMORIAL Location: 3485 Never Forget Ln., Clovis, CA Open 365 days a year
COMMUNITY HERITAGE CENTER Location: 3rd and Veterans Parkway OPEN Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 5 p.m.
CLOVIS MUSEUM Location: 4th & Pollasky, Clovis, CA Open Tuesday thru Saturday 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
FRIDAY NIGHT FARMERS’ MARKET Location: Old Town Clovis Friday, April 29 - Friday, Oct. 28 5:30 p.m. – 8 :30 p.m.
CLOVIS OLD TOWN FARMERS’ MARKET Location: Old Town Clovis Every Saturday Year-Round 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m. (weather permitting)
HARLAN RANCH FARMERS’ MARKET Location: 1620 N. Leonard Ave., Clovis, CA Every Wednesday YearRound 5 p.m. – 9 p.m. (weather permitting)
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With a Possible Recession Looming, You May Want to Review Your Cash Flow Process
Teresa Stevens
Certified Public Accountant Sponsor
If you’re a business owner who has been through a recession before, you know that smart cash flow management is absolutely crucial. If you’re a new entrepreneur who hasn’t been through an economic downturn, you may be less familiar with how quickly your finances can be affected.
To protect yourself and keep your business operating, here are the things you need to know about adjusting your cash flow process to match the economic environment.
Evaluate Your Expenses
When cash is short, it’s time to take a magnifying glass to your expenses, both to ensure that you’re being charged appropriately and to determine which of the invoices coming in should not be repeated. It’s easy to spend money when cash is coming in, but once things get tight you may need to adjust your budgetary line items and start chatting with employees about whether specific expenditures are actually needed.
You may also want to think about how spending decisions are approved, limiting authority for purchasing above certain amounts or requiring sign-off from management to ensure that you’re staying within your means and available resources. Though staff may object to losing their travel or entertainment budgets, an economic downturn should reclassify them as luxuries that can be cut back or eliminated rather than necessities. The same goes for meeting expenditures.
Other expenses can be adjusted in a way that limits the impact on your staff but still helps your bottom line. Fixed costs for transportation can be shifted from purchasing new vehicles to contracting for a fleet leasing program. Doing so keeps your capital in your bank account, where it can be put to better use when money is tight.
Vendor relationships can become strained when you find yourself having to either cancel or downgrade a contract and even more so if you’re unable to pay your bills. The best way to approach this is upfront and with honesty. The more open you are about your cash situation, the more likely you will be able to work something out in the short term and maintain or resume the relationship for the long term.
Make It Easier for Your Clients to Pay Their Bills
When you insist on issuing paper invoices and getting paid by check, you automatically slow down the process of getting paid. Make it easier for your clients to pay you by setting up an online payment option and billing them electronically. If you have clients you’ve been allowing to slide in terms of on-time payments, it’s time to have someone within our organization – preferably somebody in management –

Courtesy of teresastevenscpa.com
CPA Teresa Stevens can help with financial challenges, for a consultation, call (559) 326-7072.
contact them directly. As for new clients, if you haven’t been conducting credit checks before providing them with goods or services, it’s time to start. It’s better to turn away business that might not get paid for than to get stuck holding an uncollectable bill.
Involve Your Employees
Though your financial challenges are ultimately yours to shoulder and solve, that doesn’t mean that your employees should not be kept in the loop about the realities of your day-to-day situation, and this is particularly true for the core group upon whom you rely most. Not only is it a good idea to talk with them and explain why you’re putting more restrictive policies in place, but in doing so you may find that they have ideas for how to boost revenue, ease cash flow, and save money. It’s the people who are on the ground who see where money is being wasted and where cost-cutting changes to staffing and expenditures can be made. Use this valuable resource!
If you are encountering cash flow challenges and would like additional guidance, contact our office today at (559) 326-7072 to set up a time for a consultation.
14 Ways to Cut Household Expenses
Noble Credit Union
@NobleCUFresno | Sponsor
Changes to the economy, your situation, or your goals may prompt you to take a look at your budget for opportunities to save. But where do you start? These lists will help you make changes, both big and small, to your budget.
Entertainment and Hobbies
This category can be the easiest to cut from (they aren’t necessities, you have a lot of control over what you spend, etc.) and one of the hardest (these are the fun things, why would you want to give them up?). Trimming your budget doesn’t have to mean giving up on all the fun, just looking for less expensive ways to have it.
Ideas for trimming:
• Trade a night out for a night in - Take full control of your budget and the dress code (bring on the sweats and fuzzy socks) while saving on entrance and parking fees. Movie and board game nights can be plenty of fun without a high price tag. • Limit your subscriptions - Between streaming services, music platforms, and gym memberships, you’re paying a lot every month. Figure out if you’re actually using each of them enough to make the cost worth it. • Find cheaper ways to do your hobby - You rarely need to attend the fanciest gym or buy the newest equipment in order to enjoy your hobby. More affordable alternatives, such as an at-home video workout or a craft project that recycles material you already have, allow you to enjoy your hobby while saving money. • Finish what you have before buying more - Do you buy new paint supplies every time you’re at the hobby store? Or maybe you add to your stack of to-be-read books faster than you can keep up. Give

CR File Photo
The Noble Credit Union Clovis branch is located on 175 N Clovis Ave. between Sierra and Herndon Ave.
your budget a break by working through what you have first. • Vacation smart - A few simple swaps can give you a needed break without breaking the bank. Consider road tripping instead of flying, camping instead of staying at a hotel, and traveling during the off-season instead of when it’s most expensive. • Buy used rather than new - Consider checking out local thrift stores or garage sales when you’re on the hunt for new clothes or furniture. Not only is it good for the environment, but it’s also good for your wallet!
Food is essential, but that doesn’t mean that you can’t make more cost-friendly choices. Get all the satisfaction of a full stomach without the sadness of an empty wallet.
Ideas for trimming:
• Cut down on eating out - We all know going to a restaurant is pricier than making it yourself. The trick is in setting limits. Try putting a cap on how often you eat out in a month or limiting yourself to restaurants in a certain price range. • Take advantage of leftovers - When you’re cooking a big meal, make a little extra that you can eat later. Leftovers make easy lunches that save you money and time. • Focus on essentials - Fill your cart with things you know you’ll eat and that are versatile enough to be used before they go bad. • Meal plan or prep - You’ll be less likely to stop by the drive-thru or order delivery if you already have a plan for what you’re going to eat or a meal that’s basically ready to go.
Nobody likes paying bills. But you can ease that monthly pain by finding simple ways to lower the cost.
Ideas for trimming:
• Negotiate to lower your premium - If you haven’t had any recent accidents or used many of their services, your insurance provider may be willing to lower your monthly premium. • Change providers - Sometimes taking the time to shop around can be well worth it. If you feel you’re being charged too much by your insurance provider, cable company, or phone service, you may be able to get a better deal somewhere new. • Use less - Be conscientious of your usage and unplug or turn things off when you’re not using them, combine loads of laundry, or take shorter showers. The biggest savings often come from keeping your house colder in the winter and warmer in the summer. • Move out or get a roommate - This would, obviously, be a big change. But big actions mean big savings. Rent and mortgage payments often take a huge chunk of your budget, so making it more affordable is worth the effort.
Overall, looking for opportunities to trim your spending is important in keeping a healthy budget. And when you’re feeling squeezed for cash, small changes can make a big difference. For easy-to-use online budgeting tools, visit Noble Credit Union’s website at www.NobleCU.com and click on the “Learn” tab.
Noble Credit Union, a Forbes Best-inState Credit Union, has been treating each member with kindness, dignity, and honor while helping members make sound financial decisions for 81 years. The Credit Union offers members full access to a wide range of financial education and services, including low-rate auto loans, MyRewards Visa credit card, mortgage and equity loans, online and mobile banking, and more. For more information about membership at Noble Credit Union, call (559) 252-5000 or visit NobleCU.com.
Cougar Softball Captures Valley Title for 11th Consecutive Time
J.T. Gomez
The Clovis High softball team recently won its 11th section championship for the Division I Central Section on May 28th. But this is not where the team intends to stop.
As of today June 2nd, they will be playing in the 2022 CIF NorCal Softball Championship semifinals for Division I. To reach this destination, however, Clovis High certainly had to fulfill a journey.
Finishing their regular season with a record of 22-6, they also boasted a 7-3 record in TRAC play. On May 20th, they advanced in the playoffs to the Division I semifinals after a 2-0 win over an impressive Paso Robles team.
The Cougars faced Buchanan softball on May 24th in the semi’s and were able to push across nine runs in a 9-0 victory. Senior pitcher Lauryn Carranco tossed a complete game, one hit shutout while also striking out nine Buchanan batters. Pitching both games of the playoffs, Carranco only allowed three hits total through the first two rounds.
Then came the Division I Championship set at Margie Wright Diamond on Saturday, May 28th where #3 ranked Clovis would face off against #4 ranked Central. In the bottom of the third, Ashley Rocha batting

Courtesy of CIF Central Section/Twitter
The Clovis High School softball team celebrated their 11th straight Valley Championships on May 28, 2022.
from the left handed batters box sliced a triple down the left field line scoring Sarah Azzarello for a 1-0 lead. Rocha would later score on a Kaylynn Munoz fielder‘s choice to push the lead to 2-0.
And it was these two runs that would prove to be the most fatal for Central, as Cal State Northridge commit Lauryn Carranco would continue her playoff dominance, finishing her third consecutive complete game shutout.
Upon winning their 11th school softball Valley Championship, Clovis softball would then move on to the Norcal playoffs to play Heritage on Wednesday, June 1st.
And can you guess who pitched?
Once again Lauryn Carranco threw another unsurprising shutout against Heritage, helping Clovis to win 3-0. Thanks to the help of an incredible catch by second baseman Ashley Rocha, Carranco was allowed to get out of a bases loaded jam in the 7th.
Clovis High would go on to play in the semifinals on June 2nd against Del Oro. For the first time in four games, a run was scored against Lauryn Carranco, two runs in fact. Heading into the 4th inning, and down by two, the Cougars put up a “five spot” on the scoreboard, sending five runners to score. This would prove to be all and more than the Cougars would need, as they ended up winning the game 6-2.
Lauryn Carranco earlier in the same day was awarded TRAC Pitcher of the Year honors for her efforts this season.
The Cougars would go on to face St. Francis of Mountain View for the Division I NorCal Regional Championship on June 4th and lose 6-0.
Cougar Softball Team’s Impressive Season Ends with St Francis
J.T. Gomez
The Clovis High Softball team lost in the June 4th Division I NorCal Regional Championship against St. Francis of Mountain View on Saturday, June 4.
In the bottom of the third inning for the St. Francis home team, Carly Cummings was cut down at the plate trying to score on a base hit to right fielder Taylor Johnson and on a relay throw from Ashley Roja.
However with two outs, Brooke Deppiesse doubled in Sydney Stewart for the first run of the game for the Lancers. Lauryn Carranco had finally done it, she had finally given up her first earned run in the playoffs. And this would not be where the #1 ranked in the state St. Francis’ softball team would stop.
In the bottom of the fourth, Ella Milante took Carranco deep for a leadoff home run past the left field fence giving St. Francis a 2-0 lead. But the senior standout, Carranco would prove her worth once more to the Cougar faithful as she got out of a bases loaded jam after the leadoff roundtripper.
In the bottom of the fifth, she wasn’t so fortunate. Four runs would come across in the half-inning, giving the St. Francis Lancers a commanding 6-0 lead. This is where the game would stand through till the end, as with two runners on, Clovis would hit into a game ending, season ending, double play on a line drive caught by second baseman Brooke Deppiesse who ended the game on an assist to shortstop Jessica Oakland.
An impressive season came to an end on Saturday, but the Cougars have nothing to be ashamed of. Clovis High Softball has been and continues to be at the top of its game, and will provide to the community of Clovis more great softball to come.
CUSD Athletes Medal at CIF Track and Field Championships
Adam Ricardo Solis
The California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) track and field championships were held Saturday at Veterans Memorial Stadium with ideal weather conditions for spectators, but competitors say it held a factor in their performance.
The weather Saturday was at a comfortable high of 82 degrees with a breeze for fans to watch schools from the Clovis area such as Clovis East, Clovis North and Buchanan high schools. According to Christopher Caudillo, representing Clovis North, who placed first in the varsity boys 1600 meter, said as soon as the event started he noticed the amount of wind.
“I knew it was going to be windy all day and the moment I kind of found out it was windy I knew I wasn’t going to be able to stick to my original plan that I was really ready to do because I knew if I went straight from the gun going all out I wouldn’t have been able to take these guys,” Caudillo said.
Caudillo said that leading up to the competition he knew that he was going to have to focus on finding the best strategy to win. In doing so, he would listen to his pastor before competitions and listen to his sermons to help Caudillo get focused for the game.
“He gives me personal sermons about going into these races that just kind of make sure I know I always have God with me and all that good stuff with me before a race,” Caudillo said.
Representing Clovis East in girls shot put was Feyi Olukanni who took a different approach that helped her win first place Saturday night.
Olukanni said that going into competitions she does her best to avoid thinking of the day as an actual competition, a strategy that proved successful. Instead Olukanni said she focused on making sure her technique was down for the competition.
“I’m trying to not think about the actual competition and trying to take my mind away from it because I get nervous really easy. So I was trying to take my mind off

Adam Ricardo Solis/Clovis Roundup
Feyi Olukanni of Clovis East High School won first place for girls shot put at the California Interscholastic Federation (CIF) Track and Field Championships.
things and calm down,” Olukanni said.
Grabbing the crowd’s attention toward the end of the night was the Clovis North girls varsity 1600 relay when Clovis North finished first after trailing behind the runner from Wilson High School- Long Beach.
The Clovis community cheered the team on when they were awarded their medals with team members Maya Cordoba, Takiya Cenci, Emerson Parks, Tatum Zinkin, Emma O’Neil and Hayden Craft and shared a moment of gratitude on the field.
Clovis East Baseball Wins Valley Championship
J.T. Gomez
Clovis East High School won its very first Valley Championship on Friday May 27th with a 4-3 score over Central in the Division II Central Section championship.
The “Wolfpack” faced Templeton at home in round one of the playoffs who they promptly beat by a score of 8-3.
This was the first baseball playoff win for Clovis East Baseball in ten years according to previous Clovis Roundup sportswriter Gabe Camarillo.
Clovis East then faced off against crosstown rival Clovis North and there was no love lost in this second-round matchup.
Playing at home again, trailing by four in the bottom of the 5th inning, after an RBI double by a Clovis East player, benches cleared towards second base where the batter turned base runner participated in an altercation with both the Clovis North second baseman and catcher.
Upon moving the score to 5-4 at that point, Clovis East would continue its comeback finishing off Clovis North 6-5 in eight innings after a controversial balk call in the bottom of the 8th.
Number six ranked Clovis East then traveled to number two ranked Arroyo Grande where they would face off in the Division II semi-finals.
After a two home run performance from Clovis East’s Dax Bolton, the Timberwolves would win the game 6-3.
Facing off in the D-II championship against Central, the game was set at Fresno State’s Pete Beiden Field at Bob Bennett Stadium.

Photo courtesy of Clovis East Baseball
Clovis East won its first baseball Valley Championship on Friday, May 27th at the home of the Bulldogs, Pete Biden Field at Bob Bennet Stadium.
Clovis East would take a quick two-run lead in the first inning after an Erik Perez RBI triple. Perez would later score in the inning.
A scoreless four innings from Alex Righetti went a long way for the Wolfpack as they then turned the ball over to Tre Williams in the 5th.
Central would tie the score in the top half of that inning to the tune of back to back homeruns by Dallan Alles and Skylar Dwiggins.
Williams found himself in another jam in the top of the 6th after back to back singles led off the inning for Central.
However, he composed himself and would strike out the side to keep the score tied at two apiece.
That’s when in the bottom of the 6th, Carson Sandoval hit a go ahead solo home run that at the time looked to be the dagger to Central.
But as everyone in baseball knows, in a championship game, no team goes lightly.
Skylar Dwiggins of Central would score from first base on a Logan Pontecorvo RBI single with two outs in the final inning.
This is where the score would stay until the bottom half of the 7th inning with two outs.
Paul Martinez chopped a soft ground ball into no man’s land in between the third baseman and the pitcher for an infield single to load the bases.
The situation lined up for none other than Clovis East’s starting pitcher, Alex Righetti, to come to the plate and earn a bases loaded walk-off walk to win the game by a score of 4-3.
Clovis East would then go on to face Archbishop Mitty in the state playoffs on May 31st.
They were down early in the second inning 1-0 but battled to tie it 1-1 in the top of the 5th.
Archbishop Mitty took another lead 2-1 to which Clovis East responded once more tying the score at 2-2.
The game would go into extra innings where having home field advantage would prove all too dangerous for the Wolfpack.
Archbishop Mitty would win the game in the bottom of the 8th on a sacrifice fly to deep left center field.
This is where the run would end, but quite a run it was indeed.
No matter the results from the state playoffs, a Valley Championship is something this team will never forget.
Coming in as the sixth seed in the middle of the pack, the “Wolfpack” found itself in quite the predicament in multiple games, but proved that in any day, any team can come out victorious.
Headed in more than the right direction, Clovis East Baseball should look to enjoy its championship and the road of competition that lies in years to come.