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Log of Shame
September 8, 2021
Around noon, an employee of an apartment complex on Willow Ave, reported they came back for lunch and found a window had been shot! A disgruntled former resident must be really upset they kept their security deposit. Fortunately, no one was injured but hopefully the person who did it, has some serious guilt!
September 9, 2021
On Fairmont Ave, a resident reported a break-in to their car and some property was taken. The victim reported their wallet had been stolen and a bottle of whiskey from the backseat was taken. Let us hope the perpetrator just left his crimes to theft and not turned his crime spree into a DUI as well.
September 10, 2021
A homeowner had noticed a prowler outside their house in the early morning hours. They called the police and when the officers arrived, they found a woman attempting to break into a window on the side of the home. The police arrested her and found drug items in her possession. The woman must have been high when she was attempting to break into someone’s house! Hopefully, she sobers up while in jail and realizes stealing from people is never the answer.
September 11, 2021
A victim realized her identity had been stolen to obtain unemployment benefits when they received the unemployment information in the mail. The victim knew she had not filed for unemployment, as she was still working, but the letter in the mail stated there had already been a payout. This is unfortunate for this victim because now she has a mess to clean up. Next time, they should just get a job instead of stealing from hardworking citizens!
September 12, 2021
Around 5:30 a.m., a report for suspicious activity came in over off of Willow Ave. When police arrived at the scene, they found two males driving away that met the description from the caller. The officers proceeded to pull them over. After they approached the vehicle, officers spotted a catalytic converter in the backseat. The item turned out to be a neighbor’s catalytic converter of the caller that reported the activity! Both men had numerous warrants and were escorted off to the county jail. Thanks to the good neighbor for calling and getting trash taken off the streets!
September 13, 2021
Someone found and turned in an Xbox 360. Someone’s girlfriend was really upset that they were spending too much time playing video games and decided to ditch their Xbox. It must suck for the owner, but I am sure the girlfriend is getting much more attention now.
September 14, 2021
On Nees Ave, a resident reported a break-in to their home. The thief came in through a sliding glass door and stole some power tools and a statute of Jesus. The thieves needed Jesus more than the homeowner and hopefully Jesus helps turn their lives around.
September 15, 2021
A man called police when he was making a turn onto Peach from Shaw and overcorrected! He hit the curb so bad that the car jumped onto the sidewalk and damaged his wheel! He needed a police report to turn into his insurance but when the officer ran his name (common safety practice) the man had TWO warrants for his arrest! So one minute the officer is serving the guy in his current need and the next the script flipped to the officer serving the public by removing this guy from the public. Him and his car spent the night in impound.
September 16, 2021
Officers located a stolen vehicle out of a neighboring city when police were called to a house party for a noise complaint! The stolen Ford Festiva had seen the last of its party days on the lamb when officers were able to call and turn it over to the rightful owner in the same condition it was stolen in!
September 17, 2021
A neighboring police department called our dispatch to alert them that they had found a missing person from our city. A 17-year-old young man that thought he would run away and could just sneak into his girlfriends window at night. Um, yeah, that plan didn’t go so well with her dad!
September 18, 2021
A gal was arrested for being drunk in public at 2:30 a.m. when she called police to report her missing purse. Her speech was so slurred but dispatch stayed on the phone with her long enough to get an officer to her location. The officers found her laying in the flower beds of a grocery store and using her purse as a pillow. Lost purse mystery solved, check. Night in the drunk tank, check-check!
September 19, 2021
Three misguided bumpkins were arrested when an officer stopped their car for a traffic infraction. They each had a warrant AND had possession of narcotics on them. Maybe all y’all need a new group of friends apart from one another because you are who you hang out with! Just for the record, this group of hoodlums isn’t working out so well!
September 20, 2021
There were two domestic disturbance calls on the same night, within an hour apart! Not to mention everybody was drunk! Here’s some free advice that is pretty solid……don’t drink and fight with your spouse. The results are police car rides, drunk tank nights and court hearings. You’re welcome.
September 21, 2021
At 11:30 at night a keyboard loudmouth was shocked to have a police officer knock at her front door. After getting into an argument on social media with another woman, she threatened to beat her blueberry “bleepity bleep bleep!” Um, that my dear friend is also called a terrorist threat. For the record, no one who can ACTUALLY whoop someone else gives them a public warning. Everyone is 10 feet tall behind their cell phone keyboard but it’s a very different story when the cops come knocking!