4 minute read
Sleep to Energize Your Day
be getting the sleep your body needs to jumpstart your morning.
We can manage with less sleep, right?
When our energy levels are low we often look to consume products that can help propel us through our day. Whether it is coffee, tea, energy drinks or even natural energy boosting foods, we look for something to provide a spark to ignite our energy. But, what if we could help energize ourselves by simply improving the quality of our sleep?
How are you sleeping?
Sleep is an important factor that is often overlooked in relation to lack of energy. The truth is, there is simply no substitute for restful sleep and most Americans aren’t sleeping. In fact, statistics say 70 million Americans are sleep deprived and are not getting the adequate sleep necessary for their health and well-being. Without restful sleep we are prone to losing the ability to focus as well as the energy we need during the day. Could consistent restful sleep be the catalyst you’re missing to energize your day?
The battle of the snooze.
We all have been there; the encounter with the snooze button. It provides us with momentary relief from the struggle to achieve wakefulness. The struggle to get out of bed stems from our bodies being heavy with fatigue. We hit the snooze button hoping that a couple more minutes of snoozing will somehow usher us into wakefulness. Many are doing this because we are lacking the restful sleep necessary to wake up with energy. So, if you find yourself hitting the snooze button often, you may not
I’m going to make you aware of a little secret: You Can’t. Yet, the majority of us find ourselves in a perpetual race against time in efforts to balance all the demands we carry in our lives. Unfortunately, we simply were not designed to handle that amount of stress for such a long period of time.
Many demands + Lack of time = Stress
In our attempt to show we are worthy to balance so many demands, we often forget to give time to the most important person – ourselves. The truth is if we don’t find ways to make time for our health, then we will find ourselves on the road toward chronic stress.
Chronic stress can impact our health in a multitude of ways and can also affect those around us. Statistics show chronic stress can manifest into mood disorders, chronic diseases, weight gain, and a decreased quality of life.
So why do we choose to balance so many demands?
In my experience as a health coach, I’ve noticed many people who are excited to try new diet and lifestyle options find it challenging to incorporate them into their busy lives. Although they may learn what to do, they find it difficult to do because of a lack of time. Do you find yourself saying, “I don’t have enough time?” If you find yourself grabbing for another coffee or energy drink to push you to the next thing you have to do, allow me to bring you some good news – there is a better way.
Feel like making a change?
If you find yourself exhausted from running the perpetual race against time, then may I encourage you to pursue and
In our fast-paced society of high stress and little time, sleep tends to take a backseat to the other activities that are priority in our day. Consequently, individuals have become accustomed to the notion that we can function properly on minimal sleep. People in this mindset tend to sleep less than 7 hours a day and use countermeasures such as caffeine to combat the negative effects.
The negative effects of sleep deprivation include mood imbalances, impaired cognitive ability, poor memory and low energy levels. Stimulants used to combat these effects can fail after just a few days, and the end result can be a state of chronic fatigue and stress. Have you ever had the feeling of drinking lots of caffeine but still feeling tired and fatigued? This could be caused by sleep deprivation.
Want to improve your sleep?
There is no substitute for restful sleep and improving your sleep can greatly impact your energy levels.
How can we improve our sleep? Here are a few tips that may help:

First ask yourself a couple questions: What’s preventing you from sleeping? What is on your mind that is keeping you awake at night?
Identify these things and address them in your life. Removing these stressors will enable you to sleep more peacefully and help reduce stress. Additionally, include a healthy diet to provide your body with the nutrients needed to balance bodily functions, such as sleep. Avoid computers and bright lights at bedtime as this can cause imbalances in circadian rhythm and interfere with your brain’s melatonin (sleep hormone) production. Keeping a consistent sleep schedule can help you to fall asleep and wake up more easily. Supplements such as Magnesium, Valerian, Holy Basil, Skullcap and Passionflower may also be beneficial to help the body relax for a restful night’s sleep. Incorporating these elements into your day may enable your body to find the sleep that it needs. discover the clarity of knowing exactly what you desire out of life? It will assist you in identifying how you want to spend your time. Not sure where to start? Let me suggest a few steps that may help you on that journey. Now these steps may sound simple but it actually takes strong willpower to execute.
So before you go looking for products to stimulate your day, I encourage you to first look to find healthy ways to experience a good night’s sleep. In doing this you may find the restful sleep you need, and your body just might reward you with the energy you’ve been missing.
Ready? Here we go…
Ask yourself what isn’t benefiting you. What doesn’t need to be in your life?
What is bringing you excessive stress?
Keeping you awake at night?
Once you identify these things, fix them or get rid of them. Now.
Think of where you want to spend your time and ask yourself: What do you truly want in your life? What can benefit your health? Who do you want to be with? What is your purpose? Focus your energy on incorporating these things. Anything that doesn’t comply within this larger picture – let it go. And yes, learn to say “no”.
Making time for what you want to do rather than what you need to do can go a long way in improving your health. Some circumstances may be more challenging than others, but I assure you, we have the power within us to make changes. Give these tips a try and discover how much more harmonious your life can be. No balance required.