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Supporting Function COMMUNICATION
Facilitate responsive and relevant communication with the public, LPNs and stakeholders. Communications at the CLPNA are intended to inform the public of regulatory standards, and the accountability of the LPN profession.
The CLPNA’s website, social media platforms, CARE magazine, radio campaigns, and ongoing regular updates provide information about regulation, practice, research, ethics, and other relevant news to LPNs and stakeholders. In response to the pandemic, the CLPNA developed info sheets for LPN practice and for general knowledge related to COVID-19. These were shared and updated on a regular basis in response to public health direction.

The CLPNA conducted its first virtual annual general meeting with close to 400 registrants. It was also the first public presentation from the new Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Jeanne Weis. The hour-long event highlighted a welcome from Council President Valerie Paice, a farewell to retired CEO Linda Stanger, an overview of 2019 regulatory activities, and a look to the future. In 2020, the CLPNA produced a Special History Edition of CARE magazine. This edition marked the culmination of a multi-year project and highlights the history of the licensed practical nurse profession in Alberta from 1947 to 2020.