Regulatory Spotlight
Conduct and Responsibility:
What is a Complaint? Over 200 LPNs or about 1% of the CLPNA’s membership experienced a formal complaint of unprofessional conduct in 2018. With so few experiencing these allegations, many may wonder about the disciplinary process. What is a complaint, and who can make one? What standards are LPNs held to? And what’s the responsibility of the CLPNA in the process?
care | VOLUME 33 ISSUE 3
STANDARDS & DUTY Licensed Practical Nurses in Alberta are obligated to provide safe, competent, and ethical professional services. The Standards of Practice for Licensed Practical Nurses in Canada is the benchmark by which the minimum standard for LPN performance is measured. The Standards itemize expectations in professional accountability and responsibility; knowledge-based practice; service to the public and self-regulation; and ethical practice. LPNs are recognized in the Health Professions Act (HPA) to be professional nurses who work within their own scope of practice, standards of practice and code of ethics and work ‘autonomously’. This means LPNs take full responsibility for their own