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R&D Voice www.publishpk.net edu.pkk


January 1, 2014 In this issue:

Editor’s Pick Are we products of our environment?

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1. Environmental Products. News Of the Week 2. Deep learning. Women Request for&Writel 3. Invention Innovation. 1004.R&D ICBMB. 5. Four Technologies. R&D News 6. IRP brings Idea Puzzle® Upcoming Eventssoftware. 7. Research Training Coal Semina 8. Technology Shafi Reso backs innovation.

Editorial Team Chief Editor  ZahidIftikhar Managing Editor  RozeenShaukat Associate Editor  Mujahid Ali www.irp.edu.pk

All human beings are a product of their environment. Consciously or unconsciously we are influenced by our background, neighbors, peers, class fellows, relatives, and many other people who are around us. A famous quote “A man is known by the company he keeps” elaborates the same idea very beautifully. A very strong unconscious psychological effect leads us to do things which we see around us. We behave the way our environment demands us to behave. Children or even adults, who spend a lot of time in front of television screen, are never likely to work hard. That is why it is so important to raise a child in a decent environment. But what if we were not grown up in an ideal environment? What about grown-up people who think that it is too late to make amendments to their behavior? Don’t they need a push? You will be sorely disappointed to know that adults are more likely to adhere to their thoughts which society instilled in them. However we have a choice to be what we choose to be. We need to realize that we are responsible for our own personalities. We need to adapt ourselves to move ahead in life. We will have to do it on our own. No one else will do it for us. The choice is ours and ours alone. The only thing that we need is a strong commitment for change. We need to focus on a sustained transformation of our heart and mind. We can shape our character and make changes to prove that we can do it. If my father was not a famous doctor or scholar, it never means that I also can’t be one. I can and I will because I am not what happened to me, I am what I choose to become.

mujahid@irp.edu.pk Phone: +92 42 3584 6988

Chief Editor ZahidIftikhar

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Brief R&D News  Institute of Research Promotion organized various sessions with the industrial researchers to enhance the quality of production in various sectors of the economy. This discussion was quite encouraging and is hoped to be fruitful in the near future.  IRP and ShafiRESO team met with scientists of UET, KPK, PeshawarUniversity &University of Agriculture, Peshawar  IRP is looking for scientists for steel industry for refining smoke process and controlling dust in quartz lining refractory.  IRP got association of scientists in electrochemistry. Industry is requested to share technologies and potential electrochemical projects.  Researchers are invited to publish in International Journal of Innovative & Applied Finance(IJIAF) and can earn high value for innovative and applied research. You are welcome to publish any innovative and applied knowledge through peer reviewing process in IJIAF.  We are looking for scientists/students to recover Benzioc acid from residue of two distillation plants. A previous analysis indicates it contains 25% of benzoic acid. Sample is available in IRP office

Launching of New Journal Launched IRP has launched a new quarterly scholarly journal as Journal of BioMolecular Sciences (JBMS).The scope coversquick publication of original articles on all aspects of Life Sciences including Biology, Genetic, Botany, Bioethics, Medical, Veterinary and Agriculture Sciences. It aims to serve as a forum of life scientists and agriculture professionals. The researchers are invited to submit original papers in English (papers published elsewhere or under consideration elsewhere shall not be submitted. The journal is initiated by Dr. JameelKhatak of Kohat University For more information visit on http://publishpk.net/index.php/jbms

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Deep learning: top ten breakthrough technologies for 2013. Atif Masood. Research Scholar, University of Management and Technology The biggest thrill of working with a research firm is that you keep yourself in touch with innovative trends in the market. Last day I stepped into my office and found my CEO waiting passionately for me. He turned his tablet towards me and said, “Atif, I was waiting for you to show you something, something which can shape our future”. It was a speech of Mr. Jason Pontin, Chairman of MIT Enterprise Forum Global & Editor in Chief and Publisher, MIT Technology Review. The topic was “Ten breakthrough technologies for 2013. The seminar was held in Serena Hotel Islamabad. MIT Technology Review identifies the 10 most important technology milestones of the year. The compilation of annual list of 10 highly innovative Breakthrough is mind blowing. Today I am going to share with you one of the technologies that is called Deep Learning technology. Deep learning is machine’s ability to observe the patterns to pile the information to use for decision making or assessing future expected outcome. Mankind has been working on robots since long with no break through invention. Deep learning is a hot topic in research now a days. Researchers are hoping to bring fruit of past hardworking in the shape of machine leaning. It is a milestone to get the most out of artificial intelligence. Now this powerful machine learning is being use in image and speech recognition along with decoding natural language processing. Many of the companies such as Google, Facebook and Microsoft have capitalized on the concept for commercial use. The goal of deep learning is to develop a self learning mechanism build on huge data sets for complex interpretations. It is not about copying the brain rather it is about educating machines to sense and act contextually. Deep learning is a step ahead to gear up the artificial intelligence in machines. Google hired Ray Kurzweil as Director Engineering at the start of this year. Kurzweil is known as a living genius impacting present innovation arena. PBS calls him one of sixteen “Revolutionaries Who Made America” — an inventory that includes big names like Thomas Edison and Henry Ford. In an interview Kurzweil said that he is working on a project underpinning deep thinking search engine that can recognize human language for processing. In Android base cell phones, Google has started using this technology of voice controlled search, image recognition and Google translate. Ray Kurzweil surprised the participants in a seminar held in China. During the seminar the words spoken in English were being translated into Chinese language simultaneously with merely 7 percent of error. The hierarchical pattern of Google’s deep leaning is such that it detect the bottom most layer in the pixels of an image moving towards the upper layer to quantify the edges for reorganization. The logical process repeated in a sequence to detect the faces. The future of the Deep Learning is very bright. Its application is viable on all spheres and every segment of life, in war, in peace and from medical to engineering. Very soon you will find deep leaning technology on all computing machines.

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Invention and Innovation- What differentiates the two Aeysha Khalid. Research Associate, Sargodha Chamber of Commerce and Industry Invention is the "creation of a product or introduction of a process for the first time." Thomas Edison was an inventor who made bulb and inducted something new in the society. Inventors are similar to parents who enjoy making babies but threw their children once they begin to cry. In contrast, innovators are similar to parents who spend decades raising their children and ultimately get rewarded as years of nurturing results in mature, self-sustaining adults. Innovators seek the establishment of a value proposition that can be profitably delivered to customers. The inventors, scientists, explorers and academics seek to be first. Competitive, self-driven entrepreneurs have a natural ambition to be first. Few people remember the second man on the moon, the second person to fly an airplane or the second person to reach the North Pole but they always remember the first one who opened the new doors. However, sometimes in businesses, being first is disadvantageous. Inventors will often sacrifice financial success in exchange for being first. Innovators seek to be first when it represents a defensible, sustainable, competitive position. A fast strategy to execute something new requires patience and ego containment, but these two traits are rarely found in some startups. Ability to innovate on the path already taken by others is the key to successful innovation. Inventors often make a small fortune out of a big one, as they focus on discovering creative ideas breakthroughs regardless of the ultimate financial return. In addition they often do not have the proper skills or desires to turn novel ideas into self-sustaining enterprises. They often seek to design and build the best products, regardless of customer, non-product-oriented issues that contribute to a product’s ultimate success or failure. Clearly their best products often do not win. Because the choices of inventor include: (i) sell your inventions early, which will bring you nominal value, (ii) partner with someone who has innovator skills, (iii) risk losing it all by attempting to play the roles of both inventor and innovator. Few people are successful at both roles because each requires distinct skills and aptitudes. There are notable exceptions however, when people are simultaneously successful inventors and innovators. Such people are rarely found. Some famous names include Thomas Edison, the Wright Brothers and Alexander Graham Bell. The list of such gifted entrepreneurs is very short, which is why creating a balanced Core Team is vital in all aspects

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International Conference of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology concludes Prof. Dr. M. Waheed Akhtar. Chairman, Orgaising Committee The four-day international conference of biochemistry and molecular biology concluded yesterday at the Punjab University. The Conference was organized by Pakistan Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology and the theme of the conference was “Molecular Biosciences – Challenges and Opportunities”. During this conference rapid advances made in the field of biological sciences during the recent years were presented by renowned scientists from abroad and within the country. The conference was organised by Prof. M. Waheed Akhtar, Director, School of Biological Sciences, University of the Punjab, Lahore. Prof. Mujahid Kamran, Vice Chancellor, University of the Punjab inaugurated the conference on Monday 25th November, 2013. The inaugural session was followed by first plenary lecture by Prof. Muhammad Iqbal Chaudhry, Director, HEJ Institute of Chemistry, University of Karachi, Karachi. In the evening three concurrent session were held in the lecture theatres of Undergraduate Centre, Institute of Biochemistry and Biotechnology and Institute of Chemistry. Overall the deliberations of the conference included 5 plenary lectures, 12 invited talks and about one hundred oral presentations by young scientists, divided over 12 concurrent sessions. The conference program also included video lectures of scientists from India and Australia and about 140 poster presentations by younger scientists. The best oral presentation and best poster presentation from the younger scientists were awarded prizes. Altogether, over 500 scientists from UK, USA, India, Canada, Australia, Bangladesh and the universities and the relevant research institutions of Pakistan participated in this Conference. The smooth conduct of the wellplanned scientific program and the quality of research papers presented particularly by the young scientists would match any similar activity in the West. The highlight of the conference was the deliberations on the treatments of the high casualty diseases such as tuberculosis, malaria and diabetes, which will be of immense advantage particularly for the population of our region. Four Technologies for Industry by Technology Journal (Vol 1, No 1., 2014) This is the first issue of Technology Magazine. This issue includes summaries of five technologies from the theses of university graduates    

Production of Methyl Ethyl Ketone from Hydrocarbon Feedstock Production of Ethylene from Naphtha Production of Carbon Black from Scrap Tires Production of Biodiesel from Crude Jatropha Oil

Production of Synthetic Natural Gas by Underground Coal Gasification

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IRP brings Idea Puzzle® software for PhD students of Pakistan and Asia Region

IRP is official reseller and trainer of Idea Puzzle® software for Pakistan and Asia Region developed by Ricardo Morais and team. This application helps you design, plan, manage and defend your PhD thesis in a very effective way. The design strategy of thesis research through Idea Puzzle application brings you closer to actual design and thesis construction. If you use this application, your supervisor will be looking for you to award you MS/PhD degree.

Build your capacity in research and Join upcoming workshops Title: Managing Academic Thesis for M.Phil-PhD 

Duration: 2 Days (16 Hrs)

On-line/Webinar: Dates: January 17-18, 2014

On-site: Dates: January 10-11, 2014 | Location: Islamabad

Title: Mixed Method Research through SPSS & NVivo 

Duration: 2 Days (16 Hrs)

On-line/Webinar: Dates: February 01-02, 2014

On-site: Dates: February 07-08, 2014| Location: Lahore

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Participants of workshop on Qualitative Research through NVIVO in University of Lahore in December 2013 Shafi Reso backs innovation in leather industry. Shafi Reso Chemicals arranged meeting with scientists of Quaid e Azam University to share innovative processes of leather to improve the conventional practices of industry. Such innovations not only improve product quality but also reduce cost. They improve your image in export market. This is another step for healthy and safe environment. Dr. Abdul hameed along with other experts shared possibilities of value addition products from leather waste. The experts found that the industry can earn two folds by using leather waste. CEO of Shafi Reso Chemicals Mr. Abrar Ahmed ensured his support for industrial research & he appreciated the collaboration of Industry & education for benefit of upcoming generations and progress of Pakistan.

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Raise your Voice…Convey your Message to R&D world Influence R&D Policies and Practices

Write for R&D Voice – Monthly Magazine research@irp.edu.pk

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