Annual Report of Donors
Dear Alumni & Friends,
As I reflect on the 2021–2022 fiscal year, I feel immense pride, satisfaction, and gratitude for how our community reinvigorated itself after more than a year of pandemic restrictions.
We reunited for classes and intellectual collaborations, as well as for milestones like orientation, graduation, and reunion. Uplifting us all was a renewed appreciation for being together in person—by serendipity or design—to discuss and seek solutions to the urgent issues of our time.
In August 2021, more than 470 members of the J.D. Class of 2024— selected from the greatest number of applicants in the history of the Law School—arrived on campus for orientation. And we welcomed a record number of LL.M. students in the Class of 2022, coming to us from 58 countries. It was exhilarating to see them meet their classmates and faculty in person—their broad smiles apparent even behind masks.
After two years of remote ceremonies, we gathered in May beneath massive tents on the South Lawn of the Morningside campus to mark the graduation of more than 900 J.D., LL.M., J.S.D., and E.LL.M. candidates in the Class of 2022. A few days later, in a long-awaited moment, more than 325 members of the Classes of 2020 and 2021 returned to campus to hear their names read and cross a ceremonial stage.
While the Law School continues to send a greater percentage of graduates to the nation’s 100 largest law firms than any of our peer schools, we are also rapidly expanding programs for career development beyond
Uplifting us all was a renewed appreciation for being together in person—by serendipity or design.

the private sector. Our new Academic Scholars Program offers support for J.D. candidates with strong potential and ambition to become law professors. For students who plan to pursue careers in public interest, human rights, or government, the Public Interest/Public Service Fellows Program has been permanently endowed by a gift from Max Berger ’71 through the foundation he created with his wife, Dale. Another significant commitment, from Brad Smith ’84 and Kathy Surace-Smith ’84, provides sustainable funding for the Human Rights Clinic, which has been named in their honor. And a gift from Albert E. Cinelli ’55 established the Albert and Lois Cinelli Business Law Fund, which supports scholarships, learning opportunities, and faculty research in the area of business law.
Providing students with modern spaces to collaborate, study, and learn remains a priority. In January, we took full occupancy of William and June Warren Hall, which we used to share with Columbia Business School. The additional space includes eight new classrooms, 12 group study rooms, more than 100 study seats, and a multipurpose events space. We also reignited our ambitious plans to renovate the Law Library and are grateful to those who have pledged their support toward this project, including Alia Tutor ’00, whose transformative lead gift will help propel it forward.
relevant issues outside of the classroom setting. And the International Claims and Reparations Project will advise the government of Ukraine as it develops international law frameworks for the management of claims and reparations.
Our commitment to anti-racism within the Law School community and beyond continues apace. To support the work and help hold ourselves accountable for progress, we established the Anti-Racism Coordinating Committee (ARCC), which meets regularly and includes faculty, students, and senior administrators. The ARCC was instrumental in supporting the Columbia Clerkships Diversity Initiative and developing a framework for helping students of color overcome barriers to entering public interest careers. In addition, we selected a new cohort of Racial and Social Justice Fellows and awarded the first round of anti-racism grants, which provide financial and non-financial assistance to members of the Law School community who are pursuing projects that combat structural racism.
One of the most rewarding aspects of my job is working with our appointments committees to recruit new faculty colleagues—both entry-level and mid-career scholars—who are as passionate about teaching as they are about research, writing, and advocacy. In fiscal year 2022, we hired six new professors (seven more—and counting—started in fiscal year 2023). These hires allowed us to introduce two new law clinics: the Criminal Defense Clinic and the Science, Health, and Information Clinic.
Providing a range of opportunities for our students and faculty to respond to current events is essential to the Law School’s mission. Among several new programs, we created—with support from Columbia University President Lee C. Bollinger ’71—the Constitutional Democracy Initiative, which organized the “Democracy’s Future” seminars, and “Beyond the Casebook,” a new lunchtime series for faculty and 1Ls to discuss timely,
All of these innovations and initiatives bolster Columbia Law School’s preeminence as a place of scholarly excellence and inspired pedagogy. The generous support we receive every year from our alumni and friends is crucial and enables us to fortify our mission to foster excellence in research and teaching, to test new ideas, and to mentor a new generation of leaders. On behalf of our students and faculty, I thank you for your unwavering loyalty and faith in the future of the Law School. With your steadfast support and engagement, we will forever be a force in the world.
Best regards,
Gillian Lester Dean and Lucy G. Moses Professor of LawKATE ANDRIAS Patricia D. and R. Paul Yetter Professor of Law
A labor scholar and former associate counsel in the Obama White House, Kate Andrias writes and teaches on labor law, constitutional law, and questions of democracy and governance. Her scholarship probes the institutions, incentive structures, and regulations that govern the interactions between individuals and their workplaces. Drawing from constitutional law, administrative law, and legal history, she also has explored the relationship between law and the perpetuation of economic inequality. A former academic fellow at Columbia Law School and clerk for U.S. Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg ’59, Andrias taught for eight years at the University of Michigan Law School, where she was the recipient of its L. Hart Wright Award for Excellence in Teaching in 2016. In 2021, President Joe Biden named Andrias to a commission examining possible U.S. Supreme Court reform, for which she served as rapporteur.
AMBER BAYLOR CC ’02 Associate Clinical Professor of Law

Amber Baylor is the founding director of Columbia Law School’s Criminal Defense Clinic. Her clinical work and scholarship center on local criminal regulation and its impacts on communities targeted by intensive policing. Baylor has written about historic advocacy by women in prison, women and pretrial detention, and the impact of trauma from pretrial detention, and her work has been published in journals including the Washington University Law Review, New Mexico Law Review, and Michigan Journal of Gender & Law. She has directed law clinics at Texas A&M University School of Law and Widener University Delaware Law School. Before joining academia, Baylor worked as a trial attorney for Federal Defenders of San Diego and as a staff attorney for the Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem.
Faculty Focus
In fiscal year 2022 (which extends from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022), Columbia Law School welcomed six new faculty members, including two former academic fellows and two Columbia College alumni. Their expertise includes labor law and constitutional law as well as clinical leadership in criminal law and health care access. Their commitment to teaching and scholarship will enrich the educational experience of students and stimulate the intellectual life of the Law School.

of Law
A leading thinker on comparative constitutionalism who has a Ph.D. in political theory, Madhav Khosla has written extensively about the seminal role of the Indian Constitution in the evolution of democracy around the globe. His most recent book, India’s Founding Moment: The Constitution of a Most Surprising Democracy (Harvard University Press, 2020), was an Economist Best Book of 2020 and co-winner of the Order of the Coif Book Award 2021. Khosla studied at Yale Law School and the National Law School of India University, Bangalore; his political theory dissertation at Harvard University was awarded the Edward M. Chase Prize. Before joining Columbia Law School, he was a junior fellow at the Harvard Society of Fellows. Khosla’s writings have been published in the American Journal of Comparative Law, Harvard Law Review, and International Journal of Constitutional Law, as well as in popular forums such as The Atlantic, Foreign Affairs, and The New York Times.
MENANDAssociate Professor of Law
Lev Menand studies money and banking, central banking, administrative law, separation of powers, economic regulation, and the history of economic thought. A former senior adviser in the Treasury Department and an economist at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, Menand is a champion of reforming the monetary system, including banks, Wall Street, and the Federal Reserve. After clerking for Judge Jed S. Rakoff on the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York and Chief Judge Robert A. Katzmann on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit, Menand joined Columbia Law School’s Academic Fellows Program. His first book, The Fed Unbound: Central Banking in a Time of Crisis, was published in May 2022.
CHRISTOPHER MORTEN CC ’05 Associate Clinical Professor of Law

A lawyer with a Ph.D. in organic chemistry, Christopher Morten is the founding director of Columbia Law School’s Science, Health, and Information Clinic. An innovative voice in the areas of information privacy, health care access, and regulation of medical devices and clinical trials, Morten focuses his advocacy and scholarship on intellectual property, information governance, health justice, and science and technology. He joined the Law School from NYU School of Law, where Morten and his students in the Technology Law and Policy Clinic issued a report arguing that the U.S. government could use the prospect of possible patent infringement litigation to negotiate a new deal with pharmaceutical maker Moderna that expands global access to mRNA vaccines.
KERREL MURRAY Associate Professor of Law

Constitutional law scholar Kerrel Murray writes about race and antidiscrimination law and election law. His scholarship examines what democracy demands of our legal rules and institutions, as well as the role of law in mediating conflict and disagreement. He joined Columbia Law School after spending two years as an academic fellow at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Murray was a fellow at the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund and an associate in Covington & Burling’s Washington, D.C., office, where he focused on complex civil litigation. He clerked for Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson when she served on the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia and for Judge Timothy M. Tymkovich on the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 10th Circuit. Murray is currently on leave serving as a law clerk for now-U.S. Supreme Court Justice Jackson.

Connecting Our Community
Whether in person or on Zoom, alumni and friends supported the Law School, expanded their legal knowledge, nourished their intellect, and reconnected with faculty and one another at a range of panels, special events, and other gatherings. See a few highlights here, and explore more at
Seventh Annual Alumni of Color Event
Maya Wiley ’89 knows the significance of a Columbia Law School degree, and “it’s not the paper. It’s the leadership. It’s the analytic skills. It’s the advocacy, activism, the strategy, and the critical thinking, and the thinking about society,” she said. That’s “the most important thing to recognize about the law degree.”

to work with Mary Jo White ’74 and Jane Booth ’76, Wiley said she took the role because, “I wanted to know that I was the best litigator I could be. . . .
It was an opportunity to do just that: to improve my craft in a place that still did civil rights enforcement.”
The lesson for others? “Being open to opportunities to do what will serve the passion that may not have been in the plan,” she said.
Wiley, a 2021 candidate for New York City mayor, former legal commentator for MSNBC, and former NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund (LDF) lawyer, spoke to members of the Law School community at the seventh annual Alumni of Color event, held virtually on January 20, 2022.
In her introduction, Dean Lester said that Wiley “has public service in her DNA. . . .

We are bursting with pride that she’s a Columbian.”
Wiley was joined by Olivia Martinez ’23, chair of the Black Law Students Association, for a conversation about careers and the challenges of entering the field as a lawyer of color. “Be driven by your passion. Be driven by what you want to seek to do and what you want—for lack of a better word—your legacy to be. And the legacy isn’t about a single job,” Wiley said. For example, Wiley said she had never planned to leave her job at the LDF. But when offered a position with the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York,
Wiley empathized with students who will experience the difficulty and marginalization of being the only person of color or only woman in a professional setting—for instance, she described a time she appeared in court and a judge assumed she was a defendant, not a lawyer. She navigated those moments in two ways: “One . . . I had to be better. And I knew and understood I had to be better. And I knew and understood it was unfair. It wasn’t right. It was just true,” she said. “But the other thing is, I refused to be silent about it.”
As she looks to the future, Wiley is taking her own advice and staying open to opportunities. She doesn’t intend to run for office again, she said, but she knows never to say never: “For me, it’s always about where and how can I utilize my skills to serve my passion? My passion is equality, is democracy, and is ending poverty. And I think all those three things actually go together, and they cannot be done separately. So where I can best do that is where I will do it.”
Scenes from a year of Columbia Law events.
1, 2, 3: The Seventh Annual Alumni of Color event featured a keynote by Maya Wiley ’89 (1), who was introduced by Dean Lester (2) and joined by Olivia Martinez ’23, chair of the Black Law Students Association (3).
4: Judge Jack B. Weinstein ’48 was remembered as a leading authority on civil procedure and practice.

Remembering Jack B. Weinstein: Pioneer in Judging and Justice
On December 2, 2021, Judge Jack B. Weinstein ’48 was remembered for his empathy and humanity as a professor, mentor, and friend and hailed as a leading authority on civil procedure and practice. The online event, “Jack B. Weinstein: Pioneer in Judging and Justice,” was presented jointly by Columbia Law School and the Institute of Judicial Administration (IJA) at New York University School of Law.
Weinstein served as a full-time professor at Columbia Law School from 1952 to 1967, when he was appointed to the federal bench; he continued to teach Evidence at Columbia Law until 1998.
More than half of the speakers were Columbians, including William B. Bonvillian CC ’69, LAW ’74; Senior Judge Anita B. Brody ’58; Professor John C. Coffee Jr.; Samuel Estreicher ’75; Les Fagen ’74, lecturer in law; Tulsi E. Gaonkar ’12; Professor Bert Huang; Professor Olatunde C.A. Johnson; Judge Gerard E. Lynch CC ’72, LAW ’75, professor emeritus; David Noll, former associate in law; and Senior Judge Robert D. Sack ’63, adjunct professor.
Watch the full program:
When he stepped down from active service on the U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of New York in 2020 at age 98, Weinstein was the longest-serving federal judge in U.S. history (53 years). He died June 15, 2021, at 99.
Following opening remarks from Dean Lester and Trevor W. Morrison ’98, then-dean of NYU School of Law, 19 members of the legal community paid tribute to Weinstein. They discussed topics such as his leadership role in developing the federal rules of evidence, his innovations in court administration and integrating magistrate judges into the daily work of the district court, and his use of special masters to oversee complex class action settlements. The program concluded with personal remembrances from former clerks and students.
Alumni who graduated 50 or more years ago convened at a virtual Stone Circle event on October 6, 2021. The event began with a talk by Conrad L. Teitell ’57—principal; chair, charitable planning group at Cummings & Lockwood— titled “Taxes Schmaxes: We’re Still Alive and Kicking.” Professor Petros C. Mavroidis, co-author of China and the WTO: Why Multilateralism Still Matters, gave the keynote on “China and the World Trade Organization.”
The Stone Circle Luncheon originated as an informal group of alumni and special friends whose affiliation was established from 1910 to 1924, during the deanship of Harlan Fiske Stone. By 1974, the luncheons had become a popular annual event.

Part book club, part author event, the Harlan Fiske Stone (HFS) Society Faculty Book Series brings together alumni supporters and faculty authors for webinars featuring in-depth insights into recent writings by Columbia Law professors.
The popular online events last year included: Professor Philip Hamburger discussing his book Purchasing Submission: Conditions, Power, and Freedom; Professor John C. Coffee Jr. on Corporate Crime and Punishment: The Crisis of Underenforcement; and Professor Thomas W. Merrill on Lakefront: Public Trust and Private Rights in Chicago

Celebration Recognizes 2020 and 2021 Graduates
In a long-awaited moment, members of the Classes of 2020 and 2021 heard their names read as Columbia Law School graduates while they crossed a ceremonial stage to receive congratulations from Dean Lester. The in-person ceremony—held May 19, 2022, as part of Columbia University’s weeklong commencement activities—celebrated the two classes for which graduations were held virtually due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Dean Lester welcomed members of the classes, who processed into Levien Gymnasium wearing their velvet Law School caps (known as “tams”), applauded by a cheering audience of family and friends. The celebration continued with a reception on Ancell Plaza.
In her remarks, Dean Lester noted the uniqueness of the classes’ time at the Law School, as they experienced the suspension of in-person classes in the spring of 2020 and a year of virtual learning necessitated by the pandemic. She devoted special recognition to those who cared for ill family members while continuing their coursework, pro bono work, and extracurricular activities—all remotely.
Calling them “masters of adaptability, tenacious in the face of change,” she commended the graduates, saying, “None of you would be here today if you hadn’t persevered. I stand in awe of your fortitude.”
A Momentous Weekend: Reunion 22

On June 10 and 11, 2022, Columbia Law School alumni from around the globe returned to Morningside Heights for class celebrations, CLE panel discussions, and a conversation with Dean Lester. More than 800 alumni and guests from over 30 countries participated in Reunion 2022. Class members with graduation years ending in 2 and 7 attended a series of inperson and virtual social and intellectual events—from a gala cocktail party on Friday night and class dinners on Saturday to a robust schedule of panels both days featuring alumni, faculty, and students.
“I’m thrilled we’re all here and that we’re all together in one place, which is something that feels all the more sweet after a couple of years in which we haven’t been able to do this,” said Dean Lester.
One highlight of the weekend was Dean Lester’s conversation with Julie Sweet ’92, chair and CEO of Accenture, the Fortune 500 company specializing in information technology services and consulting. Sweet has been recognized as one of Fortune’s Most Powerful Women in Business and among the World’s 100 Most Powerful Women by Forbes. In 2010, after 17 years at Cravath, Swaine & Moore (10 of those years as a partner), Sweet switched careers, joining Accenture as general counsel— although the technology field was brand new to her. She said the Law School prepared her for the career pivot: “Columbia taught me how to be a disciplined learner.” Sweet rose in the ranks to become Accenture’s CEO in 2019 and added the title of chair in 2021.
“Whether you’re in corporate or litigation, you have to learn things rapidly,” said Sweet. “You have to be able to learn
In addition to the conversation between Sweet and Dean Lester, Reunion 2022 programming included CLE panels with Columbia Law faculty, alumni, and guest speakers; an opportunity to meet the editors in chief of Columbia Law School journals; and panel discussions on Columbia Law women in leadership and on how law and policy affect housing, race, and wealth gaps.
1: Julie Sweet ’92, chair and CEO of Accenture, spoke with Dean Gillian Lester during Reunion 22.

2, 4, 5: Members of classes with graduation years ending in 2 and 7 attended in-person social and intellectual events over the course of the weekend.
3: Popular CLE panels included “What Can the Law Do About Climate Change?” moderated by Professor Michael B. Gerrard.

aspect—you can’t just miss something. And then you have to be able to process that information and make decisions.”
Funding: Achievements and Successes
Thanks to the generosity of alumni and friends, Columbia Law School continues to build on its tradition of excellence in preparing students to be leaders in law and in our society.
provides 33% of the Law School’s income, supporting students, faculty, and academic life.
Columbia Law School provides 100% summer funding to students for public interest or government summer internships. From July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022, 402 students worked with 216 organizations across the country and abroad.
aid award was $36,000 in 2022, up 125% from 2014. 5:1 student-tofaculty
Class of 2022 exceeded the 40-hour pro bono requirement, with the graduating class completing a total of 31,636 hours
23 new faculty hires from January 2015 to January 2023. 98% of the Law School’s first-time test takers passed the New York Bar Exam in July 2021. 98% of the Law School’s Class of 2021 secured jobs within 10 months of graduation.
Ranked No. 1 for the ninth straight year on the list of Go-To Law Schools for sending the highest percentage of graduates to the largest 100 firms. 71 clerkships obtained by the Class of 2022 and 52 clerkships obtained by alumni. 14
More than 62% of incoming students receive financial aid, up from 49% in 2015.
Fulbright Scholars
in the LL.M. Class of 2022.
of the
of pro bono service.
The American Review of International Arbitration
Columbia Business Law Review
Columbia Human Rights Law Review
Columbia Journal of Asian Law
Columbia Journal of Environmental Law
Columbia Journal of European Law Columbia Journal of Gender and Law
Columbia Journal of Law and Social Problems
The Columbia Journal of Law & the Arts
Columbia Journal of Race and Law
Columbia Journal of Tax Law
Columbia Journal of Transnational Law
Columbia Law Review
The Columbia Science and Technology Law
Albanian, American Sign Language, Arabic (multiple dialects), Aramaic, Armenian, Bahasa Indonesia, Belarusian, Bengali, Cantonese, Catalan, Chinese, Classical Chinese, Croatian, Czech, Dagbani, Dutch, English, Farsi/Persian, Finnish, French, Ga, German, Greek (classical/ancient and modern), Gujarati, Hausa, Hebrew (biblical and modern), Hindi, Italian, Japanese, Kannada, Ki’che’ Maya, Korean, Latin, Malayalam, Malinke, Mandarin, Marathi, Middle English, Neapolitan, Old English, Polish, Portuguese, Punjabi, Romanian, Russian, Sanskrit, Somali, Spanish, Swahili, Swedish, Taiwanese, Tamil, Telugu, Thai, Tigrinya, Towa/Jemez, Turkish, Twi, Urdu, Vietnamese, Yiddish, Yoruba, Zuni
Arts and Entertainment Law
Bronx Defenders on Holistic Defense
Civil Litigation: Employment Criminal Appeals
Criminal Prosecution: District Attorney’s Office, Manhattan/Brooklyn
Domestic Violence Prosecution
Federal Appellate Court
Federal Court Clerk: EDNY, SDNY
Federal Government: Semester in Washington, D.C.
Federal Prosecution: DNJ, EDNY, SDNY Immigration Defense In-House Counsel
Knight First Amendment Institute Law, Power, and Social Change
Neighborhood Defender Service of Harlem Community Defense
New York Attorney General’s Office: Social and Environmental Justice Pro Bono Scholars
Representing NYC: New York City Law Department Trusts, Wills, and Estate Planning
Community Advocacy Lab
Criminal Defense
Entrepreneurship and Community Development
Immigrants’ Rights Lawyering in the Digital Age Mediation Science, Health, and Information
Smith Family Human Rights
Financial Overview
Our budget is carefully managed and, thanks to your support, Columbia Law thrives.
This annual report not only celebrates the many accomplishments of Columbia Law School during the past year, but also you, our alumni and friends, whose generosity helps make our successes possible.
And your generosity has made history. You have contributed to achieving a fundraising record: $55 million in a single fiscal year, propelling us to more than $325 million raised during our five-year Campaign for Columbia Law.
The campaign’s impact extends to every corner of the Law School. Your gifts have funded faculty recruitment and research, established student scholarships, supported clinics and centers, and bolstered the Annual Fund. And you have helped launch one of the largest capital investments in the Law School’s history: the complete reimagining of our Law Library.
You give in many ways through gifts and pledges of all sizes and kinds: endowments, bequests, reunion class gifts, special-project support, annual giving, and much more.
And you volunteer your time and share your expertise by mentoring students and young alumni; serving as guest speakers and instructors; sitting on boards, councils, and committees; attending special events around the globe; and networking with alumni and students through Columbia LawLink (
Your philanthropy and engagement honor your memories of campus. You help shape the Law School’s academic and community life, ensuring that the pivotal experiences you enjoyed here are possible for today’s—and tomorrow’s—students.
I hope this report brings you a sense of pride for all you are helping to accomplish. It is my privilege and pleasure to celebrate and support the Law School alongside you. Thank you.
Sincerely, Ryan D. Cairns
You make it all possible.
Leadership Councils
Leaders, liaisons, visionaries, donors, mentors, and advisers: Our thanks to the following individuals, on whom we rely for counsel and support. Our success is bolstered by your stewardship and your position as ambassadors for Columbia Law School.
July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022

Gary S. Davis, 1980
Alison S. Ressler, 1983
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972
Timothy J. Alvino, 1981
Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969
Raymond J. Baer, 1986, LL.M. Richard A. Barasch, 1979
Max W. Berger, 1971
Roland W. Betts, 1978
Vineet Bhatia, 1990
Katherine M. Bristor, 1980
Stephen H. Case, 1968
Albert E. Cinelli, 1955
Anne E. Cohen, 1985
Bruce L. Davis, 1979
Steven B. Epstein, 1968
Paul J. Evanson, 1966
Charles Fabrikant, 1968
Stephen Friedman, 1962 Elizabeth Glazer, 1986
Gary F. Goldring, 1982
Ira A. Greenstein, 1985
David J. Greenwald, 1983
Evelyn Langlieb Greer, 1973
Rex S. Heinke, 1975
Mel M. Immergut, 1971
Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977
James P. Kreindler, 1980
Andrew J. Levander, 1977
Robert L. Lieff, 1961
Stephen S. Madsen, 1980
Ira M. Millstein, 1949
George M. Newcombe, 1975
Jay H. Newman, 1976
Harold S. Novikoff, 1975
Michael E. Patterson, 1967
David A. Preiser, 1982
Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975
Richard Paul Richman, 1972
Thomas S. Rogers, 1979
Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969
Robert J. Rosen, 1972
Steven M. Schatz, 1972
Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973
Joseph C. Shenker, 1980
Edward Soto, 1978
Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982
Howard Todd Stitzer, 1978
Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984
Alia Tutor, 2000
Uday Krishna Veeraraghavan, 2002
Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr., 1973
Susan C. Waltman, 1977
Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997
R. Paul Yetter, 1983
Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977
L. Howard Adams, 1979
Marlene Alva, 1974
Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977
Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982
David A. Barrett, 1974
Mark A. Belnick, 1971
J. Frederick Berg, Jr., 1969
Daniel L. Berger, 1979
Steven E. Bizar, 1988
Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984
Lanny A. Breuer, 1985
Laura W. Brill, 1994
Douglas D. Broadwater, 1969
The Hon. Anita Blumstein Brody, 1958
Robert E. Buckholz, 1979
Kenneth A. Caruso, 1977
Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977
Robert G. DeLaMater, 1984
Richard K. Elbaum, 1993
Leslie G. Fagen, 1974
Robert C. Fleder, 1973
Allen R. Friedman, 1983
Eduardo Gallardo, 1999
Jonathan D. Gifford, 2005
Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990
Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005
Michael R. Griffinger, 1964
Peter C. Hein, 1975
Gregory P. Ho, 1977
Adriene L. Holder, 1991
Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993
The Hon. Roderick L. Ireland, 1969
Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986
Young-Cheol Jeong, 1986
Gregory L. Johnson, 1972
Robert J. Jossen, 1972
Jason Jurgens, 1999
Mark N. Kaplan, 1953
Robert N. Kaplan, 1964
John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976
Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977
Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991
Mahmood Khimji, 1984
Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000
David A. Kurzweil, 1997
Harvey Kurzweil, 1969
Jay P. Lefkowitz, 1987
Raymond Y. Lin, 1984
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964
Rohit Manocha, 1983
Annette L. Nazareth, 1981
Daniel A. Neff, 1977
Joseph E. Neuhaus, 1982
Daniel A. Ottensoser, 1996
Ravi Purohit, 2003
Abrielle Rosenthal, 1999
The Hon. Robert D. Sack, 1963
Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991
Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979
Joshua Irwin Schiller, 2008
Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991
Minna Schrag, 1975
James Schreiber, 1968
Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998
Samuel Whitney Seymour, 1982
Emily C. Sharko, 2000
Max Rees Shulman, 1970
Rebecca J. Simmons, 1991
Po Y. Sit, 1988
Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981
Judith Reinhardt Thoyer, 1965
Michael H. Ullmann, 1983
Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., 1983
Alan B. Vickery, 1983
Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986
Thomas W. White, 1978
Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987
Scott R. Yagoda, 1992
Shuji Yanase, 1972, LL.M. Eric M. Zachs, 1985
The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff, 1971 HARLAN FISKE STONE
Josh I. Schiller, 2008
Susan C. Waltman, 1977
Geraldine B. Acuna, 1999
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972
Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969
Matthew L. Amsterdam, 2013
Steven E. Bizar, 1988
Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005
Evelyn Langlieb Greer, 1973
Michael R. Griffinger, 1964
Jeffrey A. Hovden, 1993
Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993
Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986
John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976
Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000
James P. Kreindler, 1980
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964
Stephen S. Madsen, 1980
Laurie Magid, 1985
Douglas J. McClintock, 1975
Frank L. Politano, 1974
Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975
Connie A. Rodriguez, 1985
Kathrin Schwesinger, 2009
Laura Yacovone Toma, 1987
Michael H. Ullmann, 1983
Alan Borden Vickery, 1983
Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986
Nandini Khaitan, 2011, LL.M.
Randall A. Mackey, 1975
Jessica A. Morton, 2007
Asha I. Muldro, 2002
Andrea Lee Negroni, 1982
LaRue L. Robinson, 2009
Jason P. Wiesenfeld, 1998
Steven M. Abramowitz, 1990
Sheila Ruby Adams, 2011
Matthew Lemle Amsterdam, 2013
Lawrence S. Blumberg, 1973
Marian L. Brancaccio, 1992
Courtney Browne, 2009
Susanne Vikoren Clark, 1996
Wesley C. Dias, 1977
Rodman K. Forter, Jr., 2006
Michael Garrett, 1969
Fatimah A. Gilliam, 2001
Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990
Elizabeth Ruth GonzalezSussman, 2004
Timothy J. Alvino, 1981
Michael P. Beys, 1999
Frances E. Bivens, 1992
Barbara Klein Eisenberg, 1970
Philip Allen Lacovara, 1966
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964
Laurie Magid, 1985
Christian Moretti, 2001, LL.M. John M. Olivieri, 1994
Nicholas R. Williams, 1988
J.D. Annual Fund Co-Chairs
Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969
Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977
Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984
Recent J.D. Annual Fund Co-Chairs Michael Bogner, 2005
President Rudy Carmenaty, 1990
First Vice President G. Wade Leak, 1989
Secretary Yen D. Chu, 1997
Laurel S. Fensterstock, 2012
Vice Presidents
Frank D. Aronson, 1972
Francisco Javier Blavi, 2015, LL.M.
Adam Jeffrey Brunk, 2013
Iris S. Chen, 2001
Karl A. Cole-Frieman, 1997
Ronald D. Holman II, 1986 Elise Slosberg Holtzman, 1990
Nicholas A. Gravante, Jr., 1985
Leonard H. Hersh, 1987
Patrice P. Jean, 2002
Kathy M. Jordan, 1990
Jason Jurgens, 1999
Michael B. Kaplan, 1998
Victoria J. Kehoe, 2013, LL.M.
Barbara C. North, 1977
Delphine Park O’Rourke, 2001
The Hon. Kimberly E. Parker, 1997
Adam R. Pulver, 2008
Ancris Munoz Ramdhanie, 2004
Anne Elizabeth Robinson, 1994
Connie A. Rodriguez, 1985
Zoe Elizabeth Shea, 2011
Seth B. Weinberg, 1998
Philip R. Weingold, 1985
Alice F. Yurke, 1987
John Saroff, 2004
LL.M. Annual Fund Co-Chairs
Alexandra Lauvaux, 2000, LL.M
Christian Moretti, 2001, LL.M
Leadership Donors
1 Anonymous Donor
Carnegie Corporation
Albert E. Cinelli, 1955 ♣
Estate of Marie L. Garibaldi
Estate of William S. Beinecke
Adam B. Fisher, 1998 ♣
Reuben Mark ♣★
Microsoft Corporation
Ira M. Millstein, 1949 ♣ David Nierenberg ♣★
Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
Alison S. Ressler, 1983 & Richard S. Ressler, 1983 ♣★ River Star Foundation ★
5 Anonymous Donors
Al Salam Bank Bahrain BSC Booth Ferris Foundation
John Buoymaster ♣
Thomas J. Edelman ♣
Estate of Lucy G. Moses
George A. Kellner, 1967 ♣ Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 ♣★
Andrew J. Levander, 1977 ♣ Stephen Mandel, Jr. ♣ New Jersey
Conservation Foundation
Miriam K. Hunt ♣
Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 ♣★
Frances E. Bivens, 1992 & The Hon. Kenneth M. Karas, 1991 ♣★ Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 & Igor Kirman, 1996 ♣★ Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology
David A. Kurzweil, 1997 ♣★ Rashida K. La Lande, 1998 ♣ Marguerite Lenfest ♣
Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ♣★
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake, 1977 & Francis S. Blake, 1976 ♣
Margery S. Bronster, 1982
Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣★
Richard B. Covey, 1955 ♣★
James H. De Meules, 1970 ♣★
Duke University
Ingrid Gould Ellen ♣
Columbia Law School enjoyed yet another successful year of support, with 3,720 donors committing $55.5 million in Fiscal Year 2021–2022, including a record-breaking $7.2 million for our Annual Fund. You continue to make so much possible, including student scholarships and fellowships, support for faculty, and a broad array of courses and clinics, as well as enhancements to our campus and learning environment. Thank you.
Thomas E. Rothman, 1980 ♣ S. K. Yee Foundation
Alia Tutor, 2000
Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation
1 Anonymous Donor
Peter C. Canellos, 1967 ♣★
Estate of Mordecai Rochlin
Paul J. Evanson, 1966 ♣★
Eduardo Gallardo, 1999 ♣★
Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 ♣★
James E. Millstein, 1982 ♣★
Open Society Foundations

The Ford Foundation
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 ♣ Michael H. Ullmann, 1983 ★ Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Moez M. Kaba, 2005 & Bjorn R. Lundberg, 2005, LL.M. ♣ J. Mark McWatters, 2002, LL.M. Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation
Jerold B. Neuman, 1987
Ocean Visions Inc. Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991 ♣★
Estate of Jean S. Harper
Bruce W. Greer, 1973 & Evelyn Langlieb Greer, 1973 ♣★
Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 ♣★
Eve A. Konstan, 1992 ♣★
Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 ♣★
Richard N. Matties, 1966 ♣★
Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 & William G. Montgomery, 1986 ♣
4 Anonymous Donors
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 ♣★ Judith Aranow ♣ Michael H. Barnett, 1972 ♣★ Stephen K. Bone, 1972 ♣ David E. Boundy, 1997 ★ Charina Endowment Fund, Inc. EcoLog, Ltd.
EinStrong Foundation Environmental Defense Fund
This section recognizes new commitments to the Law School from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 ♣★
Michael T. Esquivel, 2000 ♣ Estate of Louis Hering Vicki Aranow Feiner ♣ Alix Jill Goldschmidt
Lisa G. Goldschmidt
Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt, 1967 & Maya D. Goldschmidt, 1971 ♣★ High Tide Foundation Gregory P. Ho, 1977 ♣★ William L. Hudson, 1977 ♣★
William D. Savitt, 1997 ♣★ Steven M. Schatz, 1972 ♣★ Alfred Shapiro ♣ Dianne B. Stern ♣
David E. Stiepleman, 1997 ♣ Sy Syms Foundation Teachers College, Columbia University The Libra Foundation The New York Community Trust Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ♣★
Susan C. Waltman, 1977 ♣★ Erica Goldschmidt
Weinberger, 1999 Thomas W. White, 1978 ♣★ Michael W. Wolitzer, 1989 ♣★
Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 ♣★ Wai Man Patrick Yip, 2021, LL.M. ♣
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu
Natural Resources Defense Council
Andrew J. Nussbaum
Thomas S. Rogers, 1979 ♣
Ted Ruthizer, 1972 ♣★
Kevin S. Schwartz ♣
The Shubert Foundation, Inc. Yan Wang, 2004 ♣
Michael S. Weiss, 1991 ♣
Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987 ♣★
Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998 ♣★
Jack Yoskowitz, 1992 ♣★
The Harlan Fiske Stone Society
To the following alumni and friends who contributed to Columbia Law School at the level of the Harlan Fiske Stone Society during the 2021–2022 Fiscal Year, thank you. You are leaders in the Law School community, and your generous support underscores your commitment to the future excellence of our institution.
This section recognizes gifts received from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
$100,000 AND UP
9 Anonymous Donors
Judith Aranow
Richard A. Barasch, 1979
Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ★
Max W. Berger, 1971 ★
Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 ★
Jon Leonard Christianson, 1988 & Wei Sun Christianson, 1989
Albert E. Cinelli, 1955
Gary S. Davis, 1980 ★
Thomas J. Edelman
Paul J. Evanson, 1966 ★
Vicki Aranow Feiner
Adam B. Fisher, 1998
Stephen Friedman, 1962
Jane Harriet Goldman
Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 ★
David J. Greenwald, 1983 ★ Miriam K. Hunt
Moez M. Kaba, 2005 & Bjorn R. Lundberg, 2005, LL.M. Jorge Paulo Lemann Marguerite Lenfest

Andrew J. Levander, 1977
Li Lu, 1995 ★
Stephen Mandel, Jr. Reuben Mark ★
Yuto Matsumura, 2002, LL.M. Christina McInerney ★
Ira M. Millstein, 1949
James E. Millstein, 1982 ★
David Nierenberg ★
Alison S. Ressler, 1983 & Richard S. Ressler, 1983 ★
Thomas E. Rothman, 1980
Joseph Ryan, 1967
Pam H. Schneider, 1976 & Milton Schneider
Alfred Shapiro
Po Y. Sit, 1988 ★
Bradford L. Smith, 1984 & Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 ★
Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982
Timothy A. Steinert, 1989 Dianne B. Stern
Marcy Syms
Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ★ Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 ★
Lisa Klein Wager, 1983
Yan Wang, 2004
Alan G. Weiler, 1958 ★ Michael S. Weiss, 1991 Harvey J. Wolkoff, 1975 Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998 ★ DEAN’S CIRCLE $25,000–$49,999
1 Anonymous Donor
Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ★
Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake, 1977 & Francis S. Blake, 1976
Jay R. Bloom, 1981
John Buoymaster
Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ★
Richard B. Covey, 1955 ★
Barrie B. Covit, 1998
Ingrid Gould Ellen Michael T. Esquivel, 2000
Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 & William G. Montgomery, 1986
Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt, 1967 & Maya D. Goldschmidt, 1971 ★
Bruce W. Greer, 1973 & Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 ★
Paul C. Hilal, 1991
The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., 1976
George A. Kellner, 1967
Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 ★
Melanie Klein, 1999
Raymond Y. Lin, 1984 ★
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 ★
Thomas S. Rogers, 1979
Bruce E. Rosenblum, 1980 ★
Kenneth L. Stein, 1962
Marc I. Stern, 1969 & Eva Stern ★ Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr., 1973 ★
1 Anonymous Donor
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 ★ Timothy J. Alvino, 1981 ★ John J. Armstrong III, 1987 & Sara George Armstrong, 1988 ★ Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 & Adrienne Petite Auerbach ★ Edward J. Balleisen
Michael H. Barnett, 1972 ★ Deborah E. Beckmann Kotzubei, 1994 & Jacob Tadgh Kotzubei, 1994
Steven E. Bizar, 1988 & Lisa E. Brody, 1988 ★
Peter H. Blessing, 1977
Richard W. Breithaupt, 1965
Stephen L. Buchman, 1962 ★ William R. Bush, 1971 ★
Charles C. Cahn, Jr. ★ Stephen H. Case, 1968 ★
Frances S. Cohen, 1980
Sara M. Darehshori, 1993 & Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 ★ Carol Turobiner Finley, 1986 ★ David H. Schmidt, 1979 & Margaret M. Foran
Andrew J. Frackman, 1981 ★
William S. Friedman, 1970 ★ Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 ★ Gerry H. Goldsholle, 1964 ★ Gary F. Goldring, 1982 ★
Robert M. Grace, Jr., 1972 ★
Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 ★
Roger Hertog ★
David E. Kahan, 2000 ★
Frances E. Bivens, 1992 & The Hon. Kenneth M. Karas, 1991 ★
Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991 ★
David A. Kurzweil, 1997 ★
Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 ★
G. Wade Leak, 1989 ★
Gregory D. Lee, 1990, LL.M. & Amanda Moretti, 1991
Jonathan M. Moses, 1996 & Abigail Young Moses, 1996 ★
George M. Newcombe, 1975 ★
Harold S. Novikoff, 1975 ★
Abby D. Pratt
Ravi Purohit, 2003
Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 ★
Elizabeth G. Riley
Robert J. Rosen, 1972 ★
Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991 ★
Steven M. Schatz, 1972 ★
Michael J. Schmidtberger, 1985 ★
The Hon. Robert S. Smith, 1968 ★ Sina Toussi, 1994 ★
Andrew J. Tunick, 1967
Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986 ★
Susan C. Waltman, 1977 ★
S. Robson Walton, 1969 ★
Chun Wei, 1984, LL.M. ★
Ella Betsy Wong, 1992
Jessie Woolley-Wilson
L. Howard Adams, 1979 ★
Tom A. Alberg, 1965 ▲★
Marlene Alva, 1974 ★
Lori A. Alvino McGill, 2003
Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969 ★
Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977 & Carol Angiolillo, 1977 ★
Eleanor S. Applewhaite, 1962 ★
Rosemary E. Armstrong, 1979 ★
Teresa Bryce Bazemore, 1984
Mark A. Belnick, 1971 ★
Rodman W. Benedict, 1977 ★
J. Frederick Berg, Jr., 1969 ★
Andrew A. Bernstein, 1987 ★
Michael I. Bernstein, 1962 ★
Susan J. Bevan
Rupal J. Bhansali
John A. Bick, 1983 ★
Lawrence S. Blumberg, 1973 ★
Stephen K. Bone, 1972
Robert L. Book, 1969 ★
David K. Boston, 1991 ★
Craig A. Bowman, 1992
Patricia A. Brooks, 1966 ★
Nicholas D. S. Brumm, 1992, LL.M. ★
William R. Burke, 2002 ★
Peter Buscemi, 1976 ★
Peter C. Canellos, 1967 ★ Russell L. Carson ★
Nia J.C. Castelly, 2000
Alicia M. Castilla, 1982 & Mark E. Zelek, 1982 ★
An Ken Chen, 1996 ★
Sheila Cheston, 1984
Jung-Ryul Chun, 2000
The Hon. U. W. Clemon, 1968 ★
Nancy Cornelius
Howard E. Cox, Jr., 1967
Donald R. Crawshaw, 1983, LL.M. ★
Alice T. Valder Curran, 1992
Richard J. Daly
Debra A. Dandeneau, 1986 ★
Christopher P. Davis
James H. De Meules, 1970 ★
Robert G. DeLaMater, 1984 ★
Katharine Bates Desai, 1966
Determan Balk Family Foundation ★
John F. Duane, 1978 ★
Harold S. H. Edgar, 1967 ★
Mitchell S. Eitel, 1987
Richard K. Elbaum, 1993 ★ Dan A. Emmett ★
Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 ★
Linda A. Fairstein
Philip N. Feder, 1979 ★
Charlotte Moses Fischman, 1967 Adam Fliss
Merritt B. Fox
Edward G. Freitag, 1972 ★
Lawrence N. Friedland, 1949 ★ Brian P. Friedman, 1980
Susan C. Frunzi, 1983 ★
Zhigeng David Fu, 1998, LL.M. Sonia Galindo
Eduardo Gallardo, 1999 ★ Mark Gallogly
George M. Garfunkel, 1963 ★
Uri Geiger, 1996, LL.M. Peter A. Georgescu ★
Jonathan D. Gifford, 2005 ★ Ellen C. Goldschmidt ▲★
Barry L. Goldstein, 1970 Jose Francisco Gouvea Vieira, 1978, LL.M. Richard E. Graves III, 1978 ★ Jesse J. Greene, Jr., 1975 ★ William A. Groll, 1983 ★ James Grosfeld, 1962 Keir Gumbs
Leonard L. Gumport, 1976
John H. Hall, 1969 ★
Peter C. Harvey, 1982 ★
Peter C. Hein, 1975 ★
Robert M. Heller, 1966 ★ Christine Hikawa, 1976 ★
Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 ★
Jeffrey D. Hochberg, 1995
The Hon. Richard J. Holwell, 1970 ★ William L. Hudson, 1977 ★ David G. Hume, 1972
Fraser L. Hunter, Jr., 1992
Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 Mel M. Immergut, 1971 Hiroyuki Ishizuka, 1997, LL.M. Mark M. Jaffe, 1965
Jason Jurgens, 1999 ★ Seth J. Kalvert, 1995 Adam J. Kansler, 1993 ★ Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 ★ Robert N. Kaplan, 1964 ★ Jeffrey Louis Kateman, 1992 & Nam Yon Kim, 1992 ★ Lilit Kazangyan, 2010 ★ Robert S. Kelner, 1971 ★ John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976 ★ Eve A. Konstan, 1992 ★ Jeffrey B. Korn, 2000 ★ Rakhi Kumar Rashida K. La Lande, 1998 Laurin L. Laderoute, Jr., 1966 ★ Maria Elena Lagomasino Gillian Lester & Eric Talley ★ Arnold J. Levine, 1962 ★ Susan E. Liautaud, 1989 ★ Robert L. Lieff, 1961 Debra Carlascio Lienhardt, 1993 Malvina Camejo Longoria, 1984 Stanley Lubman, 1958 Stephen R. Lynch, 1978 ★ Christina C. Ma, 2012 ★ Janice M. Mac Avoy, 1988 ★
George W. Madison, 1980
The Hon. Kerrie E. Maloney Laytin, 1997 ★
S. Sidney Mandel, 1962 ★
Robert D. Marcus, 1990 ★
Richard N. Matties, 1966 ★
Robert B. Mazur, 1973 ★
W. Gage McAfee, 1968
Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 ★
Douglas H. McCorkindale, 1964 ★
Gailon McGowen, 1986 & Lorraine S. McGowen, 1986
Kathleen Danchuk McKeithen, 1975 & R. L. Smith
McKeithen, 1971
John M. Millkey, 1972
Lester S. Morse, Jr.
The Hon. Peter H. Moulton, 1986 ★
Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 ★
Daniel A. Neff, 1977 ★
Jerold B. Neuman, 1987
Stuart M. Nierenberg, 1972
Barbara G. Novick
Ellen J. Odoner
Leslie Patel & Sanjay Patel
Perry L. Pe, 1991, LL.M.
John R. Peracchio, 1985 ★
Chad D. Perry, 1997
Teresa A. Pesce, 1987 ★
Bruce Eben Pindyck, 1970 & Mary Ellen Pindyck, 1973 ★
Frank L. Politano, 1974 ★
Mark Preisinger
Laura S. Pruitt, 1987
John E. Riley, 1973
Edgar G. Rios, Jr., 1977
Robert D. Rosenbaum, 1968 ★
The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg, 1975
Abrielle Rosenthal, 1999 ★
Joshua S. Rubenstein, 1979
Nancy L. Sanborn, 1991 ★
Thomas G. Saunders
Irving Scher, 1962 ★
Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 ★
Joshua Irwin Schiller, 2008
Joseph W. Schmidt, 1975 ★
Jill E. Schurtz, 1996
Kevin S. Schwartz
Renee Gerstler Schwartz, 1955 ★
Victor E. Schwartz, 1965
Helen S. Scott, 1977 ★
Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998 ★
Daniel L. Serota, 2001 ★
Samuel Whitney Seymour, 1982
James M. Shadek
Monica R. Shah, 2005 ★
Andrew J. Shapiro, 1994 ★
Lori Sokol
Matthew Solum, 1999 ★
Andrew Sommers, 1994 ★
Patricia Walsh Sovern
Delia B. Spitzer, 1982 ★
Pamela Case Stanger, 1987
David E. Stiepleman, 1997
Kimberlee H. Streiff, 2002 & Mathieu B. Streiff, 2002
Arun Srinivas Subramanian, 2004
Christopher K. Tahbaz, 1990 ★
Pawan Tewari
Stella Ferguson Thayer, 1965 ★
Judith Reinhardt Thoyer, 1965 ★
Amanda L. Tyler
Athmaram Vasudevan, 1997, LL.M.
Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., 1983 ★
Alan B. Vickery, 1983 & Christine M. Jorquera Vickery, 1984 ★
Jeffrey Howard Wechselblatt, 1998
Thomas Wertheimer, 1963 ★
Lee E. Wexler
Timothy J. White, 1989 ★
Lowell C. Williams, 1972
Michael W. Wolitzer, 1989 ★
Laura M. Yacovone Toma, 1987 ★
Jun Yang, 1989
Mark L. Yecies, 1974 ★
Wai Man Patrick Yip, 2021, LL.M.
Jack Yoskowitz, 1992 ★
Eric M. Zachs, 1985
The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff, 1971 ★
Yeping Zhou, 2006 ★
Lori Iannotti Zyskowski, 1996 ★
Steven A. Cohen, 1991 ★
Lloyd E. Constantine, 1972 ★
S. Todd Crider, 1991 ★
The Hon. Charlotte E. Davidson, 1997
George A. Davidson, 1967 ★
The Hon. Gray Davis, 1967 ★ Stephen M. Davis, 1979 ★ Wesley C. Dias, 1977 ★
1 Anonymous Donor
Kevin T. Abikoff, 1988
Raanan A. Agus, 1993
Maripat Alpuche, 1990
Andrea F. Andrezo, 2003, LL.M.
Robert L. Barrows, 1973 ★
Edwin M. Baum, 1984 ★
John E. Baumgardner, Jr., 1975 ★
Christopher D. Belelieu, 2006 ★
Andrew P. Bell, 1992
Jane Cohen Bergner, 1967 ★
Charles G. Berry, 1977 ★
Nicola J. Bird, 1997 & Seth D. Weisberg, 1997
Cathy Birkeland
Ian Boczko, 2000 ★
Paul Bork, 1974 ★
Richard S. Brach, 1972
Marian L. Brancaccio, 1992 ★
Douglas D. Broadwater, 1969 ★
James L. Bromley, 1989 ★
Steven H. Brose, 1972 ★
Robert E. Buckholz, 1979
Karessa Lin Cain, 2004 ★
Margaret B. Carter
Julie A. Caskey, 1992
Paul A. Castanon, 1983
Christopher J. Clark, 1996 & Susanne Vikoren Clark, 1996
Anne E. Cohen, 1985 ★
William P. Dickey, 1973 ★ Stephen R. DiPrima, 1995 ★ YiLong Du, 2002
Carlos Egea, 2006, LL.M.
Pamela Lawrence Endreny, 1994 ★ Nelson O. Fitts, 1999 ★ James P. Flynn, 2005
Janet Foutty
Allen R. Friedman, 1983 & Rachel R. Friedman, 1985 ★ Eugene S. Friedman, 1964
Elizabeth Shea Fries, 1989
Victor Fungkong, 1990, LL.M. ★ Ellen V. Futter, 1974 ★
Jose Manuel Garcia Represa, 2003, LL.M. ★
Judith A. Gelb, 1958
Ana Genender O’Brien, 1996 ★ James P. Gerkis, 1983 ★
Ben M. Germana, 1991 ★ J. Mark Gidley, 1986 ★ Roberto S. Goizueta John A. Golden, 1969 ★ Geoffrey B. Goldman, 1996 ★ Elaine P. Golin, 1996 ★ Edward E. Gonzalez, 1979 ★ Henry Gorelick, 1958 ★
Catherine A. Green, 1993 ★
Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld, 1984 ★ G. William Haas, 1974
Robert D. Hadl, 1962 ★
Laura Rosen Hallett, 2004 Marian Halley, 1967 Li Han, 2005
York Chi Lau Harder, 1986
Warren H. Heilbronner, 1957 ★
The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein, 1956 ★
Timothy Y. Hia, 2003 ★
The Hon. Eric L. Hirschhorn, 1968
Gregory P. Ho, 1977 ★
Elise Slosberg Holtzman, 1990 & Robert N. Holtzman, 1992 ★
Jeffrey A. Hovden, 1993 ★
Mark D. Hunsaker, 1993 ★
Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986 ★
Christian A. Iwasko, 2004
Barry S. Jaynes, 1968 ★
Patrice P. Jean, 2002 ★
Ralph N. Johanson, Jr., 1966 ★
Robert J. Jossen, 1972 ★
Ellen Oran Kaden, 1977 ★
Carol Green Kaplan, 1962 ★
Mark N. Kaplan, 1953 ★
Matthew E. Kaplan, 1996
Catherine M. Karatzas, 1988, LL.M. Bruce M. Kauderer, 1972 ★
Daniel G. Kelly, Jr., 1976 ★
Katherine R. Kelly, 2001
Sarah M. Kernochan
Richard K. Kim, 1986 ★
Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 & Igor Kirman, 1996 ★
William E. Kovacic, 1978 ★
Carl S. Kravitz, 1980
Brian Krisberg, 1984
Lewis Kruger, 1959 ★
Amy L. Kyle, 1983 ★
Christopher Lacovara, 2012
Carolyn Guber Langelier, 1987 ★
The Hon. Christopher C. Larkin, 1980 ★
Robert L. Laufer, 1963 ★
Burton Lehman, 1965 ★
Jenna Elisabeth Levine, 2008 ★
James S. Liebman ★
Lowell S. Lifschultz, 1971
John M. Liftin, 1967 ★
Emily R. Livingston, 1972 ★
Kevin L. MacMillan, 2000 ★
Joseph S. Magnano, 1979 ★
Paolo Marzano, 1997, LL.M. ★ Douglas K. Mayer, 1986 ★
Eugene P. Mazzaro, 1999 ★
Tracey McCain, 1992
Justin K. McCarthy, 1953
Amisha Mody Mehta, 1998
Steven R. Meier, 1998 ★
Deborah Jones Merritt, 1980
Eduardo G. Mestre
Warren Motley, 1989 ★
William C. Mutterperl, 1971
Gary P. Naftalis, 1967 ★
Jennifer S. Nam, 2008 ★
David S. Neill, 1984 ★
Mark A. Nelson, 1986 ★
Joseph E. Neuhaus, 1982 ★
Michael C. Neus, 1987 ★
Fredric S. Newman, 1970 ★
Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990, LL.M. ★
Sarah C. Osborn, 1991 ★
Gregory E. Ostling, 1998 ★
Jane W. Parver, 1972 ★
Alison R. Pavia, 1986
Noah B. Perlman, 1997 ★
Edward F. Petrosky, Jr., 1987
Denise L. Pieck, 1997
Stanley Porter
Julio J. Ramos, 1995
Marcelo Lamy Rego, 1999, LL.M.
Elizabeth J. Reza, 1997
Brian D. Robbins, 1988
Anne Elizabeth Robinson, 1994
Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ★
David E. Ross, 1995 ★
Matthew David Russman, 1992
Stuart M. Saft, 1971
Caroline Sandberg, 2006, LL.M.
Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979
& Bruno M. Santonocito ★
Viktor Sapezhnikov, 2009 ★
William D. Savitt, 1997 ★
Michael L. Schler
Kathrin Schwesinger, 2009 ★
Patricia A. Seith, 1998 ★
Richard C. Seltzer, 1968
Nina L. Shaw, 1979 ★
Joseph C. Shenker, 1980 & Nina O. Shenker, 1982 ★
John S. Siffert, 1972 ★
Rebecca J. Simmons, 1991 ★
Robert H. Smit, 1986
Charles E. Smith, 1995 ★
Arnold R. Sollar, 1955
Edward Soto, 1978 ★
Rosemary Spaziani, 2006
Robert J. Spinna, Jr., 1989 ★
Brian M. Stadler, 1990 ★
Jamie B. W. Stecher, 1977 ★
William R. Stein, 1977 ★
Conrad L. Teitell, 1957 ★
Frederick A. Terry, Jr., 1956
Wendi Hoeben
Thompson, 2000, LL.M. ★
David B. Toscano, 1992
Patricia A. Vlahakis, 1981 ★
Ian D. Volner, 1965
Violetta Guberman Watson, 2006
Richard D. Weinberg, 1972 ★
Mary Jo White, 1974
Thomas W. White, 1978 ★
Jo-Ann H. Whitehorn, 1972 ★
Theresa J. Whitmarsh
Carolyn Seely Wiener, 1976 ★
Jason P. Wiesenfeld, 1998 ★
Sarah K. Williamson
Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 ★
Jonathan H. Yellen, 1992
Meryl L. Young, 1980
John M. Zizzo, 1972 ★
Daniel L. Ackman, 1988
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982 ★
Trevor T. Adler, 2007 ★
Lee A. Adlerstein, 1972
Ross D. Ain, 1971 ★
Jennifer A. Altman, 1993 & Maurice F. Edelson, 1993 ★
Luciana Aquino-Hagedorn, 2000, LL.M. ★
Craig F. Arcella, 1998 ★
Erika Aronson Stern, 1998 ★
Kenneth A. & Patricia S. August
Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982 ★
Joseph A. Barbosa, 1960 ★
Steven L. Baumohl, 1972
Nikolay P. Bebov, 2007, LL.M. ★
Martin H. Belsky, 1968 ★
Mary C. Bennett, 1979 ★
Daniel B. Berkson, 1952 ★
Charles Douglas Bethill, 1974 ★
Sharon Rita Bilar Goldfarb, 2007
Jonathan G. Blattmachr, 1970
The Hon. Antony J. Blinken, 1988 ★
Richard L. Blumenthal, 1963 ★
Jared B. Bobrow, 1986 ★
William Bocra, Jr., 2003
Donald L. Borod, 1972 ★
Jodi B. Brenner, 1987
Catherine L. Bridge, 1975 & John B. Bridge, 1975 ★
Allen H. Brill, 1968 ★
Russell A. Broome, 1970 ★
Caroline Brown
Rebecca Rader Brown, 2009 ★
James E. Brumm, 1968
Richard A. Cantlin, 1972 ★
Edward H. Cantor, 1964
Valerie Casey, 1979 ★
Marianne M. Chao, 1995, LL.M. ★
Joe Chartoff, 1968 ★
Cheng Chen, 2012 ★
Iris S. Chen, 2001 ★
Jiang Chen, 2010, LL.M. ★
Ronald L. Cheng, 1988 ★
Adam Jeremy Chill, 1992
Elaine M. Chiu, 1994
Christina E. Clayton, 1972 & Stanley M. Kolber, 1959
Paul H. Cohen, 1998 & Elisabeth Adams Mason, 1998 ★
Susan S. Cole, 1962
Adrian A. Colley, 1964 ★
J. Barclay Collins II, 1969
Laura Pula Cook, 1981 ★
John M. Costigan, 1967 ★
The Hon. Denise Cote, 1975
Christopher G. Cross, 1996
Jennifer Bancroft DaSilva, 1990 ★
Richard J. Davis, 1969 ★
Stephen B. Davis, 1988 Bert H. Deixler, 1976 ★
Kurt E. DeSoto, 1984 ★
Brett Dignam & Michael J. Graetz ★
Andrew R. Dominus, 1991 ★ James P. Druckman, 1972 James M. Dubin, 1974 ★ W. Leslie Duffy, 1964 ★
William B. Duffy III, 1992 P. Benjamin Duke, 1993 ★ Mark R. Eaton, 1975
Charles A. Ehren, Jr., 1956 ★
David Patrick Eich, 1992
Charles R. Ennis, 1957
Samuel Estreicher, 1975 ★
Christopher K. Fargo, 2006
Jon D. Farkas, 2005 ★
Suzanne P. Fawbush, 1986 ★ Guilherme R. Ferreira, 2004, LL.M. ★
Ralph Finerman, 1959
Bradley Lewis Finkelstein, 1996
Amy Orange Finzi, 1999 ★
Michael A. Fiorella, 1977 ★
Jonathan M. Frankel ★
Carol Garfiel Freeman, 1961
Robert H. Freilich, 1975, J.S.D. Carl Frischling, 1962 ★
James G. Gallagher, 1983 ★ Lee White Galvis, 1992 ★
The Hon. Nicholas G. Garaufis, 1974
The Hon. Robert E. Gerber, 1970 Stephen G. Givant, 1984 ★ Stephan J. Goetz, 1989, LL.M. Jeffrey B. Golden, 1978 ★
Robert J. Goldman, 1977 ★ Samuel Goldman, 1972 ★ David B. Goroff, 1985 ★ David Z. Gringer, 2008
Peter Gruenberger, 1961 ★ Pallavi R. Guniganti, 2007 Bruce A. Gutenplan, 1985 ★ Richard E. Gutman, 1968 ★
Jason A. Haim, 2001 ★ Jamila M. Hall McKnight, 2003 ★ Arthur M. Handler, 1960 ★ Karen S. Handler, 1994 Rose Gill Hearn ★ David W. Heleniak, 1974 ★ Andrew Michael Herman, 1995 Paul R. Herman, 1961 Leonard H. Hersh, 1987 John A. Hinman, 1974 ★ Lawrence A. Horn, 1974 ★ James H. Hunter IV, 1987 Steven J. Hyman, 1965 ★ Ugochukwu A. Ike, 2006 ★ Hiroko Imamura, 1986 ★ Gregory A. Jacobs, 1977 ★ Mark A. Jacoby, 1966 ★ John C. Jenkins, 1969
Young-Cheol Jeong, 1986
The Hon. Herman N. Johnson, Jr., 1999 ★
Dana Wallach Jones, 2002 ★
Marc Jonathan Jones, 2000
Roger P. Joseph, 1976 ★
Hilary K. Josephs
William Josephson, 1955 ★
Mark S. Kahan, 1972 ★
Peter D. Karol, 1990
Marc H. Katz, 1993 ★
Katherine S. Kendrick, 1986
Shazia Khawaja, 1991 ★
Walter T. Killmer, Jr., 1986 ★
Matthew R. Kipp, 1989 ★
Jennifer L. Klein, 1990 ★
Peter Martin Klein, 1962
Robert I. Kleinberg, 1961
Kenneth F. Koen, 1987 ★
Morris L. Kramer, 1960 ★
Mark J. Kronman, 1959 ★
Robert S. Lackner, 1987 ★
Richard J. Lampen, 1978 ★
James K. Langdon II, 1984
Donald L. Laufer, 1957 ★
Alexandra Lauvaux, 2000, LL.M. ★ Felix E. Leatherwood III, 1980 ★
Jeong Mee Lee, 2010
Kenneth S. Leonetti, 1993 ★
Lauren Kleinberg Levy, 2002 ★
Carol B. Liebman & Lance Liebman ★
Robert M. Linn, 1985 ★
Michael L. Lipman, 1971 ★
David Lopez, 1966
David J. Lowe, 1982 ★
Abbe D. Lowell, 1977 ★
Simon C. M. Luk, 1978 ★
Dale W. Lum, 1982
Yun Ma, 2005, LL.M. ★
Randall A. Mackey, 1975 ★
Grant Richard Mainland, 2007
Leah LaPorte Malone, 2008 ★
Alexandra T. Manbeck, 1990
The Hon. James E. Massey, 1968 ★
Haywood E. McDuffie, 1981
Michael T. Medford, 1976 ★
Kenneth E. Meister, 1976 ★
Richard A. Mescon, 1972
Jay J. Miller, 1955 ★
Lawrence R. Miller, 1992 & Nicole Polley Miller, 1993 ★
The Hon. Lindsey MillerLerman, 1973 ★
Reza K. MojtabaeeZamani, 2009 ★
Hee-Jung Shin Moon, 1991
Ana Cristina de Moraes, 1999, LL.M.
Christian Moretti, 2001, LL.M. ★
Mark C. Morril, 1972 ★
Anthony L. Morrison, 1987
Rene V. Murai, 1969 ★
Jean M. Murphy ★
Daniel T. Murray, 1969 ★
Sunanda Nair-Bidkar, 2001, LL.M. ★
Arthur V. Nealon, 1972
Norman R. Nelson, 1969 ★
Andrea Newborn, 1987
John M. Olivieri, 1994 ★
Clarence W. Olmstead, Jr., 1968 ★
Leonard B. Pack, 1969 ★
John R. Parks, 1977
Robert E. Peduzzi, 1966
Mohan V. Phansalkar, 1987 ★
Sara E. Podrasky, 1993
Stuart E. Pollack, 1998 ★
William B. Pollard III, 1973 ★
Robert S. Rachofsky, 1985
Stephen A. Radin, 1983 ★
Martin S. Rapaport, 1965
Stuart M. Riback, 1984 ★
Cynthia D. Richards, 1994 ★
Philip Richter, 1994 ★
Patrick G. Rideout, 2007
Laurance Rockefeller, 1974 ★
James F. Rogers, 1979 ★
Mark A. Roppel, 1990, LL.M. ★
Robert M. Rosh, 1991 ★
Thomas W. Rowland, 1975
James N. Rudolph, 1963 ★
Ted Ruthizer, 1972 ★
Lawrence Rutkowski, 1978 ★
A. Thomas S. Safford, 1962 ★
Matthew A. Schroth, 2018
Elizabeth S. Scott & Robert E. Scott ★
Karen Scowcroft, 1983 ★
Alan D. Seem, 1996
Karen B. Shaer, 1984 ★
Pritesh P. Shah, 2008 ★
William A. Shirley, 1986 ★
James A. Skarzynski, 1977 ★ R. Evan Smith, 1966
Sebastian R. Sperber, 1988 ★
Nicholas J. Spiliotes, 1985 ★
Henry H. Steiner, 1950 ★
Jill E. Strawbridge, 1987 ★
John P. Stuart
Fumihide Sugimoto, 1993, LL.M. Michael E. Swartz, 1990 ★
Alex Sztuden, 1996 ★
Stephen A. Talesnick, 1973 ★
Paul C. Tang, 1977 ★
Scott M. Theobald, 1987
Kirk K. Tong, 1997
Thomas G. Travis, 1972
Marian A. Tse, 1979 ★
Jonathan K. Tycko, 1992
Peter C. Valente, 1965
Donald E. Vaughan, 1983 ★
Jonathan Mark Wagner, 1983 ★
Miriam Wahrman Frieden, 1987 ★
Jinlong Wang, 1988 ★
Charles S. Warren, 1965 ★
Irwin H. Warren, 1974 ★
Robert A. Wayne, 1963
Edward L. Weidenfeld, 1968
Philip R. Weingold, 1985 ★ Kathryn Gillespie Wellman, 2013 ★
David B. Wescoe, 1979 ★ James B. White, 1965 ★ Michael S. Wien, 1978 ★ Ransom C. Wilson, 1981
Joanne Witty, 1978
Eric D. Wolkoff, 2010 ★
Barbara Lupucy Wood, 1987
William R. Wright, 1990
Connie Guang-Hwa Yang, 1992 Alice F. Yurke, 1987 ★
June L. Yuson, 1981 ★
Albert Zakarian, 1965 ★
Sanford H. Zatcoff, 1973 ★ Yan Zhang, 2004 Michael I. Zinder, 1978 ★
Joanna Diane Caytas, 2017 ★
Olivia R. Coates, 2021
Christopher Stone Cogburn, 2013 Jeffrey W. Coyle, 2016 Guy Deillon, 2018, LL.M. ★ Lan Deng, 2015, LL.M. ★ Kelsey Victoria Dennison, 2020
Kyle M. Diamond, 2017 ★
Swift Sedgwick Osborne Edgar, 2013 ★
Malcolm F. Evans, 2018
Murtuza Federal, 2015, LL.M. ★
Allison M. Fijolek, 2018 ★
Kailey Breanne Flanagan, 2018
Gian Luca Galeotti, 2013, LL.M. Caitlin E. Giaimo, 2013
Joseph Tait Goldschmid, 2013 Remy K. Grosbard, 2017
Farah Haidar, 2015, LL.M. Katharine Rose Haigh, 2017, LL.M. ★
Alon Benjamin Harish, 2016 Daniel Jacob Harper, 2020
James Michael Lyons, 2013 ★
Avni Piyush Mehta, 2016
Maxim A. Miroff, 2019
Samuel Cooper Nadler, 2018
Rebecca Marie Nocharli, 2018 ★
Paul A. Nolle III, 2017 ★
Kyung Ho Paik, 2017 Jae Woo Park, 2016
Wonsuk Brian Park, 2016
Joseph Samuel Payne, 2013
Sarah Antonia Perez, 2020
Thanit Pichetpongsa, 2017, LL.M.
David P. Lefebvre, 2014 & Antonieta Michelle Pimienta, 2014 ★
David M. Pucino, 2015
Jessica L. Pyle, 2016, LL.M.
Anthony Rocco Raduazo, 2018
Cesar Riviere, 2018
Charles C. See, 2020
Jacob A. Shapiro, 2018
Henri Simonet, 2018, LL.M. ★
Katherine Carey Stephens, 2015
Pauline Abijaoude, 2018 Zila R. Acosta-Grimes, 2015 ★ Zimra Payvand Ahdout, 2013 Matthew Lemle Amsterdam, 2013 ★
Michael James Barry, 2013 ★ Sean M. Berens, 2013 E. Madison Berg, 2019
Christa Lynn Bieker, 2014
Brittany A. Brady, 2021 Elizabeth N. Brandt, 2018 ★
John Michael Briggs, 2013 ★
Donald J. Butterworth, 2020 Iliria Camaj, 2019
Michael H. Cassel, 2016 ★
Courtney Danielle Hauck, 2021 Adrienne Yin Lam Ho, 2017, LL.M. Le-Chia Hsu, 2014, LL.M. Terry Tianrui Huang, 2020 Yuliang Huang, 2018
Scott K. Hvidt, 2015 ★
Antonia Rachel Elizabeth Hyman, 2018 ★
Ivo Jenik, 2013, LL.M. Grant Lawrence Johnson, 2018 Joon Hwan Kim, 2017 YoonJong Evan Kim, 2018
David D. Korvin, 2013
Jason Mathew Lebowitz, 2016 ★
Eunyoung Lee, 2014, LL.M.
Susan M. Lindsay, 2018 Yiming Liu, 2013
Jessica Ann Lutkenhaus, 2014
Nicholas G. Stringfellow, 2017
Yujin Suga, 2016, LL.M. Ximeng Tang, 2017 ★ George N. Tepe, 2017 ★ Fabiola Urdaneta, 2019
Laurance Browning VanMeter, Jr., 2015 ★
Patrick R. Waldrop, 2019
Annette Isabelle Weber, 2018, LL.M.
Randall C. Weber-Levine, 2018 Albert Wong, 2019
Natalie Sing Yee Wong, 2015 ★
Lucas Wozny, 2018
Lisa X. Xia, 2018
Mona X. Xia, 2015
Sergei Zhukov, 2017, LL.M.
raised to date to renovate and reimagine the Law Library Renovation will increase seating capacity by up to 70%
Lead Gift Paves Way for Reimagined Library
A $17.5 million gift from the family foundation of Alia Tutor ’00—the largest single commitment in the history of the Law School—will help support the design and construction of the Law Library renovation. The library will undergo an unprecedented transformation and, once completed, be renamed the Alia Tutor Law Library in recognition of her generosity. Tutor’s gift serves as a strong foundation for the funds the Law School aims to raise for the project.
Human Rights Clinic Endowed
The newly named Smith Family Human Rights Clinic will expand its work around the world, thanks to a $5 million gift from Brad Smith ’84 and Kathy Surace-Smith ’84. The Smiths made a separate $1.25 million commitment to the clinic in 2017.
New Fund Supports Business Law
It is hard to believe that it has been five years since we kicked off The Campaign for Columbia Law, in October 2017. And what a thrill it is for us to thank you—fellow alumni and friends—for your tremendous generosity. Together, we have propelled the campaign well beyond its $300 million goal—setting a new fundraising record for the Law School along the way.
From the beginning, this collective effort has celebrated the many ways Columbia Law School has been a force in the world. From private law to public service, from global business to the academy, Columbians have, for more than 160 years, made groundbreaking contributions not only to the law but also to the whole of society, inspiring each new generation of students and future leaders.
In these pages, you will see just how much can be accomplished when we come together to give back to Columbia Law, a place that helped us prepare for successful and purposeful careers and lives. Support for student financial aid, faculty, clinical education, and the Annual Fund— our gifts, of all sizes and types, have made a transformative impact.
Since the start of the campaign, we have helped to fund 104 new scholarships, recruit 23 diverse and exceptional faculty members, establish 12 endowed professorships, create six new clinics, and so much more.
One of the largest capital investments in the institution’s history
A $5 million gift from Albert E. Cinelli ’55 will establish the Albert and Lois Cinelli Business Law Fund to support scholarships, learning opportunities, and faculty research in the area of business law. Cinelli contributed $3 million in 2005 to establish the Albert E. Cinelli Enterprise Chair.
Gift Endows PI/PS Fellows Program
Of course, our engagement with the Law School continues beyond the campaign. Our support is still needed. Increasing financial aid to attract and empower outstanding students remains a high priority. In the coming year—catalyzed by a transformative lead gift from Alia Tutor ’00— we aim to reimagine and renovate the Law Library in what will be one of the largest capital investments in the Law School’s history. This once-ina-lifetime undertaking provides a unique opportunity to deepen our Law School legacy for the benefit of students for years to come.
Columbia Law School’s tradition of leadership, excellence, and innovation is stronger than ever thanks to you.
Sincerely, Alison S. Ressler ’83 Brad Smith ’84 Kathy Surace-Smith ’84

A $3.3 million commitment from the Dale and Max Berger Family Foundation includes $3 million to endow the PI/PS Fellows Program and $300,000 for program support. Max Berger ’71 and his firm have contributed over $6.6 million in support of public interest students, graduates, and programming.

It is with great appreciation that the Law School acknowledges the generosity of our donors, listed here, who have made commitments of $100,000 or more to The Campaign for Columbia Law as of October 31, 2022.
1 Anonymous Donor
The Jerome L. Greene Foundation, Inc.
Alia Tutor, 2000
$5 MILLION–$9,999,999
Albert E. Cinelli, 1955 ♣
Jane Harriet Goldman ♣ and Benjamin H. Lewis, MD
Reuben Mark ♣★
Open Society Foundations
Michael A. Pucker, 1988 & Gigi Pritzker Pucker ♣
Alison S. Ressler, 1983 & Richard S. Ressler, 1983 ♣★
Bradford L. Smith, 1984 & Kathryn Surace-Smith, 1984 ♣★
$2.5 MILLION–$4,999,999
1 Anonymous Donor
Max W. Berger, 1971 ♣★
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Carnegie Corporation
Estate of Marie L. Garibaldi
Estate of Theobald H. Engelhardt
Estate of William S. Beinecke
Adam B. Fisher, 1998 ♣
Stephen Friedman, 1962 ♣
David J. Greenwald, 1983 ♣★
Ira M. Millstein, 1949 ♣
James E. Millstein, 1982 ♣★
David Nierenberg ♣★
Peter and Carmen Lucia
Buck Foundation
River Star Foundation
S. K. Yee Foundation
Dale A. Schreiber, 1965
Paul J. Siegel, 1967
Timothy A. Steinert, 1989 ♣
The Ford Foundation
V-Nee Yeh, 1984
$1 MILLION–$2,499,999
6 Anonymous Donors
Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ♣★
William R. Bush, 1971 ♣★
Peter C. Canellos, 1967 ♣★
Gary S. Davis, 1980 ♣★
Estate of Calvin B. Sewall
Estate of Lucy G. Moses Charles Fabrikant, 1968
Blair C. Fensterstock, 1975 ▲
David F. Freedman, 1985
Elizabeth Glazer, 1986 & William G. Montgomery, 1986 ♣
Paul M. Goldschmid, 2005 ♣★
Mitchell R. Hankin, 1974
Herbert & Nell Singer Foundation
Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967 ♣★
Jorge Paulo Lemann ♣
Thomas E. Rothman, 1980 ♣
Joseph Ryan, 1967 ♣
Joan Scobey
David J. Stern, 1966 ▲
Dianne B. Stern ♣
The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Walton Family Foundation, Inc.
S. Robson Walton, 1969 ♣★
Timothy Tingkang Xia, 1997 ♣★
2 Anonymous Donors
Richard A. Barasch, 1979 ♣
Gail S. Berney, 1978 ★
Roland W. Betts, 1978
Jay R. Bloom, 1981 ♣
Bloomberg Philanthropies Booth Ferris Foundation
Stephanie R. Breslow, 1984 ♣★
Jon Leonard Christianson, 1988 & Wei Sun Christianson, 1989 ♣ ClimateWorks Foundation
Charles J. Egan, Jr., 1959
Estate of Harold Marsh, Jr. Estate of Jean S. Harper Estate of John T.C. Low Estate of Mordecai Rochlin Estate of Richard S. Lombard Paul J. Evanson, 1966 ♣★
Eduardo Gallardo, 1999 ♣★ German Society for International Cooperation Carolyn M. Heft, 1966 ★
George A. Kellner, 1967 ♣
Korea Institute of Ocean Science and Technology Kresge Foundation
Leonard A. Lauder Laura and John Arnold Foundation Andrew J. Levander, 1977 ♣
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 ♣★ Li Lu, 1995 ♣★
Stephen Mandel, Jr. ♣
Thomas Aquinas Martin, 1992 Douglas J. McClintock, 1975 ♣★ Sheila Merolla
Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation New Jersey Conservation Foundation
Oak Philanthropy (UK) Limited
Thomas J. Reid, 1987, LL.M. Richard Paul Richman, 1972
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Bruce E. Rosenblum, 1980 ♣★
Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 ♣★
Pam H. Schneider, 1976 & Milton Schneider ♣ Po Y. Sit, 1988 ♣★
Stanley H. Durwood Foundation
Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982 ♣
Marc I. Stern, 1969 & Eva Stern ♣★
The Libra Foundation
Howard L. Wolk, 1990 ★
$250,000–$499,999 4 Anonymous Donors
Annette A. Anthony, 1989 Arcus Foundation
Reed D. Auerbach, 1985 & Adrienne Petite Auerbach ♣★
Frances E. Bivens, 1992 & The Hon. Kenneth M. Karas, 1991 ♣★
Natalia Bulgari
John Buoymaster ♣
Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣★
Stephen H. Case, 1968 ♣★
Charina Endowment Fund, Inc. An Ken Chen, 1996 ♣★
Richard B. Covey, 1955 ♣★
Barrie B. Covit, 1998 ♣
Thomas J. Edelman ♣
Estate of Alexander W. Tomei Estate of David D. Bender Evelyn & Walter Haas, Jr. Fund
Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 ♣★
William S. Friedman, 1970 ♣★ Mary Tait Goldschmid
Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt, 1967 & Maya D. Goldschmidt, 1971 ♣★ Carolyn B. Greenspan, 1985 & Marshall S. Ruben, 1985 William W. Harsh
Peter C. Hein, 1975 ♣★
Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. Roger Hertog ♣★
High Tide Foundation
Paul C. Hilal, 1991 ♣
John D. & Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Jeffrey L. Kessler, 1977 ♣★
Lenore R. Kreitman, 1976
Lauren B. Leichtman, 1982, LL.M. & Arthur E. Levine, 1982
H.F. Lenfest, 1958 ▲
Charles Xiaojia Li, 1991
Robert L. Lieff, 1961 ♣
Raymond Y. Lin, 1984 ♣★
Stanley Lubman, 1958 ♣ Yuto Matsumura 2002, LL.M. ♣
Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 ♣★
Jerold B. Neuman, 1987 ♣★
George M. Newcombe, 1975 ♣★
Harold S. Novikoff, 1975 ♣★
Michael E. Patterson, 1967
Robert E. Rubin
Bianca Russo, 1984 ★
Kurt N. Schacht
Steven M. Schatz, 1972 ♣★
Michael J. Schmidtberger, 1985 ♣★
Smith Richardson Foundation
Kenneth L. Stein, 1962 ♣
Paul C. Tang, 1977 ♣★
The A.D. Philanthropic Fund, Inc.
The New York Community Trust
The NoVo Foundation
The Shubert Foundation, Inc.
Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981 ♣★
Andrew J. Tunick, 1967 ♣
Michael H. Ullmann, 1983 ★
Donald E. Vaughan, 1983 ♣★
Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr., 1973 ♣★
Jonathan L. Walcoff, 1986 ♣★
Susan C. Waltman, 1977 ♣★
Chun Wei 1984, LL.M. ♣★
Alan G. Weiler, 1958 ♣★
Wellspring Philanthropic Fund
Michael W. Wolitzer, 1989 ♣★
Harvey J. Wolkoff, 1975 ♣
Anthony A. Yoseloff, 1998 ♣★
6 Anonymous Donors
3C Foundation
Geraldine B. Acuna-Sunshine, 1999
L. Howard Adams, 1979 ♣★
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972 ♣★
African American Policy Forum
Alki Fund
Marlene Alva, 1974 ♣★
Timothy J. Alvino, 1981 ♣★
Cyrus A. Ansary, 1958
Judith Aranow ♣
John J. Armstrong III, 1987 &
Sara George Armstrong, 1988 ♣★
Raymond J. Baer, 1986, LL.M.
Michael H. Barnett, 1972 ♣★
James M. Bartos, 1978
Deborah E. Beckmann
Kotzubei, 1994 & Jacob
Tadgh Kotzubei, 1994 ♣
Mark A. Belnick, 1971 ♣★
J. Frederick Berg, Jr., 1969 ♣★
Michael I. Bernstein, 1962 ♣★
Vineet Bhatia, 1990 ♣★
Steven E. Bizar, 1988 & Lisa E. Brody, 1988 ♣★
Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake, 1977 & Francis S. Blake, 1976 ♣
Gregory R. Blatt, 1995
David Bohnett
Stephen K. Bone, 1972 ♣
Robert L. Book, 1969 ♣★
David K. Boston, 1991 ♣★
David E. Boundy, 1997 ★
Nicolas Bourtin, 1996 ♣★
Richard W. Breithaupt, 1965 ♣
James L. Broadhead, 1963
Stephen L. Buchman, 1962 ♣★
Robert E. Buckholz, 1979 ♣
Peter Buscemi, 1976 ♣★
Charles C. Cahn, Jr. ♣★
Alain C. Carrier, 1993, LL.M. & Babett S. Carrier, 1993, LL.M.
Russell L. Carson ♣★
Centerbridge Foundation Fund
Charles & Lynn Schusterman Family Foundation
Deborah Strauss Cogut, 1980
Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977
Charles J. Conroy, 1978
Kevin J. Conway, 1983
Sara M. Darehshori, 1993 & Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969 ♣★
George A. Davidson, 1967 ♣★
James H. De Meules, 1970 ♣★
Determan Balk Family Foundation ♣★
Duke University
R. Randle Edwards
EinStrong Foundation
David P. Eisman, 1995
Dan A. Emmett ♣★
Environmental Defense Fund
Michael T. Esquivel, 2000 ♣
Estate of Arnold D. Burk
Estate of Barbara G. Hering
Estate of Gene P. Schultz
Estate of Grace P. Shackleford
Estate of Howard E. Crouch
Estate of Jerome Sherman
Estate of Lambert C. Thom
Estate of Louis Hering Vicki Aranow Feiner ♣
Ralph Finerman, 1959 ♣
Carol Turobiner Finley, 1986 ♣★
Susan C. Frunzi, 1983 ♣★
George M. Garfunkel, 1963 ♣★
J. Mark Gidley, 1986 ♣★
John A. Golden, 1969 ♣★
Bruce H. Goldfarb, 1990 ♣★
Gary F. Goldring, 1982 ♣★
Alix Jill Goldschmidt
Lisa G. Goldschmidt
Gerry H. Goldsholle, 1964 ♣★
Thomas D. Gommes, 2002
Robert M. Grace, Jr., 1972 ♣★
Ira A. Greenstein, 1985
Bruce W. Greer, 1973 & Evelyn L. Greer, 1973 ♣★
Michael R. Griffinger, 1964 ♣★
Felix T. Grossman, 1959
Leonard L. Gumport, 1976 ♣
Geoffrey Gund & Sarah G. Gund
Joan T. Guth
John H. Hall, 1969 ♣★
Hong J. Han
Rex S. Heinke, 1975 & The Hon. Margaret A. Nagle, 1975 ★
Stephen P. Hickey, 1987
Richard J. Hiegel, 1962 ▲
Gregory P. Ho, 1977 ♣★
The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., 1976 ♣ Won-Pyo Hong William L. Hudson, 1977 ♣★
Miriam K. Hunt ♣
Matthew H. Hurlock, 1993 ♣
Investor Responsibility Research Center Institute
John S. and James L. Knight Foundation
Peter G. Joseph Ruth Joseph
Jason Jurgens, 1999 ♣★
Moez M. Kaba, 2005 & Bjorn R. Lundberg, 2005, LL.M. ♣
David E. Kahan, 2000 ♣★ Cathy M. Kaplan, 1977 ♣★
Robert N. Kaplan, 1964 ♣★
Mojdeh L. Khaghan, 1991 ♣
Richard K. Kim, 1986 ♣★
Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 & Igor Kirman, 1996 ♣★
Eve A. Konstan, 1992 ♣★
David A. Kurzweil, 1997 ♣★ Harvey Kurzweil, 1969 ♣★
Rashida K. La Lande, 1998 ♣ G. Wade Leak, 1989 ♣★
Marguerite Lenfest ♣
Gillian Lester & Eric Talley ♣★
Susan E. Liautaud, 1989 ♣★ Kuang-Hsiang Lin, 1992
Edward J. Littlejohn, 1982, J.S.D. George W. Madison, 1980 ♣
Stephen S. Madsen, 1980
Robert D. Marcus, 1990 ♣★ Matilda Loveman Foundation
Robert B. Mazur, 1973 ♣★ J. Mark McWatters, 2002, LL.M.
Brad Meltzer, 1996 & Cori Flam Meltzer, 1995 ★
Lester S. Morse, Jr. ♣
Jonathan M. Moses, 1996 & Abigail Young Moses, 1996 ♣★
Daniel A. Neff, 1977 ♣★
Joseph E. Neuhaus, 1982 ♣★
Mary Anne Niarchos
Ocean Visions Inc. Scott D. Ostfeld, 2001
Overdeck Family Foundation
Perry L. Pe, 1991, LL.M. ♣ Frank L. Politano, 1974 ♣★
Abby D. Pratt ♣
Public Interest Law Foundation
Ravi Purohit, 2003 ♣
Clyde E. Rankin III, 1975 ♣★
Robin Hood Foundation
Thomas S. Rogers, 1979 ♣
Robert J. Rosen, 1972 ♣★
Robert D. Rosenbaum, 1968 ♣★
Abrielle Rosenthal, 1999 ♣★
Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ♣★
Eugene A. Rostov, 1964
Russell Sage Foundation
Susan L. Saltzstein, 1991 ♣★
Nancy L. Sanborn, 1991 ♣★
Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979 & Bruno M. Santonocito ♣★
William D. Savitt, 1997 ♣★
Joseph W. Schmidt, 1975 & Angela P. Schmidt ♣★
Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991 ★
Alfred Shapiro ♣
Nina L. Shaw, 1979 ♣★
The Hon. Robert S. Smith, 1968 ♣★
Andrew Sommers, 1994 ♣★
Stichting Foundation for International Law
David E. Stiepleman, 1997 ♣
Peter L. Strauss
Sy Syms Foundation
Marcy Syms ♣
Tawani Foundation
Teachers College, Columbia University
Pawan Tewari ♣
Stella Ferguson Thayer, 1965 ♣★
The Louis Calder Foundation
The Philadelphia Foundation
The Tow Foundation
The Victor Herbert Foundation, Inc.
Judith Reinhardt Thoyer, 1965 ♣★
Sina Toussi, 1994 ♣★
University of New South Wales Law School
Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., 1983 ♣★
Erica Goldschmidt Weinberger, 1999
Cindy Horowitz Wenig, 1991 & Devin N. Wenig, 1991
Thomas Wertheimer, 1963 ♣★
Thomas W. White, 1978 ♣★ S. Penny Windle, 1997 Ella Betsy Wong, 1992 ♣
Scott R. Yagoda, 1992 ♣★
Mark L. Yecies, 1974 ♣★ R. Paul Yetter, 1983
Wai Man Patrick Yip, 2021, LL.M. ♣ Yeping Zhou, 2006 ♣★
Vale Corporation
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz ★ Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation Inc. ★ Winston & Strawn LLP ★
Baker & McKenzie Foundation Boies Schiller Flexner LLP
Kirkland & Ellis Foundation ★ Sidley Austin LLP ★ The NASDAQ OMX Group, Inc.
Al Salam Bank Bahrain BSC Chubb
Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Morrison & Foerster Foundation ★ Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu ★
1 Anonymous Donor Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann LLP Bloomberg Law
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP ★
Colombian Coffee Federation, Inc. Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP ★ Debevoise & Plimpton LLP ★ EcoLog, Ltd.
ExxonMobil Foundation
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP ★ Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP ★
Motion Picture Association of America, Inc.
Prudential Foundation Ropes & Gray LLP ★
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ★
Latham & Watkins LLP ★
Microsoft Corporation
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP ★
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP ★ Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP ★
Sive, Paget & Riesel, P.C.
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP ★ Sullivan & Cromwell LLP ★ Three Crowns LLP
Reunion Class Giving
Reunion 2022 was a celebration to remember, featuring in-person and virtual social and intellectual gatherings for alumni across the globe whose graduation years ended in 2 and 7. More than 800 alumni from more than 30 countries participated in the weekend festivities. The 168 co-chairs, committee members, and planned-giving ambassadors of the classes, celebrating 5th to 60th Reunion milestones, embraced a year of transitions with imagination, creativity, and flexibility. The highest overall giving was from the Class of 1987 ($2.65 million) and Class of 1967 ($1.9 million).
Collectively, the 2022 Reunion classes raised nearly $13 million for Columbia Law. With appreciation and gratitude, we highlight the Reunion 2022 Class Gift efforts on the following pages.

Reunion Committee Chair Kenneth L. Stein
Committee Members
Eleanor S. Applewhaite
Robert D. Hadl
Carol Green Kaplan
Arnold J. Levine
Robert A. Meister
Harry J. Petchesky
Robert H. Werbel Steven W. Wolfe
$100,000 and up Stephen Friedman ♣ Kenneth L. Stein ♣
$25,000–$49,999 Stephen L. Buchman ♣★
Eleanor S. Applewhaite ♣★ Michael I. Bernstein ♣★ James Grosfeld ♣ Arnold J. Levine ♣★ S. Sidney Mandel ♣★
Robert D. Hadl ♣★ Carol Green Kaplan ♣★ Irving Scher ♣★
$2,500–$4,999 Susan S. Cole ♣
Carl Frischling ♣★
Peter Martin Klein ♣ A. Thomas S. Safford ♣★
Janet Ross Axelrod ★
G. S. Peter Bergen ★ Daniel A. Cuoco
John W. Galiardo ★
L. Martin Gibbs
Robert A. Meister
Joseph A. O’Connor, Jr. ★
Donald H. Siskind ★
Peter D. Swords ★
John A. Vassallo ★ Robert H. Werbel ★ Steven W. Wolfe ★
Up to $999
Paul M. Brown
Richard Jon Contant
Sophie C. Cook
Walter F. Diehl, Jr.
Andrew L. Frey
Neil B. Hirschfeld
The Hon. David N. Horowitz
William A. Imhof
Robert A. Kagan
Donald G. Kein ★
Charles H. Kellert ★
Stephen M. Kravit
Gene Locks
Harry J. Petchesky ★
Alan R. Rhodes
The Hon. Walter H. Rice
Joel Rothenberg
Robert M. Schanzer ★
Bennet Hugh Silverman ★
Robert W. Spencer
Judith Nochimson Stein
Stephen W. Stein
Robert B. Taub
The Hon. Rena Katz Uviller ★
Elizabeth Bingham Witzgall ★
Reunion Committee Chairs
Peter C. Canellos
George A. Kellner
Joseph Ryan
Committee Members
Jane Cohen Bergner
Harold S. H. Edgar
Charlotte Moses Fischman
Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt
Richard deCourcy Hinds
Gary P. Naftalis
James F. Parver Irwin Pronin
$100,000 and up Peter C. Canellos ♣★
Lawrence Eliot Goldschmidt ♣★ George A. Kellner ♣ Joseph Ryan ♣
Gary P. Naftalis ♣★ Andrew J. Tunick ♣
Howard E. Cox, Jr. ♣ Harold S. H. Edgar ♣★ Charlotte Moses Fischman ♣
Jane Cohen Bergner ♣★ George A. Davidson ♣★ Marian Halley ♣ John M. Liftin ♣★
John M. Costigan ♣★ The Hon. Gray Davis ♣★
Neil R. Eisner ★
Gerald M. Freedman
Jason R. Gettinger Paul L. Goldstein ★
James E. Hughes, Jr. Michael Evan Jaffe
Lucian C. Jones
Edward P. Lawrence
Lester L. Levy
Irvin B. Nathan ★ William C. Rosen ★ Steven B. Rosenfeld ★ Frederick M. Rothenberg ★
Up to $999
Edward J. Bertozzi, Jr. Marc P. Blum Mark H. Borofsky Steven J. Cole
Cecil C. Conner, Jr. J. William Dawson
Jeffrey R. Diver Gerry J. Elman ★ Lawrence S. Feld Michael R. Goldenberg ★ Joel M. Gora ★ Kenneth Gordon William R. Hickman ★
Richard deCourcy Hinds ♣★ Frederic K. Howard Howard A. Jacobson ★ George E. Johnson ★
Alan E. Katz
William A. Levine ★ Burt H. Liebman ★
Marjorie E. MacArthur ★ William H. MacArthur ★ Edward J. McGuire, Jr. Richard Mizrack ★ Martin J. Murphy James F. Parver ★
Kenneth T. Pearlman ★
Irwin Pronin
Giorgio Sacerdoti, M.C.L. Daniel P. Schechter ★
Steven G. Schulman ★ Mark Schwarz
Gerald MacD. Shea ★ Lawrence J. Siegel Burton B. Smoliar ★
Robert L. Tracy Frederick S. Ursery Bruce I. Waxman
Harvey Weiner ★
The Hon. Ruth Jane Zuckerman ★
Ted Ruthizer ♣★ Steven M. Schatz ♣★
Robert M. Grace, Jr. ♣★ Robert J. Rosen ♣★
Richard A. Cantlin ♣★ Edward G. Freitag ♣★ Samuel Goldman ♣★ David G. Hume ♣ Mark S. Kahan ♣★ John M. Millkey ♣ Stuart M. Nierenberg ♣ Lowell C. Williams ♣
Reunion Committee Chairs
Edward A. K. Adler
Richard Paul Richman
Robert J. Rosen Steven M. Schatz
Committee Members Frank D. Aronson
Michael H. Barnett
Robert M. Grace, Jr. Edwin A. Harnden
Robert J. Jossen George J. Khouri Carol M. Mates Mark C. Morril
Ted Ruthizer Shuji Yanase, LL.M.
$100,000 and up
Edward A. K. Adler ♣★ Michael H. Barnett ♣★ Stephen K. Bone ♣
Geoffrey A. Anderson ★ Donald L. Borod ♣★ Richard S. Brach ♣ Steven H. Brose ♣★ Lloyd E. Constantine ♣★ Gerard Andrew Corsini ★ Robert J. Jossen ♣★ Bruce M. Kauderer ♣★ Emily R. Livingston ♣★ Jane W. Parver ♣★ John S. Siffert ♣★ Richard D. Weinberg ♣★ Jo-Ann H. Whitehorn ♣★ John M. Zizzo ♣★
Lee A. Adlerstein ♣ Steven L. Baumohl ♣ Christina E. Clayton ♣ James P. Druckman ♣ Richard A. Mescon ♣ Mark C. Morril ♣★ Arthur V. Nealon ♣ Thomas G. Travis ♣
Frank D. Aronson
Eric D. Balber
Michael C. Barr ★
Miriam A. Bender
Frank A. Bolden
Edward J. Buchholz
Anthony J. Costantini ★
Robert L. Cunningham, Jr.
Joan Murtagh Frankel ★
Michael I. Frankel ★
Robert M. Franklin ★
Larry S. Gage ★
Philip M. Gassel
Robert A. Greenspon ★
Eugene L. Keogh
Stuart A. Licht ★
The Hon. Anthony J. Mohr ★
David Evans Rosedahl
Howard J. Rubin
Alexander Sann
Doris K. Shaw
Craig Singer ★
Michael S. Sirkin
Stephen E. Tisman
Alan B. Winsor
Shuji Yanase, LL.M. Alan C. Zetterberg
Up to $999
Martin S. Allen ★
Robert G. Andre ★
George H. Beane
Leslie A. Blau
Annette H. Blum
Steven D. Burton ★
John S. Casler ★
Roger S. Clark, J.S.D. ★
Robert B. Davidson
Frederick T. Davis ★
Thomas C. Demakis
Eli Esses ★
Paula B. Fenton
Russell M. Gertmenian ★
Neal F. Grenley ★
Michael D. Halpern ★
Edwin A. Harnden
Clifford S. Haye ★
Daniel C. Hickey ★
Kenneth G. Hochman ★
William K. Hoyt, Jr. ★
William S. Hunt ★
Robert A. Kandel
William E. Kelly
George J. Khouri ★
I. Fred Koenigsberg ★
Alan L. Kovacs
John G. Landes ★
James R. Ledley ★
Richard Z. Lehv ★ J. Thomas Lenhart
Nicholas Trott Long Carol M. Mates
Agatha M. Modugno ★
Stanley J. Moore ★ Andrew J. Nierenberg
Victor J. Orsinger II
Patrick O. Patterson, Jr. Michael A. Roosevelt ★
David J. Rosen ★ Jack E. Schachner ★
Pamela Dwyer Stockton
Michael I. Stolzar ▲★
H. Hedley Stothers, Jr. ★
John B. Tepe, Jr. ★
Norman D. Tunnell
Deborah R. Walworth ★ Richard D. Weiss ★ Michael D. Young ★
Reunion Committee Chairs
Cathy M. Kaplan
Jeffrey L. Kessler
Edgar G. Rios, Jr. Susan C. Waltman
Committee Members
Charles G. Berry
Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake
Peter H. Blessing Stan Crock
Wesley C. Dias
Rhonda L. Ferguson-Augustus
R. Jeffrey Godwin
Stephen H. Green William L. Hudson Eunice A. Jackson Abbe D. Lowell
Kenneth H. Marks, Jr. Paul T. Williams, Jr.
$100,000 and up Gregory P. Ho ♣★ William L. Hudson ♣★ Cathy M. Kaplan ♣★ Jeffrey L. Kessler ♣★ Andrew J. Levander ♣ Susan C. Waltman ♣★
$50,000–$99,999 Elizabeth Kilcullen Blake ♣
Peter H. Blessing ♣ Stephen H. Green
Bruce D. Angiolillo ♣★ Carol Angiolillo ♣★ Rodman W. Benedict ♣★ Abbe D. Lowell ♣★
Daniel A. Neff ♣★
Edgar G. Rios, Jr. ♣ Helen S. Scott ♣★ James A. Skarzynski ♣★ Jamie B. W. Stecher ♣★
$5,000–$9,999 Charles G. Berry ♣★ Wesley C. Dias ♣★ Gregory A. Jacobs ♣★ Ellen Oran Kaden ♣★ Steven L. Kessler William R. Stein ♣★
Michael A. Fiorella ♣★ R. Jeffrey Godwin ★ Robert J. Goldman ♣★ Robert P. Knapp III ★ John R. Parks ♣ Paul C. Tang ♣★
John M. Allen, Jr. Gian Giacomo AttolicoTrivulzio, LL.M. Kathleen Smyth Cook ★ Louis A. Fantin ★ Rhonda L. Ferguson-Augustus ★ John K. Harris, Jr. ★ Karen Rahnasto Kay Donna D. Manning Catherine R. McCabe C. Paul Rogers III, LL.M. ★ Allan Van Fleet Paul T. Williams, Jr.
Up to $999
Rory J. Albert William L. Andreen Steven A. Been ★ Gregory S. Bentley ★ James E. Butler Steven E. Carlson
Paul C. Clabo
John W. Dax
James C. Edwards, Jr. ★
Victor M. Fortuno ★
M. Carolyn Fuentes
Susan I. Grant ★
Theodore S. Green ★ Michael J. Hassett ★ Jane H. Hovde
Eunice A. Jackson
Lynn G. Kamarck ★ Alan S. Kaufman
Douglas A. Kellner
Norbert Koenig, LL.M.
Richard Koo
Peter C. Kornman
Laura A. Kumin
The Hon. Leslie G. Leach ★ Brian E. Maas ★
Kenneth H. Marks, Jr.
Ronald F. Mason, Jr. Kenneth A. Mazzer ★ Kevin G. McAnaney ★
Susan Violet McNally Lawrence F. Meehan, Jr. ★ Asher H. Miller
Garry H. Morton ★ Barbara C. North ★ Gerald R. Offsay ★
The Hon. Deborah Dale Pucillo
William H. Roth Daniel A. Schwartz ★ Clinton B. Smith
Paul Stein ★
The Hon. Carol Ann Stokinger ★ Fredrich H. Thomforde, Jr., J.S.D. ★
Reunion Committee Chairs
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta
Gary F. Goldring
Peter C. Harvey
David A. Preiser
Esta Eiger Stecher
Committee Members
Margery S. Bronster
Clement J. Colucci
The Hon. Jeh C. Johnson
David J. Lowe
Jill S. Manny
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Vidal
Dennis M. Toft
Gregory M. Weston
$100,000 and up
James E. Millstein ♣★
Esta Eiger Stecher ♣
Margery S. Bronster
Gary F. Goldring ♣★
Alicia M. Castilla ♣★
Peter C. Harvey ♣★
Samuel Whitney Seymour ♣ Mark E. Zelek ♣★
Joseph E. Neuhaus ♣★
Edward L. Powers ★
Carlos A. Rodriguez-Vidal
Nina O. Shenker ♣★
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta ♣★
Carol Baldwin Moody ♣★
David J. Lowe ♣★ Dale W. Lum ♣
Clement J. Colucci ★
Glenn E. Davis
Abbe L. Dienstag
Jeffrey M. Gittleman
John P. Gourary ★
Manuel G. Grace
Richard S. Gruner, LL.M. ★
Susan J. Kohlmann ★
Sidney Charles Kurth ★
Maria M. Patterson ★
Donald W. Rose
Joanne W. Rose
Connie E. Simmons ★
Delia B. Spitzer ♣★ Robert N. Swidler
Up to $999
Judith Lowitz Adler ★
Robert A. Bourque ★
Julia L. Brickell ★
Alfonso Fernandez, Jr. Richard M. Fijolek
Roger A. Greenbaum
Bruce D. Greenberg ★ Doreen Klein
Mary E. Landergan
Jack G. Lerner ★
Clark H. Libenson ★
Edward J. Littlejohn, J.S.D.
Bruce E. MacInnis, LL.M. ★
Jill S. Manny ★
Harold J. Marcus
Mark H. Moore
Andrea Lee Negroni
Ellen M. Saideman
Robert Sidorsky
Jody Simon
Douglas G. Tennant
Gregory M. Weston CLASS OF 1987
Reunion Committee Chairs
James H. Hunter IV Laura M. Yacovone Toma
Committee Members
Andrew A. Bernstein
Kevin W. Dew
Thomas E. Dutton
Mavis K. Fowler-Williams
Carolyn Guber Langelier
Joseph A. Mendola
Jerold B. Neuman
Michael C. Neus
Marea Parker
Mohan V. Phansalkar
Cynthia L. Quarterman
Eleanor H. Smith
Ellen K. Snyder
Scott M. Theobald Barbara Lupucy Wood Kent A. Yalowitz Alice F. Yurke
$100,000 and up 2 Anonymous Donors
Jerold B. Neuman ♣
Laura M. Yacovone Toma
John J. Armstrong III ♣★
Andrew A. Bernstein ♣★
Michael C. Neus ♣★


Mitchell S. Eitel ♣
James H. Hunter IV ♣
Anthony L. Morrison ♣
Teresa A. Pesce ♣★
Mohan V. Phansalkar ♣★
Laura S. Pruitt ♣
Cynthia L. Quarterman Pamela Case Stanger ♣ Kent A. Yalowitz
Jeremy Moshe Greenberg ★ Kenneth F. Koen ♣★ Robert S. Lackner ♣★ Carolyn Guber Langelier ♣★ Edward F. Petrosky, Jr. ♣ Ellen K. Snyder ★
Jodi B. Brenner ♣ Leonard H. Hersh ♣ Andrea Newborn ♣ Jill E. Strawbridge ♣★ Scott M. Theobald ♣ Miriam Wahrman Frieden ♣★ Barbara Lupucy Wood ♣ Alice F. Yurke ♣★
Frederick R. Burke Daniel I. A. Cohen ★ Barbara Meister Cummins ★ Kevin W. Dew Laura F. Dukess ★ David K. Eikenberry Rebecca Rusack Hawkins Soo Won Hwang
Jonathan B. Miller ★ Robert T. Molinet ★ Linda D. Perkins
John D. Schumacher ★ Margaret E. Tahyar ★
Up to $999
Jeffrey S. Abraham
Margarita A. Barreto Tercilla Gregory J. Bendlin ★ John E. Benedict Cynthia K. Berliner John E. Bizot
William A. Cole ★
Michele Cortese
Robert Alan Culp Robert G. Davies Joseph T. Diaz ★
Patricia J. Diaz ★ Mavis K. Fowler-Williams
Michael R. Giles Michael Gritton
Brent M. Gunderson Michael A. Hirst ★ David G. Isaacs
Daniel E. Kremens ★
Charles Victor Lang Jonathan H. Lemberg ★ Daniel M. Mandil Melanie Meyers
Jeffrey L. Mitnick ★ Bernadette Moffat Clark H. Nielsen ★
The Hon. Yvette M. Palazuelos Jonathan M. Petuchowski Henry C. Pitney ★ Mark R. Rennie Michael S. Siegel James B. Slaughter Eleanor H. Smith Mark C. Stillman
Jonathan D. Stoloff Alexander D. Tomaszczuk, LL.M. ★ Samuel R. Weiner
Reunion Committee Chairs
Frances E. Bivens
Jeffrey Louis Kateman
Nam Yon Kim
Paul B. Radvany Scott R. Yagoda
Committee Members
Barbara del Pilar Alonso
Harry R. Ballan
Katrin V. Borland de Marneffe
Marian L. Brancaccio
Albert Wai-Kit Chan
Pang-Mei Natasha Chang
Stephen James Davis Michael E. Hatchett
Eve A. Konstan
The Hon. Barbara Lagoa
Jamie A. Levitt
Cristina R. Roig
Sherrie Lynne Russell-Brown
Luis Salazar
Geraldine Gabrielle Sanchez
David I. Shapiro
Rev. Janice Tudy-Jackson Jonathan H. Yellen Jack Yoskowitz
$100,000 and
Frances E. Bivens
Scott R. Yagoda
Eve A. Konstan
Jack Yoskowitz ♣★
Nicholas D. S. Brumm, LL.M. ♣★
David I. Shapiro
Ella Betsy Wong ♣
Christopher S. Yates
Craig A. Bowman
Alice T. Valder Curran ♣
Fraser L. Hunter, Jr. ♣
Jeffrey Louis Kateman ♣★
Nam Yon Kim ♣★
Jamie A. Levitt
Matthew David Russman ♣
Andrew P. Bell ♣
Marian L. Brancaccio ♣★
Julie A. Caskey ♣
Robert N. Holtzman ♣★
Tracey McCain ♣
David B. Toscano ♣
Jonathan H. Yellen ♣
Adam Jeremy Chill ♣
William B. Duffy III ♣
David Patrick Eich ♣
Lee White Galvis ♣★
J. Cliff Johnson II
Lawrence R. Miller ♣★
Paul B. Radvany ★
Kimberly B. Sweet ★
Jonathan K. Tycko ♣
Connie Guang-Hwa Yang ♣
Marc De Leeuw ★
Michael S. Dorf
Kenneth R. Feagins, LL.M.
Nathan C. Sheers
Stergios Theologides
Stephen N. Waldman ★
Up to $999
Barbara del Pilar Alonso
Bonnie Lynn Bailer
Harisha Bastiampillai ★
Betty A. Berklee
Andrew T. Block ★
Michael G. Bloise
Marc Brotman ★
John L. Buckheit ★
Scott C. Budlong ★
Christopher C. Canterbury
Steven E. Chaikelson ★
LaVerne Chang
Joseph W. Chouinard ★
Judith L. Church ★
Sharon Farman Cooper ★
Sara A. Corello
Maya R. Crone ★ Kenneth Drake
Fiona M. Greaves
Katherine C. Hall Nelson D. Johnson ★ Weonjung Kim, LL.M. William D. Lay George Y. Liu Nancy L. Lonshein ★
Lynn Feldman Lowy
Andres Martinez
James Masella III
Bradford J. May Alessandro G. Olivieri
Elisa B. Pollack ★
Philip J. Ragona
Stacy L. Rahl ★ M. Kilburg Reedy
Nancy H. Richardson
Cristina R. Roig
Emily A. Rosdeitcher
Conrad P. Rubin
William Francis Ryan III ★ Geraldine Gabrielle Sanchez
Erik Schryver Carol S. Shahmoon
Frederic E. Shaw, Jr. ★ Catherine W. H. So Leigh Finer Waxman
Mark R. Williams G. Perry Wu ★
Takashi Yamamoto, LL.M.
Noah B. Perlman ♣★
Gabor Balassa
Hiroyuki Ishizuka, LL.M. ♣
Chad D. Perry ♣
Kirk K. Tong ♣
Athmaram Vasudevan, LL.M. ♣
Seth M. L. Fenton
Jens M. Fischer
Yolanda M. Goettsch
Andrew R. Greengrass ★ Douglas Lee Harville
Holly Johnsen Hoehner
Wynn Ru Huang ★
Jung Won Hyun ★ R. Anthony Joseph
Reunion Committee Chairs
David A. Kurzweil
William Savitt
Timothy Tingkang Xia
Committee Members
Ignacio C. Aguigui
The Hon. Charlotte E. Davidson Bryce L. Friedman
Jennifer Gremmel Hunt
Qiang Li
Joanna (Lin) Black
Carol A. Morrison-Waldron
The Hon. Kimberly E. Parker Edward L. Schnitzer
Scott L. Semer Kirk K. Tong
Ram Vasudevan, LL.M. Alexandra S. Wald
$100,000 and up 1 Anonymous Donor David E. Boundy ★
David A. Kurzweil ♣★
William D. Savitt ♣★ David E. Stiepleman ♣
Timothy Tingkang Xia ♣★
Qiang Li
The Hon. Kerrie E. Maloney Laytin ♣★
Nicola J. Bird ♣
The Hon. Charlotte E. Davidson ♣
Paolo Marzano, LL.M. ♣★
Denise L. Pieck ♣
Elizabeth J. Reza ♣ Eric M. Rosof ♣★
Seth D. Weisberg ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Christopher B. Lee ★ Sean Lien ★
$1,000–$2,499 Peangpanor Boonklum, LL.M. ★ Peng Chen
Karl A. Cole-Frieman
Matthew A. Drapkin
Ava M. Hahn
James C. Hsu ★
Jennifer Gremmel Hunt
Patricia C. Lee ★
Joanna Shen-Ju Lin Black Devjani H. Mishra Edward L. Schnitzer ★ Sinan Utku
Up to $999
Ignacio C. Aguigui
Rebecca Weinstein Bacon
Howard S. Caro
Brian Michael Cooper ★
Melis Cosan, LL.M. Paul R. Datnow
Nestor M. Davidson Yasmin A. Dawood
Mizuho Kameoka ★ Matthew Kline
Kai Krahmer
Jared M. Levin ★ Jennifer Mooradian Levin ★ Meredith Fein Lichtenberg John M. Lundin ★
Negar Nabavinejad
The Hon. Kimberly E. Parker J. Ryan Smith Karyn A. Temple Christopher M. Wilson Christine E. Zandvliet ★ Ethan G. Zlotchew
Reunion Committee Chairs
Patrice P. Jean Jennifer L. Kronick Krishna Veeraraghavan
Committee Members
David M. Adlerstein
William R. Burke
Eduardo Calderon, LL.M. Gregory S. Rowland
Gavin Simpson, LL.M. Corey Worcester Han Xue, LL.M.
$100,000 and up
Yuto Matsumura, LL.M. ♣
J. Mark McWatters, LL.M.
Gregory S. Rowland
William R. Burke ♣★
Patrice P. Jean ♣★
Dana Wallach Jones ♣★ Kimberlee H. Streiff ♣ Mathieu B. Streiff ♣
YiLong Du ♣
Lauren Kleinberg Levy ♣★
Eneida Boniche Silcott ★ Bradley J. Weyland
Ginger D. Anders
Juan A. Arteaga
Stefanie Birkmann, LL.M.
Carolyn J. Casselman ★
Roger A. Cooper
Sharon L. Crane
Karen Hsu Kelley
Jennifer L. Kronick
Kirstin Laurence Powers
Dana A. Troetel ★ Han Xue, LL.M. Kenneth E. Young
Up to $999
David M. Adlerstein ★
Lisa T. Alexander-Mitchell
David A. Bergan
Lawrence M. Brin ★
Eduardo Calderon, LL.M.
Geoffroy Charles, LL.M.
Carlton M. Clark
Richard S. Crisler ★
Kenya K. Davis
Antoinette Greenaway Ellison
Gonzalo A. Fratini Lagos, LL.M.
David M. Glick
David P. Gold ★
Tal J. Golomb ★
Justin Goodyear
Riche Holmes Grant
Brian F. Hurley
Jacob M. Kaplan ★
Catherine Y. Kim ★
Sharon Sue Laveson
Boong Kyu Lee ★
John C. Lynch ★
Adela Mall, LL.M.
Jennifer L. McBrien Dunn ★
Nisha Menon
Scott D. Mitnick ★
Ivie Moura Alves, LL.M.
Asha I. Muldro
Damian M. Narvaez ★
Ethan R. Okura
Liliana Parias Neuburg, LL.M.
Eunice C. Park
Robin Countee Pistorius
Emily L. Rapalino
Lauren Angerman Scher
Adam M. Schloss ★
Ahuva Luba Rachel Seiferas
Emily Shepard Smith
Roxann Sherri Smithers
Russell M. Steinthal
Anthony J. Taylor ★
Margaret L. Taylor
Seema Tendolkar
Prana A. Topper ★
Florian Helge
Wagner-von Papp, LL.M. ★
Michael J. Walsh, Jr. ★
John R. Weber
Reunion Committee Chairs
Trevor T. Adler
Nikolay P. Bebov, LL.M. Kevin B. Frankel
Natalie MacLean Leino
Patricia Pedreira de Siqueira Castro, LL.M.
Committee Members
Tifarah Kamika Roberts Allen
Layla De Carvalho, LL.M. Mona Caroline Chammas, LL.M. Sonya Mirbagheri Cheney
Jianwei Fang, LL.M. Jennifer Bell Levine Jessica (Solinsky) Morton
Trevor T. Adler ♣★ Nikolay P. Bebov, LL.M. ♣★ Kevin B. Frankel ★
Sharon Rita Bilar Goldfarb ♣ Jianwei Fang, LL.M. Pallavi R. Guniganti ♣ Grant Richard Mainland ♣ Patrick G. Rideout ♣
Tifarah Kamika Roberts Allen Ketul V. Gondha
Jennifer Bell Levine ★ Jessica A. Morton ★ Austin Tatsuyoshi Ozawa
Patricia Pedreira de Siqueira Castro, LL.M. ★ Jennifer Zewen Wang Zaid A. Zaid ★
Up to $999
Sumita Ahuja, LL.M. Nicole Y. Altman
Adrian John Barnes ★ Chrysilla Carissa Pineda Bautista, LL.M. Matthew G. Bingham ★ Shanna N. Bowman Keith Bradley Mona Caroline Chammas, LL.M. Sonya Mirbagheri Cheney Michael A. Chiswick-Patterson
Ting-Wei Ingrid Chiu, LL.M. Shiwon Choe ★ Jacqueline Russo Curtin Sargon Daniel ★ April Downing Day
Bert Jan Denolf, LL.M. Christine M. Doktor Benjamin Perry Edwards Julie Saranow Epley Jonathan Dante Fazzone Ludmilla de Souza Franklin, LL.M. Elyssa Nicole Friedland Brian D. Ginsberg Bari Justin Goggins Edwin Lionel Herskovic, LL.M. Kevin James James D. Judah Steven C. Krause ★
Natalie MacLean Leino ★ Noelle Kvasnosky Luiten Nicholas A. Manheim Suzanne Bermann McMillan ★ Kana Morimura, LL.M. James Young Pak ★ Eilleen Jean Park Srinivas Giriraj Pathmanaban
Paul Anthony D. Pery, LL.M. David Charles Pitluck ★ Timothy J. Quill, Jr.
Philip Slatin Ratner
Sarah A. Seo
Adam A. Shajnfeld
Jennifer L. Stark
Dafina Virginia Stewart ★
Daniel J. Stujenske ★
Peter Morhan Sun ★
Jonathan Francis Taylor
Andrew L. Thomison ★
Addison Baker Thompson, Jr. Emiliano Tornese, LL.M. Michael J. Traube ★
Elsa Yi-Hui Wang ★
Shiao-Han Wu, LL.M. Zhongda Wu, LL.M. ★
Reunion Committee Chairs
Arturo Cavazos, Jr.
Laurel S. Fensterstock
Fernando Gentil Monteiro, LL.M.
Committee Members
Keira M. Campbell, LL.M. Jade Alexander Craig
Jocelyn V. Hanamirian Sarah B. Kupferman
Christopher Lacovara Christina C. Ma Stacy M. Marquez
Ron Mazor
Gerold Niggemann, LL.M.
Soo M. Park
Nicholas Ferreira Rodriguez
Nicholas Walter Sousa, LL.M.
Lorenzo Domenico Togni, LL.M.
Toshinori Yagi, LL.M.
Laurel S. Fensterstock ★
Christina C. Ma ♣★
Toshinori Yagi, LL.M.
Christopher Lacovara ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Cheng Chen ♣★
Arturo Cavazos, Jr.
Up to $999
Jorge D. Aguilar
Nicholas T. Bazos ★
Keira M. Campbell, LL.M.
Ana Casanueva, LL.M.
David A. Casler
Monica H. Chang
Jade Alexander Craig
William Hanford Curtiss
Briana Elizabeth Dema
Amir Dinur, LL.M.
Amanda S. DiSanto ★
Tal T. Edry, LL.M. ★
Katherine Kelly Fell ★
Eduardo Gardea
Fernando Gentil Monteiro, LL.M.
Rodrigo A. Gonzaga
Sagastume, LL.M.
Jocelyn V. Hanamirian ★
Gregory D. Howling ★
Beibei Huang, LL.M. ★
Lena Husani Hughes ★
Zoe Beatrice Hutchinson, LL.M.
Xiaochun Jiang, LL.M. ★
Shinya Kabashima, LL.M.
Naoki Kanehisa, LL.M.
Michael S. Kettler
Patrick James Lewis, LL.M.
Shelly Lin
Alexander S. Meiseles
Michelle Kim Millard
Lakshmi U. Mohandas ★
Elizabeth Rose Moulton ★
Nikhil Naredi, LL.M.

Gerold Niggemann, LL.M. ★
Soo M. Park
John Paul, LL.M. ★
Camille Paulus, LL.M.
Benjamin J. Rankin ★
Brian Thomas Rice ★
Matthew J. Rosenbaum ★
Brittany Dillman Schwertberger ★
Cesareo Antonio Serrano
Singzon, Jr., LL.M.
Yi Qian Song ★
Nicholas Walter Sousa, LL.M.
Kurt M. Steinhouse
Robert J. Stewart ★
Hironori Tateishi, LL.M.
Theodore O. Te, LL.M.
Carla M. Tomazella, LL.M.
Eric Michael Wasserstrum Kunihiro Watanabe, LL.M. Wanhong Zhang, LL.M. CLASS OF 2017 PARTICIPATION 7% GIFTS
Committee Members
Joanna Diane Caytas
Thanit Pichetpongsa, LL.M.
Hilary Greenwald Ruffer Ari Ruffer
Ximeng Tang Logan Wright $2,500–$4,999
Joanna Diane Caytas ♣★
Thanit Pichetpongsa, LL.M. ♣ Sergei Zhukov, LL.M. ♣
Kyle M. Diamond ♣★ Remy K. Grosbard ♣
Katharine Rose Haigh, LL.M. ♣★ Adrienne Yin Lam Ho, LL.M. ♣ Joon Hwan Kim ♣
Paul A. Nolle III ♣★ Kyung Ho Paik ♣ Nicholas G. Stringfellow ♣ Ximeng Tang ♣★ George N. Tepe ♣★
Up to $499
Jeremy C. Beutler ★ Andrew J. Butler Daniela B. Dekhtyar
Gonzalo dela Vega Go III, LL.M. Daniel Peretz Gordon Deandre Aaron Harris ★ Claudia Esther Haupt, J.S.D. Blessing Havana ★ Julie L. Hsia Nicole Neda Jazayeri Stacy H. Kim Lanna Lan Kelly B. Landers Hawthorne Joseph Frank Lawless Andrew Fox Lillywhite Maria Emilia Mamberti, LL.M. Ryan P. Martin-Patterson ★ Chris E. Mendez
Ari Ruffer
Hilary Greenwald Ruffer ★
Kathryn Campbell Saba ★ Brandon Short
Michael I. Topol Alexander H. Tran Mark Logan Wright
“The classroom is the one space in life where I’ve found that if a teacher and a student come in with good faith, you may not figure everything out, but you are guaranteed to have grown. When you’re in a classroom as a teacher, your students are putting themselves in your hands— and that’s a remarkable thing.”
Contributors by Class
Alumni support is vital to sustaining the tradition of excellence that is at the core of Columbia Law School’s leadership in legal education. We extend our sincere gratitude to our donors, listed here by class, for your individual gifts during the 2021–2022 Fiscal Year.

This section recognizes gifts received from July 1, 2021, to June 30, 2022.
Up to $999
Theodore R. Jackson ▲★
$50,000 and up Ira M. Millstein ♣ $10,000–$24,999 Lawrence N. Friedland ♣★
$1,000–$2,499 James Q. Riordan ★ Up to $999
Cyrus J. Bloom ★ Robert D. Mishne ★ Dante M. Scaccia ★
$1,000–$2,499 Nathaniel E. Springer, Jr. ▲
Up to $999
Peter M. Abel Roy T. Englert ★
$2,500–$4,999 Daniel B. Berkson ♣★
Up to $999 Seymour H. Chalif Judah Gribetz CLASS OF 1953
$2,500–$4,999 Henry H. Steiner ♣★ $1,000–$2,499 Robert M. Pennoyer ★ Henry C. Roemer, Jr. ★
Up to $999
The Hon. Arthur S. Present ★ Daniel Scheyer
$5,000–$9,999 Mark N. Kaplan ♣★ Justin K. McCarthy ♣
$1,000–$2,499 Norman Abell ★ Benjamin M. Shieber ★
Up to $999
Ezra H. Friedman ★ James M. Hartman ★ Morton L. Janklow ▲
Robert P. Adelman ★ Donald L. Kreindler
Up to $999
Morton A. Corwin ★
Joseph S. Hellman ★
L. Donald Jaffin ★
Joan Stern Kiok ★
Robert A. Longman
Joseph Wilkes ★
$50,000 and up
Albert E. Cinelli ♣
Richard B. Covey ♣★
Renee Gerstler Schwartz ♣★
$5,000–$9,999 Arnold R. Sollar ♣
$2,500–$4,999 William Josephson ♣★ Jay J. Miller ♣★
Alan Brout ★ John W. Cooper Stanley Katzman ★ Martin S. Saiman ★ Jacqueline W. Shapiro
Up to $999
Barbara Aronstein Black Sol Freedman ★
Sanford H. Goldberg
Richard M. Kleid ★
Thomas M. Lewyn
Edwin J. Reis ★ Leonard Sims
The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein ♣★ Frederick A. Terry, Jr. ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Charles A. Ehren, Jr. ♣★
Isaac Shapiro ★ James T. Sherwin ★
Up to $999
Joseph V. Ambrose, Jr. ★
The Hon. Julia Lovett Ashbey ★ David J. Bardin ★ Thomas A. Flaherty ▲★ Shulamith Simon ★ Louis Soloway Leon Stand ★
Franklin Kavaler Richard S. Werksman
$50,000 and up Alan G. Weiler ♣★
$10,000–$24,999 Stanley Lubman ♣
$5,000–$9,999 Judith A. Gelb ♣ Henry Gorelick ♣★
Martin L. Fried ★ Jerome Kretchmer
Up to $999
Lewis Kruger ♣★
$2,500–$4,999 Ralph Finerman ♣ Stanley M. Kolber ♣ Mark J. Kronman ♣★
Faith Colish ★ John H. Steel ★ Richard S. Volpert
Up to $999
Charles P. Allee ★ William J. Allingham ★ Marvin Anderman ★ Michael W. Appelbaum ★ Noel B. Berman
Saul Brenner ★
Joseph A. Barbosa ♣★ Arthur M. Handler ♣★ Morris L. Kramer ♣★
Michael E. Catalinotto Paul R. Grand ★ Michael E. Schultz ★
Up to $999
Warren H. Heilbronner ♣★ Conrad L. Teitell ♣★
Charles R. Ennis ♣ Donald L. Laufer ♣★
George C. Christie David T. Goldstick Donald R. Osborn ★ Michael J. Silverberg ★
Up to $999
Bennett L. Aaron ★ Morton Alpert Richard B. Dopkins Robert E. Gilroy ★
Arnold C. Abramowitz Sherwood L. Anderson ★ Sheldon Basch ★ Norman Fassler ★ Martin S. Handelman ★
John J. Johnston, Jr. Roy H. Josephson Robert O. Lehrman ★ Bert J. Lewen Roland Plottel ★ Daren A. Rathkopf ▲★ Donald J. Reid ★ Robert C. Rosenberg ★ Walter Saffer
Aziz S. Sahwell, LL.M. Howard S. Simonoff Philip Weinberg ★
Ralph I. Brown ★ Duncan H. Cameron ★ Philip R. Carroll ★
Stuart F. Cartoon ★ Robert M. Dubow ▲
Victor M. Earle III ★ Richard L. Goldberg ▲★
Jay J. Jacobson
Joseph S. Kaming ★ John G. Lipsett ★ Peter V. Millham Richard B. Nashel Edward H. Rabin Lennard K. Rambusch ★ Hazel Schizer ★ Evan J. Spelfogel ★ Richard L. Veron ★ Jay W. Wertheimer John H. Williams II ★
Mark Abramowitz ★ Stuart D. Baker ★ Philip J. Curtin John D. Hawke, Jr. ▲★ Herbert J. Henschel ★ Robert A. Klipstein Philip S. Kurnit ★ Donal F. McCarthy ★ Richard R. Pierson Emanuel N. Psarakis, LL.M. ★ Jerome F. Sheldon ★ Jacob Silverman ★
Robert L. Lieff ♣
Carol Garfiel Freeman ♣ Peter Gruenberger ♣★ Paul R. Herman ♣ Robert I. Kleinberg ♣
Frank P. DiPrima ★ Hugh M. Dougan ★ Victor A. Kovner ★ Barry R. Mandelbaum ★ The Hon. John S. Martin, Jr. ★
Louise H. Renne ★
Daniel Riesel ★
Stephen H. Shane
Martin S. Wagner ★
Up to $999
Martin Balsam ★
John E. G. Bischof ★
Dean G. Braslow ▲★
Ernest Brod ★
David S. Burns ★
John L. Davenport ★
Richard M. Felner ★
Martin R. Gold
Richard B. Groothuis ★
Raymond S. Hack ★
Owen O. Hoberman
Ping-cheung Loh, M.C.L.
Bernard Medoff ★
The Hon. Richard Newman ★
Robert H. Paul ★
Robert M. Riggs
Robert C. Santomenna
Mark L. Schwartz ★
James A. Smith ★
Robert J. Task
Carol Ann Weisbrod ★
Peter W. Brown ★
Peter D. Fischbein
John J. Halleron III
Paul R. Hundt ★
Harris E. Markhoff ★
Peter S. Ness ★
Werner L. Polak ★
The Hon. Robert D. Sack ★ Mark A. Vogel ★
Up to $999
David B. Beizer ★
Arthur H. Coleman
Joel Davidow ★ Stephen Davis ★
William J. Diamond
Robert P. Duvin, LL.M. ★ H. B. Flanders, Jr. ★ A. Seth Greenwald
Judith Roses Greenwald
Frederick W. Hilles ★
Stephen L. Kadish
The Hon. George Levine ★ Richard C. Meade
John McK. Pratt ★ Leopold S. Rassnick ★ Stephen Reich ★ Richard E. Rubinstein ★
$50,000 and up Susan B. Lindenauer ♣★
Gerry H. Goldsholle ♣★ Michael R. Griffinger ♣★
Robert N. Kaplan ♣★ Douglas H. McCorkindale ♣★
$5,000–$9,999 Eugene S. Friedman ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Edward H. Cantor ♣ Adrian A. Colley ♣★ W. Leslie Duffy ♣★
Bruce B. Litwer ★
Patrick V. Martin David A. Nourse ★ Francis M. O’Regan ★ Elaine S. Reiss ★ William B. Rodman Kermit Roosevelt, Jr. ★ Eleanor Rosenthal Paul D. Rubner ★ Robert R. Salman ★ Arthur L. Schiff ★ Stuart C. Sloame ★ William Vishno
The Hon. Maryellen Weinberg ★
John F. Banzhaf III ★
Jack A. Blum
John J. Costonis ★ Alan E. Davis ★
John H. Denne
Samuel S. Friedman ★
The Hon. Nathaniel M. Gorton
John S. Hibschman
David M. Huggin
Jeffrey N. Shane ★ William S. Singer ★ Bruce E. Trauner Peter G. Wolfe
Up to $999
Jonathan Berger ★
James L. Bikoff ★
George M. Garfunkel ♣★
Thomas Wertheimer ♣★
Robert L. Laufer ♣★
Richard L. Blumenthal ♣★
James N. Rudolph ♣★
Robert A. Wayne ♣
Robert Selya ★ Stephen I. Shapiro David B. Simpson Edward P. Smith ★
Nathan Snyder ★ Robert E. Stein
Stephen S. Weddle ★ J. Theodore Wieseman ★ David M. Zurn ★
John H. Bitner ★ Lawrence W. Boes ▲ John F. Crawford ★ Jonathan W. Fleming Mark D. Larner ★ Alan N. Locker ★ Stuart B. Newman Edward M. Rosenfeld Eugene A. Rostov Arthur C. Silverman Leo S. Ullman ★
Up to $999
Steven J. Antler ★
Thomas H. Barnard, Jr. ★ Harvey E. Benjamin Bruce J. Bettigole
William M. Borchard ★ Gerald Einhorn ★ Robert S. Hammer ★ Robert D. Kamenshine ★ Norman G. Knopf ★ Richard M. Langway ★
$25,000–$49,999 Richard W. Breithaupt ♣
$10,000–$24,999 Tom A. Alberg ▲♣★ Mark M. Jaffe ♣ Victor E. Schwartz ♣ Stella Ferguson Thayer ♣★ Judith Reinhardt Thoyer ♣★
Burton Lehman ♣★ Ian D. Volner ♣
Steven J. Hyman ♣★ Martin S. Rapaport ♣ Peter C. Valente ♣ Charles S. Warren ♣★ James B. White ♣★ Albert Zakarian ♣★
Nicholas J. Calise ★ Bruce G. Clark
Terence A. Cordner, Jr. Thomas W. Dunn ★
The Hon. Carol Fox Foelak ★
Stuart J. Freedman
Frank B. Friedman
Robert Wayne Gehring ★ Richard S. Granat ★ Hillel J. Hoffman William Kanter ★ Anthony F. Marra, Jr. ★ Bartlett H. McGuire ★ H. Michael Miller
Merril A. Mironer ★
Harvey A. Napier
Malvina Nathanson
Robert P. Pressman
Ronnie A. Pruett ★
Benjamin J. Rosin
Franklin M. Sachs ★
Edward S. Satran
Bruce D. Senzel
Donna Work Silverberg Kenneth J. Stuart ★
Rolof H. A. M. Van Hovell
Tot Westerflier, M.C.L.
Michael S. Waters
Albert J. Wax ★
Martin S. Weber
William R. Weissman ★
Franklin E. White ★
$50,000 and up
Paul J. Evanson ♣★
Patricia A. Brooks ♣★
Katharine Bates Desai ♣

Robert M. Heller ♣★
Laurin L. Laderoute, Jr. ♣★ Richard N. Matties ♣★
Ralph N. Johanson, Jr. ♣★
Mark A. Jacoby ♣★
David Lopez ♣
Robert E. Peduzzi ♣
R. Evan Smith ♣
The Hon. J. Michael Beecher ★
John D. Campbell
Michael H. de Havenon ★
Martin Lee Edelman
Edward Fein ★
John E. Hartman ★
Nathan Leventhal ★
William F. Morrill ★
John B. Pellegrini ★
Fredric W. Yerman
Up to $999
Walter George Alton, Jr.
Warren Belmar ★
Robert C. Berenbroick ★
Edward J. Bergman
Carlile Bolton-Smith, Jr.
David English Carmack ★
Denis Clifford ★
John P. Denneen ★
John F. DiLorenzo, Jr. ★
Robert Eisenstadt ★
Richard C. Engels
Ira Finkelson
Harold B. Finn III
Jeffrey S. Grad ★ Charles W. Grinnell ★ Dov M. Grunschlag
Jack D. Gunther, Jr. ★
Peter N. Hagberg
Thomas F. Hartch ★ Carolyn M. Heft ★ A. Rene Hollyer
Karl B. Holtzschue ★ Richard S. Kraut ★ George D. Krumbhaar, Jr. Barbara Catoggio Kullen ★ Larry M. Loeb ★
Jerome Marshak ★ Wallace J. McDonald ★
Donald P. McPherson III ★
Mark E. Meyerson ★
Pat G. Nicolette
Denis R. Pinkernell ★
Bruce Rabb ★ Harriet S. Rabb
Henry E. Ramer
Robert S. Robbin ★ William L. Robinson ★ Michael A. Ross ★ Martin D. Schneiderman Michael J. Shef ★
The Hon. Edwin H. Stern
Daniel Subotnik ★
Robert M. Ungerleider Alan Wm. Wolff ★ CLASS OF 1968
Stephen H. Case ♣★
The Hon. Robert S. Smith ♣★
The Hon. U. W. Clemon ♣★ W. Gage McAfee ♣ Robert D. Rosenbaum ♣★
The Hon. Eric L. Hirschhorn ♣ Barry S. Jaynes ♣★ Richard C. Seltzer ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Martin H. Belsky ♣★ Allen H. Brill ♣★ James E. Brumm ♣ Richard E. Gutman ♣★
The Hon. James E. Massey ♣★ Clarence W. Olmstead, Jr. ♣★ Edward L. Weidenfeld ♣
William C. Brown ★ James P. Corcoran
Alan B. Exelrod
Charles L. Gholz ★ Rena P. Gordon ★
Paul R. Greenberg ★
Stephen A. Magida ★
John Hugh Mullan ★ Danforth Newcomb ★ William Parsons, Jr. ★
“Teaching at Columbia is a constant source of inspiration. The students are exceptionally insightful and well prepared, but the real joy is in the rich array of perspectives they bring into the classroom. I regularly learn from my students, both fun facts I didn’t know and new ways of looking at seemingly familiar materials.”
Theodore L. Press
M. James Spitzer, Jr. ★ Lois Lempel Weinroth ★
Up to $999
James H. Breed
The Hon. Naomi Reice Buchwald
David M. Call ★
John B. Canning ★ Joe Chartoff ♣★
Joel F. Crystal ★
Waldo C. Falkener, Jr. ★
Charles F. Feldman
Arnold D. Fleischer ★
Allen J. Frazer ★
Theodore L. Garrett
Peter A. Giuntini ★ Christopher M. Gores ★
Charles E. Hance ★
Jonathan Ross Harkavy ★ John E. Hickey ★
Bennett H. Last ★
Bobby C. Lawyer ★
Linda R. Lebensold ★
Robert H. Loeffler ★
Jay W. Luther ★ G. W. McDonald ★
Walter E. Neely
Eric Nemiroff ★
Gilbert R. Ott, Jr.
Richard A. Rappaport
John E. Rogers
Arnold Jay Rosoff ★
Steven A. Ruskin ★
Charles A. Schwartz ★
Richard D. Stern ★
Joel S. Taylor ★
Robert L. Wolfe
Harry M. Yohalem ★ Judith Seplowitz Ziss ★
$50,000 and up
Marc I. Stern ♣★
Harvey Kurzweil ♣★ Ronald S. Rolfe ♣★ S. Robson Walton ♣★
Mark L. Amsterdam ♣★ J. Frederick Berg, Jr. ♣★ Robert L. Book ♣★ John H. Hall ♣★
Douglas D. Broadwater ♣★ John A. Golden ♣★
J. Barclay Collins II ♣ Richard J. Davis ♣★ John C. Jenkins ♣ Rene V. Murai ♣★ Daniel T. Murray ♣★ Norman R. Nelson ♣★ Leonard B. Pack ♣★
Lawrence D. Bernfeld
John M. Bond, Jr. Evan A. Davis
The Hon. Roderick L. Ireland ★
Robert L. Kehr
Thomas B. Mimms, Jr. ★ Bert Richard Oliver Donald E. Sonnenborn ★
Up to $999
Harvey Z. Arfa ★
Frank S. Bloch ★
Peter J. Calderon ★
John J. Carney ★ Robert D. Croog
Ronald E. DePetris ★
William Peter Dietrich ★
Clifford S. Fishman ★
Howard S. Fredman
Michael Garrett ★
Daniel C. Goldfarb
Toby B. Golick ★
Lawrence M. Grosberg
Kenneth H. Hirsch
Kenneth W. Johnson ★ Kenneth P. Kahn ★ Sidney A. Keyles ★ David C. Lindeman ★
The Hon. D. Lloyd Macdonald
Alan L. Marx
Michael L. Perlin
Lawrence C. Petrowski ★ Peter S. Plumb ★
William J. Quintavalle ★
Joseph L. Rosenbloom III
Stephen Rubin Stephen Schwarz
Stephen R. Shestakofsky ★ Allen E. Shoenberger
Jeffrey J. Skarda
The Hon. Joseph C. Small ★ Neil A. Smith
David B. Spanier ★
The Hon. Edgar G. Walker ★ George L. Wallach
The Hon. Arthur S. Weissbrodt Philip J. Wiesner ★ James M. Yarmon ★ Ton J. M. Zuijdwijk, LL.M.
William S. Friedman ♣★
$10,000–$24,999 James H. De Meules ♣★ Barry L. Goldstein ♣ The Hon. Richard J. Holwell ♣★ Bruce Eben Pindyck ♣★
Fredric S. Newman ♣★
Jonathan G. Blattmachr ♣ Russell A. Broome ♣★ The Hon. Robert E. Gerber ♣
Thomas Benes Felsberg, LL.M. Russell J. Frackman Louis J. Maggiotto, Jr. ★ Rhidian M. M. Morgan ★ Max Rees Shulman ★ Walter C. Squire
Up to $999
Miles B. Anderson
The Hon. Richard T. Andrias ★ Robert O. Barberi Henry I. Blumberg ★ William R. Bronner ★ John A. Crawford III Stephen Drimmer Daniel C. Edmundson Paul A. Feigenbaum ★ Evelyn M. Finkelstein ★ Wayne L. Graff Rufus King Griscom ★ Antonia M. Grumbach ★ Peter W. Herman ★ Norman C. Hile Samuel P. Hunt III Hale Kronenberg ★
Leslie A. Lupert
Marjorie A. McDiarmid ★ Eugene G. McGuire ★
Cormac K. H. O’Malley ★ Edward V. Schwiebert ★
The Hon. Terry L. Smerling
Hank Wallace ★ Harold P. Weinberger ★ William F. Wolff III ★ Richard M. Zinner CLASS OF 1971
$50,000 and up
Max W. Berger ♣★ Maya D. Goldschmidt ♣
$25,000–$49,999 William R. Bush ♣★
$10,000–$24,999 Mark A. Belnick ♣★ Mel M. Immergut ♣ Robert S. Kelner ♣★ R. L. Smith McKeithen ♣ The Hon. Kathryn E. Zenoff ♣★
Lowell S. Lifschultz ♣ William C. Mutterperl ♣ Stuart M. Saft ♣
Ross D. Ain ♣★ Michael L. Lipman ♣★
Robert Brandt ★
Barbara Ann McGuire Cook ★ Edward M. Fishman ★
Dana H. Freyer ★ Neal M. Goldberg ★ Michael D. Mulligan
Michael A. Nemeroff
Robert L. Palmer ★
Andrew S. Roffe ★
Paul S. Ryerson ★
Claude Elaine Salomon
Melvyn J. Simburg ★
Kurt Steele ★
Audrey Strauss ★
Gerald B. Sweeney ★ Paul G. Whitby ★
Up to $999
Jonathan G. Axelrod ★
Lon S. Bannett
Andrew L. Berger ★
Peter Brown ★
Caren S. Brutten
William M. Burstein
Austin V. Campriello ★
Allen Finkelson
Alan J. Garfunkel ★
Brit Geiger
Thomas J. Goldstein
Irvin Grodsky ★
Isaac Davis Hall ★
The Hon. Henry H. Harnage
Andrew L. Herz ★
Jerrald J. Hochman ★
Fred Taylor Isquith ★
Paul W. Johnson
P. Nicholas Kourides ★
James K. Leader ★
Joan Lennon
Barry Levinsky ★
Walter S. Mack, Jr. ★
Brian T. McAnaney ★
Francis A. McAnaney, Jr.
Terrence J. McLarney
James M. McMahan ★
Julian L. McPhillips, Jr. ★
John F. Palmer
Thomas C. Phelan ★ Jay G. Safer ★
Peter C. Salerno
Howard S. Scher
George A. Schneider
Stephen J. Small F. Robert Stein ★
Lynne Rothschild Stern ★
Marc J. Sternbaum ★
Thomas J. Sullivan
Norman G. Tabler, Jr. ★ Mary E. Wagner ★ Theodore M. Weitz ★
Margaret M. Mooney ★
Stephen Ross ★
Scott B. Schreiber ★
Susan B. Werth ★
Up to $999
Beryl A. Abrams ★
William A. Alper
Richard B. Backofen
The Hon. Timothy D. Bates Stephen B. Bedrick
Vivian Olivia Berger ★
Alvin P. Bluthman ★ Stephen E. Borofsky ★
Robert S. Perlstein
The Hon. Peter D. Pizzuto ★
James H. Pooley
J. Andrew Rahl, Jr. ★
Donald B. Redfern ★
Charles A. Reid III ★
Thomas R. Rippon
Robert M. Rosenberg ★
Bernard Schenkler
William H. Schlichting
Curtis S. Shaw
Timothy R. Smith
Peter N. Stevens ★
Edna Rubin Sussman
Kenneth A. August ♣★
Charles Douglas Bethill ♣★ James M. Dubin ♣★
The Hon. Nicholas G. Garaufis ♣ David W. Heleniak ♣★ John A. Hinman ♣★
Lawrence A. Horn ♣★ Laurance Rockefeller ♣★ Irwin H. Warren ♣★
$50,000 and up
Bruce W. Greer & Evelyn L. Greer Paul Vizcarrondo, Jr. ♣★
Lawrence S. Blumberg ♣★ Robert B. Mazur ♣★ Mary Ellen Pindyck ♣★ John E. Riley ♣ Jonathan D. Schiller ♣★
Robert L. Barrows ♣★ William P. Dickey ♣★
The Hon. Lindsey Miller–Lerman ♣★ William B. Pollard III ♣★ Stephen A. Talesnick ♣★ Sanford H. Zatcoff ♣★
Kenneth M. Barna ★
Thomas R. Berner ★
Robert F. Herrmann ★ Stephen D. Hope ★ Jeffrey G. Huvelle
Walter R. Brewster, Jr. ★ James A. Cherney
Janice Cook ★
Francis W. Costello ★ Stephen J. Crimmins ★
The Hon. Laura E. Drager
Richard M. Franklin ★
Robert A. Friedrich ★
William F. Funk
Robert E. Garber
Bruce G. Goodman ★ Robert A. Grauman ★
Spencer B. Hays ★
The Hon. Theodore H. Katz Ann E. Lewis
The Hon. John M. Lewis ★ Nathan H. Mann ★
Douglas K. Mansfield Pamela C. McGuire ★
Edward J. Miller Bruce R. Millman ★
Joseph C. Mitchell
Philip I. Moncharsh ★ Joseph F. Moss III
John G. Murphy, Jr. ★
Trammell Newton, Jr. ★
The Hon. Nathaniel C. Nichols The Hon. Michael J. Obus ★ Steven E. Obus
William J. Thomashower
Edmund J. Towle III ★
Roger A. Walaszek
David S. Waldman ★ Richard L. Wasserman ★ Roy N. Watanabe ★ Mark H. Wattenberg
Frederic P. White Jamison Wilcox Edward G. Williams ★ Walter Williamson CLASS OF 1974
Marlene Alva ♣★ Leslie G. Fagen ♣★ Frank L. Politano ♣★ Mark L. Yecies ♣★
Paul Bork ♣★ Ellen V. Futter ♣★ G. William Haas ♣ Mary Jo White ♣
David A. Barrett Karen S. Boxer ★ Kelly P. Corr ★ William F. Harrison ★ Christopher Mayer ★
The Hon. Vanzetta Penn McPherson Mary K. Schuette ★ Robert S. Singley ★ Benjamin Suckewer ★ Jonathon D. Warner ★ Richard H. Weisberg ★ Stephen James Zoukis ★
Up to $999
William J. Barker, Jr. Sandra S. Baron ★
The Hon. Judith Bartnoff ★ David R. Bence ★ William Boone Bonvillian ★ Judith Farris Bowman Kenneth P. Corhan
The Hon. Mary McGowan Davis Robert M. Diamond ★ Gregory L. Diskant ★ Stephen L. Dreyfuss ★ James Gadsden ★ Fred E. Glickman
Ronald G. Isaac ★ Marian M. Johnston ★ Thomas N. Keltner, Jr. ★
“One thing that I took away from Columbia is that you can have an effect in making systemic changes. You don’t just read about it. You study with people like Herbert Wechsler, Jack Greenberg, Ruth Bader Ginsburg. They’re real people, just like you. And they can make a huge difference. And so can you.”
Theodore Michael Kerrine
Heng–Pin Kiang ★
Bill Lann Lee
Donald B. Lee
The Hon. Jo–Lynne Q. Lee ★ Jonathan I. Mark ★ Cornelius J. Milmoe ★ Mitchell Pines
Eric D. Ranney ★ Georgia Urbano Raysman Michael A. Rosenbloom ★ James S. Russell ★
Lynn Hecht Schafran ★ Mark I. Schickman

Bruce H. Schneider Steven L. Schwarcz John A. Shutkin Michael Jay Singer Ettie Ward
Don R. Weigandt ★ James A. Woller CLASS OF 1975
$50,000 and up Harvey J. Wolkoff ♣
$25,000–$49,999 George M. Newcombe ♣★ Harold S. Novikoff ♣★ Clyde E. Rankin III ♣★
Jesse J. Greene, Jr. ♣★ Peter C. Hein ♣★ Douglas J. McClintock ♣★ Kathleen Danchuk McKeithen ♣
The Hon. Samuel I. Rosenberg ♣ Joseph W. Schmidt ♣★
John E. Baumgardner, Jr. ♣★
Catherine L. Bridge ♣★ John B. Bridge ♣★
The Hon. Denise Cote ♣ Mark R. Eaton ♣ Samuel Estreicher ♣★
Robert H. Freilich, J.S.D. ♣ Randall A. Mackey ♣★ Thomas W. Rowland ♣
Alyson K. Adler ★ Rand S. April ★ W. Rogers Benson, Jr. ★ Edward T. Byrne ★ The Hon. William F. Highberger ★ Thomas R. Kline ★ Jon Lindsey ★ Dorothy E. Patton ★ Alfred F. Ross ★ Marian Scheuer Sofaer Paul W. Sweeney, Jr. ★
Up to $999
Linda A. Baumann ★ J. Robert Carr Phillip J. Closius Elizabeth H. Cooper ★ Mark L. Davies ★ Robert S. Faron ▲★ C. James Frush Gerald C. Harvey ★ Werner Hein, LL.M. Julius A. Jove ★ Jerome C. Katz Arthur G. Kent ★ Stephen Lew I. Lewis Libby, Jr. ★ Robert C. Liddon Kenneth A. Luck ★
Lawrence M. Ludwig
The Hon. Gerard E. Lynch ★
Mona Mangan
Betsy B. McKenny ★
Anthony K. Obst ★
Christopher F. O’Donohoe ★
Neil R. O’Hanlon ★
Douglas B. Oliver ★ John M. Reynolds ★ Michael L. Rosenbaum
Donald M. Schaeffer ★ Minna Schrag ★
Richard M. Seltzer ★
Rena C. Seplowitz ★
Jeremy C. Sharpe ★
Robert N. Shwartz ★
Jane Hart Tollinger
Richard Wasserman
Susan K. Wasserman
Robert P. Wright ★ Robert B. Zimmerman
$50,000 and up Francis S. Blake ♣
The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr. ♣ Pam H. Schneider ♣
Peter Buscemi ♣★ Leonard L. Gumport ♣ Christine Hikawa ♣★ John J. Kerr, Jr. ♣★
Daniel G. Kelly, Jr. ♣★ Carolyn Seely Wiener ♣★
Bert H. Deixler ♣★
Roger P. Joseph ♣★
Michael T. Medford ♣★ Kenneth E. Meister ♣★
Philip P. Crowley
Michael C. Dorf ★
Joseph T. Ippolito ★
Stanley H. Kasten ★
The Hon. Charles T. Lee
Arthur R. Lehman
Fred T. Magaziner ★ David S. Versfelt ★
Up to $999
Douglas F. Allen, Jr. ★
Gary Apfel
Richard B. Aronson ★
Lawrence M. Bell ★
Jane E. Booth ★
William W. Bratton, Jr. ★
William C. Cagney ★
James L. Casserly
Warren G. Caywood, Jr. ★
Douglas R. Chamberlain ★
John M. Christian ★
Peter M. Connolly ★
Frank J. Cutolo ★
Ralph C. Dawson
Leslie M. Demus
John L. Diamond ★
Eric H. Fisher ★
David F. Forte ★
Wendy Robbins Fox ★
M. E. Freeman ★
Bruce M. Givner ★
Steven J. Glaser ★
Steven Glickstein
Peter Hess, LL.M. Andrew Irving ★ Carol A. Jablonski ★
Paul A. Jakab
Eric H. Joss ★
Ilene P. Karpf ★
Thomas L. Klug ★
Margaret V. Knox ★
Paul S. Koffsky ★
Sanda Kayden Lambert
Benjamin F. Mann Elaine Scheib Mann
Eileen Kennelly Wilcox
Gary M. Messing
Henry T. Meyer III ★
William L. Mueller ★
Lance Myers ★
Alan S. Naar ★
David T. Paradise
Ralph L. Pellecchio
Susan Rieger
James J. Sabella Robert D. Schachat
Jamie E. Stern ★ Steven L. Strange ★ Lydia N. Wegman ★ Scott B. White ★ Diane L. Zimmerman ★
Jeffrey B. Golden ♣★
Richard J. Lampen ♣★
Simon C. M. Luk ♣★
Lawrence Rutkowski ♣★
Michael S. Wien ♣★
Joanne Witty ♣ Michael I. Zinder ♣★
Gail S. Berney ★
Roberto Casati ★
Lynette A. Charboneau Dan S. Dunham ★
David M. Frankel Dale C. Fredston Ellen T. Graff ★
Michael Groll ★ Richard S. Lincer ★ Brian G. Lustbader Roger P. Morie James H. Ross ★ Howard Todd Stitzer ★ Bradley J. Wechsler
Up to $999
Daniel M. Abuhoff ★ Leonard J. Adler ★ Harold B. Aspis ★ Robin Bierstedt ★
Robert Lopez
Henry Stow Lovejoy ★ Michael Mitchelson ★
Benjamin R. Sears John M. Simpson
Robert Stokes, Jr. Patricia London Wager ★ Martin R. Wing CLASS OF 1979
$50,000 and up
Richard A. Barasch ♣ Thomas S. Rogers ♣
$25,000–$49,999 David H. Schmidt ♣
$10,000–$24,999 L. Howard Adams ♣★ Rosemary E. Armstrong ♣★ Philip N. Feder ♣★ Joshua S. Rubenstein ♣
Donald L. Drakeman ★
Stuart M. Feinblatt
David J. Friedman ★ Lisa Anne Gok ★
Thomas D. Goldberg ★ Sandra M. Rocks ★ Edward S. Rosenthal Theodore M. Shaw Edwin B. Sterner ★ David K. Y. Tang ★ John R. Wald ★
Up to $999
Laurie A. Asch ★
Bruce N. Bagni, LL.M. Kenneth P. Brier ★ David S. Carroll Colin W. Ewing ★ Miroslav M. Fajt Celia A. Felsher ★ Allen P. Fineberg ★ Deidra D. Gold ★ Don D. Grubman ★ Richard A. Inz ★
John F. Duane ♣★
Jose Francisco Gouvea Vieira, LL.M. Richard E. Graves III ♣★ Stephen R. Lynch ♣★
William E. Kovacic ♣★
Edward Soto ♣★ Thomas W. White ♣★
Jeffrey L. Boak Leonard A. Busby ★ Seth A. Davidson ★ Marcia R. Eisenberg Carla L. Hand Peter N. Hillman ★
Joyce B. Hundley
Benny Kanter, LL.M. Thomas J. Kimmell ★ Daphna Krim Michael Levine
John B. Lewis, LL.M. ★ Sarah C. Lichtenstein
$5,000–$9,999 Robert E. Buckholz ♣ Stephen M. Davis ♣★ Edward E. Gonzalez ♣★ Joseph S. Magnano ♣★ Patricia Perez Santonocito ♣★ Nina L. Shaw ♣★
$2,500–$4,999 Mary C. Bennett ♣★ Valerie Casey ♣★ James F. Rogers ♣★ Marian A. Tse ♣★ David B. Wescoe ♣★
Henry J. Birnkrant ★ Victoria L. Bor ★ Robert S. Brager
Randi Schnur Jones Cris T. Kako ★ Richard W. Katz ★ William D. Katz ★ David I. Lesser ★
Jonathan S. Margolis
Maurice R. Mathis ★ Suzanne M. McSorley
David A. Miller ★
James S. Minogue III
Carlos M. Morales ★
David A. Newberg ★
The Hon. Mitchel E. Ostrer ★ Daniel B. Rubock ★
Surie Rudoff ★ Paul N. Samuels
Anthony T. Saviano ★ David Simon Sokolow ★
William D. Temko ★
Donna L. Tesiero ★
Charles M. Trippe, Jr.
Maris V. Veidemanis ★
William E. Wallace, Jr. ★
David E. Warren ★
Leslie J. Wilsher
Linden Havemeyer Wise ★ Donna Zilkha ★
Mark E. Mlotek ★
Marianne T. Remedios ★
Barbara E. Shiers ★
Robin J. Stout
Up to $999
Lisa F. Ader ★
Charles B. Anderson ★
Alexander Aponte
David M. Bond
Hill Carrow
Jeffrey D. Chansler
$50,000 and up Jay R. Bloom ♣ Mozelle W. Thompson ♣★
Timothy J. Alvino ♣★ Andrew J. Frackman ♣★
$10,000–$24,999 Annette L. Nazareth ♣★
Georgina M. Guernica ★
Regina Harrison ★
David Randall Harshbarger
Lewis P. Jones III
Alan S. Kaden
Bernard V. Keenan, LL.M. Bruce M. Levine
Peter C. Lewis Jane W. Meisel ★
Carl D. Morgan, Jr. B. Kathleen Munguia ★ Richard S. Order ★
Paul A. Castanon ♣ Allen R. Friedman ♣★ James P. Gerkis ♣★ Amy L. Kyle ♣★
James G. Gallagher ♣★ Stephen A. Radin ♣★ Karen Scowcroft ♣★ Donald E. Vaughan ♣★ Jonathan Mark Wagner ♣★
$50,000 and up
Gary S. Davis ♣★
Bruce E. Rosenblum ♣★
Thomas E. Rothman ♣
$25,000–$49,999 Frances S. Cohen ♣
Brian P. Friedman ♣ George W. Madison ♣
Carl S. Kravitz ♣
The Hon. Christopher C. Larkin ♣★
Deborah Jones Merritt ♣
Joseph C. Shenker ♣★ Meryl L. Young ♣
Felix E. Leatherwood III ♣★
Kathy Hirata Chin
Jose W. Fernandez
Mark H. Hess ★
Curtis A. Johnson ★
Kenneth J. Langan ★
Richard W. Mark ★
Ronald C. Minkoff ★
Jeffrey D. DeCarlo ★
Vincent DeMarco ★
Richard S. Elliott ★
Walter V. L. Eversley
Lucinda M. Finley
Amy H. Fisher
Joan Salzman Grant ★
David A. K. Harland, LL.M.
Thomas H. Hill, LL.M.
Debra T. Hirsch ★
Kelly K. Imamura
Kay P. Kindred
Michael J. Lacek
Robert L. Lawrence ★
The Hon. Emilykaye Lonian Mitchelson ★
Thomas M. Molchan ★
Sara E. Nathan ★
Lisa Schilit Pearson ★
Stephen J. Ritchin ★
David R. Rivero
Edward H. Rosenthal
Mary Lou A. Ruescher ★
Carl F. Taeusch II ★
Steven A. Teitelbaum ★
Constance Zawieja Wagner ★
Michael A. Watkins
Alaine S. Williams, LL.M.
Robert F. Williams, LL.M.
Patricia A. Vlahakis ♣★
$2,500–$4,999 Laura Pula Cook ♣★ Haywood E. McDuffie ♣ Ransom C. Wilson ♣ June L. Yuson ♣★
William D. Alexander ★ Jay E. Bothwick ★ Thomas D. Graber Marisa F. Jacobs ★ Scott H. Katzman ★ Clifford L. Thau Barbara J. Wagner ★
Up to $999
Seth A. Akabas ★ Fred Bass ★
Joni Kelly Bennett ★ F. Jay Dougherty ★ Peter A. Durfee ★ Alfred G. Feliu ★
Lori Faye Fischler ★ John R. Flores ★ Maria Foscarinis
Daniel J. Gifford, J.S.D. Jill A. Goldy ★ David P. Granoff ★ Debra S. Groisser
Patrick C. Reed ★
The Hon. Mary V. Rosado
The Hon. Richard Seeborg
Deborah A. Shadd
Steven J. Sklar ★
The Hon. Joseph C. Spero Jan C. Swenson ★
David A. Taggart, LL.M. Eugene Tanaka Monica Blong Wagner
David A. Wilson CLASS OF 1983
$50,000 and up David J. Greenwald ♣★ Alison S. Ressler ♣★
$25,000–$49,999 Lisa Klein Wager ♣
John A. Bick ♣★
Donald R. Crawshaw, LL.M. ♣★ Susan C. Frunzi ♣★ William A. Groll ♣★ Donald B. Verrilli, Jr. ♣★ Alan B. Vickery ♣★
Jeffrey B. Citrin ★ Dennis J. Duffy ★
Lauren G. Grien ★
Sharon L. Kegerreis
Laura Meyers Lieberman ★ Jeffrey Light ★ Steven M. Rabinowitz
Donald F. Santa, Jr. ★ Michael H. Ullmann ★ Joseph F. Wayland
Leonard G. Weiser–Varon ★
Up to $999
Angelo R. Aldana
Seth J. Atlas ★
Barbara L. Atwell
Anne E. Barschall
Victoria B. Bjorklund ★ David C. Bloomfield ★ Michael Connolly
The Hon. Edward J. Damich, LL.M. Heather D. Diddel
Terrence J. Farrell ★ Margaret M. Flint ★
Laura French ★ Lawrence A. Goldberg
David C. James ★ Stephen M. Kane ★
Kathleen A. Kress ★
Jessica Litman
Anne S. Lombard
James K. Lowry, Jr. ★
Grace M. Mills
Stacy D. Phillips ★
Marvin R. Pilo ★
Audrey E. Prashker ★
Jeffrey D. Pribor
Roy E. Pulvers
Myron D. Rumeld
Simon G. Salas
Peter D. Schneider ★
Alisa D. Shudofsky
Mark V. Tremallo
Jonathan T. Weinberg
Barbara Brizzi Wynne
Kurt E. DeSoto ♣★
Stephen G. Givant ♣★
James K. Langdon II ♣
Stuart M. Riback ♣★ Karen B. Shaer ♣★
Tracy L. Austin
Jennifer Kronisch Benenson ★
James S. Grien
Mark D. Hostetter ★
Joseph C. Marconi
Paul J. Murphy, LL.M.
Marc R. Packer ★
Lee S. Parks ★
David Pauker ★
Jonathan M. Rich ★ Steven C. Schwartz ★
Gilbert L. Schnitzler
Simon Sidamon-Eristoff
Peter J. Weidman
David F. Wertheimer ★
Martin E. Wiebecke, LL.M. ★
Stephen M. Wiseman
Philip W. Yun ★
Ivan D. Zimmerman
Reed D. Auerbach ♣★ Michael J. Schmidtberger ♣★
John R. Peracchio ♣★ Eric M. Zachs ♣
Mark L. Bibi ★
Nicholas B. Capeci
Lynette Allison Carr
Victoria C. Choy
Steven Brent Feigenbaum ★
Michael W. Galligan
Lisa A. Hirsch ★
Christopher M. Linneman
Jeanene Finch Patterson ★
Jonathan D. Pavluk ★ Margaret H. Plank ★
Ellyn Polshek
Richard C. Pugh, Jr. ★
Louise M. Quick
Margaret Raymond
Connie A. Rodriguez ★
Mark Sidel
Michael B. Solovay
Robert P. Storch ★
J. Mark Gidley ♣★
York Chi Lau Harder ♣ Nobuhisa Ishizuka ♣★ Richard K. Kim ♣★ Douglas K. Mayer ♣★ Mark A. Nelson ♣★ Alison R. Pavia ♣ Robert H. Smit ♣
Jared B. Bobrow ♣★ Suzanne P. Fawbush ♣★ Hiroko Imamura ♣★ Young-Cheol Jeong ♣ Katherine S. Kendrick ♣ Walter T. Killmer, Jr. ♣★ William A. Shirley ♣★
$50,000 and up
Stephanie R. Breslow ♣★
Raymond Y. Lin ♣★
Bradford L. Smith ♣★
Kathryn Surace-Smith ♣★
Chun Wei, LL.M.
Teresa Bryce Bazemore ♣
Sheila Cheston ♣
Robert G. DeLaMater ♣★
Margaret S. Determan ♣★
Malvina Camejo Longoria ♣
Christine M. Jorquera Vickery ♣★
Edwin M. Baum ♣★
Gay Crosthwait Grunfeld ♣★
Brian Krisberg ♣
David S. Neill ♣★
Charles S.V. Telly, J.S.D. ★ Sharon J. Weinberg
The Hon. Jeffrey M. Zimmerman
Up to $999
Anthony V. Alfieri ★
Steven C. Barre ★
Samuel J. Bennett Mark A. Cohen ★
Sherman A. Cohen ★
Roberto G. Cristofolini, LL.M. ★ George Dwight II ★ Pamela A. Nadler Emmerich, LL.M. ★
Richard A. Figueroa ★
The Hon. Gabriel W. Gorenstein ★
Edward S. Hershfield ★
Morton J. Holbrook III, LL.M.
Daniel B. Kohrman
Keith L. Krasney ★ Maureen W. McCarthy ★
Daniel T. Montoya
Bianca Russo ★
Miguel Antonio Sanchez ★
Anne E. Cohen ♣★
Rachel R. Friedman ♣★
David B. Goroff ♣★ Bruce A. Gutenplan ♣★ Robert M. Linn ♣★ Robert S. Rachofsky ♣
Nicholas J. Spiliotes ♣★ Philip R. Weingold ♣★
John E. Frank Nicholas A. Gravante, Jr. Gail J. Hupper ★
Diane E. Lopez
Laurie Magid ★
Hisashi Ohgaki, LL.M.
Up to $999
Peter A. Alpert ★
Peter E. Ball
John E. Barry ★
Julie Barovick Switzer
Carolyn E. Taylor Mark R. Wicker Helen P. Wiley ★
$50,000 and up
Elizabeth Glazer ♣ William G. Montgomery ♣
Carol Turobiner Finley ♣★ Jonathan L. Walcoff ♣★
Debra A. Dandeneau ♣★ Gailon McGowen ♣
Lorraine S. McGowen ♣ The Hon. Peter H. Moulton ♣★
Nancy J. Felsten
Thomas C. Galligan, Jr., LL.M. Efrem M. Grail ★ C. David Lamoreaux Paul P. Lee Don H. Liu ★ Scott M. Martin, LL.M. ★ Roger E. Schwed ★ Jane M. Sovern ★ Richard D. Truesdell, Jr. ★ Charles K. Whitehead ★
Up to $999
Karen D. Alphonse
Mark D. Arian
Hannah Bentley Manuel S. Campano
Sandra G. Chutorian ★
Carol A. DiBattiste, LL.M. Avi Katz ★ Robert J. Mangas Gregory K. McCall Alan C. Michaels ★
Jonathan Jacob Nadler ★
Karen A. Negris
James Robert Pigott, Jr. ★ Heather Dembert Rafter ★
Nightingale RukubaNgaiza, LL.M.
Donald L. Samuels ★
Mark J. Shapiro
Gregory S. Shatan
Jenny Lynn Sheridan Neal S. Smolar
Katherine A. Staton ★
Kurt A. Strasser, J.S.D. ★
Joseph A. Hall
Paul B. Haskel
Eve Rachel Markewich
Cyrus D. Mehta, LL.M.
Nancy Northup ★
Stephen E. Older Y. Ping Sun Jess A. Velona
Up to $999
David F. Bayne ★
Elise Stambler Benatar
Philip J. Berkowitz
Allan Jeffrey Borkow ★
Joseph G. Casaccio
Jonathan D. White ★ Peter H. Woodin ★ Muhua Yu, LL.M. CLASS OF 1989
$50,000 and up Wei Sun Christianson ♣ Timothy A. Steinert ♣
$25,000–$49,999 G. Wade Leak ♣★
$50,000 and up
2 Anonymous Gift
Jon Leonard Christianson ♣ Po Y. Sit ♣★
Sara George Armstrong ♣★
Steven E. Bizar ♣★ Lisa E. Brody ♣★
Janice M. Mac Avoy ♣★
Kevin T. Abikoff ♣
Catherine M. Karatzas, LL.M. ♣
Brian D. Robbins ♣
Daniel L. Ackman ♣
The Hon. Antony J. Blinken ♣★
Ronald L. Cheng ♣★
Stephen B. Davis ♣
Sebastian R. Sperber ♣★ Jinlong Wang ♣★
Edwin P. Ching ★
Martin M. Cohen
Todd L. Cranford
William C. Fredericks
Karen Able Gledhill
Irene Gonzalez ★
Jessica J-M Hagen
Valerie Hartman
Dina R. Hellerstein ★
Michael K. Hertz
David W. Jaroslaw ★ Riaz A. Karamali
George J. Kostas ★
Kevin J. Liss
Maris Fink Liss
Robert J. McAuliffe
Susan Rotatori McAuliffe ★
Paul F. Occhiogrosso ★
Katherine Anderson O’Hara
Elizabeth M. Pongracic ★
Michael B. Richman ★
Annette Caligiuri Rizzi
Elizabeth F. Skoler ★
Mary A. Throne ★
Susan K. Ullman
William L. Verick
$10,000–$24,999 Susan E. Liautaud ♣★ Michael W. Wolitzer ♣★ Jun Yang ♣ $5,000–$9,999 James L. Bromley ♣★ Elizabeth Shea Fries ♣ Warren Motley ♣★ Robert J. Spinna, Jr. ♣★
Stephan J. Goetz, LL.M. ♣ Matthew R. Kipp ♣★
$1,000–$2,499 Robin L. Baker ★ Mark S. Kaufman ★ Peter J. Loughran ★ Joel A. Mintzer Mark A. Robertson ★ Merideth Schlesinger Rosh Andrea G. Wolfe
Up to $999
Marjorie E. Berman ★ Wendy Lynn Brandes
Seeley Ann Brooks Edward D. Cavanagh, J.S.D. ★ Jeanne C. Conerly ★
Angelo A. Cuonzo ★
Matt J. Epstein Elisabeth T. Roth Escobar
Lior Evan ★ John P. Fry ★ Glenn G. Fuller June M. Gerken Ellen Peyton Glaessner ★ Seth R. Horowitz ★ Elizabeth M. Johnson ★ Lorraine Kooby Survis ★ Catherine E. M. Kortlandt ★ Ira L. Kotel
Marilyn Clapp Kunstler Michael S. McBride
Joel A. Mintz, J.S.D. ★ Lorraine Briganti Mooney Inga L. Parsons ★ Amelia Nickles Riekenberg Steven C. Russo Alessandro Saracino, LL.M. Grace W. Shelton Carol S. Silverman ★ Adam B. Toft ★ Timothy J. White ♣★
Maripat Alpuche ♣
Victor Fungkong, LL.M. Elise Slosberg Holtzman ♣★
Trevor S. Norwitz, LL.M. ♣★ Brian M. Stadler ♣★
Jennifer Bancroft DaSilva ♣★
Peter D. Karol ♣
Jennifer L. Klein ♣★ Alexandra T. Manbeck ♣ Mark A. Roppel, LL.M. ♣★ Michael E. Swartz ♣★ William R. Wright ♣
Steven M. Abramowitz ★ Rudy Carmenaty ★ Drew Larner
Harry W. Lipman ★ Frank J. Mangieri ★ Lawrence W. Mattis Albert J. Rim ★ Michael S. Simon ★ Howard L. Wolk ★
Up to $999
Steven H. Armstrong
$50,000 and up
Vineet Bhatia ♣★
Bruce H. Goldfarb ♣★ Gregory D. Lee, LL.M. ♣
Robert D. Marcus ♣★ Christopher K. Tahbaz ♣★
Elizabeth Mary Burban Brian H. Cheu ★
Rosario Conde-Johanek ★ Mary DeMarco Lee ★ Wendy D. DiChristina ★ Steven A. Ellenberg ★ Steven R. Escobar
Thomas L. Fraser ★ Harold M. Freiman ★ Jayashree B. Gokhale ★
Glenda G. Grace
Charlotte J. Hart ★ Christian A. Johnson ★ Kathy M. Jordan
Genesia Perlmutter Kamen
Steven R. Kamen
Ines Marrero-Priegues
David B. Matthews ★
Paul R. Morico
Mary J. Morry ★
Theodore J. Piccone
Anika Rahman
George C. Rogers
Suzanne Rosencrans ★
Miles F. Ryan III ★
Lauren Gage Segal ★
Jeffrey C. Selman ★
Justin Jay Shrenger
Kevin G. Smith
Eve M. Strauss West ★
Jennifer Toolin-McAuliffe ★ Loren B. Wimpfheimer ★

Andrew R. Dominus ♣★
Shazia Khawaja ♣★
Hee-Jung Shin Moon ♣ Robert M. Rosh ♣★
Jonathan Etra
Laurent Jose Henri Garzaniti, LL.M. David J. Impastato III ★ Michael J. Nooney Robin Tauber Plonsker ★ Kathryn E. Schneider ★
Brian Y. Shin ★ Lena Pu Silberman ★
Up to $999
Michele L. Abeles
Mark B. Arnold Blair I. Berman ★ Richard A. Brook ★
Grace E. Wagner
Hui Hsing Wong
Xiao-Ji Xiang, LL.M. CLASS OF 1993
Sara M. Darehshori ♣★
Richard K. Elbaum ♣★ Matthew H. Hurlock ♣ Adam J. Kansler ♣★ Debra Carlascio Lienhardt ♣
Raanan A. Agus ♣ Catherine A. Green ♣★ Mark D. Hunsaker ♣★
$50,000 and up
Scott A. Barshay ♣★
Paul C. Hilal ♣ Michael S. Weiss ♣
The Hon. Kenneth M. Karas ♣
Mojdeh L. Khaghan ♣
Amanda Moretti ♣
Susan L. Saltzstein ♣★
David K. Boston ♣★
Perry L. Pe, LL.M. ♣ Nancy L. Sanborn ♣★
Steven A. Cohen ♣★
S. Todd Crider ♣★
Ben M. Germana ♣★
Sarah C. Osborn ♣★ Rebecca J. Simmons ♣★
James I. Cohen ★
Raymond A. D’Onofrio
Christopher H. Dorn
Julia Heaney Albert J. Kish ★ Terrence R. McInnis ★
Deborah Leah Meyers
Steven P. Moskowitz
Lynn B. Oberlander ★ Mack A. Paul IV
Karen A. Post ★
Edward D. Rogers Kevin M. Saltzman ★
Gordon Schnell
Alan D. Schnitzer ★
Alexandra A. E. Shapiro
Thomas J. Simeone ★
The Hon. Lynne Hobbs Smith
Katharine L. Sonnenberg ★ Carol M. Suzuki ★ Lucas F. Torres
Jennifer A. Altman ♣★ P. Benjamin Duke ♣★ Maurice F. Edelson ♣★ Jeffrey A. Hovden ♣★ Marc H. Katz ♣★ Kenneth S. Leonetti ♣★ Nicole Polley Miller ♣★ Sara E. Podrasky ♣ Fumihide Sugimoto, LL.M.
Stacy J. Cooper ★ The Hon. Young Hill Liew, LL.M. Randall Lamar Nixon Simon H. Prisk, LL.M. ★
Debora Marie Rodriguez Lisa Dorio Ruch Michael J. Volkovitsch ★
Pao-Lin Wang, LL.M. Hongye Zhao, LL.M.
gifts enable me and my classmates to follow in your footsteps as powerful advocates. Your support helps propel future generations of Columbia Law School students forward with confidence.”
Each year at commencement, members of Columbia Law School’s graduating class present a class gift to the Law School as they transition from students to alumni—a tradition since the late 1990s to support the students who will follow in their footsteps.

Class gift co-chairs and committee members work diligently throughout the spring to engage all of their classmates in this effort, which consistently results in a tremendous annual class participation rate. Unfortunately, this year, as in the past two years, the pandemic rendered this effort impossible. Acknowledging the fortitude of the Class of 2022, Columbia Law School alumnus Kenneth L. Stein ’62— chair of his 60th Reunion and former member of the Law School’s Board of Visitors—has made a gift on behalf of the entire Stein family “in honor of every member of the Columbia Law School Class of 2022.”
This gift will help alleviate the unanticipated financial needs of current and future Columbia Law students.
Up to $999
1 Anonymous Donor
Patricia D. Acha
Ann Marie Arcadi
Perry S. Bechky
Sheila S. Boston
Geoffrey P. Burgess ★ Jill E. Cohen ★
J. Barclay Collins III
Denise L. Cooper, LL.M. Alessandro C. De Giorgis ★ Eleni M. Demetriou
George C. Dolatly ★ J. Wylie Donald Daniel F. Feldman ★ Jeffrey A. Fiarman
Rebecca Lisbeth Fine ★ Alicia Alvarez Fitch ★
Yancy Ruben Garrido ★ Lawrence Gerschwer ★ William Hardy, LL.M.
Robert L. Harris Edward G. Kamman
John D. Lamb ★
Lorena P. Lopes
Robert A. Magnanini
Dean A. Manson, Jr. ★
Robert W. Mauriello, Jr. ★ Michael S. McGarry
Gabriel J. Mesa
Brian L. Owsley
Henry J. Ricardo ★ Alan E. Rothman
William E. Schaeffer ★
Judith M. Shampanier
Marilyn J. Smith Mark M. Socha
Eric A. C. Stuart ★ Salomon Torres Thomas Rawlings Wood ★ Shawna H. Yen ★
Deborah E. Beckmann Kotzubei ♣ Jacob Tadgh Kotzubei ♣ Sina Toussi ♣★
$10,000–$24,999 Andrew J. Shapiro ♣★ Andrew Sommers ♣★
Michael D. Coughlin, Jr. ★ Pamela Lawrence Endreny ♣★ Anne Elizabeth Robinson ♣
$2,500–$4,999 Elaine M. Chiu ♣ Karen S. Handler ♣ John M. Olivieri ♣★ Cynthia D. Richards ♣★ Philip Richter ♣★
Ellen Bowden McIntyre Laura W. Brill Elizabeth A. Devine ★ Cynthia Lee Dow ★ Theodore U. Schweitzer ★ Maria C. Simon Michelle Lynn Toll ★ Rebecca Troutman James M. Webster III ★
Up to $999
E. Kenly Ames
Gabriele A. Apfelbacher, LL.M. Garry A. Berger Steven N. Brautigam ★ Dennine Bullard
The Hon. Stephen C. Bullock Theresa F. Burke Marina A. Choundas David H. Dreier ★ Tracy Marie Flynn
Amanda J. Gallagher ★
Howard Geneslaw
Denise L. Gilman
Lauren R. Goldberg
Elizabeth R. Gordon ★
Norman A. Gretzinger ★ Julie Ann Grossman ★
Bernard T. Gugar ★
Franca Harris Gutierrez
Michael A. Hartman, Jr. Polly B. Jessen
Anna N. Kraske ★
Conrad Anthony Lee Hing
Cinthia A. Levy, LL.M.
Jeffrey H. Lipton
Michael J.Z. Mannheimer ★
Mark S. Millender ★
John O. Mudd, J.S.D.
Lawrence P. Oh ★
Judy L. Polacheck
Eileen A. Reardon
Jeffrey F. Robertson ★
Dayna Rosenthal-Goldsmith ★
Joshua D. Saltman ★
Franklin Siegel, LL.M. Prescott D. Ulrey ★ Adrienne M. Ward ★ Jennifer Chung Yang Michael T. Yu ★
$50,000 and up
Li Lu ♣★
Jeffrey D. Hochberg ♣ Seth J. Kalvert ♣
Stephen R. DiPrima ♣★
Julio J. Ramos ♣
David E. Ross ♣★ Charles E. Smith ♣★
Marianne M. Chao, LL.M. ♣★ Andrew Michael Herman ♣
Krystian Marek Czerniecki
Joseph T. Dixon III
Seth T. Goldsamt
Julian A. Haywood
Takao Higuchi, LL.M.
Lina A. Kitsos
Benjamin M. Lawsky ★
Jeremy Maltby ★
Gillian E. Metzger
Hillel I. Parness ★
Dan S. Ronnen
Eric A. Rosand
Justin S. Weddle ★ R. Brent Whisenant Yan Yang
Up to $999
Justin Douglas Abelow ★
Mirari M. Barriola, LL.M.
Claudia T. Bogdanos
A. Matthew Boxer
Joseph H. Brazil
Georgia Chia-Chen Chang, LL.M.
Andrea G. Cohen ★
David P. Cohen, LL.M.
Albrecht Conrad, LL.M.
Rob Cordell ★
Ronn S. Davids
Christopher M. Denig
Daniel S. Gewanter ★
Nancy B. Greenbaum ★
Joseph R. Haller
Deborah Hartnett, LL.M.
Erin Zyko Hussein
Emily Sidorsky Kronenberg
Lise Anne Martina ★
Cori Flam Meltzer ★
J. L. Yranski Nasuti, LL.M. Mark C. Redman
Alyssa Wiener Rosenbaum
James E. Rosenfeld ★
Lynda M. Ruiz
Susan Sawyer ★
Terrence L. Shen ★ Andrew T. Solomon ★ David P. Stone William J. Sushon Daniel H. Tabak ★ John Vagelatos
Christopher G. Cross ♣ Bradley Lewis Finkelstein ♣ Alan D. Seem ♣ Alex Sztuden ♣★
Bernd C. Allekotte, LL.M. John M. Driscoll III ★ Catherine M. Flanders
Peter M. Gold, LL.M. Elai E. Katz ★
Neal S. Kaufman ★ David L. Leichtman ★ Abraham Leitner
Claudia M. Marmolejo, LL.M. Benjamin Albond Powell ★ William B. Sheehan ★ Andrew W. Smith Eric B. Steiglitz
Up to $999
Lorelei D. Ritchie ★
Peter H. Schwartz ★
Beatrice Sevcik
Mark L. Shwartz Andrew T. Swers ★ Margo R. Topman ★ Ya-Ting Yang David M. Zlotchew CLASS OF 1998
$50,000 and up
Barrie B. Covit ♣ Adam B. Fisher ♣ Anthony A. Yoseloff ♣★
Zhigeng David Fu, LL.M. ♣ Rashida K. La Lande ♣
Sandra Geiger Richardson ★
Sunil William Savkar
Chryssa V. Valletta ★ Andreas von Bonin, LL.M. Seth B. Weinberg ★
Up to $999
Erika Aronson Stern ♣★ Denise E. Backhouse ★
Yanira I. Baez
Deborah A. Brown
Consuelo I. Campuzano ★
Elisabeth J. Cappuyns ★ Lee D. Chaikin ★
Beverly Izes Cole ★
Jeffrey D. Colvin
Jackie Ewenstein
Kamal T. Fizazi
Jamie Garelick
Melissa Garza
1 Anonymous Donor Jonathan M. Moses ♣★ Abigail Young Moses ♣★
An Ken Chen ♣★ Uri Geiger, LL.M. Jill E. Schurtz ♣ Lori Iannotti Zyskowski ♣★
Christopher J. Clark ♣
Susanne Vikoren Clark ♣
Ana Genender O’Brien ♣★
Geoffrey B. Goldman ♣★ Elaine P. Golin ♣★ Matthew E. Kaplan ♣ Galina Krasilovsky Kirman ♣★ Igor Kirman ♣★
Keith D. Agisim ★ Elena Centeio Andrew J. H. Cheung ★ Ashima A. Dayal ★ Ian S. Ford ★
Richard B. Hardegree ★ Clare Huntington Michone Trinae Johnson ★ Michele Brener Keusch Alexander Khutorsky
Gregory S. Knell ★ Carl R. Kolbet
Jennifer Lynne Lemberg Jenny C. Liu ★ Amy Jane Longo
Joseph Brent Mann Lesley Mayo Mann Brad Meltzer ★ Mark W. Messenbaugh
John Richard Middleton, Jr. Rosemary Nidiry
Beesham A. Seecharan ♣★ Jeffrey Howard Wechselblatt ♣
Amisha Mody Mehta ♣ Steven R. Meier ♣★ Gregory E. Ostling ♣★ Patricia A. Seith ♣★
Craig F. Arcella ♣★ Paul H. Cohen ♣
Elisabeth Adams Mason ♣★ Stuart E. Pollack ♣★
David W. Blass ★ Jay Hoon Choi ★
Nicole E. Erb
Raymond Iglesias III
Robert E. Ivanschitz, LL.M. Christopher W. Kirkham ★ Ricardo S. Martinez
Gejaa T. Gobena
Laurie Borgerding Johnson
Oliverio Lew, LL.M. Hannah S. Long
Quentin L. Messer, Jr. ★ Neil M. Rosenhouse ★
R. Scott Ruskay-Kidd ★ Sapna Sanagavarapu Bryan L. Sells Stacey E. Singleton ★ Lee D. Sossen ★
David Victor Trulio ★
Rossie E. Turman III
David M. Viscomi
Thomas E. Watson ★ David L. Weller
Jason P. Wiesenfeld ♣★
10•20 •21
Melanie Klein ♣
Eduardo Gallardo ♣★
Jason Jurgens ♣★
Abrielle Rosenthal ♣★ Matthew Solum ♣★
Inigo De Luisa, LL.M.
Kurt J. Decko ★ Hristo D. Dimitrov ★
Lori M. Fields ★
Jonathan B. Gaskin Alexandra R. Gelber ★ Cindy L. Horesh ★ Rebecca Hornstein ★

Committed. Loyal. Supportive. The Columbia Law School community embraced these attributes and more during the 10th Annual Columbia Giving Day, on October 20, 2021. The 24-hour, universitywide fundraising initiative resulted in 986 gifts to the Law School—a 6.1% increase over 2020 and a 29% increase over 2019. Alumni and friends committed more than $1.8 million in support of the Law School Annual Fund. The Law School was No. 1 in dollars raised among Columbia graduate schools and ranked as a leader in alumni participation.
Nelson O. Fitts ♣★
Eugene P. Mazzaro ♣★
Marcelo Lamy Rego, LL.M. ♣
Amy Orange Finzi ♣★
The Hon. Herman N. Johnson, Jr. ♣★ Ana Cristina de Moraes, LL.M. ♣
Michael P. Beys ★
Dalia Osman Blass ★ Michael C. Borofsky ★ Denise Julien Diallo Min Ding Kevin Hardy ★ Kevin D. Kim Noah Maxim Leibowitz
Alejo Lugo ★
Ank A. Santens, LL.M. Sira Veciana-Muino James D. Weinberger
Up to $999
Afra Afsharipour ★
Joel M. Athey
Lee Turnier Barnum ★ A. Roman Boed, LL.M.
Lana L. Choi ★
Darren D. Cooke
Julie Harkness Cooke Tasha Cooper
Tommi H. Juusela, LL.M. ★ Ivana S. Kriznic, LL.M. Ann Lawrence Athey
Cynthia Yuan Lee ★ Judy Cheng Lee
Samuel Jay Lieberman Erez Liebermann
Kevin Paul Martin Marc L. Mezey Vera Liza Noriega
Cristin J. O’Callahan Michael D. Okon Thayne L. Peterson Stephen F. Reed
Stephanie Rutten, LL.M. Gershon Seiferas Douglas D. Stalgren Ethan V. Torrey ★ Martina E. Vandenberg Jinhy Yoon Hong Zhang, LL.M.
1 Anonymous Donor
Ian Boczko ♣★ Kevin L. MacMillan ♣★ Wendi Hoeben Thompson, LL.M. ♣★
Luciana Aquino-Hagedorn, LL.M.
Marc Jonathan Jones ♣ Alexandra Lauvaux, LL.M.
Wendy J. Cassity ★ Lawrence P. Dempsey Daniel E. Friedman ★ Yeun-Joo Lee ★ Mark L. Niu Lianne S. Pinchuk ★ Benjamin Wise Rotenstreich ★ Kamyar D. Shabani
Natasha Snitkovsky Shabani ★ Miguel Tornovsky, LL.M. Stephen E. Tsoneff ★ Magdalena Zavalia, LL.M.
Up to $999
Robinne DeMayo Garfield ★
Christine E. Gould
Elise J. Gudeman
Beth A. Gunn
Sarah J. Harp
Jeremy Rae Harris ★
Heloise Husson Leleu, LL.M. Rachel L. Izower-Fadde ★
Kara L. Kreisher Leopold ★ Jessica Mordas Masella ★
Scott I. Moses ★
Brian K. Nagatani ★
Preeya Noronha Pinto ★
Laura E. Popp-Rosenberg ★
Vicente P. Reyes
Jonathan R. Sacks
Scott M. Sherman
Juliet Sorensen ★ Eryn M. Starun
Brian Y. Sung
Andrew H. Tannenbaum
Wendy Witten Tannenbaum Benjamin H. Torrance
Edward Anh Tran ★
Gaetan J. Verhoosel, J.S.D. Hope A. Wachter
George E. Williamson III
$50,000 and up Michael T. Esquivel ♣ Alia Tutor
$25,000–$49,999 David E. Kahan ♣★ $10,000–$24,999
Nia J.C. Castelly ♣ Jung-Ryul Chun ♣ Jeffrey B. Korn ♣★
Allison N. Abbott ★ Jill L. Arnold ★ Maddi Azpiroz Garmendia, LL.M. James R. Beattie, Jr., LL.M. Stacey A. Bell
Craig J. Brill Ana Luz Brun, LL.M. ★ Latrice George Byrdsong ★ Eric S. Chun ★
Nicole Cuda Perez Andrew L. Fabens IV ★ Stephanie R. Feingold ★ Brian L. Franklin Elliot D. Ganchrow
Raphael L. Garfield ★
Jeffrey T. Wyshner
Gonzalo S. Zeballos
Katja Ziessler, LL.M.
Daniel L. Serota ♣★
$5,000–$9,999 Katherine R. Kelly ♣
Iris S. Chen ♣★
Jason A. Haim ♣★
Christian Moretti, LL.M.
Sunanda Nair-Bidkar, LL.M.
Alisha R. Bloom ★
Richard Flimel
Brandon Louis Garrett ★
Elliot Moskowitz ★
Richard C. Rosalez ★
Kevin F. Rothman
Magda Schaler-Haynes
David-James Sebag, LL.M.
Kevin M. Tagami ★ Jesse Yeo
Up to $999
Wystan M. Ackerman ★
Shaheryar R. Ahmed
Hala Audi, LL.M.
Alejandro Badillo
Jennifer Becker Barnett
Mohit R. Bhatia ★
Hannah M. Breshin-Otero ★
Whitney Kaiser Chatterjee
Chaoping Deng, LL.M.
Joshua M. Dubofsky ★
Natalie Keron Edwards
Marc D. Falkoff
Heidi R. Gilchrist
Fatimah A. Gilliam
Roger N. Heller
Hayden M. Horowitz ★
Katherine Elise Johnson ★
Rong Tao Kohtz
Marc H. Kushner ★
Lance W. Lange ★
Jonathan Mark Lloyd ★
Maria E. Martinez, LL.M.
Christopher C. Meyerson ★
Matthew J. Middleton
Barbara Dorsey Miller ★
Julian J. Moore ★
Sarah A. Mudho
Harvey Kenyatta Newkirk
Bo-Yong Park
Jane G. Pollack ★
Frantz Price, Jr. Uday Rau ★
Asaf Reindel, LL.M.
Claudia L. Sabido de Alba
Teri Patterson Smith
Dermond E. Thomas
Marie-Andree Vermette, LL.M.
Elizabeth Karpinski Vonne
Felicia Williams
Lesley Frieder Wolf Chasless L. Yancy Chin Kyung Yoo
Aidan W. Donnelley Rowley ★
Gregory C. Frankel ★ Sandra L. Kozlowski ★
Gregory T. Lembrich ★ Yakov David Mirocznik
Justin V. Plouffe ★ Brian Matthew Resnick ★ Joshua W. Ruthizer ★ Marsha W. Yee ★
Up to $999
Naomi M. Abraham ★ Eric Berger ★ Shlomo M. Boehm Reuben L. Borman
Olivia Gifford Peters
Augusto Cesar Silva
Rodrigues, LL.M. Joshua M. Samit ★ Nadia Alam Sarangi Heather Adler Schoen
Bruce E. L. M. Strothers, LL.M. Eva E. Subotnik
Qiang Sun, LL.M. Wendy K. Szymanski Irene M. Ten Cate
Karl C. Huth
Edward Michael Kingston, LL.M. Chanler A. Langham Adam Francis McAnaney Alexandra D. Minkovich ★
Ancris Munoz Ramdhanie Omar Samji Heather Carey von Zuben ★
Up to $999
Emilie M. Beavers ★
Andrea F. Andrezo, LL.M. ♣ Jose Manuel Garcia Represa, LL.M. Timothy Y. Hia ♣★
William Bocra, Jr. ♣ Jamila M. Hall McKnight ♣★
Samuel T. Bull Nellie Choi Park ★ Ambreen A. Delawalla Laura Lynne Faer ★ Evan K. Farber ★ Ramin Fatehi ★ Michael L. Fox ★ Jared R. Friedmann ★ Alexander A. Green ★ Mehdi Syed Imam Sarah Susanna Johnson Jeannie Karl Tamas Karpathegyi, LL.M. Reena Vaidya Krishna ★ Jessica Whiting Mason ★ D. Benjamin McLean Rene G. S. Medrado, LL.M. Chaim Yaakov Miller
Rodrigo Cardozo Miranda, LL.M. Emily N. Monroe ★ Joshua A. Naftalis ★ Yehuda Neubauer, LL.M. Jamal Sari Nusseibeh, LL.M. Jeeyeon Park Snehal A. Patel
Chalyse S. Thomas-Robinson James Lawrence Tuxbury ★ Lorrin Higgins Tuxbury ★ Shawei Tsuei-Wei Wang Charles C. Yi Misa Zgonec-Rozej, LL.M.
Lyria Kay Bennett Moses, LL.M. Pablo Berbel Fernandez, LL.M. Caroline Bennett Boehm Sebastian Bonnevier, LL.M. Peter Buerkli, LL.M.
Julie M. Calderon Rizzo J. Andres Cedron ★ Olivier Lionel David Dupont, LL.M.
$50,000 and up Yan Wang ♣
Arun Srinivas Subramanian ♣ $5,000–$9,999 Karessa Lin Cain ♣★ Laura Rosen Hallett ♣ Christian A. Iwasko ♣
Guilherme R. Ferreira, LL.M. ♣★ Yan Zhang ♣
Yonatan Even, LL.M. Yair Y. Galil ★ Elizabeth Ruth GonzalezSussman Thomas M. Hall Brett Lincoln Harsch ★
Gregory A. Fayer
Gary L. Ford
Megan R. Genet Paul S. Gutman ★
Adam Hankiss
Emily Gould Hirshbein
Jean-Matthieu Jonet, LL.M. David A. Kanarek
Paul M. Kessimian Baron D. Leacock ★ Ann M. Lichter ★ Daniel J. Magida ★
Judit Mandl, LL.M. Adriana M. Martinez ★
The Hon. Linda Kelly Mejias ★
Ingrid Seradarian Miller ★
Melissa Judith Montenes ★ Jason D. Mulvihill ★ Benjamin A. Naftalis
Colter L. Paulson
Jonathan M. Peck
Elizabeth Carol Perez
Elizabeth Allen Putnam
Jonathan P. Robell ★
Alberto Rodriguez
Lindsey A. Roon Wiedmann
John S. Saroff
Audra L. Savage
Urvashi Sen
Andy Smith
Jonah A. Sonnenborn ★
Pedro Suarez Fernandez, LL.M. Jie Wei, LL.M.
Up to $999
Melissa A. Anyetei
Micah E. Arbisser ★
Melissa J. Armstrong
Michael Bogner
Kirsten M. Canton
Franco G. Castelli Villa, LL.M. ★
Steven C. Chin ★
Erick dos Anjos Corvo, LL.M.
Ian R. Dattner
Katherine Mary Donahoe ★
Meghann E. Donahue
Lisa A. Ells
$10,000–$24,999 Yeping Zhou ♣★
Christopher D. Belelieu ♣★
Carlos Egea, LL.M. Caroline Sandberg, LL.M. Rosemary Spaziani ♣ Violetta Guberman Watson ♣
$50,000 and up
1 Anonymous Donor
Paul M. Goldschmid ♣★
Moez M. Kaba ♣
Bjorn R. Lundberg, LL.M. ♣
Jonathan D. Gifford ♣★ Monica R. Shah ♣★
James P. Flynn ♣ Li Han ♣
Jon D. Farkas ♣★ Yun Ma, LL.M.
Zachary Zoll Altschuler
Haipeng Liang
Michael S. Paisner
Lauren B. Perlgut ★
Faiza Norelle Rahman ★
Anthony L. Shih
Yvette Dania Valdez
Fang Zhou, LL.M.
Andre H. M. Fiorotto, LL.M. ★ Michelle Maloney Friend
Erik C. Furu, LL.M.
Christopher D. Hale Michael R. Hartman
A. Scott Hecker ★
Paula E. Hopkins Mary Janine Jjingo
Afiya M. Jordan
Brett A. Kingsbury
Lisia L. Leon Nicholas L. McQuaid ★
Jasand P. Mock
Saira Mohamed ★
Francesco Noero, LL.M.
Bryan L. Pate ★
Paolo Rainelli, LL.M.
Damien James Scholefield, LL.M.
Brian C. Smith
Jenny B. Stapleton ★
Marc Raymond Suskin ★ Ashley Smith Thompson ★
Patricia S. Wencelblat ★ Nicholle Y. Winters
YiShaun Yang ★ Lincoln P. Yeh ★
Joachim Ziegler, LL.M.
Christopher K. Fargo ♣ Ugochukwu A. Ike ♣★
Arash Attar-Rezvani, LL.M. Benjamin M. Crosson ★ Andrew E. Glover Wook J. Hwang Kristen C. Kim ★ Hoi Leun Kong, LL.M. Aaron Michael Sacks ★ Heather M. Schneider Kathleen Kaufmann Shih Hyosung C. Tang ★
Up to $999
Muneeza Aumir ★ Melissa L. Barshop ★ W. Allen Bonner
Megan MacDonald Brosterman Craig R. Bucki ★ Camille Calman ★ Sara Alix Chouraqui, LL.M. Kara E. Coggin ★ Aurelien G. Cohen, LL.M. ★ Erin Hennessy Conroy ★ Scott B. Crofton Melissa K. DePetris
Courtney Schneider Farkas ★ Rebecca Gutner Forter ★ Rodman K. Forter, Jr. ★
Igor Fuks ★
David S. Gerstl Sverker K. Hogberg ★ Olubukola Afolayan Jejeloye ★ Oliver T. Kaelin, LL.M. Vladimir A. Kleyman ★ Megan E. Kultgen ★ Anne Lainer Marquit ★ Meera Malhotra Marti ★ Alexander K. Mittendorf John C. Molluzzo, Jr. ★ Rachel Greer Narvaez ★ Yiwen Ouyang William M. Pridgen ★ Thomas C. Richardson ★ Bob A. Rivollier, LL.M. ★ Andrea C. Saavedra ★ Susanne Bianca Schurad Grace Hyeju Shim ★ Elizabeth L. Smith ★ Joanne Sum-Ping David Sussman ★ Karl Phillip Tadlock ★ Zhenghong Yang, LL.M. Ari Meir Zak Ting Zhao ★ CLASS OF 2008
Joshua Irwin Schiller ♣
Jenna Elisabeth Levine ♣★ Jennifer S. Nam ♣★
David Z. Gringer ♣ Leah LaPorte Malone ♣★ Pritesh P. Shah ♣★
Akshay Sunil Deoras
Caroline Koo Simons
Jeroen Koos van Hezewijk, LL.M. ★
Up to $999
Antonia Abraham
Aden Martin Allen ★
Andrew William Amend ★ Ariana Cooper Berry
Amos Ben Blackman ★
Jennifer L. Carrier ★ Kathleen Michelle Cochrane ★
Eric de Cholnoky ★ Zahra M. Egal
Robert Craig Goldstein
Zachary Neal Goldstein
Michael Grunfeld
Xiaozhou Guo, LL.M.
Jianjie Hu ★
Gordana Ivanovic ★ Bachir P. Karam
Michael E. Kerman ★
Boyan Anguelov
Konstantinov, LL.M. ★ Neil R. Lieberman ★
Kung-Wei Liu ★
Amanda Detweiler Lovelace Michael Thomas Maier ★
Katherine Healy Marques
Yuki Oi, LL.M.
John Mathew Olsen
Andrew Louis Perito
Adam R. Pulver ★
Patricia Coe Robbins ★
Laura Lisa Sandoval
Marco Scalera, LL.M.
Khiran Kaur Sidhu
Neil MacDonald Snyder ★
Evan Ritter Thorn ★
Jacqueline Gail Yecies ★
Viktor Sapezhnikov ♣★ Kathrin Schwesinger ♣★
Reza K. Mojtabaee-Zamani ♣★ Rebecca Rader Brown ♣★
Christopher M. Anthony
Philippe Luc Jacquemoud, LL.M. ★ Andrew P. LeGrand
Chang Derek Liu
Erik A. Vayntrub Yuxia Zhang, LL.M.
Up to $999
Quinn Allen Arntsen
Ashley Birnbaum Arons ★
The Hon. Benjamin J. Beaton
Adam J. Bernstein
Courtney Browne Zachary L. Craft
Amarilis Isabel De
Soto-Cordero, LL.M.
Chirag Kishor Dedania
Judy Lynne Fisher ★
Brendon S. Fleming ★
Noopur Neha Garg ★
The Hon. Laura Maria Gonzalez
Alex H. Goone ★
Molly Alana Karlin ★
David D. Kheel
Jindrich Kloub, LL.M.
Andrew H. Kutscher ★
Tyler H. Ladner ★
Kate Ellis Lazarus ★
Colman L. Lynch
Brandon C. Mason ★
Bryan Patrick McArdle ★
Jennifer Philbrick McArdle
John Garrett McCarthy
Theodore N. Nemeroff ★
Gregory Alan Odegaard
Yuko Ozaki, LL.M.
Erica A. Rabinowitz

Nathan M. Rehn
LaRue L. Robinson ★
Michael A. Sanfilippo
Douglas L. Shively Angela Cho Yu
Amanda Tobin Kauth ★
Elizabeth King, LL.M. William C. Leavitt ★
Joseph Vidal Macias Benjamin P. Mills ★ Adam S. Mintz ★ Devi M. Rao Erin E. Richardson ★ Augusto Javier Ruiloba, LL.M. Meghan Joy Schubmehl
Gary Silber
Lilit Kazangyan ♣★
Jiang Chen, LL.M. Jeong Mee Lee ♣ Eric D. Wolkoff ♣★
Yuichi Ando, LL.M. Bryant P. Lee Christopher T. Tom ★
Up to $999
Laura K. Asserfea
Jessica Rachel Bell ★
Evgeniya A. Berezkina, LL.M. ★
Jonathan D. Boyer Melanie J. Brown ★ Kelly L. Cataldo
Kyu Won Choi, LL.M.
Anna Fleder Connolly ★
Matthew J. Cron
Elizabeth R. Doisy
Serena G. Scholz Granger ★
Helen Gugel
Erol N. Gulay
Chu-An Hsieh, LL.M.
Bryan Jack Hurlbutt Anna Kadyshevich
Erin Foley Smith Justin P. Steil ★ James McCall Traxler ★ Stefano Valente, LL.M. Adam B. Weiss ★
Michael Clark Willes ★ Matthew M. Yelovich ★ Jean M. Zachariasiewicz ★
$1,000–$2,499 Ryan M. Keats
Up to $999
1 Anonymous Donor Sheila Ruby Adams ★ Livia Angiolillo ★
Camila Machado de Assuncao, LL.M.
Elana Deborah Bensoul ★ Van Ann Dang Bui Erasmia-Evangelia Milka Chasioti, LL.M.
Ayesha Chatterjee Michelle Choe Helen Mayer Clark Yaw Antwi Darkwa ★ Caroline K. Elkin Eisner ★ Achraf Abi Farraj ★
“Columbia helped me build a career from which I have found great satisfaction, in large part because my work has brought me together with people who have a wide range of backgrounds, perspectives, and specialties.”
Flavio Goncalves
Pontes Sodre, LL.M.
Sarah Littlechild Graham ★
Caleb Martin Hayes-Deats
Uchenna Jennifer Ibekwe
Tiffany M. Ikeda
Hadas Alexandra Jacobi
Karl Frederik Johanson
Philip Alexander Kaminski ★
Andrew Jensen Kerr ★
Jason Steven Koslowe
Christine JeeHae Lim
Caroline Ling ★
Pedro Faya Pontes Malta, LL.M.
Melissa Anne Mitgang ★
Thomas Allen Moll ★
Marti R. Morgan
Sean M. Nelson
Elisabeth Page Pinsonneault
Jennifer Y. Seo ★
Zoe Elizabeth Shea ★
Ann Klibaner Sultan
Lauren N. Thompson Starks
Daniel Zharkovsky
John Michael Briggs ♣★
Christopher Stone Cogburn ♣
Swift Sedgwick Osborne Edgar ♣★ Gian Luca Galeotti, LL.M.
Caitlin E. Giaimo ♣
Ivo Jenik, LL.M. David D. Korvin ♣ Joseph Samuel Payne ♣
Up to $499
Debra M. Aboodi ★
Benjamin S. Beller Henri S. Benaim ★
Catherine Elizabeth Bratic ★
Adam Jeffrey Brunk ★ Andrew Scott Burchiel ★ Sabino Michael Casella ★ Katherine Gorman Denby Kemper P. Diehl ★
Jacob R. Fiddelman ★
Stephanie Ilana Fine ★ Jeffrey J. Izant ★ Philip Minjun Lee ★ Kun Li Angelina X. Liang ★ Andrew A. Napier
Christa Lynn Bieker ♣ Le-Chia Hsu, LL.M.
Eunyoung Lee, LL.M. David P. Lefebvre ♣★ Jessica Ann Lutkenhaus ♣ Antonieta Michelle Pimienta ♣
Up to $499
Daniel Warner Asher Peter T. Beaudette, Jr., LL.M. Kathryn Stanton Benedict ★ Colleen Traflet Bernaiche
Merlin Joseph Brittenham Diane Chan ★
James Thomas Crowley Yvette Elise Ferrer ★ Breanna E. Fields Ian Paul Fisher ★
Zila R. Acosta-Grimes ♣★ Lan Deng, LL.M. Scott K. Hvidt ♣★ Laurance Browning VanMeter, Jr. ♣★ Mona X. Xia ♣
Murtuza Federal, LL.M. Farah Haidar, LL.M. David M. Pucino ♣ Katherine Carey Stephens ♣ Natalie Sing Yee Wong ♣★
Up to $499
Joshua Rosario
Alan M. Ruiz ★
Brian Joseph Russell Christopher Kelley Shields ★ Mary R. Silverman
Anusha A. Simha, LL.M. Andrew Nicholas Stahl ★ Gregory William Swartz
Svenja Wachtel, LL.M. Clara Kang Wee Christopher D. Wilds
The Hon. Tobias Willibald Hugo Winkler, LL.M. Georgina C. Yeomans ★
Kathryn Gillespie Wellman ♣★
Zimra Payvand Ahdout ♣
Matthew Lemle Amsterdam ♣★
Michael James Barry ♣★
Sean M. Berens ♣
Joseph Tait Goldschmid ♣
Yiming Liu ♣
James Michael Lyons ♣★
Abbie Rose Pappas ★
Samuel Joonki Park ★
Samuel Philip Rothschild Andrew B. Samuel
Jocelyn Mara Sher
Daniel James Thompson
Zachary M. Werner
Camilla Gambarini, LL.M. Mike Angel Gradilla Alexander J. Konik Jonathan Harris Koppell Sarah E. Krieger Manuel Antonio Lorenzo Lin Ma ★ Katharine Menendez de la Cuesta, LL.M. Juyon Eileen Park Olena V. Ripnick-O’Farrell Yuki Sako, LL.M. Regwood Paul Snipes Mladen Stojiljkovic, LL.M. John William Toth Jorge Ivan Valencia, LL.M. Qiuwen Wang, LL.M. Alyssa Connolly White ★ Brian Monter Witthuhn Gregory Nathaniel Wolfe ★ Feifei Xu, LL.M.
Adam M. Agatston Xi Bao, LL.M. Kathleen L. Benner ★ Francisco Javier Blavi, LL.M. Nathaniel A. Bronstein Stephen A. Byeff Wonil Chang Richard S. Cleary, Jr. ★ Lee D. Cooper Elizabeth R. Cruikshank ★ Kathleen E. Farley Peter H. Fountain ★ Ariel M. Fox Yuan Gao, LL.M. Kenneth T. Hagan Michael F. Houlihan David T. Imamura ★ Tyson Dean Kennedy Eric J. Konopka ★ Iris Danni Lin Sean M. Linnehan ★ Anthony J. Loring Nawal K. Maalouf ★ Chase H. Mechanick Stefania Monda, LL.M. Michael W. Pfautz ★
Michael H. Cassel ♣★ Jeffrey W. Coyle ♣ Alon Benjamin Harish ♣ Jason Mathew Lebowitz ♣★
Avni Piyush Mehta ♣ Jae Woo Park ♣ Wonsuk Brian Park ♣
Jessica L. Pyle, LL.M. ♣ Yujin Suga, LL.M.
Up to $499
Samantha Peikoff Adler
Andres Aguinaco Gomez Mont, LL.M.
Wariz Adedoyin Anifowoshe
Gregg M. Badichek
Christopher Bonilla
Claudio Caravita, LL.M. Anton V. Chaevitch Ezekiel M. Couch ★
Ankan K. Dhal ★ Christopher T. Diaz ★ Haili Ding, LL.M.
Marcel Nico Philipp
Gade, LL.M. ★
Megan Elise Griffith
Jacob Frederick Grubman
Andrew Inad Haddad ★
Jesse L. Hallock
Luis Gabriel Hoyos ★
Ethan G. Isaac
Kathleen Y. Kim
Lauren J. Kim
Terence H. Kim ★
Xavier Q. Lawrence ★
David Seoho Lee
Jacqueline Ma
Heita Miki ★
Sofia Minieri, LL.M.
Monica Mishy Flisser, LL.M.
Dana E. Sherman ★
Clemi Sampriti Sridhar, LL.M.
Tarinee Sudan, LL.M.
Thomas Q. Swanson
Samuel L. Yellen ★
Rebecca Isabella Yergin ★ Irene Apostolou
Zoupaniotis, LL.M.
Yuliang Huang ♣
Antonia Rachel
Elizabeth Hyman ♣★
Grant Lawrence Johnson ♣
YoonJong Evan Kim ♣
Susan M. Lindsay ♣
Samuel Cooper Nadler ♣
Rebecca Marie Nocharli ♣★
Anthony Rocco Raduazo ♣ Cesar Riviere ♣
Jacob A. Shapiro ♣
Henri Simonet, LL.M.
Annette Isabelle Weber, LL.M. ♣
Randall C. Weber-Levine ♣ Lucas Wozny ♣
Up to $499
Joshua I. Burger-Caplan ★ Christine J. Chen Jordyn T. Eisenpress
Kelly Brianna Holloway
Tetsuya Ishida, LL.M.
Agata Edyta Jakubczak, LL.M. ★ Jan Willem Angus Jorritsma
Jonathan M. Knowles
Benjamin R. Lash
Matthew A. Schroth ♣
Elizabeth N. Brandt ♣★
Allison M. Fijolek ♣★
Lisa X. Xia ♣
Pauline Abijaoude ♣
Guy Deillon, LL.M.
Malcolm F. Evans ♣
Kailey Breanne Flanagan ♣
Angelo Malvestio, LL.M. Santiago Martinez Ojeda, LL.M. George Najjar ★
Samuel C. Parnell ★ Bruce C. Pettig
Alejandro Fausto Pizarroso Ceruti, LL.M. ★ Laura D. Pond ★
Brian Eric Sit ★
Hanna Lang St. Marie Andrew L. Watiker ★
$1,000–$2,499 Albert Wong ♣
E. Madison Berg ♣ Iliria Camaj ♣ Maxim A. Miroff ♣ Fabiola Urdaneta ♣ Patrick R. Waldrop ♣
Up to $499
Matthew S. Ackerman
Stephanie N. Adamakos Marisol Alvear, LL.M. Andrew J. Astore Eyvana Maria Bengochea Juliana Lehua Bennington Alyssa Paige Braver Meaghan E. Brennan Frank A. Colleluori ★ Stephanie N. Colorado Erica B. Davis
Michael A. Davis Cedric J. Duquene Sukanya Dutta Patrick J. Gallagher Sophie J. Gandler Ashley M. Gregor Carol Guerrero
Ryan Patrick Holmes Alexander E. Jones Kaitlyn R. Karpenko
Patrick Kratzenstein, LL.M. Thomas Kroeger, LL.M.
Yuanyuan Lu, LL.M. Caitlin M. McGough Max W. Offsay
William Etinosa Omorogieva
Shinji Ryu Billy Sahachartsiri Noah L. Schwartz
Mark Seah, LL.M.
Yiqing Shi Lauren Luttrell Springett Bojun Xu Pablo Enrique Zevallos Xinjia Zhao, LL.M.
Donald J. Butterworth ♣
Kelsey Victoria Dennison ♣ Daniel Jacob Harper ♣ Terry Tianrui Huang ♣ Sarah Antonia Perez ♣ Charles C. See ♣
Up to $499
Abed Raouf Balbaky Gelsey Geraldine Beaubrun Katherine E. Berk Siyuan Fang Jie Gao Jessica Ariel Grischkan Yusuf Kumtepe, LL.M. Xinrui Li
Aryeh M. Mellman Mark M. Pollak
Patricia Reville
Devin Rives Risinger Israel Rodriguez Rubio Narayan S. Subramanian Yukiko Suwa Watanabe, LL.M. Min Xiang, LL.M. Jiaji Zhou, LL.M.
Wai Man Patrick Yip, LL.M. ♣
Brittany A. Brady ♣ Olivia R. Coates ♣ Courtney Danielle Hauck ♣
Up to $499
Nahal N. Bahri, LL.M. Justin C. Barnes, LL.M. Tara A. Hofbauer
Isaac Ginsberg Hudis Eddie Bumkeun Kim Joshua E. Malkin Vasil Oswald John Mason Waddill
Estate Planning and Bequests

The Kent Affiliates of the 1754 Society honors and acknowledges alumni and friends who have made future plans for Columbia Law School through bequests, beneficiary designations, life income, and other future gifts. We are delighted to recognize those listed here who have accepted membership in this prestigious society.
9 Anonymous Donors
Matthew J. Abrams, 1978
Edward A. K. Adler, 1972
Mark L. Amsterdam, 1969
Bruce D. Angiolillo, 1977 & Carol Angiolillo, 1977
Annette A. Anthony, 1989
Eleanor S. Applewhaite, 1962
Reed D. Auerbach, 1985
David J. Bardin, 1956 & Livia Bardin
Michael H. Barnett, 1972
Michael C. Barr, 1972 & Helen Barr
Steven C. Barre, 1984
Michael A. Berch, 1959
Max W. Berger, 1971
Jane Cohen Bergner, 1967
Daniel B. Berkson, 1952
Gail S. Berney, 1978
Michael I. Bernstein, 1962
Peter R. Bierstedt, 1969
Roger David Blanc, 1970
Cyrus J. Bloom, 1949
Henry I. Blumberg, 1970
David E. Boundy, 1997
Karen S. Boxer, 1974
Ashby D. Boyle II, 1990
Ernest Brod, 1961
Stephen L. Buchman, 1962
Robert Burstein, 1956 ▲
Peter Buscemi, 1976
William R. Bush, 1971
David M. Call, 1968
Allen F. Campbell, 1967
John B. Canning, 1968
Ira S. Carlin, 1963
Stephen H. Case, 1968
Valerie Casey, 1979
Paul A. Castanon, 1983
Deborah J. Chadsey, 1987
Albert E. Cinelli, 1955
Roger S. Clark, 1972, J.S.D.
Adele M. Blong, 1959 & Steven J. Cole, 1967
Terrence A. Corrigan, 1980
Gerard Andrew Corsini, 1972
John J. Costonis, 1965
Richard B. Covey, 1955
George A. Davidson, 1967
Donald R. Davis, 1965
William Peter Dietrich, 1969
The Hon. Andrew K. Dolan, 1970
Robert S. Faron, 1975 ▲
Jeremy R. Feinberg, 1995
Evelyn M. Finkelstein, 1970
Michael Finkelstein, 1960
David F. Freedman, 1985
Michael Garrett, 1969
Jason R. Gettinger, 1967
Peter R. Ginsberg, 1980
Mary Tait Goldschmid
Paul R. Grand, 1960
Felix T. Grossman, 1959
Craig R. Gurian, 1983
Robert S. Haft, 1953 ▲
Mitchell R. Hankin, 1974
Lowell Gordon Harriss, 1971
John E. Hartman, 1966
John Wolford Haskins, 1969
Thomas C. Hauser, 1970
Carolyn M. Heft, 1966
Peter C. Hein, 1975
Robert M. Heller, 1966
Paul R. Herman, 1961
Peter W. Herman, 1970
Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967
The Hon. Eric L. Hirschhorn, 1968
Owen O. Hoberman, 1961 & Arlyn M. Hoberman
Joel W. Howell III, 1974
William K. Hoyt, Jr., 1972
Michael J. Hughes, 1993
Erin Zyko Hussein, 1995
Melanie Grant Jones, 1991
William Josephson, 1955
Ellen Oran Kaden, 1977
William M. Kahn, 1949
Deborah J. Kanarek, 1991
Stephanie Wenkert Kanwit, 1968
Mark N. Kaplan, 1953
George A. Kellner, 1967
Sarah M. Kernochan
John J. Kerr, Jr., 1976
W. Noel Keyes, 1947
Walter T. Killmer, Jr., 1986
Roger W. Kirby, 1972
Lawrence A. Kobrin, 1957
Kenneth F. Koen, 1987
Victor A. Kovner, 1961
David A. Krebs, 1963
Lenore R. Kreitman, 1976
Jerome Kretchmer, 1958
Harvey Kurzweil, 1969
Kenneth J. Langan, 1980
Felix E. Leatherwood III, 1980
Burton Lehman, 1965
Nathan Leventhal, 1966
Pamela Leach Lewis, 1969
David C. Lindeman, 1969
Edward J. Littlejohn, 1982, J.S.D.
Albert P. Loening, Jr., 1952
Donna D. Manning, 1977
Alan Mark Mantell, 1971
Jonathan S. Margolis, 1979
Thomas Aquinas Martin, 1992
Justin K. McCarthy, 1953
Douglas J. McClintock, 1975
G. W. McDonald, 1968
J. Mark McWatters, 2002, LL.M.
Robert A. Meister, 1962
Sheila Merolla
Mark C. Morril, 1972
Andrea Lee Negroni, 1982
Jay H. Newman, 1976
Nancy Northup, 1988
Marilyn G. Ordover, 1954
Michael E. Patterson, 1967 & Elena Patterson
Judson W. Pearl, 1946
Templeton C. Peck, 1967
Robert E. Peduzzi, 1966
Frank L. Politano, 1974
Martin J. Rabinowitz, 1955
Terence R. Rice, 1970 Marc Leonard Ripp, 1983
Edwin Robbins, 1955
Thomas S. Rogers, 1979
Ronald S. Rolfe, 1969
Steven B. Rosenfeld, 1967 Seth Rosner, 1955 Allen Rosso James N. Rudolph, 1963
The Hon. Joseph B. Russell, 1952
Bianca Russo, 1984 & Michael Norman Sekus Ted Ruthizer, 1972
Joseph Ryan, 1967
Patricia D. Ryan, 1979
Patricia Perez Santonocito, 1979 & Bruno M. Santonocito
Dante M. Scaccia, 1949
Jack E. Schachner, 1972
William E. Scheffer, 2002
Jonathan D. Schiller, 1973 Kathryn E. Schneider, 1991
George J. Schultze, 1995
Victor E. Schwartz, 1965
Mark Schwarz, 1967
Joan Scobey
Leigh Seippel, 1972
Nicholas J. Serwer, 1981
The Hon. Beatrice Shainswit, 1947
Harriet S. Shapiro, 1955 ▲
Isaac Shapiro, 1956 & Jacqueline W. Shapiro, 1955
Scott M. Sherman, 2000
James T. Sherwin, 1956
Barbara E. Shiers, 1980 & Joel W. Sternman
Allen E. Shoenberger, 1969
Roxann Sherri Smithers, 2002
Edward R. Spalty, 1973
Esta Eiger Stecher, 1982
Kenneth L. Stein, 1962
Peter L. Strauss
Carl F. Taeusch II, 1980
Paul C. Tang, 1977
L. Pierre Teillon, Jr., 1968
Conrad L. Teitell, 1957
Franklin A. Thomas, 1963 ▲
Susan P. Thomases, 1977
Allan Van Fleet, 1977
Donald E. Vaughan, 1983
Michael A. Watkins, 1980
Steven J. Weissman, 1981
Paul G. Whitby, 1971
Lawrence S. Wick, 1970
Pamela R. Winnick, 1977
Scott R. Yagoda, 1992
Deborah Yu Yeoh, 1985
Alice F. Yurke, 1987
Eric M. Zachs, 1985
Stephen James Zoukis, 1974
The Hon. Chester Apy, 1957
William S. Beinecke, 1940
Robert Burstein, 1956
Robert B. Durham, Jr., 1957
The Hon. Marie L. Garibaldi, 1959
Robert S. Haft, 1953
Jean S. Harper
Louis Hering, 1954
John T. C. Low, 1942
Lucy G. Moses
Mordecai Rochlin, 1935
Robert H. Solomon, 1963
Franklin A. Thomas, 1963
Tributes and Memorials
Catherine Albisa, 1989
Matthew Lemle
Amsterdam, 2013
Eleanor S. Applewhaite, 1962
Estelle Bernstein
Susan J. Bevan
The Hon. Anita Blumstein
Brody, 1958
Ryan Cairns
Simon M. Canick
The Hon. Daniella Levine
Cava, 1983
Adam H. Chan, 2022
Charles J. Conroy, 1978
Lori Cooper
Natalia Delgado
Cory Edelman, 1986
R. Randle Edwards
Carlos Egea, 2006, LL.M.
Roberta W. Francis
Katherine M. Franke
Irma Onelis Frias Urena
Many alumni and friends of Columbia Law School expressed their support through gifts made in tribute to or memory of others. We gratefully acknowledge the generosity of these gifts and the people they honor.

Suzanne B. Goldberg
Jeffrey N. Gordon
Kent Greenawalt, 1963
Audrey Gugar
Matthew J. Hamparyan, 2023
Rose Gill Hearn
The Hon. Alvin K. Hellerstein, 1956
Richard deCourcy Hinds, 1967
The Hon. Eric H. Holder, Jr., 1976
William L. Hudson, 1977
Odinn Ifemi Sola Jejeloye
Kathryn Judge
Carol Green Kaplan, 1962
Sarah M. Kernochan
David W. Leebron
Gillian Lester
Pamela Leach Lewis, 1969
Benjamin L. Liebman
Lance Liebman
Ira M. Millstein, 1949
Edward R. Morrison
James W. Morrison
Amber W. Nee, 1991
Stephanie Okun
The Parents and Grandparents of Alisa Shudofsky, 1983
Michael A. Pucker, 1988
The Hon. Jed S. Rakoff
Edwin Robbins, 1955
Cara Rock-Singer Eneida Rosa, 1979
Lia Rosado
Marshall S. Ruben, 1985
Philip Arthur Selden, 2007
Marcy Syms
The Tateishi Family Tommy Tercilla Rick Turk
Maya Devi Wiley, 1989 Samantha Wool
William F. Young Mary Marsh Zulack
The Hon. Sheila A. Abdus-Salaam, 1977
Philip J. Ablove, 1965
Gladys Albisa
Edward Ross Aranow, 1932
Tasiana Auguste, 2014
Carolyn K. Balleisen, 1952
Bernadette A. Barnard, 1998
Mario Benforte
J. Frederick Berg
Jeanette A. Berg
Charles D. Bock, 1973
Russell E. Brooks, 1963
Susan Price Carr, 1972
Jacqueline Cator
William C. Clarke, 1965 Gerald Dickler, 1933 Isami Doi
The Hon. James P. Dollard, 1959
Albert I. Edelman, 1938
Eleanor Weisman Edelman
E. Allan Farnsworth, 1952
Robert S. Faron, 1975
Ruth Feinberg
Jeffrey Feld
Justin N. Feldman, 1942
Robert A. Ferguson
Joseph J. Fleischman, 1972
Alfred S. Forsyth, 1931
Carroll Fowler Kathleen Fowler
Tobia Brown Frankel, 1987
Arlene E. Fried, 1993
Eugene A. Gaer, 1977
Richard N. Gardner
Charles Evans Gerber
Julia Elizabeth Ghahramani, 2020
John Lynn Gidley
The Hon. Ruth Bader
Ginsburg, 1959
Julius L. Goebel, Jr., 1923
Harvey J. Goldschmid, 1965
Ellen C. Goldschmidt
Henry J. Goldschmidt, 1935
Frank P. Grad, 1949
Robert S. Greenbaum, 1948
Jack Greenberg, 1948
Milton Handler, 1926 Louis Henkin
Adam C. Henry, 1996
Richard J. Hiegel, 1962 Albert Hill
Herma Hill Kay
Elizabeth Anderson
Hishon, 1971
Berthold H. Hoeniger, 1950
Hyeseung Lynda Hong, 1998
Elizabeth Hornstein, 1969
William J. Howard, 1957
John F. Hunt, 1953
Theodore R. Jackson, 1948
Morton L. Janklow, 1953
John M. Kernochan, 1948
Barbara Klien
Jonathan T. Kopit, 1971
Jules H. Kornblau, 1957
Marjory Mack Krause
Sydney Krause, 1924
Arthur B. Krim, 1932 Henry Landau, 1925
Marjorie N. Landau
Agnes Leatherwood
Richard A. Lempert, 1955
H.F. Lenfest, 1958
Matthew G. Leonard, 1987
Laurie Linton, 1983
Richard S. Lombard
Andrew M. Lottman, 1993
Robert Markewich, 1946
Carmel Carrington Marr, 1948
The Hon. Carl McGowan, 1936
Roy A. McKenzie, 1979
Joshua Mermelstein, 1980
Robert A. Merring, 1977
Daniel Cameron Merritt
The Hon. Charles M. Metzner, 1933
Avy L. Miller
Roberta L. Miller
James M. Milligan
Clarence Moore
The Hon. Leonard P. Moore, 1922
The Hon. Constance Baker Motley, 1946
Robert F. Mullen, 1968
Owen D. Nee, Jr., 1973
Bruce Owens Myles A. Paige, 1924
John G. Palfrey
Kellis E. Parker
Andrea Lee Pinto, 2010
Richard G. Powell, 1941
Richard C. Pugh, 1958
Willis L. M. Reese
The Hon. Florence L. Riley, 1935
Aramis Gonzalo Rios
Paul Robeson, 1923
Maurice Rosenberg, 1947
Anthony A. Santa Barbara, 1972
Kenneth V. Santagata, 1977
Maritza Santana
Ollie Mae Savage
Thomas Scheuer, 1953
The Hon. Arthur H. Schwartz, 1926
Isidore A. Seltzer, 1938
Whitney North Seymour, 1923
Harriet S. Shapiro, 1955
The Hon. Felice K. Shea, 1950
The Hon. Jiuyong Shi
Rochelle L. Shoretz, 1996
Leonard P. Simpson, 1926
Selma R. Simpson
Georgia P. Smithers
Michael I. Sovern, 1955
Maury L. Spanier, 1939
Howard L. Stevens, 1963
Elaine M. Strauss
Telford Taylor
Andrew R. Thompson, 1999 H. Richard Uviller
Howard S. Vogel, 1957
Cynthia Wachenheim, 1995
Albert Redpath Waltman, 1949
Frank K. Walwer, 1955
William C. Warren
The Hon. Jack B. Weinstein, 1948
Donald White, Jr.
Robert M. White, 1987
Lawrence A. Wien, 1927
Wretha Wiley
Kimla C. Wilkins-Johnson, 1986
Jeffrey A. Williams, 2005
Paul Windels III, 1982
Benedict Wolf, 1928
Maurice Yellen, 1925
Richard D. Yellen, 1963 Xi Zhao, 2016
Faculty, Friends, Parents, Staff, and Students
Columbia Law School has many partners who support our mission. We offer our sincere gratitude to our extended family of faculty, staff, friends, and students and their parents.
Kate Andrias
Todd H. Baker
Vivian Olivia Berger, 1973 ★
Barbara Aronstein Black, 1955
Vincent Blasi
Anu Bradford
Jessica Bulman-Pozen

Alexandra B. Carter, 2003 ♣★
Steven E. Chaikelson, 1992 ★
Sonya Mirbagheri Cheney, 2007
Christopher Stone Cogburn, 2013 ♣
Frederick T. Davis, 1972 ★
Brett Dignam & Michael J. Graetz ♣★
Harold S. H. Edgar, 1967 ♣★
Elizabeth F. Emens
Leslie G. Fagen, 1974 ♣★
Maria Foscarinis, 1981
Merritt B. Fox ♣
Michael L. Fox, 2003 ★
Kevin B. Frankel, 2007 ★
Philip M. Genty
The Hon. Robert E. Gerber, 1970 ♣ Michael B. Gerrard
Jane C. Ginsburg
Jeffrey N. Gordon Zohar Goshen
Nobuhisa Ishizuka, 1986 ♣★
Conrad A. Johnson III
Kathryn Judge Avery W. Katz
Jeremy Kessler
Galina Krasilovsky Kirman, 1996 & Igor Kirman, 1996 ♣★
Jay P. Lefkowitz, 1987 ♣
Richard Z. Lehv, 1972 ★
Gillian Lester & Eric Talley ♣★
Carol B. Liebman & Lance Liebman ♣★
James S. Liebman ♣★
Edward Lloyd ★
The Hon. Gerard E. Lynch, 1975 ★
Fred T. Magaziner, 1976 ★
Lev Menand
Gillian E. Metzger, 1996
Henry P. Monaghan
Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990, LL.M. ♣★
Hillel I. Parness, 1995 ★ Katharina Pistor
Steven M. Rabinowitz, 1983 Alex Raskolnikov
The Hon. Rosalyn Heather Richter
Alberto Rodriguez, 2004 Eric M. Rosof, 1997 ♣★
The Hon. Robert D. Sack, 1963 ★ Jay G. Safer, 1971 ★
Caroline Sandberg, 2006, LL.M. ♣ Carol Sanger
William D. Savitt, 1997 ♣★ David M. Schizer Elizabeth S. Scott & Robert E. Scott ♣★ Sarah A. Seo, 2007
Robert H. Smit, 1986 ♣ Igor Fuks, 2006 & Elizabeth L. Smith, 2006 ★ Jane M. Spinak Peter L. Strauss Jess A. Velona, 1988 Donald B. Verrilli, Jr., 1983 ♣★ Monica Blong Wagner, 1981 Seth B. Weinberg, 1998 ★ Mary Marsh Zulack
Patrick Atwood
Samuel Bagenstos
Edward J. Balleisen ♣
Kathryn Barber Philip Barnett
Scott A. Barshay, 1991 ♣★ Andrew F. Barth Marco P. Basile
Rachel Bayefsky Barbara Bellafiore Meryl Benaim
Jennifer H. Berger ★ Samuel Berk ★
Quentin Berkelbach Paul Schiff Berman Dori K. Bernstein Susan J. Bevan ♣ Rupal J. Bhansali ♣ Cathy Birkeland ♣ Allida Black
Janet H. Blue Ellen Bock
George Chuzi
Kevin M. Civale
Joshua Civin
Alexander O. Clarke
Jeanne F. Clarke
Ina C. Cohen
Patricia Connelly
Laura Pula Cook, 1981 ♣★
Kelsi Brown Corkran
Nancy Cornelius ♣
Kevin H. Cronin
John P. Daly
Richard J. Daly ♣
Christopher P. Davis ♣
William D. deCamp, Jr. Dolores Delgado
Elena Delgado
Daphne Desrouleaux
Barbara Diamond
Marsha A. Diamond ★
Nicole Drepaul
Sally A. Dwek
5 Anonymous Donors
Marie F. Ablove ★
Vasthi Reyes Acosta ★ Trish Adlesic Joshua Albertson Jay Alexander Julie Anna Alvarez Judith Aranow ♣ Joseph Arra
Candace Bond-Theriault Joshua Bone Jaclyn Borock Matthew Bosch Charles Nelson Brower Caroline Brown ♣ Timothy M. Brunk John Buoymaster ♣ Samuel C. Butler Albert Cacozza Charles C. Cahn, Jr. ♣★ Curt Cairns
Ryan Cairns ★ William Cairns Simon M. Canick
Lisa Landau Carnoy
Russell L. Carson ♣★
Margaret B. Carter ♣
Jill Casal
Gilbert F. Casellas Howard F. Chang
Thomas J. Edelman ♣
Rebecca Egea
Abigail Black Elbaum
Ingrid Gould Ellen ♣
Heather Elliott
James Emmanuel
Dan A. Emmett ♣★
Roy T. Englert, Jr. Jonathan L. Entin
Elizabeth A. Evans
Linda A. Fairstein ♣
Vicki Aranow Feiner ♣
Kenneth H. Fields
Janet Fine Brian H. Fletcher
Adam Fliss ♣
Oscar Flores
Margaret M. Foran ♣
Alfred S. Forsyth, Jr. ★
Janet Foutty ♣
Jonathan M. Frankel ♣★
Sonia Galindo ♣
Mark Gallogly ♣
Dina A. Gamboni
Laura Gates
Anina Gayla ★
Peter A. Georgescu ♣★
Hanna Getachew
Daniel P. Gildesgame
James S. Ginsburg
Mark Glessner
Abbe R. Gluck
Julie Novacek Godsoe
Travis R. Godsoe
Roberto S. Goizueta ♣
Craig Goldblatt
Nancy Goldfarb
Jane Harriet Goldman ♣
Ellen C. Goldschmidt ▲♣★
Richard Goldstein
Adam L. Goodman
Jill Goodman
Laura Grabow
Leslie Gray
Joan I. Greco
The Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway, Jr., 1981
Richard E. Grimm
Marena Groll
Renu Grover
Heather Guerrero ★
Carol Guevara
Keir Gumbs ♣
Summer Hagelin
Sung Jin Hall
Christine Hamparyan
Sarah Baker Hansen
Jan Hashizume
Peihua He
Rose Gill Hearn ♣★
Jonah Heckelman
Harriet Helfenbein
Scott Hershovitz
Roger Hertog ♣★
Chelsea Elizabeth Hess
Toby J. Heytens
Alice B. Hicks
Felicia S. Hoeniger
Wanda M. Holland Greene
Amy Hong
Miriam K. Hunt ♣
Heather Hunte ★
Marjorie Lyn Ihrig
Subash Subramanian Iyer
Vicki C. Jackson
Julie Jenkins Mark Jia
Joshua Johnson
Brittany Jones Record
Ruth Joseph Hilary K. Josephs ♣
Edward Michael Joyce ★
Adria G. Kaplan ★ Bruce S. Kaplan ★
Catherine M. Karatzas, 1988, LL.M. ♣
Florence Keenan
Karim Kentfield
Michael E. Kerman, 2008 ★
Richard A. Kernochan ★ Sarah M. Kernochan ♣
Sharon Kerrigan Loman ★
Hajin Kim
Jeffrey Louis Kateman, 1992 & Nam Yon Kim, 1992 ♣★
Margaret A. King ★
Michael J. Klarman
Erica Mitnick Klein
Julia Kobick
Ruth Kopcial
Helen W. Kornblau ★
Joshua D. Kraemer
Rakhi Kumar ♣
Robert J. Lack, 1981
Maria Elena Lagomasino ♣
Nancy N. Lane
Jonathan S. Lavine
Carol F. Lee
Susan Reynolds Lehman
Eliza Lehner
Abraham Leitner, 1996
Jorge Paulo Lemann ♣ Marguerite Lenfest ♣ John Libertella Pu-Ching Lin
Anna C. Lynch-McNamara
George W. Madison, 1980 ♣ Russell E. Makowsky
Brendan M. Mallee ★
Michael Mallee
Stephen Mandel, Jr. ♣
Reuben Mark ♣★
Charles Carrington Marr ★ Amy Marshak
Catherine A. Marshall
Robert McCormick
Christina McInerney ♣★
Elizabeth L. McKeveny
Audrey A. McNiff
Nancy Merriman Eduardo G. Mestre ♣
Cary Lynn Midland Martha T. Moore
Lester S. Morse, Jr. ♣ Aiyana Mourtos Geraldine Mullen ★ Jean M. Murphy ♣★ Mary E. Mygatt ★
Unni Krishnan Narayanan David Nierenberg ♣★
Barbara G. Novick ♣
Steven G. Nystrom ★ Ellen J. Odoner ♣
Imelda C. O’Reilly
The Hon. John B. Owens Jospeh R. Palmore
Ryan Park
Leslie Patel & Sanjay Patel ♣
Michael Patullo Susan M. Pelletier
Louise Penny
Jonathan M. Petuchowski, 1987 Whitney Allison Poliner Stanley Porter ♣
Zachary Bayard Powell
Abby D. Pratt ♣
Mark Preisinger ♣
Frantz Price, Jr., 2001
Richard A. Primus
Nanette B. Pugh ★ Charles Purcell Brandan Radford Nevena Rakonjac
Yadira Ramos-Herbert ★ Anitha Reddy ♣ Daphna Renan Sherry Reson
Parker Rider-Longmaid Elizabeth G. Riley ♣
Edith Lampson Roberts Colette Rogers Pamela J. Rogers ★ Stephen F. Ross Allen Rosso
Karen F. Royce Lauren Ruben Brooke Ruskaup ★ Pasqualino Russo ★
Andrea C. Saavedra, 2006 ★
Alessandro Saracino, 1989, LL.M. Christopher D. Saridakis
Thomas G. Saunders ♣
Eli N. Savit
Deena Schaffer
Michael L. Schler ♣
Pam H. Schneider, 1976 & Milton Schneider ♣
Koos Schrijen
Julie Gottlieb Schulman
Eric J. Schwartz ★
Kevin S. Schwartz ♣
Christina Sebastian Barbara Selman
James M. Shadek ♣
Alfred Shapiro ♣
Daniel Shaw
Elliot Shields Van K. Shimizu
Claire C. Shipman
Amy Shugar ★
Daria P. Sidlauskas
Joel Sircus
Char Smullyan
Lori Sokol ♣
Enrique J. Sosa
Patricia Walsh Sovern ♣
Joan E. Spero
Susan Stanislav
Natalie L. Stephenson
Dianne B. Stern ♣
Korey D. Stevanovic
John P. Stuart ♣
Lisa Garratt Stuart
Marcy Syms ♣
Maja Tarateta
Pawan Tewari ♣
Hien Tran
Jeremy Travis Anna Tseng ★ Rick Turk
Amanda L. Tyler ♣
Kara Van Woerden
Richard Wayne
Jean Carty Weaver
Ting Wei, 2022, LL.M. Philip Weinman
The Hon. Philip Weiser
Jay D. Wexler
Lee E. Wexler ♣
Theresa J. Whitmarsh ♣
Sarah K. Williamson ♣
Diana J. Wong
Samantha Wool ★
Jessie Woolley-Wilson ♣
Dana Ying-Hui Wu
Katja Ziessler, 2000, LL.M. ★
Corporate, Foundation, Association, Law Firm, and Matching Gifts
Columbia Law School would like to acknowledge the commitment of the following corporations, foundations, law firms, and other supporters to its students, faculty, and mission.

3 Anonymous Donors
3C Foundation
Akin Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld LLP ★
Al Salam Bank Bahrain BSC
Allen & Overy LLP
Amalgamated Foundation
American Endowment Foundation
American Express ★ American Online Giving Foundation ★
Ardea Holdings LP
Arnold & Porter Kaye Scholer LLP ★
Baker Botts LLP
Baker McKenzie Bank of America
Bevan Daddino Foundation Inc.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation ★
Blackbaud Giving Fund
Bloomberg Philanthropies
Broadridge Financial Solutions, Inc.
Broadway Advocacy Coalition
Cadwalader, Wickersham & Taft LLP ★
Cahill Gordon & Reindel LLP ★ Capital Group
Carnegie Corporation ★
Centerbridge Foundation Fund
Charina Endowment Fund, Inc. Chubb
Clark Hill
Cleary Gottlieb Steen & Hamilton LLP ★
Clifford Chance LLP
Coca-Cola Company Cooley LLP ★
Covington & Burling LLP ★
Cravath, Swaine & Moore LLP ★
Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP ★
Debevoise & Plimpton LLP ★
Dechert LLP
Deloitte ★
Delta Realty, LLC
DLA Piper
Duke University EcoLog, Ltd.
EIMN, Inc.
EinStrong Foundation
Eli Lilly and Company ★
Elizabeth Anderson Hishon Foundation ★
Ellen Goldschmidt
Charitable Fund
Ernst & Young ★
Fenwick & West LLP ★ Fenwick Community Fund
Fried, Frank, Harris, Shriver & Jacobson LLP ★ Futures Unbound
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher LLP ★ Goldman, Sachs & Co. ★
Goodwin Procter LLP
GPP Capital Resources LLC Greatwall Capital US Holdings LLC Haynes and Boone, LLP
Henry & Lucy Moses Fund, Inc. ★ Herbert & Nell Singer Foundation ★
Herbert Smith Freehills LLP
Herman Goldman Foundation ★ High Tide Foundation
Hogan Lovells Japan Foundation
Jenner & Block ★
Jofran Services, Ltd. Johnson & Johnson ★ Jones Day ★
Kasowitz Benson Torres LLP KBR, Inc.
King & Spalding LLP
Kirkland & Ellis LLP ★
Kleinberg, Kaplan, Wolff & Cohen, P.C. Klingenstein, Fields & Co., LLC KPMG ★
Kramer Levin Naftalis & Frankel LLP ★ Latham & Watkins LLP ★
Leo Rosner Foundation, Inc. Linklaters ★
Mayer Brown LLP ★ McDermott, Will & Emery LLP ★ Merck & Co. ★
Miami Dolphins Microsoft Corporation Milbank LLP ★ Milton and Miriam Handler Foundation Mizuho
Morgan Stanley Global Impact
Funding Trust, Inc. ★
Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP Mori Hamada & Matsumoto Morrison & Foerster ★ NAFSA DC
Nagashima Ohno & Tsunematsu ★ Namati, Inc.
Natural Resource Governance Institute
Natural Resources Defense Council
New Jersey Conservation Foundation
New York Bar Foundation
New York Council of Defense Lawyers Newstex
Norton Rose Fulbright LLP
Ocean Visions Inc.
O’Melveny & Myers ★ Open Society Foundations ★
Orrick, Herrington & Sutcliffe LLP ★
Panorama Global Fund
Patient Square Capital
Patterson Belknap Webb & Tyler LLP ★
Paul Hastings LLP ★
Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison LLP ★
Peter and Carmen Lucia Buck Foundation
Prudential Financial, Inc.
Qualcomm Incorporated
Reed Smith LLP
Rhode Island Foundation
River Star Foundation ★
Robin Hood Foundation
Ropes & Gray LLP ★
S. K. Yee Foundation ★
Scheuer Associates Foundation Inc.
Schulte Roth & Zabel LLP ★ Selendy & Gay PLLC
Shearman & Sterling LLP ★
Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton LLP
Sidley Austin LLP ★
Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP ★
Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP ★ Skoll Foundation
State Street Global Advisors
Stecher Family Foundation
Stichting Foundation for International Law
Stroock & Stroock & Lavan LLP
Stuart Foundation
Sullivan & Cromwell LLP ★
Susman Godfrey LLP
Sy Syms Foundation
Synchrony Financial TD Bank, N.A.
Teachers College, Columbia University
TEGNA Foundation
Texas Freedom Network Education Fund
The A.D. Philanthropic Fund, Inc. ★ The Ford Foundation
The Goldie Anna Charitable Trust
The Greene-Milstein Family Foundation ★
The Jerome L. Greene Foundation, Inc. ★
The John Paul Stevens Fellowship Foundation ★
The Libra Foundation
The New York Community Trust ★
The New-Land Foundation, Inc. ★
The Shubert Foundation, Inc.
The Sol Goldman Charitable Trust
The Tow Foundation
The Victor Herbert Foundation, Inc.
Tides Foundation
TowerBrook Capital Partners L.P. UBS
Venable Foundation, Inc. Verizon Communications ★ Vinson & Elkins LLP
Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz ★ Walt Disney Company ★
Weil, Gotshal & Manges Foundation
Weil, Gotshal & Manges LLP ★
White & Case LLP ★
Wiley Rein LLP ★
Willkie Farr & Gallagher LLP ★
Wilmer Cutler Pickering Hale & Dorr LLP ★
Winston & Strawn LLP ★
Advisory Boards
Raanan A. Agus, 1993
Stephen M. Axinn, 1962
Gail A. Binderman
Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977
Stephen Drimmer, 1970
Michael Finkelstein, 1960
Daniel K. Gamulka, 1994
Pierre M. Gentin, 1992
Ira A. Greenstein, 1985
Jonathan S. Lavine
Jay P. Lefkowitz, 1987
Robert L. Meyer, 1974
Jay H. Newman, 1976
Dashene A. Cooper, 2007
Sharon L. Crane, 2002
Kimberlé Williams Crenshaw
Carl C. Forbes, 2010
Darrell S. Gay, 1979
Karalenne J. Gayle, 1979
Jennifer N. Green, 2012
The Hon. Joseph A. Greenaway, 1981
Jamal Greene
Diarra Mari Guthrie, 2011
The Hon. L. Priscilla Hall, 1973
Peter C. Harvey, 1982
Whitney A. Hayes, 2015 Christine Hikawa, 1976
Adriene L. Holder, 1991
Nina L. Shaw, 1979
Malaika R. Staten, 2012
Tab Timothy Stewart, 1994
Kendall Thomas
Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981
The Hon. Analisa Torres, 1984
Janice Tudy-Jackson, 1992
Rossie E. Turman, 1998
Shawn K. Watts, 2012
Christopher D. Wilds, 2015
Maya Devi Wiley, 1989
Kahlil Charles Williams, 2011
Anne Williams-Isom, 1991
Temitope K. Yusuf, 2008
Thanks to our advisers, who support our programs and centers with their counsel. Their engagement as ambassadors strengthens our endeavors.
Trevor S. Norwitz, 1990, LL.M. Noah B. Perlman, 1997
Bernard M. Plum, 1979
Richard Paul Richman, 1972
Irving L. Rotter, 1980
James Schreiber, 1968
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982
Zila R. Acosta-Grimes, 2015
Sheila Ruby Adams, 2011
Deanne L. Ayers-Howard, 1986
Della Britton Baeza, 1978
Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982
Teresa Bryce Bazemore, 1984
Sheila S. Boston, 1993
Binta Niambi Brown, 1998
Courtney Browne, 2009
Ashley Michelle Burrell, 2013
Rudy Carmenaty, 1990
Kristen M. Clarke, 2000
The Hon. Dora L. Irizarry, 1979 Phillip Isom, 1991 E. Nkonye Iwerebon, 1993

Patrice P. Jean, 2002
Conrad A. Johnson
John K. Johnson, 2008 Olatunde C. Johnson
Alfreida B. Kenny, 1975
Carla Laroche, 2012 George W. Madison, 1980 Lorraine S. McGowen, 1986 Petal N. Modeste Elora Mukherjee Lynnise E. Pantin, 2003 Anika Rahman, 1990
Ancris Munoz Ramdhanie, 2004
Edgar G. Rios, 1977
LaRue L. Robinson, 2009
Alberto Rodriguez, 2004 Carlos A. Rodriguez, 1985
Carmen G. Rodriguez, 1986 Alanna C. Rutherford, 2000
Zakiyyah T. Salim-Williams, 2001 Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998 Marcia L. Sells, 1984
Rupal Bhansali
Kristin Bresnahan
Russ Carson
Gil Casellas
Rich Daly Chris Davis
Deb DeHaas
Adam Fliss
Peggy Foran
Janet Foutty
Sonia Galindo
Peter Georgescu
Keir Gumbs
Lori Heinel
Mats Isaksson
Rakhi Kumar
Mel Lagomasino
Bob McCormick
Bill McNabb
Ira Millstein, 1949
James Millstein, 1982
David Nierenberg
Barbara Novick
Ellen Odoner
Stanley Porter
Mark Preisinger
KT Rabin
Anne Robinson, 1994
Kurt Schacht
Theresa Whitmarsh
Sarah Williamson
Jay Bloom, 1981
Geoffrey J. Colvin, 1977
Adam Fisher, 1998
Paul M. Goldschmid, 2006
Eric S. Haueter, 1979
Scott Ostfeld, 2002
Richard Paul Richman, 1972
Tom Rogers, 1979
Robert J. Rosen, 1972
Steve Bullock, 1994
Michael A. Cardozo, 1966
Rudy Carmenaty, 1990
Juan Cartagena, 1981
Brian Cheu, 1990
Julie Chinitz, 2000
Elaine M. Chiu, 1994
Jennifer R. Clarke, 1982
Andrea G. Cohen, 1995
Sara Corello, 1992
Michele Cortese, 1987
Robert T. Coulter, 1969
Bill Dauster, 1984
Valerie P. Dent, 1993
Laurie Magid, 1985
Catherine R. McCabe, 1977
Andrea McChristian, 2013
Jonathan Miller, 2005
Jim Millstein, 1982
Irvin B. Nathan, 1967
Annette L. Nazareth, 1981 Nancy Northup, 1988
Suzannah Phillips, 2008
Brenda Toineeta Pipestem, 1999
Alka Pradhan, 2007 Harriet Rabb, 1966
The Hon. Timothy Reif, 1985
Mary Lynne Werlwas, 1992
Anne Williams-Isom, 1991
Sheena Wright, 1994
Vasthi Reyes Acosta
Photo Anagnostopoulos
Kenneth August, 1974
June Besek
Rudy Carmenaty, 1990
Carolyn Casselman, 2002
Cheryl Davis, 1986
Ashima Dayal, 1996
John Delaney, 1989
Jackie Ewenstein, 1998
Robert Hadl, 1962
Carole Handler
Rex Heinke, 1975
Richard Hsu, 1994
Morton Janklow, 1953 ▲
Katherine Kendrick, 1986
I. Fred Koenigsberg, 1972
David Leichtman, 1996
Scott Martin, 1986
Mark Morril, 1972
Hillel Parness, 1995
Frank Politano, 1974
Joshua Simmons, 2010
Karyn Temple, 1997
The Hon. Rolando T. Acosta, 1982
Zainab Ahmad, 2005
Cathy Albisa, 1989
Liz Aloi, 2006
Carol Baldwin Moody, 1982
Linda M. Baldwin, 1993
Amy Barasch, 1996
Elisabeth R. Benjamin, 1992
Max W. Berger, 1971
Jonathan Berry, 2011
Anurima Bhargava, 2002
Antony J. Blinken, 1988
Michael Garcia Bochenek, 1995
Gretchen Borchelt, 2002
Lisa M. Bornstein, 1998
The Hon. Richard F. Boulware II, 2002
The Hon. Anita Brody, 1958
Deborah Brown, 1998
Judith A. Browne Dianis, 1992
Richard Dicker, 1987
Jessica Evans, 2007
Angela Fernandez, 1998
Liana Fiol-Matta, 1970
Andrea R. Flores, 2017
Maria Foscarinis, 1981
Emma Freudenberger, 2007
Brian Frosh, 1971
Paul Gallay, 1984
The Hon. Nicholas G. Garaufis, 1974
Peter C. Harvey, 1982
Eric L. Hirschhorn, 1968
Eric H. Holder Jr., 1976
Roderick L. Ireland, 1969 Pernille Ironside, 2002, LL.M. Marc E. Jaffe, 1976
Cheryl Johnson, 1975
Roberta A. Kaplan, 1991
Ramzi Kassem, 2004
Akshaya Kumar, 2013
Carla Laroche, 2012
Benjamin Lawsky, 1995
The Hon. Leslie Leach, 1977
Jin Hee Lee, 2000
Peter H. Lehner, 1984
Susan B. Lindenauer, 1964 George W. Madison, 1980
The Hon. Jenny Rivera, 1993, LL.M. Jonathan Sacks, 2000
Ajay Saini, 2012
Sasha SambergChampion, 2004
Jocelyn Samuels, 1982
Alexander Sanger, 1974 Sandy Santana, 2001
William E. Schaeffer, 1993
Lynn Hecht Schafran, 1974
Warren B. Scharf, 1983
Theodore M. Shaw, 1979 Galen Leigh Sherwin, 2003
Clive Stafford Smith, 1984
Brendan Stewart, 2003
John J. Sullivan, 1985
Kim Sweet, 1992 Mozelle W. Thompson, 1981
Rachel B. Tiven, 2003
Ethan Torrey, 1999
Melanie Velez, 2001
Donald B. Verrilli Jr., 1983
Hector O. Villagra, 1994
David C. Vladeck, 1976
Liz Vladeck, 2006
Monica Wagner, 1981
Annie Jen Wang, 1988 Mariann Wang, 1996
John W. Buoymaster
Chris Cerf, 1984
Margaret Conklin York-Chi Harder, 1986 Stephanie Hirsh
Gregory P. Ho, 1977
Doug Jaffe, 2005 Christina Ma, 2012
Sam Mehta
Aiyana Mourtos Beesham A. Seecharan, 1998
© 2022, The Trustees of Columbia University in the City of New York. All rights reserved.
Our donors are important to us, and every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this donor listing. If we have omitted or incorrectly listed a name, we apologize and ask that you contact the annual giving office at 212-854-2680 or