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THE PELVIC FLOOR EXERCISER that does the hard work for you

A healthy pelvic floor – A happier you

Cleo Q Discreet works for any woman suffering from pelvic floor weakness… and every woman wanting to prevent it. It offers a genuine solution to the problems associated with bladder sensitivity by re-training your pelvic muscles, so you don’t have to just live with the problem, you resolve it! If you’re one of c.2 million women in the UK who suffers from the embarrassing symptoms of a weak pelvic floor, then take action NOW.

Using Cleo Q Discreet can: Stop embarrassing leakage and sudden urges for the loo Restore voluntary bladder control

Tighten the vagina and strengthen intimate grip Eliminate the need for pads and liners Prevent further muscle deterioration Boost self esteem and confidence Re-establish the feeling of femininity Reduce the risk of infection and maintain pelvic health

All women, regardless of age or pelvic health, should consider adopting an effective pelvic exercise routine as a matter of general wellbeing, and to postpone the natural deterioration that develops with age.


0871 22 11 340

Pelvic health facts

Around 1 in 3 women suffer from a sensitive bladder and despite being more common than hay fever, it is often ignored by sufferers who are too embarrassed to seek help or believe it will just go away. A healthy, normal functioning pelvic floor is probably the most fundamental aspect of feeling feminine, yet something the majority of women unwittingly overlook due to the lack of available information provided about its significance.

Some women don’t find out about its importance until they develop symptoms of weakness. If you ignore the early warning signs of a weak pelvic floor, embarrassing leakage could happen for the first time when you cough, laugh, sneeze or exercise, and the use of feminine hygiene products such as incontinence pads could become the norm.

Did you know? In 1 year alone, you could spend £180-£350 on absorbency products. (based on a conservative estimate of 1 per day usage of the leading brand)

"Cleo Q Discree t is a one off investmen t that will benefit you fo r life - it does all the h ard work for you! So, don't just live with the p roblem… solve it." www.club-cleo.com


Causes and symptoms… Pelvic weakness is most commonly caused by childbirth and oestrogen loss prior to and during menopause. Recent studies have identified almost half of young women, without children are also at risk due to prolonged or excessive exercise, infection and obesity, however the most unavoidable cause is natural atrophy (muscle deterioration) which occurs as a result of ageing.

Pelvic weakness can be responsible for…

Stress incontinence is by far the most prevalent form of urinary incontinence and presents a mild to moderate urine leakage. It usually occurs during a cough, sneeze, laugh, or physical activity, when bladder pressure is temporarily or suddenly increased

Urge incontinence is a sudden and involuntary need to urinate. It affects around 30% of sufferers and is probably the most difficult to manage as the urge is uncontrollable often resulting in ‘accidents’

Frequent incontinence is diagnosed in people who have to empty their bladder more than 6 times per day

Mixed incontinence is a combination of any of the above symptoms

Stool incontinence is an impaired ability to control bowel function

Genital prolapse (collapse of the pelvic or reproductive organs) usually happens only in extreme cases, nevertheless it can be distressing, painful and (if unattended to) require surgical intervention

Decreased sexual arousal, lubrication and sensation along with poor vaginal grip during intercourse


0871 22 11 340

Will it work? Doctors worldwide acknowledge that at least 80% of incontinence cases can be dramatically improved or even cured by effectively exercising the pelvic floor. The traditional and now outdated method is manual ‘squeeze and release’ kegel exercise, developed in the 1940’s. Difficult to perfect and extremely time consuming, in most cases they are executed inaccurately, too infrequently or insufficiently enough to make any difference. The medical recommendation is 350450 per day, which many women find exhausting and impossible to achieve. Using world exclusive advanced stimulation therapy, Cleo Q Discreet safely and accurately provides up to 1500 comprehensive contractions in a single session. This would be impossible to match by any other method. Our new 'pocket energy' transmission delivery method of stimulation is a unique sequence of electrical impulses, capable of safely and accurately releasing up to 1000 times more energy into the muscle than any other form of stimulation, meaning for the first time ever, the whole of the pelvic muscle group can be treated more effectively in around 75% less time!

A recent survey of 400, 25-75 year old women who had previously tried manual exercise and / or other pelvic devices without success, reported how Cleo Q Discreet made a difference:


were able to cough, laugh or sneeze without leakage


saw a significant improvement and benefit within a few weeks


felt a boost in their confidence


no longer needed to use pads / line rs


experienced greater pleasure during intimacy with their partner


enjoyed the freedom of not worryin g about where the nearest toilet was


felt less anxious about the problem in social situations


felt it had postponed or prevented surgery



A product you can trust Originally developed from a pioneering breakthrough by distinguished British scientists at Liverpool University, to treat muscle injury, Cleo Q Discreet is certified as a CLASS IIa medical device, recognised to meet the standards of the MDD 93/42/EEC and is a safe, effective way to restore pelvic muscle tone, treat incontinence and improve vaginal health. CE0120.

Tried and Tested Cleo Q Discreet is the result of 10 years scientific research and development with proven results. Our technicians have developed a revolutionary new way to treat incontinence and pelvic weakness. The process is unique and exclusive to Cleo and boasts the most advanced technological progression in muscle stimulation in more than 50 years. CCST (cumulative charge stimulation technology): staggered pulse transmission; a more efficient stimulation method with little wastage as the gradual trickle of pulses allows the muscle to effectively absorb up to 1000% more energy than traditional electrical stimulation which transmits signals in one large delivery. Bi-Polar Migration (transmission and recovery via both poles): unlike standard forms of electrical stimulation that transmit via one contact point and exit via the other, our world exclusive system transmits via both contact points, finds the most resourceful route through the deep muscle layers and feeds back to the entry points, stimulating a much wider, deeper area of muscle than any other toning device.


0871 22 11 340

Know your pelvic floor The pelvic floor muscle (Pubococcygeal) is a large group of muscles suspended across the pelvis like a hammock. It supports your reproductive organs and entire abdominal content, including the bladder and bowels, and plays a major role in the correct functioning of the bladder and rectum, controls vaginal secretions as well as sustaining your feminine wellbeing. Most people are unaware of its existence or importance. If it is damaged, stretched, stressed or weakened it doesn’t work effectively. Only when you suffer diminished bladder or bowel control (e.g. accidental leaks or sudden / frequent urges), does it become a problem and the pelvic floor comes into focus.

Regular stimulation is essential Not only does it restore bladder control, it also improves responsiveness during intercourse and increases blood flow, which encourages healthy cell renewal, reducing the risk of infection. If you maintain activity you can expect to avoid further deterioration, prevent the return of previous problems, and in some cases avoid surgery.

VAT BUSTER If you are suffering from a long-term medical condition associated with the pelvic floor, you can reclaim the VAT on your purchase.


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Features and Benefits Developed for comfort, benefit and performance, Cleo Q Discreet is a sophisticated personal care device manufactured to high quality specification.

Unique: Our uniquely designed internal stimulator probe is specially shaped to comfortably fit the natural contour of the vagina. Self help: Cleo Q Discreet is the only electrical pelvic exerciser that incorporates an additional 'user assist' setting, allowing you to adopt more proactive, interactive pelvic muscle management, putting you back in control of your body. Intelligent: Cleo Q Discreet is a fully pre-programmed microprocessor with integrated timer and the only device with 14 user selectable variable program options and settings.

Portable: Cleo Q Discreet is a compact, lightweight unit, small enough to fit in the palm of your hand and can be worn like a pendant when attached to the neck strap, giving you freedom to get on with other tasks. Low maintenance: Cleo Q Discreet is powered by 3 x AAA batteries (supplied) and simply requires wiping clean with a dry cloth to remove dust. Minimal time commitment: Cleo Q Discreet generates an effective pelvic workout in as little as 5 minutes, with the option of increasing to 29 minutes, depending on user preference or level of stimulation required.

Safe: Cleo Q Discreet has 0 output at initialisation with user adjustable intensity control settings providing optimum comfort during treatment. Ergonomic design: Cleo Q Discreet has 'one press' control buttons for ease of operation with an inbuilt LCD providing visual confirmation of settings and prompts for interaction.


0871 22 11 340

Programs start from as little as Minutes

What you get! Cleo Q Discreet is supplied in plain packaging to protect your privacy and comprises of:

Cleo Q Discreet digital control unit (7cm x 8.5cm)

Internal stimulation probe (7cm x 2.3cm)

Connecting cables Organic water based lubricating gel - 50ml


nal dditio for 2 a s’ cover year

warranty Guaranteed

Protect your product for less than 25p per week and get 3 years full cover should a fault develop.

Probe care cleaning solution - 60ml 3 x AAA batteries

Comprehensive user guide and program recommendations 12 month manufacturers warranty VAT exemption claim form



Cleo Q Discreet | £200 2 Year Extended Warranty | £25

Same day despatch FREE UK Standard 1st Class recorded UK Next Day | £10 - Overseas | £15




FAQ’s Q: How do I know if it’s safe? A: Cleo Q Discreet is a certified CLASS IIa medical device, recognised to meet the standards of the Medical Device Directive 93/42/EEC.CE0120 Q: Will Cleo Q Discreet work for me? A: Although we cannot guarantee that 100% of users will achieve the desired results, using Cleo Q Discreet on a regular basis should benefit any woman needing to strengthen and tone the pelvic muscles. Q: How will I know if it’s working? A: As you start the recommended course of treatment, you will soon begin to notice that you are able to gain more control of your vaginal muscles and bladder. This will improve further as treatment continues. Q: How quickly can I expect to see results? A: It can take approximately 6-12 weeks for most women to notice a reduction in urine loss, although improvements are noticeable within 1-2 weeks. Some women have reported an obvious difference in vaginal tightness after one session! The more regularly you use the device, the quicker you can expect to achieve results.

Q: How long do I need to continue use? A: It would be prudent to continue treatment indefinitely at reduced rate to maintain the results achieved and slow down further natural deterioration. Q: What happens if I stop using it? A: As with all muscles, as we age, if left unexercised ‘atrophy’ / muscle wastage naturally occurs. This is a gradual process of deterioration, and if treatment isn’t continued to some degree; over time, the original symptoms may return. Q: Who shouldn’t use Cleo Q Discreet? A: There are no known contraindications of use of this products however, anyone suffering from a serious medical condition or post surgery should consult their GP for expert advice prior to use. Cleo Q Discreet should not be used during pregnancy, although it is very beneficial after childbirth. We recommend starting after your 6 week post natal examination.

Question not answered? If you have any questions or need help, please don't hesitate to get in touch!

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0871 22 11 340

Happy customers

"Cleo Discreet has made such a difference to my pelvic floor insufficiency, confidence and physical comfort." Mrs Hewitt

"Thank you it means such a lot to me not to be always looking for toilets. You have given me a new lease of life." Mrs Maleham

"It really ha s helped to strengthen my pelvic fl oo muscles; I can go thro r ugh the night an d not go to the loo so often." Mrs Lowen

"Having used Cleo Discreet fo r just ove r a week no w it appea rs to have re lieved me o f my stress incontinence ." Ms Ingram

"Very pleased with Cleo Discreet- definitely can feel a difference despite only using it a few times." Mrs Williams

"Using this pelvic floor exerciser has been, for me, literally life changing!" Mrs Newton

"Superb product, it has given me my life back." Mrs Train

"I feel a gr eat difference, not just physic ally, but psychologic ally as well." Mrs Wagner

"As a tool to fight stress inco ntinence this product is great!" Ms Ducat

"Have noticed a great improvement in leakage when sneezing, coughing, exercising etc." Mrs Davies

"Brilliant Product – great improvement after only one week!" Mrs Dawson



I would like to order... Same day despatch Cleo Q Discreet System £200

2 Year Warranty Extension £25

free uk standard delivery Next Day £10 | Overseas £15 Payment options:

Accessory Pack (Lubricant and Cleanser) £10 (Saving £6)

Battery Charger and Batteries £15

how to order

other products from cleo Over

Phone: UK: 0871 22 11 340 Overseas: +44 (0)113 2527744

Online: Web: www.club-cleo.com Email: mail@club-cleo.com

Post: Address: KayCo Ltd, 3 Cadman Court, Chartists Way, Morley, Leeds LS27 0RX West Yorkshire, UK

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