Floriani Embroidery Software How To

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Edit Bar

Selection Tool – use this tool to select objects in a design by left mouse clicking on them. Lasso Tool – use this tool to select objects in a design by drawing a circle around the entire object(s) you want to select. Shape Tool – use this tool to edit outlines, angle lines, and start/stop points. Stitch Tool – use this tool to select individual stitch points in a design element. Zoom Tool – use this tool to zoom in on object for a better view. Pan Tool – use this tool to move the position of your work area on the screen.

Commands Tool – use this to turn the commands view on and off. When on it will show trims and where the first and last stitch are located.

Copy – use this to copy an element in a design.

Hoop Tool – use this to select or create a hoop for your project.

Undo – use this to undo the last action made.

Backdrop View – use this to turn the backdrop image view on and off.

Redo – use this to redo the previously undone action.

Flip Horizontal – use this to flip a design element horizontally. Flip Vertical – use this to flip a design element vertically. Rotate Left – use this to rotate a design element to the left. Rotate Right – use this to rotate a design element to the right.

3D View – use this tool to toggle between normal and 3D view of your design. Grid View – use this tool to turn the grid view on and off. Stitches View – use this to turn the stitches view on and off. On it shows the stitches, off it only shows outlines of the objects. Stitch Ends View – use this tool to turn the stitch ends view on and off. On you will see everywhere the needle penetrates the fabric.

Zoom Box – use this to zoom in and out. Start/Stop – use this to create the start/stop points in a design. Auto Lock – use this to turn on/off the auto lock stitch feature. Properties – use this to access the properties of design elements. How To – use this to access the how to video tutorials.

File Bar

About – use this to display program information, version number and copyright.

New – use this to create a new design.

Manual Stitch – use this to input a manual path.

Open – use this to open an existing document.

Run Stitch – use this to input a run path.

Save – use this to save the design you are working on.

Satin Stitch – use this to input a satin path.

Print Preview – use this to view your design in the print preview window.

Classic Satin Stitch – use this to input a satin stitch using the classic point/counterpoint technique.

Ruler Tool – use this tool to measure elements in your design. Backdrop Tool – use this tool to open and image from your computer into the work area.

Paste – use this to paste a copied element in a design.

Card Box – use this to send a design to a card box. Batch Conversion – use this to convert designs to different file formats. Cut – use this to cut an element out of a design.

Steil Stitch – use this to input a steil path. Complex Fill Stitch – use this to input a complex fill path. Appliqué – use this to input an appliqué path.

Cross Stitch – use this to input a cross stitch path. Artwork – use this to input artwork (pen, rectangle, ellipse). Symbol – use this to input a predigitized symbol. Magic Wand Tool – use this to auto digitize elements from an image. Text Tool – use this tool to create text in your design. Monogram Tool – use this tool to create monogram text in your design. Text Designs – use this to add predigitized text designs into your project. Monogram Designs – use this to add predigitized monogram designs into your project. Auto Digitizing – use this to create auto digitized designs. Motif Shapes – use this to import motif shapes in your project. Applique Shapes – use this to import appliqué shapes to your project.


Properties – use the properties window to modify all aspects of design elements.

Fill – use this section to adjust the fill (run/manual, satin, complex fill) properties of an element. Underlay – use this section to adjust the underlay stitch settings for a selected design element. Pull Comp. – use this to manually set the pull compensation values for a selected design element. Column – use this to adjust column settings/types for a selected satin stitch element. General – use this to modify connection ends, create gradient fills, select auto density for elements, and select to turn on/off short stitches feature. Commands – use this to set the start/end commands of design elements. When working with text, use this to create trims and color changes as well. Transform – use this to resize the design size and rotate the design.

Tree View

Tree View – use this to select design elements, turn design element views on/off, resequence designs, etc.

Plus Symbol – use this to expand/retract elements pertaining to the color. Eye Symbol – use this to turn on/off the view of a design element. Lock Symbol – use this to lock/unlock the elements in the sequence. When locked you cannot change the properties of that element. Move Elements – to move a element left mouse click and hold the click while dragging your mouse to the desired location. Release mouse click when in the desired position.

Right Mouse Click Options

Right Mouse Click Options – there are many additional options available when you right mouse click on a selected object. Some of these options are only available when you right mouse click.

Convert to – use this to convert a stitch type into another stitch type. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Convert to.” Next, select what type of stitch you want to convert the select object to.

Align – use this to align objects left, horizontal center, right, center, top, vertical center, and bottom. To use, select multiple

select an object and then right mouse click and select “Cut.” This will remove the selected object from the project

Copy – use this to copy the selected design element. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Copy.” This will create a copy of the select object that can then be pasted into the project.

Paste – use this to past the cut/copied element. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Paste.” This will paste a copy of the cut or copied element.

Duplicate – use this to make a duplicate of the selected object(s). This works like the symbols work. To use, select an object or objects and then right mouse click and select “Duplicate.” Next, left mouse click in the program (or left mouse click and drag to modify the size and angle). It will create a duplicate.

Insert – use this to insert a copy of the selected element. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Insert.” It will insert a copy of the selected element.

Delete – use this to delete the selected element. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Delete.” This will delete the selected object.

Advanced Mode – when using this mode the user will define the start/end points and stitch direction after creating the stitch outline. This mode allows more user control.

Group – use this to group selected elements together. To use, select

Changing Digitizing Mode – to change the digitizing mode, first select “Tools” from the menu bar. Next, select “General Options.” Select the “Digitizing” tab. Finally, change the “Complex Fill” and “Satin” mode as desired.

multiple object and then right mouse click and select “Group.” This will group together all the selected objects.

Manual Stitch (with this tool, every place you click will be where the machine places a stitch)

objects and then right mouse click and select “Align.” Next, select the type of alignment you want to use from the list.

Cut – use this to cut the selected element from the design. To use,

automatically select the start/end points and stitch direction.

Ungroup – use this to ungroup grouped elements. To use, select the grouped objects and then right mouse click and select “Ungroup.” This will ungroup the grouped objects.

Transform – use this to access the transform tab from the properties box. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Transform.” This will open the Transform box in the properties box.

Properties – Use this to access the properties box. To use, select an object and then right mouse click and select “Properties.” This will open the properties box window.

How to Use Digitizing Tools

Use this section to learn how to use each digitizing tool. There are two digitizing modes that can be used: Standard Mode and Advanced Mode. Standard Mode – when using this mode the program will

1. Select the “Manual Stitch” tool 2. To use, left mouse click to start 3. Continue to left mouse click in the direction you want to go 4. When finished, right mouse click to end the stitch

Run Stitch (with this tool, you can create a line in the direction you want and then select the stitch length you want between points) 1. Select the “Run” tool 2. To use, left mouse click to start 3. Continue to left mouse click to create a straight line 4. To make a curve stitch, press CNTRL + left mouse click 5. Continue to left and CNTRL + left mouse click in the direction you want to go 6. When finished, right mouse click to end the stitch

Satin Stitch (simple mode) 1. Select the “Satin Stitch” tool

2. To use, first plot your first line in the direction and location you want 3. When you finish the first set of lines, right mouse click in order to tell the software you are ready to begin the next side of the stitch 4. Next, begin plotting your second line in the direction you want using straight lines and curved lines 5. When finished, right mouse click and the stitches will be created

Satin Stitch (advanced mode) 1. Select the “Satin Stitch” tool 2. To use, first plot your first line in the direction and location you want 3. When you finish the first set of lines, right mouse click in order to tell the software you are ready to begin the next side of the stitch 4. Next, begin plotting your second line in the direction you want using straight lines and curved lines 5. When finished, right mouse click. 6. At this point you are telling the software that you are ready to begin applying stitch angles. 7. To apply stitch directions, simply click on one edge and drag your cursor into the location you want 8. When finished with stitch direction, right mouse click 9. Next, left mouse click in the spot you want the stitch to begin from 10. Finally, left mouse click in the spot you want the stitch to end at Classic Satin Stitch (advanced mode) 1. Select the “Classic Satin Stitch” tool

2. To use this tool, left mouse click at the point you what to start from and then click on the other side of the column you are creating. 3. Continue to click back and forth around your object creating straight or curved lines 4. When finished, right mouse click 5. Next, you will need to left mouse click on the point where you want the design to begin 6. Finally, left mouse click on the point where you want the design to end from Classic Satin Stitch (simple mode) 1. Select the “Classic Satin Stitch” tool 2. To use this tool, left mouse click at the point you what to start from and then click on the other side of the column you are creating. 3. Continue to click back and forth around your object creating straight or curved lines 4. When finished, right mouse click

Steil Stitch (simple mode) 1. Select the “Steil Stitch” tool 2. To use this tool, left mouse click in the spot you want to begin your stitch from. 3. Continue to click (either straight line or curved line) your points until you come to the end of the stitch. 4. Right click to end the tool and apply the stitch

Steil Stitch (advanced mode) 1. Select the “Steil Stitch” tool 2. To use this tool, left mouse click in the spot you want to begin your stitch from.

3. Continue to click (either straight line or curved line) your points until you come to the end of the stitch. 4. Right click to end the tool and apply the stitch 5. Next, left mouse click in the spot you want the stitch to start sewing from 6. Finally, left mouse click in the spot you want the stitch to end on

Complex Fill (advanced mode) 1. Select the “Complex Fill” tool 2. To use this tool, left mouse click in the spot you want to begin your stitch from. 3. Continue to click (either straight line or curved line) your points until you come to the end of the element. 4. Right click to end the tool and apply the stitch 5. Next, click and drag to get the stitch direction in the angle you want 6. Left mouse click to accept that direction 7. Next, left mouse click in the spot you want the element to start sewing from 8. Finally, left mouse click in the spot you want the element to end on

Complex Fill (simple mode) 1. Select the “Complex Fill” tool 2. To use this tool, left mouse click in the spot you want to begin your stitch from. 3. Continue to click (either straight line or curved line) your points until you come to the end of the element. 4. Right click to end the tool and apply the stitch

Creating a Hole in a Complex Fill Object When working with Complex Fill objects you have the ability to create a hole in the design. You can do this as you are digitizing the element or add it to the fill after digitizing. Adding a hole to an existing Complex Fill object: 1. Select your shape tool from the Edit bar. 2. Next, select the complex fill object you want to add a hole to. 3. Right mouse click on the outside edge of the fill and select “Add Hole.”

3. Next, select the font you want to use from the font selection drop down box. 4. Select “Apply.” You can modify the size of the text, spacing between letters, spacing between lines, add an italic look to the text, add a stair step look to the text, align the text, and select what type of text you want to use (normal, circle, monogram) from the “Text” tab in the properties section as well. To do this, simple select what you would like and then press “Apply” to apply the settings you selected. “Commands” section of the Properties Box for Text

Creating Text To create text, select your tool. Next, follow these instructions:


1. left mouse click inside the work area of the screen. 2. In the Properties box, type the text you want to add inside the Text field box.

Trims Options – gives you the ability to create trims between the following: none (default), characters, words, and lines. Here is the breakdown of how each works:

2. Chars – trim between characters/letters

5. After you plot the last point of the hole, right mouse click to apply the hole.

Working with Text

Color Change – gives you the ability to change the text color between the following: chars (characters/letters), words, lines of text, none (default setting for no color change).

1. None – no trims

4. Plot our the shape of the hole you want to add.

6. Right mouse click a second time and your hole will be generated (if a drop down box appears instead, select “Update Path.”

Tie off – gives you the ability to control if you would like to use a tie off stitch at the end of the lettering before it moves to the next item. The settings available are: none (default setting for no tie off), basic tie off, and triangle tie off.

3. Words – trim between each word 4. Lines – trim between lines of text Color – this represents the number of colors used in the text. Start Command – gives you the ability to select what you want to happen before stitching the item: normal (defaul setting), jump, trim, stop, frame out. End Command – gives you the ability to select what you want to happen after the item is stitched: normal (default setting), jump, trim, stop, frame out. Tie In – gives you the ability to control if you would like to use a tie in stitch before the lettering begins stitching. The settings available are: none (default setting for no tie in), basic tie in, triangle tie in.

To use, simply select the options you want from the Commands tab and then select “Apply” to apply the settings.

Viewing Trims in a Design

Sometimes it is very useful to view where trims take place in a design. This helps you make sure you have all the necessary trims for the design as well as helps you find unneccessary trims in the design. To view trims in a design you need to make sure the “Commands” tool is turned on. This tool is very helpful when working with text to

ensure you have the proper trim functions selected.

(simple draw, bezier, free hand). In this section you can also select the digitizing mode you want to use (standard or advanced) for both complex fill’s and satin stitches. With Complex fills you can even display the default stitch angle you want to use.

Commands Tool – selecting the commands tool will allow you to see trims in a design. The commands tool is located on the Edit Bar. To turn it on/off, simply select it.

Tabs available under the General Options box: 1. Environment – in this section you can change the units of measure, select a default fabric setting, select a default thread chart, and select to auto match thread colors on loading a design.

General Options

General Options box allows you to globally change many settings for the software. When you make a change in the General Options box every time you open the software the saved settings will be applied to the new project. To access the General Options box: 1. Select “Tools” from the menu bar 2. Next, select “General Options.”

2. Machine – in this section you can choose to activate trims if a stitch is longer than the specified number, split up jumps longer than the specified number, remove stitches that are shorter than a specified number, combine jumps when reading a design, and select the default frame out location. 3. Grid – in this section you can set the parameters for the grid by selecting spacing for both Horizontal and Vertical. You can check to maintain aspect ratio so the Horizontal and Vertical settings will be equal. You can also select to have objects you move to snap to the grid for lining items up. Finally, you can choose to display the grid as lines or dots. 4. Digitizing – in this section you are able to select the type of input mode you want to use while digitizing

5. Drawing – in this section you are able to choose the color a design element will display when you select it in the software.

Using the Artwork Tool

The artwork tool allows you to quickly create free hand designs, rectangles/squares, and ellipse’s. Then, you can convert these shapes into embroidery elements. To use the artwork tool follow these steps: 1. Select the tool.


2. Next, choose the art style you want to use (pen, rectangle, or ellipse). 3. Left-click and drag in the work area to create your shape (hold down the CNTRL key to make perfect circle or perfect square). 4. Next, resize your design element if needed. 5. Right mouse click on the design and select “Convert To.” Then, select the type of stitch you want to convert the element to (run, steil, complex fill, cross stitch, or appliqué).

6. You have now successfully created a shape using the “Artwork” tool and converted it into embroidery.

Editing Designs

1. Start Point (green dot) this is where the selected element will begin stitching out. 2. End Point (red dot) this is where the selected element will stop stitching. 3. Node - change the type, position, and angle of the node. 4. Inclination lines - the direction of the stitches.

Learning how to edit designs is extremely important. Regardless if you are working with a design you created or working with one digitized by someone else, it is important to know how to modify the design when needed. The editing capability in the Floriani software is extremely powerful. Here is a list of the tools that will help you the most when editing is needed (please see descriptions of each in the previous section): •

Selection Tool

Shape Tool

Stitch Tool

Grid Tool

Stitches Tool

Stitch Ends Tool

Properties Box

Tree View Section

Using the

Shape Tool

When you have an object you want to edit selected, click on the “Shape” tool to access the editing features. The “Shape” tool will allow you to edit the following:

Editing Node Type

Nodes are the points/dots that appear on the outline of a design element. There are different types of nodes, each acting/behaving differently. You can change the style of any node (line, cusp, smooth, symmetrical) To change a node type do the following: 1. Select the object you want to modify. 2. Select the “Shape” tool to access the editing features.

Smooth – turns the lines leading into the node smooth and rounded. Symmetrical – makes it so when you move one side of the node it moves the other side of the node exactly the same.

Editing Start/Stop Positions

You have the ability to change where an element begins and ends stitching. To change the start and stop positions, please do the following: 1. Select the object you want to change the start/end point of. 2. Select the “Shape” tool to access the editing features. 3. To change the start/stop positions, simply select the red dot (stop) or the green dot (start) and drag it to the desired location.

To Edit Inclination Lines

3. Right mouse click on the node you want to change. 4. Next, select the new type of node you want to use. Here is a description of each node type and how they work: Line – turns the lines on either side of the node straight. Cusp – makes it so the angle can be changed on either side of the node without affecting the other side of the node.

To create special shading effects you will want to edit stitch directions in your design. This is simple and easy to do in the Floriani embroidery software.

To edit inclination lines, please do the following: 1. Select the object you want the change the stitch direction to.

Sometimes it is helpful to turn off the stitch view, especially when editing some designs. When you turn off the stitch view only the outlines are displayed. Here is an example:

2. Select the “Shape” tool to access the editing features. 3. To change the inclination lines, simply select one of the black dots in the inclination line and drag it into the desired location.

Editing Individual Stitches

Sometime you will want to edit individual stitches in order to create specific looks in your design. To edit individual stitch points, please do the following: 1. Select the object that contains the stitch(s) you want to edit. 2. Select the “Stitch” tool in order to access the stitch editing capabilities. 3. Place your cursor over the point/stitch you want to edit (it will automatically highlight each stitch as you move your cursor) 4. Left mouse click and drag the stitch into the desired location, then release the mouse click. 5. Repeat as many times as necessary.

Stitch View

To turn on/off the stitches view, please do the following: Select the Stitches View to toggle between Normal 3D view and no stitch view.

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