Sunday, May 1, 2022 11:00 a.m.
Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATION
Radcliffe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 The Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor The Reverend Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown, Guest Preacher Elder Laverne Moone Wyche, Moderator, PW in Radcliffe
Radcliffe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318
Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor (404) 799-8286
May 1, 2022
The Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe Radcliffe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 286 H amilton E. H olmes Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318-7413
Dear Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe, I greet you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is with great honor that I serve as your pastor and offer my sincerest congratulations on the occasion of this Women’s Day Celebration with your theme: "Women Responding to God's Call to Love One Another." You have continued to respond to God’s Call to Love One Another, as you have been models of patience, kindness, generosity and strength in your homes, the church and the community. As we appear now on the verge of rising from the grip of the COVID-19 global Pandemic, after over two years of adjusting to the disruptions and new challenges we have faced together and are still facing, your love is a consistent beacon of hope and a reminder of how much God loves us. It is a blessing I don’t take for granted that God has provided gifted, creative and talented women to serve as leaders in our church and in the Greater Atlanta community and allowed me to walk alongside the Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe as together, with the whole Body of Christ, we carry out God’s mission in the world. Thank you for the love and nurture you continue to give that sustains us. With the love of Christ,
The Reverend Dr. Andrew Lee Stephens, Jr.
April 21,2022 Dear Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe, I am extremely honored and proud to serve as your moderator. I bring you greetings on this Annual Women’s Day Celebration themed: “Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another.” The theme seems so appropriate, as we have indeed demonstrated our love for one another and others of all ages, through our ongoing acts of kindness. We have shown love through our courtesy phone calls as we have reach out to the Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe as we continue to carry on the ministry of Presbyterian Women (PW). Our Courtesy Team allowed us to stay in touch with the women, especially those who were homebound. Phone Prayer Ministry on Monday night enabled us to “lift up” in prayer all persons experiencing health challenges, grieving the lost, of loved ones, and the health and safety of all of us. Prayer does change things. We also continued meeting to discuss the Horizon’s Bible Study “What My Grandmothers Taught Me.” I want to congratulate and thank Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe for their continued patience, dedication, cooperation, initiative and vision during my last year as your moderator. As a team, we have worked to conduct our business meetings, had some unexpectant fun times on zoom with games, and our first face to face gathering in two years on the church’s front lawn. We nurtured our faith through Prayer and Bible Study, we supported the church by donating a month’s mortgage payment, enabling Radcliffe to pay off the mortgage early and enter 2022 free of debt. With your continued financial support, we were able to maintain our level of giving to promote our chosen ministries; specifically, the Back-Pack Ministry, Dr. Bettye BoueyYates Educational Foundation, Change for Children, the Haiti Project (sponsoring a girl’s education tuition), SWEEAC and our latest project, Acts of Kindness (books for children). Your willingness to adjust to new circumstances, to be creative and open to change is amazing and appreciated. Together, we have created some wonderful new experiences. We will continue to carry out the Presbyterian Women (PW) Purpose. Love and Blessings, LaVerne Moone-Wyche, Moderator
April 13, 2022
Radcliffe Presbyterian Church 2016 Women’s Day Celebration 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive, N.W. Atlanta, GA 30318
Dear Radcliffe Presbyterian Church Women, On behalf of the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, comprised of over 40,000 Presbyterians, 80+ congregations, and 26 new worshiping communities, I extend this letter of commendation for your 2022 Women’s Day celebration. For more than 200 years, Presbyterian Women have strengthened the Presbyterian Church. You have played a major role in sharing the good news of Jesus Christ and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. As you are the hands and feet of Christ in the world, thank you for working for peace and justice, supporting the mission of the church worldwide, and building a caring community of women. I am in debt to you for your words of wisdom and faithful leadership. Your commitment to connecting women across class, culture, race, and time is transforming and liberating. The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta is grateful for your service and witness throughout metro Atlanta, the Synod of the South-Atlantic, and the Presbyterian Church, U.S.A. With appreciation and gratitude,
Cassandra D. Morrow Congregational Consultant for Church Growth and Vitality Presbytery of Greater Atlanta, PCUSA
The 2022 Annabelle Jarrett Living Witness Award
The Annabelle Jarrett Living Witness Award was established in 2006 in recognition of Annabelle Madeline Gunter Jarrett who was a long-standing member of Radcliffe. The epitome of womanhood, she nurtured and encouraged thousands of young men and women to be the best that they can be. She was a teacher, social worker, librarian, mentor, and the best friend one could ever have. This award, presented by the Presbyterian Women of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church, honors a young lady of our congregation under the age of 18 whose faith walk embodies the principles of Presbyterian Women- being a part of a caring community; supporting the mission of the church; working for justice and peace; and witnessing to the promise of God’s kingdom. And now on this 2022 Women’s Day, it is our honor to announce the 2022 and 15th recipient of the Annabelle Jarrett Living Witness Award, Ms. Avery Taylor. She is awarded a certificate and $100.00. Avery is currently a Junior at Northview High School, Johns Creek Ga. She is a member of the Black History Club, Environmental Club, Beta Club, and Spanish Club. Avery is the secretary of her school’s Environmental Club and also serves as the Vice President of the Spanish Club. Outside of school Avery and students from other North Fulton County High Schools have formed a NAACP branch for Johns Creek. With the help of these students and sponsors, this club has increased the awareness of Black American history and its contributions. Avery also is a very active member of the RAYS, the youth organization at Radcliffe Presbyterian Church U.S.A. and has been a member since middle school. Currently she serves as the RAYS’ President. At Radcliffe she can be seen participating in Sunday morning worship services in person and by Zoom. Avery enjoys playing tennis and is currently participating in an archery class. Avery tends to be upbeat, enthusiastic, and creative. The Radcliffe Presbyterian Women praise God for the blessing she has been to her family, her community and to Radcliffe.
The Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor Mrs. Jackie Wilson Hollis, Director of Music Programs Elder LaVerne Wyche, Moderator, PW in Radcliffe Mrs. Sheree Sturgis, Liturgist Third Sunday of Easter Women’s Day Sunday, May 1, 2022 Eleven O’ clock in the Morning THEME: PRELUDE
“Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another” ”For God So Loved the World” Lanny Wolfe
Mrs. Jackie Wilson Hollis Liturgist
John 13:34, the words of Jesus: “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. CALL TO CONFESSION Liturgist For God so loved the world that God gave God’s only Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent God’s Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through Him. (John 3:16,17) Let us confess our sins against God and our neighbor. PRAYER OF CONFESSION Liturgist Eternal God, our judge, and redeemer, we confess that we have read your word but failed to follow your guidance and instruction. We have lived our lives apart for you. We have turned from our neighbors and refused to bear “one another’s” burdens. We have overlooked and ignored the poor, hungry and oppressed. In your divine mercy, forgive our sins and awaken in us the desire to choose your will and obey your commandments; through the power of the Holy Spirit, we pray. Amen. ASSURANCE OF FORGIVENESS Liturgist Let us remember that Christ forgives our sins because he bore them at Calvary, not because we deserve Christ’s pardon; and though our sins stubbornly cling to us, our Savior’s love releases us from their grip and gives us freedom to live the new life of grace. In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen. THE APOSTLES’ CREED ANTHEM OF PRAISE
Liturgist “Beloved, Let Us Love One Another” Pepper Chopin
Radcliffe Handbell Choir
Handbell Choir Participants: Deacon Sheila Cunningham, Deacon Cheryl Bolton Flint, Deacon Cristell Holloway, Deacon Pamela Lasseter, Deacon Elsie Morris, M.D., and Mrs. Lucy Stephens Skit “PW Excursion” Skit Participants: Elder Helen Bell, Deacon Sheila Cunningham, Deacon Cheryl Eke, Mrs. Joan Moone, Ms. Sierra Sturgis, and Ms. Ayanna Wardlow, Guest Participant. Filming and taping by Christian Smith WELCOME, ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF GUESTS,
THE OFFERTORY, Regular, Deacons, Women’s Day SCRIPTURE READINGS Old Testament: New Testament:
Psalm 30 Revelations 5:11-14
Kh’adence Grace Johanna Alexander
This is the Word of The Lord Thanks be to God. INTRODUCTION OF SPEAKER INSPIRATIONAL MUSIC
Elder Ernesta Ingram and Elder Jaycee Wright “I’m Available to You” Milton Brunson
Mrs. Sheila Wheat Harris, Soloist The Reverend Teresa L. Fry Brown, Ph.D.
HYMN OF INVITATION “They’ll Know We Are Christians By Our Love” Mrs. Sheila Wheat Harris, Soloist SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: Elder LaVerne Wyche, Moderator, PW In Radcliffe Tribute to Past Presidents/ Moderators of Radcliffe Presbyterian Women REMARKS BENEDICTION POSTLUDE
“Go In Love” Don Besig
Rev. Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr. Rev. Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown Mrs. Jackie Wilson Hollis
“Beloved, Let Us Love One Another” Beloved, let us love one another, beloved Let us love one another with love that comes from God. Beloved let us love one another, beloved Let us love one another with love that comes from God. For love is from God, and ev-‘ryone who loves is born of God For love is from God, and ev-‘ryone who loves surely knows God Whoever does not love does not know God for God is love Beloved, let us love one another, beloved Let us love one another with love that comes from God
2022 Women’s Day Committees
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC
Spiritual Worship Committee Iris Wallace, Chairperson Sheree Sturgis Cheryl Eke Henra Davis Jacquelyn Hollis Cristell Holloway Lois Lott LaVerne Moone Wyche
Assessments Jeanne Blackmon Marie Brown Phyllis Thomas
Book Club Phyllis Ellis, Co-Chairperson Cheryl Eke, Co-Chairperson Sharletta McKinney LaVerne Moone Wyche Invitations Margaret Adair LaVerne Moone Wyche
Publicity Cristell Holloway
Acts of Kindness Andrea Moultrie Joan Moore Moone Paula Coleman Cheryl Eke LaVerne Moone Wyche
Music Jacquelyn Hollis
Digital Souvenir Journal Sharletta McKinney LaVerne Moone Wyche
LaVerne Moone Wyche, Moderator
Radcliffe Presbyterian Women Coordinating Team/Committee Chairs 2022 Moderator……………………………………………………………..LaVerne Moone- Wyche Vice Moderator………………………………………………………Sharletta McKinney Secretary ……………………………………………………………....Mary Davis Assistant Secretary ………………………………………………..Sheila Cunningham Financial Secretary ………………………………………………..Letitia Humbles Treasurer……………………………………………………………….Phyllis Thomas Co-Historians …………………………………………………… Gwendolyn Garrison/Henra Davis Search Moderator Parliamentarian………………………………………………………Iris Wallace Spiritual Growth ……………………………………………………Cheryl Eke Global Mission……………………………………………………….Paula Coleman Courtesies………………………………………………………………Dolores Williams Editor of Newsletter………………………………………………Brittany Banks Bible Study Facilitator……………………………………………Helen Bell Justice and Peace Coordinators Chair of Worship Committee…………………………………Iris Wallace Chairs of Assessment…………………………………………….Jeanne Blackmon, Marie Brown Chairs of Ads/Patrons……………………………………………Sharletta McKinney LaVerne Moone Wyche Back Pack Ministry……………………………………………… Paula Coleman, Letitia Humbles Iris Wallace, Joan Moone, Andrea Moultrie, Phyllis Thomas LaVerne Wyche Phone Prayer Committee……………………………………..Paula Coleman, Cheryl Eke, Phyllis Ellis, Mary Davis Gwendolyn Garrison, Phyllis Thomas, LaVerne Wyche Book Club Chairs…………………………………………………. Cheryl Eke, Phyllis Ellis Acts of Kindness Committee……………………………….. Joan Moone, Andrea Moultrie, Paula Coleman, Cheryl Eke LaVerne Wyche
“Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another” RADCLIFFE PRESBYTERIAN WOMEN
RADCLIFFE The women participating in the Horizon’s Bible Study continue to meet every 2nd and 4th Wednesdays. Our phone Prayer Ministry continues every Monday at 7:00 PM. In December, PW paid a month’s mortgage payment enabling Radcliffe to pay off its mortgage early. Book Club Discussion – Our Moderator encouraged us to complete our reading so as to enter into luminous discussion on Kianna Alexander’s “Carolina Built”. COMMUNITY MISSION The Backpack Ministry, a partnership between PW in Radcliffe and Usher/Collier Heights Elementary School continues to provide twenty-four (24) children identified at the school with breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks for the weekends. PW received a Grant from the Presbytery of Greater Atlanta to help with this effort. PW continues to provide support to SWEEAC. Our connection with Sadie G. Mays Health and Rehabilitation Center helps us fund items for fun activities and personal hygiene needs of residents. At Christmas parents at Seven Courts Apartments look forward to our gift cards which allow them to purchase items for their children. GLOBAL MISSION PW continues to support the following ongoing mission projects: Change for Children, The Dr. Bettye Bouey-Yates Educational Foundation, which supports educational endeavors in Africa and the Haiti Project which pays for a young girls’ schooling in Haiti SPECIAL PROJECT Acts of Kindness - AOK (Books for Children)
Donations Hazel Clements
Paula Coleman
Ruth Clark
Sheila Cunningham
Cheryl Eke
Phyllis Ellis
Jackie Hollis
Dorothy L. Hudson
Dorothy J. Hudson
Delores Hudson
Letitia Humbles
Shirley Leaphart
Sharletta McKinney
Joan M. Moone
Andrea Moultrie
Elsie Morris
Phyllis Thomas
Iris Wallace
Abraham Williams
Neeka Wilson LaVerne Wyche
2022 ASSESSMENTS Adair, Margaret Ashison, Rhonda Hooks Banks, Brittney Barnes, Shirley Bell, Helen B. Blackmon, Jeanne Bryant Bolton, Peggy Booker, Ivy Brewer, Bettye S. Brown, Marie B. Bush, Patricia E. Clark, Ruth W. Clements, Hazel A. Coleman, Paula Brown Cunningham, Joan Davis, Mary Frances Davis, Henra Dawson, Sparrow Cari Dunlap, Jacqueline Durrah, Bettie Easley, Tania Eke, Cheryl Ellis, Phyllis Ellis, Sylvia Estes, Barbara Ann Ferguson, Carrye Flint, Cheryl Bolton Gardner, Margaret Garrison, Gwendolyn C. Goggins, Irma Greene, Christine Hollis, Jacquelyn Holloway, Charnell Holloway, Cristell Hooks, Delores Hooks, Monica D. Hudson, Delores Hudson, Dorothy J. Hudson, Dorothy L. Humbles, Letitia S. Ingram, Ernesta Yarbrough-Morgan, Darlene
Jackson, Alva Jefferson, Jacques Jones, Ellen Pierce Lasseter, Dana Lasseter, Pamela Lee, Barbara Lott, Lois McAfee, Beverly McAfee, Lisa McAfee, Stacy McCleary, Clarice E. McGruder, Henraya McKinney, Sharletta McWilliams, Wilmer J. Moone, Joan Moore Morman, Lillian Sanders Morris, Elsie Moultrie, Andrea Osgood, Charlotte Peek, Carrie Porter, Tusha Robinson, Bettye W. Roseborough, Courtney Roseborough, Teresa Scott, Corene Simon, Dorcas Smith, Shirley T. Spriggs, Mozel Stephens, Gerilyn Metoyer Stephens, Lucy S. Sturgis, Sheree Thomas, Phyllis G. Wallace, Anyeka Wallace, Iris N. Williams, Barbara H. Williams, Dolores Wilson, Helen Wilson, Neeka P. Wortham, Linda Wright, Jaycee E. Wyche, LaVerne Moone
Congratulations To the Dedicated and Amazing Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe on
Women’s Day 2022 “Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another”
Your dedication, hard work and time has meant so very much to me. As your Moderator of PW, I am grateful to have been able to share this five-year journey with my awesome PW Sisters. Thank you for your support.
Elder LaVerne Moone Wyche, Moderator of PW 2017-2022
and Best Wishes
Hazel Clements from The Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe “Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another”
Women’s Day, May 1, 2022
Darlene Yarbrough-Morgan Teresa Roseborough Lillian Morman For Extra Support From The Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe
2021-2022 Presbyterian Women Patrons and Supporters Andrea Moultrie Virginia Lewis Bettye Brewer Bettye Mullins Christine Green Velma Farmer Johnnie Davis Evelenia Bowman Virginia Stanley
In Loving Memory of Our Faithful and Dedicated Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe
Virginia Tate Corine Brown Yvonne Bankston Dorothy Pleasant Janie Gardner Mary B. Ellis Fannye Banks Ethel Wynn Miriam Hodge
Bettye McCoy Barbara Grantley Dr. Mirian Chivers Shropshire Argent Sue Gibson Ina Atkinson Tanji Gibson Ruby Richards Juanita Williams Annie Ruth Clerk Marie Phinazee
“What was once enjoyed and deeply loved, We can never lose, For all that we love deeply becomes part of us.” Helen Keller
“Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another” Remembering My Beautiful Sister Deborah “Debbie” Powell-Crone, “Born in a different country, I found her, and she found a big sister” “I thank God every time I remember you.”Philippians 1:3
“Let no one ever come to you without leaving better and happier. Be the living expression of God’s kindness: kindness in your face, kindness in your eyes, kindness in your smile” Mother Teresa That was Debbie.
“If not Now Then When” Debbie’s Painting
Joan Moore-Moone
Honoring the Memory of our Loving and Devoted Mother Deacon Mary Birch Ellis
And Congratulations to the Presbyterian Women of Radcliffe A. Douglas Ellis Jr. and Phyllis Gail Ellis
Congratulations Radcliffe Presbyterian Women Women’s Day
“Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another”
Rudolph R. Cohen * Phillip N. Davis, Sr. William Fowlkes * Machion S. Garrison, Jr. * Alfonza R. Goggins, Sr. * Kenneth L. Goggins, Sr. Rev. Dr. Lloyd Green, Jr. ** Dr. Henry Harris * Dr. Thomas Jarrett *
Deceased *
Dr. Carson Lee * Rev. Dr. William S. Mercer *** Dr. Juan A. McGruder Dr. Alfred McWilliams, Jr. Andrew G. Phillips John D. Robinson * Dr. William B. Shropshire * Dr. Herman B. Smith, Jr. * David L. Stanley, Sr. *
Retired Pastor **
CONGRATULATIONS Radcliffe Presbyterian Women On your Women’s Day Celebration May 1, 2022
“Women Responding to God’s Call to Love One Another” From the Men of Radcliffe Presbyterian Church
Andrew Eke, Moderator Marvin Wright, Vice Moderator Dr. Ludy van Broekhuizen, Recording Secretary Samuel Thomas, Treasurer William Boyd, Jr., Financial Secretary Rev. Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor
Yvonne Bankston* Virginia Lewis Jeanne Blackmon Sharletta McKinney, Treasurer Evelina Bowman Gerilyn Metoyer-Stephens Patricia Bush Joan Moone Paula Coleman Andrea Moultrie Johnny Davis Elsie Morris Audrey Drennen Tusha Porter Sylvia Ellis Teresa Roseborough Cheryl Flint, Moderator Marian Shropshire* Margaret Gardner Dorcas Simon Gwendolyn Garrison Phyllis Thomas, Chaplin Cristell Holloway Neeka Wilson Delores Hooks Jaycee Wright Monica Hooks Laverne Wyche Ernesta Ingram Margaret Jacobs, Vice moderator Jacques Jefferson Pamela Lasseter, Secretary *Deceased
Moderator Vice Moderator Secretary Treasurer Financial Secretary Chaplain Parliamentarian
Cheryl Flint Jacqueline Dunlap Stacey Weems Edward Fitts Joan Brown-Cunningham Christine Green Carrye Ferguson
Mary Binion Marie Brown Hazel Clements Paula Coleman Sheila Cunningham Cheryl Eke Ernest Ellis Phyllis Ellis Cristell Holloway Michael Holloway Delores Hudson Dorothy Hudson Lavern Hughey Joseph Ingram, Sr. Jacques Jefferson
Pamela Lasseter Virginia Lewis Elsie Morris Pamela McCoy-Pope Tusha Porter Betty Robonson Teresa Roseborough Corene Scott Dorcas Simon Michael Sturgis Donald Webster Helen Wilson Neeka Wilson Delores Williams Linda Wortham
Sunday, May 1, 2022 11:00 a.m.
Presbyterian Women in Radcliffe WOMEN'S DAY CELEBRATION
Radcliffe Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) 286 Hamilton E. Holmes Drive, N.W. Atlanta, Georgia 30318 The Reverend Dr. Andrew L. Stephens, Jr., Pastor The Reverend Dr. Teresa L. Fry Brown, Guest Preacher Elder Laverne Moone Wyche, Moderator, PW in Radcliffe