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More of our New Country Racing Club Members
Written by Christine Carter, Clubs SA Membership Manager
What a pleasure it was to meet Geoff, President of Bordertown Racing Club and Larissa, secretary at Naracoorte Racing Club during our latest trips to deliver their Clubs SA Folders. Both racecourses looked stunning in the Autumn sunshine. Geoff was very proud to tell me some of the history of the place, especially of how the local community has always been of great support when it comes to rolling up sleeves and getting things done This began in its earliest days Horse racing has a long history in Bordertown with earliest reference going as far back as a meeting in December 1861. With the South East being home to many large sheep stations, the farmers had the resources to breed horses that were good for racing as well as stock work. A further influx of wheat farmers in 1872 saw the town grow and expand and the races increased in popularity.
Bordertown Racing Club fared well and not so well over the next 60 years or so, and was located in a few different spots. The Club eventually took root in its current location in the late ‘30s to early ‘40s with manpower shortage due to WWII halting development for a time. After the war, work resumed and it took a huge amount of effort and work from the community to develop what had been virgin bushland, clearing timber, laying out and fencing the track and erecting buildings. The community spirit continues to recent times with the acquiring of its unique and eye catching pavilion. This was originally sited in Victoria Park Adelaide but with sheer guts and determination and lots of blood sweat and tears I’m sure it was relocated to Bordertown. It now stands proudly at the Club where it is home to the Legends Bar, providing welcome shade to spectators. It’s a fantastic achievement and testament to the locals love of their Racing Club.
Race meetings are coming up in July and August at Bordertown and in June and August at Naracoorte. Winter would be the perfect timing to visit the south east Both Clubs would love to welcome you!