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Now, the world is opening up again, there feels like there is some light at the end of the tunnel. Are you ready for 2022 and what energy are you bringing into the year?

“These past two years we’ve gone through so much transformation. The silver lining to all the insanity that’s been going on in the world is that we were able to use the time to look inwards and grow a lot as people. And since we’ve been back together, we’ve been so refreshed and so excited to release our album and tour!”

Did the recent events give you time to reflect and how did this filter into your new album ‘Further Joy’?

“Usually we’re used to a more fast-paced touring lifestyle, so as shitty as the pandemic was, it gave us the unique experience of being stuck at home with no distractions. We were forced to examine ourselves and figure out who we were as people when our identities weren’t tied to external things. I think we all faced a lot of demons and learned a lot about ourselves along the way, and it was honestly really cool to talk about all these things with each other. So, it just kind of naturally led to songs that dive into different aspects of mental health, life, etc.”

Was the recording process different for ‘Further Joy’? Can you talk us through the experience of this album?

“This is the first record that all four of us got to write on & record together! That was so fun, and we ended up with a really cool blend of all our styles. In January of 2021, the four of us rented a house in Joshua Tree, where we wrote and recorded 10 demos. Then we brought those to the studio, along with other songs Lydia had written. We worked with Jacknife Lee for half the songs, and Tim Pagnotta for the other half. It was so cool working with two different producers, because each one brought such unique ideas to the table and helped pull unexpected ideas out of us as well. All of this came together to form our own little magical world for this record and we love it.”

‘Further Joy’ tackles complex issues such as anxiety, particularly Lydia’s personal experiences, how did you transform this into music?

“In talking about our mental health with each other, we got to some pretty vulnerable places and got to know more of the inner workings of our psyche. Whether it was a song that Lydia had written or that we all wrote together, we were coming from a place of closeness and understanding, so we were able to create something really honest and meaningful from that place. We became very in tune with each other.”

I really love this sentence from Lydia: “We all deserve happiness and to be present, and we’ll never get there if we feel so much shame and guilt for not being there already. Don’t get caught constantly chasing joy.” Why do you feel we all get caught in this cycle and how can we break free?

“I think our society is constantly shoving self-hatred and insecurities down our throats, so much so that we can start to believe it and even treat ourselves that way. But having reminders that it’s okay to let yourself be happy - right here right now - can really help. That’s where good friends come in, and doing intentional self-care like getting outdoors, making art, going to a museum, reading a good book. It’s okay to have fun and let yourself feel good!”

Do you have any particular tracks from the album that you prefer, if so, which ones and why?

“‘You’re So Fucking Pretty’ is a really powerful one, both in subject matter and sonically. I tear up almost every time we play it. Also, because we started writing it in a completely different style, then it did this crazy 180 when we changed it to a piano ballad. It was so awesome seeing it come alive like that. ‘That’s What Makes Me Love You’’ is also such a fun new vibe, and it’s sooo fun to play live. I’m really proud of what we did on that one.

And of course, ‘Rosy’, cause it’s just so fucking fun.”

What can audiences expect from your live show in 2022?

“New songs of course, and just a lot of fun! I hope you’re ready to dance your asses off with us!”


You have a huge year of shows ahead of you, such as the infamous Coachella! How do you mentally prepare for such a show?

“Honestly just rehearsing as much as possible so we’re feeling prepared and confident. Then just making sure we’re well rested, hydrated, and feeling good. That makes it so that the day of the show, we can just relax and have fun and enjoy every minute of it.”

What are your tour essentials?

“Extra cables, and like 1,000 picks. Throat coat tea, yoga mat, headphones, a book & notebook, crocheting supplies, and my stuffed animal sloth.”

Lastly, do you have any funny stories from your time on the road?

“Honestly, helping each other pee in the snow when we have to pull off the side of the road is one of my favourite things ever.

Also, the tantric woddles. (iykyk).”

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