27 minute read



R einhar d A bendrot h , MetE. MSMetE ' 55, Ph DM etE '57. passed away October 3, 1994. At MSM he was a m em ber of Beta Sigma PS i, American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers. "M" Club, American Foundrym en Society, Theta Tau, Interfraternity Council, Tau Beta Pi. and he played basketball for MSM. Reinhard served as food cha irman and treasurer for the American Society of Metals. as corresponding secretary for Gamma Delta. was on the honor list, had a research fellowship his senior year, and received both the Phi Kappa Phi Book Plate Award and the Foundry Education Foundation Scholarship. H e had just retired as lab manager for Owens - Illinois In c. - Kimble Division on July 3 1. 1994, and was preparin g to move to Toledo. Ohio. from Vin eland. N .J., w it h wife Bet ty. Reinhard worked in th e MetE Departm en t at MSM , as an assistant research metallurgist in th e Metals Research Laboratories of th e El ectro Metallurgical Co. - a divisio n of Union Carbide Corporation -and as both a research and senior sc ientist for Owens - Illinois Glass Co. (lnfonnation provided by his wife, Betty Jane Abend roth)


Wa lter J. Casler . CEo pa ssed away July 22, 1994. At MSM he was a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers and A RB A. Walter served the Glee Club as secretary and also received the Glee Club Award . H e worked for the Missouri State Highway Commission, as director for the Departm en t of Public Works, as an engineer and as ch ief master planner for the U.S. Army at Fort Leonard Wood. Walter was retired and living in Waynesville. Mo. with his wife, Margaret. (Information submitted by his wife. Margaret Casler)


Fr ancis W. Schu ller. EE, passed away in October 1990. At MSM he was a member of the Newman Club, the Spelunkers, the Shamrock Club, and the American Institu te of Electrical En gineers. H e worked for Public Service Co. of Oklahoma and as a co nsulting electrical engineer for Public Service Co. of New M exico. Bovay Engin eers Inc., and as both a consulting electrical engineer and a principal engin eer for H olmes & Narver. H e was living in Albuquerque. N.M.


C h arl es A . Cr anda ll. Phys, passed away Oct. 18, 1994. At MSM he was a member of Sigma Xi, Dormitory C ouncil. Glee Club. Indepen dents, Tech Club Tent M ember, the American Institute of Electrical Engineers. Charles served as treasurer for Sigm a Pi Sigma and as a student assistant in the Physics Departm ent. H e received the Phi Kappa Phi Book Plate Award. the Gold Key Awa rd. and was o n the honor list. Charles worked for Dou glas Aircraft Co. Inc. and for ational Cash Register. H e was living in Azusa, Calif.


H er ber t L. Hurst. ME. passed away Sept. 27. 1994. H e had transferred to MSM from Southwest Missouri State and at MSM he was a member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers, the Baptist Student Union, and the Society of A utomotive En gineers. H erbert worked as both a sales engineer and field engineer for H agan Ch emical and Controls. as a sa les engineer for Beckman Instruments, and for Southern Calif. Edison. H e was living in Diamond Bar. Calif. (Information provided by his daughter. Catherine R. Gray)

W il lia m H enry Love. ME. passed away Sept. 9. 1994 At MSM he was a member ofTriangle, Inter-fraternity Council, the American SOCiety of Mechanical Engin eers, the SOCiety of Auto motive Engineers. and was o n the Rollamo staff. William wa also on the honor list. H e worked for Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., as a senior engin ee r for Sperry Rand, as a senior engineer for Unisys, and director of engineering for MTA. Wil liam was also in the U.S. Army. H e was living in Madison, Ala .. with his wife, Eleanor. (Informa tion provided by his w ife, Elean or H . Love)


C arl D. SI. O nge, ME, passed away June 20, 1994. A t MSM he was a m ember of the American SOCiety of Mechanical Engineers, Pi Tau Sigma. and Tau Beta Pi. Carl was a student assistant in the Registrar's Office and was also on the honor list. H e worked as the department head of mechanical design department for Martin Marietta. Carl was living in Oak Ridge, T enn, with his wife, Gloria. (information submitted by his wife. Gloria St. Onge)


Car l To lman, H onSci, died of complications from a stroke Feb 13 1995. Carl earned a BSGeol' the University of British Columbia and both a MS Phil and PhDPhii from Yale University . H e specialized in econo mic and Precambrian geology with his involvement in geological exploration and mapping as well as mineral deposit investigations. Carl was cha ncellor. dean , and professor at Washington University in St. Lou is. Mo. H e served for 68 years. during which he was an assistant professor, associate professor and professor. Carl served as dean of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences and vice chancellor-dean of facilities. During World War II he was a mineral specialist for the Foreign Economic Administration. After Carl retired from Washington University he took a position as science attache in Tokyo for the U.S. Sta te Department. Later he managed a training program for mining engineers in the Philippines and also helped to set up a graduate program in economic geology at the University of th e Philippines. After his return to the United States Carl received honorary doctor of science degrees from MSM and Washington University. H e was retired and living in St. Louis. Mo., with his w ife, Irene. Contributio ns may be made to: Washington University Tolman Fellowship. Departmen t of Earth and Plan etary SCiences, 1 Brookings Dr. , St. Louis, Mo., 63 130.


J o hn Lawr e n ce Clem ents, EE, passed away Oct. 23, 1994. A t MSM he was a member o f Delta Sigma Phi, Eta Kappa u, Tau Beta Pi, Phi Kappa Phi. and the Institute of Radio Engineers. John was a National M erit Scholar, was on th e honor list. received the Phi Kappa Phi Book Plate Award , and received the Gold Key Award . H e worked as a programmer for Bell Telephone Labora tory, as both a staff and senior engineer for Automatic Electric Labs, as a senior engineer and ch ief programm er for GTE - Automa tic Electric Labs, and as a systems engineer and chief programmer for GT E. John had obtained an MS from th e University of Arizona and he was a member of th e United Methodist Church. H e was living in Ph oenix, Ariz., with his Wife, Flora (Gubin ).


Ch arl es T. G rim shaw. CE, passed away Nov. 19, 1994. At UMR he was a member of the American Society of Civil En g in eers, Stude n t Council , and Student Union Committee. Charles also served as steward and corresponding secretary for Triangle. H e attend ed the University of Texas, EI Paso, majoring in physical educa tion. Since 1977 Charles served as Regional Environmental and Consumer H ealth Protection Director for the Texas Department of H ealth. Charles was living in EI Paso, Texas. His wife, Cathy. preceded him in dea th. (in formation provided by Mrs. William H. Randolph)


James Dudl ey Parmelee, CerE, passed away Feb. 16, 1995. At MSM he was a member of the Shamrock Club and the American Ceramic SOCiety. James worked at the Garbor Resea rch Cente r for Harbison-Walker Refractories Co. , in research and development for Dresser Industries, and as director of research and development for Allied Mineral Products Inc. James was living in Columbus, Ohio, with his wife , Barbara. Donations may be se nt to: UNICEF, 51 Jefferson Ave., Columbus, Ohio, 42315. (Information provided by R.E.Moore, CerE '56)


David J. Greco, ME, died Jun e 3 , 1994, as the result of a brain tumor. At UMR he was a member of th e American Society of Mechan ical Engineers, UMR Sports Club Car, and ASH RAE. David worked as an engineering supervisor for Area Alaska Inc. David 's wife , Elain e, preceded him in death in J anuary 1994. He was living in Seattle, Wash.


Darian R. Dickinson, GeoE, died in January 1995 after an unsuccessful bone marrow transplant from his brother for leukelTJia. He worked fo r Tenneco and lived in Cypress, Texas. (Information submitted by Steve Werling GeoE '85 )

Diane C. (Hassel plug) Sherrell , ME, passed away March 16, 1994. At UMR she was inv olved w ith Collegium/Musicu m, the Wesley Foundation, and Choir and Orchestra. Diane worked as a junior field engineer and field e ngi neer for Schlumberger, as a field engineer for General Electric, as an engineer for Calspan Field Services, as an engineer for Calspan Corp. , and as a homemaker. Diane was living in Bradyville, Ten". , with her husband, Roger. (information provided by her husband, Roger Sherrell)


Lewis H. Payne, EE, BSEMgt '93, died in a car accident Feb. 6 , 1995. At UMR Lewis was a minority engineering student and played footba ll. Lewis was living in Va ll ey Park, Mo. , with his wife, LaWa nda Mi chell e (Pritchard) . CE '91. (Information submitted by Lawrence George )

Friends of MSM- UMR

• Gertrude "Babe" Alberici, wife of Gabriel J . Alberici, PddCE '73, died of complications from a stroke Feb. 1, 1995 . • Virginia L. Atki nson, wife of Marion L. Atkinson, MinE '25, passed away. • Harry Brown, an emeritus physics professor at UMR, passed away Jan. 20, 1995. • Margaret Coil, wife of Benjamin R. Coil, MinE '29, passed away Aug. 2, 1994. ·Nellie Eagan, wife of Thomas Eaga n, MetE '25, PddMetE '30, passed away May 11 , 1994. Thomas preceded Nellie in death on July 28 , 1991. • Eunice Knight, widow of E.H . Knight, ChE '24, died in June 1994 . • Veda Mitsch, wife of George L. Mitsch, MetE, passed away Nov. 3 , 1994 . • Kurt Schmoldt , son o f Hans E. Schmoldt, ChE '44, PddCt£ '75, died of bone cancer in early January 1995.



Section President John Mascari, Jr. 503 Coleman Longview, TX 75601 903 . 753 · 7786

The Ark-La -Tex Section held their winter meeting Jan. 21 , 1995. John '39 and Eilyeen livingston hosted an "attitude adjustment hour" in their home in Elm Grove, La. Later the group of 31 members and guests had a de licious meal of prime rib and chicken cordon bleu at the Officer's Club of Barksdale Air Force Base. Officers for the coming year were announced. John Moscari '51 is president, Walt Mulyca '65 is vice president, and Gene Rand '62 is secretary/treasurer. Beth Cochran, the section 's ambassador, discussed a student from Ft. Smith , Ark. , who is eligible for the section nonresident scholarship. The winner, who will be the fifth recipient of an Ark-La-Tex Section scholarship, will be confirmed at the next meeting. John and Eilyeen received a plaque commemorating their dedication and support to the section with respect to time, hospitality, and finances. A letter of appreciation was received by the section from Neil K. Smith , vice chancellor, University Advancement, for a $100 contribution from the section to the School of Mines Development Fund. The spring meeti ng will be in Longview, Texas, and the "attitude adjustment hour" will be at the home of Gene and Judy Rand , with dinner following at the Canton Chinese Resta urant. (Submitled by Gene Rand, '62, '77) Attending: Phil EE '48 and A rdelIa Browning; Kenny '83 and Beth Cochran; John Mosca ri '51 ; Gene. '77. '62 and Judy Rand: Jerry, '82 and Tammy Poland; Don '75, '88 and Ann Simpson; John '39 and Eilyeen Li uingston ; Walt BfLlening '34; Mr. and Mrs. John Meghan: Denuer '52 and Shirley Patton; Mrs . Francis H . Conley; Mr. '68 and Mrs. Ken Gereau; Gunthe r '52 and Eleanor Jensen ; Louise Patton; Frank '32, '37 and Kay Zuanut.


Section presidents Deirk and Maria Feiner 217 Green Mountain Drive Bolingbrook, IL 60440 708 · 439 · 7977

The Chicago S ection had its annual St. Pat's Dinner March 18, 1995. This year's dinner was held at the Carriage Green Country Club. Special thanks go to Maria (Willman) '85 for planning the dinner. Twenty-five alumni and guests attended and everyone had a good time. The section also conducted their annual business meeting. Deirk '85 and Maria (Willman) '85 Feiner were elected co-presidents and Kathy (Bryan) Andersen '79 was elected vice president. Plans for the summer send-off, plans for next year's St. Pat's dinner, and the progress of their scholarship recipients were discussed. The section looks forwa rd to heari ng from new al umni in the Chicago area. (Submitted by Deirk Fein er '85)

A ttending: Bob '71 and Liz Morrison: Tim '85 and Marla (Willman) '87 Jedlicka: Deirk '85 and Maria (DeCastro) '85 Fe ine r; Rex '90 and Gisela Jenkins; Richard '59 and Jane Wieker; Kathy (B rya n) '79 and Erik Andersen: Robert J. '62 and Julia J. Wilson ; Frank '50 and Colette Packheiser; Bob '61 , '62 and Linda Saxer; Jim '77 and Mary Clifford; Greg Kiae r '84: Frank '60 and Janet Watson .


Section president Hugh E. Blevins Jr. 2155 Owens Ct. Denver, CD 80227 303 · 986 · 8273

The Colorado S ection held its annual St. Pat's party on March 18 , 1995, at the Zang Brewing Co. in Denver, Colo. A social time a nd dinner were followed by a short meeting. At the meeting, President Hugh Blevins '53 , introduced the officers of the section. Hugh also asked for volunteers to serve on the section board and got five to commit. Jerry Plunkett '54, reviewed the results of the section scholarship and commented on the procedure and the candidates. Future events were discussed and these included a summer family picnic and a get-together to welcome the UMR solar car race entrants when they arrive in Golden , Colo. , inJune 1995. (Submitted by Randy Kerns '74)

Attending: Dauid '91 and Jacinda Manka ; Dauid J. Bufalo '66 and Cynthia Powers; Clancy '64, '72 and Sharron Ellebmcht; Gene '51 and Lee Lindsey; Jack '59 and Pam Lutz; Jerry Plunkett '53, '54; Charlie '73 and Marti Schroeder; Hugh '53 and A nn Blevins; Karen (Dunajcik) '83 and Mark Knight; William '55 and Dorothy Lidster; Paul '84 and Joan Henehan; George '75 and Elaine Carlstrom ; Kenna (Roberson) '84 and Steue Yarbrough; Jackie Miller '86: Tro y Vega: Randy '74 and Cherie Kerns; Paul Ridlen '89. '91 .



Section President Wayne Andreas 1802 White Feather Trail Crosby, TX 77532 713 · 324 · 1485

On Oct. 2 1, 1994, a beautiful Friday evening, forty-two MSM UMR alumni from the Houston Sectio n gathered for a tradition al Octoberfest at the European Tavern and Gardens. The night featured traditional German music, and of course an outstanding country music singer, since they are in Texas. After other parties left, the ever hardy MSM crowd moved inside to hold a brief meeting followed by the long anticipated door prize giveaway. The big winner was Lanie Hauschel '92 , who took home the "History of UMR. " (Info rmation submitted by Alan Hopkins '89)

Attending: Donald Gjerdevig '83 and Ginny Cook; George '51 and Ellen Donaldson: Joe '81 and Karen ( Williamson) Trapani '81; Warren '59 and Hope Carroll; Jim '72 and Jackie Honefenger: Wayne A ndreas '58: Austin '69, '70 and Loretta Ferguson ; Les Birbeck '50; Charles '61 and Joann Featherston; Rich '87 and Stephanie Langenstein; Mike '77 and Debbie Weiss; John Miller and Amy Hollman ; Lanie (Yonker) Hausch el '92; Alan '89, '93 and Dixie Hopkins: Dean '62 and Trudi Culnan; Tom '74 and Robin Belsha; Rex Alford '40. 74: Carma '79 and Glen Gibler; Curt 73, '80 and Marybeth Killinger: Arnavaz and Adil '67 Godiwalla ; Sherri '78 Clark and Tom Sheelar; Kevin BO and Dorothy Hagan: and Jim '86 and Sue Ryan.

Northern Alabama

Section president John P. Dunbar 622 Patterson Lane Meridianville, AL 35759 205 · 828 · 5874

The North Alaba ma Section celebrated St. Pat's at Finnegan 's Pub in Huntsville, Ala. Dr. Robert Mitch e ll , dean of engineering, spoke about what is happening on campus. (SLlbmitted by Mark Moelle nhoff '88, '90)

Those in attendance included: Mark Moellenhoff '88. '90 : DOLlg Morris B9; Brian Est '89, '91; CLI/tis Gentry '68; Larry Atha '58, '60: Jerry Dawson '58; Bill Malone '64: David Lanteigne '80; John Peery '67; KG/'en (Peacock) Bishop; Don Jones '64; Dave Gra y '69. '70; Dick Campbell '62.


Section president Walter Knecht 17207 Desert Glen Drive Sun City West, AZ 85375 602 - 546 - 6672

The Phoe nix Section held a reception Dec. 30, 1994, priOlO to the Ladies ' Basketball Tournament at Grand Canyon University, for alumni, staff, and fam ilies of the MSM/UMR ladies ' basketball team. The team played SI. Martin 's University of Washington. About 20 alumni, parents, and friends attended the reception. About 40 Miner boosters, including parents, friends of the players, and about 20 alumni attended the game. The section planned to go to a spring training game at Peoria, Ariz. , for their spring outing, but the "Baseball gods" were against them l Not only were the regular players not available due to the strike, but the heavens let loose the day before and the better part of game day and as result the game was cancelled. Ten people were scheduled to enjoy the Arizona sun and a day of baseball, but were denied the opportunity. But as the manager frequently says, "Wait till next yearl " (S ubmitted by Walte r S. Knecht)

Attending: George Axmacher '42; Don and Nancy Brackhahn; Lawrence and Maxine Christensen; Bill '55 and Todd Hallet: Ted Kaerch· er '62; Walter '49 and Shirley Knecht; R obert '49 and Betty Perry: Stacey (Stover) Polton '86; A rminJ. Tucker '40; and Norman P. Tucker '40.


In Spokan e, Wash., an informal breakfast was held before the Northwest Mining Association Convention. (Submitted by John Baz-Dresch '73)

Attending: Robert J. Mille r '50. '52, '89; Gle nn H . Fritz '47; William M. Shepard '51, '52, '81 ; John BazDresch '73.

Kansas City

Section president Nancey R. Spaith 12300 W 65th Terrace Shawnee, KS 66216 913 -631- 9541

The Kansas City Section held several events in 1994. First, on June 23 , 1994, approximately fifty alumni and fam ily members attended the annual picnic, which was held at Longview Lake Park in Grandview, Mo. The midseventies graduates were well represented a nd many new graduates also attended and showed much enthusiasm for continuing activities and becoming officers. Vintage alumnae were also in attendance.

Second, on Aug. 13, 1994, th e KC Section went to the Woodlands dog races in Kansas City, Mo. Twenty-one al umni attended. The event included a buffet dinner and a night filled with winning bets. The Woodlands even dedicated a race to the KC Section alumni and a picture of the winning dogs along with selected alum ni was taken.

Third, the KC Section went to some Miner basketball and football games. On Oct. 29 , 1994, nine alumni representing the KC Section attended the UMR men 's football game versus the Missouri Western Griffons in SI. Joseph , Mo. On Jan. 25, 1995 , six KC Section alumni attended the men 's a nd women 's basketball games versus the CMSU Mules in Warrensburg, Mo. Unfortunately the Miners did not win the football or basketball games, but they gave the other teams good games.

The officers of the KC Section are: president, Nancey Spaith , ' 72; past president , Charles Fugate, '90; preSident-elect, Joe Reichert, '59; secretary/treasurer, Drew Ri mmer, '92; members at large, Cliff Tanquary, '57, and Fred Steele, '65. (Submitted by Drew Rimmer '92)

And more recently, the KC Section celebrated St. Pat 's March 11 , 1995, at Stone Manor, Teetering Rocks, Raytown, Mo.

Those in attendance included: Forrest Swafford '72; Fred '65 and Pat Steele; Charles Fugate '90; Carol (Maxei ner) Edwards '84; Jason Stratman '94; Nancey (Drissel) '72 and Jim Spaith; Mark '75 and Judy Young; Jim ' 74, '75 and A nn Foil; Larry '64, '66 and Carolyn Gilmartin; Dave '61 and Pat Owsley: Jon '82 and Vicki Kraft; Grego ry K. Hicks '76, '80; Kathy (Hand) Becker '76; Don and Nan cy Brackhah n; Sam '82 and Jan e Otto; Gary L. '67 and Barbara Fouts ; Joseph F. '59 and Mary Reiche rt; Lucien M. '59 and Sammy Bolon; Fe rri ll '78 and Debbie Ford; John Frerking '87; Cliff '57 and Bettie Tanq uary; Willis 73 and Nancy Wilson. Fun at the Kansas City St. Pat' s POlty: Top photo, left to ligh t: Ferrill Ford, '78; BOI'bara Fouts, Gary Fouts '67, Debbie Ford, Larry '64 and Cam/yn GilmOltin, Willis '73 and Nancy Wilson. Middle photo, left to right: Lu Bolon, '59, Judy Young, Carol Edwards '84, Pat Steele and Joe Reiche rt '59 Bottom photo, left to right: Greg H icks '76, Mary and Joe '59 Reichelt , Lu Bolon '59, John Frerking '87, and Jane and Sam '82 Otto.

41 tJ


Oklahoma City

Top photo, left to right: Dennis Jaggi, '70, Dave Rottman '92, Eric Husm an, '94 and Bill Givens, '51 Bottom photo, left to right: Cliff and Ca rla '89 Jackson; Janet and Dennis '70 Jaggi, Teresa and John '84 Loiacono and Dave Rottman '92.

The Oklahoma City area of the Okla homa Sect ion held their St. Patri ck's Day party Ma rch 9, 1995. Don a nd Na ncy Brackha hn traveled down from Ro lla and socialized with 23 alumni and spo uses. Ca rla J ackson '89, Dave Rottman '92 , a nd Da ve Eck '86, did a great job organizing the function even with a hectic last minute change of location. Bill Norfleet '66, won the contest for the oldest S t. Pa t's sweatshirt with his 1964, 56th edition. They did not, however, make him try to fi t into it againl A great time was had a nd they even conducted some business! (Submitted by Dennis J aggi '70 )

Attending: Bennett Abbott '88; Richard '86 and Pam (Sava la) '86 Altice; Jeff Davies '86; Jim Franklin '55; Bill Givens '51: Tom '66 and Ca rla Holcom b; Eric H usman '94; Carla (L aster) '89 and C/iffo l'd Jackso n; Dennis '70 and Ja netJaggi; Jo hn '84 and Teresa Loiacono; Jeff Mitchell '92; Bill NO lfleet '66; Bob '60 and Ja n Ridle: Dave Rottman '92: Tim '89 and Patti Th ompson; Ve rno n Volker '54.

Section president Ron LaManque 7807 S. Florence Tulsa, OK 74736 978- 488 - 8345

Springfield, Missouri

Section president Lawrence O. Wolf 2360 Grandview St. Springfield, MO 65803 417- 869 - 6578

The S pringfie ld Section held their Engineers ' Week meeting Feb. 23, 1995. Dr. John Park, Cha ncellor of UMR, was th e guest speaker. Scholarsh ip winners and the Young Engineer of the Year we re a nnounced. (Submitted by Kevin Skibiski '75, ' 76)

Th ose in attendance included: Kevin Skibiski '75, '76; Roger Phillips '74; Michael G rabber '94; Roddy Rogers '81, '83, '90; Rebecca Grunbaum '94; Teresa Turne r '94; Charles R. Turner '66; Wilb ur Feagan '76, '79; Michael Brown '76; Ralph Tate '72; Brad R. Parrish '77, '78; Jim Sparks '65; Robert S p ratt '58; Jim L yons '66; Ea rl Burk '70; R. David '59, '75 and Earli ne (Moulde r) Plank; Fred Ipock '76; Colt Wise '84, '85; Vester "Bro wnie " Unsell '50; B. E. "Chris" B uterbaugh '50, '73; Bre nt Fullerton '94; B ud Burke '62, '73; John Palmerton '64; Will Napper; Ki rby Nelson ; Leo Day; Glen K. Halley '91; Gary Gibson '91; Bill Murray '80; Eric Atkinson; Greg Atkinson; Jim Wra y '79; Jim Dow; Mark Smith; Neil Fossnight; Bill Lindsey '72; Don and Nancy Brackha hn; Elizabeth and Randy Hirron; Bruce F. Helion; Ch ris Zimmer; Cha rles Powell '71; Joh n and Dorcas Park; Amy (Ho rst) Ruggeri '90, '91; Windso r Wa rren '48; Michael G iles '72; Larry '79 and Carol Wolf; Jason Kwaoz and Elea nor Casey; Dave Frazier '68; Karri Halley '91; Fred Hall; Kevin Downe n: Gene Keene; Lynn Nolole; Je rry Borland; Chris Halle r; Bill Heist.


Section president Ron LaManque 7807 S. Florence Tu/sa, OK 74736 918 - 488- 8345

The Tulsa area of the Okla ho ma S ectio n got together on Dec. 3 , 1994, a tthe house of Tim '89 and Jane Coppinger '90. The purpose of the gathering was to bring together old friends and to celebrate the holiday season. (Submitted by Tim Coppinger '89)

Attending: Ti m '89 and Jane (Ewers) Coppinger '90; Craig '90 and Cindy (Gereau) Bailey '90; Dan '90 and A m y Jo (Painter) McKean '90; Russ '8 9 and Liza (Japlit) He nderson '89; Tracey Ball '92; and Susan Scott '8 9.

The Tulsa area of the Okla h o ma S ection celebrated St. Pat's March 17, 1995, a t the So uthern Hills Country Club. Bradford pear and rose bud trees were in fu ll bloom and it was a beautiful spring day with life everywhere beginning to renew and reach with refreshed spirit. Approxima tely 78 alumni, spo uses, a nd frie nds attended. Tom Willia ms '73, a Southern Hills Co untry Club member, master-minded and hosted the eve nt. A drawing was held for sweatshirts with Phil Wade '95, and Jose Machado '46, being the proud reCipients of the two classic Ro lla garments. Hans Schmoldt '44, '75, and his lovely wife, J immie, were dressed fro m head to toe in traditio nal S t. Pat's green. (Submitted by Ron LaManque '85, and Glen Larse n ' 70)

Th ose in attendance included: Kevin '79 and Karre n 0 'S ullivan; To m Williams '73; S teve '72, '73, and Ma ry Ann Walker; Matt Ullmann '89; Tom '93 and Maria Sullivan; Sea n '90 and Betty S cott; Harry Schneider '61 , '70, '73; Ro be rt A. '79 and Rebecca Riess; Te rry '69 and Pat Ridenh our; Bob '88 and Patti Pen nington; Jeff Mo rton '88; Dan '90 and A m y Jo (Painter) '90 McKean; Jose A. Machado '46, '83; Larry T. '57 and Barbara M. Lee; Pa ul J. '92 and Sa ndra (Todd) '94 Ku sterer; Chris Jungers '91; Dennis Jones '78; Bob '64 and Kath leen Jewell; Da vid Hopkin s '84; Mary A nn (Chambers) '79 and Do ug '77, '79 Fu chs; Bill '60 and Ce lia En gelhardt; Brian DeLuca '89 and T ricia Cox; L ori (S tapp) '88 and Tony C rocker; Do ug '94, '91 and Leigh (Cla rk) '92 Cordie r; Jan e (Ewers) '90 and Tim '89 Coppinger; C. Camp bell '64; Nichole (Geo rge) '90 and G reg Bray; Gordo n '70 and

At the SME reception in Denver were, top photo, left to right: Mary Lo u Nickel, Dick Hagni '62, UMR student John Carl, Mel Nickel '38, Jack '43 and Mary Anne Burst. Bottom photo, left to right are: Jerry Plunkett, Hugh Blevins and Jack B urst.

Ellen B ra nno n; Doug '93 and J enn i· fer Bo nne r; Craig '90 and Cindy (Ge rea u) '90 Bailey; Hans '44, '75 and J immie S chmoldt; Roy '66 and Marga ret Rice; Glen '70 and Na ncy La rsen; Ron '85 and Deb La· Manque; Dave Kick '57, '62; Ed· ward L. '50 and Lois Johnson; Jeff '74 and Dee Ivers; John Ham by '53 ; Russell Gund '40; Mi ke '70 and Do nna Fri ese; Ron '70 and Sandy Da vis; Gary Christopher '73; Jim '59 and Marian Chittenden; Gary Warren '77; Phil Wade '71 ; Joe '59 and Mary Jane Vitali.

West Florida

Section president John Van Nor! 4908 W. Country Club Dr. Sarasota, FL 34243 813· 351 · 1616

The West Florida Section held their spring meeting a nd a St. Patrick's Day party March 17, 1995. The meeting was held in the recreation room of J ohn '42 a nd Ba rbara Olsen's condominium, which provides a wonderful view of the bay, Al - La ng Stadium, and downtown St. Petersburg, Fla. Eleven UMR al umni attended and the total attendance was twenty-two. Dean Robert Mitchell , the new dea n of engineering, atte nded and gave the group a n update on the basic strategies and philosophies being pursued under Chancellor Park 's administration. El ections were held a nd the fo llowing will serve one year terms: Jo hn Van Nort, preSide nt; Bob Walsh, vice

Society of Mining Engineers

The UMR chapter of the Society of Mining Engineers (SME) held a meeting March 7, 1995, at the SME Annual Meeting and Exhibit, March 6-9, in Denver, Colo. The meeting took place at the Marriott City Center. Ninety a lumni , facul ty, and friends from the UMR SME chapter and from Denver Section attended. The attendance was one of the largest in recent years and larger than other university receptions held that night. The alumni enjoyed visting with the students, staff, and faculty. Jack Burst '43 was in attendance and is now the president elect of SME. Attending: Todd A lthoff '95; Hugh Blevins '53; Don & Nancy Brackhahn, alumni staff; Dick Bullock '51 , '55, '75, '86; Jack '43, '47 and Mary Ann Burst; George Carlstrom '75; John Cash '94; Kenneth & Coleen Clifford, fo rm er faculty member; David Cottrell '91 ; Russ Dahlgren '82; Roger Dewey, '69, '71 ; Terry Donze '71 ; Clancy Ellebracht '64, '72; Steve Fiscor '86; Brian M. Fortelka '96; Steven W. Fry '84; Rich Gertsch '97; R. D. Hagni '62; Jim Humphrey '79; Dale Hursh '81 , '82; Paulette Jackson, de velopm ent staff; Linda Jacobs '80; Bill Jacobs '64; Joo Y. Kim '69; Dean '51, and Nancy Kleinkopf; Mike Korb '68; Dennis '70, and Mary Kostic; R. Lory '58. and Coma Miller; James R. Morris '70, '72; John Monrisey IV '69, '72; Scott Monrison '85; Melvin '38, and Mary Lou Nickel; Brian E. O 'Neill '95; Duk-Won Park, '71, '75; Daphne Lien Place '96; Jerry Plunkett '53, '54; Bill Poderazik '97; Paul Reed '82; Donald Richards '96; Don Routon '58; Lee Saperstein, dean ; Art Schweizer '70; Bill Shepard '51 , '52, '81 ; Craig Sorenson '95; Thomas P. Stefansky '70; Dave Summers, faculty; Jerry Tien '88; Bill Tierney '76, '77; Carlos '54, '79 and Joan Tiernan ; Bryan Tilley '96; Joh n Townsend; Ahmet Unal, faculty ; Chris Upp '96; Sterling Wainscott; Walter Wallace '48; Brent Ward, '94 ; Chris Ward '96; John Watson , faculty; Layland J. Watson '96; Tom Webb, development staff; Douglas Wilson '96; John & Meg Wilson, faculty ; Jenri Lynn Wortham, development staff; Jack '42, and Margaret Zoller.

president; Bill Gammon, secreta ry/treas ure r; J ack Wh eeler, Executive Committee. Dinner consisted of delicious J amaican chicken with all the trimm ings. (Submitted by Bill Gammon '49, '68)

Attending: Bob Mi tchell, dea n of engineering; Willia m H . '49, '68 and Dorothy Gammon; Jim '54 and Na n· cy Gerard; Joe '49, '73 and Hanriet Sevick; J. '53 and Ma rgo Wheele r; Robert P. '55 and Betty Walsh ; Joh n R. '50 and Marjory Van Nort; Ralph a '58 and Joan S . Young; Belding H . '38, '76 and Ru by McCurdy; Emil A. '50 and Helen R. Roloff; James H. Me nefee '36; Jo hn K. '42 and Ba r· bora Olsen.

Attention Section Shutterbugs!

We'll be glad to print photos taken at your events -just send them in I They need to be good qua lity, clear pic t ures, preferabl y showing some of the fun at your event . Either co lor or black-and-wh ite pictu res are acceptable, but please identify those people in the picture. If you'll send several, we'll pick the best for pu bl ication.

43 tJ

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