4 minute read
from Missouri S&T Magazine, Summer 2000
by Missouri S&T Library and Learning Resources | Curtis Laws Wilson Library
Letters to the editor
Last fall during Homeco ming my wife and I took time to visit the new library. It is certainly something of wh ich the school should be very proud. Th e article in the fa ll '98 Alumnus featuring the library had brought back a lot of memorie s fo r Ruth (Muilenburg) and me . I thought you and Mrs. Ei senman might find the fol lowing bi t of personal and library history interesting and amusing.
Ruth 's dad (Dr. M) was head of the geology department when I was there ('31-'35) Dr. Fulton, who was director of the school at that time, hired me in August of 1933 as an assistant to Mr. Shelby, the custod ian for Parker Ha ll where the li brary was located at that time. The library was to be my responsibility. He was a great little man and used to let me work extra time occasionally if there was a night or weeke nd function in the audito rium. I normally wo rked 21 hou rs a week for the prince ly sum of 30 cents an hour, so a few extra hours meant I co ul d take Ruth to the old Ro lla mo theater occas ionally or a 25-ce nt dance at the Episcopal Parish House.
Phyllis Hackman was head of the li bra ry and ru led with a pretty heavy hand. She also censored some of the books that came through . One I remember was God's Little Acre. She moved "it" to her desk in the back office, but since I had keys and access to the whole area I could learn what the book was about. How times have changed!
Several times she let us have a dance in the library. We wou ld move the tables back and bring in a Victrola. We had a good time for a pittance an d that was important the n. Donnell Dutton, ME'35
The spring 2000 issue of the Alumnus incorrectly iden tified the Web address for Lawrence Christensen's "Missouri Biography" radio program. The correct Web address is www. umr.edu/ -christen/ mobio.html
Caterpillar Inc. was misidentified on the back cover of the spring Alumnus.
The obituary of Robert W Edwards, on page 47 of the spring Alumnus, had the in correct photo placed with it. The full obituary with the correct photo is reprinted at right.
The caption on the OVER 60 YEARS class reun ion photo on page 36 of the spring Alumnus, was reversed . The photo is shown at
Robert W, Edwards, CE, right with the correct caption.
worked for four years for the
Mi ssouri State Hi ghway Department in the constructi on division before mov ing to (he
Arm y Corps of Engineers
office in Kansas City, Mo. ,
where he worked for 27 years prior to his
retirement. His last position was at Truman Dam during the constructi on completion
phase. He entered the U.S. Navy in August 1943 and served in the Navy Air Corps until his di scharge in April 1946. Whi le at MSMUMR, he joined the Army Reserve and after
gradu ation was co mmi ss ioned a second lieutenant in th e Corps of Engineers. At retirement, he was a lieutenant colonel and
had served for more than 41 years. While attending MSM-UMR. he was a member of AIME and the Shamrock Club. t June 19, 1999
Left to rigil t: Russell Miller '29 and Ted Hunt '33
We welcome comments and suggestions for your MSM-UMR Alumnus. Letters to the editor may be addressed to: UMR PUBLICATIONS, 1870 MINER CIRCLE, UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ROLLA ROLLA, Mo 65409-1520 BY FAX AT 573-341-6157, OR E-MAIL AT ALUMNI@UMREDU
Tile MSM-U MR Alumni Association publishes the MSM-UMR AIr,llrwIS to communicate and reflect the past, current and future interests of the alumni of the Missouri School of Mines and the University of Missouri-Rolla.
The MSM- UMR AIrIllIlHlS is written, edited, and designed by the staff of the UMR Publications Depanment, the UMR Public Relations DepaJ1ment, and the MSM-UMR Alumni Association.
ART & PRODUCTION EDITOR Rebecca Frisbee, '90
EDITORS (Alumni) Lindsay Lomax Bagnall, '76 (Features & News) Andrew Careaga
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Richard Hatfield John Kean Lance Feyh
CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Diane Hagni Edna Stafford
PRODUCTION ASSISTANTS Joann Stiri tz w.e. Kline, '00
SU PPORT STAFF Mary Helen Stoltz, '95
MSM-UMR A/wlIIlIIS (USPS .123-500) (lSSN 10&4·6948) is issued four times per year (r-.·I:m:h, Ju ne. September, December) in the interest of (he graduatcs :lJ1d fOnllCr students of the Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy and the University of },·lissourl·Rol la. The MSM· UMR A/wII/IIIS is published by the MSM-UMR r\lumn! Association. Castleman Hal l. 1870 MIner Circlc. Roll a., MO 65409-0650. Periodicals postage paid at Rolla. Mo. and additional mailing offices. POSH1t\STER: Send address changes to MSM·UMR AlumllIlS. Castleman Hall. P.O. Box 249. Rolla. MO 65402-0249.
MSM -UMR ALU MNUS I Summer 2000 3