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Association News

.«t Association News


As alumni of MSM-UMR. you are automatically a member of the Alumni Association and are entitled to:

Travel Tours:

Cruises and Tours that span the globe - 8 trips currently offered. See Traveling with the Miners on page 45

MSM·UMR: chairs, lamps, watches, rings, pendants, Platinum/Gold MasterCard, License plates for Missouri residents

Career Assistance: UMR's Career Opportunities Center will help you in your job search!

Alumni Association Services: Access to Alumni Office via e·mail (alumni@umr.edul. Alumni locator service to help you find lost friends. Address update service so you don't miss your MSM-UMR mail.

To take advantage of these offers, contact the Alumni Office:

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Castleman Hall University of Missouri-Rolla 1870 Miner Circle Rolla, MO 65409-0650

phone: (5731341-4145 fax: (9781926-7986

e-mail: alumni@umr.edu www.umr.edu/alumni


Spring 2001

Parents' Association recognizes outstanding parent and teaching assistant Barbara Robertson. barb@umr,edu

Family Day 2000 festivities on the UMR campus included special recognition fo r two very special Parents' Association award winners: laurie Guffey, winner of the 2000 "Parent of the Year" award, and Avinash Ravindranathan, honored as the 2000 Outstanding Teaching Assistant. Mrs. Guffey, mother of UMR student Matt Lockwood, traveled all the way from Arizona to accept her award. The recipient of this award is chosen from essays submitted to Student Council by currently enrolled students. Ravindranathan made the trip from his job in Indiana to accept his award. Student evaluations of TAs are reviewed by the Academic Council Committee on Effective Teaching for the OTA award. Both awards are funded by the UMR Parents' Association and were bestowed at the Parents' Association meeting at Family Day. Recipients were also honored at half-time of the Family Day football game.

Special thanks go to Len Koederitz, chair of the CET committee and to th e Student Council PAR chairs, Jennifer Song and Marty Rust, for their help with the nomination process for th ese award s.

Laurie Guffey

Avi nash Ravindranathan

MSM-UMR Alumni Association Mission and Goals


The association will proactively strive to create an environment - embodying communication with and participation by MS M-UMR alumni and friends - to foste r strong loyalty to UMR and growth of the associa tion. The association wi ll increase its financial strength as well as provide aid and support to deserving students, faculty, and alumni friends.


• Assist campus ma rketing and adm issions office with increasing student enrollment. • Improve communication with and expand the involvement of alumni especially recent graduates and current students. • Increase financial resources of the association and the university. • Strengthen alumni section activity.

Increase volunteer support to the university and its students. • Provide a vehicle for coordination with various alumni organizations.

The officers and other members of the association's board of directors provide leadership and actual participation to achieve these goals and fulfill this mission. For their efforts to be a success, they need YOUR active participation as wel l, in whatever alumni activities you choose.

Last call for the MSM-UMR Alumni Association alumni directory

The telephone verification phase of our alumni directory project. in which each alumnus/a can make a final change to his or her listing. is

Association 'I).. News , . '"' '

No Premiums


'...... -' , Association News


As alumni of MSM-UMR. ou are au 0 ieall

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Many of you have told us you don't feel it's necessary to receive gifts in return for your donation, so this year we've decided to send only the Century Club plaques and year dangles.

If you miss the recognition items we' ve offered in the past, tell us! Let us know what items you'd Eke to see us offer in the future. Thanks for your help!

o No, I don't miss the gift items - I prefer that my entire gift help tbe association, the campus and today's students.

o Please don't send the plaque/year dangles, either.

o I miss the giftsl Here's what I'd like to see offered: ____________ _

CENTURY CLUB GIVING LEVELS: Please check the appropriate box:

o PLATINUM ($1 ,000+) o GOLD ($500-999) o SILVER ($250-499) o CENTURY ($ 100-249)

Thank you for your support!

Last call for the MSM-UMR Alumni Association alumni directory

The telephone verification phase of our alumni directory project, in which each alumnus/a can make a final change to his or her listing, is almost complete. Representatives of Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co. Inc., the official publisher of our directory, have just a few more calls to make before final proofreading begins.

Since we are publishing only enough directories to cover pre-publication orders placed at this time, please let the Harris representative know if you are interested in purchasing your own directory. This will be your only opportunity to reserve a copy of the MSM-UMR Alumni Association Alumni directory.

If for any reason you have not heard from our publisher by March 26, you may contact the company directly at Customer Service Department, Bernard C. Harris Publishing Co. Inc., 16 Koger Center, Suite 103, Norfolk, VA 23502 or call 1-800-877-6554.

GOODNEWS for UMR job seekers

Alumni and students will be delighted to know th at JOBTRA K (www.j obtrak.com) and M onster Board (www.monster.com). two of the nation's premier job hunting sites , have merged. Thou sands of j ob opportuniti es on the Intemet are now ava il able. A lumni who subscribe to JOBTRAK through the UMR Career Opportunities Center will now find the number of j ob openings adverti sed on the Intern et dramatically increased.

According to the dot-com compani es , the decision was made " not to compete head to head but rather to team up to grow more quickly in the U.S. and intern ati onall y, as well as to bring to market products that were on ly dreamed of in the past." T his alli ance will result in an incred ible amoun t of growth , recogniti on and innovati on in the college recruiting industry. UMR has been usin g JOBTRA K for more than four years, and has been the catalys t for many matches between empl oyers and alumni.

For the present. JOBTRAK will retain its name, but in the future the two brands will merge their names . To learn more about JOBTRAK , please contact M arcia Ridley in the UMR Career Opportuniti es Center at mridley@ umr.edu or (573) 34 14229 . Services avail able to UMR alumni include the password to JOBTRAK and resume referral. Alumni are given instructions to upload their resumes into the COC database and then those resumes are forwarded ( 0 co mpani es for their consideration. For more information , go ( 0 the COC Web site at www. umr.edu/-career and click on the alumn i door.


Another successful Senior Pizza Party

The alumni lounge was hopping on Nov. 29, as more than 160 graduating seniors enjoyed free pizza, soda and beer at the fall Senior Pizza Party sponsored by the MSM-UMR Alu mni Association. Alumni office staff, students and volunteers welcomed the new alumni and presented each one with a "Membership Kit" full of information about the MSM-UMR Alumni Association and how the organi za tion ca n help them in their new lives. The association also presented each senior with a Hazel pad folder imprinted with the association's logo.

The alumni association holds a Senior Pizza Party every Apri l and November for the se niors graduating that semester.

I Spring 2001 25

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