Fountain Street Public Consultation

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This online magazine has been prepared by planning consultancy Clyde Shanks on behalf of MRP as part of a public consultation in respect of a development proposal to redevelop an area of significant decline and dereliction bounded by Castle Street, Queen Street and Fountain Street in Belfast City Centre.

This development seeks to transform this area by introducing a purpose built and managed multi-floor student accommodation with active ground floor retail use that will inject substantial and much needed vitality into this area. It specifically seeks to inform members of the public on the proposed development and to secure feedback from the local community that will be carefully considered as the proposal evolves in advance of a formal planning application submission.


This proposed development is being brought forward by MRP, a privately owned multi award-winning investment and development company which operates as the development arm McAleer & Rushe.

With offices in London, Belfast and Cookstown, the company specialises in the development of high-quality buildings within the office, hotel, residential and student accommodation sectors. The company’s current development portfolio has a total end value of c.£2bn.


Belfast based architectural firm Todd is the lead architect for the design of the development and has been engaged in detailed pre-application collaboration with planning consultants, Clyde Shanks, heritage architects, Consarc, MRP, Belfast City Council officers and its consultees working through a series of iterative design proposals. The outworking of that comprehensive design analysis is now shared in this public consultation.


In summary the proposals will:

• Regenerate and make best use of an under-utilised expansive city centre site by providing up to 900 new student accommodation units within a key landmark building with ground floor retail providing active frontage to Caste Street and Queen Street;

• Deliver a development that will provide a high-quality building within the Belfast City Centre Conservation Area that will positively integrate with the setting of nearby listed buildings and deliver an overall enhancement to the Conservation Area;

• Provide an excellent level of amenity for prospective students;

• Create a welcoming, active and vibrant ground floor frontage;

• Enhance the immediate public realm around the application site along Fountain Street, Castle Street, Queen Street;

• Deliver an identified need for additional student accommodation; and

• Inject much needed footfall into this part of the city which will bring spending power and help to sustain existing businesses and attract new businesses to further enhance the offer and attractiveness of this part of the city centre


Submission of a Proposal of Application Notice (PAN) to Belfast City Council was issued on 4th April 2024. Notice of the public consultation has been duly advertised in the local press (Belfast Telegraph and Irish News).

The description of proposal within the PAN is “Demolition of existing buildings and construction of Purpose Built Multi Storey Managed Student Accommodation and associated shared/ancillary spaces with ground floor retail/retail service units, resident’s gym/cinema and ancillary development/uses.” .

We warmly invite you to take time to consider the work the applicant and their professional team have prepared to date to support the preparation of a future planning application. A statutory part of the pre-application process is to engage meaningfully with the local community to share the vision for the application site and invite your feedback.

The feedback received will then be reflected upon in working towards a formal planning application submission to Belfast City Council.

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Location & Context

Existing Site Location


The site is located within Belfast City Centre, on the edge of the retail core and within the Belfast City Centre Conservation Area. The majority of the site is currently occupied by a vacant, derelict office building (former Norwich Union House) that extends to six storeys in height. The site is occupied by a number of other buildings ranging from two to four storey all of which present a poor physical appearance. Within the site there are a number of occupied offices and independent traders and a visually obtrusive surface level and multi-storey car park that is accessible from both Queen Street and Fountain Street. The site generally suffers from anti social behaviour and is in need of regeneration and renewal.

The location presents a tremendous opportunity to satisfy the pressing need for additional student accommodation within the city and will complement similar established accommodation on Queen Street and College Avenue including the Elms, Student Roost and John Bell, all of which have contributed to the revitalisation of the surrounding streets The increasing variety of building uses and cluster of student residential buildings are helping transform the city into a much more vibrant and active place.

The site sits within an area that is becoming increasingly more pedestrianised. There are public transport stops surrounding the site, enabling ease of movement and accessibility to the glider service linking to the east and west of the city, to the wider metro and Urby bus services and to the Belfast bike racks. It is a highly sustainable location in travel and accessibility terms.

Bank Square

St Mary's Chapel

The Tannery IBIS Hotel

Approved Application


Westgate House

Vacant Site

Existing carpark

Former RUC Barracks

Elms BT1

City Printworks

Room2 Hotel

Swanston House


Planning Application

Public Space

Listed Buildings Key Route

Pre-Application Discussion

Bank Buildings

Castle Buildings 2 Royal Avenue

Burton Building One Way

Anderson McAuley

Existing multi-deck carpark entrance

Approved Application highlighted in yellowLA04/2019/2299/F Office Scheme

Donegall Square

City Hall

Queen Street PBMSA 13 | 5

Location & Context Building Uses


The site sits within Belfast City Centre, on the edge of the retail core. This location is ideal for student accommodation due to the many facilities surrounding it. A number of other student housing schemes have been opened close by, such as Elms, Student Roost and John Bell, all of which have proved successful.

The increasing variety of building uses, and number of residential buildings are helping transform the city into a more vibrant and active place.

Pre-Application Discussion

The site has excellent travel and transport links due to its city centre location and soon to be completed Belfast Transport Hub. This hub will be the primary point of arrival and departure for the city, enhancing local and international connections. The site further benefits from multiple bus, Glider, Belfast bikes and taxi ranks in its immediate vicinity.

Education Civic Hotel Parking/ Other Religion Office Residential PBSA Banks Retail The site sits within Belfast City retail core. This location is ideal due to the many facilities surrounding student housing schemes have as Elms, Student Roost and proved successful.
increasing variety of building residential buildings are helping more vibrant and active place. Pre-Application Discussion Queen Education Civic Hotel Parking/ Other Religion Office Residential PBSA Banks Retail The site sits within Belfast City retail core. This location is ideal due to the many facilities surrounding student housing schemes have as Elms, Student Roost and proved successful. The increasing variety of building residential buildings are helping more vibrant and active place. Pre-Application Discussion Queen

its junction with Divis Street and on Queen Street moving along from Wellington Place.

Existing Context - AOD Heights

Pre-Application Discussion

There is a contrasting mix of recent increased building height and city centre density focused on College Avenue/College Place and Upper Castle Street where it meets its junction with Divis Street and on Queen Street moving along from Wellington Place.

CastleCourt 33.5m Bank Buildings 29.6m River House 48.8m Elms 41.8m The Tannery 34.9m IBIS 36.7m Site Swanston House 45.1m Room2 Hotel 32.8m Robinson & Cleaver 26.2m City Hall 53m Bank of Ireland 34.4m Grand Central 80m
22m AOD The
53m 80m
Tannery &
AOD Height 41.6m 32.8m AOD 29.3m
NB. All heights taken from VU City. There may be discrepancies from measured survey drawings.
from pavement
Buildings River House 48.8m & Cleaver 26.2m 22m AOD City Hall 53m Grand Central 80m Belfast Met CastleCourt 33.5m AOD 30m building College where it Queen Street discrepancies from Swanston House 45.1m AOD 41.6m Elms 41.8m AOD 38.3m IBIS 36.7m AOD 33.2m Approved Office 32.7m AOD 29.5m The Tannery 34.9m AOD 30m Room2 Hotel 32.8m AOD 29.3m | 7



View from Castle Street View from Queen Street View from Queen Street
Constraints 2 - View from Castle Street 3 - View from Castle Street 37 2 - View from Castle Street 3 - View from Castle Street 5 - View from Queen Street 37 3 - View from Castle Street 6 - View from Queen Street Queen Street - surface carparking on site Castle Street Castle Street Section Two: Opportunities & Constraints Urban Degradation Urban Density of Belfast Queen Street - surface carparking on site Marquis Street Castle Street Section Two: Opportunities & Constraints Urban Degradation 2014 1945 Heritage buildings requiring investment Regeneration Surface Level Parking disrupting the urban grain
Existing NUH Existing NUH 21 Fountain Street Anderson & McCauley Westgate House
Queen Street PBMSA 37 | 9
David Mitchell Building




The consideration of any future planning application by Belfast City Council will examine the development plan policy context for this type of development and all other material planning considerations.

The Council adopted its Plan Strategy for the city in May 2023 and its operational policies govern its approach to assessing new development proposals.

A supporting planning statement will accompany the planning application and will carefully consider all relevant prevailing planning policies and explain why the development is considered to be compliant and invite officers to progress with a recommendation to approve. Ultimately, it will be a matter for the Council’s planning committee to consider the report and recommendation presented to it from its planning officers and to ultimately make the decision to approve or refuse.

The site benefits from an extant planning permission and parallel consent to demolish in a conservation area. On that basis the principle of demolition of the former Norwich Union House building (shown on opposite photograph) on site is established.

Policy HOU12 in the Plan Strategy specifically relates to large scale purpose built student accommodation. It is a permissively worded policy that seeks compliance with five criteria. The proposed development is wholly compliant with each of the policy’s criteria and notably:

- Is within an easy walking/cycling distance of both Queens and Ulster University and located closely to Metro bus links connecting in both directions;

- It benefits from being in a part of the city centre which does not have the constraint of being within an established residential area. At the end of Queen Street, within a 200-metre walking distance is established student accommodation that operates as ‘Student Roost’.

- The development will consist of a minimum of 200 occupants;

- It will transform a highly dilapidated and run down part of the city centre conservation area and deliver very substantial regeneration that will significantly enhance this part of the city;

- It will deliver a quality residential environment with generous landscaped courtyard amenity spaces a key element of the project design and individual clusters and studio apartments offering high quality amenity space

- The facility will be managed to ensure a high-quality living environment

- The proposed development will meet a pressing and identified need for large scale purpose-built managed student accommodation and represents a bespoke response to address the present need.

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Former Norwich Union House building



Design Progression

The applicant’s vision for the site is to significantly regenerate a key building block within the city that suffers from neglect and presents a tired, dilapidated and declining aspect within the wider Belfast City Conservation Area.

The proposed regeneration of the site will deliver an attractive, contemporary managed student accommodation that will substantially enhance the site, the surrounding area and vistas towards the site from the key thoroughfares of Fountain Street, Castle Street and Queen Street.

Equally as important to the applicant is to deliver a scheme that best suits the needs of operators but also the residents that will be housed within the scheme. The proposal will provide:

• Demolition of tired and unsightly buildings and removal of a surface level car park that individually and cumulatively contributes no architectural merit to the site/surrounding context/Belfast City Conservation Area;

• An enhanced active ground floor frontage through the provision of retail/retail service units for independent traders;

• Provision of up to 900no. student rooms in which future residents will significantly enhance the footfall and spending power within this section of the city centre and wider area; and

• A development that respects the scale, bulk and massing of the surrounding context, whilst ensuring that the material choice, fenestration and design is in harmony with the setting of listed buildings and the wider conservation area.

Concept image of proposal
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Proposed Design - The Need for Regeneration Townscape and Programme Diagram


The Need for Regeneration Townscape and Programme Diagram

Base: Retail and student amenity space. Shopfronts will be controlled to maintain sympathetic frontages to the building and surrounding area. Building utilities located along southern boundary, away from active frontages.

Base: Retail and student amenity space. Shopfronts will be controlled to maintain sympathetic frontages to the building and surrounding area. Building utilities located along southern boundary, away from active frontages.

Proposed Design - The Need for Regeneration Organisational Concept

The Need for Regeneration Organisational Concept

This proposal is a significant opportunity to regenerate the area and improve the overall life of Castle Street, Queen Street and Fountain Street through:

• Increased footfall

• Reinstating a street edge

• Increased urban density

• Decrease of vehicles on site

This proposal is a significant opportunity to regenerate the area and improve the overall life of Castle Street, Queen Street and Fountain Street through:

• Creation of a cohesive block

• High quality, active frontage

• Increased footfall

• Reinstating a street edge

• Increased urban density

• Decrease of vehicles on site

The outdoor amenity space proposed is generous in comparison to surrounding student accommodation, including John Bell House, Student Roost, and Elms BT9. All internal amenity has a connection to the courtyard spaces, forming a lively ground floor hub.

• Creation of a cohesive block

• High quality, active frontage

The outdoor amenity space proposed is generous in comparison to surrounding student accommodation, including John Bell House, Student Roost, and Elms BT9. All internal amenity has a connection to the courtyard spaces, forming a lively ground floor hub.

Set back Accommodation & Amenity Accommodation Amenity & Retail Top Middle Plinth
Queen Street PBMSA 75
Inner Urban Sanctuary Active Frontage Student Entrance
/ Contextual Urban frontage
Pre-Application Discussion Queen Street PBMSA 76

as it will result in increased activity, footfall and natural surveillance. This is key in helping to achieve the goals set out in the Inner North West Masterplan which highlights these streets as Primary Frontages.

Connectivity / City Scale Active Frontage

Active frontage via Retail and Student Amenity spaces on all three sides.

The ground floor of the proposed scheme features

This will be hugely positive to an area which suffers from anti social behaviour as it will result in increased activity, footfall and natural surveillance. This is key in helping to achieve the goals set out in the Inner North West Masterplan which highlights these streets as Primary Frontages.

along Castle Street Elevation sowing extent NORTH Retail 83sq.m Ground Floor HUB (240 sqm) Cycle Store (125sqm) Retail (325sqm) Plant (225sqm) Gym (180sqm) Main Entrance (326sqm) (69.0sqm) (198sqm) (165sqm) 01 core 02 Student Laundry NIE HV (4 4m) Bins (150.0sqm) Switch (24.0sqm) Private (4 x 4m) (4 4m) (4.9 x 4m) Private (4 2m) Basketball Key Court Book Dining WCs (27sqm) Cinema Admin Calisthenics Area Track 4G 122.0sqm) Retail Bin Store (90.0sqm) Student Bin Store 04 core 03 MISINTERPRETED AS RESULT OF HUMAN ERROR ON THE PART OF THE RECIPIENT, OR AS A RESULT OF THE INCOMPATIBILITY OF COMPUTER SYSTEMS WHEN OPENING OR PRINTING COMPUTER AIDED DRAWINGS. UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT FORMATS INCLUDE; COMPUTER AIDED DESIGN FILES, PRINTS ANY THIRD PARTY ON UNCONTROLLED DOCUMENT FORMATS, RELIANCE UPON WHICH WILL BE ENTIRELY AT THE RISK OF THE RECIPIENT. by: Chk'd © TODD Architects Ltd All rights reserved TODD ARCHITECTS 2ND FLOOR TITANIC HOUSE, QUEENS ROAD, BELFAST Drawing Title: Project Name: Ckd by: Dwn by: Page: MRP (ES NUH Limited) PBSA (Former NUH) Ground Floor Plan Preliminary A1 MFL MFL NUH-SK-001 1:250 09/10/2023 23053 Updated layouts (Option 15) Updated layouts (Option 16) 24.11.23 P04 Updated layouts (Option 17) P08 29.11.23 P05 Updated layouts (Option 19) MFL MFL 01.12.23 P06 Updated layouts (Option 19A) MFL MFL Updated layouts 14.02.24 P08 Updated layouts ML ML Fountain Street Retail Active Frontage Active Frontage Active Frontage BoH Student Amenity Queen Street Castle Street Pre-Application Discussion View along Castle Street showing shop frontage Elevation sowing extent of typical Retail Unit glazing in proposed scheme View along Fountain Ln showing shop frontage by: by: Project No: MRP (ES NUH Limited) PBSA (Former NUH) Ground Floor Plan Preliminary A1 NUH-SK-001 1:250 09/10/2023 23053 10.11.23 P02 MFL MFL Updated layouts (Option 16) Updated layouts (Option 17) P08 Updated layouts (Option 19) Updated layouts (Option 19A) Updated layouts Fountain Street Active Frontage Queen Street PBMSA 78 The ground floor of the proposed scheme features a large extent of glazed active frontage via Retail Space and Student Amenity Spaces. This will be hugely positive to an area which suffers from anti social behaviour as it will result in increased activity, footfall and natural surveillance. This is key in helping to achieve the goals set out in the Inner North West Masterplan which highlights these streets as Primary Frontages.
sowing extent of typical Retail Unit glazing in proposed scheme Cycle Store 01 Laundry (150.0sqm) (4 4m) Calisthenics Track 4G 03 Street Retail Active Frontage Active Frontage Active Frontage BoH Student Amenity Street Castle Street Proposed Design - Connectivity / City Scale Active Frontage | 15
a large
glazed active frontage via Retail Space and Student Amenity Spaces.
extent of
View along Castle Street showing shop frontage View along Fountain Ln showing shop frontage Elevation sowing extent of typical Retail Unit glazing in proposed scheme


Historic Streetscape Facade Studies

The proposed new building will complement traditional design features of the adjacent listed buildings but in a modern contemporary way to deliver a building of high quality to reinforce the importance of Castle Street/ Queen Street to the Conservation Area.

Setting Listed Buildings

Horizontal bands and vertical pilasters will echo the stone and brick cornice and pilaster features of the listed building adjacent.

Attached symmetrical multi-bay three-storey with attic sandstone former hospital, dated 1878, to the designs of Thomas Jackson. Square on plan facing east onto Queen Street and set back slightly from the street. Former RUC Barracks, Queen Street

Bank Buildings Anderson McAuley Building Proposed Design - Historic Streetscape Facade Studies The proposed new building will complement traditional design features of the adjacent listed buildings but in a modern contemporary way to deliver a building of high quality to reinforce the importance of Castle Street/Queen Street to the Conservation Area.
echo the stone and brick
of the listed building adjacent.
Horizontal bands and
pilasters will
pilaster features
Mitchell Building Proposed Scheme Bay Study 6800 1115 720 2330 970 1265 4510 1135 Base Middle Top Pre-Application Discussion Queen Street PBMSA 83
Neighbouring David Mitchell
1 2 3 1
HB 26/50/027

Historic Streetscape Facade Studies

Facade Key Design Features

• Simple building form with strong geometric features and proportions to complement historic context.

• Brick fabric with stone features, regular fenestration and balanced solid to void ratio.

• High quality material palette taking influence from Belfast City Centre’s existing architectural fabric.

• Clearly articulated retail units at street level

Attached symmetrical multi-bay fivestorey with attic red sandstone and polished granite classicallystyled department store, built between 1885 and 1900, to the designs of W.H. Lynn. Rectangular on plan facing east onto Castle Place with multi-bay side elevations fronting onto Castle Street and Bank Street.

Attached corner-sited multibay five-storey pilastered sandstone purpose-built department store, dated 1899, to the designs of Young & Mackenzie with polished granite shopfront inserted to the ground floor. Rectangular on plan facing onto Donegall Place with a secondary elevation facing north onto Castle Street and a further five-storey red brick block abutting the rear fronting onto Castle Street and Fountain Street.

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Bank Buildings, Castle Place/ Castle Street HB 26/50/153
& McAuley 1-9 Donegall Place / Castle Street HB 26/50/032 Proposed Design - Historic Streetscape Facade Studies Horiztonal Bands Vertical pilasters along facade bays 'Heavy' base
Aluminium 'lightweight ' set back with vertical pilasters Facade Key Design Features - Simple building form with strong geometric features and proportions to complement historic context.
- Clearly articulated retail units at street level Pre-Application Discussion Queen Street PBMSA 84 2 3
- Brick fabric with stone features, regular fenestration and balanced solid to void ratio. -
quality material palette taking influence from Belfast City Centre's existing architectural fabric.



Proposed Design

A collaborative design approach has been ongoing with Belfast City Council, its consultees and the project design team in the period since July 2023 and that has been important to share design aspirations and understand their views and respond appropriately.

The proposals as presented in this consultation incorporate the following principal design element:

• Order denoted by base, middle and top design;

• Simple building form with strong geometric features and proportions to complement historic context;

• Horizontal bands and vertical pilasters to echo the stone and brick cornice features of neighbouring listed buildings;

• Vertical expression to bays with the inclusion of a regular fenestration and balanced solid to void ratio;

• Active ground floors through the inclusion of retail/ retail service units and student experience areas;

• High quality material palette taking influence from the Belfast City Centre’s existing architectural fabric;

• Outdoor amenity areas at ground floor within the core of the site along with roof terrace amenity areas at level nos. 6 & 9; and

• Emphasis on corner at Castle Street/Queen Street allowing the building to act as a Landmark signalling the gateway into the city centre from the west.

Concept image of proposal
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The location of the site is within a Conservation Area and is within close proximity to key listed buildings. As a result the redevelopment of the site requires a design focus on Built Heritage and ensuring that the response is respectful and integrates positively with important heritage assets.

Specialist built heritage consultants Consarc have been appointed. Their input has included engagement with Historic Environment Division and preparing a Heritage Impact Assessment to demonstrate how Conservation Area and Listed Building policy has been assessed and complied with. The assessment is currently ongoing with its findings being presented as part of the final planning application package.


A Transport Assessment Form is currently being completed along with a Parking Statement. The preliminary findings set out that the new planning policy not only permits developments with no parking but within the city centre it encourages it, to promote car-free travel and reduce the dependence on the private car. The findings also indicate that the site is in a highly accessible location near the universities, therefore nil parking is appropriate as has been the case for other student accommodation in the city centre.

In addition, a Travel Plan is also being completed to promote sustainable transport alternatives to the use of the private car.


Crestwood were instructed to undertake a noise impact assessment that took into consideration impact from noise sources from outside the application site. The preliminary findings of the noise assessment identify that mitigation measures are likely to be required to ensure that sensitive receptors within the development are not exposed to a detrimental impact from noise sources outside the application site. The level of mitigation is currently being considered by the applicant’s technical and architectural team and will be reflected in the final design.


GIA was instructed to undertake a microclimate assessment. The preliminary findings confirm that the development would not cause an adverse impact on occupiers or pedestrians at ground level.


RSK were instructed to undertake a ground contamination assessment at the site.The preliminary findings set out that the risks of contamination are low from the site.


Engineers, Ian Black Consulting, are currently preparing a Drainage Assessment to address storm and foul water and to secure the necessary consents including

securing Schedule 6 discharge consent with Rivers Agency and addressing waste water capacity matters with NI Water. That will form part of the planning application submission and will be the subject of consultation with the statutory consultees as part of the application consideration process.


Flood Risk Consulting have been appointed to advise on the proposal in terms of any potential implications regarding flooding. A Flood Risk Assessment is currently being completed with the preliminary findings setting out that with design mitigation included the development would not be adversely impacted by flooding.


Gahan & Long has been appointed to advise on the proposal in terms of any potential implications on archaeology. An Archaeological Impact Assessment is currently being completed. Preliminary findings show that with a mitigation strategy no archaeological impact would be caused by the scheme.


RPS was appointed to advise on the proposal in terms of potential implications on ecology. A Preliminary Ecological Appraisal (PEA) was completed. This concluded that the development will have no impact on any statutory or nonstatutory designated sites of international, national, or local nature conservation importance; and no impact on habitats.

The site has potential for breeding birds, and as such it has been recommended that demolition takes place outside of the breeding birds season, which extends from 1st of March and 31st of August inclusive.

Following the precautionary principle it has been recommended that a single emergence survey is carried out during the summer months of 2024 to eliminate all uncertainty of roosting bat presence. This emergence survey is ongoing and the results will form part of the planning application submission.

Townscape Visual Impact Assessment (TVIA)

A comprehensive analysis of the proposed development within its wider city centre context is being prepared by landscape consultants, Park Hood. This examines a series of key views to demonstrate the integration of the proposed development within its wider setting. A detailed report setting out the findings of the TVIA, the related viewpoint analysis and their their assessment of the proposed development will accompany the planning application.

Air Quality

Crestwood were instructed to undertake an air quality assessment that took into consideration impact of air quality on future occupiers. Preliminary findings show that air quality factors are not a constraint to development.

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We thank you for taking the time to review the content of this consultation and would be delighted to receive your feedback on the response forms that are available.

Following the end of the consultation period (12th June 2024), your feedback will be taken into consideration in finalising the proposed development.

A formal planning application will be submitted to Belfast City Council thereafter.

Once submitted, the opportunity for further public engagement in the decisionmaking process will take place in the normal manner through the submission of representations to the Council following the applications advertisement and neighbour notification procedures.


On our website, you can leave feedback, raise questions or leave your contact details should you require further assistance.

If you wish to discuss the proposal you can also do so by:

Telephone 028 9043 4393

Email Post

Clyde Shanks Ltd, 2nd Floor, 7 Exchange Place, Belfast, BT1 2NA


If you would like to receive a printed copy of this magazine, we can post this out to you on your request, accompanied with a feedback form.


Please note that all comments should be with Clyde Shanks Ltd no later than 12th June 2024.


Todd Architects


Clyde Shanks Planning Consultancy

Ian Black Consulting

Caldwell Consulting

Consarc Design Group

Consil Daylight Surveyors

| 23
2nd Floor 7 Exchange Place Belfast BT1 2NA t | 028 9043 4393

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