Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
The Art of Seductive Conversation
Conversational Mastery Basics = CONTENT = Intro …................................................................................................... 1 1. Conversation is Action 1.1 Conversational Mastery Seduction & Influence............................... 5 1.2 Lego-blocks of verbal interaction ….......…...................................
Key Point Overview …..........…......................................................... 13 2. Rapport & Resonance 2.1 What makes a conversation seductive? …............................…..... 15 2.2 Share your world …........................................................................ 23 3. Methods & Mindsets 3 .1 Listening is a Hardcore Skill …..................................................... 27 3.2 Have you ever – Imagine that ….................................................... 34 3.3 One Note on Rhythm …................................................................. 37 3.4 Sense & Sensuality ….................................................................... 40 3.5 Steering the Conversation ............................................................... 45 A few words from my sponsor ........................................................... 48 Quick tips for Connection & Flow …........…...................................... 49 Basic Conversational Training Check-list ….................................... 50 What is s in Part II ? ............................................................................. 52
=2= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved
Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Intro Mastering the Art of Conversation opens doors. You network better and you become a more pleasant and attractive person to be around. Add some sensuality AND – these skills will allow you to connect with bright, beautiful, sexy and sophisticated women on deeper and more intruiging levels. In this manual, you get an introduction to the Art of Seductive Conversation module II: The Conversational Mastery Basics. First I will define conversational mastery and the subtle difference between coercion and seduction. In 1.2 I will show you the basic “building blocks” of verbal interaction. 2.1 Defines the Art of Seductive conversation, and I briefly address context & cognitive bias. 2.2 “Share your world” gives you a neat little “tactic” you can employ, when you want to create rapid rapport = the implied reference. 3.1 Listening – is most likely the most important AND the most overlooked skill, when it comes to mastering the art of conversational mastery, seduction, influence and flirting. Simply practising your active audio-AWARENESS will get you very far. Bonus: the world will seem as if it has been opened up for you in an entirely new way … In paragraph 3.2 I'll give you four little sentences you can ALLWAYS use, whenever you feel yourself “getting stuck” in a conversation and just “don't know what to say”.
=1= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved
Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
Practice, by soaking up as much general knowledge and random factoids as you possibly can, and when you apply the techniques described in section 3.2 + 3.3, you will notice how your conversations start flowing almost effortlessly ... 3.4 “Sense & Sensuality will introduce you to the world of sensual metaphor, and paragraph 3.5 gives you the basics of the basics when it comes to steering a conversation. At the end of each paragraph, you can navigate directly to the original article on my website ( as well as to related articles/videos through the hyperlinks embedded in the text ) – any comments / questions are welcome, or you can simply post your question to:
=2= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved
Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
But first … a flowchart !
- to give you an overview of the basic elements in The Art of Seductive Conversation. The main idea here, is that there is more than one piece of the “puzzle” to master. Flirting & seduction is a SUBSET of interpersonal connection skills.
You can be a great conversationalist, but without a SENSUAL awareness, your interactions will lack the sensual /sexual vibe.
Flirting is open imagination, sensual awareness & curiosity
Likewise, mastering only “pacing and leading” makes no sense, if you do not know how to pay attention to rhythm and structure.
=3= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved
Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
If you have a strong sensual awareness but no clue on how to STEER a conversation, you will not be able to capture and LEAD imagination.
Lacking curiosity – goes without saying, this influences your level of LISTENING.
So, to master the Art of Seductive Conversation – these pieces of the puzzle need to be practised. ONE piece of the puzzle is the pre-requisite for all the others to be able to play together. You need to have a keen PROCESS awareness. Noticing flow. Understanding emotions as flow, and interactions as a process of flow and movement is the very core level basic awareness that need to be present for all the other elements to make sense to even BEGIN to get a grasp on. I will show you the advanced linguistic “ninja-tactics” and Jedi tricks some other time. For now, practice the basics. The only real difference between a novice and a Master – is that the Master does the basics extremely well … And here – is a sensual metaphor in the format of a photograph ....
=4= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved
Conversational Mastery Basics _______________________________________________________________________________________________________
1.1 Conversational Mastery, Seduction & Influence. First published 30. august 2011
What is conversational mastery ? Having the skill set of being able to steer a conversation in and out of themes, topics and areas of your choice. Managing to: •
- whatever VIBE you would like the interaction to have more / less of. It is the ability to:
Pace and lead other peoples realities
Make other people feel relaxed and welcome in your presence.
The last part is a big chunk. Conversational mastery is not about being the one who is the “most entertaining”. Being entertaining is fine. Being very entertaining is certainly fun in itself, and can give you lots of attention. Having the skillset of conversational mastery makes you an interesting person, that people will want to be around.
=5= CM. Cooper // © 2012
all rights reserved