Kelley Latin text trans. by Robert Campell
Michael Linton
1.At the Lamb's high feast we 2.Where the Pas - chal blood is 3.Migh - ty vic - tim from on 4.Eas - ter tri - umph, Eas - ter
sing praise to our poured death's dark an high, hell's fierce pow'rs joy, these a - lone
vic - to - rious King; who hath gel sheathes his sword; Is - raels' be - neath thee lie; thou hast do sin des - troy from sin's
washed us in the tide flow - ing from his pierc - ed side; Praise we him, whose love di hosts tri -um-phant go through the wave the drowns the foe. Praise we Christ,whose blood was con - quered in the fight, thou hast brought us life and light; Now no more can death ap pow'r do thou set free souls new - born, O Lord, in Thee. Hymns of glo - ry, songs of
vine shed, pal, praise,
give his Pas - chal now no Fa - ther,
sac vic more un -
bo dy for the cer i - ty and o - pened par - a Lord, all praise to
feast, love, dise, thee
red tim, the to
blood Pas grave thee
for chal en we
wine, bread, thrall; raise:
Gives with thou ris -
Christ eat and with
the vic - tim, Chris we man - na from in thee thy saints the Spi - rit ev -
the priest. a bove. shall rise. er be.
Copyright © Michael Linton 2000 (music only) you have permission to reproduce this music if done so for non-commercial purposes
his sin hast en