DIGITAL IMAGING WITH PHOTOSHOP -‐ VMA-‐105-‐WB Introductory Quiz (student: Chad Makaio Zichterman) 1.
What is the +tle of the course textbook and name of the author? Teach Yourself VISUALLY Adobe Photoshop CC (Mike Wooldridge & Brianna Stuart)
Describe in a few steps how you would submit assignments to the instructor? 1. Login to the course website; 2. Scroll down and use “Upload Assignment Files” by entering my last name and clicking “Submit”; 3. Proceed through the typical file dialogue to choose files (< 1 MB); 4. Browser-‐back for addi+onal file uploads as needed; 5. Copy the link (either by naviga+ng or by right-‐clicking and choosing “Copy Link”; 6. Include pasted link(s) in message to instructor ( you...Prof. T. Banjo)
Submi[ng assignments late is strongly discouraged. Late submissions without prior permission get a 25% deduc+on.
The final grade for each specific assignment is based on correcPons as advised by the instructor.
If an emergency will prevent you from comple+ng assignments before the deadline, you should noPfy Prof. T. Banjo in advance.
How is A^endance determined and what percentage of your final grade is A^endance? A^endance is determined by checking for parPcipaPon in the weekly Discussion Board and counts for 40% of the course grade.
The deadline for your first Discussion Board post is Sunday, January 26, 2014 by 11:59 PM.
To receive full credit for your Discussion Board Par+cipa+on, you are required to make at least 3 posts per week on 3 different days, with an iniPal response by Wednesday 11:59 PM, and responses to two classmates by Saturday 11:59 PM.
Why is it important to par+cipate in the Discussion Board? The Discussion Board accounts for all of the class interac+on among students: sugges+ons, accounts of different experiences in using Photoshop, goals, experiments, and results. Par+cipa+on also accounts for a large (40%) por+on of the course grade.
10. Men+on 3 benefits of comple+ng assignments before the due date 1. Avoidance of last-‐minute technical difficul+es (i.e. loss of internet connec+on); 2. Opportunity for more detailed or more frequent feedback on assignment before final submission; 3. Keeping Prof. T. Banjo’s stress levels down (grading twenty last-‐minute assignments = Not Fun)
11. What is the breakdown of your Final grade? 40%: Completed & Submi^ed Weekly Assignments 40%: Completed Weekly Discussion posts 10%: Completed & Submi^ed Mid Term Project 10%: Completed & Submi^ed Final Project 12. How would you check your grade for each assignment/week? To check for current grades, I would login to the course web page and use the “View Assignment / A^endance Grades” feature (pull-‐down menu). 13. Write a minimum 100 word mission statement which will guide you as you con+nue the semester.
Mission Statement: Spring Semester 2014 A be^er world is not inherited or discovered, but made... By hands which shape what must be created By eyes which see what must be acknowledged By backs which carry what must be moved By feet which walk to places we must go. To make that world, it must be seen clearly. To see it clearly, I must put aside anything which is false: ra+onaliza+on, delay, vanity, and doubt. Every word, every ac+on, every moment is a chance to build this world or bury it. I will be faithful to it, so that when my daughter asks me one day “What could you have done?” and “What did you do?” I will only have to give one answer.