Alliance Life: July/August 2023

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God’s vision for The Alliance takes us to hard places pg. 4


God’s mighty hand is at work in Ukraine pg. 10




We are living in a unique cultural moment where change is happening at the speed of light. While people have experienced darkness and difficulty since the Fall, the amount of complexity the church is facing in the United States is quite intense and can feel overwhelming. The good news is that it’s not up to us to figure out some magic solution for the path forward. It is up to us to be faithful, to discern what God is up to around us, and to be obedient in following His lead.

Every Christian and every network of churches has essentially the same calling: Love God, love people, and complete the Great Commission. However, not every local church or every denomination has the same assignment. From the beginning of the Alliance movement, we have desired to join Jesus in the hardest places so the message of the gospel could transform individuals and communities who never had the opportunity to hear about Him before. We are not in a competition; we are simply desiring to honor the assignment God has uniquely placed on The Christian and Missionary Alliance. This vision continues today.

This obedient advance is not done in isolation. To honor Jesus’ instructions in Acts 1:8 to be present in each segment of society, collaboration and synergy are essential. It takes workers to establish gospel presence. It takes churches to send these workers, and it takes finances to continue to help us advance into the new and next places God calls us.

The Alliance is moving into an exciting era in our history. We are not only carrying on the work of previous generations—we’re doubling down, and we’re praying for further advance with aggressive faith and risktaking humility. The next two years of our ministry will require razorsharp focus as we enter what we are calling the now. campaign. We will focus our stories and outcomes around some of the goals set before the Alliance family: sending new international workers, entering into opendoor opportunities internationally, planting healthy U.S. churches, building Alliance Place for the future flourishing of our movement, and keeping our eyes on financial goals representative of this need.

The first iteration of this emphasis will be seen in our Missions Engagement theme: now. to the hard places. We’re not gluttons for punishment. We feel a mandate to engage difficult spaces that lack gospel access. Some of those places are nearby existing work, and some of them will be brand new locations requiring new expressions of gospel presence.

Yes, change is erupting around us. However, God is also changing things, reconciling people to Himself, and we’re honored to join Him in these days. Thanks for being partners in this now. moment!

ALLIANCE LIFE is published by The Christian and Missionary Alliance, One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Member, Evangelical Press Association and Associated Church Press. Printed in the USA.

POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ALLIANCE LIFE , One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068.

When requesting a change of address, please give both the old and new addresses. Direct all correspondence and changes of address to ALLIANCE LIFE , One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Toll free: (877) 284-3262; email: Website:

The Alliance is committed to world missions, stressing the fullness of Christ in personal experience, building the Church, and preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. ALLIANCELIFE carries on the tradition of more than 140 years of publishing stories of God at work through Alliance people in the United States and throughout the world.

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Cover: Photograph by Olivia, Alliance Video. From the hills of Latin America to the deserts of Africa, Alliance workers continue to be persistent in their pursuit of the least-reached in every nation.

04 Christ - Centered


God’s vision for The Alliance takes us to hard places | by Tim Crouch | pg. 4



Quotes from the Kingdom | pg. 8


compiled by Harry Verploegh | pg. 8

10 Acts 1:8


God’s mighty hand is at work in Ukraine by Emmy Duddles | pg. 10

EXPECTANT: ALLIANCE COUNCIL 2023 by Alliance Life staff | pg. 16


Glorifying God through the Arts by Alliance Life staff | pg. 30

33 Family


Requests from Alliance workers | pg. 36


Personnel changes, obituaries, and classified ads | pg. 37


Snapshots from around The Alliance | pg. 46

FOUNDATIONS In the Hour of Baffled Hopes

Adapted by Alliance Life staff | pg. 48



In today’s world, how do we live out what the King wants us to do next in the mission He’s on, even when it’s hard?

We want to see All of Jesus for All the World, but what remains to be done is probably some of the hardest work we’ve ever had to do. These are years in which we have had difficulty keeping boots on the ground in many places that were once some of the safest fields to do ministry. And many peoples still lacking gospel access live in places where it is hard for outsiders to bring gospel presence. There is a reason the world’s remaining unreached peoples remain unreached. It’s because they’re hard to reach.


It has been 50 years since Ralph Winter coined the term “unreached peoples” and encouraged us to pay attention to groups who do not yet have the opportunity to hear the gospel. After so many years, the question begins to rise: “Is this still a key approach?”

For instance, one new way of looking at our world observes how many people are on the move. Today, 300 million people are international migrants. One in every

26 people on the planet live in a country they weren’t born in. Missiologists and ministry leaders encourage a focus on how God is at work among—and through— people on the move. They are right to do so! Alliance Missions today, and many Alliance churches in the United States, have personnel focused on migrants and are partnering with God’s people among them.

At the same time, The Alliance must also remain focused on unreached peoples in their homelands. While migration has never been higher, only 4 percent of the world’s population is moving. 96 percent of unreached peoples live out their lives in homelands with little to no access to the gospel. And God is not done calling His own to live out gospel presence among them.

It’s been 2,000 years since Jesus said, “Let’s take the gospel to all peoples everywhere.” Yet there are vast portions of our world where, simply because of where they were born, people will live their whole lives without hearing the good news. I cannot think of a greater injustice.

This means that incarnational ministry among remaining unreached peoples is necessary but will be hard. There will be trouble, but it will be worth it.

God’s vision for The Alliance takes us to hard places Photograph by Olivia, Alliance Video

Providing gospel presence among unreached peoples of the world should continue to guide our sending of those God calls. Out of nearly 700 Alliance international workers, 80 percent of them serve in locations where the world’s most unreached populations live. Over two-thirds of them serve directly among unreached people groups. They work with a long-term focus, which means we are going to stay the course in the dozen or more places we started ministry in the last 15 years. And we will diligently seek fresh opportunities God will open to impact new unreached people groups. Join us in prayer as we stay in hard places and ask God to identify the next places and peoples.


Often when Alliance personnel are present among one unreached people group, they also discover important subsets. Some of these pockets of people are distinguished by minority languages or ethnicity. Others are identified by different characteristics—just as they may be in our own society. These groups are present everywhere and often less well-impacted by the gospel than the dominant populations they live among.

Consider some examples. In our world today, there are 43 million blind people, 430 million Deaf people, 650 million disabled people, 300 million migrants, and 153 million orphans. 685 million people live in extreme poverty, meaning they live on less than $2.50 a day. 1.2 billion people also live in multi-dimensional poverty, which is based on their health, education opportunities, and living standards. 160 million people are addicted to alcohol or illicit drugs, with over 100,000 overdose deaths in the United States last year alone. LGBTQ+ people represent a growing subgroup globally. And in nearly every society of our world, we find cultural, racial, ethnic, or language minorities.

We may never be more like Jesus than when we serve the overlooked or outcast group in His love. The life-changing gospel of Jesus at work among the everywhere-present-but-often-overlooked is a powerful testimony. And seeing disciples from such pockets mobilized in ministry is a true vision of the priesthood of all believers.

This, too, is hard work. Needs abound, in number and complexity. Attention to minority groups is not always popular or understood, yet it often brings fruit in the larger majority culture. As unique needs are sensitively met and lives are transformed, the majority people are impressed with the love of Christ and power of the gospel among “the least of these, my children” (see Matthew 25:40–45). The needs of subgroups can be the key to opportunity throughout a whole society.

Alliance teams will pursue advance, not only with a view to unreached people groups but to important pockets of people among them. It may be hard, but it is ministry after Jesus’ own model.


One of the joys of this chapter in Alliance history, and in Great Commission fulfillment, is that we don’t have to do this alone. In fact, in the years ahead, if any of us tried to do it alone, we won’t get the chance. God is raising up and multiplying forces. Opportunities to do this hard work by joining together with friends are all around us. This is especially true because our U.S. Alliance family is so diverse. We’ve got a lot of people from a lot of backgrounds speaking a lot of languages every Sunday morning. But not all of us are equally well-mobilized. These are days when God is saying, “I want to call all My Alliance people.” So, in these days, we’re doing hard work to help brothers and sisters see a place for themselves and to help ministry teams be communities where we can all belong.

A huge blessing of our day is the blossoming Alliance World Fellowship (AWF). Over 25 of the sister church networks of AWF are now sending international workers of their own. Our U.S. international workers often partner with these Alliance people from sending churches in different nations. In other cases, we are nearby one another, cheering one another on, and holding one another up. Many of these good friends carry passports more welcome, speak languages more helpful, and understand host cultures more intuitively. In our lifetime, there will soon be more non-U.S. missionaries than those from the United States. We welcome that day and invest in its coming even as we continue to send our own called ones. The work is hard but thankfully, the laborers are multiplying!

This is indeed a day when the remaining work is hard, so we will look for innovations and new opportunities to be leveraged. At the same time, we believe people lacking gospel access gain it when gospel people, called and gifted by God, live among them. And we believe God is still calling all His people into this mission.

We don’t do what’s hard simply because it is hard. We do what’s hard because He did it for us, because His people did it for us. We do it because many still wait for His children to now do it for them.

Tim Crouch is the U.S. vice president for Alliance Missions and oversees the ministry of more than 700 Alliance international workers. Tim’s heart is to see gospel access flow from those who have gained it to those who still await it.


Yesterday, Today, and Forevermore

On every tongue a hallelujah, in every heart a song of praise. Let every voice sing out a chorus to the glory of Your name.

‘Til every eye has seen Your glory. ‘Til every ear has heard Your name. Until the nations rise to bless You, we will ever more proclaim.

Let our lives be a melody, a song that sings of Your great love. Let our hearts hold the victory from today ‘til You return.

We fix our eyes upon You, Jesus, our Risen Lord and Coming King. With every breath proclaim the gospel until every heart is free.

Yesterday, today, and forevermore, we declare the glory of the Lord.

Yesterday, today, and forevermore, we declare the glory of the Lord.

Please visit to listen to this song and the rest of the Alliance Worship project.

Painting by Caylie Smith

“Faith does not operate in the realm of the possible. There is no glory for God in that which is humanly possible. Faith begins where man’s power ends.”

“Why would we continue to send people where the stories are slow and complicated? If we have received the promised presence of Christ, the Holy Spirit aligns our hearts with His priority—lost people. You are not just found for you—you are found for the world.”

“How can they hear without someone preaching to them? As it is written, ‘How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!’”

—ROMANS 10:14–15

“Take the very hardest thing in your life . . . and expect God to triumph gloriously in that very spot. Just there He can bring your soul into blossom!”

The most effective argument for Christianity is still the good lives of those who profess it.

Although the human mind stubbornly resists and resents the suggestion that it is a sick, fallen planet upon which we ride, everything within our consciousness, our innermost spirit, confirms that the voice of God is sounding in this world—the voice of God calling, seeking, beckoning to lost men and women!

Men are lost but not abandoned. God’s seeking voice never died out. The echo of that voice is sounding throughout the widening years. It has never ceased to echo and re-echo from peak to peak, from generation to generation, from race to race, and continent to continent, and off to islands and back to the continent again.

Man may hear the voice of God’s love or the voice of Jesus’ blood or the voice of conscience; it may be the voice of the dead or the voice of the living or the voice of the lost or the voice of the saved. Whatever the voice, it is only another inflection of the voice of the One who calls.

He may call from above or from below; He will likely call from around the bend or from down the road or beside the river or on the plateau.

It is the voice of God entreating us, searching us out and always calling us to return home!

—from Echoes from Eden Originally published in The Alliance Witness, February 14, 1996.


ˮA father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling. God sets the lonely in families, he leads forth the prisoners with singingˮ (Ps. 68:5-6a).

Photo by Rosie, Alliance Video


Photos courtesy of an Alliance-affiliated worker

God’s mighty hand is at work in Ukraine


Ukrainian woman feared for the lives of her two children while they stayed in their hometown due to the fighting. At the beginning of the UkraineRussia conflict, many were fleeing from her city to the next town over. She wanted to escape but soon found that “The Bridge of Death” was their only way out. Many had been shot to death on this bridge as they attempted to evacuate the city, but this woman could not let her children stay in such a dangerous place. They crossed the bridge.

People on the other side rejoiced and marveled as this mother and her two children stepped off the bridge unharmed.

“But where’s the man?” they asked. “Where’s the fourth?”

“There are only three of us,” the woman replied.

“No, we saw you running across the bridge, and there was a man with you.”

“The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit” (Ps. 34:18).

God deeply desires to deliver oppressed people, walking closely beside them as He protects them from harm. This is exactly what He is doing among Ukrainian citizens caught in the crossfires of this conflict. At the time of this writing, over 8,830 civilian lives have been lost and more than 14,980 people have been injured. In addition to these tragedies, 5.9 million people have been internally displaced, and nearly 8 million have escaped to other parts of Europe.

Though many have been evacuated, there are still tens of millions of Ukrainians living in country. The lives of many who remain are difficult. According to a report from the United Nations in April 2023, about 12 million people have limited to no access to electricity, and water supplies have been disrupted for some. Cooking, accessing clean water, and heating their homes through the winter became monumental tasks.

Despite these overwhelming circumstances, God is dwelling among these desperate people, often shielding them from the worst outcomes. During the height of the bombings, a group of people were gathered in

Left: Alliance workers are remaining active in Ukraine amid the danger to share Christ's love with people like this man and his son.

an Alliance-affiliated church to pray for peace and protection. Bombs were falling all around the church as they prayed. When they came out of their prayer meeting, there were unexploded bombs lying in the yard of the church. God is answering their prayers.

“We have the opportunity to see how God, in miraculous ways, saves lives,” says Maxim,* a Ukrainian pastor who partners closely with The Alliance. “In one case, we saw a rocket slam into a house full of people. One of them was killed, but how did it happen that the whole house gets destroyed and people walked away unharmed?”


While God has been directly answering the prayers of His children with life-saving miracles, He has also been mightily using Alliance workers, partners, and Allianceaffiliated churches to share His love with a people in crisis.

Because of the overwhelming generosity of Alliance people through CAMA Services, Alliance workers and partner churches in Ukraine have been able to turn church buildings into refugee centers, pass out two tons of food every month, rebuild homes and churches, and build a center for distributing water, medicine, winter coats, sleeping bags, generators, and food to hundreds of people.

When one city was completely without wa ter, a church retrofitted their van to become a water wagon with a huge tank. They drove out of the city, filled up the tank, drove back into the city, and people came with buckets to get water. The pastor told everyone about Jesus, the Living Water, as they waited in line. The outreach activities of these churches and workers have touched the lives of roughly 500–1,000 people every month. Many now know that God is the One who is providing for their every need.

“These are days in which people’s hearts are softened to God,” says Maxim. “It happens over and over again. People come to receive food, we pray with them, and they invite God into their lives. People are hungry for God.” In the eastern region of Ukraine, many people have evacuat ed due to the conflict. Suddenly the churches were losing their members, but in their place were nonbelievers hungry for comfort and peace from God. Now, on any given Sunday, 90 percent of the congregation in these churches are unbelievers and new Christ followers.

People have been so hungry for God’s love and hope that in the last half of 2022, Alliance workers were able to assist partner church es in Ukraine in planting five new Allianceaffiliated churches. One of these church plants started in November 2022, and by Feb ruary 2023, they had already run out of room in their building.

“People are hungry for God.”

Left: Despite the dangerous conditions, many still gather in Alliance-affiliated churches to experience the hope of Christ. Below: Thousands of pounds of food, along with many other necessities, have been distributed among Ukrainians in need because of the generosity of people like you.

A church that CAMA Services helped rebuild was integral in planting one of these five churches. The pastor of this church wrote to Maxim, saying, “I’m driving around the villages just giving things out and preaching, and people are turning to the Lord in droves. I feel like John the Baptist. People are com-

Many now know that God is the One who is providing for their every need.



The world’s remaining unreached peoples have disadvantaged access to the good news of Jesus. Over 4,000 distinct people groups lacking gospel access remain in locations from which 90 percent of their population will never migrate.

As Alliance people, we long to see gospel presence extended among unreached, displaced, and overlooked peoples in these last remaining hard places.

God remains faithful in opening doors to those who have yet to experience His loving embrace. But the task of reaching them is hard. Will we remain bold enough to walk through the doors He opens?

Visit hardplaces to engage with missions throughout the year and to download resources that will help launch a meaningful Missions Engagement event in your church. JUL/AUG 2023 14 ALLIANCELIFE

is the time

We are living in a unique cultural moment, a tipping point where change is happening—fast. How do we, as the Alliance family, position ourselves for what God is calling us to in this moment?

The Alliance has always been a responsive, sacrificial, risk-taking family. When God opens doors, we walk through them, seizing gospeladvancing opportunities before those doors close.

During this next, bold chapter of Alliance advance, we are taking intentional and strategic steps toward the pioneering work that has always defined us. If you’re part of the Alliance family, you’re part of this moment—and the time is now.


• Open one new door for Alliance Misions per year

• Send one new international worker per week

• Plant one new U.S. church plant per week

• Complete One Alliance Place in Reynoldsburg, Ohio

• Give one-hundred million dollars per year to extend gospel presence

Visit to discover your vital role.
two years, we

A Week of Expectancy

More than 3,000 Alliance family members gathered together for Council 2023 expecting that the Lord would move His people into a deeper fellowship with Him and a closer unification with our brothers and sisters. God was faithful to reveal Himself as we worshiped, prayed, and communed with one another. A great expression of our ethnic diversity was evident during the week, including more American indigenous people attending Council than ever before. What a joy to worship in expectant hope with such a vibrant expression of our family in one place! As international worker Martin Chaaya proclaimed from the Council stage, “Let us hold on fast to Jesus because who He is and what He’s done defines our identity and propels us into a life of expectancy as we fulfill the mission He has called us to do.”

“There are times when steps of faith are called out of us, and fear slithers into the path of every step of faith. Will we be reluctant or expectant?”
—John Stumbo, U.S. Alliance president
Below: John Stumbo and Zane Williams, president of the Native American Association, welcomed us all to Council.
“Why would we not wait on the God who always keeps His promises? Why would we not wait with a sense of expectancy, knowing that He is going to come?”
—Ron Morrison, pastor of Hope Alliance Bible Church, Maple Heights, Ohio
“God has an infinite pour that never runs dry.”
—Kim Valenzuela, Metro District
“We can have as much of Him as we are expecting. All we’ve got to do is reach out.”
—Freddy Washington, Jr., pastor, song-writer, and worship leader

Living with Activated Faith

Due to his own healing journey, C&MA founder A. B. Simpson was fervent in his passion to share about Christ as our Healer. Our God responds with compassion to the desperate cries of the hurting and urges His people to be His hands and feet to bring about His healing work. At every Council, we celebrate this truth with a healing service, asking the Holy Spirit to reveal Himself and His power. As the Alliance family laid hands on their brothers and sisters, many experienced freedom from emotional, spiritual, and physical infirmity.

Photography by Derek Nicol and Erin Fettig
“If there is any covenant that God has made with His people, it is that He is our Healer.”
—Lisa Plunket, Risen King Alliance Church, New City, New York
“The miracle often follows activated faith expressed in some tangible way.”
—John Stumbo, U.S. Alliance president
“If there is any covenant that God has made with His people, it is that He is our Healer.”
—Lisa Plunket
“Where God’s presence is, His power is also.”
—Monty Wright Alliance Northwest District superintendent

Finding Our LongLost Family

Meeting the nations on our doorsteps

The Alliance remains committed to bringing the gospel to every tribe and nation so that all will know of our Savior, Sanctifier, Healer, and Coming King. On Friday night at Council, 36 workers were commissioned to go to some of the world’s hardest places. They will be serving in every region of the world—from Europe to the Middle East; from North Africa to Central Asia—and beyond. All of Jesus for All the World takes all of us!

“Sending workers remains our priority because the presence of Christ matters in every community around the world.”
—Tim Meier, vice president for Development
Photography by Derek Nicol and Erin Fettig

“Are we making it a priority to take all of Jesus to all the world? Yesterday is forever gone and tomorrow may be too late.”

“Our God expects us to find long-lost family out of every people, nation, and tongue.”

“The missionaries who came to us taught us how to be valiant and courageous in preaching the gospel.”

—Ivan Bonilla, missions leader for the Colombian C&MA national church
—Anita Morrison leader at Hope Alliance Bible Church
—Bao Her assistant vice president for Alliance Missions

Unity over Uniformity

After much prayerful deliberation and four years of national conversations in churches across the United States, over 1,600 official workers voted on important issues concerning our Statement of Faith and Alliance polity. Through all of the business proceedings and debates, Alliance leaders continued to reiterate the importance of treating each other with respect in the midst of difficult conversations so that we accurately display God’s love to the world.

Much of what was put to a vote at Council was in the spirit of making it possible for more Alliance family members to be part of answering God’s call on The Alli-

ance to bring all of Jesus to all the world. The six recommendations that were adopted for the C&MA Statement of Faith at Council 2021 were ratified at Council 2023, and five more recommendations were adopted to be ratified at Council 2025.

Regarding polity, delegates voted to uphold that eldership consists of the lead pastor and other church-elected male members. The designation “Consecrated and Ordained” was approved as the denomination’s endorsement of all male and female workers who meet the stated qualifications for Alliance ministry. Official workers may also carry the title “pastor” or “reverend” at the discretion of the local church.


Ted Kang, corporate vice president: “God has no need of me, but everything I’ve done has been a gracious invitation of the Lord. If I am elected, I am looking forward to seeing all of God’s promises fulfilled through what He will do through this family.”

The following 12 Alliance leaders were elected to the Board of Directors:

• Mark E. Ashton

• Woodler Alezy

• Rob R. Douglas

• Phien T. Nguyen

• Gabriel Bruno

• Michael W. Plunket

Thomas George, corporate secretary: “We were made for God’s glory. Everything that God does in and through our lives is for others. If elected, I will continue to learn to abide in Him and live out my call to serve the Lord and you, my family.”

• Hazael L. Morell

• John A. Thomas

• Javier Gomez Marrero

• Thomas R. Flanders

• Melissa L. Singfiel

• Jennifer K. Ashby

“The gospel of Jesus Christ is at stake with how we treat each other. For us to fulfill the calling of God, we have to be a loving church.”
—Andy Hawkins C&MA pastor and Council business moderator to view all of the decisions made at Council.

Rejoicing in a Historic Moment

As I prepared to make my way to the airport for my flight home from Council, I texted my staff and another dear friend about the many historic votes that took place at Council. Suddenly, this thought hit me. I, the first African American district superintendent of The Alliance, the first minority district superintendent of the Metro District, and the first African American corporate vice president of our movement to be elected by an uncontested vote, stood on the Council floor and had the honor of making the motions that elected the first Korean corporate vice president and the first Indian corporate secretary by another uncontested vote.

This was in no way my plan coming to Council. Neither was it my plan in the moment. However, upon my reflection that Sunday morning, I realized the historic significance of this cannot be overlooked. One “first” had the honor of making the motions to elect two new “firsts”!

As I rejoiced in this history-making revelation, I realized that embedded in these elections are two other historic moments.

Our newly elected corporate vice president, Ted Kang, is not only the first Korean to serve as a corporate officer. He is also the second senior pastor of San Jose Christian Alliance Church to serve as corporate vice president. His predecessor, Abraham Poon, was the first Chinese person and the first minority to serve as a corporate officer–the same office of corporate vice president. One church produced two history-making corporate vice presidents for our movement.

Our newly elected corporate secretary, Thomas George, also made history 12 years ago when he became the first Indian and the first minority to serve as a district superintendent in The Alliance. He now makes history again by being the first Indian person to be elected as corporate secretary.

Two minority-elected corporate officers replace two minority-outgoing corporate officers. This has never been the case in the history of The Alliance. These qualified leaders are making history with and for our movement. I celebrate this history-making moment with great joy.

The corporate leadership of our movement beautifully reflects the rich diversity of the Alliance family.


These history-making steps model the vision of Revelation 7 and the reality of our Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family.

As a movement, more than 50 percent of our members worshiping and ministering in the United States are from a non-majority background. The visionary leadership of our movement sees this, is leaning into this, and is moving us forward to ensure that this reality is reflected in our executive leadership positions. This recognizes that while the Kingdom is not yet, there are aspects of the Kingdom that we can and should experience now.

I praise God for this kind of visionary leadership. I congratulate Ted Kang and Thomas George on their election, and I am honored to be a part of this Christ-centered, Acts 1:8 family.



Council to celebrate the 100-year anniversaries of Alliance work in their countries: Colombia, Cambodia, Burkina Faso, and Mali. Each president expressed their deep appreciation for the courageous, pioneering efforts of Alliance workers both past and present. Pray that this impact will continue for the next 100 years and beyond.

JUL/AUG 2023 27
“May our Lord Jesus Christ Himself and God our Father, who loved us and gave us eternal comfort and good hope through grace, comfort your hearts and establish them in every good work and word.”
—Andy Hawkins, C&MA pastor and Council business moderator
President John Stumbo invited the presidents of four Alliance national to the at
ˮGod took us from darkness, and now our people live in the light.ˮ
—Sadrac Diarra, president of the Alliance national church of Mali

Alliance Place is more than a building: It’s a model for changing the posture of church engagement in society—both at the local level and around the world.


Generate new revenue that sends more Alliance workers to the world’s hardest places

Model localized engagement that inspires interdenominational innovation leading to greater ministry impact

Launch and fuel global missions by creating a more accessible National Office that better equips Alliance churches

Create a meaningful, impactful gospel presence

Fill a community void with meeting space and a coffee shop

Engage Alliance staff with service opportunities

Project ReImagine is the vehicle for fueling Alliance Place, a 14-acre, mixed-use development that will house the Alliance National Office and provide a welcoming space for the greater Columbus, Ohio, community to gather. to find out how you can be a part of the ReImagine movement.
JUL/AUG 2023 29 ALLIANCELIFE Alliance 101 is a flexible, expandable, digital resource that a pastor, leader, or individual can use to introduce people to The Christian and Missionary Alliance and/ or to broaden their understanding of Alliance beliefs, values, and ministries. Visit to explore the seven A101 modules. ALLIANCE 101

The arts have been a significant part of our heritage in The Alliance because we believe that God’s Creation was the first work of art. Being made in His image, our creation reflects the Creator and is an expression of worship. On June 1, the Alliance Arts Festival celebrated the many submissions we received in written, video, and visual arts with the purpose of glorifying Christ, elevating the arts in our movement, and fostering community among our creatives. We believe that a strong, Christ-centered, creative community has the potential to transform our culture.

The Alliance Arts Festival judging committee was impressed by both the level of excellence and the number of pieces we received, which made judging particularly challenging. However, the Holy Spirit was clearly guiding us as we chose. Though a different panel of judges chose the winner of each category, these three submissions all focused on the redemption that God brings to women who have experienced abuse. As you meditate on the three pieces that follow in these pages, we hope you are edified and encouraged by the vulnerability and grace of these women and their stories.

To view the full online gallery, visit or scan the QR code above.

The Alliance Arts Festival exists to glorify Christ, to celebrate and elevate the arts in our movement, and to foster community among its creatives.
Glorifying God through the arts

Kim Peters

Scars of Glory, 2023

Charcoal, graphite, and gold leaf on paper

Visual Arts, First Place

Artist Statement


Kintsugi, the ancient Japanese method of repairing broken pottery with gold, is a deeply symbolic practice. Whatever the vessel had been worth before it was broken, whatever its use, whatever value had been attributed to it, cannot be compared to its value once repaired. But beyond the simple economic value attached to the veins of gold flowing through the clay, there is a more profound meaning. The Master Potter saw the value in the vessel when it was broken. He thought that it had value in being repaired, and He believed it was worth His time, care, and effort to put the shattered fragments into order. He not only pieced the pot back together, but He also did not look to hide the scars. The scars were the very thing the gold followed in order to bring the utmost beauty. This piece is part of a larger story/art project called “The Strawberry Girls,” telling the traumatic yet hopeful story of the girls recruited from Morocco to the strawberry fields of Spain to the brothels of darkness and shame. Some are miraculously and heroically rescued by the “Jesus people” and find freedom, restoration, and healing in Christ alone!

to learn more about this project.

Malcolm McLaughlin From Darkness to Light

Best Picture, Best Storytelling

Artist Statement

Jesus is the ultimate storyteller. His stories changed—and continue to change— millions of lives. The Bible itself is the best-selling book of all time!

Storytelling is a crucial piece of how the Holy Spirit draws people to Christ and as such is the driving force behind my work. In short, storytelling facilitates the expansion of God’s Kingdom!

John Stumbo VIDEO BLOG

tch John tell a story, share a devotional, issue challenge, or cast C&MA vision.

Released on the 12th of each month

Recent Releases:

A Listening Posture

A Renewed Expectancy

Cinematic Arts Scan the QR code to watch the video online.

Mud Pies

Make me a mud pie

One to help me see

Like the blind beggar man

That you healed so generously

With holy spit and dirt

Like the dust you know we are Mix it with Your Living Water

Place the mud upon my heart

And heal me of the spit of man

That posed as vile demon

Remove the shame that blinds

And the gross humiliation

I need my vision back

Healing for my soul

Touch my weakness; my diseases

Make me miraculously whole

Cynthia Zimmerman

Language Arts, First Place

And let me sing

With the other beggars, needy Amazing Grace, Amazing Grace

‘Twas blind but now I see

And let me never forget You touched me

With mud pies made of tender holy spit

You healed me so very generously

Let me never forget

Vision feels like mud

Cupped in the hands of Jesus

Like matted eyelids touched with soil; Washed away in the nearest pool

Until my eyes open with new clarity

Vision feels like blind beggars, seeing And that blind beggar was me.

Artist Statement

Poetry has been a conduit of healing for me—it is my altar of surrender in prayer, my safe place to sort out faith’s questions, a vehicle to express a prophetic voice, and an avenue to encourage other believers. The Lord speaks to me often through the giving of poetic words to me and makes His holy Word come alive. If my works can encourage and build up the Body in faith, perseverance, and healing from abuse, it will be fruit of my meager offerings He chooses to break, bless, and nourish others.

JUL/AUG 2023 33 ALLIANCELIFE Language Arts

Bring joy to your servant, for to you, O Lord, I lift up my soul. . . . All the nations you have made will come and worship before you, O Lord; they will bring glory to your name (Ps. 86:4, 9).

Photo from Alliance photo archive



Requests from Alliance workers

The security situation in West Africa continues to grow more tenuous. In one incident, extremists threatened to attack an Alliance church unless the congregation stopped worshiping Jesus. Immediately, a prayer request went out. God answered—the army intervened, and the believers were spared. Around the same time, 38 people in that area were baptized at a men’s prison.

While we rejoice that God is at work even amid danger, we still need your prayers. A local pastor reported that violent extremists attacked his town, killing people and setting homes and granaries on fire. God spared the lives of the pastor and his family, but they lost their house, their grain supply, and their motorcycle. Thanks to the generosity of Alliance people, we were able to provide grain for the families in need and buy a moped for the pastor. Praise God for His provision! Pray, too, for an end to the violence.

—from Alliance international workers


La Casa del Jardin is the only shelter in Baja for minors who have survived the nightmare of human trafficking. Inca Link is working with two locally-led sister organizations that operate the shelter while focusing on education, prevention, and training. Our Inca Link staff are involved in various ways, including playing soccer and doing special activities with the children at the shelter.

Through an international grant written by Inca Link Mexico staff, the organizations have also been able to partner on a 12-month project to support migrants living in the borderlands. This project was initiated to help train and support migrant shelter staff and residents about common dangers in transient populations. Visiting these camps weekly has allowed the team to create awareness about the realities of human trafficking, as well as help identify potential victims. We appreciate your prayers as this grant comes to an end July 2023, but the work continues indefinitely. Perhaps He will even reveal ways He wants you to love these children created in His image.


In the January/February 2023 issue of Alliance Life, we asked you to pray for those affected by the 5.6-magnitude earthquake that struck in West Java in November 2022. Between 335 and 635 people died, 7,729 were injured, and five remain missing. More than 62,628 homes were damaged in the area and surrounding region. It is the deadliest earthquake to hit Indonesia since the 2018 Sulawesi quake.

We would like to share how God has been at work. Our ministry team has responded by partnering with CAMA Services and the relief arm of the Indonesian Alliance church to bring in hundreds of tarps, truckloads of tools, tons of food, and several volunteers who have helped provide activities for traumatized children. The gates of a resistant area have come down, and God’s people are demonstrating His love through acts of compassion. Pray for wisdom in coordinating rebuilding efforts and that people affected by the quake will seek out followers of the true God who is walking with them through their losses.

—an Alliance international worker couple CAMA Services and the relief arm of the Indonesian Alliance church demonstrate Christ’s love to earthquake victims. Visit to learn more.


From around the block to the ends of the earth



Jay C. and Beverly D. Bellamy, in March. The Bellamys are involved in evangelism and leadership development.


Timothy (Tim) M. and Melanie A. Wendel Sr., in April. The Wendels are involved in administration.


Peter J. Cannizzaro, interim pastor, Alliance Community Fellowship, Rutland, Vt.

Oliver A. Cardenas, special assignment, MidAmerica District

Joshua A. Cassiday, resident, Mosaic Alliance Church, St. Paul, Minn.

Isaac I. Charles, church planter, Jubilee Intercultural Alliance Church, Columbus, Ohio

Tharath Chea, SoCal TEE director, South Pacific Alliance

Crucita Colon, capellania voluntaria, ACM Cruce Davila, Barceloneta, P.R.

Wen Cui, assistant pastor, Queens Christian Alliance Church, Flushing, N.Y.

Steven M. Egbert, pastoral assistant, Altoona (Pa.) C&MA Church

Bryan S. Faltynski, pastor, West Side Alliance Church, Cleveland, Ohio

Michael W. Gabler, youth pastor, Mosaic Church, Henderson, Nev.

Wendy J. Gierhart, non-Alliance assignment ministry director, Central District

Timothy D. Harrison, interim pastor, New Wilmington (Pa.) C&MA Church

Nathan Her, associate pastor, Denver Hmong Alliance Church, Westminster, Colo.

Ronald A. Higey, pastor of discipling, Birmingham

International Church of the C&MA, Vestavia Hills, Ala.

Paul L. Hoffmeyer Jr., college personnel, Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.

Yin Fa Huang, associate pastor for English ministry, Queens Herald Church C&MA, Fresh Meadows, N.Y.

Erron L. Hubbell, pastor, New Life Christian Church, Hudson, N.H.

Paul S. Ju, pastor/church planter, Kerem International Ministry, Los Angeles, Calif.

James C. Kendall, part-time institutional pastor, Western Pennsylvania District

Michael W. Koehl, associate pastor, Crossroads Community Church, Shamong, N.J.

Erica Lara, church-planting pastor, Metropolitan District

Rafael E. Lara, church-planting pastor, Metropolitan District

Shoua Lee, pastor, Owasso (Okla.) Hmong Alliance Church

Mark T. Matthews, pastor, Chapel Hill Church, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio

Shawn R. Norton, associate pastor, Riverside Church, Big Lake, Minn.

David C. Peppers, pastor, Word at Work Ministries, Ohio Valley District

Generosa Perez, capellania voluntaria, ACM Cruce Davila, Barceloneta, P.R.

Marko R. Requena, pastor, Birmingham International Church of the C&MA, Vestavia Hills, Ala.

Daniel M. Rojas, pastor/church planter, San Marcos Plant, San Diego, Calif.

Carmen Sepulveda, capellania voluntaria, ACM Cruce Davila, Barceloneta, P.R.

John R. Smith, senior pastor, Maricopa (Ariz.) Alliance Church

Ronald E. Smith, pastor, Mission Church, Omaha, Neb.

Philip D. Stalnaker, pastor, Lake Wales (Fla.) Alliance Church

Thai Vang, senior pastor, Hmong America Alliance Church, Maplewood, Minn.

Nathan E. VanProoyen, associate pastor, Eternal Life Church of the C&MA, Lillian, Ala.

Zoila D. Vega, assistant pastor, Iglesia ACyM Ebenezer, Long Island City, N.Y.

Kevin L. Walzak, interim pastor, North Central District

Kim C. Zimmerman, pastor, Gospel of Faith, Robinson Creek, Ky.


Lowell, Mass., Christ Our Hope Evangelical Church, 1460 Varnam Ave., 01854


Thomas Belo, youth pastor, All Souls Community Church, Suffern, N.Y.

David K. Bennett, associate pastor, Alliance New England

Samuel W. Brown, pastor of life groups, Salem (Ore.) Alliance Church





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Jay Burmeister, pastor of discipleship and assimilation, New Life Community Church of C&MA, Grand Island, Neb.

Jason A. Burrough, pastor, Polson (Mont.) Alliance Church

Justin K. Cassidy, pastor, Penn Hills C&MA Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Jianxiao Chen, pastor of local ministry, Grace Christian Alliance Church C&MA, Flushing, N.Y.

Kaitlyn Donaldson, RTI ministry intern, Salem (Ore.) Alliance Church

Boaz Edmunson, pastor of Deaf ministry, Salem (Ore.) Alliance Church

Whitney W. Edmunson, pastor of Deaf ministry, Salem (Ore.) Alliance Church

Joseph E. Ford, pastor, Iglesia Biblica Evangelica, Bronx, N.Y.

Austin C. Fry, Greenhouse resident, HarvestDowntown, Colorado Springs, Colo.

Matthew Gardiner, pastoral intern/ associate pastor, Crossroads Community Church, Shamong, N.J.

Jesse Garnett, church plant resident, One Life of the Christian and Missionary Alliance, The Dalles, Ore.

Edgar Gomez Oviedo, churchplanting resident, Refuge Church, Appleton, Wis.

Bryce Jeremy Y. Go Thong, assistant pastor, Alliance Bible Church, Long Beach, Calif.

Stephen Griffin, military chaplain, C&MA National Office, Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Travaughn Groce, campus pastor, Allegheny Center C&MA Church, Pittsburgh, Pa.

Hal N. Hall, assistant pastor, Space Coast Chinese Alliance Church, Cocoa, Fla.

Jason Harms, city groups director, Citylight Lincoln (Neb.)

Hector M. Hernandez Perez, assistant pastor, ACM de Barranquitas (P.R.)

James M. Ishler, pastor, New Wilmington (Pa.) C&MA Church

Joseph K. Kelly, executive pastor, Summit Church, Simpsonville, S.C.

Jeong Hun Lee, pastor, Korean District

Patrick H. Lim, associate pastor, CrossBridge Alliance Church, Cheyenne, Wyo.

Joshua Luse, pastor, Citylight Lincoln (Neb.)

Use the QR code to order discounted small group boxes and access our free conversation guide for an easy integration of afterwork into your small group.

Luis A. Martinez, campus pastor, Grace en Espanol Church of the C&MA, Middleburg Heights, Ohio

Gregg J. Maye, community life pastor, Mosaic Church, Henderson, Nev.

Jonathan McClure, military chaplain, C&MA National Office, Reynoldsburg, Ohio

Ryan M. Miller, pastor, Nittany Valley Alliance Church, Bellefonte, Pa.

Joshua Mitchell, assistant pastor for youth ministries, Cherry Tree Alliance Church, Uniontown, Pa.

Kahri L. Mlinarcik, pastor of grade school ministries, Salem (Ore.) Alliance Church

Tyler Morrison, associate pastor, First Alliance Church, Lexington, N.C.

Chae No, church planter, Alliance South Central

Hector E. Ortiz Torres, assistant pastor, ACM de Barranquitas (P.R.)

Rody Pierre, Christian education ministry director, Bethesda Tabernacle

Christian Community Church, Greenacres, Fla.

Gabriel Philistin, pastor, Horeb Haitian Alliance Church, West Hampstead, N.Y.

Nicholas Preston, assistant pastor of administration and staff, The Oaks Community Church, Bakersfield, Calif.

Miguel Rivera, pastor, El Oasis, Lebanon, Pa.

Kendra L. Sankovich, spiritual growth director, Westgate Chapel, Toledo, Ohio

Grace Spafford, missions resident, Providence Church, Omaha, Neb.

Robert G. Sterie, assistant pastor, Plano (Tex.) Chinese Alliance Church

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Kongmeng S. Thao, NextGen assistant pastor, New Life Upstate Church, Boiling Springs, N.C.

Melanie N. Thornton, ministry and administrative specialist, Northeastern District

Huu Phuc An Tran, pastor, Vietnamese Alliance Church, Houston, Tex.

Christian Vang, pastor, Eternal Life Church, Sacramento, Calif.

Baoyan Zhang, associate pastor, Chinese Alliance Church, Fort Myers, Fla.

Shouming Zhang, pastor/church planter, Irvine (Calif.) Chinese Alliance Church


Meng Thao, April 30, 2023, CrossWalk Church, Reynoldsburg, Ohio. Meng is a tech support and mobile specialist at the C&MA National Office.

Michael (Mike) Michaud, May 7, 2023, Calvary Alliance Church, Pocatello, Idaho. Mike is the assistant pastor.


To-Kay Chan, South Pacific Alliance

David Chew Jr., Central Pacific District

Robert C. Formica, The Alliance Southeast

Myron J. Heckman, Alliance New England

Steven J. Moser, North Central District

Ha T. Nguyen, Vietnamese District


Richard (Dick) James Keller

October 4, 1930–April 14, 2022

Florence Kathryn Voth Keller

July 1, 1928–March 26, 2023

Born in Western, Neb., Richard attended Indiana Central College (now the University of Indianapolis), received his master’s degree from Bob Jones University (Greenville, S.C.), and studied at St. Paul Bible College (now Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.). On June 5, 1954, he


In The Alliance, 85 percent of Great Commission Fund (GCF) giving covers direct ministry costs for Alliance Missions and Church Ministries; 15 percent covers global ministry support services through National Office administration, processing, and resourcing, as well as district oversight.

The majority of undesignated GCF gifts fund Alliance Missions costs, with a significant portion of that going to keep your workers on the field and equipped for gospel-advancing ministry. What is covered varies from worker to worker, but all workers benefit from undesignated GCF giving in more than one of the following ways:

• Compensation, housing, benefits, and taxes;

• Third-culture kid ministry, childcare, and schooling;

• Home assignment housing and travel;

• Visas/passports;

• Conferences/retreats;

• Language study;

• IW member care, accounting, fundraising coaching, and donor services;

• And more!

As you pray about where to give, please consider a recurring contribution to the undesignated GCF that provides vital support toward our All of Jesus for All the World vision.

JUL/AUG 2023 41 ALLIANCELIFE 8595 Explorer Dr, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 / Toll Free 866.824.4172 / Charitable Gift Annuities (CGAs) are issued by Orchard Alliance (Orchard) or as agent for The Christian and Missionary Alliance (the C&MA). Orchard or the C&MA, respectively, is responsible for and liable for the CGAs that are issued in their individual names. The Christian and Missionary Alliance issues annuities in the states of NY, NJ and CA. A Charitable Gift Payments For Life A Tax Deduction NOW IS A GREAT TIME to consider the gift that benefits you and The Alliance. Charitable Gift Annuity rates are higher than they have been in over a decade Based on your age, annual payout rates are 5.4% to 9.7%. Gift annuities provide you with a stable, regular income—regardless of the economy— and an immediate tax deduction. After your lifetime, the remaining amount becomes part of your charitable legacy. SCAN THE CODE , visit incomeforlife, or call 866.824.4172 to explore your options. Charitable Gift Annuity rates are up!

married Florence Kathryn Voth, who was born in Mountain Lake, Minn. The daughter of lifelong C&MA minister Abe Voth, Florence was a graduate of St. Paul Bible Institute (now Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.) and Bethel College. She earned her master’s degree from Bemidji State University. Together the Kellers served C&MA churches in Janesville (1954–1955) and St. Croixfalls, Wis. (1955–1958), and Remer, Minn. (1958–1967). They also ministered in churches in Wilmot, S.Dak. (1968–1975), and Nisswa, Minn. (1976–1977). Richard was a substitute pastor in the Brainerd Lakes area of Minnesota for many years. In addition to serving alongside Richard in ministry, Florence was a teacher for 38 years, having taught all grades including special education. Richard preceded Florence in death at the age of 91. Florence died at age 94 in Baxter, Minn. The couple is survived by children Kathryn and Keith and 4 grandchildren.

Kenneth (Ken) G. Anderson

July 31, 1956–September 10, 2022

Born in Washington, D.C., Ken received a BA in English and a BS in education from the University of Virginia (1974–1978). He married Linda in Arlington Va., on June 22, 1986. The couple became interested in ministry to Southeast Asian refugees while helping them resettle and teaching English as a second language (ESL) in Arlington. In 1991, Ken and Linda were appointed to serve with CAMA Services in Ban Vinai, Thailand, overseeing an ESL project; they later served in Phnom Penh, Cambodia (1992–1994). Ken died at the age of 66 in Harrisonburg, Va.

Ken is survived by his wife; children Joshua, Jesse, Lisa, Maria, and Luke; and 5 grandchildren.

Susanne Crawford

August 15, 1943–November 18, 2022

Born in Redlands, Calif., Susanne earned a BA in Christian education from Simpson Bible College in San Francisco (now Simpson University, Redding, Calif.). She married Donald (Don) H. Crawford in 1964 in Redlands, Calif.

During 58 years of C&MA ministry, the couple served together in Richmond, Calif.; Peru, Latin America (1968–1975); Milwaukie, Ore. (1975–1980); and Redlands (1980–1985), Railroad Flat (1985–1986), Stockton (1986–1996), and Woodland, Calif. (1996–2004). In 2013, the Crawfords moved to Glendale and later to Sunny Valley, Ore.

Having come to Christ at the age of nine, Susanne had a lifelong passion for sharing the gospel, especially with children. Everywhere she served, she became involved in children’s ministries. Susanne

also taught kindergarten and first grade in Christian schools for 10 years in Stockton and Manteca, Calif. She had a beautiful soprano voice and is remembered for her solos, duets with Don, and participation in ensembles and choirs. Susanne died in Sunny Valley, Ore., after a four-year battle with cancer.

Susanne is survived by her husband; children Brian, Daren, Christine, and Kevin; 14 grandchildren; and 8 great-grandchildren.

LeRoy H. Anson

December 8, 1925–February 3, 2023

LeRoy was born in Rising City, Neb. In 1943, he joined the U.S. Navy and served until the end of World War II in 1945. He then enrolled in St. Paul Bible Institute (now Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.), graduating in 1950. A month after graduation, LeRoy married Isabell Longstreet, his wife of 72 years. During their 41 years of C&MA ministry, the couple served pastorates in Omaha (1950–1955), Lincoln (1955–1957), and Martell, Neb. (1959–1971). LeRoy also worked for Back to the Bible Broadcast in Lincoln (1957–1992). He had a deep love for God’s Word, rising early daily to spend time with the Lord. He and Isabell were known for their commitment to intercession and spiritual warfare.

LeRoy is survived by his wife; children Donna, Keith, Janice, and Craig; 11 grandchildren; and 25 great-grandchildren.

Iris Mapstone

September 16, 1931–February 10, 2023

Iris was born in Asbury Park, N.J. In 1952, she received her associates degree from the Missionary Training Institute [later Nyack (N.Y.) College and Alliance University (New York, N.Y.)]. She earned her RN degree from Rockland Community College (Suffern, N.Y.) in 1974. Iris met L. Jay Mapstone, her husband of 70 years, while working on her associates degree. They married in 1952.

During their early years together, Jay pastored churches in Hamilton and Stoney Creek, Ont.; Southampton, Long Island, N.Y.; and Windsor, Ont. In 1969, the couple returned to Nyack, where Jay worked for Nyack College and Iris began a career in nursing. After graduating from Alliance Theological Seminary, Jay pastored various C&MA churches for 17 years. He then worked at Nyack College for 30 years as an administrator. The couple remained in Nyack until they both retired. In 2003, they moved to Durham, N.H., to be closer to family and to Reno, Nev., in 2007 for the same reason. Iris was known for her indefatigable energy and enduring faith in adversity.












Iris is survived by her husband; children Virginia, Cheryl, Karen, Judith, and Jay; 10 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren.

Hartvick Theodore (Bud) Johnson

October 29, 1928–February 11, 2023

Bud was born in Blaine, Wash., and attended Simpson Bible Institute (now Simpson University, Redding, Calif.). A highlight there was singing and traveling with the Jubilaires Quartet. On August 24,1951, Bud married Flora McKeel in El Monte, Calif. During 47 years of C&MA ministry, Bud pastored churches in Salt Lake (1951–1955) and Price, Utah (1955–1960); Tucson, Ariz. (1960–1968); and Santa Barbara (1968–1971), San Diego (1971–1978), and Stockton, Calif. (1978–1998). He died in Temecula, Calif., at the age of 94.

Bud was preceded in death by his wife; he is survived by children Doug, Susan, Debbie, and Vickie; and 2 grandchildren.

R. Douglas (Doug) Swinburne

March 24, 1954–February 20, 2023

Born in Price, Utah, Doug married Donna Taylor on August 11, 1973. While a mining engineering student at the University of Utah, he was called to a lifetime of ministry. During nearly 45 years with the C&MA, Doug served in the Central Pacific District beginning in June 1977. His pastoral ministries included serving as a youth and senior pastor in Santa Rosa, Calif.; planting Highway International Christian Fellowship in Fairfield, Calif.; and pastoring at his childhood home church in Price, Utah. After being a district superintendent for nearly 13 years, Doug revitalized an ailing church in Napa, Calif., which eventually merged with Hope Christian Church. He later served as an interim pastor in Santa Rosa, Newark, and Redding, Calif.

Doug was a take-charge man of faith who championed his daughters—all of whom have served in pastoral ministry with their husbands—as ministers in the Kingdom. He intentionally surrounded himself with younger people and those from other cultures so he could learn alongside them. Doug took faith-filled risks throughout his life and trusted Jesus to the end. Doug is survived by his wife; daughters Mary, Becky, and Julie; and 7 granddaughters.

Millard Timothy (Tim) Hixson

November 11, 1950–February 23, 2023

Born in Roanoke, Va., Tim married Mary Hall on June 29, 1973. He earned a BA

in Bible/theology at Toccoa Falls (Ga.) College (1968−1972) and studied New Testament Greek at Stetson University in DeLand, Fla. (1972−1973). Tim received a diploma from the Instituto de Lengua Española in San José, Costa Rica (1975−1976), and an MPS in intercultural studies from Alliance Theological Seminary (1974−1975). Tim pursued graduate studies in the social sciences at Azusa (Calif.) Pacific University (1997) and received his EdD in adult education from the University of Georgia (2003). During his 31 years of C&MA ministry, Tim was an assistant pastor in DeLand, Fla. (1972–1974) and served with Mary as an international worker in Peru for 22 years. While there, Tim was a seminary instructor, a camp director, and an associate pastor. He was also involved in church planting and was the director of Seminario Biblico in Lima (1988–1992) and served on its administrative faculty (1994–1997).

In 1997, the Hixons returned to Georgia, where Tim was an international worker in residence and an adjunct instructor of missions at Toccoa Falls College. He later served a pastorate in Cornelia, Ga. (2007–2014). Following a diagnosis of Parkinson’s disease and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma, Tim retired from active ministry but continued serving with Mary in music ministry, playing his euphonium, and preaching/teaching in several northeast Georgia churches.

Tim is survived by his wife; daughters Amy Elizabeth and Melody Anne; 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.


Brave Son of Tibet by David

The hardships, challenges, and tragedies Robert Ekvall experienced in Tibet will inspire you to see how God does remarkable things through a person who is fully committed to Him and willing to take risks. This book will reveal how God used Ekvall’s courage, creativity, and resourcefulness to fulfil His larger plans and purposes—and how He can do the same in the lives of every fully devoted disciple. Available in print and e-book versions at and Amazon.


In the May/June 2023 issue of Alliance Life, John 1:12 was mistakenly referenced as Joshua 1:12 in the article, “Into the Land of Promise.” We apologize for any confusion this may have caused.



The Puerto Rico District recently concluded their fourth bi-annual leadership summit called Evangelium 2023, focused on exalting Jesus, training church leaders, and sharing the good news of the gospel. The summit took place May 19–20, at the Inter-American University, Arecibo Campus. More than 300 church leaders and official workers spent two full days participating in insightful workshops and plenary sessions covering a vast array of topics related to youth ministries, church advance, church planting, leadership development, missions, and more. Several National Office staff members from Church Ministries and Alliance Missions were invited to serve as workshop leaders and plenary session speakers. We congratulate Rev. Javier Gómez, the district superintendent, and Rev. José Ahmed Pérez, the event organizer, along with their talented district staff for the successful completion of the summit. It was an awesome expression of their commitment to provide high caliber, inspirational learning opportunities for the advancement of their local churches.


On June 16, 2023, the Alliance family gathered with the Reynoldsburg and greater Columbus, Ohio, community to celebrate the groundbreaking of One Alliance Place, the site that will house the Alliance National Office and provide a welcoming gathering space for our city. Nearly 500 people attended the historic event.

The day began with a time of prayer and worship, where U.S. Alliance family members and National Office staff joined hearts to dedicate the site to the Lord and His purposes. The dedication was followed by a public groundbreaking service that included remarks by Reynoldsburg Mayor Joe Begeny, President John Stumbo, and other Alliance leaders. The event concluded with Alliance family members joining together with Reynoldsburg community members, shovels in hand, breaking ground on the consecrated land.

“The groundbreaking wasn’t merely a shovel-in-theground moment, joyful and memorable though it was,” noted President Stumbo. “It was a stake-in-the-ground statement by The Alliance as we spiritually and publicly committed ourselves to this vision.”

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Adapted from a report in 1948. Other sections of this report were published in The Alliance Weekly on September 11, 1948.

Despite the enemy’s pressures, we converted one of our huts into a clinic. Yohana, a student from a nearby Alliance school who had taken training in the clinic there, came to take charge of ours. An average of 500 patients are treated each month. Yohana is tireless in his efforts to make Christ known to those who come. A man who practices the majority religion called Yohana one day to care for a sick child. “Do you mind if I call upon the Lord before I treat the child?” Yohana asked. After prayer and treatment, Yohana went on his way. The next day, the delighted parents said to him, “You called upon your God, and He surely came.” Prayer had been answered, and the child was entirely out of danger.

The year has been one long series of heights and depths. Last year, political forces succeeded in bringing our building operations to a standstill, and we were greatly perplexed as to whether the Lord would have us remain here. We sought the Lord for direct guidance, and a man was appointed governor whom we had given a Bible to 15 years before. He immediately understood the situation, and he wired us authorization to resume building operations. After many seasons of prayer, there was no doubt in our minds that God was asking us to press through to victory right where we were.

We began making sundried bricks when rain came and dissolved most of them. But this same rain supplied us with the water to make more, and we rushed our building before the rainy season set in. We got timber framed and the last pan placed on the roof on a Saturday night. That Sunday afternoon, a tornado struck, and in one minute there was not a pan or stick of timber left on the house. Once again, our hopes were shattered.

Did you ever find yourself struggling against a strong current in deep water and suddenly realized that you couldn’t make it? We had that very thing happen to us. More obstacles arose from political powers and natural disasters to thwart our work. But in the hour of baffled hopes, a strong hand—a nail-pierced hand—reached down and rescued us, and immediately we were on the Rock which cannot be moved by political pressure or dissolved by the tears of frustration. Glory to God!

A large number have been added to the believers as well. Seventeen new towns have been reached, and many seekers have learned to read in our classes. Some 35 people from out in the district have come for Bible study, and 30 in our city attend our night classes. Three students are already in an Alliance Bible school nearby. One man learned to read in three of our classes, and now more than 60 people in his village are gathered about him to hear the gospel.

It is the immutable word of an unchanging Christ that encourages us to go on. We are slowly learning that our lack of faith does not make Him unfaithful.

African believers worshiping in their church (Photo courtesy of C&MA Archives) a pioneer missionary to West Africa in 1923

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