Alliance Life: May/June 2022

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No. 03


MAY/ JUN 2 0 2 2

WHY WE GO How a joyful commandment birthed a glorious vision

FINDING JESUS Joining Christ in the search for His Bride pg. 6

THE VALUE OF INCARNATION Living out the gospel where God has placed us pg. 12

WHEN GOD MOVES A MOUNTAIN Bringing gospel access to Africa’s urban poor pg. 24 MAY/JUN 2022





A JOYFUL COMMANDMENT Why keep sending, going, and giving? After 140 years of missionaries sent, stories told, churches planted, and the Kingdom expanded, we are left inspired and grateful. But this reality also prompts a feeling of, “Wow, this is a lot of work, time, money, energy, and people.” So, the question is valid: Why keep doing it? First, we look to Scripture. Many Christians are familiar with the phrase “The Great Commission.” They might get the Scripture reference wrong or misquote Jesus a bit, but the concept of making disciples in all nations is still a piece of our Christian DNA, especially in The Alliance. Why do we keep doing it? Because Jesus told us to. The next reason is deeply practical. There remain 4,000 people groups with little or no access to the gospel. And because the way people encounter the gospel is through meeting believers who live, eat, and share life in the same physical location as them, we need workers in those places. This is why our Great Commission Day 2022 theme is Be Present. So, how do we combine this intellectual truth of Scripture with the pragmatic need to motivate us to keep going, giving, and sending? Our obedience to Jesus to carry out His Great Commission, to make sure all peoples have an opportunity to hear (see Matthew 24:14), involves a holistic surrender of our hearts and minds. The Great Commission can easily become a bumper-sticker-phrase on the walls of our churches. The truth is, our call to make disciples around the world is part of our new identity as believers. We are new creatures, and when the power of the Spirit fills us, we have the ability and the responsibility to be Jesus’ witnesses locally and, in partnership, globally to take this witness to the ends of the earth. So, why all this energy, and why not give up? Jesus’ promise that all will hear hasn’t been fulfilled, so His command to go has not lifted. But this isn’t just about a task to accomplish out of begrudging obedience. Fundamentally, this is about joy! When we experience the deep life of Jesus, we have a HolySpirit-given need to bring others into this redemption. The Alliance has not lost this core motivation for 140 years, and it’s going to last until the King returns to make all things new! In this issue of Alliance Life you’ll get to hear reminders to pray, stories to encourage, and truth to take hold of. May all of these lead us to elevate the glory and honor of Jesus, and may we not stop for one second!

Tim Meier Vice President for Development


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Founder A. B. Simpson Editor-in -Chief Peter Burgo Managing E ditor Emmy Duddles Graphic Designer Caylie Smith A ssistant E ditor Julie Daubé Staff Writers/E ditors Julie Daubé Hannah Ader Hannah Packard E ditorial A ssistant Carola Thompson Circulation Fulfillment Julie Connon

© ALLIANCELIFE ALLIANCELIFE i s p ub li s h e d by T h e Christian and Missionary Alliance, One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Member, Evangelical Press Association and Associated Church Press. Printed in the U.S.A. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to ALLIANCELIFE, One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. When requesting a change of address, pleas e gi ve b ot h t he old and new addresses. Direct all correspondence and changes of address to ALLIANCELIFE, One Alliance Place, Reynoldsburg, OH 43068. Toll free: (877) 284-3262; email: Website:

The Alliance is committed to world missions, stressing the fullness of Christ in personal experience, building the Church, and preaching the gospel to the ends of the earth. ALLIANCELIFE carries on the tradition of more than 140 years of publishing stories of God at work through Alliance people in the United States and throughout the world.


Photo by Rosie Xiong. CAMA Services provides education and nutritional programs to underprivileged people living in the slums of West Africa.

MAY/JUN2022 04 Christ-Centered A GLORIOUS VISION How The Alliance participates in the Great Commission by Tim Crouch | pg. 4 FINDING JESUS Joining Christ in the search for His Bride | by Steve Grusendorf | pg. 6 FREE VERSE Quotes from the Kingdom | pg. 9 THE TOZER ANTHOLOGY Compiled by Harry Verploegh | pg. 9

10 Acts 1:8 THE VALUE OF INCARNATION Living out the gospel where God has placed us by Connie Seale | pg. 12 BE PRESENT Celebrating the dedication of Alliance workers Compiled by Alliance Life staff | pg. 16 THE GIFT OF HOSPITALITY Creating community for the lonely by Emmy Duddles | pg. 20 WHEN GOD MOVES A MOUNTAIN Bringing gospel access to Africa’s urban poor | by Hannah Ader | pg. 24

24 22 CONTENTS pg.

WHO WILL GO AND WITNESS FOR JESUS? by James M. Kirk | pg. 28 YOUR GENEROSITY IN ACTION Planting hope among those in crisis by an Alliance international worker | pg. 30

32 Family BOARD SUMMARY LETTER by Steven C. Lausell | pg. 33


PRAYER IS PRIMARY Prayer requests from Alliance workers | pg. 34 ALLIANCE FAMILY NEWS Personnel changes, obituaries, and classified ads | pg. 35 OUR LIFE Snapshots from around The Alliance | pg. 46 FOUNDATIONS Where the Light Has Not Yet Gone Adapted by Alliance Life staff | pg. 48




A GLORIOUS VISION How The Alliance participates in the Great Commission


SALVATION FOR EVERY TRIBE AND NATION What is it that God has called us to? The Alliance has a two-part commitment to accomplish our vision: gospel access for and from all peoples. This idea captures the multiplying vision that Jesus has for His Church. His saving intentions for all peoples will come into being when receivers of the gospel in turn become givers of the gospel. God’s intention is that all these peoples and cultures will get across the next barrier until every barrier to every people group has been crossed. This is the way the Great Commission reaches its promised completion, which we read about in Revelation 7:9–10 (ESV): “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands, and crying out with a loud voice, ‘Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb.’”

oday, Alliance Missions works with one guiding vision, All of Jesus for All the World. It’s rooted in language we’ve used for more than 130 years. In the early days, there were banners that said, “The Whole Gospel for the Whole World.” What are we trying to say with these phrases? All of Jesus for All the World is an understanding of our lostness and foundness beyond the individual, where all the peoples of all the world are included in the scope of salvation. No culture is foreign to Jesus. No culture is further from His heart and His accomplishments. No culture is beyond His power to save. Our vision recognizes that everything Jesus has accomplished for human fallenness is available to all the peoples of the world—and all authority and power is given to the followers of Jesus to bring all that He’s accomplished to all the peoples of the world. So, we work with a glorious mission, a glorious vision: All of Jesus for All the World.



MAY/JUN 2022

Photo courtesy of C&MA Archives

by Tim Crouch

we communicated the gospel? If we don’t add word to deed or deed to word, have we really done gospel ministry? The third of our strategic themes is developing people, which is about the organics of gospel ministry. Making sure that ministry is sustainable and multiplicative really comes down to equipping individuals to fulfill the calling that God’s placed upon them. Jesus is in the business of changing people who can change people, who can change people. At the end of the day, nothing is more sustainable than the Church. The Church is God’s chosen instrument for getting this thing done, for moving us from Great Commission to promised completion.

Opposite: A. B. Simpson (behind the pulpit on the left) at the 1897 Old Orchard Conference

And what brings us to this promised completion is summed up by Matthew 24:14: “This gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” In order to accomplish Jesus’ vision, Alliance Missions is committed to seeing gospel access made available where it isn’t and ensuring that the gospel proceeds from those who have yet to receive. GOD’S CHOSEN INSTRUMENT We go about this work through three strategic themes: serving communities, multiplying church networks, and developing people. Multiplying church networks is in the middle of our three strategic themes because we have a church-centric understanding of what it takes to complete this mission that Jesus gave us. It takes the Church networked together to be able to carry the gospel across borders, walls, and divisions so that all the sufficiency of our salvation in Jesus is carried out and applied to all peoples of the world. There was a time when we were focused on planting the Church around the world as an almost exclusive activity. Today, we are called to see the Church planted, but we’ve got to put that church-planting activity in the middle of a larger context because the remaining peoples of the world who need to receive the gospel are remaining for a reason. How will we plant churches among the remaining unreached peoples of the world? If we want to plant the Church, we had better come to those people to serve. Serving communities often happens prior to our ability to share the gospel and see the Church raised up. Today, about 80 percent of the work that we do around the world is done in settings and among peoples where serving communities has to come first. If we don’t have a means of sustaining our meaningful, impactful presence, then we’re not going to have opportunity to share the gospel. And if the Church doesn’t get planted among those people, it will be difficult to see it flow to the next. However, we don’t just serve so we can plant churches; we serve because Jesus served, and the gospel lived is as important as the gospel spoken. If we don’t do both, have

MORE ROOM FOR MORE ALLIANCE PEOPLE Today, we have four structures for mobilizing Alliance people to complete this vision: CAMA, aXcess, Envision, and marketplace ministries. Each of these structures is bent around expertise and a certain ethos. I’ve had a lot of people say to me, “We get that we need a lot of different people with different vocations, and their vocational skills are openers in places where others can’t go, but why don’t you just have one structure with all this variety inside it?” We do this because we need the expertise that comes with it. People are gifted, experienced, and called to grow. When expertise grows, we can do the job better and we attract more expertise. When a structure’s organizational culture reflects the kind of people that we need to work in it and that we can attract to it, we see multiplication of expertise and ministries. Let me conclude. First, our glorious vision is that Jesus is more than enough for all the peoples of the world. Second, He delights when receivers become givers, and that’s how the Great Commission will reach its promised completion. Third, He calls us into this work, and we organize what we do in this world around serving communities, multiplying church networks, and developing the people who will drive His movement forward. Finally, because we’ve committed ourselves to these four structures with different ethos, for people of different callings, backgrounds, and equipping, there’s more room for more Alliance people to be more engaged in Alliance Missions today than there has been for a long time. May God call His workers to the field, may we be them, and may we do it together with Him.

The Church is God’s chosen instrument for getting this thing done.

MAY/JUN 2022

Tim Crouch is the U.S. vice president for Alliance Missions and oversees the ministry of more than 700 Alliance international workers. Tim’s heart is to see gospel access flow from those who have gained it to those who still await it.



Joining Christ in the search for His Bride

by Steve Grusendorf

here is much to learn by discovering where Jesus important lesson for believers today about where Jesus is isn’t. The phrase, “He is not here,” immediately re- to be found and how we can join Him. minds us of the words of the angel spoken on the first Easter. Jesus’ followers were looking for Him in the wrong FINDING JESUS IN HEBREWS place. He was not to be found among the tombs because The writer of Hebrews is explaining that Jesus offered He is alive. Himself as a sacrifice for humanity. Jesus also suffered There is another passage in the New Testament that “outside the gate in order to sanctify the people.” He was reveals where Jesus is not to be found. Hebrews 13:12–14 killed outside the city of Jerusalem and was rejected by says, “Jesus also suffered outside the gate in order to sanc- the very people He came to save. This powerful statetify the people through his own blood. Therefore let us ment gives us much to be thankful for as His followers. go to him outside the camp and bear the reproach he en- We are guilty of such rejection, and yet Jesus died for us. dured. For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the But look at the next phrase carefully: “Therefore let us city that is to come” (ESV). This small passage teaches an go to him outside the camp.” Here we find another place



MAY/JUN 2022

Illustration by Kenneth Crane


Jesus isn’t. He is not inside the camp. The camp spoken of in Hebrews was not the camp of the godless. It was the camp of God’s people. Jesus was rejected first by Israel before He was rejected by the Gentiles. This passage is beckoning us to go where Jesus is. We are invited to go outside the camp of God’s people. Friends, Jesus does not hide within the walls of our church buildings. He is outside these walls bearing the reproach of a sinful world. And, if we’re honest, Jesus sometimes bears our reproach, too, when we quietly scold Him for being too friendly with the broken. The Church is Jesus’ beautiful Bride, but not all those who will be Jesus’ Bride have been found. So Jesus, the

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Bridegroom of the Church, is out in the slums and alleys of our world searching for His Bride. Jesus is bearing the reproach of His future Bride outside the camp. Can you see the clear connection to the Great Commission, my friends? The writer of Hebrews is not just telling us where Jesus is but also calling us to join Him. The Great Commission is an invitation from Jesus to help find His Bride wherever she may be. We are to go outside the comfort found within our churches and bear the reproach of a broken and hurting world in order to find the Bride of Christ. Let’s consider how we can join Jesus outside the camp today.



1. GET OUTSIDE THE CHURCH BUILDING If you want to take the Great Commission seriously, you must do the work of Jesus outside the local church building. This is not a critique of your local church ministries. These must continue; this statement is not contradictory with the ministry of your local church. If Jesus said that He will return only when all have heard and He has yet to return, then there are some who must still be reached (see Matthew 24:14). Jesus does not just expect the Church to send missionaries to distant lands. Every follower of Jesus Christ is called to live a missional life. Some of us will go to distant lands while others of us will stay closer to home. Jesus expects each of His followers to join Him outside the walls of their church.

3. AVOID SETTLING DOWN Hebrews 13:14 says, “For here we have no lasting city, but we seek the city that is to come.” The best way to complete the Great Commission is by remaining a pilgrim throughout this life. The Great Commission is tragically misunderstood if it is confused for a way to make our own towns safer and our local churches bigger. The New Testament speaks of a day when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that Jesus is Lord. This day is coming, and every person on earth will bow. The Great Commission is the work of helping humanity bow willingly. We are to announce the coming of Jesus in every corner of the globe so that when He comes people will experience Him as a gracious Savior instead of as the eternal Judge. Make no mistake—every person will experience Jesus in one of these two ways at His Second Coming. This is why it is critical that Jesus’ followers always hold on to a holy discontent. We must continually find new spiritual ghettos that need the presence of Jesus within them. The Great Commission is about declaring that the lost no longer need to stay lost. Instead, those who were once lost are invited to become the Bride of Christ. This means that we continually ask the Lord to identify where we are to go next and who we are to connect with now in order to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth.

Those who were once lost are invited to become the Bride of Christ.

2. EVALUATE CRITICISM CAREFULLY If you join Jesus outside the church, expect to be criticized. This lost and confused world will not appreciate your willingness to speak of truth, righteousness, and judgment. However, you will also be cut down by other believers who feel more comfortable staying insulated within the walls of their church. The New Testament is clear when it tells us that followers of Jesus must be ready to endure the same criticism, suffering, and rejection that Jesus experienced. Don’t be put off. Instead, remember that Jesus found you, His Bride, and made you beautiful despite the ugliness of your own sin. If criticism did not hold Jesus back from finding and rescuing you, don’t let it hold you back from joining Him.

FINDING JESUS TODAY Jesus’ first followers often missed it. They were looking for Jesus where He wasn’t to be found. Today, let’s avoid the same mistake. Let’s heed the words of Hebrews and join Jesus outside the camp. The story of Easter helps those who are looking for Jesus find a living Savior. The story of Hebrews helps those who are looking for Jesus find Him among the lost, broken, and rejected of this world. Now that we know where He is, the only question for us is: Are we willing to join Him? Steve Grusendorf serves as the U.S. C&MA director for the Alliance Center for Leadership Development. He has a PhD in Leadership and graduate degree in biblical studies. Steve has served as both a lead and staff pastor.



MAY/JUN 2022




“Renewed by the restoration He has brought about in us, we desire to uplift the abused and restore the broken. He transforms our hearts, and we in turn are driven to transform the world around us.”


compiled by Harry Verploegh

—NABEEL QURESHI The spiritual essence of a true church cannot be reproduced anywhere but in a company of renewed and inwardly united believers.

“The supreme and crying need of this lost world is the gospel. Shall we not rise at Christ's command to carry the blessed saving news to every perishing one?”


“Wherever you are, be all there! Live to the hilt every situation you believe to be the will of God.”


“Jesus said, ’Peace be with you! As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.’”

—JOHN 20:21

The testimony of the true follower of Christ might well be something like this: the world’s pleasures and the world’s treasures henceforth have no appeal for me. I reckon myself crucified to the world and the world crucified to me. But the multitudes that were so dear to Christ shall not be less dear to me. If I cannot prevent their moral suicide, I shall at least baptize them with my human tears. I want no blessing that I cannot share. I seek no spirituality that I must win at the cost of forgetting that men and women are lost and without hope. If in spite of all I can do they will sin against light and bring upon themselves the displeasure of a holy God, then I must not let them go their sad way unwept. I scorn a happiness that I must purchase with ignorance. I reject a heaven that I must enter by shutting my eyes to the sufferings of my fellow men. I choose a broken heart rather than any happiness that ignores the tragedy of human life and human death. Though I, through the grace of God in Christ, no longer lie under Adam’s sin, I would still feel a bond of compassion for all of Adam’s tragic race, and I am determined that I shall go down to the grave or up into God’s heaven mourning for the lost and the perishing.

—from The Set of the Sail and The Next Chapter After the Last. Originally published in The Alliance Witness, November 11, 1987

inFocus In this fishing village on the coast of West Africa, a woman is drying fish to put in large sacks to sell in the market. For generations, her people have been expert fishermen, selling fish in bulk to make a living. Alliance workers are serving among these people, bringing the tangible hope and presence of Jesus to their communities through education and nutrition programs. Photo by Ewien



MAY/JUN 2022

Have a BIG project? You need a trusted partner!

Pastor Kan and the Misio Community congregation

MISIO COMMUNITY [ALLIANCE] CHURCH HAD A BIG PROJECT. For more than 10 years, the church served the city of Portland without a permanent home base from which to do ministry. Soon, Pastor Kan and the rest of the leadership team at Missio Community recognized that setting up and tearing down for the large “Sunday expression” had become a challenge for the young families the church was reaching. Sound familiar?

Start the conversation. C A LL US TO LL FREE 833.672.4255 EM A I L US

You have a trusted partner in Orchard Alliance who is on mission with you and has been providing loans to Alliance churches since 1959. To read the whole story, scan the QR code. If you have a church project you need help with, call our lending team at 833.672.4255.

Loans Investments Planned Giving

8595 Explorer Dr, Suite 200, Colorado Springs, CO 80920 / Toll Free 833.672.4255 / Fax 719.323.6218 / CGAs are issued by Orchard Alliance (Orchard) or as agent for The Christian and Missionary Alliance (the C&MA). Orchard or the C&MA, respectively, is responsible for and liable for the CGAs that are issued in their individual names. The Christian and Missionary Alliance issues annuities in the states of NY, NJ and CA.

THE VALUE OF INCARNATION Living out the gospel where God has placed us


was 17 years old and kneeling on the carpet in front of the stage at summer camp when I heard the Lord call me into ministry. Although it wasn’t an audible voice, it was so clear in my heart that there was no mistaking it was a message from the Lord and not my own conscience. I had no idea what this calling would entail, but in that moment I was excited. My anticipation was mixed with questions: How would I serve the Lord? What sort of ministry was He calling me to? Over the next few months God began to refine His call by directing me to serve Him overseas as an international worker. God led me to Toccoa Falls (Georgia) College (TFC) to pursue a degree in cross-cultural studies, and by my senior year, I knew the Lord was leading me to serve with The Alliance.

AS THE FATHER SENT ME In my classes at TFC, I received a strong biblical foundation and was trained how to minister cross-



culturally. Part of this was studying the Great Commission, which is found in multiple places in Scripture, not just the most well-known one at the end of Matthew. The essence of the Great Commission is that we are sent by Jesus in the same manner He was sent by the Father (see John 20:21) and empowered by the Holy Spirit to go to the ends of the earth (see Acts 1:8) to make disciples of all nations (see Matthew 28:19). Matthew also tells us that we are to baptize these disciples and teach them to do what God has commanded us (see Matthew 28:19– 20). We see each member of the Trinity involved in our commissioning to carry out this assignment. The “what” of these passages is clear, and many of us in The Alliance understand the imperative to reach all nations, baptize them, and teach them how to follow Christ. We are comforted that Jesus is with us always as we go about this work. However, sometimes we overlook Jesus’ words in John 20:21: “As the Father has sent me, I am sending you.”

MAY/JUN 2022

Photo courtesy of the author

by Connie Seale

Left: Connie is present in a village in the Balkans, helping to create a community where people can find a home with Jesus.

things to be done quickly without much effort, and we’d like to be acknowledged in the process. Jesus tells us to deny ourselves, to lose our lives for His sake, and to be His servants (see Matthew 16:24, Matthew 10:39, and Mark 10:43–45). As we do this, we follow His example. Paul similarly teaches us that we are to put to death our flesh, put off our old selves, and put on our new character as Spirit-transformed Christ followers (see Romans 8:13, Ephesians 4:22–24, and Colossians 3:5–10). We cannot do this without the Holy Spirit revealing to us the areas where we need to surrender and empowering us to choose faith and obedience over fear and comfort. However, by going through this process and choosing to live intentionally among people we are reaching for the gospel, we are imitating Jesus’ Incarnation. You can do this wherever God has called you to serve Him, in whatever profession or stage of life you are in. In America’s changing landscape, you don’t have to look far and wide to find a community of people who need to hear the gospel and know God’s love. For an international worker, the process of learning to live in another country is a huge part of what we do, especially in our first term overseas. We often spend two full years of dedicated time learning the language, relearning how to complete what were previously straightforward tasks (such as paying the bills, grocery shopHow did the Father send Jesus to ping, or going to the bank), and us? He sent Jesus to dwell among us, immersing ourselves in underin the flesh, as a man. One principle standing key aspects of the new we can learn from His example is culture where we live. This is hard, the value of presence. Hebrews 4:15 draining, and often humiliating. reminds us that Jesus is able to understand our weak- It takes a daily decision to die to self and relinquish our nesses and temptations because He lived on the earth “rights” in order to incarnate in a new culture. as a human. Whether we are called to serve the Lord in Although it’s been a long time since I lived in the Unitanother country or in our own city, our presence is an ed States, I would argue that we also must be ready to do integral part of our mission. We get to know people in these things in our home culture in order to effectively the community and understand their context. We build share Christ with others around us. relational bridges from shared experiences and are able to connect richly with them as a result. BUILDING THE CHURCH THROUGH RELATIONSHIPS FAITH OVER FEAR I arrived in the Balkans in 2009 ready to begin my It can be hard to invest ourselves fully in a community, process of incarnation in a new country in order to especially a community of people who are not like us. make disciples of Christ among people who practice It takes time, energy, and humility. These are counter- the majority religion. It has been hard—harder than I cultural concepts for many Americans today. We like thought it would be—but I’ve drawn closer to the Lord

He sent Jesus to dwell among us, in the flesh, as a man.

MAY/JUN 2022



and grown tremendously in the process. I’ve seen fruit along the way but have sensed a deepening of ministry during the last couple years in particular. In the Balkans, nothing happens outside of relationships. A huge part of ministry here has been spending hours with people in coffee shops, in their homes, and at various events. The people here are very friendly and welcoming, but it usually takes a lot of investment and intentionality to get down into deeper heart matters. As a more task-oriented person, this has been trying at times as it seems my to-do list always has plenty of other things on it. However, time and time again I am reminded of the value of time spent with people and the doors that are opened as a result. I am giving the gift of my presence not only to the people here but to the Lord as a “spiritual act of worship” (Rom. 12:1). I often spend time listening to the burdens on women’s hearts because they feel that I understand their context, and they have no one else to talk to who won’t gossip about their problems to others. I try to offer biblical advice and even pray for them in that moment if they accept it; however, they can sense God’s love and care for them just because I am listening to their heartlevel needs. Demonstrating Christ’s love doesn’t take the place of verbally sharing the gospel, but when done hand-in-hand, our actions can reinforce the truth of our message. As we live out the gospel where God places us, our presence carries God’s love to people who would likely not have an opportunity to know it otherwise. One young lady, Martha,* is very close to accepting the truth of who Jesus is and her primary barrier is the potential fallout from her family and community if she chooses to follow Christ. Martha would face major ridicule from her community. She could even lose her job, and because she is the main source of income for her

I am giving the gift of my presence not only to the people here but to the Lord as a “spiritual act of worship”



family, it’s not just her welfare on the line. The health and well-being of Martha’s parents, siblings, and elderly grandmothers would be jeopardized. Apart from spending time with her individually, I continually invite Martha to church events so she can connect with the local believers. I and others have shared the gospel with Martha many times and in many ways, but through spending time with her and inviting her into our church community, she has experienced the Body of Christ firsthand. Having a community of believers to welcome her will be a large part of Martha’s decision to believe in Christ. Accompanying God’s truth with our presence can help the gospel take root in people’s hearts. These relationships serve as the backbone of building the Church wherever we are. There are clear tasks as part of the Great Commission that we absolutely cannot neglect. But to neglect the aspect of our presence as representatives of Christ where we serve is to miss a foundational part of the Great Commission. Alliance

MAY/JUN 2022

Photo from Alliance photo archive

Right: Embracing the value of incarnating ourselves wherever we are will bring gospel access to those around us who don't know the love of Jesus.



ith the Russian invasion of Ukraine, many W homes have been destroyed and Ukrainians are being forced to flee the country to find safety international workers are known for our long-term focus in the communities where we minister as evidenced by our commitment to learning the language and culture. However, it’s important for all of us, wherever we are and however we are serving the Lord, to embrace the value of incarnation as a part of fulfilling the Great Commission! *Name changed

Connie Seale is a consecrated woman in ministry with a bachelor’s degree in cross-cultural studies and a master’s in ministry leadership. She has been serving as an Alliance international worker in the Balkans since 2009.



MAY/JUN 2022

and shelter for their families. Many of them are enduring this for the second time, like Victoria. When Russia invaded Ukraine back in 2014, Victoria’s home was destroyed while she was visiting an asthma specialist for her son in another town. They escaped with only the clothes on their backs and a suitcase. In early March 2022, Victoria and her son were forced to evacuate after their home was once again destroyed while they were away at a doctor’s appointment. For a second time, they have been left homeless with only a suitcase. Because of the generosity of Alliance people, the Alliance national church in Ukraine, in partnership with CAMA, has received over a million dollars to provide much needed aid to those who have fled, like Victoria, and those who still remain in Kyiv. A local church in Kyiv has been providing food to 30 people a day within its walls and delivering food to 150 people in the surrounding areas. Despite the dangers they face, church members are gathering to pray and read psalms. Ukrainian believers have felt everyone’s prayers and are seeing God’s hand of protection on them daily.


Compiled by Alliance Life staff

For the Alliance international workers you send, being present is everything. They have spent years preparing and left behind those people and places they hold dear in order to establish a gospel presence where the hope Jesus offers has yet to be shared. Much of their service is patient work in hard-to-reach places where their tangible help and presence lead to deep relationships with people who are searching for their Savior. In this article, you will read about the numerous ways that our workers are bringing the presence and love of Christ to their regions. When you give to the Great Commission Day Offering 2022, you enable these Alliance workers to meet critical spiritual and physical needs, disciple new believers, plant new churches, and provide a lasting gospel presence among the world’s least-reached.

Celebrating the dedication of Alliance workers

For me, being present means being a safe place for my local friends to process the hard and “shameful” things of life—like listening and crying with a friend who is experiencing infertility in a culture where it is imperative that women have children. –an international worker (IW) in Central Asia

For us, being present means remaining long-term with the people we serve, even when the country faces crises and hardship. It also means returning to such a hard place after scheduled times away, even when circumstances have worsened.

For our family, being present means walking together regularly in the neighborhood and collecting recyclables along the way to reach out to needy families or offering a cup of cold water in Jesus’ name to the crew of boys who show up to play in our yard in the afternoons. We’ve also been letting our family explore how we can build relationships through how God has uniquely made us. Our 13-year-old regularly crochets with some ladies as part of their recycling project, and our 11-yearold builds bridges as he fishes. –an IW family in Southeast Asia



MAY/JUN 2022

Photos courtesy of Alliance international workers

–an IW couple in the Middle East

For us, being present means taking morning walks with Jewish unbelievers and having spiritual conversations along the way. It also means being available to have coffee or share a meal with unbelievers, which gives us the opportunity to address their questions about God, the Bible, and current events.

For me, being present means encouraging the women in my neighborhood by sitting with them, learning from them, and reminding them that they are seen and loved. It means stepping out of my comfort zone to learn their language, learning how to cook meals on an open fire, bandaging wounds, sharing toys and clothing, and diligently praying for the gospel to penetrate their hearts.

–an IW couple in Latin America

–an IW in West Africa For us, being present means serving immigrants from North Africa by showing them the love, mercy, and compassion of Jesus in every moment. Sitting with them and giving them the place they deserve at our table is the greatest privilege we have with this community. The love of Jesus Christ is the most powerful tool for those who do not know Him.

Despite the geopolitical issues keeping us from being physically present, we have been able to maintain relationships through regular mentoring and coaching calls with the locals we have worked among. –an IW couple in East Asia

–an IW couple in Europe

For me, being present means serving as an advisor to a project working in remote villages among ethnic groups that have never heard the gospel and always being ready to give an answer for the hope that is within me (see 1 Peter 3:15). –an IW in Southeast Asia

For us, being present means providing access to the gospel through surgical care in our local community and training Christian African doctors to become surgeons who will serve as a light across the continent of Africa through their testimony and skills. –an IW couple in West Africa

For us, being present means teaching, administrating, and mentoring at the regional Bible institute so that young leaders are equipped to shepherd and multiply healthy churches throughout the Middle East. –an IW couple in the Middle East

For us, being present means giving hundreds of young professionals a safe place to learn and practice their English, to hear truth and build relationships with Jesus followers, and to learn and ask questions without fear.

For me, being present means caring for our thirdculture kids well through teaching and mentoring. It also means caring for their parents—our fellow international workers—through development and member care so they are equipped and empowered to do what God has called them to do all over the world!

–an IW couple in West Africa

–an IW in Europe

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For us, being present means allowing Christ’s love to break down the deep suspicions that those in the community have against the gospel by participating in the lives of our neighbors, leading community activities, and inviting them to pursue Christ with us in Bible study.

For us, being present means holding the frontline to serve those in need of the gospel truth until God calls us to leave even when most foreigners have left and our families are pleading for us to return home as soon as possible. In the midst of chaos, we are stilling traveling into the mountains to do meaningful work and provide everlasting hope to the needy.

–an IW couple in Europe

–an IW couple in East Asia For me, being present meant singing “Jesus Loves Me” to the newborn baby of a Bible institute student as I rocked her to sleep. Continuing to be present means singing and worshiping in the congregation years later as this same child serves in the music ministry at the church her father leads.

For me, being present means giving out a leadership training tool to local Thai pastors so they can train and empower their church members to become spiritual leaders who will go on to multiply themselves in their communities.

–an IW in the Middle East

–an IW in Southeast Asia

For us, being present means doing life with the people around us—drinking coffee, celebrating births, mourning deaths, and praying with those who are sick, out of work, or doing poorly in school. Incarnational living is key to our work here. –an IW couple in Europe

For us, being present meant opening our home to English students when pandemic restrictions closed our community center. Our friends experienced the Person of Christ reflected in our family, and we are already seeing a harvest from those seeds planted in love. –an IW couple in Africa

For me, being present means to be in my neighborhood and in the lives of those who have little or no access to the gospel. It means going to birthday parties, being out on the street with the kids, and being available for whatever conversation, opportunity, or open door presents itself. –an IW in North Africa

For me, being present means teaching sought-after English classes that will help young university students have hope for the future. This is an open door to be even more present by spending time investing in them, sharing my life with them, reading God’s Word with them, and sharing the truth of Jesus with them!

For me, being present means doing the work of allowing the Holy Spirit to reveal the areas He still desires to uncover and work on within me. Without attuning myself to His work in me, I can’t be present to the needs of others or the work of the Spirit in others.

For me, being present means taking in young teens who have immigrated and live in their new country without their families. We throw them birthday parties and share meals with them when their families can’t be present.

–an IW in West Africa

–an IW in Europe


–an IW in Europe


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BE PRESENT For the Alliance international workers you send and support, being present is everything. They have answered the call to go and make disciples of all nations. They’ve learned difficult languages and immersed themselves in unfamiliar cultures to establish a gospel presence where none yet exists. Your gift to the Great Commission Day Offering enables these workers to meet critical spiritual and physical needs, disciple new believers, plant new churches, and provide a lasting gospel presence among the world’s least-reached. Will you be present in your praying and giving so your Alliance workers can be present in some of the world’s toughest places?

GIVE NOW by scanning

the code with your smart phone or by using the letter and envelope that were enclosed in the back of this magazine. Visit for more info. MAY/JUN 2022



THE GIFT OF HOSPITALITY Creating community for the lonely

by Emmy Duddles

hen we talk about bringing gospel access to the world, the image that often comes to mind is serving people groups who have had no opportunity to hear of Jesus tucked away in jungles or living under oppressive regimes. What we sometimes fail to remember are the cultures that have heard of Jesus but have been so deeply wounded by the corruption of the church that they have rejected God. Not only are the locals in these countries in desperate need of a true expression of Jesus’ love for them, but the nations are coming to them in droves. Millions of refugees and immigrants from Africa, Asia, Russia, and the Middle East have flocked to countries in Europe in the last 5–10 years to escape war and poverty. There is tremendous opportunity for our workers to reach the whole world while living in one place.

“When I read the Scriptures, the table is present all the way through,” Dan says. “That’s where Jesus’ ministry so often was. If we can get people to join us at the table, the love of Christ will be palpable.” Dan and Lisa’s ministry is all about hospitality— meeting people organically at parks, their kids’ school, or through a friend. They often visit the same grocery store, flower shop, café, or bakery in an effort to build meaningful relationships with people in their everyday lives. In their first five years, Dan and Lisa have been able to bring hope, love, and community to people who have never experienced it before.

A VACANCY OF GOD For French people and Europeans in general, the subjects of God and church are difficult, which means inviting them into relationship instead of to a church service is LOVE THROUGH HOSPITALITY far more impactful. For hundreds of years, France was This is the culture that Dan and Lisa Lawrence stepped run by monarchs who were required to be Catholic. into when they began their ministry in Paris, France. “When governments and the church align themselves, Wanting to reach both French and international people it rarely turns out well,” Dan says. “In the French Revowith the love of Christ, the Lawrences decided to take a lution, they were revolting against power. And because simple approach—hospitality. the church was so closely tied with the monarchs, they



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Photos from Alliance photo archive


became one in the same. The French people didn’t want “We entered a place in their lives that few had enanyone to be king over them anymore, including God.” tered, into a soul care realm,” Dan says. “From that moBecause of the brutality of their kings, who claimed ment, they started introducing us to people as their best to follow Christ, the concept of the loving benevolent friends.” King remains hard for many French people to grasp. Their relationship continued to deepen, to the point Though their churches are empty, French people are that Dan was Sebastian’s best man when he and Evelyne flocking to other forms of spirituality in order to fill the got married. When Dan was helping Sebastian clean void. There are more licensed spiritual healers than up after the wedding, Sebastian looked at him and said, licensed pastors, and crystal shops are filled to over- “Thank you, Dan.” flowing, including the one below the floorboards of the “No problem,” Dan said. “That’s what friends are for. Lawrences’ apartment. We’re happy to help.” “It’s just a vacancy of God,” Dan says. “They’ve been “I’m not thanking you for helping,” Sebastian said. so anti-God that they believe something else has to be “Thank you for who you are—in my life you have always the answer.” been kind and have alMany are also desperate for relationship. Suicide ways been present.” rates in France have always been high, and they were “This is why we do worsened by the pandemic. There is a deep need for what we do,” Dan says. true connection and love in Paris, which is why Dan and “It’s the presence of the Lisa are committed to creating meaningful communi- Holy Spirit in us that ty for all the people they meet. “People often must first he is experiencing. As encounter the people of God before they can encounter we strive to have an imthe Person of God,” Dan says. pactful presence in the lives of the lost, God is BECOMING FAMILY opening doors. Our hope is that our hospitality ministry When they first moved to Paris, Lisa decided to go to the will allow strangers to become neighbors and neighbors park to let her toddler get out his energy on the play- to become the family of God. Sebastian and Evelyne arground while she rested on a bench. A couple sat beside en’t quite in the family of God yet, but they are family.” her when her son came up and spoke to her in English. The man turned to Lisa and asked in French, “Are you BRINGING REFRESHMENT an American?” Along with the relationships they’ve made with French “Yes, I am,” Lisa replied, a little startled because she locals, Dan and Lisa have developed friendships with wasn’t sure if that was a good thing. people from all over the world. Paris is an international “I’ve never met an American before,” he said. “I’m so city, serving millions of tourists every year and acceptexcited to meet you!” ing thousands of immigrants. Immigrants make up The man and woman, Sebastian* and Evelyne,* start- about 10 percent of France’s population, mainly from ed peppering her with questions about the United States, Africa and the Middle East. “You go on the metro, and and when they needed to leave, Lisa and Evelyne ex- you’ll hear 10 different languages being spoken at the changed phone numbers. In the days to come, they all same time,” Lisa says. met at a café, and Sebastian and Evelyne met Dan for Many of the friends Dan and Lisa have made are imthe first time. They spent four hours together that day. migrants, like Carlotta* and Ashraf.* Lisa met Carlotta, “God just kept opening doors for us to meet with them,” an Italian immigrant, while at a birthday party. Because Dan says. “We’d see them almost every week at the park they were both foreigners, they connected quickly and or a café or our house.” started going to coffee and out for walks. When Carlotta A few months into their friendship, Dan and Lisa in- asked what Lisa does for a living Carlotta quickly shut vited Sebastian and Evelyne over for Thanksgiving. At down the conversation, saying, “I’m an atheist; don’t you the end of the night, Dan and Lisa said, “In American dare talk to me about God.” culture, we go around the table and ask, ‘What are you However, they continued to get together, and Carlotta thankful for?’” Dan and Lisa went first and then asked started to bring her partner, Ashraf, an African immiSebastian and Evelyne to share. grant, over to Dan and Lisa’s. They kept up their friend“No one has ever asked us that question before,” Eve- ship for two years, when Carlotta messaged Lisa, saying, lyne said. “I don’t know what to say.” She started to say “I really need to talk to you.” They met for coffee, and she that she was thankful for Dan and Lisa, but before she said, “It’s been bothering me, but I need to know why could, she started to weep. you are one of the only people who loves Ashraf and me

When we build relationships, we build bridges.

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for who we are. You don’t treat us differently because I’m white and he’s black. You care about us. Why? Why are you different?” Lisa responded, saying, “Because God loves you. God loves everyone. He doesn’t care about your color. He has unconditional love, and we love you with His love.” As they continued talking, Carlotta received access to the gospel message for the first time in her life. When the conversation was coming to a close, Carlotta said, “This is the most refreshing conversation I’ve ever had, and you are the most refreshing people I have ever met.” “When we build relationships, we build bridges that can withstand the weight of the gospel,” Lisa says.

ball weekly at their apartment for a dozen to two dozen people. Karim never missed a game. Their friendship continued to deepen, and one day, Dan and Karim went to a concert where the man had written music for the Psalms of Ascent. At the end of the concert, Karim asked, “Daniel, could you explain to me the difference between Judaism and Christianity?” “The difference is Jesus—the Messiah,” Dan said. Karim had many questions because it was the first time he had heard any of this. “To be in that moment with somebody when they’re hearing about the gospel for the first time is a powerful, sacred place,” Dan says. Before they left on home assignment, Karim helped Dan and Lisa move out of their apartment, and he said, “I want to tell you something. In my culture, we don’t ever say this unless we really mean it—and I really mean it. I love you. You are my family.” Because of Dan and Lisa’s presence in this place, people who have been lonely, hopeless, and in need of community are experiencing the hope and love of Jesus. “We have had thousands of conversations, and they’re all Spirit-filled,” Dan says. “When we’re able to give people the gift of hospitality, God opens doors.”

REPLACING LONELINESS WITH LOVE Sometimes the people Dan and Lisa meet are in the middle of a crisis. When Dan met Karim* at a community center, Karim was struggling with deep loneliness. “Karim is probably the loneliest person I’ve ever met,” Dan says. Karim had moved from the Middle East to France for a woman. They got married and had a son, and several years later she walked out on him and took their son with her. “Karim became a citizen, so now he’s trapped in France,” Dan says. “He doesn’t get to see his son, and *Name changed it’s really hard on him. He has no one in a foreign land with a language he doesn’t fully understand.” Karim and Dan bonded over sports, and Dan invited Karim and another man from the community center to their house one Sunday night so he could teach them about football. Lisa cooked them dinner, and it went so well that soon they were hosting Sunday night foot-

Emmy Duddles is the managing editor of Alliance Life and has worked with the National Office for more than five years as a writer and editor. She and her husband, Lucas, currently live in Denver, Colorado.

John Stumbo

V IDE O B LO G Watch John tell a story, share a devotional, issue a challenge, or cast C&MA vision. Released on the 12th of each month

Recent Releases: Blog #104: Encouraged Leaders Blog #105: A Tribute to A. W. Tozer ALLIANCELIFE


MAY/JUN 2022




WHEN GOD MOVES A MOUNTAIN Bringing gospel access to Africa’s urban poor

by Hannah Ader


hen you hear the word “junkyard,” what comes to mind? Do you think of rusted, abandoned cars? Or an area overflowing with scraps waiting to be discarded and recycled? Would you ever consider a junkyard to be a fit place to lay your head at night? To call home? Probably not, and you wouldn’t want to. However, in large cities in West Africa, these junkyards, also known as informal settlements, are exactly



that—home to hundreds of people who are desperate for a place to live. That desperation leads to almost indescribable vulnerability—learning to live by fastening together pieces of metal, tarps, and wood to make a shelter or a “house,” walking miles to get to the nearest clean water source, digging holes in the ground for restrooms that constantly overflow into the camp, having no privacy, and fearing for safety.

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CALLED TO ACTION Becky and her husband, Shawn, hadn’t known of the slum communities until a woman invited Becky to her home. Around where Becky and Shawn live, there is a street corner where women frequently beg. One woman in particular, Kumafi, was there every day, and Becky formed a friendship with her. One afternoon, Kumafi asked Becky if she would like to come to her home for a meal, so Becky got the directions, and when her car pulled up, she was certain she was lost. “All I saw was this huge junkyard with all these pieced together shelters made with tarps and old tins,” Becky remembers. “But Kumafi was standing there waving me in, and I realized that this is where she lived—in this informal settlement right in the middle of the junkyard.” Kumafi immediately showed Becky such beautiful hospitality, welcomed her with food and generosity, and gave her the seat of honor, a bucket flipped upside down. “I was just shocked. I had no idea people lived in these conditions,” Becky says. “There’s no sanitation. There’s no clean water. There’s no shelter, really. “God broke my heart at the injustice that Kumafi lived in these types of conditions with her three children. The Lord spurred in our hearts to do something about it, just to act on what we had seen.” The CAMA team immediately felt called to action and were incredibly passionate about breaking the cycles of poverty and seeing a church established in the community in order to partner with them so they can one day become self-sufficient and meet their own needs.

Opposite: Becky meets with women in a slum community where she's able to build trust, hear the women's stories, speak truth and encouragement over them, and regularly pray and share Bible stories with them.

Photography by Rosie Xiong

A HEARTBREAKING REALITY Africa has the fastest rate of urbanization in the world, and as the population increases so does poverty. These slum communities are becoming more and more common in large cities across West Africa, and there are desperate needs among the urban poor. About 60 percent of people in these cities are living below the poverty line, and according to a couple of our international workers serving with CAMA, the people in these communities are some of the most overlooked and unreached in their context. According to the book Cry of the Urban Poor by Viv Grigg, the urban poor are doubling every decade and are among the most responsive to the gospel, but they are often overlooked. “There’s nobody we know of working with the urban poor,” says Becky, a CAMA worker serving in one of West Africa’s urban centers. “There aren’t

GLORIFYING GOD IN HUMILITY After Becky’s initial visit in the settlement, she started going back to meet with the women there, developing relationships alongside her CAMA team. Soon after they began their frequent visits, the CAMA team was led to meet the community leaders in order to talk about ways to come alongside them in promoting change. They were introduced to the village chief, a devout believer in the predominant religion, but a man incredibly open to spiritual conversations, a man filled with peace. The CAMA team developed a beautiful partnership with the chief that has been instrumental in coming alongside the community and learning about their needs. When the team met the chief for the first time, he wanted to organize a “sit down” right away to discuss the needs of the village. What they thought would be a low-key event turned into a discussion with almost the entire community.

any other major organizations that have ministries in these slum communities, yet they are quickly becoming the largest demographic in our cities.” Despite the vast area these informal settlements cover, if you look out onto a street in these cities, you would never know that people lived in these types of communities—you might never even know that the urban poor exist.

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Left: This program aims to provide food and a safe place for Talibé boys—boys who come from low income homes who are sent to learn their majority religion. The center provides the hope of knowing and experiencing Jesus.

“We were working with our local partners, and when we showed up, the chief had set up tents and chairs and had invited pretty much the whole community to be part of that conversation,” Shawn remembers. “And it was good. We listened, and they identified ‘health’ as one of their main concerns and one of the bigger needs. We then started talking about solutions, which led us to the nutrition program.” Food security is a significant issue within these communities—they just don’t have enough food. The team partnered with their Alliance World Fellowship family, CAMA colleagues, doctors, and local believers to facilitate a nutrition program to teach about health and provide food. Within six months, all of the children who had been identified as malnourished reached their target weights. They didn’t have a need to continue the program, so once again, they met with the community leaders to inquire about other needs. The team desires to glorify God not only in how they are helping the community but also in how they go about helping through communication. It is so important to them to ask the people in need to identify their needs instead of assuming. Such humility and grace

Food security is a significant issue within these communities.



shown to the community provided them deeper relationships with the local leaders and with the community as a whole. BREAKING THE CYCLES OF POVERTY After the successful nutrition program, the community identified “education” as another significant need. In this West African country, there is an incredibly high rate of children who drop out of school—42 percent of students fail the test that they have to pass in order to go to junior high and high school. It is almost impossible for students coming from low economic communities to pass the test, so they inevitably can’t continue their education. Most cannot afford a tutor or private schooling, so many students in the community are not educated past the fifth grade. This was a significant problem in the community; and because of that, Seeds of Hope was born. Two afternoons a week, the CAMA team, alongside local believers, gathers students who are within two years of taking their government exam and provides low-cost tutoring. It was an obvious next step, and the results from Seeds of Hope go way beyond the classroom. “Education is the number one indicator for breaking the cycle of poverty,” says Becky. “We do really want them to pass their exams. It’s not just an ‘in’ into this community. Yes, we’re getting to know them on a deeper level, but we genuinely care that the children pass these tests and move on to higher education because we know it’s going to break cycles of poverty.”

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Last year, 24 out of the 27 students who were involved ty for a purpose, that this is God’s plan for our team in in Seeds of Hope passed the government exam and this season of ministry.” are now in secondary education. The Lord is moving Often, meeting people where they’re at is easier said mountains in the community, and it’s not just the chil- than done. It’s much simpler to claim your support and dren who are impacted. love for others, even with good intentions, than it is to sit The mothers in the community are often the ones with them in their brokenness and be present through who are incredibly engaged in their children’s education, the toughest trials. More often than not, we love to rewho show up for the community meetings, who make joice with others and forget about mourning with them. sure their kids are going to tutoring. As the team got to Sometimes, the Lord is calling us to sit, learn, listen, know the moms who were present, they realized that and be present among His people who find themselves most of the women were illiterate—they don’t have the in circumstances that we could have never imagined. It opportunity to go to school, so they don’t know how to is then that we find our relationship with the Lord growread or write. ing deeper, and it becomes easier to mourn with others So, the CAMA team decided to start a literacy class when we recognize God’s hand in our mourning. for the women in the community. For an hour and a half Showing the love of Christ sometimes means rejoica week, women show up regularly to learn how to hold ing with others as they rejoice or mourning when others a pen, how to trace the alphabet, and how to sign their mourn, and sometimes it’s listening and just being presnames for the first time in their lives. At first, the team ent, trusting that in His timing God will open the doors thought only five or six women would be engaged with to the communities He so desperately loves. the class, but over 20 attend regularly. “The idea of seeing people transformed and com“I think that speaks to the level of trust they have for munities flourishing is what we’re about,” says Shawn. us, the level of their engagement,” says Becky. “It’s been a “Sometimes it’s through a program like the education beautiful partnership with our CAMA colleagues, with program or even a medical program, but sometimes it’s our local Senegalese church, and with our Alliance just sitting there and being present.” World Fellowship family.” Hannah Ader is a content writer for the Alliance The literacy program brings a sense of dignity to these National Office pursuing a master's of theological women. Not only can they learn to write their names on studies from Asbury Theological Seminary. She relocatdocuments without help, but they also learn that they ed to Columbus, Ohio, early this year. are valued in the community and valued by God. “Part of the dignity piece is seeing God’s Kingdom estabWatch the video for this story at lished here and now in something as simple as being able to write your name,” says Shawn. GOD’S HAND IN OUR PURPOSE When they finished the nutrition program in the community, the team thought that their engagement with the settlements might have been over, but then the education program began, and they have continued to be a constant presence. “It’s a privilege to be able to be invited into their lives and in their communities,” says Becky. “We don’t know the end of their story. God knows the end. We believe that we’ve been placed in that communi-

Right: Education is the biggest factor in breaking the cycle of poverty. A Dutch Alliance worker, Lieneka, serves as an AWF partner with CAMA as they teach women and children from these West African slum communities how to read and write.

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a hymn by James M. Kirk in 1894

e shall be my witnesses,” was Jesus’ last command, To every kindred tongue and tribe, in every clime and land; Go, tell them of our Christ and say His Kingdom is at hand.

God has said be of good courage, neither be afraid, Tho’ mountains seem to hedge the way, He says be undismayed; For Jesus is our Captain and will always be our aid.

Who will go and witness for Jesus? Tell it out, tell it out, tell it out, tell it out. The blessed gospel sound, Tell it out, tell it out, tell it out, tell it out. The news the world around, Till the name of Jesus has been heard wherever man is found. Who will go and witness for Jesus?

Hear the suffering millions crying for the Living Bread. When Christ was here, His words were, “Let the multitudes be fed.” Then haste wherever man is found, for all His blood was shed. James M. Kirk was a pioneer member of The Alliance and wrote many hymns like the one above. In 1907, he founded a church called the Flushing (Ohio) Gospel Mission of the C&MA.

Jesus has commissioned you and I to go or send A messenger in His dear name, His glorious cross defend; And He has promised to be with us, even to the end.



MAY/JUN 2022


Shaping Leaders to Shape the Future

SEMINARY DEGREES TO EQUIP THE CALLED Doctor of Ministry | Master of Professional Studies | Master of Arts in Biblical Literature Master of Divinity | Master of Arts in Intercultural Studies |Master of Arts in Biblical Studies MAY/JUN 2022






eople in the Middle Eastern country where we serve are coming to faith in Jesus Christ. Lives are being restored, miracles are occurring, and God is being glorified. This has been my family’s prayer since our arrival in 2017, joining a century-old Alliance effort to reach the Arab Lands with the gospel. Now God is using unprecedented hardship in this region to bring people to Himself, empowering Alliance workers to join in His redemptive work through the generous support of friends like you. Jesus says, “You are the light of the world. A city on a hill cannot be hidden” (Matt. 5:14). This statement stands in connection with John 8:12, which is displayed on the rooftop of Alliance buildings in the Arab Lands, ‫( يسوع نور العالم‬Jesus is the Light of the World). We believe that Jesus has called us to bear witness to His light in dark places. Through prayer and discussion with national partners, we determined a strategic location in our country’s capital city to begin a new churchplanting effort. The neighborhood is a transit hub and a central connection point for different communities within the city. The project’s name is City on a Hill.



THE FIRST YEAR City on a Hill began as one may expect of a church plant. We started prayer walking our neighborhood daily. Intentionally meeting neighbors and shopkeepers, we built relationships with many residents. Our family engaged in local community activities, spending time with other young parents. We drank more coffee than I could have ever imagined. Slowly, we began having opportunities to share about Jesus. Everything was going to plan. We regularly hosted families at our house, praying together and discussing Scripture. People from around the area from different backgrounds and faiths were coming together. A highlight for our family was Christmas 2018. We had over 40 people in our apartment, 15 of them children. Together, we celebrated the nativity story and our Savior’s coming. Looking for a building to rent, we expected an imminent start to a formal church plant. The national church was prayerfully helping to compile a core team. We anticipated solidifying the plant’s foundation the following year, allowing it to continue its steady growth.

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Photo from Alliance photo archive

by an Alliance international worker serving in the Middle East

THE COLLAPSE In 2019, our country began a breakdown of epic proportions. Already heavily burdened with the largest per-capita refugee rate in the world (1:4), the country saw its currency collapse. As banks froze accounts, our middle-class neighbors became instantly impoverished. Our city turned to violence as people protested government corruption. The streets became unsafe. I will never forget the day armed men accosted our daughter’s bus on her way to school. Fear and uncertainty overtook the feelings of hope and expectation we had been experiencing in our church plant. By 2020, the city was in freefall. The currency had dropped 90 percent of its value, with the average minimum wage being about $30 per month, making daily life unmanageable. Riots and protests were still ongoing until COVID-19 initiated a martial-law lockdown. On August 4, an explosion occurred at the local port. It’s hard to describe the magnitude of the blast that ripped through the city. Hundreds died, thousands were injured, and homes for miles around were damaged, including ours. We are grateful the Lord protected our family, bringing us out of the country before that day. Many of the families with whom we built relationships left the city at that time. Disenfranchised, impoverished, and homeless, they returned to their family’s villages. Our family was disheartened. Our ministry was stalled, and the city appeared hopeless. THE RECLAMATION God was ready to do a new work. The Alliance national church immediately began serving many affected by the blast, partnering with Alliance Missions and CAMA Services. Through home repairs, new relationships were established in previously disengaged communities. Through expanded food distribution, physical needs were met, and there is now a clear witness to the love of Jesus Christ through His people. And God is moving. Since August 2020, a network of over 200 people receiving regular spiritual care has developed. A local pastor engaged in the rebuilding efforts testifies that more than 90 people have prayed to accept Jesus as their Savior. Many of these people are still greatly suffering, but the hope of Jesus is being planted in their hearts. One by one, God is reclaiming this city for His Kingdom. In every family, there is a story of God’s redemptive work. One woman receiving care had lost her husband in the explosion. She was pregnant. Words cannot describe the pain she was experiencing in the loss of her husband and the father of her unborn child. I will never forget the day I went to her building after her son was born. She received care, prayer, encourage-

ment, and support from the local pastor. On this day, we went to her home to dedicate her child to God, claiming the grace, love, and mercy of her boy’s Heavenly Father, even in the absence of his biological one. There is story after story of God’s marvelous work in this country. Many accept faith after receiving dreams and visions. Others are healed—physically, spiritually, and emotionally. Our continued work is possible because of your generous support for Alliance Missions. Thank you for giving! THE POTENTIAL God is not finished working in this country. He is not done moving in the Arab Lands. While the current crisis persists, we claim “greater is He that is in [us], than he that is in the world” (1 Jn. 4:4, NKJV). Over the last three years, God has proved to me that His ways and plans are greater than mine. Our commitment is to stand firm in the truth of Christ, striving to represent Him among the lost of our city. While methods have changed, our heart remains the same. We will establish a church here to stand as a City on a Hill, a light in the darkness. For this dream to be fulfilled, we need your persistent prayer. We ask that you remember us, praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication, that words may be given to us to proclaim the mystery of the gospel, for which we are ambassadors (see Ephesians 6:18-19).

MULTIPLY THE CHURCH IN THIS HUB CITY More than 2.5 million people live in the capital city of this Middle Eastern country, yet less than 1 percent of the population is evangelical Christian. Will you invest in shining the light of Jesus and multiplying a gospel network in this hub city? To bring gospel access to hurting people in this community, visit; select “a project you love/Find a project”; and type in "City on a Hill." Learn about more Alliance strategic projects throughout the world in need of your prayers and financial support by requesting a copy of the 2021–2022 Strategic Giving Opportunities Gift Catalog at or by calling toll free (866) 443-8262.

inFocus Robert A. Jaffray, a pioneer missionary to Indonesia, had a vision to bring the gospel to a new country just before he died. Today, a student from the Jaffray School of Theology in Indonesia has chosen to finish this mission. Alliance workers are training her, and the school is raising money for her to go. Praise God that His work in Indonesia is raising up more workers for the harvest! Photo by Samo Zeal



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Dear Co-Laborer for Christ, The Board of Directors of The Christian and Missionary Alliance met on February 23–24, 2022, at The Cross Walk Church in Reynoldsburg, Ohio, where Pastor John Ennis and his staff continue their ongoing support of the National Office during this transition stage. We are grateful for their cheerful hospitality. We had a good meeting, and our newer members were fully engaged in their second meeting and made valuable contributions to the discussions. The increased diversity among Board members was evident, and a spirit of humility was felt as we gave voice to different points of view. Compared to most Board meetings there were fewer recommendations presented from the committees, leaving more time for discussion and prayer. The devotional times presented by Jason Kim and Ted Kang were God’s timely word for us. Jason explained Revelation 22:20–21 as the last picture that the Holy Spirit “drew” for us so that we know about God and what kind of life we can live with Him. Because of that life, “Amen. Come, Lord Jesus” will be our spontaneous, heartfelt response to Jesus’ words. Ted showed how Hebrews 4:1–11 points toward a rest for Christians not only in eternity but also in this life. Both devotionals were relevant to National Office leaders who reflected in different ways the weight of the transition from Colorado to Ohio, along with its joys. Present in everybody’s thoughts is the hardship endured as a result of the turnover in personnel and the current reality of a team that is physically in transition between Colorado Springs and Reynoldsburg. Our leaders also told of God’s faithfulness as we bear witness to the diverse family that God calls His Church to be and the effect we already see in the surrounding community. The president led the Board through further consideration of those sections of our Statement of Faith that had either not been considered or had not been approved at Council 2021. Robb Childs, relocation assistant to the president, informed the Board that the process for acquiring 14 acres of land is on budget and nearing completion. The initial master plan received favorable reviews as well as insightful comments on relevant issues. The Board also

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toured the now finished temporary office adjacent to the future campus location. This office has been remodeled to fit National Office needs, and while somewhat limited in space, it is a comfortable and welcome place for the team to work together. The Alliance Missions Committee Report included the joyful appointment of seven new international workers and a time of prayer for each worker’s fruitfulness and well-being. The Church Ministries Committee Report updated the Board on many initiatives and gave us an opportunity to celebrate that we ended 2021 with a net increase in the number of churches. The Development Committee and Operations/Finance Committee Reports continued to focus on the funding changes, which have been made with positive initial results. Our entire financial process, including receipting, budgeting, allocation, and expenditure of funds, continues to be streamlined for maximum ministry efficiency. The Board received reports from Orchard Alliance and the C&MA Benefit Board. Nyack College President Rajan Mathews was present to give a detailed report on the school’s status. All in all, it was a very productive and encouraging meeting that finished with an uplifting session of worship and prayer! God is good! In Christ’s love, Steven C. Lausell, Corporate Secretary



PRAYER IS PRIMARY Requests from Alliance workers JAPAN Earlier this year, my wife, Jill, shared a quote with me that captured my imagination and gave me fresh fuel and motivation for intercessory prayer: “History belongs to the intercessors—those who believe and pray the future into being.” This is a staggering thought! In prayer, we participate with God in creating a new future. Let that sink in a bit. I am praying for this truth to penetrate deeper into our souls. While prayer is a mystery, and we ourselves are still learning how to pray, the Scriptures are overwhelmingly clear— our prayers can affect God’s actions. In other words, prayer changes things! Jill and I are grateful for you as you join God on mission in Japan and around the world through intercessory prayer. May God’s grace and peace be yours in abundance. —Alan Kropp

regularly for several years, sleep through the service, and ask for various aid afterward. Repeatedly, we did what we could for him. Max often shuffled and looked hopeless. He had lost contact with the church when it relocated, but he eventually found us and started attending again. Soon we started to see changes in him, and he said he had made a commitment to the Lord. Max has faced many difficulties in his life. He has had no permanent place to live or a job he could do, and he often had inadequate clothing. But his countenance has totally changed lately, and he was soon participating in prayer meetings and Bible studies. At this writing, he is taking baptism classes and was recently offered a pretty good job. He has a smile on his face and praise in his heart. Several times lately, he has brought chocolates or treats to have with tea at our meetings. He is becoming a real joy as Christ changes his life. Please continue to pray for Max as he grows in his faith. —an Alliance international worker

URUGUAY We are asking God to raise up Kingdom warriors to intercede for us and for His work in Uruguay. The new C&MA president here is a close friend, and he has asked us to be involved in deeper life ministries in the churches here. This includes the College of Prayer, transformational prayer ministries, and caring for the Body of Christ. The church is hungry for more of Jesus but is under attack.

The College of Prayer Uruguay in 2020; photo courtesy of the Hulls

There is also much hunger outside the church. Pray that it will be satisfied by the Bread of Life and not a cheap, insufficient substitute. Pray, too, that the zeal Jesus had for His Father’s house of prayer will fill us as we pursue this new assignment. Pray for direction from the Holy Spirit so we will do only what He is doing. —Jimmie and Timbrel Hull

NORTH AND CENTRAL ASIA I want to tell you the story of a young man named Max, an orphan who first started coming to our church shortly after leaving the orphanage. Soon after, he suffered a head injury and lost the use of his left hand. He would attend church somewhat



MAY/JUN 2022

ALLIANCE FAMILY NEWS From around the block to the ends of the earth TO THE FIELD AFRICA

J. D. D., in December, 2020. J. D. is on special assignment with EastWest Ministries International, where he oversees strategizing, training, and coaching for churchplanting movements in 7 African countries. BALKANS (CAMA)

Meredith A. Hoffman, in January. Meredith is involved in CAMA ministries and English as a Second Language. GABON

Daniel S. and Rebekah J. McCurdy and family, in January. The McCurdys are involved in language study. GERMANY

Sean M. and Suzanne K. McLain, in January. The McLains are involved in language study. PARAGUAY

Luis A. and Olga M. Felipa-Zayerz, in February. The Felipa-Zayerzes are involved in leadership development. PANAMA

Maritza Cumba, in January. Maritza is involved in leadership development and church ministries. URUGUAY

Oscar J. and Charlotte M. Garcia and family, in January. The Garcias are involved in theological education and church planting.

Jimmie O. and Timbrel J. Hull and family, in January. The Hulls are involved in church planting.

non-Alliance assignment pastor, Central District


David F. Edwards, regional network specialist, South Pacific Alliance

Walter P. and Laura J. Hopkins and family, in February. Walter is director of the LIFE International School, and Laura is serving in an instructional support role. THAILAND (ENVISION)

Tou Lee and Tang J. Thao and family, in January. The Thaos are Envision site coordinators.

PERSONNEL CHANGES Byron Allan, pastor, C&MA Church, Helena, Mont. Annie C. Banceu, youth ministry coach, Alliance Northwest District Brice D. Bennett, youth pastor, Monroe (Ind.) Lighthouse Church. Bridgett L. Blood, pastor of spiritual formation, Shawnee Alliance Church, Lima, Ohio Stephen T. Boda, special assignment, Bridge of Hope, MidAmerica District Daniel J. Bowers, other ministry, Central Pacific District Rolando J. Calugay, church planter, Alliance South Central District Daniel K. Chappell, regional FCA director, Midwest District Tina L. Combs, executive pastor, Hood River (Ore.) Alliance Church George W. Cumming III, assistant pastor of pastoral care, The Awakening Church, Murrieta, Calif. Edward Dhanpat, pastor, Renew City Church, Flushing, N.Y. Jeffrey B. Doeringer Sr.,

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Samson Dumanovskiy, pastor in training, The Way, Salem, Ore.

Johnathan D. Finkbeiner, pastor of student ministries, Neighborhood Alliance Church, Longwood, Fla. Aaron L. Foor, church advance specialist, Alliance South Central Robert C. Formica, regional director SW & missions mobilization, The Alliance Southeast Stephen D. Fowler, director of church revitalization, Alliance Northwest District Lionel Francillon, pastor, Calvary Bible Alliance Church, Delray Beach, Fla. Scott J. Friend, military chaplain candidate, Alliance South Central Francis Y. Fung, special assignment, Metropolitan District Michael A. Gilmore, communications and Next Gen director, South Pacific Alliance Cynthia R. Greaves, director of children’s ministries, Piedmont Park Alliance Church, Tallahassee, Fla. James Hang, pastor, Disciples Alliance Church, Roseville, Minn. Lee Her, pastor, New Life Hmong Alliance Church, Springfield, Mo. Yang Her, care pastor, Compassion Chapel, Woodbury, Minn. Brandon L. Hilstad, pastor, Alliance Church–Hortonville (Wis.) Leprudor Joseph, associate pastor, Calvary Bible Alliance Church, Delray Beach, Fla.

Randal T. Kemmerer, pastor, Calvary Church of C&MA, Milford, Conn.

Michael D. Mager, pastor, Friendship Alliance Church, Chagrin Falls, Ohio

Paul A. Kham, pastor of Cambodian congregation, Celebration Church, Santa Ana, Calif.

William W. Malick, Fresh Start Network president, MidAmerica District

Danie Kolins, pastor, East Gate Alliance Church, Marshfield, Wis. Dennis L. Krajacic, ministry coach, Western Pennsylvania District Krista M. Lain, reserve chaplain, Midwest District Edward Laremore, counselor, Central Pacific District Alfonso A. Licon, church planter, All Nations Alliance Church, Settlement, Tex. Peter Lung, associate pastor, Long Island Alliance Church, Dix Hills, N.Y. Rick W. Maddox, pastor of visitation, First Alliance Church, Bucyrus, Ohio

Bethany J. Mason, Envision site associate, Family Empowerment Centers Chicago (Ill.) Eric J. Mason, Envision site associate, Family Empowerment Centers Chicago (Ill.) John Y. Moua, assistant pastor, Sacramento Hmong Alliance Church, Elk Grove, Calif. Anh T. Nguyen, pastor, Vietnamese Alliance Church of Albuquerque (N.Mex.) Timothy T. Nguyen, EE ministry coordinator, Vietnamese District Trong H. Nguyen, pastor, Seattle (Wash.) Vietnamese Christian Fellowship Church

Hung V. Pham, director of youth, Vietnamese District Truc Q. Pham, pastor, Vietnamese District John Phrasavath, lay ministry worker, Lao Christian Alliance Church of Stockton (Calif.) Wayne T. Prussa, pastor of student ministries, River of Life Alliance Church, Grand Junction, Colo. Robert Redman Jr., other ministry, Alliance South Central George F. Rhoades Jr., missions ministries and assistant pastor, Hawaii (Honolulu) Kai Community Church. Daniel B. Samuelson, special assignment, Alliance Northwest District Cathy Sanchez, women and children ministries, Cristo Salva Church of the C&MA, Chico, Calif.

Abraham Sandler, national evangelist, Eastern Pennsylvania District John L. Sappia, regional director SE & church advance, The Alliance Southeast Michael Saxton, full-time institutional chaplain, The Alliance Southeast Michael A. Sommerfield, other ministry, Alliance South Central Isaac A. Stuart, pastor, Bedford (Pa.) C&MA Church Josiah P. Stumbo, pastor of young adults, Grace Church, Middleburg Heights, Ohio R. Douglas Swinburne Jr., interim pastor, Risen King Community Church, Redding, Calif. Christopher A. Teien, other ministry, North Central District Timothy N. Thi, director for Vietnamese Christian broadcasting/literature, Vietnamese District Jesse C. Tosten, pastor, Kairos Church, Plainsboro, N.J. Lan N. Tran, associate pastor, Vietnamese Christian Community Church, Seattle, Wash. Minh T. Tran, director of church planting/seminary scholarships, Vietnamese District Stanley A. Tyson, associate pastor, Alliance Church, Elizabethtown, Pa. Tseeb Jay Vang, assistant pastor, Calvary Hmong Alliance Church, Spartanburg, S.C. James E. Warren, assistant pastor, Journey Church, Gretna, Neb. Daniel T. Wisley, special assignment, South Pacific Alliance Asia Yang, president of Overseas Tribal Services, Hmong District

Crown’s Ministry Training Institute Continue your learning through our growing library of courses on CMTI. CMTI is a hub for biblicallybased professional learning and development. Courses are offered in various formats, including ondemand, instructor-led, email dripfeed, and live webinars. Get a 15% discount on your first course: TRYCMTI 37 ALLIANCELIFE

MAY/JUN 2022

Southwest Florida Retirement Living Resort Amenities | State-of-the-art Health Care Chong Za Yang, assistant pastor, Sacramento Hmong Alliance Church, Elk Grove, Calif. Shoua Yang, pastor, First Hmong Alliance Church, Aurora, Ill.

NEW CHURCHES Brunswick, N.J., Anthem Church, 15 Quaker Dr., 08816 Carrollton, Tex., Victory Church of the C&MA, 1017 Erie St., 75006 Colorado Springs, Colo., Rooted Church, 4350 Centerville Dr., 80922 Flushing, N.Y., Renew City Church, 43–29 162nd St., 11358 Long Island City, N.Y., Roots NYC Church, 31–10 47th St., 11103 Melrose, Mass., Open Heaven Community Church, 561 Main St., 02176 Plainsboro, N.J., Kairos Church, 20 Schalks Crossing Rd., 08536 West Long Branch, N.J., Remnant Church, 2103 Avalon Ct., 07764

NEW WORKERS Ralph A. Becker, pastor of discipleship & small groups, Menomonie (Wis.) Alliance Church Jarrett W. Black, Citylight U director, Citylight North Lincoln (Neb.) John C. Bobb, assistant pastor of care ministry, Fellowship Bible Church C&MA, Middleburg, Fla.

Vibrant Faithful Joyful Living Fulfilled Artful Healthy Join the C&MA Family for Your Retirement At Shell Point,® you’ll enjoy a fulfilling lifestyle where you can explore, worship, learn, grow and even continue to serve. And with new additions to our campus, like Tribby Arts Center, a sparkling centerpiece for the arts, and the state-of-the-art Larsen Health Center, you can rest on a firm foundation, knowing that your needs will be taken care of – both now and in the future. VISIT US ONLINE AT WWW.SHELLPOINT.ORG

Vincent R. Cardarelle, pastor of administration, care, & outreach, Community Church, West Bend, Wis. Kao Chang, multimedia ministry director, Hmong District Shannon D. Chickering, pastor, Abundant Life Alliance Church, Oak Grove, Minn.


Unparalleled setting. Unparalleled lifestyle.™ Shell Point is located in Fort Myers, Florida, just minutes from the islands of Sanibel and Captiva.

Shell Point is a nonprofit ministry of The Christian and Missionary Alliance Foundation, Inc. ©2021 Shell Point. All rights reserved. SLS-4424-21

Aaron J. Clymer, assistant pastor for family life ministries, Huntingdon (Pa.) C&MA Church

Judy Pilgrim-Hector, director of prayer ministry, Clarendon Road Church, Brooklyn, N.Y.

Connor R. Durochia, youth pastor, Community Alliance Church, Hinesburg, Vt.

Jonathan Rivera, assistant pastor, Centro Cristiano de Adoracion, Providence, R.I.

Mary E. Dzibela, youth director, Living Christ Church C&MA, Nyack, N.Y.

Brian J. Scott, connections pastor, Shawnee Alliance Church, Lima, Ohio

Crystal Garnett, digital discipleship pastor, ACF Church, Eagle River, Alaska Deron B. Glickert, executive pastor, New Hope Church, Baldwinsville, N.Y. Noah J. Henkel, pastor of youth ministries, Whipple Heights Alliance Church, Canton, Ohio Jeremiah T. Herr, youth pastor, Sacramento Hmong Alliance Church, Elk Grove, Calif. Aaron J. Hostetter, pastor, C&MA Church, Greenville, Ohio Adam G. Just, adult ministries pastor, Westgate Chapel, Toledo, Ohio Reggie F. Kelley, pastor of community connections, Syracuse (N.Y.) Alliance Church Justin D. Kim, associate pastor, CenterPoint Church, Massapequa, N.Y. Joshua D. Lego, campus pastor, Really Recovered, Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio Cameron G. Lloyd, children’s ministry pastor, Alliance Bible Fellowship, Boone, N.C. Leland J. Manuel, pastor, Cassels C&MA Church, Manchester, Pa. Hung K. Nguyen, pastor, Vietnamese Alliance Church, Phoenix, Ariz. Phong T. Nguyen, assistant pastor, Vietnamese Christian Church, Jacksonville, Fla. Thuan L. Nguyen, pastor, Living Word Evangelical Church, Grand Prairie, Tex. Tuan T. Nguyen, assistant pastor, Vietnamese Christian Church of Worcester, Spencer, Mass. Nathan E. Northcutt, student ministry director, Citylight North Lincoln (Neb.)

Justin J. Stadler, associate pastor, Refuge Church, Appleton, Wis. Sherman Stoltzfus, pastor, Paintersville C&MA Church, Lewistown, Pa. Zaixing Tian, pastor, Chinese Alliance Church of Pittsburgh, Turtle Creek, Pa. Hien X. Tran, local church ministry, Union City (Calif.) Vietnamese Alliance Church Larry R. Unruh, pastor, Christian Union Church, Stratton, Neb. Joshua D. Weix, pastor, Restoration Church of Birnamwood/Wittenburg, Wausau, Wis. Daniel Wilde, associate pastor, Hillside Community Church, Vermillion, S.Dak. Grant S. Yeh, assistant pastor, Space Coast Chinese Alliance Church, Cocoa, Fla.

Munyaradzi Takawira, January 9, 2022, Havre (Mont.) Community Alliance Church. Munya is the senior pastor. Leprudor Joseph, January 16, 2022, Calvary Bible Alliance Church, Delray Beach, Fla. Leprudor is the associate pastor. Jerrid A. Washburn, January 23, 2022, White Sulphur Springs (Mont.) C&MA Church. Jerrid is the pastor. William P. Taylor, February 6, 2022, Discovery Alliance Church, Missoula, Mont. Paul is the senior pastor.

RETIRED Thomas E. Allen, The Alliance South Kerry L. Ascher, The Alliance Midwest District Kenneth N. Brisco, MidAmerica District Fernando E. Chaves, South Pacific Alliance William C. Church, Northeastern District Paul W. Coleman, The Alliance Southeast Susan J. Cook, Ohio Valley District James R. Ferguson, North Central District Brad L. Franklin, Alliance South Central Rick L. Gerber, North Central District Marc T. Haynes Sr., The Alliance Southeast

Tuan N. Le, Vietnamese District Frank Leone II, Metropolitan District James F. Moffett, Western Pennsylvania District Wayne E. Muckel, Eastern Pennsylvania District Tin T. Nguyen, Vietnamese District Endre J. Norem, Alliance Northwest District Dennis D. Pust, Alliance Northwest District Steven C. Riley, Rocky Mountain District William P. Schmeissing, The Alliance South

CONSECRATIONS Cynthia R. Greaves, January 23, 2022, Piedmont Park Alliance


Karen M. Formica, February 9, 2022, the Village Church Shell Point, Fort Myers, Fla. Karen is the missions mobilizer for the Alliance Southeast District Office.

LeRoy N. Johnston Jr., Eastern Pennsylvania District


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Church, Tallahassee, Fla. Cynthia is director of children’s ministries.


L. Ferrell Towns Sr., The Alliance South

Come Serve Under the Big Trees


ALLIANCE REDWOODS is seeking Volunteers for our Sonoma Treehouse Adventures (STA) and for our camps and conferences!

Janet Evelyn Van Schooten August 12, 1927− November 3, 2021

TREEHOUSE HOSTS ~ greet our guests and see to their needs during their entire overnight stay.

Born in Oak Park Ill., Janet attended St. Paul Bible College (now Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.) where she met Alvin Van Schooten. They married in 1951 and pastored a church in Clutier, Iowa. In 1955, the couple departed for Japan, where they served for 25 years as C&MA missionaries. While there, Janet and Alvin were involved in planting and supporting churches, teaching at the Bible school, and chairing the mission field. When the couple returned to the United States, they served pastorates in Fullerton and Santa Ana, Calif. They were married for 50 years, and Alvin died in 2001. Janet carried out a social ministry at Town & Country Manor in Santa Ana before suffering a stroke. She moved in with family in Prescot, Ariz., and died peacefully of natural causes. Janet was predeceased by her husband and son Mark; she is survived by children Ruth, Tim, and Paul; 6 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren. William (Bill) L. Austin May 8, 1929− October 13, 2021

FRONT DESK HOSTS ~ welcome our visitors, answer phones, sort mail, and serve on our Guest Services team. We are looking for volunteers who are willing to commit to 24 hours a week for 1-6 months. Our volunteers have a passion for Christian hospitality and facilitate opportunities for guests to “meet the Creator in His Creation” (our mission). Volunteers must have an RV as we can provide a free, full hookup site.

We look forward to welcoming you to our community!

More InforMatIon: Email Call 707-874-3507 ext. #114 Or visit our websites listed below.

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where he helped plant Camp Hill Alliance Church. Bill also pastored churches in Clarkfield, Minn.; Roanoke, Va.; Atlanta, Ga.; and Orlando, Fla. In 2009, he retired at Shell Point Retirement Community (Fort Myers, Fla.), where he was an elder and a vespers leader at the Village Church for several years.

Born in Hetland, S.Dak., Bill married Diane Cassidy on September 4, 1948. They received Christ in 1951 at a Billy Graham tent meeting in St. Paul, Minn., and were especially blessed to participate in Amsterdam 2000 with the Crusade Team. The Austins also ministered in churches in the Philippines, Hong Kong, and Thailand.

Bill was such a faithful student of the Word that Toccoa Falls (Ga.) College presented him with an honorary doctorate in the 1980s. His biggest honor was personally knowing and learning from A. W. Tozer. Bill always marveled that God gave a kid from South Dakota opportunities to preach around the world and blessed him with many spiritual giants as his mentors.

Bill served with the C&MA for more than 50 years. He was general manager of Christian Publications in Harrisburg Pa.,

Bill was predeceased by his wife; he is survived by daughter DiAnn; son Jeffrey; 4 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren.



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Carol Beth (Nelson) Nielsen December 15, 1924−October 21, 2021 Born in Tyler, Minn., Carol attended St. Paul Bible College (now Crown College, St. Bonafacius, Minn.) On August 15, 1950, she married Elwood Norman Nielsen. For more than 40 years of C&MA ministry, Carol served alongside Elwood in pastorates in Milwaukee, Wis. (1952−1960); Charlotte, N.C. (1960−1965); Hawthorne, Calif. (1965−1968); Greensboro, N.C. (1970−1973); Fort Wayne, Ind. (1980−1983); and Baytown, Tex. (1986–1991). She also served with him while he was assistant to the home secretary at C&MA headquarters (1968−1970) and superintendent of the

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Southwest (1973−1980) and Mountain Districts (1983−1986).

Phan is survived by his wife; sons Thomas Minh, Timothy Minh, and Tuyên Minh; daughter Tina Minh; and 5 grandchildren.

Carol was predeceased by her husband and a grandchild; she is survived by son Steven Paul; daughter Dianne; 3 grandchildren; and 7 great-grandchildren.

Mary Lou (Rutt) Adamson March 6, 1934−November 25, 2021 Mary Lou received her RN degree from San Jose General Hospital Nursing School in 1954. On August 2, 1953, she married Duane Adamson. Together they served churches in San Jose (1977−1979), San Francisco (1979−1985 and 1997−2002), Santa Cruz (1985−1990), and Oakland, Calif. (post retirement). Mary Lou also served alongside Duane when he was superintendent of the Central Pacific District (1991−1996).

Rae Ann (Symmonds) Tewinkel June 3, 1933−November 4, 2021 Born in Everett, Wash., Rae Ann attended Whitworth College (Spokane, Wash.) and the University of Minnesota. On August 20, 1955, she married Joseph M. Tewinkel, whom she had met in third grade. They moved to the Twin Cities and worked in the Alumni Office at Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn. Rae Ann also was employed at Brown and Bigelow.

Mary Lou is survived by her husband; daughters Michal, Deborah, and Rebekah; 7 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren.

Rae Ann taught children, soloed, and sang in six Twin City churches. She also hosted hundreds of college students in her home. Gary Benedict, former U.S. C&MA president, gave the message at her funeral.

Arthur M. Gaunt August 19, 1932−November 25, 2021

Rae Ann is survived by her husband; daughters Julie, Kristin, and Jan; 4 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.

Arthur attended Fort Wayne (Ind.) Bible College (1950–1955). On March 3, 1951, he married Phyllis Neuenschwander; they enjoyed 70 years of marriage.

Phan Minh Tân October 5, 1938−November 15, 2021

During his 50 years of ministry, Arthur pastored C&MA churches in Ft. Wayne, Ind. (1963–1970); Wheaton, Ill. (1970–1972); San Diego, Calif. (1988– 1993); and New York, N.Y. (1994–1998). He also served as director of Fort Wayne Area Youth for Christ for 6 years and as a C&MA evangelist for 16 years. Following retirement, Arthur preached in churches that were seeking pastors.

Born in central Vietnam, Phan received a baccalaureate diploma in 1955. Sensing the Lord’s call to ministry, he attended DaNang Bible College in 1956. There he met fellow student Nguyen Thanh Hao; they married in 1958. Together they served at a Christian orphanage and started a church in partnership with a missionary. In 1967, Phan served as a senior pastor and concurrently as president of the Youth Association of the Northern Central District. He was ordained as a minister in 1971.

Arthur is survived by his wife; daughters Jennifer and Michelle; son Matthew; 7 grandchildren; and 2 great-grandchildren. William James Brown May 20, 1948−December 5, 2021

At the fall of Saigon in 1975, Phan and his family escaped from Vietnam and arrived in Minnesota where he established a Vietnamese church for newly arrived refugees in Minneapolis-St. Paul. Phan also pastored the Pasadena (Calif.) Alliance Church and served as the Vietnamese District treasurer. In 1980, he planted what became the Greater Los Angeles Church in Highland Park, Calif.

William was born in Akron, Ohio. On August 24, 1968, he married Patricia Lee Hengle. William received a bachelor's in pastoral ministry from Toccoa Falls (Ga.) College; he received his master’s in pastoral psychology and counseling from Ashland (Ohio) Theological Seminary.

In 1989, Phan rebuilt the Vietnamese church in San Bernardino, Calif. He also led the Pasadena Alliance Church in purchasing property and building a fellowship hall in San Gabriel Valley. The church moved to this new location and became the Vietnamese Alliance Church of San Gabriel Valley. That same year, Phan was appointed by the Vietnamese District to serve as the director of Christian literature. He wrote many tracts that contributed toward spreading the gospel.

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For more than 30 years of C&MA ministry, William was a senior pastor in Schererville, Ind. (1982–1986); Ashland, Ohio (1986–2002); and Tiffin, Ohio (2002– 2012). Upon retirement, he was a member of Grace Brethren Church in Ashland. William is survived by his wife; daughters Michelle and Amy; son Fred; 11 grandchildren; and 11 great-grandchildren.



Elfriede A. Schaeffer April 8, 1935−January 9, 2022

were privileged to see the seeds they planted 25 years earlier come to fruition. Before Na Po camp was officially closed in 1997, more than 30 percent of the 1,500 Htin accepted Jesus. The Durlings were given the rare gift of seeing their ministry come full circle.

Elfriede was born in Secaucus, N.J., and received Jesus at an early age. In 1955, she graduated from New York University with a pre-med degree. A week later she married Donald Schaeffer and served alongside him as he pastored churches in rural Wisconsin and Charleston, S.C.

After retiring from full-time missions, they completed a one-year teaching assignment in Russia before moving to Alaska to be near family. Sally passed away peacefully in her sleep after being diagnosed with Alzheimer’s several years earlier.

In 1962, the couple joined The Alliance, and Donald was called to pastor Grace Church in Middleburg Heights, Ohio. Elfriede faithfully supported Donald during 52 years of ministry at Grace Church, helping the church to grow and touching many through her hospitality, listening ear, and loving example. For many years she also taught women’s Bible studies.

Sally was predeceased by her husband; she is survived by children Tim, Mary Beth, Helen, and Bill; and 9 grandchildren. Beulah L. Brown May 20, 1931−January 16, 2022

Elfriede’s lifelong passion was to point people to Jesus. Despite physical frailty in her later years due to Parkinson’s disease, she continued to impact people through her faithful prayers, visits, phone calls, and emails. Five of her nine children have served overseas with The Alliance; six are presently serving in Alliance ministry in the United States and overseas; and several grandchildren also serve in C&MA ministry.

Born in Bagley, Minn., Beulah attended St. Paul Bible Institute (now Crown College, St. Bonifacius, Minn.), St. Cloud State (Minn.) University, and Seattle (Wash.) Pacific University, earning a Bible and teaching certificate. She taught in a one-room school in South Dakota. On June 30, 1956, Beulah married Don Brown. For 60 years of C&MA ministry, the couple served pastorates in Helena, Mont.; Staples, Minn.; Superior, Wis.; and Ronan and Onamia, Minn. As a pastor’s wife, Beulah was involved in a variety of ministries, including Alliance Women, teaching Sunday school, and leading Bible studies.

Elfriede was predeceased by her husband and granddaughter Lisa Herman; she is survived by children Amy, Donald, Joy, Kristin, Andrew, Jonathan, Julianne, Faith, and Jessica; 40 grandchildren; and 38 great-grandchildren. Sarah (Sally) Holmes Durling August 19, 1929−January 10, 2022

Beulah was predeceased by her husband; she is survived by sons Rodney and Randy; daughters Rhoda and Roxanne; 5 grandchildren; and 5 great-grandchildren.

Born in Detroit, Mich., Sally attended the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College, New York, N.Y.) and did missions work in Kentucky before graduating from Houghton (N.Y.) College. In 1958, she was appointed to a creative-access country where she served as a secretary/bookkeeper.

Barbara (Bobbie) Kathryn Reed February 19, 1930−January 22, 2022 Bobbie grew up in Redmond, Wash. She met her husband, Robert (Bob), when she was 11 and he was 12. After being high school sweethearts, they married in 1949. The couple committed their lives to Jesus at Sambica Bible Camp on Lake Sammamish in Washington. After sensing God’s call to full-time ministry, they were appointed as C&MA missionaries to Vietnam and later served in Malaysia and the Philippines. In 1979, the couple returned to the United States, where Bob accepted a position at C&MA headquarters. Later, Bobbie became the coordinator for General Council.

Sally eventually met and married Don Durling, a linguistics teacher at a university, who joined Sally on the mission field. During language study, they became especially burdened for the Htin, a small mountain tribe that was completely unreached. The couple had the privilege of leading their language teacher to the Lord, and this family was the first among the tribe to receive Christ. During their remaining years of C&MA ministry, the Durlings brought the gospel to many scattered mountain villages and served at the CAMA field office in Thailand, where they did translation work in the Na Po refugee camp. While there, they were miraculously reunited with the tribespeople they had come to love during language study, who had been relocated to the same camp.

In retirement, Bob and Bobbie served in a variety of roles, including leading Bible study groups and hosting monthly fellowship brunches. Among Bobbie’s passions were cooking and the art of hospitality. Bobby was predeceased by her husband; she is

In their final years on the mission field, Sally and Don



MAY/JUN 2022


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Elizabeth Furniss May 8, 1930−October 18, 2021

survived by children Mark, Timothy, Rebekah, and Deborah; 8 grandchildren; and 4 great-grandchildren.

Donald Robb Furniss November 15, 1929− February 3, 2022

Dorothy M. Hostetter April 4, 1926−January 27, 2022

Elizabeth was born in Mahaffey, Pa., and attended the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College, New York, N.Y.). Donald was born in Pittsburgh, Pa. He attended the Missionary Training Institute and the University of Pittsburgh. They married on June 12, 1954. Donald did postgraduate work at Easton Seminary (Philadelphia, Pa.) and was ordained in 1955.

Dorothy was born on Easter Sunday in in Lyndon, Pa., in the home of her grandmother, Susan Hess. After graduating from high school, Dorothy worked at Armstrong Cork Company until fall 1949 when she enrolled in the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College, New York, N.Y.). She received her diploma and served as a rural Bible teacher in Maine. In 1957, Dorothy returned to Nyack College to complete her bachelor’s degree in Christian education.

Donald and Elizabeth served as C&MA missionaries to Cambodia (1965−1968) and pastored churches in Pitman, N.J. (1968–1971); Upper Darby, Pa. (1971– 1980); and Ashville, N.C. (1980–1993). In retirement, Donald was a chaplain with the Asheville Police Department and at Memorial Mission Hospital.

Dorothy was involved in ministry for 42 years. She was employed by the Alliance Home (now Chapel Pointe, Carlisle, Pa.) and retired in 1992, at which time she became a resident. She was passionate about writing and reading and even had a book published. Dorothy’s real gift was service to others.

Elizabeth and Donald are survived by their daughter Beth Ellen; and 2 grandchildren.

Dorothy is survived by sisters-in-law Gladys and Shirley

MAY/JUN 2022



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James Woehr November 29, 1922−February 6, 2022

Rev. Samuel (Sam) J. Smith September 10, 1927−February 13, 2022

James was born in Philadelphia, Pa., and served in the army during World War II. He attended Philadelphia College of the Bible (now Cairn University) and the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College, New York, N.Y.). On September 2, 1950, James married Jean Carol Turner.

Born in Alexandria, Ind., Sam received Christ when he was two years old. Later, his parents became missionaries, and the family moved to Bolivia. On January 8, 1949, Sam married Mary Ellen Jackson. Together they served as missionaries to Bolivia and Mexico. Their ministries included street meetings, visiting remote areas, teaching, planting churches, and helping to establish a Christian radio station. Sometimes Sam would hike for miles to reach faraway villages.

During 63 years of C&MA ministry, James was a pastor in Hawthorne, Pa. (1950–1952); served as a missionary to Chile (1952–1988); and carried out pastoral duties/ministries at Queens Spanish Alliance Church (1989–2014). James worked in both urban and rural settings at a time when travel could be long and difficult. Throughout his ministry, he traveled by horse, ferry, bus, train, and car to communicate the gospel, often moving from town to town to encourage, teach, and help people.

Sam had a vision to start a Christian camp where believers could get away to be refreshed and recharged. Despite ill health, he persevered in pursuing his dream. With the backing of sacrificial donors, Sam and Mary Ellen were able to purchase an abandoned motel on lakefront property that they refurbished and opened in 1972. Camp Oasis of Living Water has been instrumental in leading countless people to Jesus or helping believers grow in their faith, rest, and find encouragement. It typically hosts 6,000 campers annually.

James was predeceased by his wife; he is survived by children Priscilla, Charles, Timothy, Christine, Kenneth, and Susan; 11 grandchildren; and 3 great-grandchildren.



MAY/JUN 2022


On March 19, 1999, Mary Ellen died after a battle with pancreatic cancer. Sam married Annabel Searl Baker on June 23, 2001. The couple lived in Ohio and Michigan, where they hosted visiting missionaries and taught ESL.

In the March/April issue, we incorrectly referenced Isaiah 11:61 in the first InFocus picture. It should have said "Isaiah 61:11." In the "With the Lord" section of the March/April issue, we mistakenly published the wrong photo for Janet Van Schooten. We apologize for this error and are reprinting Janet’s obituary in this issue along with the correct photo.

Sam is survived by his second wife; children Janice, Jim, Jonathan, and Joel; 2 stepchildren; 7 grandchildren; 4 step-grandchildren; 12 greatgrandchildren; and 1 step-great-grandson; Sam was predeceased by his first wife; 1 grandson; and 1 step-granddaughter.

CLASSIFIEDS Raymond O. Bridgham October 30, 1924−February 14, 2022


Raymond was born in Lewiston, Maine, and received Christ at the age of 12 at a gospel crusade. After reading the autobiography of the missionary David Livingstone, Raymond felt called to full-time ministry. He attended the Missionary Training Institute (now Nyack College, New York, N.Y.) for one year prior to serving in the navy during World War II. When he returned to Nyack to continue his studies, he met Lois Galindo. They married on August 26, 1949, and served in ministry together for 62 years.

Grace Runners

by former Alliance international worker James Albright, “is much like the outstanding work of C. S. Lewis’ The Screwtape Letters. In Grace Runners, there are two angels of equal status; one rebels and follows Satan while the other follows the Lord. Albright’s book brings back a needed focus on the reality of Satan’s demonic activity in today’s Western world. I am happy to recommend this very interesting read.” —Paul L. Alford. Available on Amazon.

Upon graduation, Raymond served as an assistant pastor in the Miami Gospel Tabernacle. He went on to pastor C&MA churches in Jasper, Ala.; Meridian, Miss.; Jacksonville and Fort Lauderdale, Fla.; and Santa Monica, Calif. He also served for eight years as director of the Alliance Home (now the Alliance Community of Retirement Living in DeLand, Fla.) and directed World Relief’s Vietnamese refugee ministry in Hong Kong and the Philippines. For over 10 years he served on the pastoral staff of the Boca Raton (Fla.) Community Church.

From Broken to Beloved by Terry Wardle, invites you on a step-by-step journey of awakening, where the wonder of who you truly are is unleashed through the transforming power of Jesus Christ. As you take one step after the other, you will begin to realize that "awakening" is not simply a beautiful concept but a healing experience that will enable you to see who you are so that you can receive everything God intends for your life. Available on Amazon.

Raymond was predeceased his wife and child Raymond Jr., who died in infancy; he is survived by children Juniata, Rebecca, and Timothy; 8 grandchildren; and 9 great-grandchildren. Lucille H. Stombaugh July 15, 1930−February 20, 2022 Lucille was born in McKeesport, Pa., to Ernest and Helen (Terwilliger) Johnson. For more than 32 years, Lucille and her husband, Theodore (Ray), served as C&MA missionaries in Central and West Africa. Lucille was a woman of strong faith who devoted her time to prayer and intercession. She also enjoyed spending time with family and friends and kept connected with them through social media. Lucille was predeceased by her husband and granddaughter Jensen Rose; she is survived by children Joyce, Stephen, Albert, Donna, and Philip; 13 grandchildren; and 12 great-grandchildren.

MAY/JUN 2022




EMPOWERED BY THE SPIRIT In March, nearly 200 Alliance leaders and church planters gathered in Orlando, Florida, at Exponential, a church-planting conference among the largest in the world. The C&MA hosted a pre-conference centered around the theme Don’t Plant Alone, highlighting the cruciality of planting churches out of intimacy with the Holy Spirit, intentional fellowship with others, and in collaboration with a broader church-planting network and movement. Those gathered at the pre-conference sought the Spirit, prayed together, and learned from one another. At the main conference, the Lord moved powerfully through worship and teaching, which focused on the empowering work of the Holy Spirit. We are grateful for the Alliance leaders and church planters who lean into dependence on the Spirit of God and community with the Body of Christ as well as the Office for Church Multiplication, which resources and leads church-planting efforts in The Alliance.

BUILDING HIS CHURCH C. A. and Faith Cranfill launched Missio Dei Alliance Church in Shamokin Dam, Pennsylvania, on September 19, 2021. Because of their many outreaches—like delivering food to the homeless, hosting community events, and bringing flowers to widows—multiple people have come to faith and they’ve held three baptisms! Many young people have been called into full-time ministry through the work of this church plant. One man gave his first sermon in December and is now enrolled in the Alliance Center for Leadership Development. Another young man who came to faith in October is now pursuing international ministry. Praise Jesus! He is building His Church!



MAY/JUN 2022

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WHERE THE LIGHT HAS NOT YET GONE by Ruth C. Bohleen Adapted from “Seed Sowing and Harvest” published in The Alliance Weekly, April 30, 1932 Chapel and congregation at Pampang, Philippines (Photo courtesy of C&MA Archives)


arrived in Pampang, Philippines, the day before Christmas. The Lommassons and I left early for Chief Lamuk’s house, the leader of the tribe in that section of the country. For many years he withstood the gospel, but today he is a Christian, leading his people according to Christian principles. After paying our respects to Lamuk, we went down the hill where we found many people gathered. This was the marketplace where the dinner was to be served. The market looked like a brightly colored flower garden—all the colors of the rainbow appeared in the dresses worn. And how happy the people were! This was a great day for them. While we were visiting in the market, the gong sounded, so we all streamed up the hill to the morning meeting, held in a wall-less, roofed building. Mats were laid on the ground to seat as many as possible, while others sat on the grass outside. There were more people outside than inside because at least 800 were present. As we sang “Sowing in the Morning,” I thought of the hard field this had been. Mrs. Lommasson used to trudge away up over the hills, through the thick, tall grasses to this little barrio, sowing the precious seed of the gospel. She would trudge home again without see-

ing any results. This went on for years, but this past year, the seed sprang up in hearts. They have a little church which is too small to accommodate the people who are becoming interested. They have an audience of 90 to 100 each Sunday. Then came a testimony meeting. Two or three were up at the same time, all speaking at once. It thrilled my soul to hear them; although I could not understand their words, I understood their joy, for I have the same—the joy of salvation through Jesus. About seventy persons came from every side to kneel at the altar ready to forsake their old belief which had bound them for years. How glad I was to see them come and to know they were now ready to face eternity. What a wonderful sight it was! Then came a baptismal service at the river when 43 men and women followed the Lord in this ordinance. It was a great day! I was so thankful to have seen what God will do if one will only stay on, sowing the seed with prayer and never giving up despite discouragements. Thus have Mr. and Mrs. Lommasson stayed on faithfully. Now over a thousand souls have been saved, and the natives are taking the Word of Life farther and farther into the interior where the light has not yet gone.

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