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PLL Omega U Mother’s Day Celebration

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MAY 2021– WWW. 3RDDISTRICTQUES.ORG Pi Lambda Lambda’s Omega U Mother’s Day Celebration

Pi Lambda Lambda (PLL) chapter, Third District, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Inc. and the Prince William County Virginia | Pi Lambda Lambda | Third District – On May 8, 2021, the Omega U Program presented a Mother’s Day Celebration in honor of all the wonderful mothers. There are a million things you could say about your mom: She's nurturing, smart, funny, loyal, loving, and well, everything else.

Mother’s Day is all about celebrating the woman who raised you and shaped who you are as a person. From all the packed lunches with napkin notes, to the bandages and kisses after falling off your bike, to being the first one to cry at your graduation– your mom was there for it all. It’s important to thank her for all the love and work she put in through the years.

• The highest compliment anyone can give me, Mom, is to say that I’m like you. • I see you in things I do, I hear you in things I say — and I am proud of you. • Happy Mother's Day from the World's Luckiest Son. • Happy Mother’s Day to the woman who raised me into the man I am today. • Happy Mother’s Day to my “other mother. ” I am so lucky to have two great moms. • Happy Mother's Day, thank you for everything you do for me and my family.

Omega U Committee would like to thank all the mothers who support our partnership in helping provide developmental tools to the youths they entrust us with daily.

Even through Covid-19, Omega U will continue to provide mentorship to the students in Prince William County, teaching them strive for more than the boundaries that are set around them.

“Mother love is the fuel that enables a normal human being to do the impossible” -Marion C. Garretty-

Third District Worship & Prayer Service

The Third District of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity Incorporated instituted the weekly Third District Worship & Prayer services on Sunday nights at 7:11 pm, starting in April 2020. Initially, the prayer services were designed as a prayer service for COVID-19 pandemic relief. The prayer service mission developed into opportunities for fellowship and celebration across the District and beyond. Over the past year, the Third District Worship and Prayer service has combined powerful words of uplift, great music, fervent prayers, and fellowship in True Omega fashion. This event is open to Brothers of Omega, family, and friends alike. We have enjoyed special services that celebrated Omega Legacy on Father’s Day, Service Members on Veterans Day, and couples married for more than 50 years on Valentine’s Day, with two of our celebrants sharing 68 year partnerships. We have showcased the future leadership of the Fraternity, and nation, with student led services commemorating HBCU Homecoming, College Graduation, and Mother’s Day. Both local, regional, and national representatives of the National Pan-Hellenic Council have participated along with every member of our Supreme Council. The Third District Worship & Prayer Service facilitated by Third District Chaplain Rev. Courtenay L. Miller, under the leadership of both the 29th (Brother Kevin Brown) and 30th District Representative Brother Conrado B. Morgan. This service has provided a forum for uplift in an uncertain and unsteady time. while also providing a vehicle for reconnection and connection to participants across the county and indeed around the globe. The Third District acknowledges the contributions of the many worship leaders, musicians, and the automation team for their contribution to this great worship and friendship experience.

Kappa Psi Chapter’s Mentorship Program, DC Rhinos Event, “3D Printing and Subtractive Manufacturing”

On Saturday, March 13, 2021, Brother Johnny Thompson hosted the DC Rhinos STEM Session titled 3D Printing and Subtractive Manufacturing. Johnny started his presentation by telling of graduating University of Central Florida (UCF) and how he got involved in engineering. He explained that he had developed a passion for 3D printing while at school and wanted to learn everything he could. 3D printing is an additive process used to create solid objects from digital files. This is done by creating a 3D model using modeling software, which is sliced into a program called “GCode,” then sent to the 3D printer to process the file. Attendees also got to see a few examples of objects that have been printed by other engineers. Items such as toy figurines, bass guitars, iPhone cases and even a jawbone for a human being to name a few.

Johnny demonstrated the use of two different printers and the software needed to use the printer. Bro. Thompson explained how one printer was used to make parts for another machine he and his wife built. The demonstration continued by going through the process of how to print a fidget spinner. The interactions between the Rhinos led the Mentorship Chair and past Kappa Psi Basileus, Glen Yonkers Jr. to see a tremendous amount of interest in 3D printing among participants.

“We need to expose our young men to STEM professions, because the participation of black and brown students is surely needed. This is the fundamental reason why we try to have STEM sessions throughout the DC Rhinos year.”

Engineering, at its core, is to make products and processes to improve the lives of all people. The brothers are sure that a few of the Rhinos felt a spark to become an engineer to become a force within the global community.

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