1 minute read


This module is derived from two guide curves. In this instance they are a rotated logspiral bisected by radial lines rotated by one deg ree.

The order of the roof dictates how other components terminate, closing the volume in this way.


the base curves are constructed with the point intersections between the radial and spiral orders. The logspiral parameters are likewise flipped to construct a symmetrical grid. The same points from the intersection become the primary division of bays and inform much of the stru cture.

they are lifted along their three originating “tracks on a range, graphmapped as a tree but remapped to different domains.

The result uses the control points of said arcs to build a gabl e form.

The gable is rationalized into triangles to make it planar. The result is negatively offset and lifted normal to each origin surface and lofted to construct skylights.

The skylights are also triangulated to make them planar.

ARCH 6020: Media + Modelling 2

Instructor: Lena Klein

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