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Message from the President
It is a pleasure to introduce you to the 2022-2023 academic year. For those of you beginning your first year with us, I welcome you on behalf of our Board of Governors, students, faculty and administration to the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, a vibrant and inclusive institution committed to evidence-based care and innovative program delivery. CMCC is internationally recognized for the quality of its chiropractic program, its exceptional team of healthcare professionals and its graduates who practice in over 52 countries around the world.
This year, in addition to offering one of the most highly regarded chiropractic degrees in the world, CMCC offers its graduates the opportunity to apply for licensure in the US as well as Canada, by becoming the only chiropractic program accredited by agencies in two countries – the Council on Chiropractic Education Canada as well as its American counterpart – the Council on Chiropractic Education (US). We are proud to offer our graduates the increased opportunities this makes available to them.
An early investment in technology as well as dedicated faculty and staff enabled us to continue to provide our program throughout the global challenges and interruptions of the past two years. We are now in a position to organize our program with the convenience of some virtual offerings in addition to vital in-person classes and labs. Our cloud-based lecture capture system, so valuable during 2020 and 2021, allows faculty to record and upload lectures that students can speed up, annotate, search and revisit, allowing them to tailor the pace of their learning and providing unlimited opportunities to review materials in preparation for examinations. CMCC’s Simulation Laboratories, with specially designed adjusting tables, delayed video feedback, and programmable simulated patient manikins, provide an exceptional setting to enhance diagnostic and treatment skills. The Force Sensing Table Technology (FSTT®) and the Human Analogue Mannequin (HAM®) developed at CMCC have now been adopted by numerous chiropractic programs around the world. For the new year, we have doubled the space available for this purpose. In Anatomy, we offer students the use of the Anatomage® Tables, life-sized virtual dissection tables used to augment our traditional dissection program. These tables are very versatile for our students and instructors, allowing integration with microanatomy, histology, X-ray, CT and MRI images. Our digital examination platform allows both on-campus and remote testing in a secure manner that also allows tracking of student competencies as they develop over the four years at CMCC.
To prepare students for emerging interprofessional health care models, we offer a variety of clinical experiences that include multidisciplinary clinics, integrated care settings, hospital experiences, and traditional private practice settings. Additionally, as we sought to increase opportunities for clinical experiences for students outside of our own CMCC-operated clinics during the height of the pandemic, we have elected to continue offering students the opportunity to complete some of their clinical hours in externally run community clinics approved by CMCC.
David Wickes, DC, MA
We find value in collaborating with other professionals and institutions. Articulation agreements with Canadian universities such as the Ontario Tech University, the University of Winnipeg and the University of New Brunswick, enable students enrolled in kinesiology honours degree programs to earn both their undergraduate degree and the doctor of chiropractic degree in seven years rather than eight. Agreements with the University of Southern Denmark and the University of Toronto have been developed to foster cooperative educational, clinical, research and graduate programs.
CMCC's first campus in 1945 at 252 Bloor Street West, Toronto