1 minute read

The Chiropractic Oath

I do hereby swear before God and these assembled witnesses, both corporeal and spiritual, that I will do my utmost to keep this my sacred, trusted oath, as a graduate of the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College, that henceforth:

I will esteem those who taught me this Art, Science and Philosophy of Chiropractic, and with this torch of knowledge, fashioned by Hippocrates, I will light the way to the understanding of those natural laws which preserve the human body as a fitting temple of the soul.

I will keep the physical, mental and spiritual needs of the sick as my foremost duty, ever searching for and correcting the cause of their disease to the best of my ability, insofar as my science is in the highest precepts of my Alma Mater and harmonious with the Vis Medicatrix Naturae.

I will at all times stand ready to serve humanity, without distinction of race, creed or colour, in my lifelong vocation of preventing and alleviating human suffering, wherever it may be found, by exemplifying in my own life a pattern of living in harmony with the laws of nature.

I will refrain from any act of wrongdoing and will regard the keeping of a patient’s confidence as a moral obligation, using any such information only in his/her best interests.

May God so direct the skillful use of my hands that I may bring strength to the sick, relief to the suffering, peace of mind to the anxious, and inspiration to all humanity to attain bountiful health that we may live this life to the fullest expression of its innate endowments.

I therefore solemnly swear to uphold these principles and precepts to the best of my ability, so help me God.

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