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Faculty Presentations: 2018-19 Academic Year
Kopansky-Giles D, Beavers L. Cultivating collaborative teams using an interprofessional collaboration competency framework in performance appraisals. 18 Jun 20; Toronto, ON: Interprofessional Collaboration Showcase 2018.
Peranson J, Kopansky-Giles D, Waters I. Recognizing our Hidden Faculty: Integrating and Supporting the Role of Health Professional Educators in Family Medicine. 18 Aug 25; Basel, Switzerland: Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 4th International Conference.
Newton C, Kopansky-Giles D. Teaching and assessing collaborative practice competencies in family medicine residency and health professional training program. 18 Aug 25; Basel, Switzerland: Association for Medical Education in Europe (AMEE) 4th International Conference. (workshop)
Fillery M, Mior SA, Gamble B. Retaining a health workforce with the potential to aid musculoskeletal pain in Canada’s most populous province: A longitudinal study of chiropractors. 18 Oct 3; Gatineau, QC: Canadian Health Workforce Conference. (poster)
Brodie L, Côté P, Meckamalil C, Hogg-Johnson S, Smith K, Jacobs C, Carroll L. The association between musculoskeletal pain and psychological stress, CMCC mental health and wellness study. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Côté D, Smith K, Côté P. The association between substance use and psychological distress in students enrolled at CMCC. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Eilayyan O, Thomas A, Ahmed S, Tibbles A, Jacobs C, Alzoubi F, Bussières A. Promoting the use of a self-management strategy among novice chiropractors treating individuals with spine pain. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Hammerich K, Stuber K, Abbas A, Harris M, Hogg-Johnson S, Lauridsen HH, Lemeunier N, Maiers M, Mior SA. Assessing attitudes of patient-centered care among students across chiropractic colleges. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Kopansky-Giles D, Beavers L, Dewhurst N, Whelan L, Leung FH, Skiffington A, McNeil B. Cultivating collaborative teams using an interprofessional collaboration competency framework in performance appraisals. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Lemeunier N, Yu H, Côté P. How to teach diagnostic tests when there is not enough evidence on their utility? 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Meckamalil C, Côté P, Brodie L, Hogg-Johnson S, Smith K, Jacobs C, Carroll L. The prevalence of anxiety, stress and depressive symptomology in chiropractic undergraduate students at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Osterbauer PJ, Lester S, Starmer DJ. Four month skill retention using force sensing feedback after simulated, prone, thoracic adjustments. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Sovak G, Wickes D. Virtual microscopy for the study of histology in a chiropractic program: is it the future? 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Suri M, Kopansky-Giles D, White K, Jeffs L, Mior SA. Evaluating the integration of interprofessional collaborative competencies within team-based simulation training: a randomized trial. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Verville L, Côté P, Grondin D, Mior SA, Moodley K, Kay R, Taylor-Vaisey A. Are technology-based educational interventions effective in improving knowledge about clinical practice guidelines? A systematic review of the literature. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Verville L, Côté P, Grondin D, Mior SA, Kay R. The development and evaluation of a technology-based learning tool to improve knowledge about the evidence-based management of neck pain by teaching faculty at a Canadian Chiropractic College. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Wickes D. Evidence mapping of lecture capture research in chiropractic programs: a preliminary analysis. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Wingrove J, Ridding A, Tibbles A. Development of an educational app for clinic observation. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference.
Bradaric-Baus C, Dunham S. Operationalizing a strategic plan – where do we start? 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (poster)
Budgell B. Constructing and analyzing a spoken corpus of the chiropractic curriculum. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (poster)
Coulter ID, Crawford C, Vernon H, Hurwitz E, Whitley M, Herman P, Aliyev G. Manipulation and mobilization for treating chronic neck pain: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (poster)
Dunham S, Bradaric-Baus C. Development of graduate exit competencies at the Canadian Memorial Chiropractic College. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (poster)
Kinsinger S. What do professionals profess? Teaching the principles of professionalism. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (poster)
Azad A, Howard L. Towards a model of business education for chiropractic. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (workshop)
Budgell B. Good biomedical writing: how to recognize it, how to produce it, how to teach it. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (workshop)
Gleberzon B, McCarthy P, Du Rose A. Toward the development of a standardized chiropractic curriculum for jurisprudence, ethics and business management course content. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (workshop)
Kinsinger S. Principles in setting doctor:patient boundaries. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (workshop) Kopansky-Giles D, Newton C, Dunham S. Coaching for competence in collaborative practice: practical resources for the clinical preceptor. 18 Oct 24; London, UK: World Federation of Chiropractic Association of Chiropractic Colleges 10th Chiropractic Education Conference. (workshop)
Barbier-Cazorla F, Yu H, Côté P, Stern P, Côté D, Taylor-Vaisey A, D'Silva C, Lemeunier N. Reliability and validity of orthopaedic tests to assess low back pain patients: a systematic and critical review. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Gold P, Ellul N. TMJ trauma as a cause of lingual nerve impingement: A case report. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Green B, Johnson C, Haldeman S, Kane E, Clay M, Griffith E, Castellote J, Smuck M, Rajasekaran S, Hurwitz E, Nordin M, Randhawa K, Yu H. Recommendations for public health and prevention interventions for common spine disorders in low- and middle-income communities. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Lardon A, Yu H, Côté P, Taylor-Vaisey A, Lemeunier N. Reliability and validity of muscular endurance tests in low back pain population: a systematic review. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
To D, Alexopulos S, Bartosik A, Starmer D. An evaluation of educational resources in an evidence-informed curriculum: a descriptive study. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Yu H, Mallard F, Côté P, Taylor-Vaisey A, Lemeunier N. Reliability and validity of neurological tests in low back pain population: a systematic review. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Yu H, Mohammed R, Côté P, Taylor-Vaisey A, Lemeunier N. Reliability and validity of self-reported disability questionnaires in low back pain population: A systematic review. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019.
Kinsinger FS. What do Professionals Profess? Affirming the Principles of Professionalism. 18 Mar 14; Baltimore, MD: ACC RAC 2019. (poster)
Adeboyejo A, Jensen RK, Hogg-Johnson S, Hartvigsen J. The association between low back pain, self-perceived fatigue, and physical performance in community-dwelling Danish citizens over 75 years of age: A cross-sectional study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Barbier G, Lemeunier N, Côté P, Houart G, Pigeon S, Audo Y, Lardon E, Lanlo O, Lardon A. Effect of High velocity, low amplitude spinal manipulation on Range of Motion: A systematic literature review. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ ECU Congress.
Cancelliere C, Côté P, Nordin M, Connell G. Proposal for an evidence-based guideline on the rehabilaltion of disability in adults with spinal disorders: an interdisciplinary, multisectoral, and multi-society guideline. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Carpino G, Howarth SJ. Does manual therapy affect functional and biomechanical outcomes of a sit-to-stand test in a low back pain population? A secondary data analysis. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Esson SA, Åartun E, Mior SA, Weaver R, Côté P. The daily experience of patients with low back pain: a qualitative study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Funabashi M. Quantification of lumbar vertebral motion during two different spinal manipulative techniques: a feasibility investigation. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Funabashi M. Force distribution within spinal tissues during a posterior to anterior spinal manipulative therapy. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Lemeunier N, Yu H, Salmi RL, Nordin M, Côté P. Diagnosing low back pain: how to assess patient with non-specific LBP? Evidencebased recommendations. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Mior SA. The daily experience of patients with lower back pain: A qualitative study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Moser N, Mior SA, Noseworthy M, Côté P, Wells G, Behr M, Triano JJ. A Cross-over Randomized Trial of the Effect of Cervical Manipulation on Vertebral Artery and Cerebral Hemodynamics in Neck Pain Patients. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ ECU Congress.
Saugstrup M, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Kongsted A, Hartvigsen J. Why do people with LBP choose to contact a chiropractor? A casecrossover study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Stockendahl M, Rezai M, Torres P, Sutton D, Tuchin P, Brown R, Côté P. Chiropractic Health Resources: A Global Review. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress.
Sorondo D, Delpierre C, Côté P, Salmi RL, Taylor-Vaisey A, Lemeunier N. A scoping review of literature on clinical practice guidelines use for the assessment and management of musculoskeletal disorders. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. Azad A, Weis CA. Attitudes Towards Chiropractic Care: A Crosssectional Survey of South Asians living in Ontario. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Batley S, Åartun E, Boyle E, Hartvigsen J, Stern P, Hestbaek L. The Association between Psychological and Social Factors and Spinal Pain in Adolescents. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ ECU Congress. (poster)
Corso M, Howitt S, Srbely J, Tran S, Liang C, Mior SA. The immediate effect of spinal manipulation on ball velocity and neuromuscular function during an instep kick in former varsity soccer players: a feasibility study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
deGraauw C, Rutherford S, Howitt S. Exercise is a vital sign: Utilization in Canadian Chiropractic teaching clinics. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Fillery M, Mior SA¸ Gamble B. A longitudinal analysis of the chiropractic profession in Ontario: How the health workforce opened up to global markets from 1996-2007. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Germann D, El Bouse A, Shnier J, Abdelkader N, Kazemi M. Effects of Local Vibration Therapy on Various Performance Parameters: A Narrative Literature Review. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Kazemi M, Choi G, Millard M. The effects of spinal manipulative therapy on sports performance: A systematic review. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Lee A, deGraauw L, Belchos M, Muir B, Szabo K, Howitt S, deGraauw C. A Qualitative Study Investigating Research Directives for Sports-Focused Chiropractic Research: A Second Phase Study to Develop A Sports-Focused Research Agenda for Canadian Sports Chiropractors. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Lundgaard Saugstrup M, Côté P, Hogg-Johnson S, Kongsted A, Hartvigsen J. Why do people with LBP choose to contact a chiropractor? A case-crossover study. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Mior SA, Hogg Johnson S, Ammendolia C. The association between patient expectation and improved walking distance in patients receiving non-surgical care for lumbar spinal stenosis. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ECU Congress. (poster)
Olesen K, Kopansky-Giles D, Leung F-H, Peranson J, Vernon H. Measuring and improving patient empowerment and enablement within an Ontario Academic Family Health Team: a quality improvement initiative. 19 Mar 20; Berlin, Germany: EPIC 2019 WFC/ ECU Congress. (poster)