Wellpowered Worksites 2023 Program Catalog

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First things first. I would like to take this opportunity to personally thank you for being a part of the Wellpowered Worksites program. By participating in this program, you are not only improving the well-being of your employees, but also impacting our community as a whole, which is no small task. My goal as your Wellness Advisor is to function as your resource for all things worksite wellness, making it easier for you to create a wellness-focused organization.

Each year the Wellpowered Worksites program provides new resources, trainings and our signature programs to help you and your organization reach your well-being goals. Last year we successfully launched our 2022 pilot of our new Signature Program Mind Full to Mindful with 9 organizations enrolled and a total of 149 participants.The launch of the program was a success and we are excited to bring it back again in 2024 in its new and improved form. My goals for 2023 are to provide you with wellness offerings and resources like burnout prevention, DEIB education, and remote office support that addresses the unique needs of a hybrid workforce.

Your engagement and feedback help us shape what these offerings become giving you the opportunity to influence the direction of this program.So thank you! Your commitment to this program, and your desire for happy and healthy employees is what gives me and myteam the opportunity to do what we do. Cheersto anotheryear of success and well-being.


Center for Population Health CHESHIRE MEDICAL CENTER


What does it mean to be Wellpowered? We believe it is a mindset. A set of beliefs that shape how we make sense of the world and ourselves, influencing how we think, feel, and behave in any given situation. When we are Wellpowered, we hone our ability to learn, adapt, and grow in ways that positively impact not just our own well­being, but the well-being of those around us and our community. Being Wellpowered means making an active commitment toprioritize well-being everyday It is a focus of our energy, and our attention to:

Connect Replenish Discover Nourish Move

Focusing on these 5 areas has allowed our community to grow and shift. From our humble beginnings of advocating for healthy eating and active living, to partnering with national content experts to create perspective-changing programs and trainings, we lovewatching howour community continuesto transform. As yourwellness advisor, I takegreatpride inunveiling the 2023 Wellpowered suite of offerings. TheWellpowered Worksites program spans the entire region and serves 30 organizations in a variety of industries. Similarly, our sister program Wellpowered Schools is now implemented in over 20 area schools, and is set to expand to libraries and other community youth-focused locations. And launching in 2023, Wellpowered You, our completely revamped platform for community health and wellness education programming. This new platform will expand beyond the four walls of Cheshire Medical Center, greatly improving our reach and allowing even more community members access to these educational opportunities. As always, we encourage your feedback, engagement, and collaboration to help grow this community and createreal, sustainable change.



Since 1994, the Leadership Council for a Healthy Monadnock has united community leadersacross our region to create a culture of well-being and strive for health equity. With unwavering support from Cheshire Medical Center, the dedication of our founding members, and thousands of community Champions who answered the call, the Healthy Monadnock initiative has evolved throughout the years; from an inspirational vision to become the nation's healthiestcommunity, into the regional Alliance it is today.

Through your enrollment in the Wellpowerd Worksites Program, you play an integral role in the Alliance. Your organization, and silmilar Member Organizations, are working everyday to improve the lives of the people you employ or serve. In doing so, you further the mission; better health and well-being for all You are helping build a stronger, more resilient community through your efforts.


Each year, organizations enrolled in the Wellpowered program benefit from a variety of wellness offerings presented by local content experts (all atno cost to the organization). This rotating list is specifically designed to meet the unique needs of the organizations enrolled in the Wellpowered program. We encourage you to help us shape what these offerings ultimately become, throughyourfeedback on your annualquestionnaire.

This year Wellpowered Worksites aims to create a community of support, and to do so, we recognize the importance of bringing people together to learn, in person. Wellpowered Worksites will have the opportunity to attend in-person trainings on a variety of topics such as compassion fatigue and healthy psychology in theworkplace.

Insight Timer is one of the leading Mindfulness Apps available today. Insight Timer @Work is packed full of additional features like daily live workshops and yoga sessions, over 100,000 guided practices and music tracks, group meditation, (allowing your employees the ability to practice together), user management, and success reporting. Wellpowered Worksites will receive this App as a no-cost community benefit, making it the perfect addition to your organization's currentwellnessinitiatives.

Worksites will have access to an on-demand ergonomics training tailored specifically to support remote employees. Employees will learn the important role ergonomics plays in their health and how to createan ergonomically friendly spacein their homeoffice.

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In Person Trainings
-� Remote Ergonomics Training
Insight Timer @Work


This 30-minute training teaches participants how to quickly recognize an opiate/opioid overdose, how to properly administer NARCAN, and offers an in-depth discussion about stigma and the disease of addiction. A NARCAN kit is available for each participant to take with them because we know using NARCAN to save a life provides someone a chance at recovery.

Hands-Only CPR is CPR without rescue breaths. Receive on-site training through the Greater Monadnock Medical Reserve Corps in partnership with local Fire Departments/EMS, to ensure your employees are prepared for potential emergencies. This training can be completed on a "rolling basis" or as a "mini-session" injust 20 minutes.

Well Balanced is a full-color, fully illustrated newsletter from a brand you can trust: WELCOA (The Wellness Councils of America). This monthly newsletter is completely ad and fluff free! Every issue is filled with compelling articles, information and recipes your employees will actually want to read.


As part of the Wellpowered Worksites program, your organization is eligible to apply for a mini grant of up to $500 every year to be used on health and wellness supports for employees. Past grant awardees used their grants for a wide range of wellness enhancements, such as a redesigned lactation space, a bike repair station, or additions to their on-site gym.

Don't see the resource you're looking for? No problem! One of the best things about the Wellpowered program is the wide variety of resources available through our Wellpowered network. Reach out to your Wellness Advisor and they will be happy to connect you with a local resource to fit your needs.

NARCANTraining �

Signature Programs

Another perk of the Wellpowered Worksites program is our two signature programs offered to organizations, Right This Way and Mind Full to Mindful. These programs are only available through the Wellpowered program, and are custom designed in-house tailor built to specifically meet the needs of organizations in the Monadnock region.

Right This Way is a 10-week, online, holistic, team-based wellness challenge designed for people who looking to improve their health and well-being and have a little fun along the way! Throughout the summer, local organizations take part in this community wellness challenge stirring up some friendly competition throughout the region, while also improving their health and well-being. Right This Way uses science-backed behavior change techniques to form wellness habits that produce lasting results Unlike other "canned" wellness programs, Right This Way is specifically developed through participant feedback, giving each individual the unique opportunity to help develop a program that feels both authentic and effective!

The goal of Right This Way is for participants to complete six daily

which earn participants points that tally against other Wellpowered organizations in our community. Along with bragging rights, Right This Way participants also receive fun weekly mini-challenges and giveaways to help keep them motivated. And let's not forget the unofficial (self-appointed) mascot of Right This Way Roamin' Penny, whose shenanigans are always a fanfavoritemotivational tool!

2023WELL-BEING HABITS: 6-8oz Glasses of Water 7-9 Hours of Sleep Number of Steps/minutes of Exercise Number of Produce Servings No After Dinner Snacking Nl\N Reading A Book 2023 Dates: May 22nd - July 30th!
well-being habits,

Our 2022 pilot launch of Mind Full to Mindful was a huge success, with 9 organizations and a total of 149 participants participating. We heard your feedback and are excited to announce that we will be bringing Mind Full to Mindful back in its newand improved form for2024. Stay tuned for more information and mindfulnessupdates fromyourWellness Advisor.

Mind Full to Mindful is a mindfulness program designed to help participants build a sustainable mindfulness practice. Throughout the program, participants engage in cohort-style learning, with guided instruction from a trained instructor, as well as mindfulness prompts, exercises, and a personal guidebook. This program helps participants incorporate a successful mindfulness practice into their lives through purposeful awareness and meaningful repetition to form a lasting habit Upon completion of the program, participants can expect to feel more emotionally and physically resilient, better connected to the people in their lives, and more in control of their thoughts and emotions which will greatly reduce their feelings ofstress.

Session Topics Introduction to Mindfulness Using Your Senses Framework Mindfulness of Body Mindfulness of Emotions Gratitude Compassion Balance THEFEELINGWHEELDEEPENINGYOURPRACTICE -,._-..,...,,.yoo>obe"""•--)'JU'>OJ-o<hen ?..-.,...,,....,_ -.,tualho,r-.on-..,,._..,mig,'M:bo!Mong,...trfflyad<ro\l,lodgo___.. ..,,,..,..,.,....,.,..,,,..,._,Conyoo,_a..,,.ll'IOl__,._,,_......,yoo,...., -l""""'"''""__,_....,.....�-�......,_,_""".........."'"'___ ol-own�ond.,.plyi<,l...,....,.,,i"'ji.., ,,.,..•...,,,...,_...,,,..,,,.who....,.,.,.._ """""""'--t,;d,;-.......,.........o1_oco,...,. "'"""'"""..pod-b<"I:_...,.. _..,.....,boi""'"'·""'-"''"''"'-.,,;iit¥N,i.,,...,._,,.....b°'"J,t,......_ "'",...,_,,.....,,..,..,..,...._om...,""'""' __,..._ ,,,._..._...,.____ .........,..,.._.."""_....,., ____ .,.,,,_ _"'"" __..... __,....._,_ ...,,.,...,,.__,._,,_.,_..., Returning in 2024, stay tuned!


Every fall, organizations have the opportunity to assess their wellness program by completing our online Wellpowered Questionnaire. Based off of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC) Workplace Wellness Score Card, this questionnaire provides a baseline for organizations, as well as a tool to maptheir worksite wellness progress over time. In addition, this allows each organization the opportunity to give valuable feedback about the trainings and programs they participated in or ones they wish to be made available in the upcoming year.

The Well powered Questionnaire is broken down into five fundamental areas of wellness, with a local resource dedicated to each answer. If your organization answered "no" to a question, but would like it to be a "yes," we can help! As public health workers, we know that the most impactful way to create sustainable change is through PPSE changes or program implementation, policy/system improvement, and environmental enhancements. A high-functioning worksite wellness program is no different!

Finding the unique balance that works well in your organization is key to the success of your wellness program, and we can help keep all three aspects in perfect balance.

Below you will find a sample diagram of an organization's PPSE breakdown based on a sample Wellpowered Questionnaire. (Your organization's specific PPSE diagram will be featured in your annual report).


Programs often focus on individual behavior change, and are short termwith a specified start and end date. They are often used as an engagement toolthat supports a PSE change. Such as starting a build-your-own saladlunch programto accompany acampus-wide healthy eatinginitiative.


Policy and system changes involve alterations made to the rules of an organization, and often work hand-in-hand to produce long term sustainable change Examples include creating a new policy that supports a flexible schedule for employees, or implementing a new system for employee orientationthatincludesgoing overwellnessofferings.


Environmental change is an alteration to the physical environment. Environmental changes can be as simple as installing bike racks outside your organization or as complex as city-wide sidewalk installation and pedestrian friendlyintersectionstopromotewalking andbiking.



Building a successful wellness program is no small task, and we believe organizations that put in the work should be acknowledged often and publicly for their efforts! And this is why we developed our Wellpowered Worksite Designation Badges. Built into our annual questionnaire, these five incentive-based badges correlate to each wellness category; Tobacco Free, Physically Active, Well Nourished, Family Friendly and Building Resiliency, and are earned based on the number of resources an organization offers to their employees. If an organization wants to earn a badge, their wellness advisor can easily offer additional supports to bolster their resources in that category to help them achieve that goal. For example, if an organization would like to earn the Tobacco Free badge, it doesn't mean ALL of their employees need to quit smoking (although that would be wonderful). Instead, it might mean that we can help by offering additional resources, such as one-on-one tobacco cessation counseling or at-no-cost nicotine replacement gum or patches, to employees who want to quit smoking. The requirements for earning each Wellpowered Designation Badge are tiered based on number of employees, allowing even the smallest organization to earn badges for their wellness efforts. Additionally, each badge is available in both a digital format and as a window cling, so organizations can proudly display their achievementsin a waythatworksbest for them.

Small Organizations Medium Organizations Large Organizations 5-25 Employees 26-100 Employees 100+ Employees . \JflLPo,,l'/f,1,.� -: •· 4 Requirements 5 Requirements 6 Requirements 9

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