6 minute read

Unity Among the Members of Christ

Christianity is a team sport. As team players, we need to get on the same page of the playbook so we can work in a coordinated effort to accomplish the goal of winning the lost and glorifying God in our lives and in our organization. I love watching a good basketball team where they rely on one another to pass the ball, screen for an open shot, defend and be there to rebound the ball when needed. However, even LeBron James and Stephen Curry cannot win the game all on their own. Even when you have a team full of superstars, if they fight with each other and hog the ball, they often lose the game, as we witnessed of the 1992 U.S. Olympic basketball “Dream Team.”

More is at stake than losing a game when we fight amongst ourselves and become divided. The world will know we are Christians by our love for one another (John 13:35). Our witness is tarnished and doors of opportunity to share the gospel close when we are unwilling to work together in unity.

I believe we are part of the greatest team ever assembled— God’s family. We are brothers and sisters in Christ (Ephesians 2:19-22). We are called to be members of one body where Christ is the head (Ephesians 4:15). And, though, we have different talents, gifts and backgrounds, we are to function for the good of one another and for Christ (1 Corinthians 12:27). In Colossians 3, Paul exhorts us to let peace rule in our hearts since, as members of one body, we function best when our members are at peace with one another.

During the COVID pandemic and after the election of President Biden, I was shocked by how Christians were being divided by opinions, theories or politics. Each side attempting to “cancel” the other, that is they were unwilling to have civil dialogue and consider the feelings and opinions of the others. Consequently, such division led to even questioning a person’s salvation and Christianity. Ephesians 6:12 comes to mind. We forget that the battle we wage is not against flesh and blood or other people, but against the schemes of the devil that influence all of us. And one of his greatest schemes is to bring division in the body of believers. As the flock is scattered apart, the wolf culls and devours his prey.

CMDA’s vision is to bring the hope and healing of Christ to the world by being His hands and feet. However, that takes effort along with much prayer and good communication. Re- cently, I witnessed a tremendous act of unity in the formation of the Alliance of Hippocratic Medicine by several life-affirming, Bible-believing organizations. I believe this speaks loudly to the world that the care of every human is valuable, such that we can unite on this central issue despite our differences.

Jesus prayed for us, His disciples in John 17:20-23 that we be one in Him, and He be one in us. We lead an active CMDA community chapter in Fresno, California. We have discovered over the years that the growth in our chapter and its unity was developed by serving together on mission trips through GHO and our local domestic outreaches. These teams are multi-generational and multiethnic including a wide spectrum of healthcare specialties and believers of different Christian denominations. Serving together we see how each person is essential to the team to accomplish our goal of bringing people to Christ. We see our humanity and we see our need for one another. Service has united us and grown our local CMDA graduate community chapter. We have become family. We have become brothers and sisters. We have become one.

We know through Scripture there are disputable matters and undisputable truth (Romans 14:1). In those disputable matters we must not take such a fervent stand as to ostracize those with a different opinion. But those matters clearly delineated by God, through His Word, we must stand united as in the essentials of the faith.

Yes, we are to speak the truth, but always with love, grace and a spirit of humility.

“And now these three things remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love” (1 Corinthians 13:13).

George Gonzalez, MD, is a Diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine and has practiced for over 30 years in Fresno and Clovis, California.

Dr. Gonzalez has served as the medical director of Pregnancy Care Center of Fresno for 20 years. He has been the acting president of the local CMDA Fresno/Clovis Chapter for over 27 years. He is a founding member of Medical Ministries International (MMI) serving 17 years on the MMI Board. Dr. Gonzalez has been the team leader for over 30 international mission trips and 55 local mission outreaches in the Central Valley of California.


Rebeka Honeycutt


Gregg Albers, MD

John Crouch, MD

Autumn Dawn Galbreath, MD

Curtis E. Harris, MD, JD

Van Haywood, DMD

Rebecca Klint-Townsend, MD

Debby Read, RN

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CMDA is a member of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA).

CMDA Today™, registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. Summer 2023, Volume LIV No. 2. Printed in the United States of America. Published four times each year by the Christian Medical & Dental Associations® at 2604 Highway 421, Bristol, TN 37620. Copyright© 2023, Christian Medical & Dental Associations®. All Rights Reserved. Distributed free to CMDA members. Non-doctors (US) are welcome to subscribe at a rate of $35 per year ($40 per year, international). Standard presort postage paid at Bristol, Tennessee.

Undesignated Scripture references are taken from THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV®

Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Other versions are noted in the text.


P.O. Box 7500, Bristol, TN 37621 888-230-2637 main@cmda.org•www.cmda.org

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CMDA Welcomes New President and President-Elect

During the 2023 CMDA National Convention, CMDA was honored to welcome both a new President and President-Elect.

This year, the gavel was passed from outgoing President T. Lisle Whitman, MD, to incoming President George Gonzalez, MD. Dr. Gonzalez is a family physician and serves as the medical director of the Fresno Pregnancy Care Center, and he is active in his local CMDA community. He previously served on the CMDA Board of Trustees for nine years, and he was President from 2009 to 2011.

Every two years, the CMDA membership elects a new President-Elect. This year, Omari Hodge, MD, was elected as the new President-Elect. He will begin his two-year term as CMDA President in 2025, and then he will continue his service for an additional year as Past-President. Dr. Hodge is the program director of the family medicine residency program at AdventHealth Wesley Chapel in Tampa, Florida, and he received his medical degree from Morehouse School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia. He has served as a CMDA Trustee since 2018.

In Memoriam

Our hearts are with the family members of the following CMDA members who have passed in recent months. We thank them for their support of CMDA and their service to Christ.

• Martin H. Andrews, MD – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Member since 2005

• Kenneth J. Armstrong, DDS – Albuquerque, New Mexico

Member since 2003

• Ronald P. Baker, MD – Berrien Springs, Michigan

Member since 1969

• Jerry Brown, MD – Columbia, Tennessee

Member since 2001

• James E. Eshenaur, MD – Boise, Idaho

Member since 1958

• Gerald R. Fahs, MD – Lancaster, Pennsylvania

Member since 1957

• William D. Pletcher, MD – Goshen, Indiana

Member since 1952

• Howard G. Searle, MD – Rockford, Illinois

Member since 1958

Memoriam and Honorarium Gifts

Gifts received January through March 2023

John and Emily Fowler in honor of Drs. Craig and Amy Fowler

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Titkemeier in memory of Michael L. Thomas

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Titkemeier in memory of John S. Robinson

For more information about honorarium and memoriam gifts, please contact stewardship@cmda.org

 COMMUNITY Northeast Regional Dental Coordinator Needed

CMDA is seeking a part-time Northeast Regional Dental Coordinator committed to working 12 hours per week ministering primarily to dental students. Our dental coordinators interact with all U.S. dental schools, with an emphasis on fostering Christian fellowship and spiritual growth, encouraging outreach to classmates and enabling new graduates to connect with CMDA as they begin their professional careers. These goals would be pursued in cooperation with various CMDA field staff and faculty representatives who are ministering at various dental schools.

To express interest, please send your resume and cover letter detailing your personal faith journey and commitment to Christian values to humanresources@ cmda.org. To learn more about this position, visit www. cmda.org/careers.

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