Bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world through healthcare professionals.
Mike Chupp, MD, FACS Chief Executive Officer CMDA
George Gonzales, MD President
CMDA Board of Trustees
As Christian healthcare professionals, we face unprecedented challenges in a world that increasingly disregards Judeo-Christian values. The moral, ethical and political landscape has become increasingly hostile, making it more crucial than ever for us to stand together.
In the pages that follow, you’ll discover how Christians like you are rising to the occasion. We’re serving with excellence and compassion, caring for all people and advocating for biblical principles that shape healthcare both within the church and globally.
At CMDA, we’re committed to inspiring Christian healthcare professionals to embrace their calling and experience the joy of belonging to a global community united by a passion for bringing the hope and healing of Christ to the world.
This annual report demonstrates the countless ways God is blessing CMDA. Through His guiding hand, we are witnessing remarkable growth and experiencing profound spiritual transformation, and you are making a tangible difference in the lives of those around us.
On behalf of the Board of Trustees and our ministry staff, we are eternally grateful to each of you who, through your generosity and service, are making CMDA what it is today.
The core of our ministry happens in local communities and on campuses where healthcare professionals and students live out the character of Christ. Our campus and community ministries are dedicated to changing hearts in healthcare through evangelism and discipleship.
• Campus & Community Ministries (CCM)
• Dental Ministries
• Missionaries
• Resident/Fellow Groups
• Side By Side
• Specialty Sections
• State Representatives
• Women Physicians & Dentists in Christ (WPDC)
• 364 campus chapters (more than 90 percent of healthcare campuses nationwide)
• 90 Side By Side chapters
• 51 community chapters
• Add 10 new community ministry chapters
• Create training program for local community leaders
• Scholarships for 220 students, residents and fellows to attend our 2025 CMDA National Convention
“I have always considered myself an atheist. However, soon after I arrived at medical school, I met a kind woman at a bookstore in the city. This kind Christian woman gave me my first Bible.
As I started reading it, I was surprised; it felt like it was talking to me and relevant to my life. In my first biology class, our professor shared that the complexity and function of the human hand pointed to a Creator. This statement led to a deep conversation with a classmate. I was surprised when he said he believed in the Creator God and had a personal relationship with Him.
“Over Christmas break, Lisa, our CMDA Campus Advisor, invited me to her church. Soon after this, I realized these Christians really love their Bibles! I soon began to love my Bible, too. Then, I attended the CMDA Student Retreat in Kansas City, Missouri in February. Dr. Rick Donlan shared his testimony, describing his relationship with God and how that impacted his life, profession and ministry. On the drive home with Lisa, I decided to trust Jesus as my Savior!” -Monica Nicoletti, Medical Student
“CMDA has been such a gift to me in these first few months! I felt welcomed, uplifted and encouraged by other believers in this new season of life. CMDA has helped me to lean on the Lord and my community during the stormsof life and medical school!”
We serve as a Christian voice through our advocacy efforts on the state and federal levels and partnerships with like-minded organizations. We provide valuable resources on current healthcare topics, and we equip Christians in healthcare to defend and care for our most vulnerable patients.
• Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine
• American Academy of Medical Ethics (AAME)
• Ethics Committee
• Federal and State Legal Support
• Freedom2Care.org Resources
• Human Trafficking Commission
• Standing Strong in Training Curriculum
• State Public Policy
• Voice of CMDA Media Training
• Washington Office
• 520 Voice of Advocacy podcast listens
• 84 federal and state laws influenced
• 37 media interviews completed
• 9 members trained as media experts
• Create a curriculum to help practicing Christian healthcare professionals stand strong in their practice years
• Increase response rate to Advocacy’s communications by 20 percent
• Reformat Bridging the Gap curriculum to be more didactic
“We are so thankful for Dr. Lynn Teague whose testimony was phenomenal and amazing! Dr. Teague gave the best medical testimony ever!”
-Tonya Shellnutt, Senior State Government Relations Director for Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), complimenting CMDA
CMDA Medical Students, Residents, Fellows and Graduate Physicians at the AMA Interim Reference Committee Meeting
South Carolina Member Dr. Lynn Teague, a pediatric urologist, for his excellent testimony given in February 2024 in support of ADF’s H.4624 to prohibit gender transition procedures and treatments on minors. H.4624 was signed into law by Governor Henry McMaster on May 22, 2024.
“In November 2023, CMDA medical students, residents, fellows and graduate physicians testified against assisted suicide at the American Medical Association (AMA) Interim Reference Committee Meeting. Testifiers opposed two assisted suicide resolutions brought by the student and resident section of the AMA. The resolutions wanted the AMA to move from its longheld position of ‘opposed’ to assisted suicide to ‘neutral’ and to call physician-assisted suicide ‘medical aid-in-dying’ (MAID).
“With a 2:1 ratio of opposition testimony and overwhelming opposition comments submitted, neither resolution was adopted. Portions of the resolution to consider renaming physician-assisted suicide to MAID, will be opposed at the November 2024 AMA’s Interim Meeting of the House of Delegate Reference Committee Meeting in Orlando. We are grateful to those who will provide opposition comment or testimony at this meeting.”
• 35,182 patients treated
• 3,644 professions of faith
• 785 volunteers
• 197 water filters distributed
• 39 countries served
CMDA is dedicated to domestic and international healthcare missions, both short-term and long-term. We provide opportunities for healthcare professionals to use their God-given skills to meet the needs of others around the world and share the gospel with them.
• 9 countries received public health training
• Center for Advancing Healthcare Missions (CAHM)
• Dental Residency [+]
• Domestic Missions
• Continuing Education for Overseas Healthcare Professionals
• Global Health Outreach (GHO)
• Medical Education International (MEI)
• Establish a Dental Residency [+] international program
• Increase volunteer participation serving in healthcare missions
• Distribute more water filters in underserved areas
• Expand public health training
• Send first dental team to teach in Cuba
“Our team leader helped me realize that it was easy to get distracted by the lines and numbers and rush through patients, but that was not the purpose. Yes, we were able to help many people, but for the first time, I didn’t feel rushed to see people rushed through. Instead, I got to know them better and pray with them.The most amazing thing is two of our students accepted Christ. We never thought a casual conversation at our in-service table for study abroad in 2018 could lead to this miracle!
We, as instructors, could not speak to our students directly about Christianity, but Katie (our team leader) could! And she must have done it in the most proper way because we were completely shocked! We saw the happiness and spirit in their faces when they accepted Christ, and all I can say is WOW! We cried a whole lot on this trip!!”
-Professor with students, Dominican Republic Mission Team Dr. Robert Devich
“Benard is a 40-year-old man who came to Tenwek Hospital with a bowel obstruction. Our team performed a partial colectomy to prevent recurrence, and he recovered exceedingly well. What stood out to me from this interaction was our relationship. He spoke some English, which allowed me to get to know him. After he shared some of his life with me, we talked about the purpose behind Tenwek. We talked about treating patients’ medical needs, but Jesus being the one who truly heals. Benard asked if he could have a Bible, which I was able to give him to read in his native language, Kipsigis. I continue to pray for Benard, that the Lord speaks to him through the Word. I am prayerfully considering the medical mission field as a possible career path. I am willing to go where He wants me, I’m just trying my best to listen and abide.”
CMDA’s wide variety of resources and services help us to fulfill our mission to educate and equip Christian healthcare professionals and students. These resources and services give our members the knowledge and tools they need to effectively serve the Lord.
• Bridging the Gap
• Center for Well-Being
• Continuing Education
• Events and Biblical Tours
• Faith Prescriptions
• Life & Health Resources
• Marriage Enrichment Commission
• Medical Malpractice Ministry
• Member Experience
• Mentoring and Discipleship Commission
• Placement Services
• Podcasts
• Publications
• Stewardship
• 14,000 benefited from CMDA Today magazine
• 1,215 continuing education hours awarded
• 979 attended the CMDA National Convention
• 635 new members
• 159 traveled on international biblical tours
• 152 new Lifetime Members
• 110 courses available in the CMDA Learning Center
• 48 episodes of CMDA Matters recorded and released
• Acquire 167 new Lifetime Members
• Host 1,200 people at the 2025 CMDA National Convention
• Develop and distribute two new devotionals and one new book through Life & Health Resources
• Provide four international biblical tours
• Record and release 48 new episodes of our CMDA Matters podcast
• Release two new episodes of Faith Presciptions
“I am thankful and proud to be a CMDA Lifetime Member, as it has influenced most of my life. I was introduced to CMDA when I was in nursing school at the University of South Florida College of Medicine in 1989, and I was the only nursing student who attended these meetings. CMDA was always encouraging missions work, which led to me taking a one-year assignment at a small hospital in Hawaii after graduation, where few patients spoke English and I worked with homeless patients struggling with addiction.
“The National Convention is always a time of encouragement, conviction and sweet community. There really is something special about getting to learn with likeminded believers in your same field and worship the Lord together that is hard to find anywhere else. It’s also a great time to be reminded of God’s purpose for your life and your work. To consider the gifts and knowledge He’s given us and consider anew how to use them for His glory.”
-National Convention Participant
While attending a CMDA conference a few years later, God called me to Africa to help in the battle against AIDS. Over the next several years, I spent a few months each year leading biblically-based HIV trainings throughout Uganda, the Democratic Republic of Congo, Zambia, Zimbabwe and others. After God called me back to the United States for health and family reasons, I eventually opened my own private practice as a psychiatric nurse practitioner, which is where I still work today. God has truly blessed me all these years. He led me to care for the least of these through HIV clinics, in Africa and now in psychiatry—all fields few people aspire to work. I am so thankful to CMDA for influencing me all these years. Thank you for the inspiring conferences through the years and now my Lifetime membership.”
-Tracey Rzepka, MS, APRN