El Semanario 14 mayo 2009
El Semanario 14 mayo 2008
Photo: UMC
News for Colorado’s Latino Community
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14 mayo 2009
El Semanario
Entonces, ¿por qué algunos dicen eso sobre la depresión?
Es cosa de la cabeza. Es solo mal humor. Es una debilidad personal. Son solo algunos de los conceptos erróneos comunes sobre la depresión. ¿La verdad? La depresión es una verdadera enfermedad médica que puede ser tan debilitante como otras enfermedades graves. Como el cáncer, puede ser mortal. Y como la diabetes, tiene una base biológica. Pero igual que otras enfermedades potencialmente mortales, puede tratarse. Por eso hay veradera esperanza para todos los que la padecen.
Aprenda más en DepresiónEsReal.org Fundación Psiquiátrica Americana | Alianza de Apoyo para la Depresión y el Trastorno Bipolar | Liga de Ciudadanos Latinoamericanos Unidos Salud Mental América | Alianza Nacional sobre Enfermedades Mentales | Asociación Médica Nacional | Liga Urbana Nacional
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Commentary / Commentario
El Semanario
Roberto ‘Dr. Cintli’ Rodríguez
Volume No. XVIIII Issue 26
CONTENTS Commentary/Comentario Guns, Gays, God, & Go home! - Roberto ‘Dr. Cintli’ Rodríguez México: U.S. epidemic of profiteering - Laura Carlsen Part 2 of 2 Hearing on broken windows policing needed- Lisa M. Calderón,
Community/Communidad Servicios: Mental health comfort zone Part 2 of 4
Features/Caractéristiques Tradition of honoring Madrinas continues
Education/Educacíon Empowering youth to succeed in life
YouthBiz has been providing Denver area youth with job skills training that has positively changed the lives of over 2,500 youth.
Economy/Economia One year later, advocates remain hopeful
As we approach the one year anniversary of the raid on the Agriprocessors plant in Postville, IA, the nation reflects on the tragic events of last May and what we’ve learned from the families and communities that bear the brunt of our nation’s broken immigration policy. THE WEEKLY ISSUE / El Semanario President / CEO - Publisher Reporters P.O. Box 460428 Chris M. Fresquez Magdalena Gallegos Denver, CO 80246 Miriam E. Madrid Editor 303 / 672-0800 Robyn G. Mayer Toni C. Fresquez 3030 / 298-8654 FAX Columnists Managing Editor WWW.ELSEMANARIO.NET Ramon Del Castillo Cristina E. Fresquez Advertising Roberto Rodriguez Account Executives Advertising@elsemanario.net Patricia Gonzales Anthony Fresquez Classifieds@elsemanario.net Newsdesk semanario@aol.com Circulation / Subscription Circulation@elsemanario.net c Copyright 2009 THE WEEKLY ISSUE / El Semanario, Inc. All Rights Reserved
s the Republican Party continues to be soundly rejected by the U.S. electorate at the polls, some of its leaders have decided that the Party of Lincoln needs an extreme makeover. Actually, they appear to believe that the GOP simply needs to change its image, as opposed to fundamentally changing the party itself. Translated, this means that it has been determined by some GOPers that it’s Guns, Gays & God message has to change. On the other hand, many others seem to think the new message has to include: Go home! Enter the National Council for a New América (NCNA); its primary objective seems to be to determine whether the party traditionally identified as in touch with the rich and traditionally identified as a war party, will also become a European-style anti-immigrant party. Leading the effort of this council are oldies-but-goodies: Jeb Bush, John McCain, Mitt Romney and Eric Cantor. This council s that what this New América will look like – appears to be made up of people who believe that media saavy – or appears to be cognizant that a shift dehumanization is as American in that ultra-nationalistic direction as apple pie? has the potential to change not simply the GOP’s narrative, but the national narrative itself. Those from this council are up against the likes of Rush Limbaugh-Lou Dobbs and Dick Cheney and other extreme right wing forces who fear that the nation – not simply the GOP – is in danger of leaving its national narrative behind, a narrative consisting of myths and legends that have been part of the national psyche and character since its founding. Arguably, the Limbaugh-Dobbs-Cheney wing of the American political spectrum is correct; the Old America they cling on to or want to cling on to no longer exists. And yet, the truth is, the narrative that the council longs for – which views América as the beacon of the world, as the land of truth, freedom and liberty and justice for all – has also always been a [religious] myth. That narrative has always downplayed genocide, land theft and land removal, slavery, segregation and legalized discrimination. It nowadays downplays border walls, racial profiling and an ever-expanding racialized prison system. That narrative has also downplayed the notion of empire and militarism, instead converting these imperial projects with the notion of a God-given right to “civilize” or dominate the world. This is the idea of Providence and Manifest Destiny. It is what drove our recent president, George W. Bush in his war against the Arab and Islamic world; he was on a mission from God. This is why U.S. and international laws were easily ignored or discarded; he was answering to a higher authority. In this sense, both wings are similar; both want to promote Great American mythologies. Engrained into the national psyche is that this is a “nation of immigrants.” With the browning of América, some within the GOP rightly fear that a Dobbs-immigration obsessed nation – which clamors for 2,000 miles of militarized walls along the U.S./México border – will drive New Americans away from the Republican Party. This is where the struggle over image takes place, though it is difficult to discern a difference. The Dobbs wing is brazenly anti-immigrant, though it is always insistent that they are only anti-illegal immigrant – not anti-immigrant. Yet Romney’s views are very similar to Dobbs. In fact McCain, always touted as a moderate on immigration, buckled under extreme right wing pressure during his 2008 presidential bid. In that sense, is that what this New América will look like – made up of people who believe that dehumanization is as American as apple pie? The tragedy is that those within the GOP that believe in the Old and New América, all continue to cling to the belief that the United States has the inherent right to war on the world. The only difference is that some believe that this right comes direct from God, whereas the others believe it is simply a cultural or even genetic right – due to American exceptionalism. The real question is whether Democrats bring different views on this topic. Some are quick to note that on the issue of the national narrative, there is little or no difference between the parties. These same observers are quick to note that President Barack Obama is but the latest steward – with melanin – for the military-imperial interests that control the nation. While true that change does not occur overnight, there is little doubt that whoever is at the helm does make a difference. Yet, what we do know is that positive change generally comes from the bottom. Whether one president can change the national narrative is another matter. Roberto “Dr. Cintli” Rodríguez can be reached at: XColumn@gmail.com. © 2009 Column of the Américas
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14 mayo 2009
Guns, Gays, God, & Go home!
14 mayo 2009
Commentary / Commentario
El Semanario
México: U.S. epidemic of profiteering
Smithfield, a U.S. livestock company, has had more than its share of legal problems stemming AFTA unleashed the from its operations in the United spread of industrial live- States. Most recently it announced stock farms in México by a decision to reject a $75 million creating investment incentives for dollar settlement on claims transnational companies to re- brought in Missouri by residents locate operations there. The “race complaining of the stench. On to the bottom” -where companies August 8, 1997 a federal court move production to areas where judge in Virginia imposed a $12.8 million on he epidemic means big business fine Smithfield for the pharmaceutical companies Foods for viowho hold patents on anti-viral lation of the Clean Water Act. In medicines... September of 1999 an appeal environmental and health restric- upheld the ruling. tions and enforcement are low, is In 1994, the year NAFTA exemplified in livestock farming. went into effect, Smithfield
Laura Carlsen Part 2 of 2
established the Perote, Veracruz operations with the Mexican agrobusiness AMSA (Agroindustrias Unidas de México S.A. de C.V.). In 1999 it bought the U.S. company Carroll’s Foods for $500 million and began rapid expanision of its operations in Perote. Banking on Disease Livestock transnationals are not the only economic interests involved in preserving the dangerous situation that led to this epidemic. In an article entitled “An epidemic of profiteering”, she notes that the epidemic means big business for the pharmaceutical companies who hold patents on anti-viral medicines. “Shares in Gilead rose 3%, Roche 4% and Glaxo 6%, and that’s only the beginning.” Also to blame is neoliberal globalization and its impact on human health. Ribeiro has in interesting theory on why México
City is the focal point of the virus. “People living in the city— and in a way the city itself—suffer from a depressed immunological system. Especially for the poor, the lack of public services, water and health services, stress and poor nutrition means that people die not only from increased contagion but also from low defenses here.” México’s grand experiment in sink or swim neoliberalism included privatization and erosion of health systems and basic services. Mexican health policy expert Gustavo Leal told the CIP Américas Program that “the notorious delay in the response of the federal government can be attributed in part to the decentralization of healthcare promoted by international finance institutions such as the World Bank. “This broke down the chain of command and the flow of information,” Leal said.
Tellingly, the health care network that has responded most vigorously to the Mexican swine flu epidemic has been the Mexican Social Security Institute (IMSS), an institute that conservatives and the same IFIs have been trying to privatize for years. Armies of IMSS healthcare professionals are attending to cases and reporting from the field throughout the country. SPP: Integrated Risk Management or Integrated Risks? It’s ironic and inexcusable that the most integrated region in the world responded so poorly to the recent epidemic. One of the main selling points for the extension of NAFTA into the Security and Prosperity Partnership (SPP) was that a working group was preparing integrated response to epidemics that would make all
See CARLSEN, page 5
Hearing on broken windows policing needed Police Department implemented “broken windows” policing strategy. Each of you told us that you would speak to your colleagues on the City Council about addressing this issue. To date, we have not had any specific commitment from you to move this issue forward. However, when there is a shameful story in the mainstream media about an Iraq war veteran’s car being seized and then excessively fined REVINO ORTUARY under the new controversial Serving our community for 63 years impound law, City Council members are tripping over themselves to grant a hearing in an attempt to remedy the “unintended consequences” of this punitive and overly-broad law that a majority of Denver voters wrongly approved. Yet, since 2005 when broken windows was unleashed upon communities of color without any civil liberties safeguards or any additional anti-bias police training for white officers patrolling communities of color, we have yet to have a similar proactive response from Denver City CounOne convenient location cil. The economic costs on communities of color have placed an enormous financial strain on families already struggling in this difficult economy. For example, my 19-year-old son’s car Ask about our is permanently parked in our “Loyalty Discount” garage because we can no longer afford the $600 a month insurance www.keymemories.com
Open letter to Denver City Council Members Jeanne Robb, Doug Linkhart, Carla Madison, Michael Hancock: epresentatives of the Fix Broken Policing Campaign met with those of you named above months ago and discussed the economic hardship imposed on African American and Latino community members who were racially profiled under the City sanctioned and Denver
We are family, we care about each other.
We will be there to help you in your time of sorrow.
Logan & Alameda
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costs due to the many tickets he received after being racially profiled and ticketed for minor, pretextual violations. He is not a gang member, but a college student whose car he is still paying for but can’t afford to drive. Therefore, we have moved from requesting to DEMANDING that the Denver City Council provide the same avenue it has provided to those impacted by the impound law debacle: a hearing on broken windows policing and the ordinance that enacted the Citizen Oversight Board (COB) which has no authority and no accountability. We have been to the COB, IAB, OIM, DPD and the Mayor’s office trying to find justice. All of these entities are directing us to the Denver City Council as our elected representatives who are supposed to be responsive to our concerns. We are pressing for a hearing now as law enforcement gears up to crack-down on youth of color during the summer months. We anticipate an increase in community complaints against the police as more people of color are stopped for DWB – Driving (or Walking) While Black/Brown. We await your timely response with the date for the hearing. Lisa M. Calderón, Denver INCITE! Women of Color Against Violence The Fix Broken Policing Campaign
El Semanario
Servicios: Mental health comfort zone By Robyn G. Mayer Part 2 of 4
research into the needs of underserved communities and to resurrect a substance abuse proince its inception, mental gram. health services have been a He explained that the mental part of Servicios de la Raza. health program provides a For nearly four decades, the unique service because people are agency has been licensed as a comfortable coming to Servicios mental health facility, providing de la Raza. In general, Latinos culturally relevant support to the and low-income people hisurban, working-class Latino comtorically have engendered an exmunity in North Denver and betreme distrust of governmental agencies and hospitals for several reasons, such as cultural competency, language barriers or legal status. “They feel comfortable here because it’s an environment that’s extremely nonthreatening. It’s like family.” Constantine says it is more rewarding working at Servicios than in a private practice because the entire agency works as a team with the clients and because the clients are an inspiration. “I’m really amazed at the clientele here because most of them live independently and many of them work. I am always astounded at their strength Using alternative therapies, such as painting, the mental health amidst an ongoing health situaspecialists at Servicios de la Raza are better able to communicate tion,” stated Constantine. and connect with their clients. She described an 11-year-old client who “very much needed to break the rules,” so she invited yond. Although the organization’s developer to write grants for the him to paint on her wall as a part mental health program is small in entire agency and to perform of his therapy. Because he is very size, its ambitions are boundless. “The mental health program is called the flagship of Servicios CARLSEN, from page 4 because it has been here from North Americans safer. In fact, week was lost in this process. the beginning,” explained Caroline this was one of the few publically Moreover, as mentioned the CDC Constantine, the Mental Health announced activities of the didn’t respond quickly or effecUnit Manager at Servicios, who is secretive working groups that tively. one of three employees in the primarily devote their activities Where was this plan when unit which also includes a psychia- to making it easier for the Perote was reporting illness and a trist and a case manager. More Smithfields and Tysons to do local epidemic way back in March? staff is needed, she said, to be business throughout the Has this group done serious reable to meet the demands of the continent. search on the risks of industrial community. The SPP North American Plan livestock production? Why did Servicios is seeking grants to declares that it provides a frame- the CDC take nearly a week to fund more staff in the mental work to accomplish the follow- respond to reports of the Mexihealth program because the ing: can epidemic? agency is under staffed and • Detect, contain and control an The answers lie in what Davis unable to handle all those who avian influenza out-break and refers to as the “global political seek mental health services from prevent transmission to humans; clout” of the livestock them. Up to a dozen people a • Prevent or slow the entry of a transnationals. Another hint can week are left without services new strain of human influenza be found in this phrase from simply because the staff doesn’t into North América; the SPP announcement: “Central have the time to handle all the • Minimize illness and deaths; to the Plan is a North American cases. approach that undertakes and Rudy Gonzales, Executive • Sustain infrastructure and miti- measures to maintain the flow of Director of Servicios, said that gate the impact to the economy people, services, and cargo funding is in the works to increase and the functioning of society. across the borders during a severe the hours of the three employees The Plan supposedly established pandemic while striving to protect in the mental health unit so they mechanisms to coordinate actions, our citizens.” are able to see more clients. monitor outbreaks, and supervise As is the case with all of “That’s what Rudy is working animal farms. NAFTA, the top priority is busion nonstop, around the clock,” México despite being a poor ness as usual. While closing the Constantine said of his search for country with greater risk of dis- borders is not the answer, an ingrant money. “Everybody partici- ease, had not received the tech- vestigation into the root causes pates in writing grants. It’s defi- nology needed to immediately of the epidemic must lead to a nitely a team effort.” analyze flu strains so had to full accounting of the risks of Constantine, a licensed pro- send samples to the Canadian globalization and industrial farmfessional counselor, said about Health Ministry and the Center ing. Poor countries with poor half of the program’s 50 clients for Disease Control (CDC) in health run the greatest risks and are indigent or living at or below Atlanta for analysis. About a yet the current system gives their Photo: Robyn G. Mayer
poverty level. Some people pay $25 per session, or whatever they are able to afford. Some clients’ services are paid by Medicaid. Gonzales explained that the organization has grants pending at this time that would increase the case manager’s half-time status to full time and to add a part-time pediatric psychiatrist. Gonzales is also aiming for a
much into environmental concerns, he painted a picture of the earth on the wall in her office, along with a recycling symbol and the words “Save our world” and “Gaia.” “We sometimes color outside the lines a little bit,” she commented. “People need to get past the words and get to a deeper level.” So she uses finger paints, clay and other alternatives to connect with her clients. “It’s subterranean. It’s preverbal, especially if you talk to someone who has preverbal trauma. You can talk to them all day and it’s never going to heal them.” Constantine also attributes success to Servicios’ nonjudgmental attitude towards their work with the community. “You don’t have the bigotry, the biases [at this agency]. The word psyche means soul. So, what people are physically, etc., you leave it all behind, and it’s very good to be working with people who are not judgemental.” Servicios de la Raza is located at 4055 Tejon St. in Denver. For more information, contact 303/ 458-5851 or visit www.servicios delaraza.org. For their 24-hour crisis line, call 303/458-7088.
concerns short shrift and little resources. A misplaced priority on profits over human health in the context of a globalized world led to this epidemic and its possibilities becoming the world’s latest pandemic. Laura Carlsen is director of the Americas Policy Program in México City, where she has been an analyst and writer for two decades. She is also a Foreign Policy In Focus columnist. © 2009 Laura Carlsen
ENTER TO WIN! Weekly Drawing for 2 Tixs Send name, address, phone to: SEMANARIO@aol.com or El Semanario, POB 460428, Glendale CO 80246-ATTN Jurassic Gardens Weekly contests end each Friday beginning May 15, winners will be comtacted by phone and/or email
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14 mayo 2009
Our Community / Nuestra Communidad
14 mayo 2009
El Semanario El Semanario
Tradition of honoring Madrinas continues By Magdalena Gallegos
en years ago, five women — Lena Archuleta, Dora Valdez, Lucy Aandahl, Esther Lubin and Juanita Putnum — all widows formed a grief support group to offer counseling to women who had losses in their lives. They found a perfect place for their support group meetings at Centro Bienestar San Jose at St. Joseph’s Parish. Sister Alicia Cuaron, a dear friend of the ladies and also founder and Exec. Dir. of the Centro and Bienestar Family Services, welcomed the group with open arms. The original focus of the grief
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counseling meetings was to reach out to older widows in the community, but eventually the services began attracting younger women who were also facing losses and tragedies in their lives. The founders continued in their role to nurture and ensure the personal and spiritual development of the women who attended their support group. Rita Flores Wallace, an artist and dancer became active with the group, and although she was not a widow, she wanted to give of her artistic talents. Bienestar Family Services moved to a new facility at San Juan Diego, fine years ago, at the former Sacred Heart grade school
building at 2830 Lawrence St. One of the first notable events was an awards brunch entitled Las Madrinas, a creative idea by Sister Cuaron. The first awardees included the founders — Archuleta, Valdez, Lubin, Aandahl and Flores Wallace. (Putnum had left the group) — honored them for outstanding commitment and service to women in the community. In our culture, Madrina means Godmother, who watches over and protects their Godchildren ensuring their personal and s piritual development. The Madrinas Awards now includes the spirit of the community honoring the women chosen for these awards exemplify the spirit of giving to their communities. The fifth annual tribute to “Las Madrinas” will be held this Sunday, May 17, at Centro San Juan Diego from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. An early bird Mercado (market) will begin at 10:30 a.m. benefiting the Bienestar programs which
include adult education classes, personal development and family support services. Three Madrina Awards will be presented this year, the first going to Pat Cortez, a Wells Fargo Senior VP, is being awarded for her influence as a rep of Wells Fargo in donating more than $4 million and 125,000 volunteer hours by team members to
thousands of nonprofit organizations. The second recipient is Elsa
See MADRINAS, page 10
El Semanario El Semanario 14 mayo 2009
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El Semanario
Empowering youth to succeed in life members of socidevelopment. YouthBiz Advanced can apply to be a ety, but it is also provides youth with peer-to-peer Youth Leader. The lthough there are many learning and hands-on training Youth Leaders are building character job skill readiness training with course work on topics that involved in not and esteem among programs available, include: financial literacy, business only peer-to-peer these youth. YouthBiz has created its own planning, budgeting, start-up teaching, but also “At the graduaniche as a unique organization financing, among other skills. the curriculum tion, I looked over that makes it stand out from the YouthBiz Leaders allows youth planning, program and I saw my rest. Founded in 1992 by a local to explore careers of interest, d e v e l o p m e n t , Mom cry, and I activist and eight inner city apply basic skills learned in mentoring, etc.,â€? knew that she was youth, YouthBiz has been pro- real-world settings, develop explained GarcĂaso proud of me,â€? viding Denver area youth with specialized leadership skills and Ulibarri. revealed Dickson. job skills training that has prepare for life beyond high- YouthBiz curOn Saturday, May 16th YouthBiz rently serves 400 school. will celebrate its “Although the pro- local youth from different Staking boundaries in both East Denver and West Denver, 3rd annual, gram takes place after 44 “Bubbles at the school and during middle and high YouthBiz has extended valuable opportunities to youth across from the city. Bizâ€? at The the summer, it really is schools Other Side Arts more of an after school the Denver metro Gallery (1644 work experience rather area. The organithan an after school zation distributed a record- YouthBiz recently had a gradua- Platte St). There will be live and program where stu- number of youth incentives, with tion from its YouthBiz Basics pro- silent auctions, music and dents earn financial 260 refurbished computers dis- gram at La Academia. appetizers. Tickets: $40/indiviincentives. The stu- tributed and $150,865 in cash “It gave me a lot more self-con- dual and $70/couples. Proceeds dents are expected to earned by youth trainees. fidence and I don’t feel so shy from the auction will support maintain the same anymore,â€? explained Sade youth development programs standards as a job – Dickson, a 13-year-old stu- that will serve over 400 local they have to show dent at La Academia and re- youth. To Donate Auction Items up on time, dress in cent graduate of the program. or for information contact Diana YouthBiz graduate Sade Dickson received their work attire, “It’s a great program – not LĂłpez-Atencio at diana@ honors for her participation in the complete assigned only do you get paid, but you youthbiz.org or 720/974-5102. extraordinary life skills program and “it tasks and they are learn things that are going to For more information or to apply held accountable,â€? help you in the gave me a lot more self-confidenceâ€? she explained GarcĂafuture – how to said. Ulibarri. fill out an appliAfter applying, cation, get a positively changed the lives of going through an interview projob, get into cess, youth become particiover 2,500 youth. college – so “Our programs are about ensur- pants of a genuine workforce many skills. ing that the students in the neigh- experience. Programs offer fi- Hanna Burleson, aTier II graduate of It’s a great opborhood understand the impor- nancial incentives and YouthBiz shared her experiences and portunity.â€? tance of completing high school, some programs offer a laptop G a r c Ă a success with the program. thinking seriously about their computer upon program Ulibarri shared careers, continuing their educa- graduation. the success tion, and having the skills to do The organi-zation’s unique In 2007, 100% of the youth ad- story of Jessica, soâ€? commented YouthBiz Execu- approach to youth leadership de- vanced to the next grade level; who joined when tive Director, Sonya GarcĂa- velopment allows youth to learn 80% improved their grade-point she was 15 years old skills on every level, beginning average; 58% increased their and was at the Shanita Lewis, a YouthBiz Tier II Youth Ulibarri. school attendance; and there was point of dropping Supervisor was recognized for her YouthBiz offers three sequential with peer-to-peer teaching. programs for youth participants. “This is something that makes a 75% decrease in office referrals out of high school. outstanding leadership by the organization’s YouthBiz Basics allows youth our programs unique – they are and a 70% decrease in suspen- Once she joined Program Director Habakkuk Ammishaddai. YouthBiz, she took to develop skills in areas of peer-to-peer programs, which sions. technology, communication, mean that youth who have suc- YouthBiz operates out of its main an interest in the career readiness and leadership cessfully completed the program building (3280 Downing St.), but YouthBiz screen printing also offers satellite courses at La business (YouthInk) and deveAcademia at the Inner City Par- loped her artistic skills. This in5ÇPVQOC 0Q ish. YouthBiz has also joined spired her to stay in school, be forces with Urban Peak and the first in her family to graduate Servicios de la Raza to provide from high school and she is curcourses in computer fundamen- rently a Sophomore at Colorado tals, entrepreneurship, small busi- State University as a graphic deness development and career ex- sign major. posure to out-of-school and re- Teaching these skills to youth is 1BSB RVJFOFT TVGSFO EF "M[IFJNFS MFFS FTDSJCJS Z not only making them productive cently homeless youth. TJNQMFNFOUF IBCMBS QVFEF TFS NVDIP NgT EJGrDJM 1FSP MPT Photo: Barry Roseman
By Cristina FrĂŠsquez
Photo: Barry Roseman
Photo: Barry Roseman
Photo: Barry Roseman
Photo: Barry Roseman
14 mayo 2009
Education / Educaion
210 # 64#$#,#4 67 4''4$1%
Jhavone Davis of Art from Ashes dedicated an exceptional poem to the youth graduates of YouthBiz.
PĂĄgina 8
Open Mon - Sat 9am - 5pm
for a program contact 303/2970212 or visit youthbiz.org.
El Semanario 14 mayo 2009
Service trip to Pine Ridge Reservation
sense of self and innate leadership. During the trip to Pine Ridge, participants will work with the Lakota people to restore land where younger tribe members learn about their traditional heritage. The teens will also volunteer for other local service projects, learn the remarkable history of the land, listen to ancient stories passed down through generations and learn native ways of the Lakota people. Then for two days, participants will hike, backpack and explore the multitude of landscapes at Badlands National Park. “Kids will work as a team each day on this trip,” said Sarah Blaser, Educo program director. “Everyone will learn a lot Youth can take the opportunity help Lakota of history and grow to appreciate the people on the Pine Ridge Indian Lakota land. As with Reservation restore important buffalo all Educo trips, there habitat. will be loads of friendFort Collins-based Educo Lead- ships and bonding while the kids ership Adventures, which has hike, work and explore.” offered safe, fun outdoor-adven- The cost for the 13-day trip is ture programs around the world $1,300, includes all food, equipfor 24 years, is offering the 13- ment, lodging and transportation day adventure into South Dakota from Fort Collins, to destinations as part of its 2009 program in South Dakota. Camperships lineup. Educo creates fun outdoor (financial aid) are available. adventures that challenge kids to To register or more information, step outside their comfort zone, 970/494-0785 or www.educoad connect with new and unex- ventures.org. pected friends and discover their Photo: Educo
duco Leadership Adventures’ Service is offering a learning trip for teens age 13-17 are invited to spend from June 7-19 on a South Dakota adventure, where they’ll help Lakota people on the Pine Ridge Indian Reservation restore important buffalo habitat, listen to elders tell ancient stories, volunteer for other service projects and hike and explore Badlands National Park.
Escuela begins enrollment
scuela Tlatelolco, a duallanguage Pre-K through 12th grade school, with over 39 years experience in the Denver community is now enrolling for the 2009-2010 school year. Escuela Tlatelolco was named one of Denver’s Top Schools by 5280 Magazine in September 2008 and was recognized for achieving strong results from nontraditional curricula, small class size and strong parent involvement. Escuela Tlatelolco’s Circulo Montessori and Elementary programs offer a dual-language (Spanish and English) Montessori program for students in preschool (beginning at age 3) through 6th grade. This program is one of the oldest in the area and students at this level have consistently tested at or above
their developmental and grade level. While students at this level pay tuition, 99% of students receive some type of scholarship assistance making the program affordable for to all families. Escuela’s Senior Elementary program for students in grades 7 -9, blends Montessori elements along with an off-site experiential component through a partnership with The Urban Farm. The Upper School program, offers students in grades 10 – 12 a bilingual, experiential academic program using oral presentations and portfolios to evaluate student performance. Both the Senior Elementary and Upper School program are tuition free. For more information about Escuela Tlatelolco please call 303/ 964-8993.
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El Semanario
One year later, advocates remain hopeful By Cristina FrĂŠsquez
eflecting on the one-year anniversary of the infamous Postville immigration raid, faith and labor leaders hosted a press call on Tuesday to highlight the need for immigration reform. Leaders discussed the long term effects immigration raids have had on their communities and announced over 40 vigils and services taking place nationwide in commemoration of the May 12th, 2008 Postville raid. Events around the country featured ringing of church bells and calls for worker justice, family unity and just and humane immigration reform. In Aurora, the American Friends Service Committee hosted a vigil in conjunction with the national commemoration. The raid of Agriprocessors, Inc., in Iowa, detained 389 people, including parents and underage children found working in the factory. St Bridget’s Church in Postville has been caring for the needs of dozens of families, including children, while they await the resolutions of their cases. “As we commemorate this anniversary we stand in solidarity with the 389 workers who were detained, said Sister Mary McCauley, BVM, Coordinator of Commemoration Prayer Vigil and Walk for St. Bridget’s Parish in Postville. “We vigorously call for comprehensive immigration reform, just labor practices, family reunification and an end to raids. We cannot permit what happened in Postville, Iowa on May 12, 2008 to happen to another town or group of people. It is our hope
that the tragedy of Postville will bring about a change in our immigration law.â€? The Postville raid was one of the most extreme examples of the misplaced priorities of the Bush Administration, where prosecution of immigrant workers was prioritized over the enforcement of labor standards and other criminal and civil violations committed by plant managers and owners. “The National Council of La Raza believes our country can and should enforce its immigration laws. But as with any set of laws, our nation should enforce them wisely and well,â€? said Janet MurguĂa, NCLR President and CEO. “We cannot continue to tear families apart, undermine our system of due process, and wreak havoc on communities like Postville, where children have borne the brunt of the raid.â€? Nationally, there are almost five million children with at least one undocumented parent, and it is estimated that for every two immigrants detained as a result of worksite raids, approximately one child is left behind. “The Postville raid has become a nationwide symbol of what is wrong with our current immigration policy and previous immigration enforcement priorities. While the govern-ment’s actions in the Agriprocessors raid showed an ugly side of AmĂŠrica that I hardly recognize, the response of the Postville community and its neighbors showed the compassion and humanity that represents the best of AmĂŠrica,â€? said Frank Sharry, Executive Director of AmĂŠrica’s Voice. Some policymakers, such as
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Rep. Bruce Braley (D-IA) understand the tragedy of the Postville raid and how it served as a poster child for the nation’s broken immigration system. In the aftermath of the raids and their devastating effect on the surrounding Postville community, Rep. Braley called on the federal government to focus on unscrupulous employers, instead of just the undocumented workers. Recent developments in the past several weeks are leading the country closer to smart and effective immigration enforcement strategies, plus action on comprehensive immigration reform. The news of the U.S. Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling on the Bush Administration’s immigrant worker prosecution strategy shows that the government doesn’t have a blank check when it comes to coercive enforcement. The Obama Administration also recently changed the focus of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) efforts to employers who knowingly hire undocumented workers or commit other crimes, rather than prioritizing the arrest and prosecution of immigrant workers. And the President continues to talk about the need for comprehensive immigration reform and
Photo: ESFP
14 mayo 2009
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Last year’s raid sparked hundreds of protests across the nation.
lay out his intention to work with Congress on legislation this year. “The raids in Postville and across the country will go down as a dark period in our nation’s history,� said Mark Lauritsen, International Vice President of the United Food and Commercial Workers International Union. “The Bush Administration’s heavy handed enforcement tactics left in its wake devastated communities and broken families. They did nothing to fix our broken immigration system or to protect the vulnerable men, women and
children who are exploited by bad employers.â€? MurguĂa emphasized that the National Council of La Raza’s efforts are aimed at finding practical solutions to immigration issues. “Restoring the rule of law to our immigration system requires systematic change and smart enforcement strategies that do not blur the line between innocent workers and those who mean us harm,â€? she said. “We need policies that protect families, children, workers, and our nation’s ideals.â€?
American Family Insurance who has been a loyal financial sponsor and contributor for Las Madrinas event since its’ inception. The Corazon Award will be given posthumously this year to Bernard D. Martinez who served on the Advisory Board for Centro San Juan Diego. Through his efforts with the Latino Education and Employment
Project, 216 individuals have been assisted by the Bienestar Family Services Program in obtaining certification and degrees they need to practice their professions in the U.S. Irene Ibarra will be presented with this year’s Rebozo Award, President & CEO of The Colorado Trust, she has devoted her career to improving health for low income children, families and individuals and developing policy solutions for complex health problems. The 2009 La Estrella Award will honor David and Neri Simmons, for their work on immigration. David has practiced immigration law in Colorado since 1986 and is active in probono work and in community education efforts Neri, a native of MÊxico is an active volunteer at Centro San Juan and her specialty is teaching Citizenship classes for Spanish-speaking seniors who quality to take the citizenship classes in Spanish, and assisted in the formation of the monthly Legal Night Clinic. For more information and tickets call: Jennie Marquez, 303/2959470 ext. 100.
MADRINAS, from page 6 Holguin, and is being honored for her contributions of time, energy and expertise to the Bienestar Family Svcs. As Senior Program Officer at Rose Community Foundation, Holguin has been instrumental in obtaining funding for several Bienestar Family Service programs. The third Madrina is Perla Ghelier, Market Dev. Mngr for
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