Blac IM

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BLACKBURN ROYAL INFIRMARY Infirmary Road Blackburn Lancashire BB2 3HH Tel No 01254 263555

TX ROOM: ROOM 2, X-RAY DEPT. DIRECTIONS TO HOSPITAL: M65 TO Junction 5 Follow signs to hospital. Drivers: Drive to A/E ambulance entrance, (3rd turn on left) through doors Follow yellow/green footprints on floor around to A/E X-ray reception desk; ask on call radiographer to open fire doors near room 2. (We may be able to do this ourselves in future, but best to ask to start with, to get to fire doors from inside go past A/E reception turn right grey fire doors at end of corridor.). Back in van drive around to main entrance, Fire doors on left in corner just before Main Entrance, ( picture 1) it is possible to reverse right up to the doors, be careful of the bollards, Red Hatched area is bollard free reverse through this. (picture. 2)

DIRECTIONS TO TX ROOM: Drivers: through fire doors, X-ray room 2 few yards down on Right. X-ray Table will be raised to upright position, similar situation to Northampton but bit more awkward. Please see attached picture. If the table is not raised, please ask on-call Radiographer to do so.

Radiographers: Main Entrance, Turn left past WH Smith, follow corridor around, X-ray dept. on left, walk past U/S Nuclear med reception to main x-ray reception/waiting area, straight ahead down corridor room 2 on left before grey fire doors. HOTEL: PREMIER TRAVEL INN:

Blackburn South, BB3 0SN Telephone 0333 777 3917

1st PATS. ARRIVAL TIME: 7.30am 8.00am start. USUAL NO. OF PATS: 12 (all stones, no Peyronies or Orthos) ANALGESIA: 100MG VOLTAROL PO

Sometimes Co codamol.

CONSULTANTS: Mr Neilson (lead stone urologist) WARD STAFF: Michelle Garsden; Pts come down from Urology unit (2nd floor) left in bay opp room 2, nurses are normally present to bring patients down assist with changeover. SpR or Staff Grade urologist normally in attendance.

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