HOSPITAL INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS HOSPITAL: EALING HOSPITAL WARD: Theatre 6, main theatres TELEPHONE No: 0208 9675000(Hospital) Ext. or direct line to treatment area: 0208 9675715(Roisin) HOSPITAL ADDRESS: Uxbridge Road, Southall, UB1 3HW.
DIRECTIONS TO HOSPITAL: No access after 21.00 hrs. (Contact Security if doors are locked) From the turn off on the Uxbridge road, take first left and proceed around the side and back of hospital, passing the car parks. At the end of the road, a fire path continues to the right around the back of the hospital. Take this route and install via the sloped access at the end of the fire path on the right. (See attached Picture) DIRECTIONS TO TX ROOM: Take the lift on the right to level 3 (op clinic 3). Turn right out of lift, ahead through 3 sets of double doors, on left is Day Surgery (Brunel Ward) Press Buzzer to get access. Go through doors then go through next set of doors directly in front of you. Turn immediately left, then turn right through sliding door and Theatre six is on your right.
HOTEL: Premier Travel Inn Hayes, Heathrow Premier Travel Inn Tel: 03330031712 Post Code: UB4 0HF
Special note: PLEASE BE AWARE The two urologists employ different strategies for managing their patients. Mr Rosenbaum (ex St Thomas’): will stent large stones and uses Trimethoprim afterwards, as standard practice. Mr Raza (ex Edinburgh): Doesn’t normally stent and doesn’t use antibiotics. Roisin Warden the uro specialist nurse is ex- St Thomas’, so she knows the score and will be on hand and is very helpful. Patients come from the adjacent day ward.
BREAKFAST IN HOTEL: Yes HOTEL TEL: No: 0208 606 8811 TAXI TEL No: 1st PATIENT ARRIVAL TIME: 8.00am. Start approx 9 – 9.30 (pre-eswl kub) USUAL MUMBER OF PATIENTS: 10 ANALGESIA: Voltarol 100mg PR. Fentanyl lozenge 800mics if needed.
CONSULTANTS: Mr Rosenbaum Mr Raza
Date compiled:
WARD STAFF: Roisin Warden (Uro spec Nurse) bleep 596
COMMENTS Th Manager – Paul Young RPS – Sharmilla Chowdhary
EALING HOSPITAL Looking from the access point, down the fire path
Access point to h
Access to hospital (at the end of the fire path)
uxbridge road
car park
Fire path Access
Date compiled:
car park