CMI 2010
CMI 2010
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Distribution. Democra . e c ti wnership. Depen antion. O flict. Violence. Security. Judenc n o s e: C Suffering. Insec tice. R e u . n r o : hts Rig
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: Participation rity
Aid. Globalisation. Reconciliation. Courts Peace: Conflict. Violence. Security. Justice.
State: Planning. Finance. Distribution. Democratisation.
Poverty: Exclusion. Suffering. Insecurity.
Participation. Ow n ersh i p.
Inse curi ty. E xplo itati n. on. Violence. Security. Justice. d De enc moc Justice. Globalisation. e. Aid. ratisation. Globa ity
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State: Planning. Finance. Distribution. Democ urity. c e S . n o i s u l c Poverty: Ex ce. olen i V ct .
Rights: Voice. Accountability. Elections.
Righ ts: Vo ice. Accountability.
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D n.
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On 15 March 1930 Chr. Michelsen Institute for science and intellectual freedom was founded “to foster tolerance between nations and races religious, social, economic and political.” 80 years later, this vision still drives our daily work at the Institute. This year’s annual report gives a snapshot of our research priorities and the questions that guide our research for development and justice.
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CMI 2010
CMI 2010
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Director´s introduction
We want to see progress in the fight against poverty. We want to see human rights respected. We want to see social development that is sustainable. We believe that research-based knowledge can drive the changes needed to realise these grand objectives, and we are working every day to enhance and communicate this knowledge.
CMI 2010
can hardly think of a more meaningful job, and I can hardly think of a greater privilege than to be the leader of a research institute that is dedicated to such a mission. In this my first year as the director of CMI, I want to express my profound gratitude and admiration to my predecessors and all the staff members for the great work that has brought us to where we are today. While I have humbly entered this position, I also took the position with the conviction that CMI has a lot more to contribute. 2010 marked CMI’s 80th anniversary. We used the opportunity to take stock and look ahead by drawing up a new strategy. CMI aims to be an internationally recognised development research institute. In the next strategy period, we will continue to cultivate those key factors that we believe are the basis for our significance and relevance: • High standards of academic scholarship in a multidisciplinary environment. • Solid contextual knowledge developed in close cooperation with local research institutions. • Active research communication with academia, policymakers, practitioners, and the public. We have also celebrated past achievements. Just Faaland, our pioneer who made CMI a development research institute, received the honourable Merdeka Award for his “outstanding contribution to the people of Malaysia.” Faaland participated in shaping the New Economic Policy of Malaysia, which has for decades contributed to reducing poverty and ethnic disparities. The acknowledgement of Faaland’s work is a great inspiration for all of us who believe that research-based knowledge can contribute to change.
It is gratifying that in 2010 we established yet another institutional research programme with a partner in the South, this time with the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CDP) in Bangladesh. The comprehensive research programmes offer unique opportunities for building strong country competence in many sectors simultaneously. Another important achievement was the establishment of the “International Centre for Tax and Development” in cooperation with the UK’s Institute of Development Studies. 2010 was our first full year at our new premises in downtown Bergen. The new location has brought new energy to our fruitful interactions with the University of Bergen. A new agreement of cooperation is found in the formal expression of our joint commitment to Bergen as a thriving driver of development research. The Bergen Resource Centre for International Development, our common venue for documenting and communicating development research, has greatly enhanced our visibility. This year, we reorganised our research groups into ten thematic research clusters, defined around our main, long-term research agendas. The purpose is to maintain a strong organisational focus on the level where research is initiated and conducted. We are also giving priority to further developing the research clusters as vigorous teams, making them dynamic drivers of research and communication. The following pages present the essentials about the activities of the research clusters.
Director Dr. Ottar Mæstad
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CMI Staff 2010 Director Dr. Ottar Mæstad
ECONOMISTS Dr. Ivar Kolstad (Research Director) Dr. Odd-Helge Fjeldstad Dr. Magnus Hatlebakk Jan Isaksen (on leave) Ida Kristine Lindkvist (PhD Candidate) Line Tøndel Skaldebø (PhD Candidate) Dr. Tina Søreide Dr. Espen Villanger (on leave) Dr. Arne Wiig
SOCIAL ANTHROPOLOGISTS Dr. Arne Strand (Deputy Director/ Research Director) Karin Ask Dr. Anne Katrine Bang Camila Gianella (PhD Candidate) Johan Helland (on leave) Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (PhD Candidate) Dr. Are John Knudsen Eyolf Jul-Larsen Dr. Siri Lange Dr. Nefissa Naguib Iselin Å. Strønen (PhD Candidate) Dr. Gunnar M. Sørbø Dr. Kari Grøtterud Telle Dr. Inge Tvedten
POLITICAL SCIENTISTS Dr. Siri Gloppen (Research Director) Dr. Inge Amundsen Torunn Wimpelmann Chaudhary (PhD Candidate) Dr. Roberto Gargarella (20%) Dr. Åse Grødeland Frode Løvlie (PhD Candidate) Dr. Aslak Jangård Orre Dr. Lise Rakner (20%) Dr. Hilde Selbervik (50%) Dr. Elin Skaar Hugo Stokke Dr. Astri Suhrke Elling N. Tjønneland Dr. Arne Tostensen Liv Tønnessen (PhD Candidate)
U4 Anti-corruption resource centre Elizabeth Hart (Director) Kirsty Cunningham (Online and Publications Officer) Alessandra Fontana (Programme Coordinator) Hannes Hechler (Programme Coordinator) Harald Mathisen (Senior Programme Coordinator) Jessica L. Schultz (Senior Programme Coordinator) David A. Williams (Programme Coordinator) Sara Ögmundsdottir (Finance and Administration Officer)
Affiliated researchers Dr. John-Andrew McNeish Dr. Anne Sofie Roald Dr. Helge Rønning Dr. Ole Jacob Sending Dr. Rachel Sieder Dr. Alicia Yamin Dr. Gaute Torsvik Dr. Bertil Tungodden Dr. Bruce Wilson
Senior Consultants Just Faaland (Emeritus) Ole David Koht Norbye (Senior Advisor) Siegfried Pausewang (Senior Advisor) Rais Saniman
CMI 2010
aDMINISTRATION Vigdis A. Gåskjenn (Administration/Finance Director) Lars Ivar Høberg (Trainee) Merete Leby (Head of Services) Aksel Mjeldheim (Head of IT Section) Robert Sjursen (IT Consultant/Web Developer) Guri K. Stegali (Accountant/Project Coordinator) Per Øyvind Svendsen (Administrative Secretary) Hong Kim Tran (Head of Accounts) Jorunn M. Tøsdal (Administrative Secretary)
PROJECT DEVELOPMENT UNIT Steinar Hegre (Project Director)
Masters’ Students Victor Chimhutu Magnus Dølerud Svein-Erik Helle Ida Jacobsen Charlotte Ringdal Kristin Hildre Rørvik Jarle Sunsehaugen Catalina Vallejo Aslaug Aarsæther.
BERGEN RESOURCE CENTRE FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT Kirsti Hagen Andersen (Head of Resource Centre) Reidunn Ljones (Senior Librarian) Erik HaukeTønnesen (Information Coordinator)
The Board of The Chr. Michelsen Institute and The Chr. Michelsen Fund Jan Fridthjof Bernt (Chair of the Board) University of Bergen Einar Hope (Chair of the Fund), The Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration Karin Aslaksen Orkla Ruth Haug Norwegian University of Life Sciences Siri Lange CMI Arne Tostensen CMI
COMMUNICATION Ingvild Hestad (Communication Director) Reginald Christopher Jacob (Secretary) Ola Roth Johnsen (Communication Coordinator) Inger A. Nygaard (Technical Editor)
Hilde B. Selbervik (Deputy) CMI
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Key information 2010
In 2010, CMI carried out 152 externally funded research projects and consultancy assignments for a total of NOK 53.2 million. Project revenues
60 000 000
Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Norad
50 000 000
40 000 000
Research Council of Norway
Other 30 000 000
20 000 000
10 000 000
(Amount in NOK) 0 2006
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CMI 2010
2008 5%
2009 9%
29 %
2010 Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs/Norad 6%
27% International
Research Council of Norway
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The CMI world expands. In 2010, CMI has projects in Latin America, Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
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2010 publications by region 60
0 Africa Asia Europe
Latin America Middle east
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CMI research is organised in ten thematic research clusters, defined around CMIs main l足 ongterm research agendas. Research clusters combine flexibility and focus, and make it possible to build strong teams.
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th heal nt bal e o l pm G o vel e d a nd
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Gov ern and anc e cor rup tion
Ge nd er
ral es tu rc Na ou s re Peace
Cultur es and Poli tics of faith
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An U4 t Re i-Cor so ur rupt ce ce ion nt re
rty ve cs Po nami Dy
Aid Public Finance Management
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egal d L ns n a io ts tut i t Righ ns I
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Cultures and Politics of Faith
Nefissa Naguib (Coordinator) Kari Telle Anne Sofie Roald Frode Løvlie Liv Tønnessen Anne Bang Hilde Kjøstvedt
Photo: Openhandstudios
religion in society Research on cultures and politics of faith investigates how religious groups express their faith in different settings and explores the dialectics between the local and the global. Our research seeks to grasp the power of religion in the framing, understanding, and motivation for social and political action.
CMI 2010
Research areas:
2010 Highlights:
• Religious institutional systems, community life, and aesthetics • Political structures, legal norms and ‘everyday’ religiosity • Gender and religious practices • Faith-based activism
New projects from the Research Council:
Regulating Religion: Secularism and Religious Freedom in the Global Era. This project explores the dilemmas involved in both protecting and enforcing religious freedom through the law. Kari Telle
Gendering Faith: Palestinian Women and the Islamic Revival Books 2010:
This project examines the nature and causes of the increasing public religiosity of Muslim women of the occupied Palestinian territories Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt and Anne Sofie Roald
Muslim Devotional Practices, Aesthetics, and Cultural Formation in Migrancy The project explores how devotional practices, such as praying, thanksgiving, honoring, and commemorating include aesthetical practices such as recitation, chanting, music, performance, images and food.
Contemporary religiosities: By combining theoretical reflection with vivid ethnographic explorations, this book advances a critical understanding of social and personal religious experience in today’s world.
Movements of people This is a book about people’s short and long journeys, crossing frontiers, individual movements from place to place, and the pulse/feel between past and present.
Nefissa Naguib and Anne Bang
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Liv Tønnessen (Coordinator) Nefissa Naguib Inge Tvedten Eyolf Jul-Larsen Karin Ask Hilde Kjøstvedt Hilde B. Selbervik Espen Villanger Ingrid Samset Camila Gianella Torunn Wimpelmann Chaudhary MA student: Victor Chimhutu Affiliated researchers: Alicia Ely Yamin Anne Sofie Roald John McNeish Rachel Sieder
Photo: Angela Sevin
When women take control Grounded in local understandings of gender relations, our focus is on women’s survival and resilience strategies in extreme situations of poverty, violence, political and religious oppression and displacement. We look at a variety of arenas and spaces in which women seek empowerment. We study women not as victims, but as agents of change in their various roles from heads of households to militant activists.
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Palestine Gendering faith Women Islamic charities Afghanistan Gender-based violence
Sudan Women and peacebuilding Muslim women’s activism Sexual violence in conflict Congo Sexual violence in war Malawi Legal pluralism and gender justice
Pakistan Women and human rights under Islamic law Ethiopia Emerging female labour markets Mozambique Feminisation of poverty
Latin-America Indigenous women’s access to justice
2010 Highlights:
The politics of women’s representation in Sudan: Debating women’s rights in Islam from the elites to the grassroots Liv Tønnessen and Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt Sudanese Muslim women’s perception of gender equality is not unitary. Whereas liberal Muslim activists advocate for gender equality in all areas of law, conservative Muslim activists do not deem gender equality to be neither necessary nor desirable. They all frame their arguments within Islam, offering different interpretations of the Islamic law.
A woman should not be boss when a man is present. Gender and poverty in Southern Mozambique Inge Tvedten, Margarida Paulo and Minna Tuominen This is the third and final report in the series “Gender Policies and Feminisation of Poverty in Mozambique.” It reveals a curious incongruity between often broad and sweeping statements about gender inequality and the great variation and complexity in the lives of real men and women.
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Global health and development
Siri Lange (Coordinator) Nefissa Naguib Siri Goppen Camila Gianella Magnus Hatlebakk Ottar MĂŚstad Ida Lindkvist Alicia Yamin (Harvard/CMI) Affiliated researchers: Gaute Torsvik (UiB) Julie Riise Kolstad (Uni Rokkan) Cathrine Kahabuka (CIH) MA student: Victor Chimhutu
Photo: Ida Lindkvist
CMI 2010
Quality healthcare Health plays a crucial role in human development and social justice. Large improvements in health outcomes of poor populations are technologically and economically feasible. Yet there are enormous challenges in implementing health systems that deliver quality services, and in overcoming the economic and social factors that produce ill-health and represent barriers to care.
2010 Highlights: Journal of Health Economics:
Overworked? On the relationship between workload and health worker performance Ottar Mæstad, Gaute Torsvik and Arild Aakvik Health workers are not overworked. Scaling up the number of health workers is unlikely to raise the quality of health services. Training has a positive effect on quality but is not in itself sufficient to raise quality to adequate levels.
current focus: • Health worker availability and performance • Utilisation of health services • Health and economic development • Health rights
Service Delivery Indicators Pilot CMI, in cooperation with the World Bank and the African Economic Research Consortium, piloted a new tool to measure and increase awareness of the quality of service delivery in health and education. The successful pilot has prompted the Hewlett Foundation to work towards an extensive scaling-up of the project in Sub-Saharan Africa.
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Governance and corruption
Tina Søreide (Coordinator) Lovise Aalen Alessandra Fontana Liz Hart Hannes Hechler Ida Lindkvist Frode Løvlie Harald Mathisen Aslak Orre Arne Tostensen Aled Williams MA students: Svein-Erik Helle Aslaug Aarsæther
Democratic governance without corruption CMI research on governance explores the conditions of a well-functioning system of democratic governance with low levels of corruption. What factors and mechanisms explain political and bureaucratic accountability in a given polity?
CMI 2010
Current focus:
2010 Highlights:
• Democratisation and elections
Angola: Research and institutional cooperation CMI-CEIC
• Local government • Global anti-corruption initiatives • Sector governance
The Centro de Estudos e Investigação Científica (CEIC), at the Universidade Católica de Angola (UCAN), is the key policy research think tank in Angola, and CMI’s main institutional partner in research on Angola. The first phase ended in 2010. The CMI-CEIC cooperation programme is dedicated to policy oriented studies that can contribute to policy analysis and policy debate in Angola, particularly on ‘resource curse’ related issues. The cooperation brings together CMI’s achievements and experience in policy research and CEIC’s thorough knowledge of the policy environment in Angola.
In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared By Lise Rakner and Lars Svåsand in Democratization International party support brings new challenges for party institutionalisation in new democracies. This paper assesses the role of party assistance from the perspective of providers of international party support as well as the recipients of support.
Photos: Nicolay Paus
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Natural resources
Ivar Kolstad (Coordinator) Inge Amundsen Arne Wiig Tina Søreide Aslak Orre Iselin Åsedotter Strønen Aled Williams Odd-Helge Fjeldstad Ingrid Samset MA student: Aslaug Aarsæther
Oiled progress or foiled prospects? Natural resources have an ambiguous impact on development. Income from natural resources increases the wealth of nations directly. However, certain natural resources impair the development prospects of countries because natural resource rents generate dysfunctional behaviour such as patronage, rent-seeking or outright conflict. Our research focuses on natural resource ambiguities by analysing political and social mechanisms linking or delinking resources and development.
Current focus: • political economy • political and social mechanisms
Venezuela Bolivia
Nigeria Angola
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Photo: George Osodi
2010 Highlight:
Good governance in Nigeria: A study in political economy and donor support Nigeria is heavily affected by the so-called resource curse, rent-seeking and elite capture of the state. Despite an estimated USD 400 billion in oil income since independence in 1960, the country has experienced five military coups, a civil war, very poor economic development and a skewed distribution of wealth. Corruption pervades all levels of government. The population is more impoverished now than it was 50
years ago. Yet today, the conditions for macroeconomic growth are the best they have been in the past 20 years. From a political economy perspective, this study provides an analysis that focuses on issues of governance, namely the management of oil resources, including revenues from the oil industry. Focus is also applied to the people’s participation and influence in public decision-making through civil society organisations and democratic elections.
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Peace and conflict
Arne Strand (Coordinator) Karin Ask Torunn Wimpelmann Chaudhary Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt Are Knudsen Nefissa Naguib Ingrid Samset Elin Skaar Astri Suhrke Gunnar M. Sørbø Kari Telle Liv Tønnessen MA students: Catalina Vallejo Magnus Dølerud
Photo: Are Knudsen
building PEACE Conflict and peace profoundly influence the prospects of securing development and justice. By drawing on theoretical frameworks and field-based experiences from ongoing conflicts, this research cluster challenges the present peacebuilding discourse. Our policy related research is developed in collaboration with researchers from countries in conflict and with international experts.
CMI 2010
Current focus: • The role of the international peace-building regime • The role of the civil society in peace and reconciliation • The role of natural resources in conflicts
Forced Migrants, Human Rights and Lasting Peace: Lebanon, Cyprus, Afghanistan
Sudan: Micro-Macro Issues in Peacebuilding In cooperation with the University of Khartoum, Al Ahfad University for Women, University of Bergen and PRIO
Party Politics in Palestine: Hamas and the Politicization of Resistance In collaboration with the Palestinian Institute for the Study of Democracy (Muwatin).
Afghanistan: Achieving Durable Peace in Afghanistan Collaborative project between the United States Institute of Peace (USIP), PRIO and CMI.
2010 Highlights:
Palestinian refugees: Combining critical scholarship with ethnographic insight, these essays uncover the host states’ marginalisation of stateless refugees and shed light on new terminologies found in refugees, migration and diaspora studies.
Security and development: This volume addresses the new security–development nexus and investigates its internal institutional logics, as well as the operation of policy, its dangers, resistances and complicity in other local and national social processes.
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Arne Wiig (Coordinator) Ivar Kolstad Magnus Hatlebakk Bertil Tungodden Espen Villanger Eyolf Jul-Larsen MA students: Kristin Rørvik Charlotte Ringdal
Photo: Nicolay Paus
Escaping poverty The goal of this research cluster is to understand the underlying economic and social mechanisms that explain why people are trapped in poverty. Focus is applied to analysing livelihood strategies over the course of life at the household level.
CMI 2010
Current focus:
2010 Highlights:
• Rural credit and labour markets
New institutional cooperation agreement:
• Rural power relations
Bangladesh: Inclusive growth and good governance
• Entrepreneurship in the informal sector • Microcredit, Female labour market participation
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CMI and the Centre for Policy Dialogue (CPD) in Bangladesh, signed a three-year research and capacity building cooperation programme. The overall objective of the programme is institutional research co-operation on policy-related poverty research, including food security and poverty; energy, human capital and private sector development; parliament and political parties; democracy and corruption. The programme is funded by the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. This new cooperative programme is a continuation of the more than 40 years of experience that CMI has in research, consultancy and capacity building in Bangladesh, and makes it possible for CMI to create and support a broader network of researchers and students working in and on Bangladesh.
This book is a statistical presentation on excluded population groups along a number of economic and social dimensions.
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Elling N. Tjønneland (Coordinator) Hilde Selbervik Inge Tvedten Inge Amundsen Liz Hart Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt Asuncion Lera St. Clair Arne Strand Aled Williams Jessica Schultz
MA student: Aslaug Aarsæther
Manoocher Deghati/IRIN
Does Aid work? CMI does extensive work on development aid issues. This comprises of research as well as operational engagement with decision-makers and development aid practitioners. Research projects have focused on the role and relevance of aid. Dialogue and advisory work is crucial for increasing the relevance of our research, improving access to data and deepening our knowledge of challenges facing development. The bulk of CMI’s project income is also derived from aid agencies.
CMI 2010
Current focus: • The global architecture and changing aid policies • Emerging South powers • Poverty reduction • Donor support to peacebuilding • NGOs and delivery of aid • The gender dimension in Norwegian development assistance
2010 Highlights:
A development road show? From Monterrey and Paris to Doha and Accra: Is the Windhoek Declaration improving relations between SADC and its international cooperating partners? Munesti Madakufamba and Elling N. Tjønneland This article analyses how the international aid architecture is operationalised in a regional context. It is the final output of a four-year project that monitors and evaluates donor support to SADC.
Afghan hydrocarbons: A source for development or for conflict? A risk assessment of Norwegian involvement in the development of the Afghan oil and gas industry Arne Strand, Mohammad Hakim, Sediqa Newrozi, Akbar Sarwari and Aled Williams Since 2007, Norad has been engaged in capacity building and provision of technical support to the Afghan Ministry of Mines. This includes assistance on the development of the Afghan hydrocarbons law, and the commercialisation of gas and oil reserves through an international bidding process. The review identifies a range of risks and challenges and advises Norad to halt further engagement on policy matters until there is clarity on how the Government of Afghanistan aims to develop and utilise these resources.
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Public finance management
Odd-Helge Fjeldstad (Coordinator) Jan Isaksen Tina Søreide
It’s all about tax How can developing countries produce an efficient, responsive and accountable public sector? Most poor states are unable to raise the revenue they need for providing basic services to the majority of their citizens. Our research focuses on how governments in poor countries can raise and manage domestic financial resources in ways that enhance their effectiveness and political legitimacy.
Current focus: • Tax policies and administration • Tax havens and capital flight • Tax and public service production
2010 Highlight:
Financed by DFID and Norad, the International Centre for Tax and Development was established in November 2010. The ICTD is dedicated to mobilising knowledge that will help make tax policies more conducive to pro-poor economic growth and good governance. If the governments of poorer countries were to tax more effectively, there would be substantial positive effects on private enterprise, economic growth, the legitimacy and effectiveness of public authority, equity and social cohesion.
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Photo: Ingrid Samset
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Rights and Legal Institutions
Elin Skaar (Coordinator) Karin Ask Roberto Gargarella Camila Gianella Siri Gloppen Åse Grødeland Jessica Schultz Hugo Stokke Iselin Åsedotter Strønen Astri Suhrke MA students: Catalina Vallejo Natalia Flórez Mejía Affiliated researchers: Rachel Sieder (CIESAS, Mexico) Asuncion St.Clair (University of Bergen, 20%) Bruce Wilson (University of Central Florida 20%) Alicia E. Yamin (Harvard Law School 20%)
Photo: Eric Lafforgue
Protecting human rights Human rights are protected by norms and legal institutions. What happens when these rights are violated? Who can hold the violators – be they individuals or state institutions – responsible? We examine the parameters for rights protections by focusing on the law, courts, and social practices.
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Research focus:
2010 Highlights:
• Human rights • Transitional justice • Courts • Legal norms and cultures
Courts and Power in Latin America and Africa This book contributes to the ongoing debate over the institutionalization of democratic accountability and examines the accountability function exercised by higher courts in Latin America and Africa.
The Legal Foundations of Inequality This book explores the influence of opposing constitutional ideals during the “founding period” of constitutionalism in the Americas.
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Promoting an informed approach to anti-corruption Elizabeth Hart (Director) Kirsty Cunningham Alessandra Fontana Hannes Hechler Harald Mathisen Jessica L. Schultz David A. Williams Sara Ă–gmundsdottir
The U4 Anti-Corruption Resource Centre engages with development practitioners through online and  in-country training. Through this training, as well as through operationally-relevant research and advice, U4 ( has supported donor policy and practice since 2003. Today, the Centre serves eight partner agencies: AusAID
(Australia), BTC (Belgium), CIDA (Canada), DFID (UK), GTZ (Germany), MinBuZa (the Netherlands), Norad (Norway), and Sida (Sweden), as well as the broader development community.
CMI 2010
Research themes • Natural Resource Management • The UN Convention against Corruption • Illicit Financial Flows • Corruption and Aid • Health Sector • Fragile States • Anti-Corruption Commissions
In 2010, U4 conducted 15 online courses and 6 in-country workshops, reaching a total of 600 practitioners and advisers.
200 150 150 100
Online training courses
In-country workshops
• Essentials of anti-corruption • Money in politics • Corruption in education • Corruption in health
• Essentials of anti-corruption • Anti-corruption policy making • Addressing corruption in fragile states • Corruption in the education/health sectors • Corruption in natural resource management
0 2005
0 2004
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The Chr. Michelsen Lecture
Albie Sachs: The Role of Courts in Social Transformation «Rights empower. Rights provide dignity and can bring about change. Rights ensure change in a predictable and principled way.» The new South African Constitution included social and economic rights as fundamental rights on the same basis as civil liberties and political rights. Yet, giving meaning and significance to the text of the constitution proved a challenging task. Albie Sachs took us on an engaging journey into the deliberations of a constitutional court
judge, a judge in a court which shaped the new South Africa and framed the rights of all South Africans. «Interests collide,» says Sachs. «There is not always a right answer.» Competing values require mediation and engagement in order to reach settlements. Society and courts must embrace all, and sometimes they must order mediation or engagement. Upholding the law is about reconciling interests.
The Chr. Michelsen Lecture
From an early age Albie Sachs played a prominent role in the struggle for justice in South Africa. He is one of the chief architects of the post-apartheid constitution, and for fifteen years, he served as a member of the South African Constitutional Court.
ALBIE SACHS Judge on the Constitutional Court of South Africa (1994-2009)
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People 2010 New U4 director: Liz hart
Karin Aslaksen
Executive Vice President in charge of strategic HR and communication, Orkla
New Director: Ottar MĂŚstad
New board member:
CMI 2010
New Staff:
Just Faaland received the 2010 Merdeka Award for outstanding contribution to the people of Malaysia
ASTRI SUHRKE gave the eight annual Anthony Hyman memorial lecture, School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London, 17 March 2010: The Case for a light footprint: The international project in Afghanistan
Anne Bang
Senior researcher Kari Telle won the prize for the best anthropological essay, awarded by the Australian Anthropological Society for her essay entitled Spirited Places and Ritual Dynamics among Sasak Muslims on Lombok.
Aslak Jangård Orre defended his PhD dissertation entitled Entrenching the partystate in the multiparty era: Opposition parties, traditional authorities and new councils of local representatives in Angola and Mozambique.
Nefissa Naguib
Ola Roth Johnsen
Sara Ögmundsdóttir
Frode Løvlie
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Bergen Resource Centre for International Development 2010:
130 events The Resource Centre has become a busy venue offering academic lectures, informal events, literary salons, debates, book launches and topical panel debates.
Høsten 2010
Afghanistan/ Pakistan ige Vi stiller de vanskel spørsmålene og ser e på problemstillingen ne ge rin ord utf k ba
▶ Faglig spennende foredrag, boksalonger og seminarer om problemstillinger knyttet til globale utfordringer ▶ Unik boksamling på Afrika, Asia, Midtøsten og Latin-Amerika ▶ Norges beste bibliotektjeneste på fagfeltet ▶ Åpen lesesal for alle ▶ Møteplass for forskere, studenter og andre interesserte Åpningstider mandag - fredag:
09:00 - 16:00
Jekteviksbakken 31 (vis-a-vis Juridisk fakultet)
Jekteviksbakken 31 (vis-a-vis Juridisk fakultet)
Jekteviksbakken 31 (vis-a-vis Juridisk fakultet)
CMI 2010
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CMI 2010
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Publications 2010
More books With three monographs and seven edited books, 2010 was a year of book publications at CMI. Within the last few years, our publication profile has shifted from reports and working papers to articles and book chapters. Through publications in external report series, our own brief series, issue papers and practice insights, we tailor and target research outputs to policy makers and development practitioners. We participate in the Norwegian public discourse. In 2010, we published 37 op-eds, gave numerous interviews and had three regular columnists.
Social Media In 2010 we expanded our online presence, and stepped in to the realm of the social media, with targeted use of Facebook and Twitter to inform and interact. We also entered the digital village by streaming events and making audio and video materials available on our website.
CMI 2010
Monographs Das, Arun K.L. and Magnus Hatlebakk (2010) Statistical evidence on social and economic exclusion in Nepal Kathmandu, Himal books 86 pp. Gargarella, Roberto (2010) The legal foundations of inequality. Constitutionalism in the Americas 1776-1860 New York: Cambridge Univ. Press 273 p. Gloppen, Siri, Bruce M. Wilson, Roberto Gargarella, Elin Skaar, and Morten Kinander (2010) Courts and power in Latin America and Africa New York: Palgrave Macmillan 231 p.
Edited Volumes Couso, Javier A., Alexandra Huneeus and Rachel Sieder (eds) (2010) Cultures of legality: Judicialization and political activism in Latin America New York: Cambridge University Press (Cambridge studies in law and society) 287 p. Kapferer, Bruce, Kari Telle, and Annelin Eriksen (eds.) (2010) Contemporary religiosities: Emergent socialities and the postnation-state New York and Oxford: Berghahn Books 220 p. Knudsen, Are and Sari Hanafi, eds. (2010) Palestinian refugees: Identity, space and place in the Levant Routledge (Routledge Studies on the Arab-Israeli Conflict) 234 p.
McNeish, John-Andrew and Jon Harald Sande Lie (2010) Security and development N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn Books (Critical Interventions: A Forum for Social Analysis, vol. 11) 166 p.
Cappelen, Alexander, Ottar Mæstad and Bertil Tungodden (2010) Demand for childhood vaccination insights from behavioral economics in Forum for development studies vol. 37 no. 3 pp. 349-364
Naguib, Ed. by Nefissa and Bert de Vries (2010) Movements of people in time and space : Heureux qui comme Ulysses a fait un beau voyage Bergen: Bric 176 p.
Fleurbaey, M. and B. Tungodden (2010) The tyranny of non-aggregation versus the tyranny of aggregation in social choices: a real dilemma in Economic Theory vol. 44 no. 3 pp. 399-414
Vian, Taryn, William D. Savedoff, Harald Mathisen (2010) Anticorruption in the health sector Boston: Kumarian Press 164 p.
Gloppen, Siri (2009) Legal enforcement of social rights: Enabling conditions and impact assessment in Erasmus Law Review vol. 2 no. 4 pp. 465-480
Wiig, Arne, Line Tøndel and Vicente Pinto de Andrade (2010) Compendium of natural resource management Bergen/Lusaka: Chr.Michelsen Institute (CMI)/ Universidade Catolica de Angola (UCAN) 532 p. Peer Reviewed Journal Articles Bjorvatn, Kjetil and Bertil Tungodden (2010) Teaching business in Tanzania: Evaluating participation and performance in Journal of the European Economic Association vol. 8 no. 2-3 pp. 561-570 Cappelen, A.W., E.O. Sorensen and B. Tungodden (2010) Responsibility for what? Fairness and individual responsibility in European Economic Review vol. 54 no. 3 pp. 429-441 Cappelen, Alexander W., Norheim, Ole Frithjof and Bertil Tungodden (2010) Disability compensation and responsibility in Politics Philosophy & Economics vol. 9 no. 4 pp. 411-427
Grødeland, Åse Berit (2010) Elite perceptions of anti-corruption efforts in Ukraine in Global Crime vol. 11 no. 2 pp. 237260 Grødeland, Åse Berit (2010) ”They have achieved a lot because we have paid them a lot”: NGOs and the international community in the West Balkans. Perceptions of each other in Global Society vol. 24 no. 2 Hatlebakk, Magnus (2010) Maoist control and level of civil conflict in Nepal in South Asia Economic Journal vol. 11 no. 1 pp. 99-110 Iversen, Vegard and Gaute Torsvik (2010) Networks, middlemen and other (urban) labour market mysteries in Indian Growth and Development Review vol. 3 no. 1 pp. 62-80 Knudsen, Are John (2010) Acquiescence to assassinations in post-civil war Lebanon? in Mediterranean Politics vol. 15 no. 1 pp. 1-23
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Kolstad, Ivar and Arne Wiig (2010) Transparency in oil-rich countries and the importance of democracy in Exploration & Production: The Oil and Gas Review vol. 8 no. 2 Leon, Beatus K. and Julie Riise Kolstad (2010) Wrong schools or wrong students? The potential role of medical education in regional imbalances of the health workforce in the United Republic of Tanzania in Human Resources for Health vol. 8 no. 3 Malca, Camila Gianella, Óscar Parra Vera, Alicia Ely Yamin y Mauricio Torres Tovar (2010) ¿Deliberación democrática o mercadeo social? Los dilemas de la definición pública en salud en el contexto del seguimiento de la sentencia T-760 de 2008 in Cuadernos del Doctorado no. 11 pp. 107-132 McNeish, John-Andrew (2010) Sobrem maldiciones y demonios: Hydrocarburos y soberania en un tarija autonoma in Umbrales Mæstad, Ottar, Gaute Torsvik and Arild Aakvik (2010) Overworked? On the relationship between workload and health worker performance in Journal of Health Economics vol.29 no.5 pp.686-698 Naguib, Nefissa (2010) For the love of God: Care-giving in the Middle East in Journal of Social Sciences and Mission vol. 23 no. 1 Rakner, Lise and Lars Svåsand (2010) In search of the impact of international support for political parties in new democracies: Malawi and Zambia compared in Democratization vol. 17 no. 6 pp. 1250-1275
Roald, Anne Sofie (2010) Vigselrättens symbolvärde in Invandrare och minoritet no. 1 pp. 30-33 Suhrke, Astri (2010) La route vers Marjah in Politique Americaine vol. 17 pp. 79-94 Sørbø, Gunnar M. (2010) Local violence and international intervention in Sudan in Review of African Political Economy vol. 37 no. 124 pp. 173-186 Tungodden, Bertil, I. Almas, A.W. Cappelen and E.O. Sorensen (2010) Fairness and the development of inequality acceptance in Science vol. 328 no. 5982 pp. 11761178 Tønnessen, Liv (2010) Is Islam a threshold for escape or an insurmountable barrier? Women bargaining with patriarchy in postIslamist Sudan in Comparative Studies of South Asia, Africa and the Middle East vol. 30 no. 3 Wiig, Arne and Ivar Kolstad (2010) Multinational corporations and host country institutions: A case study of CSR activities in Angola in International Business Review vol. 19 no. 2 pp. 178-190 Yamin, Alicia Ely and Oscar Parra-Vera (2010) Judicial protection of the right to health in Colombia: From social demands to individual claims to public debates in Hastings International and Comparative Law Review vol. 33 no. 2 pp. 101-129
Book Chapters Bang, Anne (2010) When there are no foreign lands and all lands are foreign: Two texts from the Indian Ocean in Nefissa Naguib and Bert de Vries (eds): Movements of people in time and space. Heureux qui comme Ulysses a fair un beau voyage Bergen: Bric pp. 151-164 Bjune, Maren C. and Stina S. Petersen (2010) Guarding privileges and saving the day: Guatemalan elites and the settlement of the Serranazo. in Mariana Llanos and Leiv Mainstentredet (eds): Presidential Breakdowns in Latin America. New York: Palgrave Frøystad, Mona and Aslak Jangård Orre (2010) Angola in Sigrun Johnstad, red.: Bybevegelser. Fellesrådets Afrikaårbok 2010. Oslo: Fellesrådet for Afrika og Solidaritet forlag. s. 148-150 Grødeland, Åse Berit (2010) Informal relations in public procurement in E.G. Iasin, ed,: Digest of papers from the X International Scientific Conference on the problems of the development of the economy and society. Moscow: State University. Higher School of Economics vol.1 pp. 460-473 Grødeland, Åse Berit (2010) Culture, corruption and anticorruption strategies in postcommunist Europe in Sebastian Wolf and Diana Schmidt-Pfister (eds): International anti-corruption regimes in Europe. Between corruption, integration and culture. Baden-Baden: Nomos Verlag pp. 137-157
CMI 2010
Huneeus, Alexandra, Javier Couso and Rachel Sieder (2010) Cultures of legality: Judicialization and political activism in contemporary Latin America in Javier A. Couso, Alexandra Huneeus and Rachel Sieder (eds): Cultures of legality. Judicialization and political activism in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press pp. 3-21 Kapferer, Bruce, Kari Telle and Annelin Eriksen (2010) Introduction: Religiosities toward a future - In pursuit of the New Millennium in Bruce Kapferer, Kari Telle, Annelin Eriksen (eds): Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation-State. London and New York: Berghahn Books pp. 1-17 Knudsen, Are (2010) (In-)Security in a space of exception: The destruction of the Nahr el-Bared refugee camp in Lebanon in Security and development. Ed. by John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn, pp. 99-112 Knudsen, Are (2010) Nahr el-Bared: The political fall-out of a refugee disaster in Are Knudsen and Sari Hanafi, eds.: Palestinian refugees: identity, space and place in the Levant. London: Routledge pp. 97-110 Knudsen, Are (2010) From refugees to revolutionaries: Camp-based Palestinians in postcivil war Lebanon in Leif Manger and Øystein S. LaBianca (eds): Global moments in the Levant. A Unifob Global research project. Bergen: Bric pp. 142-151
Knudsen, Are and Sari Hanafi (2010) Introduction in Are Knudsen and Sari Hanafi, eds.: Palestinian refugees: identity, space and place in the Levant. London: Routledge pp. 1-9 Kolstad, Ivar and Arne Wiig (2010) Entrepreneurship and human capital: The Malawi case in Ed. By Charles Harvey: Proceedings of the 2009 FOPRISA annual conference . Gaborone: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis pp. 115-125 (FOPRISA report,8) Kolstad, Ivar and Arne Wiig (2010) International initiatives to address the resource curse: High on rhetoric, low on relevance? in George T. Overton (ed): Foreign Policy in an Interconnected World. New York: Nova Science Publishers Lange, Siri (2010) Kampen om populãrkulturen i Tanzania in Mai Palmberg, Carita Backstrõm (eds): Kultur i Afrika. Uppsala and Stockholm: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet and Tranan AB pp. 170-173 Lange, Siri (2010) Folkteater och swahilisåpa in Mai Palmberg and Carita Backstrõm (eds): Kultur i Afrika. Uppsala and Stockholm: Nordiska Afrikainstitutet og Tranan pp. 182-185 Madakufamba, Munetsi and Elling N. Tjønneland (2010) A development road show? From Monterrey and Paris to Doha and Accra: Is the Windhoek Declaration improving relations between SADC and its international cooperating partners? in Charles Harvey (ed): Proceedings of the 2009 FOPRISA annual conference . Gaborone: Botswana Institute for Development Policy Analysis .pp 173191 (FOPRISA report, 8).
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McNeish, John-Andrew (2010) Securing resources through exceptional means in the Americas in John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie, eds.: Security and development. N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn pp.68-83 McNeish, John-Andrew and Jon Harald Sande Lie (2010) Introduction: a security-development nexus? in John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie, eds.: Security and development. N.Y./Oxford: Berghahn pp.1-18 Mæstad, Ottar and Aziza Mwisongo (2010) Informal pay and the quality of health care: Lessons from Tanzania in Taryn Vian, William D. Savedoff, Harald Mathisen (eds): Anticorruption in the health sector. Boston: Kumarian Press pp.45-53 Naguib, Nefissa (2010) Genealogies of an extra virgin. Pensèe on aesthetics: The cultural flow of a food in Nefissa Naguib and Bert de Vries (eds): Movements of people in time and space. Heureux qui comme Ulysses a fair un beau voyage Bergen: Bric pp. 165-172 Rakner, Lise (2010) The management of the 2009 electoral process: The role of the Malawi Electoral Commission in Martin Ott and Fidelis Edge Kanyongolo, eds.: Democracy in progress. Malawi’s 2009 parliamentary and presidential elections. Zomba, Malawi: Kachere (Kachere books no. 48) pp. 25-45 Roald, Anne Sofie (2010) Mångfald och muslimska kvinnors rätt till skilsmässa in B. Rosenbeck & H. Sanders, eds.: Det politiska äktenskap. 400 års historia om familj och reproduktion . Lund: Makadam pp. 353-373
CMI 2010
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Roald, Anne Sofie (2010) Multiculturalism and religious legislation in Sweden in Haydeh Moghissi and Halleh Ghorashi, eds.: Muslim diaspora in the West. Negotiating gender, home and belonging. Surrey/Burlington: Ashgate pp.55-72 Sieder, Rachel (2010) Legal cultures in the (un)rule of law: Indigenous rights and juridification in Guatemala in Javier A. Couso, Alexandra Huneeus and Rachel Sieder (eds): Cultures of legality. Judicialization and political activism in Latin America. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press pp. 161-181 Strand, Arne (2010) Sustainable peacebuilding: The role of non-governmental organizations and researchers in Costas M. Constantinou and James Der Derian, eds.: Sustainable diplomacies. London: Palgrave MacMillan pp. 173-191 Strønen, Iselin Åsedotter (2010) Landartikkel- Den Bolivarianske Republikken Venezuela in Gull og Grønne Skoger - Norske Interesser i Latin-Amerika. Oslo: Latin-Amerikagruppene i Norge Telle, Kari (2010) Seduced by security: the politics of (In)security on Lombok, Indonesia in John-Andrew McNeish and Jon Harald Sande Lie, eds.: Security and development. Oxford: Berghahn pp. 130-142 Telle, Kari (2010) Dharma power: Searching for security in post-new order Indonesia in Bruce Kapferer, Kari Telle, Annelin Eriksen (eds): Contemporary Religiosities: Emergent Socialities and the Post-Nation-State. London and New York: Berghahn Books pp. 141-156
Vian, Taryn, William D. Savedoff and Harald Mathisen (2010) Closing opportunities for corruption in the health sector in Taryn Vian, William D. Savedoff and Harald Mathisen (eds): Anticorruption in the Health Sector. Boston: Kumarian Press
Non-Refereed Journal Articles Orre, Aslak (2010) Fantoches e cavalos de Tróia? Instrumentalização das autoridades tradicionais em Angola e Moçambique in Cadernos de Estudos Africanos vol. Jul 2008/Jun 2009 no. 16/17 pp. 139-178 Orre, Aslak Jangård (2010) Kritiske norske selskaper i Angola? in Bistandsaktuelt no. 2 , p.2. Tjønneland, Elling N. (2010) Kina i Afrika in Kina & vi vol. 42 no. 3B/4B pp. 2831
Reports Albertyn, Chris and Elling N. Tjønneland (2010) Follow the money! Policies and practices in donor support to civil society in Southern Africa Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute 33 p. Amundsen, Inge (2010) Good governance in Nigeria: A study in political economy and donor support Oslo: Norad (Norad Report Discussion no. 17/2010) 74 p. (Published)
Ayee, Joseph, Odd-Helge Fjeldstad, Lincoln Marais and Aidan Keanly (2010) Good tax governance in Africa Pretoria: African Tax Administration Forum (Towards an African Declaration on the Good Financial Governance) Bauck, Petter, Torunn Wimpelmann Chaudhary, Orzala Ashraf Nemat and Arne Strand (2010) Appraisal of extended rule of law project in Faryab, Afghanistan Oslo: Norad (Norad Report Discussion no. 19/2010) 30 p. (Published) Bauck, Petter, Torunn Wimpelmann Chaudhary, Orzala Ashraf Nemat and Arne Strand (2010) Review of prison advisory project in Faryab, Afghanistan Oslo: Norad (Norad Report Discussion no. 18/2010) 40 p. (Published) Benitez, Daniel, Antonio Estache and Tina Søreide (2010) Dealing with politics for money and power in infrastructure Washington DC: World Bank (Policy Research Working Paper no. 5455) 36 p. Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge, Lucas Katera and Erasto Ngalewa (2010) Planning in local government authorities in Tanzania: Bottom-up meets top-down Dar es Salaam: REPOA (REPOA Brief no. 18) 8 p. Fjeldstad, Odd-Helge, Lucas Katera, Jamal Msami and Erasto Ngalewa (2010) Local government finances and financial management in Tanzania. Empirical evidence of trends 20002007 Dar es Salaam: REPOA (Special paper no. 10/2) 48 p.
CMI 2010
Frøystad, Mona, Kari Heggstad and Odd-Helge Fjeldstad (2010) Linking procurement and political economy: a guide Washington DC: World Bank Institute and DFID
Tostensen, Arne and Inge Amundsen (2010) Support to legislatures. Synthesis study Oslo: Norad (Evaluation Report no. 2/2010) 140 p.
Challenges facing Sudan after referendum day 2011. Persistent and emerging conflict in the north-south borderline states Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (Sudan Report SR 2010: 1) 27 p.
McNeish, John-Andrew (2010) Rethinking resource conflict in World Development Report 2011: Input Paper
Truex, Rory and Tina Søreide (2010) Why multistakeholder groups succeed and fail Washington DC : World Bank (World Bank Policy Research Working Papers no. 5495) 20 p.
Sending, Ole Jacob S(ed.) (2010) Learning to build a sustainable peace: Ownership and everyday peacebuilding Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010:4)
Tvedten, Inge (2010) ”The aid architecture seen from below” Oslo: Norad, Department of Evaluations (Unpublished Concept Paper)
Strand, Arne, Mohammad Hakim, Sediqa Newrozi, Akbar Sarwari and Aled Williams (2010) Afghan hydrocarbons: A source for development or for conflict? A risk assessment of Norwegian involvement in development of the Afghan oil and gas industry Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 5) 37 p.
Mæstad, Ottar, Octavio Ferraz, Alicia Ely Yamin, Ole Frithjof Norheim and Siri Gloppen (2010) How does litigation affect health financing? WHO (Technical Brief Series no. Brief No 15) 2 p. Samset, Ingrid (2010) UN peacekeeping in the Congo: When is the job done? Oslo: Norwegian Peacebuilding Centre (Noref Policy Brief no. 6, June) 7 p. So, Sokbunthoeun, Sedara Kim and Aled Williams (2010) Dialogue dynamics, programming challenges: Donor approaches to anti-corruption and integrity reform in Cambodia, 2004 to 2009 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Background Paper 2010:1) 42 p. Strand, Arne (2010) Drawing the lines: The Norwegian debate on civilian-military relations in Afghanistan Oslo: Noref - Norwegian Oeacebuilding Centre (Noref Policy Breifs no. No 8 June 2010) 8 p. Tjønneland, Elling N. and Chris Albertyn (2010) Navigating complexity. A review of training for peace in Africa Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (Commissioned by Norad, the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Embassy of Norway in Pretoria) 67 p.
CMI Reports Amundsen, Inge (2010) Support for parliaments: Tanzania and beyond Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 8) 53 p. Heggstad, Kari and Odd-Helge Fjeldstad (2010) How banks assist capital flight from Africa: A literature review Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 6) 24 p. Jensen, Søren Kirk and Nelson Pestana (2010) O papel das igrejas na redução da porbreza em Angola Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 1) 45 p. Jensen, Søren Kirk and Nelson Pestana (2010) The role of the churches in poverty reduction in Angola Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 1) 42 p.Saeed, Abdalbasit (2010)
Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo and Carmeliza Rosário (2010) ’Opitanha’ revisited. Assessing the implications of PARPA II in rural northern Mozambique 2006-2009 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 3) 77 p. Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo and Carmeliza Rosário (2010) ’Opitanha’ revisitada. Avaliação das implicações do PARPA II no norte rural de Moçambique 2006-2009 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 3) 77 p. Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo and Minna Tuominen (2010) ’A woman should not be the boss when a man is present’. Gender and poverty in Southern Mozambique Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010:7) 50 p.
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Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo and Minna Tuominen (2010) ’Não fica bem que uma mulher seja chefe quando existem homens’. Género e Pobreza no Sul de Mocambique Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2007:7 (Port))
Sieder, Rachel and Maria Teresa Sierra (2010) Indigenous women’s access to justice in Latin America Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2010: 2) 49 p.
CMI Briefs Tønnessen, Liv and Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2010) The politics of women’s representation in Sudan: Debating women’s rights in Islam from the elites to the grassroots Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Report R 2010: 2) 46 p.
Bruxelles, Marie-Soleil Frère of Université Libre de (2010) Media constraints in sub-Saharan Africa Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 4) 4 p.
Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo, Carmeliza Rosário (2010) Avaliando as implicações do PARPA II no Norte rural de Moçambique 20062009 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 5) 2 p. Tønnessen, Liv, Hilde Granås Kjøstvedt (2010) The paradox of representation in Sudan: Muslim women’s diverging agendas Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 1) 4 p.
U4 Issues CMI Working Papers Ahmad, Abdel Ghaffar Mohamed (2010) Sudan peace agreements: Current challenges and future prospects Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper SWP 2010: 1) 17 p. Gadkarim, Hassan Ali (2010) Oil, peace and development: The Sudanese impasse Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (Sudan Working Paper SWP 2010: 2) 31 p. Gudbrandsen, Njård Håkon (2010) The impact of wealth and female autonomy on fertility decisions in Nepal: An econometric analysis Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2010: 1) 64 p. Hatlebakk, Magnus, Vegard Iversen and Gaute Torsvik (2010) Caste, local networks and lucrative jobs: Evidence from rural Nepal Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Working Paper WP 2010: 3) 25 p.
Mlambo, Alois and Brian Raftopoulos (2010) Zimbabwe’s multilayered crisis Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 3) 4 p. Rakner, Lise, Helge Rønning (2010) Do elections imply democracy or autocracy? Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 2) 4 p. Tvedten, Inge et al. (2010) Gender and poverty in Mozambique Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 6) 4 p. Tvedten, Inge et al. (2010) Género e pobreza em Moçambique Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 6) 4 p. Tvedten, Inge, Margarida Paulo, Carmeliza Rosário (2010) Assessing the implications of PARPA II in rural Northern Mozambique 2006-2009 Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI Brief vol. 9 no. 5) 2 p.
Al-Kasim, Farouk, Tina Søreide, Aled Williams (2010) Shrinking oil: Does weak governance and corruption reduce volumes of oil produced? Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2010-3) 34 p. Bolongaita, Emil P. (2010) An exception to the rule? Why Indonesia’s Anti-Corruption Commission succeeds where others don’t - a comparison with the Philippines’ Ombudsman Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue) Reed, Quentin (2010) Regulating conflicts of interest in challenging environments: The case of Azerbaijan Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2010:2) 17 p. Repucci, Sarah (2010) Optimiser la mise en oeuvre de la CNUCC : Du bon usage de la liste de contrôle pour l’autoévaluation de l’application de la Convention Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Issue 2010:1) 24 p.
CMI 2010
U4 Briefs Alcázar, Lorena (2010) The uses and abuses of social programmes: the case of conditional cash transfers Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010:3) 4 p. Brinkerhoff, Derick W. (2010) Unpacking the concept of political will to confront corruption Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010:1) 4 p. Chaikin, David (2010) International anti-money laundering laws. Improving external accountability of political leaders Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010:4) 4 p. Fontana, Alessandra (2010) ’What does not get measured, does not get done’. The methods and limitations of measuring illicit financial flows Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010-2) 4 p. Hechler, Hannes (2010) UNCAC in a nutshell. A quick guide to the United Nations Convention against Corruption for embassy and donor agency staff Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief un-numbered) 8 p.
Trefon, Theodore (2010) Forest governance in Congo: Corruption rules? Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010 No 5) 4 p.
U4 Practice Insights DDevine, Vera, Marijana Trivunovic, Harald Mathisen (2010) From Paris to the anti-corruption project: Examining the feasibility of ownership Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practice Insight no. 2010:1) 6 p. Puppo, Lilli di (2010) Police reform in Georgia. Cracks in an anti-corruption success story Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practice Insight no. 2010:2) 5 p. Schultz, Jessica Leigh (2010) The UNCAC compliance review in Kenya: Process and prospects Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practice Insight no. 2010:3) 8 p. Schultz, Jessica,Opimbi Osore, Thomas Vennen (2010) Reducing risks of reporting corruption: Lessons from an online complaints system in Kenya Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Practice Insight no. 2010:4) 8 p.
Doctoral Theses Hechler, Hannes (2010) An ambassador’s guide to the United Nations Convention against Corruption Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief July 2010 special) 2 p. Strand, Arne, Aled Williams (2010) Afghan hydrocarbons: Addressing corruption to fuel development? Bergen: Chr. Michelsen Institute (U4 Brief 2010 No 7) 4 p.
Orre, Aslak Jangård (2010) Entrenching the party-state in the multiparty era. Opposition parties, traditional authorities and new councils of local representatives in Angola and Mozambique Dissertation for the degree of philosophiae doctor (PhD). Bergen: Univ. of Bergen 394 p.
Master’s Theses Gudbrandsen, Njård Håkon (2010) The Impact of wealth and female autonomy on fertility decisions in Nepal: an econometric analysis Thesis to complete the degree in master in economics. Bergen: Univ. of Bergen. Department of Economics 97 p. Hertzberg, Michael (2010) The emergence of Jathika Hela Urumaya. Buddhist monks at the threshold of politics Master thesis at the Dept. of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion (AHKR) Univ. of Bergen. Bergen: University of Bergen 123 p. Høgestøl, Asle (2010) Oljeinntekters betydning for demokrati. En kvantitativ analyse Masteroppgave, Institutt for sammenliknende politikk, UiB . Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen 101 s. Olaniyan, Cathrin Fløgstad (2010) An econometric analysis of what determines market access for developing countries in the sovereign deby market Bergen: Universitetet i Bergen. Institutt for økonomi 69 p. Masteroppgave i samfunnsøkonomi Skage, Ingvild Aagedal (2010) Foreign direct investment and compliance with worker’s rights . A comparative study of the Gambia, Mali and Uganda Master thesis. Bergen: Univ. of Bergen. Department of Comparative Politics 109 p. Staveland-Sæter, Kristi (2010) Litigating the right to a healthy environment. Assessing the policy impact of ”The Mendoza case” Master thesis. Bergen: University of Bergen. Department of Comparative Politics 96 p.
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Tompsett, Clare (2010) Fuelling development? A critical look at government-centred jatropha cultivation for biodiesel as promoted by the biofuel policy in Rajasthan, India Department of Geography. Bergen: University of Bergen
Newspaper Op-Eds Harpviken, Kristian Berg, Astri Suhrke og Arne Strand (2010) Tid for linjeskifte Aftenposten 04.07.2010 Kjøstvedt, Hilde (2010) Mot en politistat? Morgenbladet October 1, 2010 Lange, Siri (2010) Fra vondt til verre for fattige kvinner Bergens Tidende 28.09.2010 Mæstad, Ottar (2010) Åtte millioner barn dør hvert år Bergens Tidende 29.09.2010 Orre, Aslak Jangård (2010) President Guebuza’s own microcredit program: Development failure and political success IPRIS Bulletin May 2010 Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalyse: Militære blindveier til fred Morgenbladet 21-27 May Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalysen: De nye verdensmestrene Morgenbladet 2-8 July
Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalyse: Vestlig press styrker Bashir Morgenbladet 16-22 April Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalyse: Nynasjonalisme i Afrika Morgenbladet 8-14 January Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalyse: Fred-Demokrati 1-0 Morgenbladet 5-11 February Samset, Ingrid (2010) Utenriksanalyse: Til kamp mot seksuell vold i krig Morgenbladet 5-11 March Strand, Arne, Aled Williams (2010) Afghan oil. A source of development or conflict? Development Today 22 October 2010 Suhrke, Astri (2010) Afghanistans Pentagon papers Dagbladet 26.07.2010. Tvedten, Inge (2010) Bistandens hamskifte Aftenposten 03.02.2010. Tvedten, Inge (2010) En anvendt forskers bekjennelser Morgenbladet 29.04.2010 Tvedten, Inge (2010) Den vanskelige bistanden Dag og Tid 23.04.2010 Aalen, Lovise, Terje Østebø (2010) Valg og storpolitikk på det afrikanske horn Klassekampen 1. June
Book Reviews Bang, Anne (2010) Book review of J. Miran, ”Red Sea citizens. Cosmopolitan society and cultural change in Massawa” in International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies, vol. 42, no.4 pp. 717-719. Eide, Trine (2010) Book review: The role of France in the Rwandan genocide, by Daniala Kroslaks in African Affairs, vol. 109, no. 434 pp. 169-171 Pausewang, Siegfried (2010) Eritrea: a dream deferred. By Gaim Kibread in Forum for development studies vol. 37 no. 3 pp. 415-416 Stokke, Hugo (2010) Charles Beitz and Robert E. Goodin (eds.): Global basic rights in Nordic Journal of Human Rights vol. 28 no. 2 pp. 289-292
CMI 2010
Chr. Michelsen Institute (CMI ) P.O.Box 6033, N-5892 Bergen, Norway Phone: +47 47 93 80 00 Fax: +47 47 93 80 01 Visiting address: Jekteviksbakken 31, Bergen E-mail: Edited by Ingvild Hestad Editorial assistance by Ola Roth Johnsen Design by Innoventi
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Research for development and justice CMI is an independent development research institute in Bergen, Norway. CMI generates and communicates research-based knowledge relevant for fighting poverty, advancing human rights, and promoting sustainable social development. CMI’s research focuses on local and global challenges and opportunities facing low- and middle-income countries and their citizens. Our geographical orientation is towards Africa, Asia, the Middle East, and Latin America.