1 minute read
Wall Street Journal Club
from Michigan Finance Scholars Annual Report: Spring 2021
by Central Michigan University College of Business Administration
Inspired by the 2018 NYC trip, Professor Max Dolinsky and Graduate Sam Bodman started a club that has traditionally met at Ponder Coffee at 7:30 am Monday through Friday to read a print copy of the Wall Street Journal and discuss markets, careers, and life. Alumni, recruiters, and even CMU President Bob Davies have dropped by. The WSJ Club switched to a virtual format during the COVID-19 lockdown, which led to greater success and alumni involvement. During that time, the WSJ club hosted external speakers every day including several Saturdays. The virtual format has provided access to alumni and others who could not make it back to campus to speak.
Join the WSJ Club
We welcome all alumni to join and share their expertise! Please join us on Mondays and Wednesdays at 8 am via WebEx. For more information visit our website.
Are you interested in speaking at the WSJ Club?
Contact Andrew Gawryk at gawry1al@cmich.edu to get connected.