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Hidden Gems

HIDDEN GEMS Find a place just for you on Central Michigan University’s campus

By Katie Hixson Staff Reporter



As a freshman, you’re probably busy just trying to figure out which buildings your classes are in and how to get to the Bovee University Center to buy your textbooks.

But when you get the chance, there are many places here at Central Michigan University that many students don’t know about where you can relax, take a break or just study in peace and quiet.

The following are some hidden gems to check out here on campus: ART GALLERY

The Central Michigan University Art Gallery is located in Wightman Hall Room 132. The gallery displays student and faculty art and changes the exhibitions regularly. GREENHOUSE

The CMU greenhouse is located in between Brooks Hall and the Dow Science Building. This facility is used by many science majors for their classes, but it is also open for the public to enjoy the greenery and do homework, read a book, or just relax. OBSERVATORY

The CMU observatory is used by students in introductory observational astronomy courses, but it also has ‘Open Houses’ to all students who are interested in exploring the stars. All open houses are from 8 to 10 p.m. and are always held, even if the sky is cloudy or clear. The open house schedule is posted online at the beginning of each semester.


The higher up you go in the Park Library, the quieter it gets. This silent study with comfortable seating, tables and nooks is located on the 3rd floor of the library. The reading room is for students seeking silence for concentration, or just a space to relax and take a silent break from their studies. GENDER-NEUTRAL BATHROOMS

CMU has gender-neutral bathrooms in almost every building on campus in order to accommodate the LGBTQ+ community on campus and offer a safe and welcome environment to all students. HOT TUB AND SAUNA

Grab your friends and have a spa day and relax in the sauna or hot tub located in the Student Activity Center (SAC) pool area. Admission to the SAC is free for all CMU students. BILLIARDS HALL IN THE SAC

The SAC has a billiards hall with 6 pool tables located on the second floor next to tall glass windows overlooking the basketball and volleyball courts below. BABER ROOM

The Baber Room is located on the first floor of the library off the main lobby. This room doubles as a quiet study space with comfortable seating and atmosphere as well as an art gallery with colorful paintings for students. ROCK-WALL IN FINCH

CMU has a rock climbing wall and a high-ropes course located in Finch Fieldhouse Room 112, the small gymnasium. These facilities are intended to promote fitness, boost self-esteem and develop leadership skills.

Both the rock wall and the rope course are open to the public for regular open climbing sessions, or may be reserved, for team building programs, climbing workshops and more. Both courses are suitable for a beginning or experienced climber. DOWN UNDER FOOD COURT

The Down Under Food Court is located in the lower level of the Bovee University Center.

This food court offers many different stations such as Oath Pizza, Grille Works, Bene Great Pasta, Sushi, Salad Garden, Simply Soup, and many grab-and-go options. Students cannot use meal swipes at this location, however flex dollars are accepted at the DUFC.

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