April, 17, 2013

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Your independent CMU news source since 1919


Loan interest rates set to double » PAGE 3A

CONCEALED CARRY: Empty holster protest last week opens doors for debate on campus » PAGE 3A

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

cm-life.com BASEBALL


CMU shuts out Calvin College 10-0 » PAGE 7A

‘I wish I would have laughed about it at the time’ » PAGE 1B


‘This blindsided the whole city’ CMU students, alumni undergo ‘emotional roller coaster’ By Ryan Fitzmaurice Senior Reporter

Several CMU students and alumni who attended the Boston Marathon Monday, where two explosions rocked the finish line, are safe, uninjured and accounted for, but some report to being emotionally shaken by the bombing. The student group, Meeting Professionals International, had 11 students volunteering at the Boston Marathon. The group was roughly five miles from the bombs when they went off. MPI President Nick Viox said his mind is still racing after the event. “It’s five hours later, and I still don’t know what to think,” the Manton senior said. “This blindsided the whole city. Boston was buzzing because of the event, and we were swept up in that excitement. Then this tragedy happened. It’s been an emotional roller coaster for everyone.” Bloomfield Hills senior Shelby King was another one of the 11 students volunterring. She said the group didn’t see or hear the explosions and slowly found out about the events that occurred by authorities at the race and people tweeting and texting them from back home. “A while into the race, some guy asked us, ‘Two explosions at the finish line?’ And two of the other girls and I thought he said, ‘How much further until the finish line?’ We kept just yelling and smiling. That was the first thing that sort of gave us any clue,” King said. “When we found out that it happened, everyone was just sort of numb and silent. The police came up to our water station captain and told us to stop the racers. So, some of us did that and then some people started to clean up. I don’t really think any of us believed it, because we didn’t hear anything and we were so close.” King said the group was initially in disarray because of the conflicting reports they heard. “At first, we were told that it was a gas line explosion in a restaurant,” King said. “And then there were bombs, and it was just so confusing


Emergency personnel assist the victims at the scene of a bomb blast during the Boston Marathon on Monday in Boston, Mass.

CMU police chief: Mount Pleasant safe, but ‘we still need to be alert’ in future Security is invited to take a look at the athletic operations, especially at football games, because of the high volume of people in attendance. “We began looking at ourselves as a potential soft target and what we should do to help minimize any danger,” Yeagley said. “We have been working with (Homeland Security) and changing how we do things over the last three years. This isn’t new, but it does reaffirm how secure we are.” For Mioduszewski, the event made him think back to a bomb threat in Mount Pleasant on Dec. 28 at the Firstbank branch at 4699 E. Pickard Road. “We get bomb threats like pipe bombs that have been put in mailboxes, but nothing as significant as they had out in Boston,” Mioduszewski said. “We are always bringing experts in to see what we can do locally to be

By Tony Wittkowski Senior Reporter Nick Viox

Shelby King

Hannah Deacon

Nick Fisher

to us, because we honestly didn’t know what was going on.” Several hours after the event, King said Boston was collectively in shock, subsiding from an initial panic.


Police around Mount Pleasant learned of the Monday afternoon Boston Marathon bombings the way many others did. Central Michigan University Police Chief Bill Yeagley and Isabella County Sheriff Leo Mioduszewski both discovered the event through a text message from a fellow officer. “I got a text from our captain about 20 minutes after the news broke on TV,” Yeagley said. “With two explosions that close together, my mind immediately raced to some type of man-made catastrophe.” Yeagley said he could see CMU as a potential soft target and took proper precautions for an attack when they meet annually with the athletic department. Homeland

ready for things, especially when it comes to emergencies we can be as prepared for.” The Los Angeles Times reported the Boston Marathon explosives were six-liter pressure cookers, which were placed in black duffel bags placed near the finish line. Mioduszewski said CMUPD deals a lot with the FBI and Secret Service when it comes to outside sources, but, when it is about bombings specifically, they have collaborated with the Michigan State Police bomb squads on several occasions. “We are always re-evaluating after every function (about) what went well, what didn’t go well and what we can improve,” Mioduszewski said. A POLICE| 2A

Shared governance pushes for standing committee for oversight By Kyle Kaminski Senior Reporter


On Nov. 27, 2012 Jim McDonald speaks to members of the Academic Senate in Pearce Hall, room 128.

The Shared Governance and Communications Committee plans to create a standing committee, the first ever at Central Michigan University, charged with oversight of shared governance on campus. The SGCC formed a working definition of shared governance in February, calling it a “dynamic collection of the best practices for engaging, voicing, listening and discussing the interests of all groups when planning, making and implementing decisions for the university.” “There will be 12 people on the committee,” Academic Senate Chairman and Co-chair of SGCC Jim McDonald said during a pre-

sentation at last week’s Board of Trustees meeting. “Chairing the committee will be one member of administration and one faculty member to be selected by the ASenate.” McDonald said the committee will meet twice a year to discuss ideas for shared governance and report any suggestions they’ve received over the course of the year. “This committee will also prepare an annual report to share with the university community,” McDonald said. During the presentation, former co-chair of the SGCC Jim Hageman revealed four responsibilities University President George Ross charged the committee with. In forming another committee, Ross requested they review national conversations and past

work on shared governance, prepare a statement on what shared governance means to CMU and develop an action plan for improving and ensuring the future of shared governance. Over the past 20 years, there have been four separate shared governance committees, and each one has failed for one reason or another. According to the presentation last week, the failures of the previous committees were largely due to a “major breakdown in communication and climate” and “frequent turnover in leadership.” While a final shared governance report has not yet been approved by A-Senate, a working draft is available online. A SHARED GOVERNANCE| 2A

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2A || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || Central Michigan Life


blood drive co-sponsored by Greek life will take place from noon until 6 p.m. in the Student Activity Center. Appointments can be made online at www. redcrossblood.org with the sponsor code “CMU.” Walk-in appointments are available. w A free Zumba event designed

to relieve stress and to teach healthy habits will take place in Rose 125. The event is free and begins at 6 p.m.

TOMORROW w The University Theatre

Dance Company will perform a variety of styles, including jazz, ballet and hip-hop at 7:30 p.m. at Bush Theater in Moore Hall. Tickets are $6 for students and $8 for the general public and can be bought online at www.cmich.edu/ticketcentral or at Ticket Central in the Events Center. w The winners of the annual

Central Michigan University Concerto Competition will perform in concert at 8 p.m. in the Staples Family Concert Hall at 8 p.m. The event is free for the public.

CORRECTIONS Central Michigan Life has a long-standing commitment to fair and accurate reporting. It is our policy to correct factual errors. Please e-mail news@cm-life.com. © Central Michigan Life 2013 Volume 94, Number 83



CONTINUED FROM 1A With Mount Pleasant being the home of Soaring Eagle Casino & Resort, as well as a campus of more than 20,000 students and several successful businesses, Mioduszewski said he can see the community as a possible target, but an unlikely one because of its size. “Not to say something couldn’t happen here, but I think if they are trying to make national news, they would most likely go to a different type of venue,” he said. “(The Boston Marathon) was supposed to be a fun day; it was Patriot’s Day, and it’s really unfortunate that people are dying over this; it is just really frustrating to see.” Not many people realize CMU and the surrounding

community host a lot of events on campus, including runs, sporting events and special speakers that are in a constant need of looking after, Yeagley said. “(The Boston Marathon bombing) one of those tragedies in our country that we all have to bounce back from, and it is also a reminder of the times we live in and that we need to be cautious,” Yeagley said. “This is Mount Pleasant, not Boston, but we still need to be alert, and (citizens should) contact folks if you see something that doesn’t make sense.” metro@cm-life.com BROOK MAYLE /ASSISTANT PHOTO EDITOR Clinton senior Steve Burton, left, waits his turn as Addison senior Tony Robertson throws a bean bag during a game of corn hole Tuesday in the parking lot of Polo Village, 900 Douglas St. “We are just warming up,” Burton said. “Getting loose for pint night.”

STUDENTS | CONTINUED FROM 1A “(We’re) really confused and shaken up,” King said. “We all have fallen in love with Boston and with the people here, and I think just watching it play over and over again on the news, it’s all just so surreal to me.” Hannah Deacon, a Northville senior, said the event has all 11 students shaken up. She said she is in a state of disbelief. The group she was with was working to prepare the finish line yesterday. “It’s just so crazy that we were at the finish line yesterday to volunteer. It’s just unreal that we are so close to a tragic event like this,” Deacon said. “When it happened, we were all focused on cheering on the runners and encouraging them that we would’ve never thought this would be happening.” Deacon said she has been amazed by the generosity, and the support that the Boston community has shown the group after the bombing.

“For us, it was so heartbreaking to see how hardworking these wonderful people were. Many of the people would thank us and really truly appreciate all of our work,” Deacon said. “…We had other volunteers drive us home. They lived on the opposite side of the city but wanted to make sure we were safe.” Vice President of University Communications Sherry Knight said the university is relieved to hear about the students’ well-being, and takes pride in how the group responded to the bombing. “We’re certainly glad that they were all OK,” Knight said. “From what I understand, after the blast, the group started working with one of the marathon coordinators. That’s the first thing they did: continued to help.” Some athletes who participated in the marathon also had connections to CMU. Hudsonville junior Kyle Piersma said he was back


MacTaggart suggested the construction of a physical space for all members of the campus community to meet and converse. Both speakers emphasized the importance for communication on campus. The SGCC last met April 3 to continue reading and discussing CMU documents that offer guidelines on operational shared governance.

CONTINUED FROM 1A “The report begins with a history of shared governance,” McDonald said. “The charge is in there, but the other part is to have a concrete historical document about CMU.” The report also reveals suggestions from guest speakers Terrence MacTag-



gart, a senior fellow at the Association of Governing Boards, and Adrianna Kezar, associate director at the Pullias Center for Higher Education, who came to campus in February to discuss shared governance from an administrative perspective.


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at his hotel room when the explosions went off. Like the 11 volunteers, he first heard about the explosions from Twitter. “After the race, it seemed like a lot of people were in shock,” Piersma said. “People have trained for months for this race, and, for such a terrible tragedy to happen, it’s a terrible thing.” Nick Fisher, who finished roughly 40 minutes before the bombing, is a former student at CMU who left for culinary school in 2005. He describes his family as a CMU family. His mother and father, Marilee and Larry Fisher, also alumni, were spectators. “The Boston Marathon is historical,” Fisher said. “It’s an event that has created a tradition and a prestige within the Boston community. You have one million people lining the streets. You run all 26 miles with people screaming and cheering at you; you really don’t get that anywhere else. For something like this to happen to that crowd, that’s one of the greatest tragedies I can personally think of.” Two explosions occurred

“We all have fallen in love with Boston and with the people here, and I think just watching it play over and over again on the news, it’s all just so surreal to me.” Shelby King, Bloomfield Hills senior a few seconds apart near the finish line of the marathon at around 2:45 p.m. Monday. Police have confirmed that three people are dead and 176 are injured. The blasts sent runners and spectators scrambling away from the scene as police officers, medical staff and volunteers already at the scene tended to the wounded. It is unknown who is behind the attack. In a Monday evening statement to the nation, President Barack Obama promised to hold whoever is behind the attack responsible. “Any responsible individuals, any responsible groups, will feel the full weight of justice,” Obama said. On Tuesday Morning, Obama said that the bombing is considered an act of

terror, although the specific individual or group behind the bombing is unknown. A third explosion took place later in the afternoon at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum in Boston, though the Boston Police Department tweeted that it “appears to be fire related” and unrelated to the marathon explosions. Late Monday night, officials searched an apartment connected to a young Saudi citizen. Officials later reported that the citizen had no established connection to the bombing . The Boston Marathon is one of the largest annual races in the world. It was anticipated that around 27,000 runners would participate this year. studentlife@cm-life.com





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John Irwin, Managing Editor..........................989.774.4343 .......... news@cm-life.com Leigh Jajuga, Student Life Editor.................. 989.774.4340 studentlife@cm-life.com Hailee Sattavara, Metro Editor .................... 989.774.4342 .........metro@cm-life.com Catey Traylor, University Editor ................... 989.774.4344 . university@cm-life.com




Wednesday, April 17, 2013


Student sustainability conference showcases work on environment » PAGE 5A

Freshman Ron Coluzzi gets a leg up in CMU’s kicker competition » PAGE 8A

student loan interest rates may double, unless congress acts By Sam Dubin Staff Reporter

Student loan interest rates are set to double in the summer unless Congress takes action. The same scenario occurred to Congress last year. However, an agreement was reached between the two parties to

extend the interest rate of 3.4 percent another year. Again this year, it is likely there will be a good deal of brinksmanship before the issue is settled. Julie Wilson, assistant director of scholarships and financial aid, said her office isn’t happy about the rising rates, but it’s out of their control. “It makes student repay-

ments much larger,” Wilson said. “It’s basically like if gas prices doubled — nobody would be happy about that.” The rise on interest rates will only occur on subsidized loans in the 2013-14 school year, not unsubsidized loans, which already stand at 6.8 percent. According to the United States Department of Educa-

tion, direct subsidized loans are available to undergraduate students with financial need. Whereas, direct unsubsidized loans are available to undergraduate and graduate students with no requirement to demonstrate financial need. Wilson said subsidized loans have no interest that accrues while the student is in

school. It is when students go into repayment that they start paying back the interest. “The impact is when they graduate,” she said. When asked if the rising interest rate would force some students to leave CMU and attend a community college to save money, Wilson responded, “I don’t have an

answer to that.” The increase in the interest rate will have no impact on scholarships or financial aid, Wilson said. Shawna Small takes student loans and said a potential increase in interest rates is ridiculous. A LOAN RATES | 5A

empty holster protest by students supports concealed carry policy By Sean Bradley Staff Reporter

chuck miller/Staff PhotogRaPheR

Mount Pleasant residents Dorine Lilly, left, and Sandy Falsetta, right, model clothing Tuesday evening for Trillium Fine Clothing, 123 E. Broadway St., during the Red Cross Fashion Show. The event was held in the Bovee University Center to help raise money for the Red Cross.

Home style Isabella County and the Red Cross partner for fashion show featuring local clothing

“We try to draw in sponsorship and participation from the community,” Bonnie Hayward, chairperson of the committee that helped put on this event, said. “… We take the proceeds from the community to give back to those in need who come to the Red Cross.” The event is put on not only by committee members, but also by volunteers and Central Michigan University students. Auburn Hills senior Witney Withers helped prepare for this event with other girls for one of her classes. “We got assigned to this in January, but we’ve been having meetings, preparing for this basically since the

day we started,” Withers said. “It’s really cool to see it come into form.” Deborah Birkam, executive director of the CMU chapter of the Red Cross, said she enjoys working with the students because they don’t let her down. “They’re all doing a great job,” Birkam said. “And it’s very important I think for Mount Pleasant and CMU to knit together, because, sometimes, they operate separately, and this is a wonderful time for everyone to come together.” Mount Pleasant resident Dorine Lilly attends the event every year and was asked to model in the fashion show.

By Ryan Fitzmaurice Senior Reporter

chuck miller/Staff PhotogRaPheR

Mount Pleasant resident Kathy McGuire shows off a necklace Tuesday evening for Ace of Diamonds, 128 E. Broadway St. McGuire was there along with other stores showing off merchandise and helping to raise money for the Red Cross.

“I’ll have fun and ham it up because that’s what will make it interesting,” Lilly said. “I know a lot of people that will be here, so they’ll be laughing, and we’ll have a good time.” During the show, models sported clothing and accessories from multiple Mount Pleasant retailers including Ace of Diamonds, Aphrodite Boutique and Trillium Fine Clothing. With a variety of attire, there was something for all women. One standout look was a white dress from


Student campaign urges university to drop energy company pacts

By Charnae Sanders | Senior Reporter

More than 100 people filled the Bovee University Center Rotunda in style Tuesday night. Isabella County and the Central Michigan chapter of the American Red Cross held their annual spring fashion show with help from more than 20 sponsors. This year’s the event has had one of its biggest turnouts yet.

With gun control under the national microscope, a registered student organization at Central Michigan University showed support for concealed carry gun laws by wearing empty gun holsters under their belts last week. Students for Concealed Carry, an RSO advocating for the right to carry a concealed weapon on campus grounds, hosted the empty holster protest. The group also had a table in the University Center Down Under Food Court and distributed literature about gun control to interested students, sparking a debate campus-wide. President of Students for Concealed Carry Casey Lang said the group believes with a proper background check and permit, students should be able to carry a concealed weapon on campus. “Our vision is that CMU is a campus where those who go through the correct training

and carry with a level head (can carry a gun) in a concealed manner,” the Stanwood senior said. “(And) that those people who can carry on campus (can) act primarily as deterrent and might, in the unfortunate need, (be able) to defend themselves and those immediately around them.” He said his group, which has dealt with many misconceptions since its founding, does not want to arm the entire population at CMU, but rather arm those who can carry responsibly. “Another common misconception is we’ll be walking around with these weapons and it will be like the Wild West,” Lang said. Students on campus have differing opinions on the issue of concealed carry laws. Saginaw senior Krystin Martinez said students should have the right to carry a concealed weapon on campus.

Trillium with hot pink polka dot prints partnered with a hot-pink scarf and black heels. Other trendy items included colorful sunhats, stretchy pants and sundresses with belts. “It’s gotten bigger and better as the years have gone by, and I’m very proud for the Red Cross and very appreciative of the ladies who took it on and continue to see that is stays alive,” CMU first lady Elizabeth Ross said. studentlife@cm-life.com

A group of students are attempting to start a divestment campaign at Central Michigan University that aims to discourage the universty from investing in policies with a detrimental impact on the environment. The online campaign, called Divest CMU, calls for Central to remove its investments from oil and gas companies. With it, supporters hope to make CMU one of the 250 universities with a recognized divestment campaign. The idea of divestment has picked up steam within the Student Government Association, as well. SGA President and Saginaw junior Marie Reimers has said encouraging divestment is one of the most important projects of her presidency. Mariah Urueta, a Waterford junior known for her work with registered student organization Take Back the Tap, is one of the spokespersons for the campaign.

According to Urueta, CMU currently has contracts with Exxon, Chevron, Schlumberger, National Oilwell Varco and EOG Resources, and she hopes to see that change. “One of the really big parts of the campaign is that this is not just a CMU campaign,” Urueta said. “It’s a national campaign.” Urueta said she does not know the specific impact divesting in fossil fuel companies will have on the university, but, by investing in sustainable companies, she said the university will better serve its students and community. “As students, we have put so much of our own time and money in investing in our future. It is unfair and unethical for a university to invest in policies that harm the environment and make the future a less safe place to live,” Urueta said. “Besides, our point is not to tell the university to take out the funds and not do anything. We’re asking them to re-invest in other companies.” A DIVESTMENT | 5A

Dr. Omar Haqqani discusses lifestyle choices from a surgeon’s perspective By Adriana Cotero Staff Reporter

Dr. Omar Haqqani said prevention, awareness, treatment and healthy habits are all critical to maintaining one’s physical and mental health in the long term. On Tuesday night, University Health Services hosted Haqqani, chief of vascular surgery at Mid-Michigan Health and Central Michigan University associate professor of surgery, as part of the P.A.T.H. Series. “There was a need for students to have consistent programming on health topics,” Health Services Instructor Lori Wangberg said. “Since October, we have hosted a guest speaker each month who discussed something different. We have had speakers on nutrition, stress management and many others.”

Each month, these events have taken place in the Bovee University Center Auditorium to provide students with information from a professional’s viewpoint. “We felt that students have needs to learn more, and it is essential to know how to make healthy lifestyles,” Wangberg said. “We have a variety of health topics and will be continuing the P.A.T.H. series next semester, starting in September.” Haqqani presented “Life Choices: A Surgeon’s Perspective,” which highlighted everyday acts that people can partake in to prevent the common vascular surgeries he performs. Haqqani’s hour-long presentation featured photos of his everyday patients and information regarding the issues at hand. “Disregard the novel factors for a minute and concentrate on the traditional risk factors.

Which of these can we prevent?” he said. “Age and family history not so much, but we can most definitely help prevent obesity, cigarette smoking, low HDL-C and diabetes mellitus.” Following the factors that cause disease and surgery, Haqqani went more in-depth by describing and showing peripheral vascular disease, aneurysms, diabetic foot wounds and wet gangrene. “Half the patients with peripheral vascular disease do not make it past five years with the disease. But, we spend a tremendous amount of money and time to help these people,” Dr. Haqqani said. “I have had patients that have paid $100 million to prevent this disease, and it just goes back to, what is the quality of life? It is all about life choices that can make the change.” Haqqani made sure to keep

the audience involved by asking open-ended questions throughout the presentation. He identified how people need to be involved and aware of what is happening in their bodies and how to prevent the major vascular surgeries from taking place. “It is unbelievable what can exist in a human body when arteries are like metal pipes,” he said. “Things can be done to help prevent this: diet, exercise, stop smoking, medications and education. We need to help patients by showing and explaining the lifestyle limitations.” Haggani’s lecture was wellrecieved “The statistics and pictures were pretty interesting. It was an eye-opener (as to) how everyday choices are affecting people,” Jackson junior Kathryn Shafer said. “I really liked how it was informal. It was like I was having a conversation

taylor Ballek/ Staff PhotogRaPheR

Central Michigan University Associate Professor and Chief of Vascular Surgery at MidMichigan Medical Center Dr. Omar Haqqani presents a surgeon’s perspective on behaviors.

with someone who has experience. It was interesting to see pictures from his actual surgeries and to hear the methods we used.” Mount Pleasant senior Joshua Krystyniak was able to draw a personal connection with the presentation. “I want to be a cardiovascu-

lar surgeon. This presentation really connects to what I want to do,” Krystyniak said. “Heart disease runs in my family through the men, most do not live past 50. I want to help make a difference and change that.” studentlife@cm-life.com


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution


Wednesday, April 17, 2013


EDITORIAL BOARD | Aaron McMann, Editor-in-Chief | John Irwin, Managing Editor | Kristopher Lodes, Sports Editor | Hailee Sattavara, Metro Editor | Catey Traylor, University Editor

EDITORIAL | Accuracy more important than speed during Boston bombings

Information superhighway


henever national news breaks, especially tragedy, everybody jumps

to be the first to report what happened, and, although it’s nice to be the first person with the news, it’s critical that the information you’re reporting is true.

The profession of journalism prides itself on telling the truth, being precise and striving for accuracy. When any of those values are compromised, the press loses its credibility. When the Boston Marathon was bombed Monday afternoon, the Internet became a whirlwind of rumors, speculation and poor journalism. For example, reports spread like wildfire that authorities captured a suspect of Middle-Eastern descent for the bombings. These

reports turned out to be completely untrue. The New York Post went to print a wildly inaccurate death toll of 12, even though the police only ever confirmed three dead. Instead of going off of the official count, they went off of an anonymous “law-enforcement source” to determine their figure. That’s fine, until you’re proven wrong and forced to retract your report. Tweets from journalists and news organizations reporting that police had found as many as seven un-detonated bombs also turned out to be false. There is a case to be made here, however, of public officials jumping the gun on information they have received. We could go on and on. But that’s the culture we’ve cultivated and find ourselves in. People want to know right away, accuracy be damned. They want something to

read about, no mater how incomplete or inaccurate it may turn out to be. We need to be fed with information, because, otherwise, we feel left in the dark. Although the Internet has become an invaluable resource for journalists, there needs to be a line drawn. Rather than use the information citizens post online as fact, news organizations should be using that only to color their stories. Too many news organizations rely on citizens to report what’s happening rather than sending somebody to the scene. When inaccurate information is reported, the credibility of the news source begins to crumble, and the reputation of journalism as a profession begins to come under question. It’s time we do better, because we know better.


Desensitized to the disturbing

Neil Rosan Staff Reporter

[ YOUR VOICE ] Online reader reactions to the April 12 story “CMU track & field in disarray? Five athletes leave, assistant coach fired, others say program in ‘downward spiral’” Although both team’s results were not good the year before Willie arrived (knowing none of their coaches were not going to return), he was left with a lot of talent-all-American Greg Pilling especially. These athletes were met with and had to defend their current scholarships and were faced with cuts. Greg was told he would have his money cut but was ballsy enough to ask for even more for his MAC record season. That’s how he treated the athletes he was “stuck” with. The throws were ready to be strong the next year anyway with Imbrock hitting 51 meters as a sophomore, Calvert going from 44 at Ferris to 51 his first year at CMU, King and Flanner poised to score and Sunderman already a 60-weight thrower; they were set for success. Teams go in cycles, and CMU would have done well Willie’s first year no matter who was coaching. He has proven to be only an egomaniac in the fashion of his idol Kathleen Sparrey and can’t develop his own team. -Track Fan As a former athlete, I can personally vouch for all these guys who left the team. All stand-up guys who put in hours and hours of work and great students who represented the program with class. These weren’t just average athletes who disliked a coach because he was tough. They were the TOP performers in their event group and guys who tried to keep the team together despite Willie’s faults and disrespect.It’s hard

to fathom how these guys aren’t competing at nationals, but people don’t understand sprint training and how important a coach properly teaching them can be. He was not teaching them right, and his training was so bad that even with their hard work and ethics, their results were suffering. To me, they stood up for what they believed in rather than struggling along and making people think everything was great and dandy when, in reality, the team is doing poorly, and most of it is because the sprints and hurdles aren’t meeting expectations because of the poor leadership of their coach. The distance and throws have been spectacular and have great event coaches who don’t receive enough credit (mostly because Willie never gives them any). If administration ignores all this, I fear the program is destined for last-place finishes and further destruction. I love that these athletes stood for what is right because the reality is things aren’t good in this program, but people would never know that had no one said anything. -former athlete Until you live it, please refrain from commenting on how “big of a deal” you perceive it to be. To the majority of the kids on that team, it’s a huge deal. To those members who might say they don’t care, they have NO idea how much they are missing by having this man in charge. It is true that good leaders and coaches don’t win over everyone. However, if you think this is an isolated set of kids “complaining,” you demonstrate that you’re an outsider to the program. Once you live it for a few years, you know that Willie Randolph’s leader-

Central Michigan Life EDITORIAL Aaron McMann, Editor-in-Chief John Irwin, Managing Editor Leigh Jajuga, Student Life Editor Hailee Sattavara, Metro Editor Catey Traylor, University Editor Mariah Prowoznik, Lead Designer Kristopher Lodes, Sports Editor Victoria Zegler, Photo Editor Brooke Mayle, Assistant Photo Editor Seth Newman, Video Editor Evan Sorenson, Online Coordinator

ADVERTISING Becca Baiers, Julie Bushart, India Mills, Megan Schneider Advertising Managers PROFESSIONAL STAFF Rox Ann Petoskey, Production Leader Kathy Simon, Assistant Director of Student Media Neil C. Hopp, Adviser to Central Michigan Life

ship is the determining factor that holds back the growth of the program. Really, the people who quit are just a fraction of the team that has the luxury to. They have the time left, the talent, and the resources to leave. Many are not as lucky, and, as an alumni, I’m more concerned with them. Instead of glorifying the people speaking out in this article as “brave,” let’s call them what they are–angry (rightfully so). They can speak their mind because they are on their way out. Many there do not have the luxury to do this. Many athletes currently there talk of solutions like petitions, going to admin, quitting and speaking out at banquets. What a mess! Athletes should not have to feel like they need to start a revolution — that’s out of their job description. Their job is to work as hard as they can for the good of the team, be a positive force on the team and to represent the university to the best of their ability. It is not their job to solve this problem. Usually, it’s the coach’s job to solve problems like a divisive team. But, considering the leadership, this now falls solely on the administration. What is good is that I really do believe the administration will do the right thing. Despite people knocking on them, I know that there are some who really do care about the athletes as people. They are, and have been, aware of the problem for some time now. Hoping to see the program restored — Fire up Chips! ANYONE in the AD’s department, which is why CMU track will never see a one dollar of donation from me. I would rather give it to WMU or burn it! -Anonymous

E-mail | editor@cm-life.com Mail | 436 Moore Hall Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 Fax | 989.774.7805 Central Michigan Life welcomes letters to the editor and commentary submissions. Only correspondence that includes a signature (e-mail excluded), address and phone number will be considered. Do not include attached documents via e-mail. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and commentary should not exceed 500 words. All submissions are subject to editing and may be published in print or on cm-life.com in the order they are received.

Monday afternoon, I was sitting in Park Library totally absorbed in studying for my upcoming finals. After a few good hours of hitting the books, I checked my phone and saw notifications about the horrific bombings at the Boston Marathon. I could not believe this was happening. I was shaken up by the fact there had been a bombing on U.S. soil and that there was a chance for a major loss of life. I genuinely feared for the worst and was terrified of finding out how big the damage would be. I put down my books and started sifting through the multiple reports and updates, and even called my family to see if they had heard about what had happened. Slowly, the reality of the situation set in as I realized what had happened. Unfortunately, I don’t think the situation has yet to sink in for others. On my way back from the library, I heard a conversation in the University Center about the bombing. There were two individuals discussing how they didn’t re-

ally care about the bombings and didn’t see why the bombings were such a big deal. Not a big deal? How could the deaths of three human beings, the injuries of hundreds of others and the first major bombing in the United States since an incident inside a San Diego Courthouse in 2008 not be a big deal? I am still struggling to see how someone could be so insensitive toward their fellow man. An attack like this is something that should be taken with the utmost seriousness, and yet it seemed these individuals could care less. I’m still not sure if these individuals know what the loss of a human life means. In this post-9/11 world filled with violent images, movies and video games, it seems we are entirely desensitized to violence. Instead of being disgusted and disturbed by a video of a bomb going off in a crowd or images of people missing limbs, some of us act as if this attack is a movie and don’t realize the real toll of these actions. I encourage you this week to sit down and take a good look at this situation. This isn’t some Hollywood production. What happened in Boston actually happened. There really is a mother and a father who no longer have a son to tuck in at night, and there really are people who will have to live the rest of their lives without legs. So, I beg you, please open your eyes and see what is going on in this very real world we call life.

Do more college stuff A few weeks ago, I played an intramural floor hockey game at the Student Activity Center. As a diehard hockey fan who still hopes he’ll get drafted into the NHL at age 24, it was a fun experience, but the physical activity left me winded and half-dead. Our team lost 12-0, and I couldn’t help but think I would have been a better player back before I gained the “freshman 15,” “sophomore 17,” “junior 20,” “senior 16” and “grad school who-gives-a-crap-anymore.” All this time I’ve been at Central Michigan University, I could have taken advantage of the free exercise facilities at the SAC, and I’m sure I would have looked like Pavel Datsyuk out there on the hardwood. Now that I’m about to graduate and head off into alumni land, I’m starting to take a mental inventory of the free stuff that I’ve taken for granted and the unique experiences that I’ve ignored while in college. For those of you who have some time left as a student, take a look at my list and make sure you don’t miss out as well. One of my biggest regrets is not attending a football game that actually mattered. I went to a few of the games, but they were both middle-of-the-week bouts against teams like Southeastern Rhode Island State or something like that, and I left early both times. I wish I would have attended at least one game versus Western while I could still get in for free. This wouldn’t have been a

Jeremy Ball Columnist free activity, but I kind of regret not braving the Wayside at least once in my five years in Mount Pleasant. Sure, it would have been terrifying, and I would have felt like bathing in bleach afterwards, but it’s a life experience I won’t be able to replicate, unless I head into creepy old-man territory. Getting a tad more serious, I also wish I would have done a mock interview through Career Services. It was always something I meant to do, but I’d find dumb excuses like not having a suit or being afraid the mock interviewer would chide me for my paltry résumé. It would have been great practice for an actual interview, though, and I doubt any future employer will give me a mulligan before interviewing me “for realsies.” Finally, I regret not taking advantage of more free events put on by the university and Program Board. I missed seeing General Colin Powell because I was too lazy to go get the free tickets, and I also missed that Great Porn Debate featuring Nina Hartley. When will I ever be able to see a porn star debate a preacher in my future? Don’t be like me. Take advantage of experiences unique to college while you still have the chance.


Central Michigan Life || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || 5A


Three candidates remain in search for next student media director

AP veteran Robert Naylor becomes second to drop out By Kyle Kaminski Senior Reporter

Zack Wittman/Staff Photographer

West Bloomfield junior Caitlin Richards debunks “enviro-myths” at the Student Sustainability Showcase Monday night in the Charles V. Park Library Auditorium.

Student sustainability conference showcases work on environment By Shawn Tonge Staff Reporter

The Program Board and the Student Environmental Alliance kicked off the first Central Michigan University Earth Week with a collection of student presentations Monday night. The Student Sustainability Showcase, which took place in the auditorium of the Charles V. Park Library, was held to raise awareness about issues of sustainability facing society. Seven students gave TEDx-style presentations to a crowd of around twenty people. TEDx is an international conference that invites speakers to discuss a variety of topics. The topics covered by students ranged from the damaging effects of tar sand on the environment to the importance of teaching conservation in schools to an argument against the hunting of wolves in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. “We planned this program to give students on campus the opportunity to speak in front of a crowd, to profess their beliefs and to practice

conveying a message,” Program Board Vice President Mark Fairbrother, a Shelby Township junior, said. Most of the presentations dealt with educating people about how our actions affect the environment. Perry freshman Lissette Rosado’s presentation explained the potential long-term dangers of horizontal fracking and made a call to action to ban it in Michigan. Bloomfield senior Caitlin Richards corrected some common misconceptions about oil, natural gas and global warming. Norway junior Jacob Pollock spoke on the loss of biodiversity caused by modern industry. A presentation by Waterford junior Mariah Urueta titled “Divestment” called for Central Michigan University to stop investing in oil companies with poor environmental records. She said investing in these companies goes against what the college stands for. “It is strictly stated within our mission statement that we will strive to be socially responsible, compassionate and environmentally sustainable,”

Urueta said. Raffle tickets were given to everyone as they entered the auditorium. Environmentally friendly prizes, such as biodegradable laundry detergent and all-natural maple syrup, were given out to winners of the raffle at the end of the showcase. “When you’re delivering messages as important as these, there are always more people who can be reached,” Fairbrother said. “The people who did attend, I think, left with a newfound understanding of these environmental issues.” The Earth Fair was held in the atrium of the library before and after the showcase. Several organizations and businesses concerned with sustainability and conservation set up tables and talked to students. Some of the groups at the fair included the Green Tree Cooperative Grocery, the Central Michigan chapter of Take Back the Tap and Campus Grow, a program that encourages student farming on campus. studentlife@cm-life.com

Only three candidates remain in the running to fill Neil Hopp’s position as Director of Student Media after two candidates have dropped out. Originally, the Central Michigan University Media Board had five candidates selected as finalists, but one, a woman, pulled out of the running before the formal announcement was made, and former Associated Press Director of Career Development and News Robert Naylor has withdrawn from the interview process. “This has been a very difficult decision for me to make, and I do so with great personal angst,” Naylor said via email. The remaining candidates will have a half-hour public interview in the Central Michigan Life conference room, 436 Moore Hall. James Knight, who received his bachelor’s degree in journalism from CMU in 1984 and has held several jobs in the field, will be interviewed from noon to 12:30 p.m. on Tuesday,

loan rates| continued from 3A “Students like me who have gotten accepted for student loans every year of college… are already very much in debt,” the Novi senior said. “The last thing I want is to pay more than I can afford when the time comes.” According to finaid.org, a

divestment| continued from 3A Urueta said the online campaign, formed on Sunday, is a way for the campaign to test the waters and see what kind of impact they can expect to make

April 23. Knight has held editorlevel positions at the Huron Daily Tribune, Annapolis (Md.) Capital-Gazette, the Jackson Citizen Patriot and the Ann Arbor News and served as sports editor at AnnArbor.com before moving to his current position as Manager of Human Resources Communications at the University of Michigan. He is married to Sherry Knight, CMU’s associate vice president for university communications. Dave Clark, editor-in-chief of The Big Rapids Pioneer, is the second candidate for the position. Clark’s interview will be held from 1 to 1:30 p.m. Wednesday, April 24. Clark received an associate’s degree in communications before receiving a bachelor’s degree from CMU in journalism. The last finalist is Keith Gave, coordinator of The Washtenaw Voice, Washtenaw Community College’s student publication. Gave offers more than 30 years of journalism experience to the position, including positions at the Dallas Morning News,

the Associated Press and the Lansing State Journal. Gave spent 15 years at the Detroit Free Press — 14 of which were spent as a sports reporter covering the Detroit Red Wings. Gave’s interview is scheduled for 1:30 to 2 p.m. Wednesday, April 24. Once interviews are concluded, the Media Board, which consists of chair Kendall Wingrove, former publisher of the Jackson Citizen Patriot Sandy Petykiewicz, Paul C. Chaffee LLC Executive Communications Consultant Paul Chaffee, Crain’s Detroit Business reporter Chris Gautz, Dirk Milliman of Milliman Communications, Associate Professor of Journalism Tim Boudreau and Merrill senior and former CM Life editor-inchief Eric Dresden, will nominate the final two candidates. It will then be up to Provost Gary Shapiro to choose Hopp’s successor.

student who has $20,000 in subsidized loans would pay back $3,620 over 10 years at the current 3.4-percent level. However, at the 6.8-percent level, that repayment number rises to $7,619. Rodney Harris also has student loans and is not happy with the potential increase. “The increase of interest rates are never good for students, since many of us are already so much in debt,” the Canton junior said. A February report from the

Congressional Budget Office said the federal government profits 36 cents on every student loan dollar it puts out, the New York times reported. It is estimated that student loans will bring in $34 billion to the government next year. “The government should be looking at ways to make college more affordable, instead of profiting even more from interest rates,” Harris said.

on campus. Depending on student interest and the administration’s response to the campaign, Urueta said an RSO might be developed in the future. Saline senior Chloe Gleichman said the group plans to release a petition and plans several events to ramp up student support in the

fall semester. They also are strongly considering taking action within the SGA. “It’s not that the campaign is against the university investing money,” Gleichman said. “Only against the university investing at the expense of resources and life.”




6A || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || Central Michigan Life

Quidditch team makes it to World Cup in Fla. By Ryan Fitzmaurice Senior Reporter

They weren’t even supposed to be there. Landing sixth in their division, the Central Michigan University Quidditch Club, in their second year as a program and first year as an officially recognized team within the International Quidditch Association, didn’t qualify for the Quidditch World Cup and operated under that assumption until an international team dropped out. And suddenly they were in. They had already come a long way in getting there. The team only had six members when it became a registered student organization. To have a Quidditch team, one needs at least seven members. By the end of the last academic year, they had grown to 11 members. One year later, in their first serious round of competition, they have 22 members. “We did not do well at first,” David Wilber Jr., Battle Creek senior and president of CMU’s Quidditch Club said. The game, which has several differences from the fictional “Harry Potter” sport on which it is based, including brooms that don’t fly, nevertheless imitates the Harry Potter sport as best it can. All players must carry a broom between their legs, leaving players with only one free hand. Players, called “chasers,” try to shoot the quaffle (a slightly deflated volleyball) through one of three hoops positioned at the opposite end of the field. The hoops are defended by a keeper and a line of defense referred to as the beaters, who throw “bludgers” (slightly deflated kickballs) in hopes of causing the player to stop in their tracks or stun them, before tackling them. There is also the famous “golden snitch,” which must be caught by the seeker. The role of the snitch is placed upon a yellow-clad player who runs around with a tennis ball in a sock hanging out behind him. The Quidditch World Cup,



concealed| continued from 3A

Photo Courtesy of Central Michigan University

Central Michigan University’s Quidditch Club, the Central Centaurs, will play in the Intercollegiate Quidditch Association World Cup on April 13 in Kissimmee, FL. Quidditch is a competitive sport adapted from J.K. Rowling’s “Harry Potter” series. The game has been modified to work without magic or flying broomsticks.Each team plays with seven people. Team members use a deflated volleyball, dodgeballs and a tennis ball to play.

held in Kissimmee, Fla., is organized similarly to the FIFA World Cup, with the 80 participating teams first participating in pool play. The teams that get the most points out of the pool move on to the elimination round, where a champion is chosen. CMU’s Quidditch Club was eliminated in the first elimination round, but they weren’t supposed to be there, either. The team finished second place in pool play, finishing three and one and pulling off an unexpected upset victory against Villanova University’s Quidditch team. “We had a really tough pool.

We had three regional champions in our pool, which was basically unheard of,” Wilber said. Jeffrey Fisher, a Newport senior, was the standout player of the team, according to team captain Andrew Perry, a Rogers City junior. Fisher, according to Perry, caught three out of the four snitches. Perry said next year, with their breakout performance behind them, the CMU Quidditch Club has big plans. “Our goals are to win regionals,” Perry said. “And also, the World Cup.” studentlife@cm-life.com

“We do have the right to carry,” Martinez said. “Most of us are legal adults here.” She said those who want to obtain a gun will find a way to get one, regardless of whether they have a concealed weapons permit. Illinois junior Darrien Kamai said everyone notices the empty holster during such a protest and said it gives off a negative message and connotation. “I don’t think (the protest was) the right thing to do here,” Kamai said. “I don’t think carrying weapons on campus should be encouraged.” He said having a concealed carry policy on campus wouldn’t necessarily make the campus more safe. “I think a lot of students are not keen to the idea of having a concealed weapons policy,” he said. Sterling Heights freshman Patrick Wienckowski disagrees and said students should be allowed to carry concealed weapons on campus. “If someone who was planning on committing a violent crime knew there would

potentially be people with guns around who could stop him, he’d think twice about it,” Wienckowski said. He said despite the wave of deadly mass shootings in the recent past, it is a good time for Students for Concealed Carry to protest. “Most people are acting purely on emotion because of the recent shootings, and it’s good that there’s a group with an opposing view trying to make their opinions be heard,” he said. Media Officer for Students for Concealed Carry and Brown City sophomore Quintin Pavel said neither CMU’s administration nor police department have contacted the group regarding their message. CMU Police Chief Bill Yeagley said the group has shared information with the police regarding events like Empty Holster protests and other events. “The university has a policy of no weapons on campus,” Yeagley said. “Law enforcement is the exception.” Conversations about gun safety have become more prevalent following shootings at Virginia Tech University in 2007, the Newtown, Conn., school shooting last December and the Aurora, Colo., movie theater shooting last July.

These incidents, among others, have sparked calls for tougher gun legislation across the country. The Colorado State Supreme Court ruled in March 2012 that students on college campuses who have a concealed weapons permit may carry their firearm on campus. The University of Colorado Board of Regents said it does, however, have the authority to ban concealed weapons on campus in areas controlled by university police if it chooses to. Michigan’s state legislature is looking to pass similar legislation. Having done empty holster protests and debates with the CMU debate team in the past, Pavel said the holster protest educates people about the issue and attempts to quell stereotypes about guns. “I think the fact (that) you’re wearing the holster shows you’re educated and opens the door to asking about it,” Pavel said. “(Empty holster protests) educate people about firearms. I think that’s one of the goals, to show there’s not a negative stereotype about open carry firearms, and we’re people who care about safety.” university@cm-life.com


Central Michigan Life || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || 7A


freshman outfielder neal Jacobs continues hot streak with grand slam


By Brandon Champion Staff Reporter

file Photo By victoria Zegler

On March 29, sophomore outfielder Nick Regnier safely makes it to first base on a base hit during the game against Bowling Green at Theunissen Stadium.

nine-run third inning pushes chippewas past calvin college, 10-0, Thursday By Emily Grove Senior Reporter

A nine-run third inning had the baseball team coasting to a 10-0 victory against Calvin College on Tuesday. “We put up a big inning to distance ourselves and get us a win going into tomorrow,” head coach Steve Jaksa said. CMU went into the third with just a 1-0 lead after freshman Logan Regnier’s RBI in the first inning to bring in sophomore Nick Regnier, but the third inning proved to be offensively explosive for the Chippewas. Sophomore Alec Ornelas and Nick Regnier were both walked to start things in the third, followed by sophomore Pat MacKenzie successfully laying down a bunt to load the bases. Logan Regnier then got his second RBI in the game, driving in Ornelas while MacKenzie was thrown out at second base. As the bases again loaded up after senior Jordan Adams walked, redshirt freshman Neal Jacobs stepped to the plate to deliver a grand

slam to left field, extending the lead to 6-0. Sophomore Cody Leichman was up next and was hit by a pitch. Although freshman Zack Fields struck out to give CMU its second out, Leichman stole second to get in scoring position. A rip up the middle by junior Noel Santos drove Leichman in, tacking on another run and proving the team wasn’t ready to end the inning. With Santos also in scoring position after advancing to second on a balk, a single from Ornelas put CMU up 8-0 as Santos scored. A two-run home run from Nick Regnier capped off the Chippewas scoring in the third, making it 10-0 to end the inning after Logan Regnier flew out to left field. “We were able to get our bats going in the third,” Jaksa said. “We had some really big hits and that grand slam and lots after that to put up a big nine-spot. All of a sudden, you’re up 10-0 after three.” In the fourth, Adams and Jacobs hit back-to-back

singles but were left on base. The Knights struggled to score against freshman starting pitcher Adam Aldred and his defense. In his firstcareer start, Aldred pitched six innings and gave up five hits, while striking out five. His two walks were the only ones CMU recorded in the game, compared to the five Calvin had in as many pitchers. Junior relief pitcher Joe Ucho pitched the last three innings for the Chippewas, not allowing any hits or walks and striking out six. “I think, overall, for us, it was what we were hoping for,” Jaksa said. “We were hoping Adam Aldred would do exactly what he did. We were confident he’d go out there and throw strikes right away.” Jaksa said he was also pleased with Ucho’s performance. CMU will face Michigan State in the ‘Clash at Comerica’ game at 6:35 p.m. today at Comerica Park. sports@cm-life.com

cmu ‘excited’ for annual game at comerica Park vs. michigan State By Brandon Champion Staff Reporter

The Detroit Tigers might be on the west coast, but that doesn’t mean there won’t be teams representing the state of Michigan at Comerica Park. For the third-straight year, the baseball team will take on Michigan State in the ‘Clash at Comerica’ today, something the team is really excited about. “I think everyone is real excited to play on the big stage at Comerica,” redshirt freshman outfielder Neal Jacobs said. “Everyone is really happy.” The Spartans have defeated the Chippewas in each of the first two games at the home of the Tigers. MSU won 5-2 in 2012 and 3-1 in 2011. The team has been on a roll as of late, having won

four out of their last five games. MSU is coming off a 7-6 win over Toledo in extra innings on Tuesday. Freshman Jimmy McNamara will start for CMU. He is 0-2 with a 3.09 ERA this season. Head coach Steve Jaksa said the trip to Detroit is good for the program in many ways, even though the Chippewas have lost their first two games at Comerica Park. “We’re the only ones that get an opportunity to do that because of the relationship we’ve built and continue to have with the Detroit Tiger organization,” Jaksa said. “It works out very well for everyone in that area; they don’t have to travel very far. It’s also something we can use on the recruiting trail that we get to play there almost every year.” The Chippewas lost their

first meeting of the season against MSU 4-2 on April 2. CMU is hoping things will be different this time around against their rivals from just down US-127. “I think everyone is going to have to pitch in,” Jacobs said. “Some people might have the jitters, but they’re going to have to work them out real quick.” First pitch at Comerica Park is scheduled for 6:35 p.m. “It is just another great venue,” Jaksa said. “Theunissen Stadium is a great venue, and we’re really proud of it. It’s a Major League park, which gets us to a different area of the state. We have a lot of alumni there, and, with Michigan State, we have two really good clubs playing.” sports@cm-life.com

It wasn’t redshirt freshman outfielder Neal Jacob’s first home run. But this one was special nonetheless. With the baseball team leading Calvin College 2-0 in the bottom of the third inning, the Avon, Ohio, native hit a towering fly ball over the left field fence, clearing the bases with his first grand slam as a Chippewa. “It’s not the first grand slam I’ve hit,” Jacobs said. “I had a couple in high school, but this was my first in college, and, in college, it feels real good.” Jacobs’ grand slam was part of a nine-run third inning, which allowed CMU to jump out to a strong lead against the visiting Knights. The grand slam comes on the heels of Jacobs’ Mid-American Conference West Division Player of the Week honor, which

“it’s not the first grand slam i’ve hit. i had a couple in high school, but this was my first in college, and, in college, it feels real good.” Neal Jacob, freshman outfielder he received for the second time this season earlier in the day. “I’ve really been seeing the ball lately,” Jacobs said. “I changed my approach a little bit by sitting on my pitch and not chasing as much. I also changed my stance a little bit.” Jacobs was hot last week, batting .563 (9-for16) with five runs scored and four RBIs in CMU’s four games versus Oakland and Ball State, leading the team to a 3-1 record. Head coach Steve Jaksa said Jacobs’ ability to put bad at-bats behind him has been key in his recent success. The grand slam came after he struck out chasing a ball out of the zone in the second inning.

“The thing that Neal has been able to do is come back after bad at-bats and put together a good at-bat,” Jaksa said. “That’s the consistency we want, that if something bad happens, you can put that to the side. That was a big at-bat with the bases loaded. He put himself and his approach in the moment. Neal does a good job at that, and I think he continues to get better. “ So far this season, Jacobs is third on the team, batting .301. and is second on the team with 27 RBIs and leads the team in home runs with six. sports@cm-life.com

in tHe neWs


Former embattled Detroit Lions receiver Titus Young tweeted an apology to Lions fans early this morning, thanking them for two years of “love and joy,” before the tweet disappeared within an hour. At 1:07 a.m., Young’s Twitter account @ TitusDYoungSr sent the following: “I apologize to the Detroit fans , Thank you, for the 2 years of Love and joy.” One minute later, he tweeted: “Thank Jesus amen.” Both tweets, however, disappeared rather

quickly. Actually, @ TitusDYoungSr sat at zero tweets as of 3 a.m., with the bio: “Proud father of Titus young Jr. Family man. Looking to play defense #34 #21#29 #22 any league.” Entering the 2012 season, Young, a secondround pick in 2011, was supposed to assert himself as a top complimentary wide receiver to Calvin Johnson in the Lions’ pass-heavy offense. Instead, Young amassed just 383 yards and four touchdowns in 10 games before being suspended and eventually cut from the team for insubordinate

behavior. That included punching a teammate, being late for meetings and lining up in the wrong spot on purpose in a November loss to the Green Bay Packers. In late January, Young took to Twitter to lash out at the Lions, saying, among other things, “if y’all going to cut me let me go. I’m tired of the threats.” The Lions released him Feb. 4, shortly after the Super Bowl. Young was picked up on waivers by the St. Louis Rams but released again 10 days later. He is still a free agent.

8A || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || Central Michigan Life



freshman ron coluzzi gets a leg up in cmu’s kicker competition By Jeff Papworth Staff Reporter

file Photo By chuck miller

On Oct. 27 2012, senior offensive lineman Eric Fisher attempts to block Akron defensive lineman Alfonso Horner during the game against Akron at McGuirk Arena.

in tHe neWs

RIGHT TIME FOR LEFT TACKLES By Mark Craig Star tribune (Minneapolis) (MCt)

The hot topic: A right time for left tackles? The Chargers have the 11th pick and a need at left tackle in a draft that has three elite players at that particular position. No problem, right? Well, not exactly. The Chargers actually might have to trade up to get one of them in the draft’s first round on April 25. Texas A&M’s Luke Joeckel is expected to go No. 1 overall to Kansas City. If the Lions use the fifth pick on Central Michigan’s Eric Fisher rather than Alabama cornerback Dee Milliner, the Cardinals most likely would complete the run on available franchise left tackles by taking Oklahoma’s Lane Johnson at No. 7. That’s not to say the rest of the first round won’t produce its share of future offensive line starters. Strength at right tackle and guard could stretch the total number of first-round offensive linemen to seven or eight.

National champion Alabama will have two offensive linemen taken in the first round. D.J. Fluker, a 6-5, 339-pound right tackle, could go No. 12 to Miami, which will move right tackle Jonathan Martin to left tackle to replace the departed Jake Long. Meanwhile, Alabama’s Chance Warmack, a dominant runblocking guard, might go earlier than No. 12. Tennessee, which still is looking to beef up the interior of its line, could take Warmack at No. 10. North Carolina’s Jonathan Cooper also is an option if he’s still available.

tHe Front-rUnner

Luke Joeckel, Texas A&M Joeckel is similar in size (6-6, 306), agility, foot speed and character to Matt Kalil, the fourth overall pick of the Vikings a year ago. But in a draft that’s virtually devoid of quarterbacks, Joeckel rockets to the top of the pile. Like Kalil coming out of Southern California, Joeckel isn’t known for his run blocking. Then again, which left tackle ever is?

Joeckel is a willing run blocker and will get better as he improves his strength to the NFL level.

The longest field goal Ron Coluzzi had ever made in a game was 42 yards, and that was in high school. With blustery conditions at Kelly/Shorts Stadium Saturday and pressure from competition for the starting spot, he made one eightyards further — good from 50 yards — just before halftime of Central Michigan’s spring game. “I thought the conditions were very poor, but all you can do is try to get it up in the air and hope for the best,” he said. “There’s pressure in the kicking position. But there’s pressure in every position, and that just makes you into the man you are.” It was the difference in the game, with his Maroon team winning, 16-13. He also made an extra point, which was not a given

— especially after one was missed earlier in the game. “I really think Ron has a very bright future and a good upside,” head coach Dan Enos said. “He’s just got to continue to be more consistent. He’s done that now in the spring.” Coluzzi could not withdraw the opportunity to give his teammates credit. “Nick Adams actually snapped that 50-yarder, and (kicker) Connor Gagnon is a phenomenal holder,” he said. “It’s wet, it’s windy, and it’s really slippery, and he gets the spot every time.” The redshirt freshman served as the starting kicker and punter for two years at Naperville North High School in Illinois. He made eight of 10 field goals as a senior and was considered a two-star recruit by major recruiting services Scout, Rivals and ESPN.

At this point for Coluzzi, who started kicking field goals when he was eightyears-old, it is all instinct and little thinking when he steps up to kick, he said. Coluzzi is one of three kickers on the roster, along with the senior Gagnon, who has experience as the kickoff specialist, and sophomore Matt Cotiguala, who came from the College of DuPage where he was an all-conference punter and kicker. The three will be looking to replace David Harman, who finished his career at No. 6 all-time in career field goals made (37) and PATs made (98). He kicked the game-winning 47-yard field goal at Iowa and also kicked a CMU bowl record 50-yard field goal at the Little Caesars Pizza Bowl in Detroit. sports@cm-life.com

tHe contenders

Eric Fisher, Central Michigan ESPN draft expert Mel Kiper Jr. said Joeckel, Fisher and Oklahoma’s Lane Johnson are so tightly bunched that it’s “splitting hairs” to pick the best one. Fisher (6-7, 306) should end up protecting either Detroit’s Matthew Stafford or Arizona’s Carson Palmer. D.J. Fluker, Alabama His full name is Danny Lee Jesus Fluker. And he’s without a doubt a right tackle. At 6-5, 339 pounds — 61 fewer than he tipped the scales at as an eighth-grader — he’s a run-blocking mauler. Jonathan Cooper, North Carolina Power, athleticism and foot speed supposedly make up for Cooper being on the shorter side (6-2). A fouryear starter at left guard, Cooper could go No. 8 to Buffalo, which lost Andy Levitre via free agency.

Celebrating Bright Ideas The 20th Annual Student Research and Creative Endeavors Exhibition.

TODAY Finch Fieldhouse 1:00 - 4:00 pm FORMAL PROGRAM AT 1:15 P.M.


THERE’S AN APP FOR THAT: Smartphone applications tracking menstrual cycles » PAGE 4B CAMPUS CLOSET:

Period wear with Victoria Chappel » PAGE 5B


PLAN B: Emergency contraceptive changes age requirement for purchasing pill


Wednesday, April 17, 2013



The slang surrounding menstruation » PAGE 3B

Jessica Fecteau Staff Reporter

Brianna Owczarzak Staff Reporter

Guys have periods, too

Period problems

The aches, the pains, the cravings; it’s no question that periods are sometimes the worst week of every month for a woman. They can often find themselves bedridden with hot pads across their stomachs, throwing back Midol like their lives depend on it. “The Rag,” “Aunt Flow,” “A Bloody Mess”— whatever you call it, it comes every few weeks, and it doesn’t always ask if you’re ready. While we are bleeding in dismay, we always find ourselves asking, “Why can’t guys go through this, too? It’s not fair.” Well, to some extent, they do. Men might not experience the physical, excruciating pain of having your uterine lining shed, but, man, can they be cranky like they do. Although most men won’t admit to it, male periods actually do exist. Similar to premenstrual syndrome (PMS), men get upset more easily and have fluctuating moods. Research shows men experience hormonal changes. They have dips in their mood and, more specifically, their hormonal levels, according to an article in the Huffington Post. Some doctors even state this as IMS, irritable male syndrome. Dating back to the 17th century, this theory has been tested by physicians around the world, according to the Mother Health blog. It’s been shown that testosterone levels rise, increasing moodiness, arousal and depression. These testosterone levels cycle through the day, peaking in the morning and falling at night. One plus for women, maybe the only plus, is that our cycles are more predictable. Even when I do predict mine coming, rays of sunshine aren’t beaming out of my face. It’s best to usually stay away and let me do my thing. It’s always different, but, sometimes, it’s a little like this: Lots of crying, hating people, loving people, not knowing why I am feeling what I am feeling, wanting to eat everything and then crying and hating some more ... on top of all the physical pain. Guys usually aren’t THAT emotional with the tears and tissues, but they can be just as irritable and “weird” when they are going through their cycle. Any Sarah McLachlan commercial can make you feel even crappier, and the idea of someone joking around with you pisses you off almost instantly. The only thing you want is silence in your sweatpants in your bed. Now, if you’re a couple that experiences the “blood sisters” phenomenon, (having your period at the same time as people you’re close with), please just separate yourselves. This won’t be pretty.

Periods are nature’s pregnancy test for females, but when one’s period isn’t normal, a lot of thoughts come to mind besides being pregnant. When someone has irregular periods, it can be scary because it could mean that something is wrong with the body. That’s why a lot of women get put on birth control to regulate their periods.

Menstrual mishaps


‘I wish I would have laughed about it at the time’ By Samantha Smallish | Staff Reporter

Menstrual mishaps happen to the best of us. Some are worse than others, yet all are seemingly horrifying and life-ending in the moment. Luckily, looking back on them today, they are just blips on the


radar, little “oopses” that, in the grand scheme of things, are now just things to laugh about when said moments arise in conversation.

Whatever the reason, whether it is the first or 100th time, prepared or not, in school, at home or out on the town, students at Central Michigan University have been there, and they have lived to talk about it. A few CMU women have taken it upon themselves to share some of their embarrassing moments, which, while looking back, prove not to be so embarrassing. St. Clair Shores sophomore Victoria Schick described the first time she had her period in middle school. She recalled going to the office to try to call her mom. “It was the first time I had ever had a period; I was in middle school. It was my first day of seventh grade, and I had to go into the office to tell the lady that was working at the front desk that I needed to call my mom,” Schick said.

Schick explained the office attendant wouldn’t allow her to call her mom without a reason. So, Schick said, she had to muster up the courage to tell an office that was full of both students and faculty at the time what was going on. “She wouldn’t let me call my mom without a reason. So, I had to tell her in front of an office full of students and teachers that I had just started my period,” Shick said. “Everyone in the office went silent and just looked at me.” “I did cry at the time,” Schick said. “A lot of my friends were in (the office) at the time, and I didn’t go to a big school, so people found out about it. It was just mortifying.” Looking back on that moment, though, Schick said it wasn’t as big of a deal as she had originally

When I was in high school, I was involved in track and cross country. During these sports’ seasons, I wouldn’t have my period at all, and this was caused from excessive exercise. When a female misses her period, it’s called amenorrhea, and five to 25 percent of female athletes experience exerciseinduced amenorrhea, according to Livestrong. This form of amenorrhea normally occurs if the athlete has a low body fat percentage and can be reversed if the athlete increases their body weight or reduces their exercise. However, there are also other causes for experiencing amenorrhea, and the long-term effects can be dangerous. “Over time, the hormonal changes associated with not having a period might lead to heart disease, infertility and changes in bone density, leading to fractures,” the Livestrong.com article said.

made it out to be. Despite going to a smaller school and having her classmates hear about her dilemma, Schick said that looking back at it, it’s a moment she can laugh about. “It wasn’t a big deal. I mean, no one remembers it, obviously. It happened in seventh grade,” Schick said. “Now, I can definitely laugh about it. It’s not a big deal anymore.” Another CMU student, Lapeer sophomore Rachel Spradlin, said she had started her first period while she was in class and was caught off guard and unprepared. “Well, it was when I was in seventh grade; after I had just started my first period, and I wasn’t prepared at all,” Spradlin said. A PERIODS | 2B


Would you feel comfortable buying tampons or sanitary pads for a woman?

Kyle Larson, Fenton junior

Terry Bulgarelli, Macomb sophomore

Bryce Wolf, Gladstone freshman

Marko Schubert, Delaware Graduate Assistant

“If necessary, then yes I would, because they need them. It is important, although I have yet to buy them.”

“Not necessarily, it’s just a woman thing. I wouldn’t be as content with it but would still do it.”

“If they need it, then you got to do it. I mean, if a woman calls you and needs something, then might as well, right?”

“I would get them. It is a relatively normal thing to do. It is natural and does not make me feel uncomfortable at all.”

Another cause for missed periods is Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome, which is the most common cause for infertility in women, according to the American Diabetes Association. Women with PCOS often don’t have periods because the follicles that hold the eggs clump together, forming cysts on the ovaries, making it hard for the follicles to break open to release the egg. Other causes for missed periods include stress and an unhealthy diet, which is why a lot of college students might occasionally miss a period.


Experiencing irregular periods could also mean having more than one period a month or extremely long periods. This started happening to me in college, and I thought it was Mother Nature’s way of getting back at me for all of my missed periods in high school. I was wrong. About three years ago, I experienced the worst period of my life. This period lasted for two months straight and caused me a lot of pain. It was during this incident that I decided it was time to see a gynecologist. It turns out that I have a disorder called endometriosis. Endometriosis is normally passed on genetically and causes the tissue lining your uterus to grow in other places on your body, which makes for painful and excessive periods. Endometriosis also makes it extremely hard to reproduce. From what I understand, one of the most comprehensive ways to treat endometriosis is to have a complete hysterectomy. This would involve removing the uterus, cervix and both of the ovaries. However, if it’s a mild case of endometriosis, other precautions can be taken. In my case, for example, my doctor put me on birth control because it can help reduce the buildup of the tissue caused by endometriosis. After about two and a half years, my doctor and I finally found a form of birth control that gives me regular periods.

2B || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || Central Michigan Life

Reduce the pain in a variety of ways

PERIODS | CONTINUED FROM 1B Spradlin recalled feeling an uncomfortable sensation in her seat. She said she then looked down to find that an unpleasant surprise had been given to her right in the middle of class. “I had sat down in the class, and I could feel that the seat was wet. I looked down, and, all of a sudden, I saw that there was blood on the seat, and I started freaking out because I didn’t have anything; I was not prepared,” Spradlin said. Luckily for her, Spradlin’s male teacher was absent from class that day and the class was taught by a female substitute who helped Spradlin by

By Charnae Sanders Senior Reporter

When “Shark Week” comes around for Shannon Draper, she reduces the pain without medication. “My cramps typically aren’t too horrible because I am on the birth control pill, so it tends to reduce cramps, but, when I do get them, I usually just eat chocolate and drink a lot of water,” the Capac sophomore said. However, Draper said one issue that she hasn’t yet solved is acne and her mood during the cycle. “I still have yet to figure out how to fix that issue,” Draper said. “Birth control helps both acne and mood a little bit but it’s still an issue, and it is often a good indicator of when my period is coming.” Draper said that the only medication she takes for her period is birth control and that it helps tremendously. “I got birth control when I was in middle school because I had horrible acne, and, when it came to my period, well, let’s just say it wasn’t very nice to me,” Draper said. “My dermatologist suggested I get birth control for my acne and that it would also help my other symptoms.” Draper said birth control is a lifesaver. She says when she gets horrible cramps, she’ll tend to call her periods “Ninjas Kicking the Inside of My Abdomen Week.” Macomb freshman Madeline O’Shea said she only

calls that time of month her period and will usually take medicine to relieve the pain. “I usually just take Midol now to help my cramps and other symptoms,” O’Shea said. According to WebMD, other forms of medication that women can take to treat their symptoms consist of medicines including Ibuprofen, Naproxen and Ketoprofen. Midol is a popular overthe-counter drug that can help treat and relieve symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including fatigue, bloating and headaches. O’Shea reflects on the past and said she used to have cramps that would bother her so much that she would miss school. “I used to get terrible cramps from my period, so (baldy) that I would have to miss school sometimes

and miss out of school activities,” O’Shea said. O’Shea said her period was irregular and would come unexpectedly. O’Shea went to the hospital, and her doctor recommended birth control. “I got to a point where my doctor and I thought it would be best to be put on birth control to reduce my cramps,” O’Shea said. “It has helped me out a ton.” According to emedicinehealth.com, women can also relieve cramps using a heating pad over the pelvic area, massaging the back and lower abdomen, and exercising before starting the cycle can be a helpful way to prevent the aches and pains that often come with periods. studentlife@cm-life.com

Plan B emergency contraceptive changes age requirement for purchasing pill By Jessica Fecteau Staff Reporter

The Plan B One-Step “Morning-After Pill” is now available over-the-counter to all women of childbearing age. “Plan B is an emergency contraceptive for patients who have unprotected sex or have protected sex and the condom breaks,” CVS Pharmacy Pharmacist Leslie Hawk said. She said before the new rules took effect, the over the counter age was 17. Women 16 and younger needed a prescription from their doctor in order to purchase the pill. Hawk said the pill prevents unwanted pregnancy. “Take it within 72 hours of unprotected sex, and the sooner you take it, the better,” Hawk said. The discussion of allowing the pill to be available to all women has been a heated



debate finalized on April 5 by Judge Edward R. Korman of the Eastern District of New York. Although the pill is now available more freely, it does not come as a free expense. On average, purchasing the Plan B pill will set someone back about $50. Saginaw junior Victoria Chappel said the ruling is smart, but young women should take more precautions to avoid having to purchase the pill in the first place. “Kids are scared. Granted, they should be talking to their parents about this, but I think, at that age, they should be able to get it,” Chappel said. At 17, Chappel’s friend had a baby. “Just because she was good with kids and everything and baby-sat a lot, it still changed everything,” she said. “She had to stay home more; she couldn’t

even go to the movies, because she was saving her pennies just to pay for diapers.” Plan B makes it clear that this is not an abortion pill, but rather an emergency form of birth control. “Plan B One-Step is not effective in terminating an existing pregnancy. Do not use Plan B One-Step if you are already pregnant, because it will not work. Plan B One-Step does not protect against HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases,” the Plan B website states. Chappel said it would still be tough to have a child at her age. “I’m 22 now, and there’s no way I could handle that,” she said. “It makes you grow up way too fast. But, I think it’s better now to have the option at 16 so they don’t have to deal with that.”

offering her a sweatshirt to wrap around her waist so she could go to the bathroom. “Usually, the class was taught by a male teacher, but I lucked out and we had a female substitute teacher that day,” Spradlin said. “She offered me her sweatshirt to put around my waist so I could get up and go get something.” The substitute went above and beyond for Spradlin; she even cleaned up the mess Spradlin left behind on her chair. “She was the one who cleaned up my chair, which I felt really (badly) about. My pants were completely soaked in blood, so I had to wrap

the sweatshirt around my waist,” Spradlin said. At the time, Spradlin said she experienced a flood of emotion because she was so surprised and caught off guard. “At the time, I felt confused and scared, because I wasn’t prepared at all,” Spradlin said. Spradlin said that looking back on the moment today, although embarrassing, she just laughs about her mishap. She said she wishes at the time she wouldn’t have gotten so worked up over the ordeal. Spradlin also said she was grateful for the substitute teacher that helped her out that day. “Looking back, it was a funny mistake. I was just glad I had a nice teacher that was so helpful,” Spradlin said. studentlife@cm-life.com


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Central Michigan Life || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || 3B


CMU students talk history, birth control 1916–Margaret Sanger opens America’s first family-planning clinic, which is shut down in less than 10 days.

1873–Comstock Law passed an antiobscenity law outlawing material on birth control

1880s–A version of the diaphragm is developed.

1938–A judge removes obscenity law, though birth control remains illegal in most states.

By Megan Pacer | Senior Reporter

What would you be doing right now if you had one or more children? Possibly not attending a four-year university. You might not even be reading this paper, too busy with things like feeding, bathing and an endless train of dirty diapers. Since its earliest forms and uses, birth control has helped women to limit the size of their family and thus have rights over their own reproductive system. Although what is commonly known as the pill was not FDA-approved until 1960, women have been using and talking about birth control long before that. Women’s rights and antislavery advocate Lucy Stone, for example, was pushing for the right for a women’s reproductive freedom as early as 1856. Women like her and Susan B. Anthony, another women’s rights advocate and supporter of birth control, were ahead of their time. A backlash on the discussion of birth control and already declining birth rates resulted in the passage of several laws making it more difficult for women to receive and use birth control and obtain abortions or materials providing information about these practices.

The Comstock Act, passed by Congress in 1873, banned the U.S. mail service from distributing anything deemed to be “obscene” or an “abortion device.” Many men and women at Central Michigan University stand behind the notion that women need to be provided with this basic necessity. “I think it is vital for clinics to provide birth control to men and women,” said Allegan senior Rachel McDaniel, president of Voices for Planned Parenthood. “It helps women who want to postpone having children in order to pursue an education or a career.” Unfortunately, many Planned Parenthood establishments suffer from a lack of funding and support. Some, such as the center in Mount Pleasant, have been forced to shut down. According to LifeNews, Planned Parenthood was forced to also close centers in Grand Rapids and Muskegon due to funding cuts.

While some see this kind of limitation to birth control as a downfall, others have a slightly different view. Jeff Malinowski said while birth control is extremely useful, it is not something that he feels women physically need in their lives. It is more of an option that some women can choose to take. “It’s a personal decision,” the Grand Rapids sophomore said. “It shouldn’t be covered by your insurance or anything because it’s not necessary. It’s a luxury.” Others, such as Samantha Asman, said birth control is necessary for women who wish to control their reproductive lives while still being sexually active. “I went to Catholic school, so I’ve been told my whole life that birth control is bad,” the Mount Clemens freshman said. “(But,) I don’t want to be a 19-year-old parent.” There is a long history of the government and church trying to set limits on how much access women have to contraception and other services, such as abortion. The Comstock Act is merely one example. Birth control, despite its controversy, has many other uses besides contraception that many young women are taking advantage of today. The pill now has the power

The slang surrounding menstruation By Charnae Sanders Senior Reporter

Some women use the basic term “period” to describe the female menstrual cycle, while others get creative with slang. School of Health Sciences Instructor Susan Nottingham said the terms she uses for her menstrual cycle would be “my friend ‘Flo’,” “that time of month,” “a visit from a friend” and the list goes on. The slang used to discuss female menstruation often comes from historical sanitary practices. Nottingham provided another common term, explaining the origin of the terminology. “On the rag,” Nottingham said. “Because women use to place rags from clothing before pads became commercially available.” Nottingham said she started hearing about the lingo or terms to describe the cycle in fifth grade, and she didn’t get “the talk”

from her teachers until sixth grade. “My older sister called it your ‘period,’ and the slang was something other people said,” Nottingham said. Another phrase Nottingham heard people use is ‘in the hut.’ “‘In the hut’ because women in some cultures had to sit in a hut during (their) period and (were) to stay there during the menstrual flow,” Nottingham said. Marine City senior Craig Maas said when referring to the cycle, he would call it being on the “period,” “on the rag” or “that time of the month.” “I think in today’s world, it’s a lot more open to talk about it than it would have been 10 years ago,” Maas said. “After that, I think it is just circumstantial depending on the guy, whether he feels comfortable talking about it. It doesn’t make me uncomfortable at

all. It’s just a natural process of the body. (It) also depends on the person’s upbringing whether he feels it’s appropriate talking about such things.” While discussing her menstrual cycle, Lauren Johnson chooses slang or the proper term depending on who’s she speaking with. “I’m a school health major, so my vocabulary leans more towards the proper terms, but, when I’m with my friends, I use the slang terms,” the Clarkston senior said. “We use slang as a comedic way to deal with the less-than-pleasant bodily experience.” Rochester Hills freshman India Alexander has several different nicknames for being on her period. “I call it the ‘bloody Mary,’ ‘the river of death,’ ‘on my dot’ and ‘dot com,’” Alexander said. studentlife@cm-life.com

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to regulate hormones and women’s menstrual cycles, as well as help with symptoms of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder, which can interfere with daily life. “It definitely makes PMS easier to handle,” Asman said. “It’s also nice to know exactly when it’s going to happen.” Students are also interested in the future of birth control and are in favor of any improvements that can be made. Daniels advocated for more opportunities or options for male birth control. “There really isn’t much out there in the public other than the condom, so it would be great to see hormonal methods or internal barrier methods that allow men to have control over their reproductive potential,” McDaniel said. “It would allow for a third method of birth control, so there’s potential for people to be triply protected.” Asman agreed that, while useful, birth control could stand to be improved on a financial basis. “I would love it to be cheaper, because it’s something that you have to get every month and take every day,” Asman said. “My birth control costs $20 every time I go.” studentlife@cm-life.com

1965–Supreme Court makes contraception for married couples legal.

2010–Study reveals women on the Pill are less likely to die prematurely of all causes.

4B || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || Central Michigan Life



Male birth control intriguing possibility, students say By Ryan Fitzmaurice Senior Reporter

Male birth control is a cautiously welcomed concept within the Central Michigan University student community. The technology being researched, according to the Detroit Free Press, would serve as the male equivalent of “the pill.” The technology has been difficult to develop due to the workings of human sexuality. While females only produce one egg approximately once a month, an easy target for the medication to neutralize, males produce an average

of 1500 sperm per second, which they do continuously throughout the day, every day. Previous attempts have focused on hormones, which has the unfortunate side effect of testicular shrinkage, a tough sell in any market. With a new non-hormonal approach in the works, students might again be looking at a new sexual landscape. Brynn McDonnell, a Rockford sophomore, said she welcomes the change, whenever it does arrive. “I think the technology is a long time coming,” McDonnell said. “I think it is important for people to take

“I also would be interested to see how the male birth control is regulated. Would there be as many politicians rooting for conscience clauses or strict counseling for men trying to seek birth control? Would laws be enacted so that men under 17 would have to have parental permission to receive birth control?” Brynn McDonnell, Rockford sophomore

control of their own bodies and their own reproductive destinies. I would be happy if men started using birth control if they so choose.” While testicular shrinkage might still be an issue, McDonnell sees male birth control as an easier sell in our society, but not necessarily for the right reasons. “I also would be interested to see how the male birth control is regulated. Would there be as many politicians rooting for conscience clauses or strict counseling for men trying to seek birth control? Would laws be enacted so that men under 17 would have to have parental permission to receive birth control?” McDonnell asked. “I think birth control for men would be less regulated by the government and less stigmatized. Our culture is afraid of women’s expression of sexuality.” Overall, though, McDonnell sees this as just another step in a long line of new technology. “Just looking at the evolution of birth control in the last 50 years, we’ve gone from the pill for married couples, to the pill, to other forms like the patch, shot and (intrauterine device),”


McDonnell said. “I think eventually this will catch on.” Arthur DeCamp, a Grand Rapids senior, said he sees men being open to the idea of taking the pill. Popping a pill is a lot easier than putting on a condom. “It’s hard to speak on

behalf of all men, but I think that most men would welcome the opportunity to avoid unwanted pregnancy,” DeCamp said. DeCamp also sees our society’s approach toward the men’s pill to be a little less biased.

“Today’s society would suggest that it would be covered under insurance plans and become more accepted,” DeCamp said. “As a culture, we tend to be patriarchal.” studentlife@cm-life.com

Free smartphone applications available for tracking menstrual cycles CM Life Staff Reports

Technology is joining in on the cycle. According to an article from “Everyday Health” by Alyson McNutt English, it is important for women to keep track of their cycles regardless of whether or not they are planning for pregnancy. Since it is important to follow the cycle, smartphone applications are now providing services that track one’s period. These applications include Period Tracker Lite, Period Diary, Monthly Cycles-Period Tracker, Pink Pad Period Tracker, iPeriod, Fertility Friends and LadyTimer. All of these applications can easily be accessed and are free for download.

“I have used the Period Tracker Lite application for a year now, and it has been pretty accurate so far,” Dr. Marjan Attaran, an obstetrician-gynecologist at the Cleveland Clinic, is quoted as saying in the article. “I think that it is important to track your period. One of my friends told me about the application, and I thought I would try it. I don’t always pay attention to my cycle, and it has freaked me out a few times before, so I wanted and needed to know when I was starting.” Mount Pleasant senior Samantha Schafer is not as familiar with these applications. Schaffer does not feel the need to track her period, as long as her birth control does it for her.

“I don’t track my period and haven’t heard of phone apps doing it for you,” Schafer said. “Birth control pretty much tells you and lets me know. It is nice that I don’t have to track it and also nice to know when it is coming. I like to prepare myself before it happens.” The new apps help women keep track of their menstral cycles. “When your doctor asks you for the first day of your last period, are you someone who can tick the date off without thinking, or are you like most women who stare blankly at the doctor’s calendar, guesstimating the date?” English wrote. “If you’re in the second group, you probably aren’t tracking your menstrual cycles on a regular basis. But keeping a menstrual calendar can

The foods we eat are important factors when talking about menstruation. During ‘that time of the month,’ foods can influence cravings, premenstrual syndrome symptoms such as cramps and can even play a role in the arrival, or absence, of periods. Human Environmental Studies Professor Leslie Hildebrandt said one of the main contributors in the regulation of periods is a consistent diet. She says that it is crucial for women to eat a balanced diet with enough fat and calories. “If someone is skipping their periods, it’s important to look at what they’re eating. It could be something else, but the logical option is that if someone isn’t eating enough, they would miss a period; their diet wouldn’t be prepared to support another life anyway,” Hildebrandt said. “Menstrual cycles are highly influenced by

the amount of energy and fat women eat.” Other contributors to the regulation of periods include disease and over-exercising. Hildebrandt, who has worked with professional athletes, said even the healthiest people can still have irregular periods because of an excessive amount of exercise. “I have worked with some professional athletes whose eating practices were perfect, but, because they were training so much, their menstrual cycle would stop,” Hildebrandt said. A healthy diet isn’t just important for the regulation of periods. Hildebrandt said bone fractures in athletes were correlated with irregular menstruation. “We have found that there is a correlation between bone fractures and missed periods,” Hildebrandt said. For women who are about to start their period, the craving of foods they wouldn’t normally eat is common. Central Michigan Univer-

sity student Jessica Sharkey said that when she is about to start her period, she craves chocolate more so than when she isn’t menstruating. “I crave chocolate when I’m about to start my period,” the Sterling Heights sophomore said. “I do eat chocolate, but I eat more of it and crave it more around this time.” Clinton Township freshman Christina Fisher said she craves unhealthy foods around the time she is supposed to start menstruating. “I would say around that time I crave less healthy foods, like chocolate, ice cream and French fries. I also want to drink more pop,” Fisher said. Fisher said when she isn’t on her period, she doesn’t enjoy eating greasy, unhealthy foods but that, when she is about to start, she can feel the cravings come on. “When I’m not on it, I like drinking water and eating healthier because I don’t like greasy foods. When I’m about to start, though, I can just

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feel it. If I’m in the cafeteria, I’ll choose unhealthy things,” Fisher said. Fisher also contributes some of her premenstrual syndrome symptoms to the greasy foods. Hildebrandt said foods high in sodium have been linked to cramps and other PMS symptoms. By hydrating and keeping sodium levels at a minimum, PMS symptoms can be alleviated. Foods with potassium, such as bananas, have been linked to help in alleviating skeletal muscle cramping, Hildebrant said. But there is no definitive data that supports that these types of foods help with cramps due to menstruation. “Women are much more uncomfortable and suffer from cramps more severely (when menstruating) if they eat a high sodium diet. If they hydrate and keep sodium levels low, they are much more comfortable during this time,” Hildebrandt said. university@cm-life.com



A balanced diet important for healthy menstruation By Samantha Smallish Staff Reporter

be helpful for most women, even those not thinking about pregnancy.” Tracking a cycle is especially vital for reproductive health and particularly helpful for pregnancy involvement. “For most women, the average menstrual cycle is 28 days, though it can range from 21 to 35 days in adult women and still be considered ‘normal.’ Knowing your cycle length can be helpful for many reasons,” English wrote. “For women who are trying to conceive, or for women who are trying to avoid pregnancy, understanding the rhythm of their menstruation can help,” English said.

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Central Michigan Life || Wednesday, April 17, 2013 || 5B


Students, faculty react to idea of improving on the condom

us p m Ca et s o l C

By Elizabeth Benson Staff Reporter

Victoria Chappel

Period wear When menstruating, it might not be the time to try new outfits or wear skin-tight clothing. Together, the bloating and overall fatigue might make getting dressed a buzz-kill. Saginaw senior Victoria Chappel said she usually wears sweats when that time of the month comes around.

“I like to feel as comfortable as possible,” she said. But, sometimes, confidence strikes. “I will wear all white, though, if I feel like it,” she said. “It just depends on the mood I’m in and the weather outside.” For many young women, the normal menstrual attire is super baggy

sweats and period underwear. All girls have them. Chappel said dressing up can be helpful, however. “Sometimes, wearing something a bit nicer helps you feel better overall,” she said. “And we all need that when we are on our periods.”

Can we build a better condom? That is the question billionaire philanthropist Bill Gates is asking young inventors and entrepreneurs to answer. The Microsoft mogul issued a plea on his website for someone to create a condom that would encourage more people to use protection properly. A $100,000 start-up will be awarded from the Bill and Melinda Gates fund to the person who can achieve the goal. Some students have doubts that this lofty goal could ever be attained. Travis White said he doesn’t know what more can be done with male condoms. “Condom companies are designing different types of condoms every day, but I still feel like it’s up to the user whether or not they will utilize them,” the Mount Pleasant freshman said. “If somebody doesn’t want to use a condom, they won’t. It’s as simple as that.” But a new type of condom has seemingly answered Gates’ prompt in the form of ORIGAMI Condoms. The company’s website describes the condom as “the first non-rolled, injection-molded, engineered, silicone condom intended to facilitate a pleasurable and safe sexual experience for the male wearer and his female partner. It is intended to increase consumer acceptability, safety and comfort and to increase consistent condom compliance for those who practice vaginal intercourse.” Kurt Mai said he’s heard of the innovative condom. “I remember reading something about this new condom they were making that was accordionshaped and supposed to move more naturally than regular latex condoms,” the

Saline freshman said. Lexi Achterhof, a member of the student organization Voices for Planned Parenthood, said she supports the redesign of condoms. “I think the new ORIGAMI design is really innovative and a great idea. It’s time that condoms had a bit of an update, because they’re one of the only things that has been pretty much the same for a long time,” the Brutis freshman said. “Hopefully it will be a little easier to put on and use so that people are more inclined to use a condom every time they have sex.” Human Environmental Studies Professor Jeff Angera said proper birth control practices are necessary. “In the United States especially, we still have high rates of unplanned pregnancies, nearly 750,000 a year, so it’s very much

a public health issue, especially among 14-19-year olds,” he said. Angera said, should someone be successful in creating a more advanced condom, that it would go a long way. “I think if someone were able to do that, it’ll make a difference, definitely,” he said. “Most students I speak to are concerned with safety, so that will be an even bigger incentive for them to be safe.” But Angera said there will always be individuals who don’t practice safe sex. “There will always be a measure of the population who won’t practice safe methods, you know, who thinks, ‘Oh, it won’t happen to me,’ or ‘I only sleep with clean people,’ those kinds of psychological defenses,” he said. metro@cm-life.com



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