Sept. 11, 2013

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Central Michigan University’s premier news source and student voice since 1919.




dealing with obesity on campus

WedneSdAY, SePt. 11, 2013 | mount PLeASAnt, micH. | iSSue no. 8 VoL. 95


MAN OF MANY WORDS From rural Michigan to Internet fame — graduate Steve Roggenbuck finds success in online poetry By Kate Woodruff Staff Reporter


e’s a poet. And he knows it.

The Mary Ellen Brandell Volunteer Center is hosting a variety of events today in remembrance of the tragic 9/11 attacks that took place 12 years ago. Among the events, there will be a movie screening of “Social Justice Film Series: From the Ground Up,” which will be playing throughout the afternoon and into the evening today in the Bovee University Center Student Lounge. Other events include Foster Care Fleece Blanket Making, Healthy Snack Pack Kit Stuffing and the Local Emergency Responders’ Recognition, where Central Michigan University President George Ross will be speaking to recognize local emergency responders for their dedicated service to the community. All events are listed on Questions can be directed to the volunteer center at 989-774-7685.



As cliché as this might sound, it applies to 25-year-old Ruth native and Central Michigan University graduate Steve Roggenbuck. “A poem can change somebody’s life,” Roggenbuck said in a personal video on his YouTube channel. “The point for me is changing people’s lives.” The Internet sensation has spread his poetry all over the country, and the world, through his use of various social media, including YouTube, Vine and Twitter and live streaming through Spreecast. Other than his profession as an Internet poet and blogger, there is another level of uniqueness that comes with Roggenbuck, who identifies himself as a vegan, Buddhist and a firm believer in feminism. His blog site, “Live My Lief,” is a compilation of videos, images and pages from his print book that are all quirky representations of his unique personality. His videos are a collection of different scenes that make up a video blog, where he depicts real life in an unusual way, always encouraging people to avoid negativity and enjoy that they are alive and breathing. His occupation on Facebook is even posted as “Boosting the World.” “’Boost the World’ is another way to say ‘make the world a better place.’ It

means boosting individual people by saying nice things to them, and it means helping with social/political efforts that reshape our whole world for good,” Roggenbuck said. Roggenbuck disagrees with the notion that one has to be born with a passion for poetry in order to enjoy it. “Most poetry bored me until I read E.E. Cummings my senior year of high school. I loved it for how playful, visual, funny and rebellious it was,” he said. “The first weekend I got to CMU, I checked out two E.E. Cummings books from the library. I started writing a lot of poetry influenced by him, and gradually, I found other poets I liked, too.”

Since then, many people have been affected by his work. Roggenbuck has more than 5,000 subscribers on YouTube, 80,000 views on one video and more than 12,000 followers on Twitter. Day by day, his fan base grows as his poetry travels through cyberspace. Roggenbuck has been recognized by outlets as influential and large as the New York Times Style Magazine, which praised Roggenbuck as “the first 21st century poet.” When asked how he felt in regards to this recognition, he modestly said it made him happy, because it made his mom proud. “The (New York Times) article was cool because my mom was proud of me. I feel like before that she maybe didn’t believe that I would be successful as an ‘Internet poet,’” he said. As with many successful artists, Roggenbuck pursued a traditional college education, and it didn’t work out as planned. After attending CMU and receiving his undergraduate degree, he attended Columbia College Chicago to pursue an masters degree in poetry. He soon dropped out after stern program requirements restricted his ability to express the creative work he was passionate about.

w POET | 2A

University mourns graduate student By Adrian Hedden Staff Reporter

The photographs that covered the walls of James Gasco’s Washington Court apartment expressed his love for his tribe and the desire to help his fellow man. Recent Central Michigan University graduate Jeffrey Smith remembers the late nights working James Gasco on projects with Gasco, which were mostly inspired early on in that very same apartment. They were partners during Smith’s first few journalism classes at CMU. When Gasco was found dead in his apartment on Monday, Smith and others at CMU were shocked by the death of a student who seemed to have a lot to offer his community as both a writer and a photographer. w DEATH | 2A

eHS down $1 million from last year By Jackson Seedott Staff Reporter

This is the second story in a series that will outline the impacts of low enrollment and the budget deficit on each of CMU’s academic colleges.

FREE FALLING Two CMU employees seek thrills at 13,000 feet w 5A


TASTY What are you eating? Check to see if your #Instafood made the cut w 1B

Courtesy | Steve Roggenbuck


UNDERDOGS CMU is heading to Las Vegas this weekend as a 7-point underdog, despite UNLV’s poor record w 6A

Life inside A-Senate axes fSA programs, Jrn focuses      »PAGE 3A SGA elects new branch leaders, 15 senators at first meeting      »PAGE 3A Kaitlyn mcintyre provides strength for volleyball      »PAGE 7A Student drops 50 pounds, credits diet and exercise      »PAGE 3B

The College of Education and Human Services’ operating budget has been slashed by $1 million when compared to the 2012-13 academic school year. Despite the deficit, largely the result of a projected 5-7 percent drop in on-campus undergraduate enrollment, college officials are optimistic about what the upcoming school year will hold. EHS Coordinator of Business Services Nel Boose said the college has been anticipating this decline in enrollment and has adjusted its budget accordingly. “Overall, the (EHS) is down roughly 1,000 credit hours of student enrollment from last fall,” Boose said. “Our on-campus fall student credit hour numbers however are actually maintaining, if not exceeding, our projections for this fall.” EHS Dean Dale-Elizabeth Pehrsson said these numbers only include on-campus enrollment. When off-campus enrollment is taken into account, the college has exceeded its enrollment projection. “Our college is the largest producer of off-campus student credit hours,” she said. “When we combine on and off-campus enrollment, we are actually exceeding our projections by about 400 credit hours.” w EHS | 2A

Obama presents his case for strikes in Syria By John Irwin Managing Editor

President Barack Obama laid out his case for military action in Syria in a primetime White House address on Tuesday, but said he would first explore a diplomatic solution out of the crisis. From the East Room of the White House, Obama took his case for action to a war-weary American public, calling Syrian President Bashar al-Assad’s regime a “danger to security” and century-long international norms. “When dictators commit atrocities, they depend upon the world to look the other way until those horrifying pictures (of chemical weapons use) fade from memory,” the president said. The Assad regime, according to American and British intelligence reports, authorized the use of sarin

gas on anti-Assad protesters in August, killing hundreds and crossing Obama’s two-year-old “red line” against chemical weapons use. Obama called the actions the military is set to undertake, should Congress approve, limited but effective. “Let me make something clear: The U.S. military doesn’t do pinpricks,” Obama said. “Even a limited strike will send a message to Assad that no other nation can deliver,” he said, referring to criticisms that the proposed actions would do little or nothing. He addressed both liberal and conservative critics of the proposed action and rejected the idea of the U.S. being the “world’s policeman,” assuring Americans the U.S. would not get involved beyond limited missile strikes. w OBAMA | 2A

MCT | Olivier Douliery President Barack Obama looks down at the end of a meeting with senators at the Capitol in Washington, D.C. on Sept. 10.


2A | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | Central Michigan Life |

EVENTS CALENDAR TODAY w Learn about the New Venture Competition in Grawn Hall 150 at 5-7 p.m.

TOMORROW w Robert Chen, the concertmaster of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, will perform in the Music Building’s Staples Family Concert Hall at 8 p.m. The concert is free and open to the public.

THROUGH SEPT. 28 w The Department of Art and Design Faculty Exhibition continues every Tuesday through Friday from 11 a.m. - 6 p.m. and every Saturday from 11 a.m. - 3 p.m. at the University Art Gallery.


Central Michigan Life has a long-standing commitment to fair and accurate reporting. It is our policy to correct factual errors. Please e-mail © Central Michigan Life 2013 Volume 95, Number 8

EHS | continued from 1A Boose said the college has known for years that student enrollment has been on the decline, adding that projection formulas and strategic plannings have helped prepare for the loss in revenue. “We’ve done a good job and have been really careful in spending our money as a college,” Pehrsson said. “We’ve known for years that things such as the birth rate and high school graduation class sizes in Michigan have been on a downhill slope. We’ve been careful, and now feel that we are in a good spot.” Pehrsson said any decision involving the college’s operational budget is always focused on the student. “We look at things such as international experiences and find ways to invest in the most efficient way possible,” Boose said. “We have to continue making investments in areas that are going to maintain the quality of education for our students.” In the past year, the EHS has spent roughly $900,000 in capital improvements toward the college, including updating study lounges with new furniture, as well as investments made in the college’s international programs. Boose said funding for these investments come directly from discretionary funds, which are created from past budget surpluses, as well as private funding such as donors and state agencies. The EHS discretionary fund currently sits at $5.2 million in available funds. “Because we’ve saved up money and have been very frugal with our spending, when the need for improving the quality of services

students receive comes up, we can do that,” Pehrsson said. “We’re not overly worried, we’re just cautious as we go forward.” EHS isn’t the only college facing cuts. The College of Humanities and Social and Behavioral Sciences is projecting a $1.9 million budget decrease and had to cut 32 fixed-term faculty positions as a result, and the College of Communications and Fine Arts projects a $1.2 million decrease. EHS posted 11 faculty openings in May and were able to fill all 11 positions with the top candidates that applied for each position. “We are very excited to have brought these excellent new faculty members on board for this year,” Pehrsson said. “Next year, we probably will have less positions available, but it won’t affect us as much with our recent hiring of faculty members.” In an effort to recruit more students to EHS, an enrollment manager was recently hired to advocate for the college and inform prospective students about the programs and scholarships the college offers. “We have hired, in partnership with admissions, the first ever recruiter for the (EHS),” Boose said. “Part of what (this position) will be responsible for includes going out to high schools, community colleges and community settings to help advocate and spread awareness of the college and its programs.” Other improvements and investments to the college include the hiring of a staff writer to update the information on the college’s brochures and website, a revamping of the college’s website and an increased presence of social media such as Facebook and Twitter.

POET | continued from 1A “I dropped out because the faculty were too rigid in their understanding of poetry. They didn’t encourage my video poetry or image poetry. I didn’t have enough freedom to create in the forms I’m excited to create in.” So how did a guy from rural Michigan with no contacts, no direction and no guarantees of achievement become so successful? Commitment. A simple word, a difficult action. Roggenbuck spent his days interacting on social media, writing, making videos and reaching out to people. His

OBAMA | continued from 1A “I have a deeply-held preference for peaceful solutions,” Obama said. “Over the last two years, my administration has tried diplomacy and sanctions, warnings and negotiations. But chemical weapons were still used by the Assad regime.” Obama faces an uphill battle to gain public support for the war. A Monday USA Today/Pew Research Center poll found 63 percent of those polled oppose military action, compared to just 28 percent who support. He was expected to use his primetime address to aggressively push for intervention in Syria to war-weary Americans That was before Secretary of State John Kerry, in an

commitment to his work is the reason for his strong and growing fan base. “I (spent time) friendrequesting, wall-posting, commenting, poking, messaging (and) tweeting,” Roggenbuck said. “I built individual relationships with hundreds of people who came to be my core followers. I didn’t get much help from large media for the first few years at all.” The majority of Roggenbuck’s 2012 was spent couch-surfing across the country, touring and doing poetry readings in different places including Brooklyn, San Francisco, Salt Lake City and Philadelphia. The big cities started to feel like home for this small-town poet. “I’ve toured all over the

United States and into Canada. I spent an entire year couchsurfing and working full-time on my poetry and blogging,” he said. “Now I have great friends and a basic understanding of the public transportation in most major U.S. cities.” As for aspiring poets, Roggenbuck has one important piece of advice: Be who you want to be, and love yourself for it. “Be a poet exactly how you want to be a poet. Make it exactly what you love,” he said, “If you do that, your passion and enjoyment will shine through, and you’ll be willing to work very hard. That kind of constant hard work will take you very, very far.”

off-handed remark to a British reporter on Monday, suggested missile strikes could be avoided if the Syrian government turned over its chemical weapons stockpile to the international community. By Tuesday, Syria, with the backing of Russia, announced it would do just that. Obama cautiously embraced the idea Tuesday, saying he prefers a diplomatic solution over acting militarily. But he also expressed skepticism the Assad regime would stay true to its word, saying it is too early to tell if it is serious about disposing of its chemical weapons. “This initiative has the potential to remove the threat of chemical weapons without the use of force, particularly because Russia is one of Assad’s strongest allies,” he

said, adding he has called on Congress to delay votes on the authorization of force. Delaying a vote also gives the Obama administration more time to rally support for action in a deeply skeptical Congress, should Russia’s plan fall through. It also gives U.S. officials more time to pitch their case to cautious allies. Calling America the “anchor of global security” and addressing congressional and public critics, Obama said the U.S. has an obligation to act in order to “enforce” international agreements. “The burdens of leadership are often heavy, but the world’s a better place because we have borne them,” Obama said.


| Nathan Kostegian

James Gasco, 59, is remembered by his friends and professors for his passion in photography and life.

DEATH | continued from 1A “We had to buddy up for class, and I chose him as my buddy,” Smith said. “I was fresh into my CMU experience. I know he’s an older student, but I connected with him like I would with any other student.” Smith said he worked closely with Gasco in photography, helping him learn the equipment, often over home-cooked meals courtesy of the 59-yearold graduate student. “We helped each other out,” Smith said. “We’re all pretty close in the photography department. He was very hospitable, very kind. He’d cook me dinner.” Smith recalled a capstone project he and Gasco worked on together about Native Americans in higher education. Gasco was a member of the Little Traverse Bay Bands of Odawa Indians, in Petoskey. From there, he took the project to a whole new level, always pushing for a better outcome. Photography instructor Kent

Miller said Gasco’s passion for his people was inherent in his work and future goals. Miller signed Gasco’s photojournalism major and taught three of the photography classes Gasco took at CMU. “He wanted to be able to take his skills learned here back to his tribe to help the youth,” Miller said. “For a guy his age, he was just really enthused about being a great journalist. I really miss him.” Miller said he witnessed a lot of growth in Gasco’s photography and communication during his time at CMU, especially during his last couple semesters. “He was one of us. It is a huge loss because of what he was,” Miller said. “He wanted to go back home and tell the stories of the people where he grew up.” According to Miller, Gasco had plans to either find or create a tutoring program for Native Americans in his tribe and to encourage his fellow Odawa to get a college degree. “I just think he cared a lot about other people,” Miller said. “Even if he had financial troubles of his own, he always made time to help those less fortunate than he was.”

Gasco was a regular at the Isabella Community Soup Kitchen in Mount Pleasant. Director Genny Sobaski remembered him as a friendly and compassionate patron and said the kitchen expressed their sorrow in a Patron Saint prayer before Tuesday’s meals. “He came quite regularly to have lunch,” she said. “I was very shocked to hear of his passing. He was more mature than most students who come here, very kind. We’re going to miss him. We’re all in shock.” Perry senior Kylee Tolliver recalls Gasco’s bright smile from across the room as she would arrive to their creative writing class. She said his critiques were always constructive, and that one of Gasco’s best highlights was how he encouraged honesty in his classmates’ work. “He wanted everyone’s work to come from the soul, because he wrote from the soul,” she said. “Whenever I’d look up, if he caught my eye, $he’d always smile at me.”

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Inside Life


A-Senate axes FSA major, JRN focuses

CRIME LOG The following incidents were reported between 1 a.m. on Saturday, Sept. 7 and 2 a.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 10 by the Mount Pleasant Police Department. Sept. 7 w 1:39 a.m. — A 24-year-old Pinckney man was lodged for trespassing and disorderly conduct at 601 S. Main St.

By Ben Solis Staff Reporter

w 2:56 p.m. — Officers cited a 41-year-old Mount Pleasant man for disorderly conduct at 199 S. Main St. w 5:30 p.m. — A domestic assault was investigated at 1433 E. Bellows St. and was forwarded to the prosecutor’s office. w 5:50 p.m. — A 22-year-old Livonia man and a 23-year-old Wixom man were cited for open intoxicants at 999 S. Franklin St. w 7:22 p.m. — A 21-year-old Mount Pleasant man and a 21-year-old Midland woman were cited for open intoxicants, while a 20-year-old Mount Pleasant woman was lodged with a minor in possession of alcohol and open intoxicants after she tried to use an out-of-state false identification at 999 S. Main St.

Samantha Madar | Staff Photographer 2013 CMU alum Briana Myers fills a bag full of popcorn Friday at the Celebration Cinema, 4935 E. Pickard St.

fire up the Red carpet CMU students reel in paychecks at local theater

Sept. 8 w 10:42 a.m. — Damages to property were reported at 1600 Canterbury Trail. w 1 p.m. — Damages to property were reported at 1025 S. Main St. w 1:18 p.m. — Damages to property were reported at 888 S. Mission St. w 1:38 p.m. — A larceny was reported at 1011 S. Washington St. w 4:44 p.m. — Officers investigated a harassment complaint at 3718 S. Isabella Road. w 11:58 p.m. — Criminal sexual conduct was investigated at 1240 E. Broomfield St. Sept. 9 w 7:57 a.m. — Officers lodged a 19-year-old Mount Pleasant woman for a probation violation at 1010 N. Fancher St.

By Adrian Hedden Staff Reporter

Amidst the dark shadows and glowing digital instruments of the projection booth, Taylor Spagnuolo is a bit paranoid, but for good reason. The Grand Ledge junior has only been working at Celebration Cinema for seven months, but his attention to detail has already found a home. Recently promoted, he was set to the task of monitoring theaters for proper sound and image, surrounded by the hum of 11 digital projectors. “The job of projectionist is about being accountable and fixing problems,” Spagnuolo said. “You’ve got to be really paranoid. That’s why they picked me.” Along with several Central Michigan University students, Spagnuolo was able to find employment at Celebration Cinema’s Pickard Street location. He was delighted at seeing his fellow students already working there. “They’re really good about scheduling weekends,” Spagnuolo said. “It’s really flexible for college. And I love working with other students. It’s not an

Samantha Madar | Staff Photographer Chris Couling, manager of Celebration Cinema, works the phones at Celebration Cinema 4935 E. Pickard St.

unknown environment.” Since the theater converted its projectors to digital in 2007, Spagnuolo’s job has gotten easier, he said. He is now able to perform other tasks, such as cleaning and customer service. Before the theater went digital, movies were played on 35 millimeter

film and required constant attention. “Being digital, a lot of problems are solved with the click of a button and a lot of panic,” he said. Beneath the booth, on the first floor of the theater, several CMU

Central Michigan University’s Academic Senate voted to delete four academic programs Tuesday during its first meeting of the 2013-14 session. The programs on the chopping block were two journalism concentrations: news editorial and photojournalism, as well as the major and minor in food service administration (FSA). According to the minutes from the April 3 and April 17 meetings of the Undergraduate Curriculum Committee — the main planning body for keeping or executing academic programs on campus — FSA’s major and minor and the photojournalism concentration are up for deletion due to the university’s comprehensive academic prioritization plan. The plan was adopted in 2010 and ranks all university programs with a rating of one through five. Priority five programs are “candidate(s) for reduction, phase out or consolidation with another program,” while priority one programs are “candidates for enhancement,” according to an article published last year. Both the FSA major and minor, as well as the photojournalism concentration, received a “five” rating when audited. Of the four, news editorial will be the sole survivor, as the department plans to integrate the concentration into the more popular online journalism concentration. Lori Brost, a journalism professor and a member of the A-Senate, said students involved in the news editorial concentration now won’t see much of a difference to their required course work as the department integrates in Spring 2014. If anything, she said, students will have more diversity of options when choosing their course loads. Since photojournalism was made into its own major, Brost said, fewer students were declaring it as their major concentration under journalism. This year, only 51 students are declared as news editorial major concentrations and only three students declared the photojournalism concentration. In the case of food services, the program has been struggling to maintain its status as an attractive program for students, despite the number of jobs that exist for food service managers, according to Wesley Luckhardt, the lone professor teaching a majority of the courses in the program.

w MOVIE | 5A w A-SENATE | 5A

SGA elects new branch leaders, 15 senators at first meeting By Nathan Clark Staff Reporter

The Student Government Association filled its open Senate seats during its first general board meeting of the year Monday. Appointed officials from the various RSOs on campus, which make up the SGA House of Representatives, and the nine active senators packed into the auditorium to vote on the election of 15 new senators to fill seats that have remained empty since last spring. “Normally, we don’t have so many empty seats in the fall,” said SGA President Marie Reimers. “We try to fill all the positions in the spring through parliamentary procedure. The elections we do in the fall are supposed to be done only in an emergency to have

“Normally, we don’t have so many empty seats in the fall.” Marie Reimers, SGA President enough people in the Senate.” To be elected to the Senate, a student must collect 100 signatures from the student body stating they would like him or her to be a senator representing their college. The student then takes the signatures to the SGA to have them verified. After everything checks out, the student is placed on the ballot for the student body to decide if it wants that student on the Senate for the next year. The emergency election procedure in the fall consists of

students seeking election giving a speech in front of the House. The House then votes on whether to elect them as a senator, bypassing the student body. Fifteen students were needed to fill the empty seats to reach the 24 senators required, but 25 students showed up to the meeting to run. “This is the best turnout ever for Senate elections,” Reimers said, saying Senate elections rarely have so many students wishing to run.

This is the first year SGA is using an electronic voting system, replacing an outdated, handcounted paper system. One by one, candidates for the Senate slots stood before the House of Representatives and were allowed to speak for one minute and answer two questions from the floor. After each batch of five, the floor used remote clickers to decide who they wanted to be a senator. The voting progressed for two hours until the 15 new senators were chosen. After the general meeting, the Senate and the House went to different rooms to vote on who their leaders should be. w SGA | 5A

Morgan Taylor | Staff Photographer

Journalism professor Lori Brost answers questions regarding cuts to journalism concentrations at Tuesday’s A-Senate meeting in Pearce 138.

Creating sustainable energy with footsteps By Ryan Fitzmaurice Staff Reporter

A novel engineering experiment that trumpets the use of renewable energy is about to get a boost. Last year, Central Michigan University engineering and technology students built an energy-harvesting device that was used to power a temperature display in front of the Engineering and Technology Building. “This is a very small version of a sustainable energy system,” assistant professor of engineering and technology Tolga Kaya said. The device, which contains a material that generates energy when pressed, produced electricity from the vibrations created by pedestrian’s footsteps as they walk in and out of the building. It was the first of its kind at CMU.

Produced as the result of a senior capstone project at the end of last year, an additional capstone project hopes to provide further enhancements this year. “It is still functioning, and at the end of May, it was able to continuously power the system without using any external batteries,” Kaya said. “Now, we are working on improving the device.” The device, which currently only produces power generated by footsteps, produces roughly 5 watts per hour. With further renovations, which will also add solar and wind power capabilities, it could produce roughly 50 watts per hour early this spring, when it is scheduled to be completed. The output will be enough to power a digital display in front of the building.

Kaya will be working on the project with Indian River senior Briana Ohlert, Livonia senior Steven Shapardanis, China senior Fei Pang and Elk Rapids senior Jared Jorgensen. The experiment is small in scale, but Kaya said the device is paving the way for much larger efforts. “We are only using some material in a small area,” he said. “Imagine that device implemented all around the building, then you would be able to generate much more energy. We’re hoping to encourage systems like this — powering more buildings with similar methods, showing attention to alternative energy.”

Taylor Ballek | Photo Editor Inside the IET building footstep technology is located in the entrance way.


Editorial Board

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF | Catey Traylor | MANAGING EDITOR | John Irwin | STUDENT LIFE | Samantha Smallish | UNIVERSITY | Kyle Kaminski | METRO | Tony Wittkowski |


U.S. must find balance in foreign affairs involvement

How much is too much?


n the morning of Aug. 21, three hospitals in Damascus, Syria saw an onslaught of new patients. Although these patients were not visibly wounded, they were clearly suffering from blurred vision, pinpoint pupils, respiratory issues, convulsions and an excessive amount of saliva. They were victims of a sarin gas chemical attack.

The Syrian Civil War isn’t new. It began with an early 2011 peace protest against Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad. Those protests were met with counter-protests and eventually led to a violent conflict with the government and the rebels being accused of war crimes and unnecessary killings. Should America step in? The United States has been called the “global police,” largely

because of our humanitarian efforts and our insistent nature to involve ourselves everywhere in the world — we have military personnel in 153 countries worldwide. Why step in now? Over the course of the Syrian Civil War, 100,000 lives have said to have been claimed. August alone was witness to 350 deaths. If we are “global humanitarians,” you would think a chord would have been struck at some point in

the first 99,650 deaths. In general, our country has a long-standing practice of being firmly against chemical warfare. The Obama administration draws a “red line,” so to speak, when it comes to regimes that violate this protocol. That would make perfect sense if the U.S. didn’t supply military support to Saddam Hussein’s regime in 1988, knowing full well he had intentions to deploy the same exact gas on the battlefield. Regardless, Assad is clearly dedicated on control of his country and doesn’t appear to let much get in his way. The fact that 100,000 people have been killed in Syria is a testimony to that. Does that warrant U.S. involvement? Is playing the position of “world policeman” really beneficial for us as a country? In times of disaster, we are quick to send aid into foreign countries to help those citizens affected and to lend a hand to help stabilize other nations. We support other coun-

tries, like Egypt and Israel, with billions of dollars — taxpayer dollars — to build up their economies and boost their militaries. Never mind the fact that our own economy is in a state of utter disarray. As a world superpower, the U.S. has a responsibility to monitor its happenings. But the extreme to which our country supervises is overkill. We need to find a balance between stepping in and leaving matters alone. The country as a whole is just now overcoming the wars from Afghanistan and Iraq, and getting involved with another conflict within the Middle East could be a mistake. The balance between isolationism and interventionism is easy enough to talk about. It’s taking the gradual steps to find the inner middle that is the hard part. Now all that is left to talk about is the inclusion of drones, wire taps and the NSA. Maybe next time.



NASCAR still isn’t interesting Hi, my name is Tony, and I used to watch NASCAR. It’s taken a long time, but the first step is admitting your mistakes. My father was a gear-head, and the one sport he would watch outside of football was NASCAR. This was back when it was still popular for men to wear cut-off jean shorts. This was amid my childhood when I was beginning to like sports, and I made the mistake of latching on to the numerous races that took place for hours on end. What I learned over that period of time was this: All that matters is the last 50 laps. None of the pit stops, none of the spin outs, none of the hand-to-hand fights drivers sometimes found themselves in could ever come close to what I heard from Sunday’s race. For those who are unfamiliar with the “sport,” NASCAR implemented a sort of playoff series where the last 10 races on the schedule are deemed “the Chase.” A driver’s goal in the season is to stay in the Top 10 standings, with room for two wild card spots. Here, they compete to see who is the most successful in the last portion of the race series, which leads to the eventual crowning of a champion. The most recent race this weekend, the last one before “the Chase,” included a bit of controversy among drivers attempting to qualify for the last remaining spot among contention. It first kicked off when Clint Bowyer “intentionally” spun out, with Brian Vickers making an unorthodox green flag pit stop, which eventually allowed their teammate Martin Truex Jr. to qualify. This kept Ryan Newman from winning the race with seven laps left to secure the final wild card spot. However, NASCAR officials fined the racing team that coordinated the coup de ta, along with docking Bowyer, Vickers and Truex Jr. 50

Get to know Bath junior Jessie Walls

Tony Wittkowski

Jessie Walls is a junior from Bath majoring in biology.

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EDITORIAL Catey Traylor, Editor-in-Chief John Irwin, Managing Editor

Ben Solis, Copy Editor Taylor Ballek, Photo Editor Katy Kildee, Assistant Photo Editor Mariah Prowoznik, Lead Designer Luke Roguska, Page Designer Kayla Folino, Page Designer Austin Stowe, Multimedia Editor James Wilson, Social Media Coordinator Nick Dobson, Online Coordinator

Who is your role model?

JW: Be yourself and have fun, but not so much fun you wind up in jail.

Central Michigan Life

Tony Wittkowski, Metro Editor

JW: Everyone’s really friendly. I have a lot of friends around here and there are a lot of social opportunities.

What is the best piece of advice you have ever gotten?

I’m paying too much to eat here. In most cases, students would be fascinated by the idea of an “all you can eat” meal plan. However, for an averaged-sized female, I feel as if I lose out when it comes to this concept. The typical meal plan — my plan — costs $8,198 per year and covers 14 meals per week. Breaking it down meal-by-meal, that equates to about $18.30 per meal if I use every single one. After keeping track of my daily carb intake, I realized, on average, I was only eating a salad and drinking a glass of milk all day. On a good day, I might make it back in time for dinner to grab pizza or a sandwich — never really getting the chance to take advantage of the all-you-can-eat concept. On average, according to my calculations, I’m only eating about $900 in food per semester. Between salad, milk and the occasional piece of pizza every day, I’m only averaging roughly $26 a week in actual costs; much lower than I’m being charged for my meal plan. Although my food intake is just an estimate, I still feel like the meal plans are overpriced. Even doubling my initial guesswork still puts my expenses far below what I’m paying out. Some love the cafeterias and all their interesting (and arguably unhealthy) meals. But for me, with no alternative to burgers and pizza, I find it rather disappointing when I have to resort to a salad every time I go to eat. Not only do I have to settle; I have to pay a premium for a relatively small amount of food. So here is my idea: We add some variety to the food selection, and then maybe I could take advantage of the all-you-caneat concept. Also, expanding dinner past the usual dining time would allow me to actually eat real food after my night classes. Between the commonly unhealthy “mid-day snack” portion of the dining plan and dinner closing before my classes are even finished, my options are being severely limited. For now, I guess I’ll double-up on french fries so maybe then I can get my money’s worth.

Kristopher Lodes, Sports Editor

What’s the best part about being a Chippewa?

JW: I’d have to say my dad. He’s an honest guy and he’s taught me a lot.

Putting my money where my mouth is

Samantha Smallish, Student Life Editor

Jessie Walls: Funny, loyal and outdoorsy.

points, giving Newman the final spot for “the Chase.” In all sincerity, this brash of controversy hasn’t sparked my interest in NASCAR. In fact, it only made me wonder why I watched it in the first place. When a sports’s only coverage on ESPN comes from altering a race’s results, that’s when you know the sport can use a massive change to garner more attention. Maybe I’ll watch a race again if cut-off jean shorts make a comeback.

Staff Reporter

Kyle Kaminski, University Editor

Describe yourself in three words.

Metro Editor

Katie Smith


If you could change your first name to anything what would it be? JW: I’m not sure I would change my first name. I like Jessica as a name!

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Central Michigan Life | | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | 5A

CMU leaders jump at the chance to skydive By Sydney Smith Staff Reporter

Jumping out of a plane isn’t something that most people can say they do multiple times a week. For Sarah Barnard and John Fisher, staff and administrative employees at CMU, this is a normal occurrence. Barnard and Fisher are both experienced skydivers, and have an unparallelled love for the sport. “My favorite part is the rush of being in the air; it’s basically like you’re flying in the sky,” Barnard said. Barnard, a Study Abroad adviser and Outreach Coordinator, has been working for the university for two years and grew up watching her grandfather skydive. In 2005, she decided to do her first tandem jump, and now she goes as often as she is able to. “My first jump is something that I will never forget,” Barnard said. “Looking out of the plane as I was about to jump was an unforgettable experience — almost unreal.” Fisher, Associate Vice President for Residences and Auxiliary Services, started skydiving in 1971 while on active duty in the Army. After leaving the Army in

MOVIE | CONTINUED FROM 3 students are hard at work maintaining the moviegoing operations on the ground floor. “We do try to hire a mix of students that come and go and locals who stay here,” General Manager Chris Couling said. “It’s good to have diversity and students are a perfect fit for our business. They need cash.” Couling said students are more willing to work weekends and holidays, and many are willing to work part-time. He estimated about 25

SGA | CONTINUED FROM 3 Chesterfield Township junior Charles Mahone won the vote to become the Senate leader and Waterford junior Mariah Urueta was voted in as the House leader. “It’s a great honor to be the leader of the Senate,” Mahone

1974, he did not jump again until 2003, when he met some local skydivers who convinced him to get back into the sport. Since then, he has averaged more than 100 jumps per year and tries to jump three to five times per week. “Most of my jumps are made at Central Michigan Skydivers, but I’ve also jumped at other locations around the state,” Fisher said. “As an experienced, licensed skydiver with more than 1,100 jumps, I have my own equipment, so it is easy to travel around to various drop zones.” Aside from enjoying the rush of free falling, Barnard and Fisher both agree those who share a passion for the sport help create a community unlike any other. “The skydiving community is very diverse, and we all share a common bond similar to many other groups who have something in common,” Fisher said. “Contrary to some stereotypes, we are not all crazy!” Jumping out of an airplane from miles above the ground can be a scary thought for some, but Barnard and Fisher both have advice for first-timers. “You really just have to do it,” Barnard said. “It’s easy

John Fisher | Courtesy John Fisher, Associate VP for Residence and Auxiliary services, shoots “a video of a tandem student skydiver just as they are leaving the plane.”

to get psyched out, but if you push yourself just a little bit, it’s a really awesome and unforgettable experience.” Fisher recommends a first jump at Central Michigan Skydivers. “You will get to experi-

ence the exhilarating effects of free fall and a beautiful parachute ride, and then you can get the video to show all your friends,” he said.

staffers are on rotation at Celebration, about 80 percent of those being students. He said students can work anywhere from 15 to 40 hours a week, depending on their schedules and need. Starting pay, he said, is minimum wage. “When they need time off for class or football games, we’re able to grant that easily,” Couling said. “Running a business takes more than a general manager. College students bring a youthful vibe to our building. It feels more lively. We want it to be fun to go watch a movie.” Brianna Myers, a 21-yearold Grayling graduate in integrated personal relations, finished her studies in May and said working at the theater helped her learn

to prioritize before stepping out into a professional career. “Working helps you adjust to the real world,” she said. “It’s nice to get out and meet people and multitask. You’re not going to be studying your whole life. More CMU students should come. It’s just a matter of time management.” Getting employee passes to screenings, Myers said, is the main perk of working at a movie theater. “Free movies are great for buffs,” she said. “Netflix and I are BFFs, so it’s been great to see new movies.”


said. “To all the CMU students, come out and meet the SGA. We’re representing you. We want to know what your concerns are.” Mahone has been on the Senate for the last three years and has been the committee chair for the Spirit and Traditions Board. “I’m enthusiastic to increase the efficiency and progress in the House and

to work for the student’s interests,” Urueta said. The SGA will next meet for a subcommittee meeting, where each of the subcommittees in SGA will announce any plans or issues they have to the House. The meeting will be held at 7 p.m. on Monday in French Auditorium.

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CONTINUED FROM 3 After the program received its own “five” rating in 2010, Luckhardt lobbied hard for the program to rebrand and grow into a more comprehensive major. Despite some advances, support for the revitalization efforts fell apart in 2011, leading to the cut. This year, only 24 students declared the FSA major and only 10 students declared a FSA minor. “We gave it a good try,” Luckhardt said. “This kind of training is important for the field of hospitality.”

“My favorite part is the rush of being in the air; it’s basically like you’re flying in the sky.” Sarah Barnard, study abroad adviser

For Luckhardt, seeing the program end is a blow to the college and the industry itself. “If you look at jobs data for the state, approximately 250 new jobs are opening up for food service managers,” he said. “The jobs are there, but for us, the resources weren’t.” Megan Goodwin, a human environmental studies professor and A-Senate member, said after Tuesday’s meeting that FSA sought qualified, doctoratelevel instructors to teach the course load, but inevitably came up short. Aside from the deletions, a new major and three subsequent degree options were added for a public history program. The new major will begin in Spring 2014.

Other business included a presentation on the upcoming push for accreditation by the Higher Learning Commission and its Quality Initiative (QI), which looks at academic challenges on campus and assesses how to address them. To aid the QI process, CMU launched its first ideation website. An ideation website, according to the presentation, is a platform that allows faculty to post details of recurring challenges and to receive feedback on those challenges directly from other faculty and staff. The Academic Senate will meet again at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 24 in Pearce 138.


6A | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | Central Michigan Life |

Taylor Ballek | Photo Editor Junior running back Anthony Garland, sophomore running back Saylor Lavallii and redshirt freshman running back Martez Walker are the three running backs filling the void left by injured senior running back Zurlon Tipton.

Chippewa running backs: picking up injury slack Lavallii embraces starting; shows chemistry with QB Rush By Seth Newman Staff Reporter

At the beginning of the season, most football experts and Central Michigan fans predicted running back Zurlon Tipton would be one of the best backs in the Mid-American Conference. Tipton was a preseason Doak Walker award selection, and was ready to lead. But like most predictions in sports, they often never materialize for one reason or another. Tipton broke his ankle in the season opener and is out indefinitely, leaving the rushing duties to sophomore Saylor Lavallii. Lavallii rushed for 93 yards on 20 carries against New Hampshire on Saturday, and head coach Dan Enos believes Lavallii was at his best at the end of the game. “Saylor, I thought, played

pretty well on Saturday,” Enos said. “He needs to get better, but I think he got stronger as the game went on. That’s the kind of runner he was in high school, too. They would give it to him 35 times a game, and he would get better as the game went on. He wears people down.” Lavallii said he has always been confident in his ability, but it’s his leadership that has been put into focus since assuming the starting role. “I don’t think it’s a confidence level,” Lavallii said. “I think it’s more of a leadership role. I think all the running backs are doing a great job back there. I’m just doing my part to help us win.” While starting at the college level is new to Lavallii, he is going through the same thing his roommate, redshirt freshman quarterback Cooper Rush is going through.

“Well, me and Cooper came in together in our recruiting class,” Lavallii said. “I’m pretty familiar with the guy; we grew up in the same area. I’m comfortable with Cooper.” The chemistry between Lavallii and Rush is obvious to Enos. “Those guys are buddies,” Enos said. “He is from Mason, and Cooper is from Lansing Catholic High School. They are all in that area, so I know they are good buddies. They should have good chemistry.” Lavallii says that he and Tipton talk on a regular basis. Tipton will often give him tips on what he can improve on. For Lavallii, it starts with getting everyone on the offense on the same page. “We as the running backs, quarterbacks and receivers need to be on the same page,” Lavallii said. “We have to get things rolling early. There was a short yardage play that we didn’t get, and that was on me.”

Football notes: Team enters as underdog against struggling UNLV By Aaron McMann Senior Reporter

Central Michigan enters Saturday’s game at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, with a 1-1 record, but that apparently hasn’t impressed oddsmakers in Las Vegas. As of Tuesday, CMU stood as a 7-point underdog in its game Saturday at UNLV (10 p.m., Mountain West Network), according to The Chippewas opened earlier in the week as 16-point underdogs, but Vegas sportsbooks have since chimed in, narrowing the line to a touchdown. Interestingly enough, CMU was just a 4-point underdog — essentially making it a toss up given UNLV’s home-field

advantage — when the Golden Nugget sportsbook first issued its odds back in June. The Chippewas come off a 24-21 win against New Hampshire, which entered the game No. 8 in the Football Championship Subdivision Game, that saw head coach Dan Enos bench sophomore quarterback Alex Niznak in favor of Cooper Rush. Entering the game, Las Vegas consensus pegged CMU as a 2.5-point favorite while the Las Vegas Hilton adjusted it to four. Rush, a redshirt freshman, is the third quarterback to see the field this season for CMU. He is expected to start Saturday. UNLV, meanwhile, enters the game with an 0-2 record, losing 58-13 at home to Arizona

on Saturday and 51-23 at Minnesota last week. The Rebels haven’t had a winning season since 2000. CMU is 1-2 all-time against UNLV, losing their last meeting, 30-20, in 1993.

Injury update

Senior left guard Jake Olson is questionable for Saturday with a wrist injury, head coach Dan Enos said Tuesday. A sixth-year senior, Olson received a medical redshirt in 2008 — his freshman season —and received a “medical hardship” waiver from the NCAA following a seasonending injury.

Quarterback Cooper Rush’s passing game opens up holes for the running game By Jeff Papworth Staff Reporter

Freshman quarterback Cooper Rush’s success on Saturday did not only benefit the players on the receiving end of his passes. It also aided those who he handed off to and the team hopes to continue to have a success with a balance of run and pass plays that it had at the end of the New Hampshire game against UNLV on Saturday. It was difficult for the run game to gain traction at the start of the game against New Hampshire’s defense, because it was aware that CMU was starting a new quarterback in Alex Niznak. “In the first half against New Hampshire, they tried to dare us to throw the ball,” said sophomore running back Saylor Lavallii. “But other than that, we’re back there. We hear the play call. We’ve just got to do our job. We can’t focus on what other people are doing.” Central Michigan rushed for 82 of the 104 it gained in the last 22 minutes of the game as Rush got a rhythm passing. “When you’re a onedimensional team, I don’t care who you play; they’re going to be able load the box and stop you,” said head coach Dan Enos. “You’ve got to keep people off balance. I think in the second half we did that. We had them on their toes.” Lavallii led a rejuvenated run game with a 42-yard rush on the game-winning drive af-

Cooper Rush

ter finding more space than he did all day. It was due to the much-talked about reflection at halftime, he said. “We were like, we need

to get back on track; get this W. We’re not playing like us. We’re not playing how we usually play,” Lavalli said. “The o-line picked it up. The receivers picked it up. (Rush) picked it up, and then it was just my turn to do my share.” The Chippewas relied on the run game in the first two offensive plays of the game and came up with five yards. Lavalli, who did not gain more than four yards until later in the third quarter, failed to gain a first down on a few short yardage situations, including a fourth and one.


Central Michigan Life | | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | 7A

Hits keep coming for struggling soccer team

Sam Madar | Staff Photographer Sophomore middle blocker Kalle Mulford goes for a spike against alumni players Aug. 24 during a scrimmage at McGuirk Arena.

McIntyre shows defensive strength in Robert Morris Tournament By Joe Judd Staff Reporter

After only two tournaments this season, it is apparent that the volleyball team has many strengths. One of them is junior outside hitter Kaitlyn McIntyre, who is a prime example of just how explosive CMU volleyball can be. Throughout the Robert Morris/Duquesne Tournament in Pittsburgh, she showed her mental and physical toughness, which included a five-set match to start Saturday’s action. “A lot of her kills came in some non-perfect situations where you have to be creative and aggressive,” head coach Erik Olson said. “She certainly was aggressive all weekend.” McIntyre was a key in her team’s only match victory in this weekend’s tournament

“It’s probably one of the best performances I’ve seen of her in her career.” Erik Olson, head coach against Robert Morris. In this particular match, she had 16 kills and had a grand total of 50 throughout the weekend. Even in a losing effort, McIntyre led the charge, adding nine kills in Saturday afternoon’s loss to Xavier. This particular effort drew high praises from her coaching staff. Olsen saw his outside hitter as a “force.” “It’s probably one of the best performances I’ve seen of her in her career,” Olson said. “Not just from an attacking standpoint, but she was a great passer for us. I think she’s kind of locked in.” Due to her stellar perfor-

mance, she was named to the all-tournament team. Despite the accolades, McIntyre remains humble and is a prime example of a team player. McIntyre’s goals lie with improving the team. “I got a lot of nice sets from Kelly (Maxwell),” McIntyre said. “We still have a lot to improve on.” The team aspect is something that Olson is pleased with. “She did some really good stuff for us out there,” he said. Now, McIntyre and the rest of the team look forward to next weekend’s Hofstra Tournament, but before they

UP NEXT w CMU (2-4) @ Hofstra Tournament w When: Friday vs South Carolina Upstate at 4 p.m. Saturday vs Princeton at 11:00 a.m. and Hofstra at 7:30 p.m.

w Where: Hempstead, N.Y.

can do that, they must have a solid week of preparation during practice. “We’re going take these losses, and even our wins, into account,” McIntyre said. “What we talked about was learning from what we did this weekend, so we want to make sure we make the proper changes and bring that forward into next weekend.”

How bad can it get? How many times can the soccer team be devastated both on and off the field? The answer to these questions seems impossible to find. The Chippewas’ woes this season seem endless, and yet the season presses on. CMU (0-4-1) came into the year with high hopes and have disappointed many soccer fans in the early going. The Chippewas have yet to score a goal since the season-opening draw against Detroit. But is it their fault? Just one week after losing senior leader Kaely Schlosser to an undisclosed leg injury, the team received another demoralizing blow to its roster. Senior forward Jennifer Gassman fell during CMU’s 1-0 loss to Pittsburgh and she is done for the year. But the Chippewas have been no strangers to tragedy. Before the season started, sophomore midfielder Josie Seebeck was killed in a car accident near Lansing. All of this happened with first-year head coach Peter

Happy Hour Mon-Fri 3 to 6pm 9pm to close (Cantina only)

Dominick Mastrangelo

Staff Reporter McGahey, who vowed the team would not wallow in self-pity. Instead he preached persistence and emotional perseverance as the regular season began. However, the team has struggled to find success and have not claimed a victory this season. Just as relentless as the injuries and tragedies, the women have been thrust into a tough schedule. The quest for that everso-special first win of the season continues this weekend as the Chippewas head to Bloomington, Ind., for a match up with a pair of Big Ten schools. Soccer could be looking at an 0-6-1 start, which begs the question: How much can one team take?




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8A | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | Central Michigan Life |

Samantha Madar | Staff Photographer Detroit Red Wings players, defenseman Jonathan Ericsson, Pavel Datsyuk, and defenseman Niklas Kronwall, answer questions Tuesday from students at Ganiard Elementary in Mount Pleasant.

Local elementary school welcomes Red Wings Datsyuk, Kronwall, Ericsson

By Mark Cavitt Staff Reporter

Colorful hand made posters lined the walls and professional athletes answered questions from small children. This is what happened when three Detroit Red Wings entered a gym filled with elementary students wearing their favorite Red Wings shirts yelling, screaming and chanting “Go Wings.” This was all a part of the fifthannual Michigan Wings Community Tour that included a stop Tuesday at a local elementary school in Mount Pleasant. Kronwall said meeting the elementary school students was a rewarding experience for each of the players as much as it was for the kids. The kids and faculty erupted in applause when they saw center Pavel Datsyuk and defensemen Niklas Kronwall and

Jonathan Ericsson walk in front of the 425 students at the school as part of the central leg of the tour. “It’s a chance for us to get out there in the community and meet our fans and people outside of the hockey rink,” Kronwall said. “It’s a great opportunity for us to see our fans in a different environment.” This was Kronwall’s third tour, while Datsyuk and Ericsson have each been participating for two years. John Hahn, senior director of communications for the Red Wings, said the idea all started out as a way for the team to reach out into the community in order to meet with fans. “We were never really able to get outside of that northwest region of the state, so we did some brainstorming on how we can get out into the community on the way up to camp,” Hahn said. Before the players arrived, the students and faculty met in the gym for a question-and-answer session involving Red Wings trivia to increase the excitement, if at all possible. Prizes, t-shirts and Red Wings-themed school supplies, were given out to the students. Other players participating in this year’s tour include defenseman Danny DeKeyser, forward Patrick Eaves, center Cory Emmerton, goaltender Jimmy Howard, forward Justin Abdelkader and winger Drew Miller. “Everyone is talking about hockey right now and really excited about the upcoming season,” Ericsson said. “It really gets you fired up when you see everyone around you that’s excited.” Ganiard Elementary School Principal Marcy Stout said the faculty were just as excited as stu-

dents for the players’ arrival. “We were so lucky,” Stout said. “We were in the right place at the right time that we got the phone call that they would be coming to Ganiard.” The school’s luck didn’t end there. These heroes to many helped out the school by donating nets, gloves and hockey sticks while memorabilia, including banners, shirts and jerseys, were signed and will be used in an auction to raise money for the school. Kronwall said he hopes the students remember this day for years to come. “Hopefully they enjoyed it and this is something they can look back on in a few years from now when they understand more about the game and watch us play,” Kronwall said. Questions were submitted by students for the players to answer during the event. Kronwall, Datsyuk and Ericsson spoke about their favorite childhood memory as hockey players, what they eat before games and their experience playing for the Red Wings. Some of the questions were harder hitting than others. “When they asked what was the worst injury you’ve ever gotten, that was the toughest question,” Datsyuk said. “It brought some back bad memories.” Although that question might have brought up bad memories for Datsyuk, it made the day for one lucky student and the appearance made the year for the entire school.


Student drops 50 pounds through diet and exercise



What it takes to live as a vegan, vegetarian at Central Michigan

Supersize Me

Staff Reporter

Physical appearance doesn’t always reflect health

By Andrea Peck Senior Reporter

For some Central Michigan University students trying to live a healthier lifestyle, their decision might involve a vegetarian or vegan diet. While a vegetarian is a person who does not eat meat and sometimes other animal products for moral, religious or health reasons, vegans do not eat or use any animal products at all. “I became a vegan about six years ago,” Hemlock sophomore Rebecca Clements said. “I made the decision after learning more about the meat industry.” Clements said she made the decision to become vegan because she wanted a healthier lifestyle. “It’s all about putting healthier stuff in your body,” she said. “That even includes animal byproducts like gelatin, dairy, eggs and honey.” Sometimes she finds this difficult, especially when looking to eat food on campus. Clements said she generally has to avoid the dining halls, even though they offer vegetarian options and have salad bars. “Unfortunately, eating in the dining halls is incredibly difficult for any vegan,” she said. “Even the vegetarian options of things that you don’t think would have any dairy in them generally have been ‘egg washed.’” When something is egg washed, that typically means a mixture of beaten eggs and some other liquid is brushed onto the surface of food. “While I would love the convenience of eating in the dining halls, it offers no real plant protein, and I’m not about to pay for a meal plan when the only thing I could eat is lettuce and a few seeds,” she said. Clements said she didn’t have any difficulty making the transition to veganism and others should not either – if they go about it the right way. “The important thing is to make sure you’re educated,” she said. “Make sure you know what you can or cannot eat.” Sault Ste. Marie sophomore Kaitlyn TenEyck is a vegetarian. “I’ve been one since about third grade,” she said. “It’s been kind of on and off for years, but obviously I’m one right now.” Being a vegetarian makes things difficult at times, TenEyck said, especially when people aren’t aware of her unique diet. “It still kind of is a little awkward,” she said. “If I go to a friend’s house, you have to deal with what they make or them not knowing you’re vegetarian.” TenEyck said she does eat in the dining halls on campus, but sometimes she has to be careful about what she eats there.

Nathan Clark

Katy Kildee | Assistant Photo Editor

Photo illustration

Students deal with obesity on campus By Ryan Fitzmaurice Staff Reporter

When freshman Nicole Szachta talks about her ‘freshman 15,’ it’s not in the traditional sense. It’s the other way around – 15 pounds lost, not gained. When she returns home to Clinton Township, she hopes her parents are astonished at her transformation. “Now is the time to make change,” Szachta said. “I am uncomfortable with how I look. I want my family to be wowed when I go home. I want them to be shocked. Pizza means nothing to me.” Yet, living in a time of fatty foods that have steadily increased in popularity and size, pizza does mean something to America. According to Rachael Nelson, professor in the school of health sciences, Americans consume nearly 500 extra calories a day

compared to what they did 30 years ago. The Centers of Disease Control and Prevention said, as of 2010, 35.9 percent of adults were classified as obese in America. When considering adults who were only classified as overweight, having excess body fat below 25 percent of their body mass, the statistic jumps up to 69.2 percent. Consequences of being overweight can impact college students, Nelson said. “Even young adults, between the ages of 18 to 25, who are overweight or obese, show signs of insulin resistance (a risk factor for type 2 diabetes), high blood pressure and abnormal cholesterol levels,” Nelson said. “Young people are not immune to the consequences of obesity.” Although young adults are not immune, they often act like it. “When we’re

w VEGAN | 2B

young, the consequences of being overweight and inactive haven’t had time to manifest and we don’t notice any symptoms,” Nelson said. “We incorrectly assume everything is OK. Unfortunately, it’s often down the road when the signs of diabetes and cardiovascular disease are staring us in the face that we even begin to think about making important lifestyle changes.” Yet changes are often difficult. Szachta said the accessibility of fast food makes it an appealing choice to active college students. “With busy work and school schedules, fast food is an easy alternative. I feel that fast food is much more available compared to years ago. They’re practically at every corner,” Szachta said. “If I continued with my old ways due to all the available junk food here, I’d be in trouble.” Fast food restaurants might be plentiful, New Era junior Emily White said, but residential restaurants can be just as much of a hangup for newly arrived college students. “All of the cafeterias on campus give multiple, delicious options for every meal,” White said. “Freshmen aren’t used to having unlimited choices and servings at their fingertips.” White said the college atmosphere also has made finding time to exercise a more exhaustive process. “There are many students who were athletes in high school,” White said. “Personally, I was used to practicing year-round every day after school, and I never had to w SUPERSIZE | 2B

Everyone wants the perfect body. We all want the chiseled form of a Greek god with tight abs, a toned body and a firm butt. It’s a healthy figure, right? Looking healthy and being healthy are two completely different things. Just because someone looks like a shining figure of health doesn’t necessarily mean they are healthy. I knew plenty of guys in the Army who looked like they were in great shape. They looked perfect on the outside, but on the inside they had the physiology of a person who should rethink how they were living their lives. They had kidney stones, destroyed cartilage in their joints, high blood pressure and high cholesterol all when they were barely in their 20s. But hey, they looked great. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with looking good. It’s just not a good way to tell how healthy a person is. Body Mass Index works the same way, yet everyone loves to use it as a catchall for determining health. The BMI wasn’t invented to tell someone how healthy they are. It was devised in the late 1800s by a Belgian mathematician who was looking for a way to calculate how much space people take up. Human physiology is different for everyone. It’s why some people can chow down on a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, while others will have a severe allergic reaction from simply standing a few feet away from a peanut. Or, like how some people have to work out for hours to keep the pounds off, while others can eat like a pig without gaining an ounce. On the outside, I just look like another overweight student who doesn’t hit the gym enough. In reality, I hit the gym all the time and have excellent blood pressure and cholesterol, making me healthier than some of you. Admittedly, everyone still wants to look healthy. Looking healthy is hard, but being healthy is easier than you would think. Just take care of yourself. Exercise regularly, cut back on the junk food, try to get outside more often. Be happy about how you look and to hell with what anyone else thinks.


Organic beetroot salad, simply seasoned with some salt, pepper, virgin olive oil and a squirt of fresh lemon juice. Organic sweet potatoes, fried on a medium heat in some coconut oil lightly seasoned. And last but not least feta cheese, organic wild spinach with homegrown courgette, red onions, garlic, and rasped carrot quice. #healthy and #delicious.


Today’s lunch. Nori roll veggie wrap and a sesame salad.


This was lunch. Well, there was a pack of salt and vinegar tayto and two cups of tea, too. I’m not mental. Carrot, cucumber, tomatoes, pepper, broccoli, almonds, hummus, soy yogurt. #whatveganseat #veganfoodshare #vegansofig #vegan #vegetarian #lunch #food #foodontherun

Have an embarrassing photo of someone you know sleeping? Post it on Instagram with the hashtag #cmlifevibe for a chance to see it in next week’s vibe.







2B | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | Central Michigan Life |

Best songs to put on your workout playlist

Fitness apps to help you stay healthy

1. Zombies, Run!

1. Roar – Katy Perry

This app will pump you up more than music ever could. Simply put your earbuds in and you’ll run like zombies are chasing you.

2. BMI Calculator 2. Wild for the Night – A$AP Rocky ft. Skrillex and Birdy Nam Nam Taylor Ballek | Photo Editor Despite cigarettes costing upwards of $6 a pack, some CMU students and professors continue to smoke.

Smoking rates on decline, still a habit for many at Central Michigan By Shawn Tonge Staff Reporter

3. Eye of the Tiger – Survivor

It’s common knowledge that smoking is harmful to one’s health. Yet, journalism faculty member Mark Ranzenberger has been smoking since his adolescence. “I can’t stop,” Ranzenberger said. “Anybody who smokes will tell you that it’s not really something they enjoy.” Smoking has been linked with serious medical conditions, such as lung cancer and cardiovascular disease. Cigarettes can also be very expensive, costing up to $6 a pack. So why is it so many students and faculty at Central Michigan University smoke? Ranzenberger has tried quitting cold turkey numerous times over the years. He said the sudden change has always had negative effects on his personality. He has also tried using medications and adhesive nicotine patches to quit smoking, but had to stop after suffering side effects, including frequent nightmares. According to a 2012 Gallup poll, there has been a dramatic decrease in young adult smokers over the last

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VEGAN | CONTINUED FROM 1B “I just end up eating a salad,” she said. “You just have to get creative with it. You end up cooking for yourself a lot.” Her advice for anyone thinking of becoming a vegetarian is simple: Be sure to balance nutrients. “There are a lot of health benefits to being vegetar-

SUPERSIZE | CONTINUED FROM 1B think about working out because it was simply built into my day. When I came to college, it took me a while to realize that I needed to have

ian,” she said. “You have to balance that out with the things you would be giving up.” TenEyck said she thinks vegetarianism, or any form of that, is common on campus. “I think it’s relatively common, because there are many different types of vegetarianism,” she said. “My choice to become vegetarian is from a moral standpoint, and I think if less people demanded meat, fewer animals would self-discipline and create my own workout schedule.” Northville sophomore Alex Mazzeo said being educated on this issue could help solve the problem. “There are so many things that can deal with obesity. I wish that we were all more educated on why obesity affects us so quickly,” Mazzeo

be inhumanly slaughtered.” She said while she encourages people to become vegetarians, it is ultimately their decision. “I would love it if more people chose to go meatless, but I can only influence that choice through a moral point of view,” TenEyck said.

decade. In the 2012 poll, 25 percent of young adults, ages 18-29 said they smoked resulting in a 9-percent decrease in the polls conducted from 2001 -05. White Hall junior Nathan Rohen picked up smoking while he was a freshman at Michigan State University, and he often takes monthlong breaks, like he did this summer. However, he started smoking again after returning to CMU. “If I have 15 minutes between classes, I’ll go out for a smoke,” Rohen said. “It’s just something to pass the time.” Whether they just got out of class or are waiting for their next class to start, smokers often congregate outside of buildings on campus. This social aspect of smoking gives people common ground to start conversations and even create friendships. “Smokers are among the few people who still routinely talk to ‘strangers,’” sociology professor Katherine Rosier said. “I know and have known many people on campus – faculty, staff and

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students – who I met only because we shared this activity in a particular routine location.” Rosier has been smoking for more than 40 years. She said it is an addiction, but she said it is an addiction she enjoys. There has been discussion in the recent years about the university adopting a smoke-free policy that would ban all smoking on campus. This kind of policy has been implemented at other Michigan universities, such as the University of Michigan and Delta College, but the idea has not gained much support in Mount Pleasant. Erie senior Bruce Barnes was against cigarettes in high school. After a member of his family died his freshman year, he bought his first pack on his 18th birthday and started smoking as a way to cope with the tragedy. “I’ve always looked at it as five minutes alone with myself,” Barnes said. “No distractions, just peace.”

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Central Michigan Life | | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | 3B

Central student drops 50 pounds through diet and exercise By Taylir Emery Staff Reporter

Flushing junior Alyssa Spangler has gone through a complete transformation over the past year, losing 50 pounds through diet and exercise. “This October, it will be a year since I started. It was pretty much right after my brother died, and I kind of needed an escape,” Spangler said. “I started going to the gym with my roommates, and I fell in love with it. It was a place I could focus solely on myself.” Exercise came naturally to Spangler. She was a power lifter in high school, where she holds records for squatting and dead lifting. “Working out was the easiest, just getting in the gym and watching yourself get better,” she said. “I started out not being able to run a mile to running a 25K in Grand Rapids six months later. And I ran it in the under two-hour group. Not going to lie, I’m pretty proud of myself for that one.” Having the will power to give up the unhealthy staples of a college diet, however, was not as easy. “My roommates would want to go to Taco Bell at 1 a.m. and drink every night. When losing weight, you have to stick to a strict diet if you want to get results,” Spangler said. “I had to go from a normal college diet of Ramen noodles and fast food to eating chicken and asparagus with water. It’s still a struggle.” Spangler has found ways to deal with her cravings by creating her own healthy alternatives to sweet treats. “I found a recipe to make my own dark chocolate, and you can freeze Greek yogurt to make ice cream. That saves me to this day,” she said. Despite the temptations, the end result she achieved was well worth the challenge. “When I started seeing results and feeling better about myself, it was a lot easier to turn down pizza and ice cream,” Spangler said. “My clothes were getting looser, and I was getting compliments. Little things like that made it easier.” Today,

Spangler proudly reflects on her journey and on how far she has come. “I started off doing three hours of cardio every day. I didn’t know what I was doing, so I was just doing all cardio. I wasn’t eating as much as I should have,” she said. “Now, I eat six times a day and eat more food than three or four people combined. I’m also working out every day and making it a daily routine instead of looking at it as something I have to do.” Spangler’s fitness routine includes 20-30 minutes of high-intensity interval training cardio per day, as well as lifting weights for different muscle groups. Although she tracked her initial progress, the numbers on the scale are no longer an

issue for her. “When I started out, my heaviest weight was almost 190 pounds. I ended up dropping 50 pounds,” Spangler says. “I don’t know my weight now. I try to avoid the scale because I’m happy with my body and I’m now focused on gaining muscle. And when you gain muscle, you gain weight.” Looking toward the future, Spangler hopes to incorporate her newfound passion for all things fitness into her career by becoming a certified personal trainer and breaking into the competition world. “I’m honestly happier than I have ever been. I feel amazing,” she said. “My body is doing things I never thought it could do.”

Off-campus gyms available for students, offer alternatives to the SAC By Kate Woodruff Staff Reporter

The Student Activity Center is a popular option for students, but, with all the new students working out there, older students might look to other gyms to beat the rush. Endurance Fitness, 4855 E. Bluegrass Road, is one of the most well-known SAC alternatives. “The 24-hour key card access is a benefit (that Endurance Fitness offers),” Manager Chris Reisner said. “We also have 24/7 tanning, customized program building and group classes such as kickboxing, yoga, Zumba, boot camps and body sculpting.” Coming in October, Endurance Fitness will offer virtual group classes that allow members to come in after a class has taken place. Members can watch the recorded classes while using a proper facility to complete the class.

“Our gym is high energy and high motivation. There is a lot of enthusiasm and the customer service overall (is a large benefit),” he said. Cost for the most basic membership is $11 per month. This includes 24-hour access to the gym. Another alternative to the SAC is the Morey Courts Recreation Center, 5175 E. Remus Road. Director of Fitness Kelvin Bolar has worked at both facilities, received his undergraduate degree through CMU and is currently working on his master’s degree. “The main difference (when comparing the two facilities) is that here the staff is more friendly; they go up and talk to you,” Bolar said. “The environment is much more family-oriented.” A membership to Morey Courts runs $32 per month for students, but different promotions offer lower prices. Signature classes are

included in the price of membership, as well as access to the large gym and track area. Among other benefits, Morey Courts offers child care, Olympic platforms for lifting and other exercises and large tires for popular training exercises. Wayne senior Krystle Crandall said she prefers to work out off campus at the Seung-Ni Fit Club, 2217 S. Mission St., as opposed to the SAC because of the various benefits it offers her. “I choose to go there to work out because the SAC is typically overcrowded and that makes it hard to get a decent workout in,” Crandall said. “I fell in love with Seung-Ni the first time I went to a class. All of the instructors are very motivating, and it’s one of the best workouts I’ve ever had, which kept me coming back.”

Eta Alpha Epsilon frat promotes healthy lifestyle, leads by example By Adriana Cotero Senior Reporter

Katy Kildee | Assistant Photo Editor Flushing junior Alyssa Spangler lost 50 pounds as a result of a healthy diet and exercise. She also used a protein formula to compliment her regimen.

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Katy Kildee | Assistant Photo Editor Endurance Fitness Center is a 24-hour access fitness gym located on E. Blue Grass Road in Mount Pleasant.

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Central Michigan University’s co-ed honorary fraternity Eta Alpha Epsilon emphasizes the importance of a health and fitness-filled lifestyle. Eta Alpha Epsilon historian and Bad Axe senior Ashley Volk said all fraternity members pursue a degree in health fitness or exercise science. “This fraternity provides students who are going into exercise science and health fitness professions an opportunity to meet others in their majors and learn how to bring what we learn in the classroom into our daily lives,” Volk said. “We stress how daily exercise and proper eating habits can help everyone achieve a more fulfilling life.” Volk implements healthy habits in her life through diet and exercise. “Due to the field of study that I am in, I am always aware of the need to incorporate healthy lifestyle choices into my life,” she

“We stress how daily exercise and proper eating habits can help everyone achieve a more fulfilling life.” Ashley Volk, Bad Axe senior said. “I try to work out at various health professions least four times a week. I am come in and speak. These also a nutrition minor, so professionals range from I tend to stick to a healthy physical therapists to cardiet.” diovascular specialists and To stay active, Eta Alpha even faculty here at CMU Epsilon members particiwho are involved in exerpate in intramural sports, cise science,” Roberts said. work out together and pro“We like to cover a broad mote healthy living through spectrum. “ volunteer activities. Roberts joined Epsilon “We participate in IM because of her exercise scisporting events to get evence major. She wanted to eryone physically involved,” meet others who also had a Volk said. “We also do a lot passion for sports exercise of volunteer work that can and for helping people. range from raking leaves “(Eta Alpha Epsilon) is a to helping out at a soup great way to make lifelong kitchen.” friends,” she said. “It is nice Volunteer Chair Alexto have a support group of andria Roberts, a Canton people who can sympathize junior, said the fraternity with the struggles that come gathers weekly to discuss with being an exercise scivolunteer opportunities, ence major.” upcoming social gatherings and campus activities. “We have speakers from


4B | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | Central Michigan Life |

Back to the stone age Paleolithic diet encourages dieters to dine as the cavemen did By Andrea Peck Senior Reporter

In the age of crazy diets and exercise fads, it can sometimes be hard to sift through which are actually healthy. One diet, though, has been utilized since the dawn of mankind. Literally. The paleolithic diet, more commonly known as the “caveman diet,” is a diet that requires the dieter to eat the most natural types of foods possible. It is based on the presumed diet of cavemen. Shepherd freshman Kate Troxell has been on the paleo diet for about a year. “I started eating paleo last year as a way to lose weight,” she said. “I was never overweight, but I wasn’t happy with how I looked.” Troxell said she loves how simple the diet is and how easily it fits into her lifestyle. “I did a lot of research, and the paleo diet made the most sense to me,” Troxell said. “Paleo diets focus on high protein and low carb, and as an athletic person, this fits my personal lifestyle.” On the diet, people generally cannot eat anything processed or foods containing sugar. Carbohydrates, such as bread or pasta, and dairy must also be avoided. Troxell did stop

eating based on the paleolithic diet for about a month or so, but due to health concerns, she quickly went back to it. “I haven’t gotten bored with the food yet, and I have actually learned to really appreciate the food that I am eating,” Troxell said. “Vegetables, which are a main part of my diet, now taste amazing to me. I’ve been more willing to try new foods, and I have surprised myself with what I have grown to like.”

“Paleo diets focus on high protein and low carb, and as an athletic person, this fits my personal lifestyle.” Kate Troxell, Shepherd freshman Despite a common perception that the paleolithic diet food gets dull after a while due to the lack of carbs, she said that has not been the case for her. “I look forward to my salads and grilled chicken, giant omelets, sweet potatoes, squash, soups, stews, roasts and chili,” she said. Midland senior Liz Warmbier said she believes the paleolithic diet

Paleo-diet Eat: • • • •

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• processed foods • carbohydrates (pasta, bread) • dairy sounds smart, despite having never tried it herself. “Nowadays, all food is so processed,” Warmbier said. “I think this diet could be a good idea.” While Warmbier has never tried the paleolithic diet, she is a pescatarian, meaning she does not eat meat except for fish and seafood. Clarkston sophomore Abbey Hall was not sure about the idea of the paleolithic diet, because she said over a period of years, the human body has grown to need things not available on the diet. “I watched a video on it, and I don’t necessarily think it is the best diet,” Hall said. “After a while, I don’t think a person’s system could handle it.” However, Troxell still believes the paleolithic diet can help people get healthier and lose weight. “Paleo is definitely a great way to lose fat and get healthy, and I do believe this is the way people were intended to eat,” Troxell said. “You can’t go wrong with meat and vegetables. It is what our bodies were designed to digest.”

Pounds of Booze: Avoid the belly and make sure you drink in moderation By Nathan Clark Staff Reporter

Most students don’t come to college with an agenda to gain a whole bunch of weight. The pounds can come from anywhere, but in college, one of the biggest culprits is alcohol. “Beer has no nutritional value and is loaded with what people call empty calories,” professor of Health Sciences Mark Minelli said. “The high calorie value of beer is what, in my opinion, led many beer companies to introduce light beers with fewer calories as part of a strategy to attract weight-conscious people to their brand. They are still bad for you, though.” The average calorie count in a 12-ounce bottle of beer is around 150 calories, while the average light beer is roughly 100 calories, hardly improving caloric intake. With the exception of few select beers marketed specifically for their low-calorie count, light beers offer little in the fight to resist the undesirable beer belly. The calories in alcohol are only half the problem with weight gain. The inebriating effects alcohol has on the drinker are what really add on the pounds, as many people enjoy snacking on greasy, high-calorie foods when drinking and typically don’t feel like being physically active. “Alcohol is a depressant. It usually makes people want to sit around, eat unhealthy foods and drink more. It’s all the activities around drinking that will really put the pounds on you,” Minelli said. Simply avoiding alcohol and high-calorie foods would pre-

vent excessive weight gain in college, but being surrounded by so much temptation can make it too hard to resist. According to St. Joseph senior Jill Jonatzke, balance is key. “You have to balance it out. It’s okay to have a drink, but you can’t take it to excess,” Jonatzke said. “You end up drinking way too much, snacking on crap foods and you lose all interest in exercising.” For Blake Pols, the negative health effects deter him from overindulging. “The weight gain really isn’t an issue to me; I’m trying to gain weight,” the Grand Rapids sophomore said. “I want to put on muscle weight, of course, and alcohol is just terrible when you’re trying to build muscle mass. It’s counterproductive.”

In the short-term, drinking not only leads to weight gain, but also a vitamin B1 deficiency, better known as Wernicke– Korsakoff syndrome, causing poor judgment with a lapse of memory and blackouts. The real hazard of alcohol is the long-term effects it can have on the body, including permanent brain damage, cirrhosis of the liver and kidney failure. “The more students drink, the more likely they will come down with the infamous ‘brown bottle flu’ and skip class, feeling too hung over to function, hurting their education,” Minelli said.

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Central Michigan Life | | Wednesday, Sept. 11, 2013 | 5B

Campus dining provides healthy food options for students By Adeline Meachum Staff Reporter

The infamous “freshman 15” is a horror first-year students strive to avoid at all costs. Fortunately, there are ways to stay fit while living on campus, and one of the best ways is to eat healthy. For students who live on campus and eat in the dining halls, Central Michigan University tries to make eating healthy easy by providing students with a variety of food options. “Campus Dining is committed to offering a variety of foods to meet all diet preferences,” said Campus Dining Marketing Manager Nikki Smith. “We offer both healthy options and more indulgent options.” According to Smith, campus dining has taken measures to improve the nutritional value of meals in campus dining halls. Examples include using non-trans fat oil in dining hall fryers and replacing ground beef with lean ground turkey. “The menu continues to

evolve as we gather feedback from students and new trends and preferences arise,” Smith said. “A new four-week menu cycle was introduced this year, which creates even greater menu variety in the residential restaurants than in years past.” Preparation of meals plays a large role in determining the nutritional value of food. Campus Dining has taken steps to ensure the preparation of food is healthy. “The vast majority of recipes are freshly prepared in front of guests,” Smith said. “This creates a high-quality, fresh product and allows the guest to see the menu items going into the meal and how they are being prepared.” Health and nutrition are important for Illinois sophomore Derek Piszczek, who is happy with the menu provided by the dining halls. He said eating healthy is ultimately up to the individual. “Overall, I think the menu is well-balanced, as long as the person wants to keep it healthy,” Piszczek said.

Charlevoix sophomore Taylor Ackerman is both glutenfree and vegetarian. Even with her limited diet, Ackerman said the dining halls provide a variety of meal options on a daily basis. “They’re really obliging about food allergies and special requests,” Ackerman said. Smith encourages students to visit the NetNutrition online menu to preview daily menu options. NetNutrition provides students with nutritional information for each meal, as well as complete ingredient lists. “This program puts the knowledge of what you’re eating right at your fingertips, empowering you to make educated choices,” Smith said. Campus Dining provides an abundance of educational material through its Healthy for Life program, which is available online. Healthy for Life gives students the resources they need to make educated decisions about healthy living.

Katy Kildee | Assistant Photo Editor Grass Lake freshman Bailey Clark assembles a salad for dinner Tuesday at the Fresh Food Company Residential Restaurant in East Campus. The salad bar is available during regular operating hours.


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sensual pleasures like fresh flavors. Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) – Today is a 6 – You’ll love learning for this next phase. Dive into a sweet obsession. Energize your home base. Think outside the box. Send a postcard to the office. Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) – Today is a 6 – It’s easier to make money for awhile. Don’t take it for granted. Gather it up. The upcoming days are excellent for studying. Just about anything is possible. Make plans that include passion. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) – Today is an 8 – You’re especially lucky (and attractive) with Venus in your sign. Stick to your budget. Spend your new income on practical domesticity. Meditate. Keep watching for the full picture. Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) – Today is an 8 – You won’t be wearing your heart on your sleeve quite as much. Communicate fears and expectations to be free of them. Keep a secret. This empowers you both. Get organized. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) – Today is a 6 – You’re popular, and that busy social life could cause a problem at home. You’re out in the public. Get extra efficient. Spend with care. Move boldly forward. Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) – Today is a 6 – Career advances are quite possible over the next month, and social activities engage you. This phase is good for travel. Investigate a dream. You’re building something of value. A supposition gets challenged. Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) – Today is a 6 – The upcoming days are especially good for setting goals that lead to beauty, love and joy. Study your direction. Plan for two days in the spotlight. Soak up the atmosphere. Keep it practical. (c) 2013 BY NANCY BLACK DISTRIBUTED BY TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY, LLC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED


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Across 1 Chiang Mai native 5 Dance moves 10 Cheerful 14 Mint, e.g. 15 Ira Gershwin contribution 16 Indiana neighbor 17 Palindromic fashion mag 18 More aloof 19 “Walking in Memphis” singer Cohn 20 Accommodating work hours 23 Large amount 24 “O Sole __” 25 Harper’s __ 28 Chewie’s shipmate 29 Béchamel base 31 Monopoly deed abbr. 32 Market research panel 36 Laundry cycle 37 Fairway boundary 38 Part of i.e. 39 Biblical prophet 40 “Yikes!” 41 Frito-Lay is its title sponsor 43 Mark of Zorro

Psychic Psychic Elena Elena 989•400•5634 989•400•5634

8176 8176 E. E.Pickard, Pickard,Mt. Mt.Pleasant Pleasant Specializing SpecializingininPalm, Palm,Crystal Crystaland andTarot TarotCard CardReadings Readings Need Needadvice adviceabout aboutlove, love,reuniting reunitinglovers loversOR ORcareer? career?

44 Action on eBay 45 USN rank 46 Acquirer of more than 1,000 patents 48 It includes mayo 49 SUV part: Abbr. 52 Culinary combination 56 Roger Rabbit or Bugs Bunny 58 Heart of Paris? 59 Old Norse poetry collection 60 Bring in 61 Rockne of Notre Dame fame 62 Look slyly 63 Multitude 64 “Bullitt” director Peter 65 Company that manufactures the starts of 20-, 32-, 41- and 52-Across Down 1 Taking the wrong way? 2 Nametag greeting 3 “Over the Rainbow” composer 4 Wild mountain goat

5 Deli worker’s chore 6 Danish astronomer Brahe 7 Toledo’s lake 8 Mottled 9 Prepare for surgery 10 Lefty in Cooperstown 11 Small Asian pooch bred as a watchdog 12 Balloon filler 13 Medical nickname 21 Big success 22 Lenient 26 Miller’s “__ From the Bridge” 27 Kidney-related 28 “Les Misérables” author 29 Derby prize 30 Ways of escape 32 Succumbed to stage fright 33 Wondered aloud? 34 Babylonian writing system 35 Senate majority leader since 2007 36 Weeps convulsively 39 Capital west of Haiphong 41 Hard to please

42 Grants permanent status to, as a professor 44 A.L. East team 47 Golf-friendly forecast 48 Like the accent in “entrée” 49 Wedding memento 50 Rear-__ 51 Found out 53 Chaplin’s last wife 54 Neither masc. nor fem. 55 Narcissist’s love 56 Darjeeling, e.g. 57 Scull propeller

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