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Madison Hren summer solstice

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Lance Crenno

Lance Crenno

summer solstice by Madison Hren

he never runs the a.c. you sit in a 7/11 parking lot -- windows down, sunroof open. the last cigarette from his pack of menthol newports dangles between your chipped nail-polish fingers. fleetwood mac blares out of the sound system he installed himself.


and if you don’t love me now you will never love me again.

the driver’s door opens. he’s smiling -- so wide you can see where he’s missing a tooth -- and when he looks at you, you don’t look away for once.

Maddie Hren is a fifth-year senior pursuing a B.S. in Journalism and a certificate in Creative Writing. And, no, she has no clue what she’s going to do after graduation, so please stop asking her. Maddie is a self-proclaimed professional napper, the popcorn queen, and a lover of vegetarian chicken nuggets. She is also the proud mom of the sweetest kittens in the world, Rosemary and Sophie. In her spare time, Maddie enjoys collecting records, writing angsty poetry, and any other stereotypical hipster activity you can think of.

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