Feb. 15, 2010

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budget woes | city could lay off up to 12, 3A Women’s hoops rout Northern Illinois Sunday, 1B

Military ball honors cadets, alumni, 5A

Central Michigan Life

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010

Mount Pleasant, Mich.



Student’s friend still missing 22-year-old last seen walking southbound US-127 By Ryan Czachorski Senior Reporter

Matthew Owen Poole has not been seen or heard from since he left O’Kelly’s Bar and Grille the night of Feb. 5. It’s something that deeply troubles his sister,Weslee Rock, who described Poole as someone who would call home when he ran to the gas station for even 15 minutes. “It’s not like Matthew Poole him to be gone for more than an hour or two before calling Dad,” she said. Poole, 22, of Wolverine Lake, came to Mount Pleasant that weekend to visit friends in the area, including Walled Lake senior Mark Fralick. The group was celebrating a

21st birthday at O’Kelly’s, 2000 S. Mission St. They had been drinking before leaving for O’Kelly’s, and took a cab there. Fralick said Poole was not allowed in the bar. “When Matt got to O’Kelly’s, he was being kind of loud and they didn’t let him in,” Fralick said. Once Fralick and his friends arrived, Poole was worried about ruining their night and just ran off, Fralick said. They figured he would show up later that night or the next morning, he said, but called the police when Poole never appeared. ‘Not like him’ Rock, 29, of White Lake ,said Poole visits his Mount Pleasant friends every couple of weeks, so he knows the area well. “For him to be two hours away and not be heard from for nine days is totally unheard of,” she said. ”It doesn’t happen.” He was last seen that night walking southbound near

By Sarah Schuch Senior Reporter

It is difficult to predict what will happen this influenza season. Since swine flu and the seasonal influenza are two different strains, it is best to get both vaccines, said Sarah Yonder, a physician for University Health Services. H1N1 was thought to be a warm-weather virus. But because it is so new, she said, another breakout is not out of the question. Higher numbers of suspected cases were seen in October, then the numbers decreased in December, Yonder said. “We have the luxury of

hindsight right now,” said Dr. Robert Graham, director of the Central Michigan District Health Department. “I would say (H1N1) is no worse than the seasonal flu.” So far, about 300 children have died from H1N1, along with more than 500 adults nationwide, Graham said. “It is not something to not worry about,” he said. The seasonal flu season is just getting under way, Yonder said. Graham said usually at this time, a peak of seasonal influenza would be seen, but that is not the case. It could come later or just be a mild season, he said. Yonder said cases of H1N1 and seasonal flu are declining, but she could start seeing A H1N1| 6A

LIVE CHAT TONIGHT! Join us at 8:30 p.m. today at cm-life.com for our Digital Roundtable live chat with Student Government Association President Jason Nichol and Vice President Brittany Mouzourakis!

Jason Nichol

Want to talk about budget cuts? Student funding? Or anything else on your mind? Jason and Brittany will chat with us LIVE tonight on our Web site. Log on!

Student starts nonprofit to provide sports equipment for needy

By Ariel Black Staff Reporter


ports equipment can be costly for families struggling in Michigan’s economy. But Sanford senior Casey Smith is ready to help. Smith is the president and founder of a nonprofit organization called Cleat Repeat. The organization focuses on collecting and donating used sports equipment for needy children. “The idea originally came to me while driving through my hometown,” Smith said. “I played football in high school and drove past a fellow teammate’s house and saw it was foreclosed on. I knew his family didn’t have a lot of money, but they put what they had into their kid playing football. It was hard to see that.” Smith envisioned an assistance group that would allow underprivileged kids to play sports without taking a toll on family expenses. “After doing some research,

Brittany Mouzourakis

CM Life also will broadcast Sapphire, author and Black History Month Keynote speaker, LIVE at 7 p.m. Tuesday from Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium!

[inside] GOING GREEN Energy conservations helps CMU save money, 3A

I found out there was nothing in Michigan like it,” he said. “I figured, at the very least, I would gain some public speaking and business experience.” Pitch successful After planning out the details of Cleat Repeat, Smith entered the “Make-a-Pitch” contest at Central Michigan University in spring 2009. He won the $500 prize and began to spread the word about his nonprofit. “We are still in the beginning stages,” he said. Along with expanding in Mount Pleasant, Smith is working on reformatting the Web site (cleatrepeat.org) and eventually opening offices all over Michigan and possibly out of state. Smith said nearly all those involved with Cleat Repeat are Central Michigan University students. He said a fellow student created a logo with the initials “CR,” resembling the recycle symbol. Dexter senior Robyn Shepa-

What is Cleat Repeat? w Cleat Repeat was founded in 2009 by Sanford senior Casey Smith to collect and donate used sports equipment to needy children. Ways to donate w Log on to cleatrepeat.org and choose whether you want to donate equipment, money or volunteer services. Questions w Contact Smith at cleatrepeat@gmail.com or 859-6327. rd assists Smith with the public relations aspect. “I am working on the business-oriented aspects right now,” she said. “We’re working on creating a newsletter, updating the Web site and reaching people that can supply us with sports equipment or donations.” Smith also was offered inspiration from a family friend, Tom Haller, who owns a nonprofit organization and helped conceptualize the name “Cleat Repeat.” Haller created Healing Acres (healingacres.com) in Bay City to focus on rescuing horses.

“I’m a big entrepreneur myself, and it’s a great life,” Haller said. “You need to have a selfstarting ability. Being responsible for yourself is a great quality for college students to have.” Along with running his nonprofit, Smith is a member of Delta Chi fraternity. “I don’t want to have a job I don’t love,” Smith said. “That’s the main reason why I started Cleat Repeat. It’s not about the money for me, it’s about the experience and what I get to share with people.” studentlife@cm-life.com

Student’s father aims for governor seat Virginia Bernero says campaign does not affect her life By Emily Grove Staff Reporter


WANT TO ADOPT A PET? Use careful thinking before making decision, 5A

punt, pass, kick

A missing | 2A

H1N1 decreasing, but not seasonal flu Vaccines for both available in the area

matthew stephens/senior photographer

Sanford senior Casey Smith is the founder of Cleat Repeat, a non-profit organization that collects and donates used sports equipment to underprivileged children.

Virginia Bernero is a little more tied to the upcoming gubernatorial election than most. Her father is running for the position. Bernero, a Lansing freshman, is the daughter of Virgil Bernero, current Lansing mayor and a recently announced contender in the race to succeed Jennifer Granholm as Michigan governor. She said it changes the way some people look at her. “When they find out about my dad, some people are intimidated, but it doesn’t change me,” she said. “It may affect my family life, but not who I am as a person. I don’t

walk up to people and say, ‘Hi, I’m Virginia. My dad is the mayor of Lansing and is running for governor.’” Virginia plans to campaign for her father, like she has done plenty of times before. She said she was a little overwhelmed when her father officially decided to run for governor, especially so quickly after winning a second term in the mayoral election. Though Virgil has received criticism for running for governor so early in his term, Virginia said she is very proud of him for taking on the challenge. “I know some people accuse him of job-hopping or being power hungry, but that’s not the case,” she said. “This would be just like a promotion in any other job.” ‘Cool and easygoing’ Virginia’s roommate, Megan Rowe, said she is not

jake may/staff photographer

Lansing freshman Virginia Bernero is the daughter of Lansing Mayor Virgil Bernero, who announced he is running for governor of Michigan. “It’s going to be very hectic, but very exciting,” Virginia Bernero said. “It’s definitely a new chapter in our lives.”

intimidated by Bernero’s political movements. The Jonesville freshman said she enjoys living with Virginia on campus. “It doesn’t change any-

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thing about Virginia,” Rowe said. “She’s really cool and easygoing.” Virginia said she is passionate

A daughter | 2A

2A || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || Central Michigan Life


w Leading in the Face of Change, a Webinar facilitated by the Center for Creative Leadership, takes place at noon in Rowe Hall 229. w A Relay for Life committee meeting takes place at 6 p.m. in Pearce Hall 127. w The movie “Precious� will begin at 7 p.m. in Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. A discussion will follow the film.


w An open forum for Stephen Peterson, a finalist for the School of Medicine, takes place at 1:30 p.m. in the Bovee University Center Lake Huron Room. w The CMU Writing Center is holding a workshop at 7 p.m. in Anspach Hall 003 for students who want to apply for study abroad scholarships. w “Spiritual but Religious: Contemporary Conversations About Faith and Identity, a discussion on what people mean when they say "I’m spiritual, but not religious," takes place at 7 p.m. in the Charles V. Park Library Auditorium. w Black History Month Keynote Speaker Sapphire will speak at 7 p.m. in Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. w The CMU Percussion Ensemble performs at 8 p.m. in the Music Building’s Staples Family Concert Hall.

Corrections Central Michigan Life has a long-standing commitment to fair and accurate reporting. It is our policy to correct factual errors. Please e-mail news@cm-life.com. Š Central Michigan Life 2010 Volume 91, Number 56


isabella county


Service organizations see funding decrease By Edward Schutter Staff Reporter

Service groups and organizations throughout Isabella County have seen a decrease in funds because of the struggling economy. It was just one topic of concern at a recent presentation of the county’s Safety Net, a concept which encompasses several entities that help people in need. Dee Obrecht, a member of the Child and Family Enrichment Council, said CARE — like most Safety Net programs — faced funding cuts. “Funding is a huge issue with everyone right now,� she said. “Anytime there is a budget cut to services, that means we are being cut, too.� County Commissioner James Moreno gave the Feb. 4 presentation, highlighting the increase in need and decrease in resources to such organizations. Groups included in the county’s “Safety Net� are Big Brothers Big Sisters of Isabella County, Central Michigan Health Department and Child Advocacy 4C Services. “We wanted to show the work of service organizations in Isabella County,� Moreno said. Mary Barz of Central Mich-

missing | continued from 1A

US-127, heading toward Shepherd, according to a Mount Pleasant Police Department news release. Police have searched the business loop of US-127 multiple times, looking through abandoned buildings and places where Poole could be. Helicopters have swept the area, but their search has not been extended anywhere north of Broomfield Road, Rock said. No one from the MPPD was avail-

igan Pregnancy Services, another part of the Safety Net, said the county is doing a good job of providing a net for citizens, but it is always in need. “I think they are trying, but there is a higher need than any other time,� she said. “It’s going to require a lot of people and volunteers because there are no quick fixes.� Pregnancy Services started in 1983 and is designed to educate men and women on various issues, including parenthood, sexually transmitted diseases and other things pertaining to pregnancy. It also provides ways for both mothers and fathers to earn “baby bucks� to purchase items necessary for raising children. Obrecht also is co-chairwoman of the Isabella County Community Collaborative, which was a point of focus in the presentation. The collaborative works to group area service organizations together. She said CARE, however, primarily deals with child safety. “We are interested in citizens that are addressing needs now,� Obrecht said. “We do focus on programs that deal with child abuse able Sunday afternoon for comment. Fralick has also searched the city, including the woods closest to Poole’s last known location. “Honestly, I don’t think he’s like laying around at this point,� he said. “I don’t really know what to think. You think there’d be some sign of him.� One person has called the police with a sighting of someone who matched Poole’s description, but nothing came of it, Rock said. Now, she hopes for even the smallest bit of information on her brother’s whereabouts. “We need to know something.

sean proctor/staff photographer

Marne junior Dan Erickson, a student service technician for Central Michigan University Information Technology, works to hook up the power source to a camera being installed Feb. 11 on the outside of the Education and Human Services Building. CMU IT also was running cable through the building for data, voice and security purposes.

daughter |

and high risk people.� Despite the economic setbacks, Obrecht said the collaborative, along with the groups and organizations that make it up, is doing all it can. She maintains, still, “a lot is getting done in Isabella County.� “This has been hard to do when everyone, it seems, needs more funding,� Obrecht said.

continued from 1A

about the environment and promoting awareness about green issues. “She’s got bags by the trash for recycling,� Rowe said. “Labeled bins for paper and other things, it’s very organized. She’s definitely big on that and has influenced us to do it, too. She’s had a big impact on my life in that sense.� Virginia began working with the College Demo-


This is not like him,� she said. “Something had to have happened. Someone has to know something.� Poole is described as a black male, approximately 5 feet, 11 inches tall, weighing around 150 pounds. He was wearing a white T-shirt, black pants, black tennis shoes and a green jacket with the word “Coogie� on the back at the time he disappeared, according to the news release. Anyone with information on Poole’s possible location is asked to contact Det. Sgt. Bill Bluemer at 779-5100.

crats at Central Michigan University to generate information and interest about the election. After the semester is finished, she plans to travel more with her father. But for now, she said she must maintain her own public appearance and stay out of trouble. She said she is aware of the reactions others have after learning who her father is. studentlife@cm-life.com


30 percent chance of precipitation

High 30/Low 20 Snow Showers


50 percent chance of precipitation

High 31/Low 20 Snow Showers


30 percent chance of precipitation

High 32/Low 22 Flurries


Summer Job Fair! Tuesday

February 16, 2010





iÂ˜ĂŒiÀÊ,ÂœĂŒĂ•Â˜`>ĂŠEĂŠ/iÀÀ>ViĂŠ,ÂœÂœÂ“Ăƒ Commercial Recreation Agencies The Henry Ford-America’s Greatest History Attraction, Dearborn, MI Shepler’s Mackinac Island Ferry, Inc., Mackinaw City, MI Bucks Run Golf Club, Mt. Pleasant, MI Elitch Gardens, Denver, CO Cedar Point, Sandusky, OH Diamond Jack’s River Tours, Lincoln Park, MI Disney College Program, FL

Community Recreation Agencies City of Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Pleasant, MI CMU Summer Conferences, Mt. Pleasant, MI Grand Rapids Parks and Recreation, Grand Rapids, MI Kentwood Activities Center, Kentwood, MI

Outdoor Recreation Agencies Camp Rotary, Clare, MI Camp Echo, Evanston, IL KenMont and KenWood Camps, Miami Beach, FL YMCA Camp Pendalouan, Montague, MI Interlochen Center for the Arts, Interlochen, MI Sherman Lake YMCA Camp, Augusta, MI St. Francis Camp on the Lake, Jerome, MI Easter Seals of Wisconsin, Wisconsin Dells, WI Pioneer Scout Reservation, Toledo, OH The Fowler Center for Outdoor Living, Mayville, MI Camp Chipinaw, Swan Lake, NY NCCS Camp Newaygo, Newaygo, MI YMCA Camp Manitou-Lin, Middleville, MI Indian Trails Camp, Grand Rapids, MI

Mystic Lake YMCA Camp, Lake, MI Camp Tanuga, Kalkaska, MI Isabella County Parks and Recreation, Mt Pleasant, MI YMCA Camp Copneconic, Fenton, MI CYO Boys Camp & CYO Girls Camp, Carsonville, MI Michigan State Park Explorer Program, Northville, MI Camps Nissokone and Ohiyesa, Holly, MI Point O Pines Camp for Girls, Brant Lake, NY Lost Lake Scout Reservation, Lake, MI Lions Bear Lake Camp, Lapeer, MI YMCA Camp Timbers, Saginaw, MI Chippewa Nature Center, Midland, MI Camps Connect, Carsonville, MI


CMU Department of Recreation, Parks & Leisure Services Administration


Monday, Feb. 15, 2010

inside life Central Michigan Life

‘Green’ budget recognizable on campus Energy efficiency paid by FM, maintenance fees By Maryellen Tighe Senior Reporter

It is not unreasonable to think rising energy costs would cause officials at large entities such as Central Michigan University to worry. But one factor has helped defray growing utility bills on campus: the concept of “going green.” The first energy-saving actions of Facilities Management were felt in 2007 and, since then, the effects have only become more pronounced. Kilowatt hours per gross square foot, a measurement of the amount of energy needed per square foot of building space, have decreased steadily since 2005. This has a large impact on the facilities management budget. One of the largest returns on investment is a steam absorption chiller. “We’re using steam to make chilled water that we use for air conditioning on campus,” said Steve Lawrence, associate vice president of Facilities Management. “When we run the steam absorption chiller, we don’t have to operate an electric chiller.” Thirty-one percent of the 2010 Central Energy Budget — almost $5 million — is spent on electricity. Thermal energy —

Mount Pleasant may reduce its number of employees by as much as 10 percent as the city prepares for a decrease in state-shared revenue in the next budgeted year. Because of the decrease in revenue and a decline in the city’s endowments in the stock market, officials are looking at removing eight to 12 positions, said Nancy Ridley, the city’s director of finance and administrative services. “We’re hoping to propose some that have less of an impact on the public than what others do,” Ridley said of cutting city jobs. “And we don’t have all of that worked out yet.” The city is projecting a decrease of at least $125,000 in state-shared revenue from the last fiscal year, and state revenue is down more than $1.1 million since 2001. The city’s operating budget calls for 2010’s expected costs to total $12.3 million, and revenue is expected to total $11.8 million. A special meeting to publicly discuss the 2011 proposed budget will take place sometime in March, said Mayor Jim Holton. The decrease in state-shared revenue and property values have hit the city’s finances hard, he said.

Leading in the face of change

Dr. Kerry Bunker and Mike Wakefield will lead a session that takes a closer look at the evolving leadership model, along with the leadership capacities necessary in today’s world. The session will take place from noon to 1 p.m. today in Rowe Hall 229. The session, a webinar, will guide leaders in how to handle unintended consequences, such as reorganization, mergers, acquisitions and downsizing. The session is facilitated by the Center for Creative Leadership. For more information, contact Central Michigan University’s Human Resources Department at 774-6447.

natural gas and wood — make up slightly less than $3 million of the budget. Lawrence said CMU is the only school in the state to use wood as a heating mechanism. Approximately 70 percent of heating on campus comes from wood.

Relay for Life meetings

Energy efficiency Energy conservation projects are funded through a variety of means. Some are paid for through deferred maintenance fees. Others come from the energy conservation portion of the facilities management budget. There is $100,000 allocated for energy conservation this year. Another source of money for improvements is the Consumers Energy Company Rebate. This is money given to consumers who take steps to implement energy-saving technologies. The six-year program makes all Consumer’s Energy customers pay an extra fee which funds energy efficiency rebates. As customers use more green technologies, they are eligible for increased savings. CMU has applied for rebates because of motion sensors installed in Grawn, Pearce and Anspach halls. Carbon dioxide sensors Lawrence would like to see work done on carbon dioxide sensors in air handling units across campus. A green| 6a

City could lay off up to 12 employees By David Veselenak Online Editor

[Life in brief]

“It’s like a double whammy,” Holton said. “We’re looking at a number of different opportunities.” Ridley said because of the decline in the stock market, the city’s interest and dividends for employee pensions — the largest expenditure — has declined while pension amounts increase. Pension expenditures increased by $220,000 this year from last year, Ridley said, and the city will spend 70 percent of its revenue on compensation in 2010, compared to 65 percent in 2009. To combat the decrease, Ridley said the city will dip into its surplus funds — money the city saves if there are leftover funds or if a grant is received. “We’ve never dipped in. I’ve been here about 12 years now, and we’ve never had a situation where we’ve had to dip into that,” Ridley said. Services will not be affected this year because of the surplus fund withdrawal, but Ridley said the city has not been worried about this year. “Where we’ve been spending all of our time, focusing all of our time, is on 2011,” she said. Ridley said the city is hoping to remove some of its 127 positions through early retirement as opposed to layoffs. metro@cm-life.com

A Relay for Life committee meeting takes place from 6 to 7 p.m. today in Pearce Hall 127, followed by a team captain meeting from 7 to 8 p.m. in the same room. Relay for Life is from 4 p.m. to 7 a.m. April 23 and 24. For more information, contact Andrea Wright at cmurelay@gmail.com or visit the Web site, relayforlife.org/cmumi.

Movie, discussion

photos by jake may/staff photographer

Wenny Yu, a China junior, smiles as she watches glitter flutter to the floor of the stage after popping a balloon during an interactive game Sunday at Grace Church in downtown Mount Pleasant. A message was inside each balloon with a reward or punishment. She received the punishment of throwing candy amongst the crowd in an apron.

Taste of China Chinese New Year celebrated by students


he Year of the Tiger roared into Mount Pleasant on Sunday

“I think it is great for me and for other Chinese and for Americans,” said China freshman Yan Zhang. “I think it is a good way to exchange our culture.” But the celebration was not the same as what their families would be doing in China, said China senior Lu Jiang. Traditional celebrations involved people getting together like Christmas here, she said. “This is the biggest date for Chinese people in the year,” Jiang said. “The Chinese culture here is one part of the diversity on campus, we want people to get to know us.” Chinese people look for any excuse to celebrate, said Boggy Wang, a graduate student from China. He had performed at Chinese New Year celebrations in China in elementary and junior high school.

Essay workshop

China graduate students Yuhan Liu, left, and Boggy Wang sing a love ballad during the Chinese New Year celebration Sunday at Grace Church in downtown Mount Pleasant.

This was his first time performing in the U.S. Last year, he directed part of the Chinese New Year’s festival — something he did in high school. He and his friend went to Lansing to practice Chinese karaoke before performing. Chinese karaoke is different because you can perform in a separate room, Wang said, instead of in front of a group of people. “We love Chinese karaoke, me and my partner, so we picked a really difficult song,” he said. “It’s been a fun time for me – to leave the states performing.” Some of the modern music the artists wrote themselves, said China freshman Cheng Huan Zheng. He was there with his friends, fellow China freshmen Fenfei Xia, Zhiyu Zhou

and Futong Cui. “It’s fun, it’s good,” Cui said of the performance. He was encouraged to attend the event by his mom and enjoyed the event even though he didn’t know any of the performers. Wang said it is difficult to put on traditional events such as the new year celebration because there is not a lot of talent in the area. “We would have it be more traditional,” he said. “But here, we cannot find the clothes or the people talented enough to perform them.” The evening was coordinated by the Chinese Students and Scholars Association. Jiang, the president of CSSA, said anyone who wants to perform is usually allowed to, as long as time allows. studentlife@cm-life.com

Powderpuff game ends in a tie Fraternity football benefits Haiti relief efforts By Melissa Torok Staff Reporter

Sean Proctor/staff photographer

Flint sophomore Aurielle Wilson, quarterback of the Kream Team, scrambles to throw the ball away as Warren junior Marie Dandie of the Cold as Ice team attempts to sack her during the IceKream Bowl in Finch Fieldhouse Friday night.

Andrew Ward ran around Finch Fieldhouse wearing the infamous Scream mask and acting crazy Friday night. The scene may have looked strange to some. But he did it all in the name of his beloved Alpha Phi Alphas. The fraternity was part of the first “IceKream Bowl,”

Associate dean forum

There will be an open forum from 1:30 to 2:15 p.m. Tuesday in the Bovee University Center Lake Huron room for Stephen Peterson, a finalist for the CMU medical school’s associate dean of student affairs. For more information, contact Dean of Students Bruce Roscoe at 774-3346 or e-mail deanstu@cmich.edu.

By Maryellen Tighe | Senior Reporter

night. A fusion of balloons, glitter and Chinese symbols welcomed students and community members to a celebration at Grace Church, 218 S. Main St., which opened the Chinese New Year with traditional songs and modern performances.

Minority Student Services is hosting a screening of the movie “Precious” from 7 to 9 p.m. today in Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. “Precious” is about an overweight illiterate teen who is pregnant with her second child. The teen is invited to enroll in an alternative school to help move her life forward. After the film, there will be a panel discussion consisting of several Central Michigan University students. This event is free. For more information contact Minority Student Services at 774-3945 or email mss@cmich.edu.

a powderpuff flag football event where women played for Alpha Phi Alpha’s, ‘Cold as Ice’ team or Kappa Alpha Psi’s, ‘Kream’ team. “I’m getting all the girls pumped up,” said Ward, a Grand Rapids junior. All of the event’s donations went toward Haiti relief efforts. Each team had about 20 girls competing with seven on the field at a time. Players on the sidelines cheered energetically for their teams on the court. A disc jockey played music during the game. Arquette Tyler, a Detroit

Heidi Fenton, Managing Editor | news@cm-life.com | 989.774.4343

junior, rooted for the ‘Kream’ Team. “It’s adding to the adrenaline rush,” Tyler said of the music. She was impressed with the players’ overall attitudes. “I think it’s all in good spirits, because you don’t normally get to see girls out here playing football,” Tyler said. Westland sophomore Alexa Gholston was thrilled to play with her teammates. “There’s a little rivalry, but it’s all in good fun,” Gholston said. A game| 6a

A scholarship essay writing workshop for study abroad will take place from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Tuesday in the Anspach Writing Center in Anspach Hall 003. This workshop will help students get a head start applying for study abroad scholarships. Leaders will discuss expectations, share tips, generate ideas and help students begin the essay. For more information, contact the Office of International Affairs at 774-4308 or e-mail studyabr@ cmich.edu.

Keynote speaker

Sapphire, author of “Push,” will speak from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesday in Warriner Hall’s Plachta Auditorium. The novel was published in 1995, and the movie “Precious” was based on it. The event is free. For more information, contact Minority Student Services at 774-3945 or email mss@cmich.edu.

College Republicans

Christine Alwood will speak at The College Republicans’ meeting from 9 to 10 p.m. Tuesday in Anspach Hall Room 169. Alwood will discuss her campaign for the 99th State House seat, currently held by State Rep. Bill Caul, R-Mount Pleasant.

Poetry Slam

A word slam poetry reading will take place from 9:30 to 10:30 p.m. Tuesday in Moore Hall 206. This event is for all poets and poetry fans, and will take place every Tuesday. For more information, contact Judea Walker, of the Word Hammer Slam Poetry Group, at (810) 624-6603 or e-mail archi1jd@mcich.edu.

If you have an interesting item for Life in Brief, let us know by e-mailing news@cm-life.com


“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” – The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution

Central Michigan Life

4A Monday, Feb. 15, 2010


Brian Manzullo, Editor


Chief | Will Axford, Voices Editor | Heidi Fenton, Managing Editor | Eric Dresden, University Editor | Jackie Smith, Metro Editor

EDITORIAL | Students should attend the Board of Trustees meeting Thursday

What’s going on


he inner workings of Central Michigan University often seem too complex or confusing for the average student. But if there is a week students should keep their eyes peeled, this is it. The Board of Trustees will convene at 9:30 a.m. Thursday in the President’s Room at Bovee University Center to discuss several important topics — topics with strong implications for the future of education at CMU.

Budget cuts and medical school updates are likely to be topics. The meeting also will be Interim President Kathy Wilbur’s last as the leader of the university. George Ross will assume the role March 1. Students are encouraged to go

to the meeting and voice their opinions to the Board of Trustees. Central Michigan University’s future is on the line. Issues of funding and a multi-million dollar medical school project are sure to have a huge impact on what the university

can offer students in the future. With the university budget getting even tighter and talks of advancing the medical school, it would be in students’ best interest to stay informed and be involved. Freshmen and sophomores should take particular interest in this meeting. Every budget center on campus recently had to submit plans to cut 3, 6, or 9 percent from their budget. These plans will likely be discussed at the meeting, potentially influencing resources students will have as they progress in their field of study. Another topic on everyone’s mind is the medical school. Interim medical school dean Cam Enarson has said talks of affiliations for the medical school have been in the works for awhile. He expects to have an update of that nature at the meeting. Other areas of interest include the school’s dean and associate dean, and whether the university

will reveal any strong candidates. This meeting also marks a transition period. George Ross will assume his position as university president March 1. For students who don’t know what’s going on around campus, this meeting is a chance to get up to date. This meeting will lay the foundation for what Ross must deal with once he becomes president. Some students are concerned they aren’t given enough opportunities to be heard. Sometimes, that’s true. But at the meeting, there will be time for public comment, allowing students the opportunity to ask questions directly of the Board. Get up early, grab a front row seat and get educated on CMU’s inner workings. This is a chance to be influential before things are set in stone. After all, your education is on the line. And at the cost it comes, you can’t afford to let this pass by.


Jason Gillman Columnist

Contradictions on the Census The main refutation to the position in my column printed Feb. 5 that CMU students could be counted at home for the 2010 Census rather than Mount Pleasant is that the form instructions explicitly state, “Do not count anyone living away either at college or in the Armed Forces.” My main point of contention with the aforementioned argument is the fact that Question 7 on the form for persons 2-6 asks if that person sometimes lives or stays somewhere else. If yes, it asks where. One of those options happens to be “In college housing.” Another is “At a seasonal or second residence.” Is it that the Census Bureau intends for us to be counted on the census where we are most of the time, just worded in a horrible manner? If that’s the case, I’ll see what the numbers come out to be for myself. For Fall 2009, classes ran from Aug. 24 to Dec. 11 — 108 days. I’m lazy, so I’ll trade breaks and other days I might not have been in town during the week for saying I’m out of town every weekend. That knocks off 30 days, leaving me with 78 days of residency in Mount Pleasant. For Spring 2010, it’s Jan. 11 to May 7 — 80 days after knocking off weekends. That’s a total of 158 days. Essentially, I’m only in Mount Pleasant for less than half the year. I, again, ask why I should be counted here. Given the importance of an accurate count when it comes to apportionment and redistricting of state or U.S. Representatives, why isn’t the issue of residency addressed either in the U.S. Code or the Code of Federal Regulations? I believe that residency in terms of the census should be based and appropriately codified upon voter registration for those that are registered. It would clear up the ambiguities and pointed out above. It also would help ensure that the voter is going to have the appropriate representation where it will count — in their voting district.

[Our reader’s voice]

Comments from cm-life.com on the new Michigan Promise Vince ‘88 says:

This proposal does no good. Students need the money now to help offset the higher cost of education and the funding of Central Michigan University’s medical school. Thomas says:

Students need scholarships to help pay for college now. Every month, it seems like I hear a classmate say his parent was laid off. Stipulating that students graduate from a Michigan university and work in a jobless state for one year is ridiculous. Politicians should remember just as the Michigan “Promise” isn’t required, neither must future grads make their homes or spend their money here. mike says:

Get a student loan like the rest of us did back in the day. I am sick of kids complaining about this

scholarship. Why should I have to pay back my student loan as well as pay taxes to give others a scholarship? If your parents can afford for you to go to college, I don’t want you complaining you need this money. Dustin says:

Sorry Mike, college doesn’t cost $1,000 a semester like when you went to school. You would probably be mad, too, if someone took away $4,000 that was promised to you. Plus, it is nearly impossible for a student to get a private loan these days.

Comments from cm-life.com on CMU’s silence on budget cuts Vince ‘88 says:

Cut the medical school budget! If you cut it by $1 million, you could cover the costs of the Michigan [broken] Promise and continue to fund the tutoring centers.

912 says:

It’s true that CMU officials can probably withhold those suggestions, but it’s a shame they hide behind that legal loophole. If they’re interested in true transparency, they’d release them for the entire community to consider. CMU officials are more interested in controlling and directing this debate than in “meaningfully engaging in challenging and deliberate discussions on a complex issue.” Sounds a lot like the way they hornswoggled us on the medical school. Joe Blow says:

Vince you should do your homework. The amount of Michigan Promise money that CMU students received last year was just over $4 million. Cutting a million from the Med school will not cover all of the awards. Think about the budget, just for second. CMU’s budget is roughly 80-85 percent salaries and benefits. Where do you think these 3, 6, and 9 percent cuts are going to impact? Jobs, jobs, and more jobs.

C M Y o u |What do you think of the new Michigan Promise?

Central Michigan Life Editorial Brian Manzullo, Editor in Chief Heidi Fenton, Managing Editor Joe Borlik, Student Life Editor Jackie Smith, Metro Editor Eric Dresden, University Editor Andrew Stover, Sports Editor Ashley Miller, Photo Editor Will Axford, Voices Editor David Veselenak, Online Editor Chelsea Kleven, Lead Designer Advertising Lindsey Reed, Katie Sidell Advertising Managers Carly Schafer, Shawn Wright Multi-Media Marketing Coordinators Professional staff Rox Ann Petoskey, Production Leader Kathy Simon, Assistant Director of Student Media Neil C. Hopp, Adviser to Central Michigan Life

It potentially could be better for students post-graduation.”

“From what I hear, it’s a lot of promises that probably won’t be kept again.”

Aubrey Bailey,

Laura Escamilla,

Detroit senior

Chesaning senior

“It seems like a downgrade and a waste of time because other legislation is more important, such as green jobs.”

sean proctor/staff photographer Central Michigan Life is the independent voice of Central Michigan University and is edited and published by students of Central Michigan University every Monday, Wednesday and Friday during the fall and spring semesters, and every Wednesday during the summer. The online edition (www.cm-life.com) contains all of the material published in print. Central Michigan Life is is under the jurisdiction of the independent Student Media Board of Directors. Articles and opinions do not necessarily reflect the position or opinions

of CMU or its employees. Central Michigan Life is a member of the Michigan Press Association, the Michigan Collegiate Press Association, the Associated Collegiate Press and the College Newspaper Business & Advertising Managers Association. Central Michigan Life’s operations are totally funded from revenues through advertising sales. Editions are distributed free throughout the community and individuals are entitled

“There’s a lot of mad parents that come to the Financial Aid office. It doesn’t affect me, but it’s terrible for those promised.”

Chris Venegas,

Ashley Kurth,

Manistee senior

Comstock Park senior

to one copy. Each copy has an implied value of 75 cents. Non-university subscriptions are $1 per mailed edition. Copies of photographs published in Central Michigan Life or its online edition (www.cm-life.com) are available for purchase at http://reprints.cm-life.com Central Michigan Life’s editorial and business offices are located at 436 Moore Hall, Central Michigan University, Mount Pleasant, MI 48859, telephone 774-3493.

James Falls Columnist

Be a role model Be active, set the standard for the next generation She wants to be the best you ever had, to be licked like a lollipop, to blame it on the alcohol and, yet, she’s caught up in a bad romance. She complains that there aren’t any good men out there to take her on a date. But she “ain’t a gold digger.” On the other hand, he wants to make a “milli,” have every girl in the world, be independent and not have 99 problems. Yet, he can’t seem to find a way to accomplish any of these things successfully and ponders over his ideal lifestyle. Something is wrong with this picture. The music — which some of these famous lyrics are from — that we enjoy to stuff our ears with may be appealing, but the subconscious messages that we don’t pick up seem to deteriorate our minds and demoralize our values as a youth. Our music doesn’t really have any meaning to it. It seems as if our generation has taken our feet off the gas after it took decades just to get the black movement in motion. We gleefully honor the legacy of our Civil Rights leaders, but we don’t make strong efforts to continue their legacy. We also need our own chapter in history. Our people have been lynched, raped and murdered for our freedom since we’ve been on this land and yet we think that the struggle is finally over. The battle is far from over. Black people are still starving, living homeless, dropping out of school, selling drugs and ending up in prison. We still have to fix this perpetual problem. Just because we have a black president doesn’t mean he can fix all of black America’s problems. Televisions stations such as BET, MTV and VH1 continue to portray fellow male artists as thugs and hoodlums and females as sex objects. Rather than correcting this problem, we embrace it and emulate these lifestyles at all costs. They can’t go to jail for influencing crimes to a beat, but you can go to jail for committing those crimes. That’s one reason why our brothers are in prison instead of in the classrooms and our sisters are tantalizing our brothers with their flesh in search for love and affection. This isn’t everybody, but it’s a major problem. The artists can’t be entirely at fault. Some want to put out good music, but the record companies don’t promote it. The more obscene lyrics, the more records that sell. Once we let go of the influence of the media and re-evaluate our values, then maybe some of our problems can finally be resolved. If we are going to continue to prosper as a whole, we need strong leaders who can think for themselves. We need to tell our peers to pick up a book and sign off Facebook. I’m sure nobody wants to live in poor conditions their entire life, so why glorify it in what you listen to? Remember, you have a generation after you to set a path for.

[letters to the editor] E-mail | voices@cm-life.com Mail | 436 Moore Hall Mount Pleasant, MI 48859 Fax | 989.774.7805 Central Michigan Life welcomes letters to the editor and commentary submissions. Only correspondence that includes a signature (e-mail excluded), address and phone number will be considered. Do not include attached documents via email. Letters should be no longer than 300 words and commentary should not exceed 500 words. All submissions are subject to editing and may be published in print or on www.cm-life.com in the order they are received.


Central Michigan Life || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || 5A


Students choosing to adopt a pet should consider common factors first about 20 years in the future.” Time commitment, responsibility and costs involved with pets are other factors that come into play. Dubois compares owning a pet to caring for a child. She said pets need proper exercise and attention — the vet can be expensive.

By Ryan Taljonick Staff Reporter

Remus junior Summer Dubois has a few tips for students contemplating owning a pet. Despite the good intentions of student adopters, Dubois, a Kennel Technician at the Isabella Animal Control Department, 1105 S. Isabella Road, said many end up returning their pets to the animal shelter. “The number one problem is that they don’t think it through,” she said. The first pointer Dubois offers is for students to check with the leasing office of their apartment complex to see if pets are allowed. “We’ve even had cats adopted by people who live in the dorms and, those ones, we usually get back,” she said. The next thing students should consider is that owning a pet is a lifelong commitment. “When you’re getting a kitten at 8 weeks old, it can live anywhere between 10 to 20 years,” Dubois said. “I think, a lot of times, we don’t necessarily think

jake may/staff photographer

Cadet Batallion Commander David Seery sits on one knee as he talks to his girlfriend, Jerri Haller of Virginia, telling her he would not have come to the CMU ROTC Military Ball with another date if she was unable to attend. Haller drove from Virginia to see him. They have been dating since October. “He’s wonderful — ­­ the greatest guy I’ve ever known,” she said.

ROTC cadets, alumni honored Military ball also includes traditions, comedy By Connor Sheridan Senior Reporter

Jerri Haller did not have a pumpkin carriage to carry her nine-and-a-half hours through wintry conditions to join her Prince Charming at the ball. Instead, she drove from her home in Woodbridge, Va., to meet her boyfriend, Cadet Dave Seery, at the 2010 Military Ball. “It’s amazing, I’m very proud of him,” Haller said of Seery, a Clarkston senior. The ball was put on by the Chippewa Battalion ROTC Friday night at the Comfort Inn and Suites, 2424 S. Mission St. The night honored past graduates of the ROTC program and encouraged cadets’ progress. More than 270 people attended. Retired Lt. Col. David Burdette, vice president of finances and administrative systems at Central Michigan University, was one of the Chippewa Battalion alumni present. “I think this is a terrific opportunity to celebrate what America’s all about,” Burdette said. Donald R. Robinson, a 1976 alumnus, and Douglas L. Dil-

day, a 1973 alumnus, were inducted into the ROTC’s hall of fame. The night’s events included toasts, roasts and several video skits prepared by the cadets including parodies of sitcom “The Office” and Lady Gaga’s song “Paparazzi.” One long-standing tradition and major focus for the night was the brewing of the “grog” for the MS-3 ROTC class, a task which Senior Military Instructor Joe D. Postler officiated. “Once again, our grog will be a saucy brew,” Postler said. Actual and facsimile ingredients, including desert and Tabasco sauce (supposedly taken from the Persian Gulf ), motor oil and undergarments all went into the misty mix. Many of the night’s jibes were between the cadets and Postler, a non-commissioned officer in charge who will soon transfer to Fort Lewis in Washington. “If I’d had my way, I would’ve stayed here longer and tortured more cadets with physical training,” Postler said. Working with the cadets was an interesting challenge and reward, Postler said. He looks forward to returning to Washington after more than 20 years in the Army. Planning for the event was a task left to the MS-3 class. “It felt pretty normal for me,” said Cadet Corey Beek-

man, a Midland freshman. studentlife@cm-life.com



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Important for students? Clarkston freshman Jenny Jochum and White Lake freshman Jade Pathe are student volunteers at the Isabella Animal Control Department. Both would like to adopt a pet once they move out of the dorms and into an apartment. “I love animals. I think it’s important that students adopt a pet,” Jochum said. “Animals have a different sense in humans, and they can tell when you’re sad.” Pathe says she feels many students neglect the time commitment involved in pets. Emma Goodrich, director of the animal shelter, said if students are serious about adoption, they should get a pet they

are comfortable with. Cats and dogs, she said, both require similar maintenance. “You still have to give them their vaccinations,” Goodrich said. “If they become ill or injured, you still have to take them to the vet.” And once an animal moves into a home, the stress of going back to the shelter later on can be damaging. “It’s awful stressful on the animal from being here then going to a home, then coming back here,” she said. “Sometimes, their behavior changes.” For those who give the decision thought and feel confident about owning a pet, Goodrich says the adoption process is easy and inexpensive. In addition to filling out paperwork, students just need to be older than 18 years and bring their current driver’s license. It costs $150 to adopt a dog and $70 for a cat. The fee also includes alterations, vaccinations and medications.



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6A || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || Central Michigan Life

Green | “We want to put in these sensors so that we can monitor the level so that, when we’re within range, we can close the outsidedampers and decrease energy costs,” he said. Carbon dioxide must be kept within a certain range when rooms are occupied; the only way to change the level is by bringing in outside air.

By monitoring the carbon dioxide, the rooms can be kept at a more consistent level and less outside air will need to be heated or cooled. These projects are expected to pay for themselves each year. It is hard to tell how much of an impact each project is having, since many buildings lack meters. It would cost about $2 million for CMU to install meters in every building, Lawrence said. “We looked at installing meters in all our buildings

on campus that don’t have them,” he said. “As we build new buildings, we add meters.” In addition to the meters, new buildings also use more energy efficient lighting, something all buildings will eventually have. All of this is part of Lawrence’s plan to stagnate energy costs at the 2009 level. Once funding is secured, he said he will move forward with plans for the future.

game |

Walker. Walker took photographs of the players in action.

a fair way to conclude the game. “It’s kind of sad no one won, but it wasn’t going anywhere,” Gholston said. Julius Bryant, a Lansing senior, hopes for more games in the future. “We wanted a newer event, something never seen before.” he said.

continued from 3a

continued from 3a

“It’s getting serious now, but it is still a lot of fun.” Tensions mounted as the game ensued. “The music helps with the excitement of the game,” said Canton senior Carmen

Game is a tie By 9 p.m., the score stood at an even 12 to 12, pushing the match into double-overtime. After nobody scored, the coaches decided to end the game as a tie, and roses were given to the players. Gholston said the tie was





h1n1 | continued from 1A

“I think it’s going to get tricky,” she said. “We’re going to be treating those the same.” Yonder said H1N1 and seasonal flu have distinct symptoms. Seasonal flu usually affects the respiratory system, while H1N1 could include vomiting and other stomach symptoms. “H1N1 has kind of turned the symptoms of the regular flu on its head,” Yonder said. Since December, the number of patients visiting Central Michigan Community Hospital with influenza-like illnesses has decreased, said Nicole Sanders, marketing and community relations specialist for CMCH. Vaccines available As of September, 150 mil-

lion doses of H1N1 vaccine had been distributed nationwide, compared to about 75 or 100 million doses of seasonal flu vaccine, Graham said. Yonder said there is a greater supply of H1N1 vaccines available in the area now. The supply has increased since the first of December, Graham said. University Health Services has about 400 H1N1 vaccines and fewer than 100 seasonal flu vaccines available. “We don’t know what the supply will be in the future,” Yonder said. “The best time to get it is now.” The cost of a seasonal vaccine at Health Services is $30; H1N1 vaccines are $15. At the Health Department, seasonal flu vaccines cost $30. The cost can be billed to insurance companies, and the H1N1 vaccines are free, Graham said.

CMCH is currently out of seasonal flu vaccines, but H1N1 vaccines have a $15 administrative fee, said Melanie Allan, infection preventionist. Don’t leave for break without it It is important for students to consider getting the vaccines before they leave on spring break, Yonder said. When traveling, students may come into contact with people who have traveled other places. “Take your choice. Would you rather spend your vacation in your room with the flu or would you rather be on the beach?” Graham said. “Getting flu shots is worth it.” university@cm-life.com

cm-life.com | Check the Web site for a SportsLine recap of the women’s basketball game



Central Michigan Life

Monday, Feb. 15, 2010



women’s basketball

Weekend Men’s MAC Standings

John Evans Staff Reporter

West Division Team

For once, not a bad first half

CMU Ball St. EMU WMU NIU Toledo

Chippewas end trend of slow starts against Huskies


aybe the CMU women’s basketball team should considering wearing pink all the time. With both teams sporting pink head bands, shoe laces, socks and other accessories on Valentine’s Day for breast cancer awareness, CMU left its usually dismal firsthalf performance at home. The team used a high-powered attack right from the start toward a dominating 98-71 win against Northern Illinois. The offense expected of this team finally showed on the court. Senior forward Britni Houghton and junior guard Shonda Long photos by matthew stephens/senior photographer scored the Chippewas’ first 16 points of Senior guard Jordan Bitzer finished with 15 points in the team’s 63-46 win vs. Toledo Sunday at Rose Arena. the game, including three 3-pointers from Long, The score who scored a game-high 23 points. Houghton and Long scored 16 and 17 points in the first half, respectively. After a huge confidence-building upset win Wednesday against BowlBy Daniel Monson | Senior Reporter ing Green, CMU showed it can play hard and tough oledo went ahead 8-2 before the for a full 40-minute game and manhandle a weaker opponent. Coach Sue Guevara said CMU men’s basketball team’s

the team really needed a win like this. It defense stirred and led the Chipfinally got one. pewas to a 63-46 win Sunday at Nine different players scored for the Rose Arena. Chippewas, while only eight players played throughout the game for the Huskies. A short CMU forced Toledo, which fell to 0-12 in bench for Northern Illinois gave the Chippethe Mid-American Conference, to shoot was an opportunity to run up and down the


A start | 2b

Saturday’s results

Buffalo 70, Kent St. 55 Ball St. 71, NIU 66 *Home teams in bold

Women’s MAC Standings West Division Team



Toledo EMU CMU Ball St. NIU WMU

10-2 8-4 7-5 4-8 3-9 2-10

20-5 18-6 10-14 10-15 9-15 7-18

#$ East Division Team



BGSU Kent St. Akron Miami (OH) Buffalo Ohio

10-2 9-3 9-3 5-7 3-9 2-10

20-6 16-8 15-10 7-18 7-18 6-19

Saturday’s results

BGSU 73, Ohio 57 EMU 63, Ball St. 57 Toledo 65, WMU 41 Akron 63, Buffalo 57 Kent St. 84, Miami (OH) 75

Freshman guard Finis Craddock scored two points Sunday.

*Home teams in bold

the time the Rockets scored their next field goal nearly 11 minutes later after going up 8-2, CMU held a 17-13 lead. “They were switching every screen,� Harman said. “It took us a little bit to figure it out and feel out what they were doing and get a good flow to our offense.� Zeigler also credited the slow




Player (team)

w w w w w w w w w w

A toledo | 4B

winning with d w Senior Reporter Tim Ottusch says defense led men’s team to win, 3B

($ %-+,' +!-,$,C +,;+- = ' 6

+ $

6 = 8/# , D

! >4>68836/"7#

David Kool (WMU) Xavier Silas (NIU) Rodney Pierce (Buffalo) Brandon Bowdry (EMU) Carlos Medlock (EMU) Armon Bassett (Ohio) Robbie Harman (CMU) Kenny Hayes (Miami) D.J. Cooper (Ohio) Jordan Bitzer (CMU)


-+ $,$,C )2! 2)- ! + 0 C E 13# ## >4>68836/"7# matthew stephens/senior photographer 9>4#' ( 13# ## Junior guard Shonda Long finished with a game-high 23 $,C+- +&$,C ! ($,+ 2)- ! + points in ?>4>@ 45863"#> CMU’s 98-71 win against NIU Sunday at Rose Arena. " !; ($,C ))D (+ A+ 2)- ! + ; "#F 8/F ! /# /##4 ?>4>@ 45863"#>

rout at home w Women’s basketball team beats NIU 98-71 at Rose, 2B

Men’s MAC Leaders

Gymnastics loses to Mac-Best Kent State, 3b

18-8 19-7 11-14 14-9 13-11 14-12

CMU 98, NIU 71

a three-game skid. halftime, CMU began “I think we respondThe score the second half on a ed well,� said CMU 10-0 run and the Rockcoach Ernie Zeigler. ets (3-23) did not cut “You have to reflect the deficit to less than when you’re trying to double digits the rest of refocus.� the game. CMU’s offense was The win allowed not exactly stellar — CMU (12-12, 7-5 MAC) it began the game by to stay tied with Ball State atop the making 1-of-6 shots and shot 35 MAC West Division and snapped percent in the first half — but by

dominant in buffalo w Wrestling team wins seventh consecutive dual win, 4B


9-3 9-3 8-4 7-5 6-6 5-7

Sunday’s results

After leading 23-17 at


Kent St. Akron Miami (OH) Buffalo BGSU Ohio


31.6 percent in the first half and 35.7 percent for the game. “I think we all did well (defensively),� said senior guard Robbie Harman, who led CMU with 18 points. “We were switching more and talking a lot. We were talking more, and Will (McClure) in the back calling out screens. It was more team defense.�

East Division Team

CMU 63, Toledo 46 Akron 91, Ohio 88 (2OT) BGSU 67, Miami (OH) 64 EMU 66, WMU 52

Men’s basketball team breaks losing streak with home win



12-12 13-11 13-12 13-12 8-16 3-23

Sunday’s results

Busting the slump



7-5 7-5 5-7 5-7 4-8 0-12

Player (team)

w w w w w


21.0 19.5 18.8 16.5 15.6 14.7 14.6 14.4 14.2 14.1


Brandon Bowdry (EMU) 10.0 Donald Lawson (WMU) 7.7 Jarrod Jones (Ball St.) 7.6 Calvin Betts (Buffalo) 7.3 Otis Polk (BGSU) 7.3

/##4 A) D &!C), C;$ 5 8### 7 C ?>4>@88"6##75 ?>4>@/#367793 Field Goal Percentage +; * %) ;(+ &)-D 2)- G)*B (

Player (team) % I 8876"7>" /##/ A5 87 ### 173## ) ) ) /8 55.3 w Sean Kowal (NIU) 5/96"/97 w Justin Greene (Kent St.) 53.0 /##4 A) D &!C), C;$ 5 8### 7 w Nikola Cvetinovic (Akron) 52.9 C ?>4>@88"6##75 ?>4>@/#367793 w Jimmy Conyers (Akron) 51.9 /##/ A5 87 ### 173## ) ) ) /8 =C (BGSU) 5/96"/97 51.6 w Erik Marschall /##4 A) D &!C), C;$ 5 8### 7 C ?>4>@88"6##75 ?>4>@/#367793 /##/ A5 7 87 ### 173## ) Free Throw Percentage Player (team) 5/96"/97 % ! "9 ) /8

/##4 A) D &!C), C;$ 5 8### 7 w Jordan Bitzer (CMU) 90.1 C ?>4>@88"6##75 ?>4>@/#367793

track and field w Twenty athletes post career- ()* + ,+!- . ! $,. / 0 1"## $ sean proctor/staff photographer Freshman Emily LaFontaine twists in the air during her floor exercise routine on the last rotation of Saturday’s dual meet between CMU best marks at Grand Valley, 4B2 3456/5764#3" Kent State. LaFontaine scored a 9.7, but CMU lost to ! the Golden Flashes 194.250-193.925. ! + )- 2+ ! + and / /##4 ! $

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w w w w

David Kool (WMU) Tommy Freeman (Ohio) Armon Bassett (Ohio) Jake Barnett (Toledo)

88.5 85.3 82.5 82.4

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2B || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || Central Michigan Life



start | continued from 1b

floor and pressure the ball, wearing down an inferior NIU team. Junior forward Kaihla Szunko secured her ninth double-double of the season, scoring 11 points and grabbing 10 rebounds. A 47-28 halftime lead had the Chippewas in complete control and the game had the looks of a blowout after the first 12 minutes, but they did not slow down. In fact, they came out in the second half just like they have come out in the second half all season,

playing tough and aggressive basketball, leading to a 12-4 run to start the half. It put CMU up by Jalisa Olive 25. The rest was history from that point. Sophomore forward Skylar Miller and Freshman guard Jalisa Olive got into the scoring mix with six points each, while senior guard Heidi Warczinsky added 12 to fuel the Chippewas in the second half. In just her second career collegiate start, freshman Rachel Mauk had arguably her best game of the season,

scoring 13 points with three 3-pointers. Mauk adds an outside presence and is very strong with the ball. She can dribble and drive, and has been very smart with the ball in pressure situations. The Chippewas have a week off to prepare for Eastern Michigan Saturday at Rose Arena. EMU (8-4 Mid-American Conference) is in second place in the MAC West and just one game ahead of the Chippewas (7-5 MAC). Coming down the stretch, holding serve at home in their next two games will ultimately decide CMU’s seeding in the MAC Tournament. sports@cm-life.com

photos by matthew stephens/senior photographer

Senior guard Heidi Warczinsky made a team-best seven free throws (7-of-8) in the team’s 98-71 win against NIU Sunday at Rose Arena.

Houghton, Long lead NIU beatdown Duo scores CMU’s first 16 points, combine for 42

' .$)" + -/4


By Aaron McMann Staff Reporter

1-6PM @ the Club House

The CMU women’s basketball team got off to a fast start for the first time this season and maintained it en route to a 98-71 win against Northern Illinois on Saturday at Rose Arena. CMU (10-14, 7-5 MAC) now has won eight consecutive games at Rose Arena, its longest streak since the 1990-91 season. Surrounded by shades of pink in support of the Women’s Basketball Coaches’ Association “Pink Zone Challenge,� CMU picked up the pace after an evenly played first few minutes with NIU. Junior guard Shonda Long hit a 3-point field goal with 16:04 remaining in the first half to put CMU up 11-7, a lead the Chippewas would not relinquish. “As everyone knows, we’ve been slow starters,� said coach Sue Guevara. “We wanted to get out and throw the first punch.� Long finished the game with a game-high 23 points on 7-of-14 shooting, with all her made field goals coming from 3-point range. “If she hits Shonda Long her first one, she’s going to be in for a good night, which means we’re going to be in for a good night,� Guevara said. CMU shot 45 percent from the floor in the first half compared to NIU’s 40 percent. The second half was more of the same as CMU shot more than 51 percent and maintained a 20-point advantage, opening up leads as big as 33.



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Senior guard Heidi Warczinsky scored 12 points in 21 minutes and made 7-of-8 free throws in the team’s 98-71 win against NIU on Sunday at Rose Arena.

The Chippewas also won the points off turnovers battle, 3012, and earned 12 points off fast breaks compared to 2 points for the Huskies. “The last time we played them, we only had eight turnovers and they had more than us,� Long said. “We just knew that if we pressured them, they would be turnover-prone.� Senior forward Britni Houghton and junior forward Kaihla Szunko helped lead the CMU charge with Houghton scoring 19 points and Szunko collecting her ninth doubledouble of the season with 11 points and 10 rebounds. Freshman guard Rachel

Mauk, who started in her second consecutive game, scored 13 points. “I told myself that I needed to keep confident because I’m a freshman and it’s hard for freshmen to come in and play right away,� Mauk said. “I’ve been working hard in practice and (staying) consistent.� Mauvolyene Adams scored 18 points and grabbed 14 rebounds for NIU (9-15, 3-9 MAC). CMU plays second-place Eastern Michigan, one game ahead of the Chippewas in the MAC West standings, at 2 p.m. Saturday at Rose Arena. sports@cm-life.com






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men’s basketball

Defensive play picks up lackluster offensive game T

Jake May/staff photographer

CMU coach Jerry Reighard talks to his team after the balance beam routine and before the final rotation, the floor exercise. CMU had three falls on the balance beam in its 194.250-193.925 loss Saturday to Kent State at Rose Arena.

Balance beam plagues Chippewas Golden Flashes capitalize on mistakes in meet By Nick Conklin Staff Reporter

The balance beam got to the CMU gymnastics team yet again Saturday. Despite beating rival Kent State on the vault and uneven bars and leading 97.725-97.525 heading into the final two events, four beam falls allowed the Golden Flashes to take the lead and win 194.250-193.925 at Rose Arena. “If you can’t do one of the events in a competition, you can’t win. And (Saturday), we didn’t do balance beam,” said coach Jerry Reighard. “We did well on three of four events, and we controlled our destiny. But you can’t be 30 percent on one of the events and expect to beat anyone.” Prior to Saturday, the team increased its beam scores, including high marks against Denver and BYU (47.75), as well

Central Michigan Life || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || 3B


as a season-high last weekend in the State of Michigan Classic (48.775). But the beam lineup accounted for three falls (sophomore Cheryl Conlin, freshman Britney Taylor and senior Katie Simon) and one failure to meet the difficulty in the event (junior Andrea de la Garza). Failing to hit all the required elements in the routine was a setback for the team, Reighard said. CMU also lost to Kent State twice in three meets last season, including the Mid-American Conference championship meet. “There were no positives that came out of (Saturday’s meet),” he said. “We lost the meet, and that’s what happened.” The lone balance beam highlight came from senior Jessica Suder, who won the event with a 9.8. The Chippewas claimed victory on the uneven bars and the floor exercise with scores of 48.950. Simon and de la Garza led the way on the bars, with scores of 9.875 and 9.8, respectively. The floor exercise was paced by sophomore Kristin

What’s on tap Up next: Sunday: vs. WMU (2 p.m)

Who’s hot: Sophomore Kristin Teubner (9.65) and senior Jessica Suder (9.8) were the only CMU gymnasts to score above a 9.5 on the balance beam.

Who’s not: As a team, CMU had three falls on the event. Teubner, who scored a 9.875. CMU (7-2 overall, 2-1 MAC) next faces Western Michigan (3-10 overall) at 2 p.m. Sunday at Rose Arena. Reighard said he knows his team must find some way to return to form during the upcoming week of practice. “We have to put on the uniform and, somehow, they need to figure out how they’re going to turn this around,” he said. sports@cm-life.com

he second half haunted the CMU men’s basketball team in its previous three games coming into Sunday. But in Rose Arena that day, it was the first half that lacked offensive play — the team shot just 35 percent. Despite that, the team won 63-46 thanks to strong defensive play. During the team’s threegame losing streak, snapped by the team’s win against the Rockets, CMU led by three against Kent State, was tied with Akron and led by three at Ohio going into the second half. But it let the game slip away in each. In the two home losses against Kent State and Akron, the Chippewas held late leads, but allowed the two Mid-American Conference powers to come back. In Sunday’s win, their strong defensive effort held the Rockets to 35.7 percent shooting, and their improved offensive game in the second half made up for a lackluster opening. But the inconsistencies can’t happen Wednesday, when the team travels to Ball State. “I think our mental focus

Tim Ottusch Senior Reporter has to continue to improve,” said coach Ernie Zeigler. “As a coach and even as players, you want to try to strive to play your very best, and play as close as you can to perfection. And, quite honestly, we haven’t put together that perfect game offensively and defensively yet.” Showdown in Muncie The team plays Ball State at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Muncie, Ind., in a showdown for the MAC West. CMU (12-12, 7-5 MAC) and Ball State (1311, 7-5 MAC) are tied for the lead in the MAC West and are tied for the last remaining bye for the MAC Tournament. Buffalo also is tied for the final bye spot. The Chippewas defeated the Cardinals earlier this year, 53-38 in Rose Arena, holding BSU to 24.4 percent shooting and 38 points, the lowest

point total CMU has allowed since joining the MAC. But don’t expect the game to go that way again in Muncie. The Cardinals are 5-2 in their last seven games and gained two games on the Chippewas since the beginning of crossover play against the MAC East. Ball State even avenged an early-season loss against Northern Illinois Saturday, defeating the Huskies 71-66 in DeKalb, Ill. “The thing we have to understand is that they’re a different team than the team we played a month or so ago,” Zeigler said. Coming into a crucial game against the hot team, the Chippewas have no room for error and need to play their most complete game of the season. The deciding factor in whether the team returns to Mount Pleasant with the MAC West lead is if it can play its in-your-face defensive game. In its victory against Ball State earlier in the season, CMU was able to accomplish that, and it will have to do so again. sports@cm-life.com

4B || Monday, Feb. 15, 2010 || Central Michigan Life

Wrestlers handle Bulls in Buffalo Win gives CMU seventh consecutive dual-match victory By D.J. Palomares Staff Reporter

The CMU wrestling team took another step toward a Mid-American Conference championship with a 35-3 win against Buffalo Sunday. The win stretches the team’s dual-match win streak to seven. “We won the matches we needed to win to keep moving forward,” said coach Tom Borrelli. Senior 149pounder Tony D’Alie started with a 19-4 technical fall Tony D’Alie against freshman Chris Conti. The win was the first time D’Alie scored bonus points since Jan. 31 against

Old Dominion. “In the past couple matches, I have come out a bit hesitant,” D’Alie said. “And it was important for me to come out and really get my offense going.” Senior 165-pounder Tyler Grayson earned the first pin of the match, taking down Buffalo sophomore John-Martin Cannon halfway through the final period. Freshman 174-pounder Ben Bennett followed Grayson’s pin with a 16-0 technical fall against junior Brian Sheehan. Also scoring bonus points was sophomore heavyweight Jarod Trice, with a 19-7 major decision against senior Jason Weber. “We are still not getting the other guys’ legs as much as we need to,” Borrelli said. “But other than that, I think we have been looking pretty good.” Senior 157-pounder Steve Brown returned to the mat after missing 10 dual matches with an injury. He narrowly defeated senior Andrew Stella with a 6-5 decision.

“Steve looked pretty good. We needed to get him back on the mat so he could start getting into a rhythm and getting used to match competition,” Borrelli said. “Wrestling in practice is not the same as wrestling in matches.” Senior Eric Simaz also scored a one-point decision in a 5-4 win against junior Jimmy Hammel. “It was a good win, but we still have the best two teams left in the conference,” Borrelli said. “We will have a lot better indication of the conference after those matches.” No. 6 Central returns home Friday to take on Ohio, its last MAC opponent at Rose Arena. The team then travels to take on the defending regular-season champion, Kent State. “We have two pretty big dual meets between Ohio and Kent,” Borrelli said. “We will have to get through those first before we can start focusing in on the tournament.” sports@cm-life.com

Club hockey team sweeps Lakers CMU scores 21 goals in two games vs. LSSU

By Justin Hicks Staff Reporter

The CMU club hockey team continued its win streak over the weekend with a sweep of Lake Superior State to improve to 4-0 in February. The team gave up two early goals in the first period Saturday before unloading offensively on a shorthanded LSSU team in a 10-2 victory. “We started out rolling four lines, and they didn’t have a lot of skaters,” said Central coach Mike Jakubik.

Central Region Rankings (1/31) 1. Davenport (8) 2. Michigan State (7) 3. Grand Valley 4. Lindenwood 5. Robert Morris Maroon 6. Ferris State 7. Illinois 8. Illinois State 9. Saint Thomas 10. Iowa Gold -----------------------------11. Minnesota 12. Central Michigan 13. DePaul 14. Michigan 15. SIUE Gold *Number in parentheses is first place votes. **Top 10 make playoffs

toledo | continued from 1B

start to Toledo’s methodical offensive tempo — something the Chippewas ran last season because of a lack of depth. “They’re in a very similar situation but with an even younger group,” Zeigler said. “At halftime, we talked about having to be really poised and be sharper offensively in terms of our shot selection.” CMU held MAC Freshman of the Year candidate Jake Barnett, who was averaging 13.3 points per game, to 10 points. The Chippewas responded by shooting 13-of-27 (48.1 percent) in the second half, led by Harman and senior guard Jordan

“They were tired out by the second period, and we just outworked them.” LSSU (17-17) dressed 10 players to CMU’s 18. Senior forward Jordan Jakubik led the team in points with two goals and two assists in each of the games. The team also received contributions from forwards Michael Lesnau (senior) and Nick Badder (sophomore), who each scored four goals and two assists. Freshman goaltender Zach Silver said he was able to shake off the early goals Saturday. “They played better than we expected,” Silver said. “I started off shaky, but I didn’t really stress it, and I came through.” CMU’s defense took another hit this weekend after freshman defenseman Trevor Vosmik was given a game suspension for a spearing penalty Friday, leaving four defenders to play Saturday. Senior captain Marty Lipar, who normally plays forward, switched to defense and played the blue line for the first power play unit. The team succeeded with the man advantage, scoring twice in the second period with goals from Lipar and junior forward Kyle Rowe. Friday CMU (11-13-2-2) came out of Friday’s game against LSSU with a victory, but needed most of its goals in a 11-9 game. “[Friday] was the ugliest game of hockey I’ve ever Bitzer, who scored 15 points. But the duo gained offensive support from nine others, including McClure, who added four points and seven rebounds, and junior guard Antonio Weary, who had six points. Freshman walk-on John Morris joined the mix, adding a last-second 3-pointer. “It’s just something every team goes through, a little funk they get in and it’s what we were in,” Harman said. “Hopefully, this win will dig us out of that.” CMU visits co-West Division leader Ball State at 7 p.m. Wednesday in Muncie, Ind. “Things didn’t go quite how we planned it, particularly in those two home games last week,” Zeigler said. “But we still control our own destiny.” sports@cm-life.com



seen, but a win’s a win,” Mike Jakubik said. “(But) after finishing the ranking period on a four-game win streak, (we) got a decent chance of making playoffs.” CMU, No. 12 in the Central rankings, needs to finish in the top 10 of the final poll, which comes out this week. sports@cm-life.com

track and field

Teams fare well at GVSU meet Athletes account for 20 individual career-best marks By Josh Berenter Staff Reporter

The CMU men’s and women’s track teams recorded 20 individual career-best marks in the Grand Valley Big Meet, a non-scoring meet that featured more than 1,600 competitors Friday and Saturday. “It means a lot to us as a coaching staff,” said coach Willie Randolph. “Ever yone is mentally and physically coming together Erika Schroll at the right time.” The Mid-American Conference Championships are in two weeks, and Randolph said it is most important to be peaking at this point in the season. “I definitely believe we’re peaking at the right time,“ he said. “We have to make sure that everyone’s mind is one with their bodies.” Senior Erika Schroll won the high jump for the fourth consecutive meet with a career-best 5-foot, 11 1/2-inch jump. Schroll also took first in the pentathlon with 3,615 points. “I guess it’s something

that people come to expect now,” said Schroll, who has won in all her competitions this season. “But I’m still shocked.” Schroll said she was more impressed with the way the entire team performed. “I think the team did amazing. We keep improving every week,” she said. “We want everyone to start improving now so we can peak for the MAC Championships.” The CMU women also excelled on the track. Jordan Dunn (third; 7.63 seconds), Dierra Riley (fifth; 7.69 seconds) and Brittnee Shreve (sixth; 7.70 seconds) finished in the top six in the 60-meter dash. Cara Dukes (third; 25.23 seconds) and Stephanie Hurley (ninth; 25.56 seconds) posted top-10 finishes in the 200. Randolph and Schroll said the size of the field for the Big Meet was different, but something that helped them prepare for the future. “The meet was huge. Its

cool to be able to get some different competition, Schroll said. “Its good to get outside your comfort zone. They might be a little better but they’re going to push you to do better, too.” Men On the men’s side, senior Riak Mabil and redshirt freshman Matt Lutzke were top-20 finishers in the 5,000-meter race. Mabil finished ninth with a personal-best 14 minutes, 26 seconds, and Lutzke finished 20th with a time of 14:45. Senior Marcus Breidinger finished third in the pole vault (16-8 3/4 inches). Sophomores David Ashcraft and Christopher Thomas finished seventh and ninth in the 400. Junior Branden Post finished 21st with a career-best in the 800 (1:54.75). CMU will host the Jack Skoog Open this weekend at the Jack Skoog indoor track. sports@cm-life.com

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